BolshevismCommunismLeninLeninismMoscow TrialsRadekSocialismSovietStalinStalinismWorking Class

7 September 11, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL How Hounds Revolutionists Old Bolshevik, Tarov, Escapes, Testifies to Inquiry Commission rerom the are not The author of these lines was ings. Soon he was again arrested But this also does not suffice. director, the head of the local committee, of which he was born on November 7, 1889. in and deported to Amadan, deep the worker hears any kind or someone of the sort, wno secretary. Guloyan then declared Shusha in Transcaucasia. The in the interior. It was not until of gossip he must report it served as the chairman of the that he was leaving the opposison of a mason, he was a worker, 1937 that he succeeded finally in immediately to his superiors. praesidium. When in 1927, at a tion, and betrayed all his coma mechanic by trade. He began zetting to Europe.
Otherwise he will be considered general membership meeting in rades. The party leadership rehis political activity at the age living witness and a direct in accomplice, a double dealer, a the city of Erivan, one of the voked its charge of theft, and of eighteen, in 1917, when he en participant in the struggle of the suspect, traitor terrorist, Trot participants, Comrade opposed promoted him first to the rank tered the Bolshevik Communist Bolshevik. Leninist Opposition skyist, etc. Neither his skill nor the official reporter, the chair of chairman of the control comParty. He took part in the Civil against the Rightists and Cen his work will then any longer man of the meeting immediately mission and then to that of chairWar in the ranks of the Red trists, the author of these lines avail him. At best, he will be silenced him. How dare he speak man of the of the Republic Army until 1921. After the Civil hopes that his testimony will be dismissed from his job and will against the authoritative But hundreds and thonsaims of War, he worked in the party np. useful to the Commission of In have to travel throughout the porter! After that, all those who Oppositionists who did not yield paratus.
quiry into the Moscow Trials. country in search of other work. had placed their names on the to this kind of training had to In 1923, the party sent him to If, after long suffering, he finds speakers list refused to take the suffer in prisons and concentrathe Transcaucasian Communist The Soviet Worker is some, he will not be able to re floor. Two weeks later, Comrade tion camps; their wives and University. In 1925, he was exNot Free ceive wages corresponding to his was expelled from the party children were doomed to Wenger pelled from the University as a skill, for he on the blacklist and dismissed from his job. and death. From among these Left Oppositionist for his active cannot refrain from saying as a disrupter. the local burea In 1927, in the same city, one thousands of men, should like struggle against the Rightists of all at least a few words un cracy will consider him suspect of the nuclei elected the Opposi to mention the following Opposiand Centrists. He continued to the fact that the workers are not beginning.
tionist Gazarian to the party sionists: Krapivsky, Popow, Poltowork in the party, occupying free in the There was Every shop has its stocl. congress. The political bureau of boy Vanush, the machinist Tatekrather important posts (as secre a time, whe:n Lenin was alive. Generally these stool pigeons are the Central Committee at once hsian, the locksmith (orilov, tary of local party committees, when they were free. Now they not workers, but students, sons sent Gazarian into the outlying and thousands of others who had as instructor organizer of party are not. If the worker does not minor functionaries. The sons district, and ordered the nucleus three, four, or five, and sometimes press department of the Central will avail him. He will quickly of the important functionaries to revoke its decision. support more, small children.
Committee, etc. In 1927 he was find hinself in the street. In the play the role of spy in the insti ler of the went to the con these was the sole support of and the gress as a delegate. This is a his family. After arresting them, expelled from the party for op there are many unem. Soviets, in the trade unions and minor incident. Similar cases can the Stalinist apparatus neprived positionist activities.
ployed, although they economic organizations, in the be cited by the thousands. their wives and children of all considered as such. They are un educational inssitutions and the Arrest, Deportation Such were the conditions civil rights.
employed, not because there is army. They are attached to these everywhere, for the Opposition, There were Opposition is who, anet reOn September 19, 1928, he was cracy will not give them work institutions as learners, students, in the struggle inside the party. frightened by arrests arrested for his opposition work and all industry is in the hands there are also stool pigeons who missal, arrest, and exile. It was Opposition quietly and abandon But obviously Expulsion from the party, dis pressions, wished to leave the at Erivan, whence he was transof the State. In recent years, have ferred to Tiflis. After three hundreds of thousands of men class, those who have succeeded pelled the Opposition to go un not let them off so easily. It de.
came from the working precisely this situation that com politics. But the apparatos did months in prison, he was deport have been expelled from the in obtaining some share of the dergroud.
ed to Akmolinsk in Siberia. On party, and the immense majority secret funds. At present these manded that they capitulate, that January 22, 1931, he was again of them are without work. By spies constitute one of the essen How the Extorts whom they had worked in the ist work and sentenced to three keeps the working class shackl. The whole Soviet population is means the bureaucracy tial props of the Stalin regime. Capitulations Opposition. Many of the capituyears imprisonment in a ed. The worker dare not say a terrorized by a network of such lators consented to do so, as did isolator. He served these three single word against the appara stool pigeons.
The extortion of false test the above mentioned olyan, years in the isolator of Verkhne tus, against the regime. a mony of cruel Radek, and others. this they Uralsk.
is not only forbidden to measures began a long time ago, were rewarded by the Stalimist But that is not all. The work speak, but he dare not even think. at least ten years ago. If that apparatus with soft jobs. Bat Deportation and Escape er is obliged not to keep silent; is now being done in the cells there were also capitulatory who at meetings he must speak and Why the Opposition of the prisons, in 1924 absolutely refused become After completing his sentence, side with the leadership with in 1934, he was deported to An the director, the committee, the unctioned Underground 1929 it was in the office of the traitors. In the offices of the party committees and control central committees and control dijan in Central Asia, whence union bureacrat, and naturally the In the discussion meetings commissions.
comissions, they were threatenafter five months he escaped higher leadership; nobody dares (1926 1927. the members of the In 1927, the Opposition Guloy fed that unless they agreed to be abroad to Persia. He was impri gossip. that is to say, speak apparatus generally occupied the an, now chairman of the tray their comrades they would soned by the Persian police. After of the faults of the institution seats around the praesidium. The of one of the Soviet Republics, be accused of crimes that would Tabzriz jail, he was freed, owing or express his opinion in the in was appointed in advance. It was dismissed from his job on the masses, that they would be hand8 month imprisonment in the employing him and of its heads, praesidium was not elected; it was expelled from the party and blacken them in the eyes of the to a major flood that overflowed timate circle of his comrades or always one of the most important charge of having stolen 500 in all the police and prison build at home.
functionaries, the secretary, the rubles from the treasury of the (Continued on page A)
man to. 8:11 4.
OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY Warrant and Bond Department HALL OF JUSTICE Kearny and Washington Streets San Francisco, Augal 192.
Dicon CLARITY CALLS THE COPS Eli Dear. 요 on the 193 Lat!
Kindly call at this office day of o clock. M, relative to a complaint which has been made against you by Anh te la Sere Street, تقوم پرست on a charge of.
It is the direction of the District Attorney that you be given an opportunity to present the faute as you understand them before final action is taken. In this way no injustice will be done to either party.
In the event you do not appear at said time, we shall assume that the facts as stated by complaint are correct.
We reproduce their mons procured by Ward Polyers, against Gen Trimite on crimiral charges. This is the first time in American histrry that working class political Cation has tried to jail its appenrats.
Austin Lewis, note Morialist lawyer of California, will represent the detendants in court.
Assistan: Warrani and Bona Deputy