BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninSocialismSovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinismStrikeWorking ClassWorld War

BRANCHES RALLY TO Support by Reformist Chiefs as must Austrian Trotskyists Jailed, tion. Nevertheless, her astute ercise effective control on how Sentenced By Fa an September 18, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL FRENCH WORKERS ARE RESTIVE AS GAINS AKRON AND ST. LOUIS John Bull, Arming, Pledged OF STRIKES ARE WIPED OUT (Continued from page 1) hardly one price sign is reliable. SUPPORT OF LEFT WING explode. Even the petty function. If one goes to buy cigarettes and (Continued from pee 1) ening. The lumbering democaries in the trade unions, as their leaves fr. for that is what is ing to prevent unnecessary re racy proved able to act as quickstandard of living declines, are marked on the box (of 10. percussions in other spheres from ly as the dictatorship: the Nyon ready for strike action. Natural Pardon, monsieur, it is 25 fr. By unanimous decision, the the given conflict. In addition, Conference was called and comly, the official Communist. now. Prices are rising so rapidly Akron, Ohio, branch of the at the appropriate moments, she pleted in what must be close to Socialist and CGT press speaks that it is almost impossible to on September denounced the provide a formula for settling of other methods besides strike estimate the extent of the rise. New York expulsions action. we must respect the But it is clear that the whole a the conflict with the least interBritain wins Strong law. order. dignity. but the burden of the rationalization of further dismemberment of the national disturbance. Often sevHand anti working class nature of economy and the preparation for body of the party upon the altar eral solutions are attempted, ofevery arbitration decision leaves imperialist war is being placed of the capitalist politician, Le and withdrawn if the time is not willing to permit the Soviet fered at first experimentally, As a preliminary, Britain was the worker with very little con on the workers. Recently, the Guardia.
fidence in such methods. price of metro (subway) tickets ripe as was so conspicuously Union the luxury of its sharp In addition, the criminal policy was raised 25 per cent, bus To such acts of political van true of Great Britain handling notes to Italy: an act which the of the leadership in most of the tickets 33 per cent. It is estimated dalism. declared Akron. revo of the Ethiopian affair. Kremlin, slavishly dependent on recent strikes is sinking deeply that these price increases, to lutionary socialists can have but In seeking to delay the out the British Foreign Office, would into the consciousness of the gether with increase in taxes one answer: unqualified condem break of the war, however, Great never have committed without workers. One example will suf and tariffs, which cover every nation of the Altman Thomas Britain finds herself in a partial Britain prior knowledge.
The Conference was held, and taurant and cafe strike in Paris, vice, will result in a 60 per cent Valenti right wing clique and its rival powers threaten constantly Britain can record the following where the spirit of the workers rise in the cost of living for the Clarityite allies, and solidarize to weaken Britain own military results: the Rome Berlin aris was excellent, not only did the French worker during the com tion with the expelled left wing and naval postion. She must was through the exclusion of trade union bureaucracy refuse ing year.
comrades. Let every revolutionary her incomplete preparedness, for ened, reminded that it should not weigt this threat always against Italy and Germany) if not weakto provide the strike any sort This increase in the price of of national solidarity in the way necessities, in the basic cost of state organization, branch and if her position were too much have too exclusive a character of funds, etc. not only did the living, will find a very cold re comrade repudiate with scorn weakened in advance, she would but must take the rest of Europe bureacrats negotiate a shameful ception amongst the workers. the policies and acts of the right not be recompensed even by gain into account; a juridical status contract at the very height of That is why almost every poli wing. Forward to revolutionary ing the delay for further rear was given to the presence of the strike (providing for the tical tendency, from extreme Socialism!
mament. From this results the large section of the British Fleet reemployment of not more than right to extreme left, is agreed The Local St. Louis member apparent inconsistency, hesita in the Mediterranean; recogni 18 per cent of the strike lead that this fall and early winter ship meeting of September 7tion, zig zags of British foreign tion of belligerent rights for ers. but Humanite and Le will be very critical and is almost condemned the action of Ward policy: in reality only the cau Franco demanded by Germany Populaire (official organs of the certain to witness another strike Rodgers in bringing criminal tious, sober, and careful experi and Italy, and a pre requisite and also proclaimed wave and the fall of the Chau charges in the capitalist courts mental moves of the world most for a solution of the Spanish conit as a victory, thus adding insult temps cabinet.
