CommunismDemocracyFascismMarxismSocialismSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

8 SOCIALIST APPEAL September 11, 1937 Teachers Convention Adopts CIO Referendum, Tarov Indicts Organizing Plan Before Commssion. in. Continued from page 7) my exile, subscribed to Rakovsed over to the and ex ky first telegram calling for The problem of the CIO was the unity of all proletarian, comThree Rival Groups ecuted.
their formal polical tinge, and munist and revolutionary forces the outstanding issue of the 21st support those who have battled Convention of the American Fe The convention forces fall side by side with us for measures Suicides in the struggle against Fascist: deration of Teachers held at roughly into three groups strug that would insure our industrial aggression. Even at that time, In 1927, in Erivan, after such despite my many long years of Madison, Wisconsin, August 23 27, gling for control: The Chicago democracy. In other word, the threats from Tatian, the secre experience with Stalinist perse1937.
group which, due to the amalga old outworn AFL policy of retary of the control commission, cutions, believed in the comAt its 1986 convention, the mation of the locals in Chicago ward your friends and punish the capitulator Tonow (I do not munist character of the Central AFT had expressed its adherence and an attendant upsurge in or your enemies.
remember his name exactly) went Committee, and thought that, to the principles of industrial ganizational work sent a larger Main Fight Organizational home and blew out his brains. in the face of the impending unionism, protested the suspen delegation than ever before; the He had three children under eight danger of world fascism, the sion of the CIO unions by the New York Philadelphia group, Executive Council of the AFL and including the large WPA local of Philadelphia group The real fight of the New York years of age, an old mother, and would necessarily go halftook place a wife. He was the sole support way to meet Rakovsky telecalled for the unification of the New York, which, with a scatter on the questions of organizational of the family. This incident re gram. was profoundly mistaken.
labor movement. The New Yorked support from the rest of the control. Their crude attempt to ceived public notice at the time. Stalin proved to be not at all conand Philadelphia delegations, country, especially the West force the convention by a show The newspaper, Kharurdeit Ayas cerned with the working class coming to this convention with Coast, constituted about one of hands to freeze their control tan, published on the third page movement; what mattered to him resolutions for immediate affilia fourth of the convention; and of the American Teacher for an article by the secretary of the and his partisans was first of all tion, found themselves opposed between them, acting as the bal another year raised so much re control commission, Tatian, with the protection of their interests by the Chicago delegation which ance of power, the large Ohio sentment that they were forced the title: Unwilling to Betray and personal privileges. The pressed just as firmly for retain delegation which wavers between to agree finally to a motion to the Opposition. Commits Sui question of unity of the revoluing the present AFL affiliation support of Chicago and support refer the whole matter to the cide. This article was passed by tionary communist forces was reof New York. On the CIO ques. Executive Council.
Move Toward CIO the censor. The issue was put placed by another question: that tion the Ohio delegation split, They were determined to elect on sale. Upon receiving the paper, of Trotsky and the Trotskyists.
While the question of immedi acounting for the close vote on to the WPA vice presidency a the secretary of the ordered ate affiliation was not put for the resolution.
candidate whom they could con its sale stopped at once and the Fatal Error ward at the convention, a resolu The Chicago delegates, totion was passed which marks an gether with more than half of the trol completely and for that replacement of this article byna confused the simple announcement of the suiadvance of the Federation in the Ohio delegation represent, in the real issue before the convention: cide of the capitulator. But it Taking advantage of Rakovdirection of affiliation to the main, the conservative elements a campaign for a federal system was too late; more than half of sky first and fatal error, the CIO. This resolution provides for: of the Federation. Strictly speak of adult education which would! the copies had been sold. This GP. developed its offensive. It FT Reaffirmation of its previous ing the reaction absorb and make permanent the event casts a glaring light on was as for the same for me endorsement of the principles of ary elements, with the exception WPA teaching projects and open the suicides of other, more prom Rakovsky, although was not industrial unionism; of a few individuals who repre a tremendous field for many more inent, party members such as such a well known Oppositionist. referendum of the mem sent only themselves.