against Glen Trimble. The use accomplished diplomats in work flict was advanced stage to injury. Since the workers (In succeeding articles Comrade of the capitalist courts as a ing out the most useful solutions further by giving identical treatweren very convinced of it, the Demby, who has just retarned weapon against party opponents to problems which by their very ment in the Nyon Declarations CP sent Thorez to speak to them from France, will deal with is vicious and unprincipled nature are incapable of being to the fleets of Franco and of the and to assure them that they had the political forces the practice hitherto unknown in the wholly solved.
Loyalist Government; the Nonwon a tremendous victory, and it French crisis. Socialist movement in America. The Italian conquest of Ethiopia Intervention Committee was be all right because the did, in point of fact, to some dropped into the gackground; is in favor of the settlement!
degree weaken Britain posi Britain recovered freedom to exCapitalists Profit Big industry is showing ist Courts minimum, and effectively gained for either side (it has been her general policy to attempt to balincrease in profits of about 10 ance aid in such a manner as to per cent and more over last year, After being kept in jail for and there is a duel between the periods of six to eight months Ludwig Auinger was sentenced Compromise in Spain prevent either army from winPeoples Front press and the awaiting trial, six Austrian Trot to two years at hard labor. Georg For Spain, Britain has followed ning a quick and overwhelming reactionary press as to whether skyists were brought before the Scheuer to eighteen months, Karl the same general course as in victory, but this balance was upDtum or Chautemps should re Court of Assizes in Vienna on Fischer to fourteen months, and the Ethiopian affair: localization set by the serious threat of piceive the credit for increasing August 13.
Johann Schoffman to twelve of the disturbance, protection so racy to all aid to the Loyalists. the profits of the capitalists! The Their names, as given by the months of hard labor, Hans far as possible of her own posi all of these, together with the explanation of the recovery reactionary press, are: the en Mayer and Berthold Grad were tion as against the other powers, fact of the Conference itself and (which no more than a tem gineer, Johann Schoffman; Bert released, the specific charges not attempts and proposals at a Britain new strong hand. porary stabilization of the crisis, hold Grad; the silversmith, Lud being proved against them. solution. The most favorable constitute a further step toward as is readily seen from any sort wig Auinger; the bank employe, These are not the only recent though not the sole acceptable Britain solution of the Spanish comproof careful examination of French Karl Fischer, the worker, Hans arrests of Austrian Trotskyists. solution from Britain point of question through economy. however is not hard Mayer; and the unemployed Three months prior to the Au view is a compromise of the mise to find. None other than Vincent worker, Georg Scheuer. gust trial, Comrade Niescher, Civil War by agreement between War Postponed Auriol, the Socialist Minister They were charged with pub a 24 year old commercial worker, the opposing military staffs, the From Britain of Finance in the Blum cabinet, lishing and distributing the received a sentence of eighteen establishment of some form of success gives away the entire game when, journals of the Austrian Trot months imprisonment for writing unified bourgeois regime perhaps Nyon there follows the probabilin his speech at the Marseilles skyists, Der Bolshewik, Der Ein for Der Bolchewik. Previous to backed by international (troops. ity of the postponement for the Congress of the SP (Le Populaire, zige Weg (The Only Way. and that Karl Hochrainer, aged 19, with protection for the rights immediate future of the imperiJuly 12, 1937. he says: Yester Arbeitmacht (Workers Power. was given a sentence of five and interests of all of the imalist world war, since such postBritain day war, the preparation of as well as Unser Wort (Our years at hard labor for having perialist powers in Spain and no ponement is part national defense the broken Word. organ of the German sold and distributed Der Bolche new naval bases for Italy or Ger basic strategy. This probability down arms, the new arms Trotskyists.
many. This solution is undoub is by no means, however, a cerabsorbs 72 per cent of the budWhile thousands of Austrian Young Socialist of Vienna arly since the internal develop inexplicable fact that the con tedly making headway, particul tainty, and no way alters the get. My italics. What more Nazis were being authorized to writes to Lo Latte Ouvrier of ments in Spain have, since May, clusion of the present period of sinister comment could there be participate in a song fest at Belgium (Trotskyist. Our on the nature of capitalist pro Breslau, while Hitler Mein whole unit has discussed the trial tween the Loyalist and Franco be found in the new war on a fits! What surer indication can Kampf was being circulated by of the Trotskyists in very lively regimes and thus taking the so world scale. It is still possible there be of the imminence and the Vienna libraries, the fascist fashion and catastrophic character of the dictatorship of Schuschnigg de concluded this: whoever now cial content out of the Civil War. that Britain will find her posinext depression! The entire eco creed the imprisonment of our dares still to designate the Trottion being so seriously under Opposes Rome Berlin mined that she will resort to nomic fabric depends for its very comrades.
skyists as fascists or their agents, life on war preparations.
what would be in effect prevenAxis is a miserable vilifier.
Tribunes of the Masses war before completing her The bourgeoisie refased to give Britain decree powers to Blum.
second That task, of rearmament program.
Comrade Auinger assumed MARTIN ATTACKS jockeying for the most favorable Again, it is not at all certain Bonapartist weapon must be en complete responsibility for the trusted to one of their very own deeds charged to him.
Spanish Civil War can position in the maze of alliances that He deand so, Blum was succeeded clared that the birth of the COMMUNISTS and counter alliances, is being be liquidated in any manner; in by Chautemps, some parliament. Trotskyist movement is due to carried out in her traditional which case the struggle in Spain ary juggling took place. Bonnet our opposition to the liquidation manner, chiefly through the (together with that in China)
emerged as the miracle man of of the world revolution by the Homer Martin, president of the firm consolidation of an over great powers find themselves innegative means of preventing the may spread link by link until the the financial world. Another Third International. They (the United Automobile Workers, powering alliance on the Conti volved in war de facto with per.
devaluation was put through, Stalinists) have turned away told the Associated Press, Sep nent. This, of course, is her only haps ro diplomatic recognition again lowering the standard of from the path of Lenin and are tember 8, that Communists are worry over the Rome Berlin or declaration of a state of war. living of the French Every effort is being made to phe.
masses. leading the USSR to catastro entitled to membersip only in axis: Britain is quite content to And, furthermore, the general Everyone who works in the rank and file and not as find terms with either Germany international tension is by now repatriate French capital and illegality must know that he organizers. Martin or Italy, but she must aim to 80 grave that some one of the attract foreign capital. Blum works to overthrow the govern made this statement on the eve ostruct the crystallization of too daily incidents might wel lead pause is not only extended, but ment.
of the meeting of the executive powerful a bloc, from which to an irrevocable step.
10 billions of francs are pared oft Comrade Georg Scheuer, 21 board at which organizers and France would be excluded, around the existing reforms in an effort years old, made several lang office employees for the ensuing Germany and Italy.
Labor Leaders Help to balance the budget. In little political statements. Socialist year will be designated.
more than two months, the first since his childhood, previously Suddenly, about a month ago, Recognizing these possibilities, Martin was unopposed for the the raids on neutral shipping Britain does not wait at home.
Bonapartist Peoples Front go arrested for political activity, he presidency at the recent including any ships of British Military rearmament is not vernment has shown the workers took responsibility for editing convention, the Stalinists voting registry began to occur almost enough, her rulers know, for the and masses very clearly what is the eleventh number of Der Bol for him. The Lovestone Inde daily in the Mediterranean. Here successful prosecution of the war.
in store for them.
chewik, as did Comrade Fischer. pendent Communist Labor was a threat far more serious She must solidify the national Prices Soar Comrades Grad and Schoff League delegates were in the than the Civil War in Spain, for union of all classes in order man also declared themselves same caucus with Martin and Britain must keep the Mediter both to have a free hand for Prices are moving up with Trotskyists, but denied the par vigorously defended him against tanean open. At the same time rapid negotiations and maneuvers such astonishing rapidity that ticular acts attributed to them. all the leftists.
the Rome Berlin axis was tight. Continued on page a at tive