unemployed teachers than WPA Joffe, Lominadze, Tomsky Khand After the telegram in which bership on the question of affi The conservatives resent the could possibly employ under the jen, and others.
joined in Rakovsky appeal, liation to the CIO, to be held at New York radical line they present was summoned to the local secprecarious set up. In the discretion of the Executive wish to remain a staid profes spite of a solid bloc of about 125 His Own Experience tion of the where they Council not before February, sional organization and organize delegates, they received a decided asked me what had to say 1938; teachers on purely union set back as far as these two To give more concrete ex about my convictions, whether An investigation, prior to basis, keep on good terms with questions were concerned. ample, shall recount my own considered them counter revoluthe referendum, of the structure, their local central trades bodies dues, contracts, autonomy, etc, and not seem too radical for what the expression of minority opIt is interesting to note that experience. In April, 1934, from tionary or not. replied that considering my convictions authof the CIO in its relation to labor they call the average teacher. position in the New York City intically Marxist and revolutionand the significance to the AFT They believe that it is unneces: delegation was a decided thorn view on these problems both in ary and that no one could prove of CFO affiliation in regard to sary, and even dangerous, to in the side of the leadership of the American Teacher and in the them to be counter revolutionary.
organizational campaign, natio bring up such issues as War and the bloc and we may expect local magazines.
The head of the tried to nal and focal legislative cam Fascism, Spain and independent a decisive move against proporprove, without success, that my Stalinists Conservatives Knife paigns and its general program political action sharply. How tional representation Local opinions were counter revolution: Kreuger as a CIO affiliate; ever, when obliged to decide on No. this coming year, such as ry. Observing that he was getting Protest against the suspen these issues, they usually and was carried out prior to the con With the exception of the nowhere, that firmly defended sion of CIO unions by the Exe much to their own surprise find vention in WPA Local No. 453. contest for the presidency, the my convictions, the head of the cutive Council of the AFL; that they have no real disagreeelections of the convention re pressed a button. Anord5. Refusal to pay the special ments with the present line of Socialist Role volved, not are not much around erly appeared. You per capita tax proposed by the the radical New York PhilaThe Socialist forces in this issues, as around the question of leaving the Opposition; you are Cincinnati conference of the delphia group.
defending it. he said to me, convention were small. However, control of the Executive Council.
AFL; The introduction of a resoluPeoples Fronters they played a role entirely out Kreuger was eliminated from the making a sign to the orderly to take me out.
of proportion to their actual Council, not on the CIO issue, tion into the 1997 convention of the AFL Chicago It was a clearly, sunny oriental the AFL, calling for a conference The New York Philadelphia numbers. On organizational mat but because of all bona fide unions, AFL, CIO, group, with the exception of a ters particularly, the strategy of group and the group com day. To me it seemed black as Railroad Brotherhoods and ge small minority in Local No. 5, Maynard Krueger with the Chi bined against him, the former midnight. All is over, thought.
nuine independent unions, for the represent the present line of cago and Ohio groups resulted in because of his opposition to the The telegram about my abandonStalinism. In the A:FT, as in swinging toward Socialist candi lifting of the charter of Local ing the Opposition has already purpose of unifying the American Lother trade unions, it has but dates the support of those groups No. three years ago, and the been sent. My comrades were labor movement The minority resolution called one aim to gain organizational who were disgusted and repelled latter because of his ability to avoiding me and looking upon for postponement of the whole control by whatever means pos by the crude and obvious attempts recognize and block their moves me as a traitor, although was question until the 1938 conven sible in order to add one more of the bloc to again organi for control.
With one or two ex betraying nothing and nobody.
tion, where delegates would come organization to the building of a zational control. This can, in no aceptions, the contests for posts That thoughter gmawed tistitomy specifically instructed for or People Front in the United way, be interpreted as basic sup were between candidates heart and soul. Yet had wished the principles of Social were all CIO.
to les against affiliation. The majority States. They straddled the CIO port Composition of Executive the Opposition horesolution carried by a vote of issue last year, and, although in ism.
vorably. How could have been 285 to 227.
control of the American Teacher, Left Socialists Act of the fifteen members of the so mistaken? Rakovsky teleofficial organ of the AFT, enExecutive Council elected at this gram had led me into a trap.
Convention Pro CIO gaged in practically no educaIt was only the determined convention, four definitely tional work to further CIO affi efforts of a small group of left Stalinist in tendency, four are Terrible Plight The general sentiment of the liation.
wing Socialists within the Socialists (it is very doubtful convention was one of sympathy On the issues of War and caucus that made it possible to whether they will act as a solid for the CIO. This was shown Fascism, they find themselves in voice in the convention the only block) three are definitely AFL gent as Rakovsky have failed to How could a leader as intellivery clearly in the vote for complete agreement with the opposition to the betrayal and and the remaining four are doubt.
Jerome Davis for president. In liberal and conservative forces. confusion of the War resolution, ful, but will probably divide see the real face of the Stalinist his opening speech, Davis very on the question of independent giving the revolutionary analysis evenly between the CIO and AFL bureaucracy? felt was losing decidedly set the tone for the political action, they accepted of the causes of war and showing tendencies. The Council has a my reason. walked to the oatconvention in favor of the CIO. without a word of criticism the the futility of reliance on Leagues majority for the CIO affiliation, skirts of the city into the fields He was elected by a vote of 321 resolution of the Milwaukee local of Nations, Kellog Peace pacts but on organizational, questions and threw myself on the ground we against 103 cast for George calling Stillman of Chicago, the candi Farmer Labor Progressive move and to speak out clearly against present to predict any permanent well understood what an ener date of the anti affiliation bloc. ments in the various States which the infamous Farmer. Labor set up.
mous mistake had committed However, a large number of will include the Progressive Progressive resolution by giving Organizing Campaign Planned with my telegram offering to delegates pressed for continuing (pro New Deal) sections of the the clear line of independent leave the Opposition. But it is AFL affiliation because local Democratic and Republican political action of the workers The convention made a great not such a great evil to make conditions, such dependence parties. Why should they criti seeking to ally to themselves the stride forward in adopting un: mistake provided it is corrected.
upon AFL central bodies for sup cize? It is their line.
port of teacher legislation, the Mary Grossman, in the Legis liberal professionals on a working Executive Council to initiate But how correct it? could find Absence in many localities of lative Report, says: trust class program.
nation wide campaign of organi no answer. For one month, until any CIO bodies to work with, the rather that in the looming split The left wing delegates made zation of teachers, with the send hit upon a solution, was unable danger of upsetting campaigns in the Democratic Party, we will a vigorous protest against the ing out of paid organizers to to sleep at night, could not est, for election of pro labor school take our place with the progres practice of leaving the most imr sections ripe boards by the injection of the sive forces against the reaction. portant political, social and eco the funds to be supplied by an sit in front of my house for for organization, grew perceptibly thinner. would CIO AFL controversy and the aries so that we may see this nomic problems facing the labor assessment of one dollar on each hours, thinking, always thinking.
general fear that the average new year the birth of a party movement today to the last ses member of the Federation.
teacher would be afraid to join let it be named what it will sion of the convention, where the This, should result in a real My oppositionist comrades, in a CIO union. It was in view of that will represent truly the majority decisions were pushed growth these local problems that the CIO farmer labor power of of the Federation and exile noticed this but they refused our through with no adequate discus the attainment of the perspective to enter into any discussion with forces agreed to the referendum country. Let us repudiate at the sions. The left wing laid the of doubling its present memberrather than press for immediate next election those who me.
have basis for a campaign of open and ship of 22, 000 by the Dext conaf Alfation.
betrayed us, no matter what full discussion of all points of vention. Continued next week)