IV InternationalMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL September 11, 1937 PROGRESSIVE LEADERS BUILD LA GUARDIA ATTACKS LABOR MOVEMENT MILITANT UNIONISM in MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. Minneapolis, wag arrested on prior to the rise of the General Waitten, almaast on the third an charges of highway robbery, Drivers Union.
NEW YORK. Fiorello La repression from the hand of the niversary of the triumphant 1934 placed against him after a scab Whole Movement Advances Guardia is now proceeding to Mayor himself.
strike of the General Drivers truck had been damaged. While make plain just what kind of The bureaucrats evidently unUnion in Minneapolis, this article the charges were pending, 83 The steady progress of the labor candidate he is. Until he derstand very well what is rewill picture briefly for trade delegates of the North Central workers in the driving crafts has had sewed up all of the impor quired. For example, the Transunion militants of America the District Drivers Council met at naturally stimulated unionization tant labor bureaucracy kept port Workers Union is dropping progress and growth of the labor their quarterly meeting in Duluth in other industries. Other locals, fairly quiet; but with that done its efforts to gain recognition on movement in this section for the and resolved to call a 48 hour following the progressive policies he feels freer to speak his mind. the City owned Independent Subpast six months.
general protest strike in four of the drivers, have won impor Two recent addresses, one at way System, where the Union In contrast to the early days states if Brows were convicted. tant victories during this period the convention of the Brother has a substantial majority, until of the rise of progressive trade Had the strike occurred, it On March 3, the utility section hood of Sleeping Car Porters, after the elections, in order not imionists to power locally, studd would have been the first political of Electrical Workers Local 292 and the other delivered to a rally to embarrass the Mayor. It ed with spectacular strikes, the strike of this character in Ame in Minneapolis, won a short strike of Local of the Electrical would, of course, be a great error past half year has ore or rica. The bosses backed down against rthern Sta Workers, are the most revealing to expect labor candidate to less one of steady but relatively before the threat, however, and Power Company, gaining union They read very much like edi take a stand on the side of labor, quiet growth. Many thousands on July 26 Judge Clayton Parker recognition, wage increases, etc. torials from the New York Times, At the same time, the Union has of new workers, in Minnesota, dismissed the case against Brown. comparative newcomer, the outstanding spokesman of the stopped pressing for a formal Wisconsin, and North and South Prior to the strike threat, infor Warehouse and Inside Workers pro LaGuardia movement. Espe agreement with the SubDakota have been enrolled in the mation leaked out that the St. Local 20316, has gained union cially is the Mayor at pains to way system where the Union movement for the first time. The Paul employers were determined contracts at the Nelson insist that he does not take has already overwhelmingly won spearhead of the organization to railroad Brown to prison, as plant, the Buzza plant (through sides in labor disputes. Al a Labor Board election. To ko campaign has been the North an example and a warning to a strike. Butler Brothers, Sears, though strike situations tend to ahead might mean a strike; and, Central District Drivers Council, progressive labor leaders to stay Roebuck (by strike. Jenny, become complex and confused, comments the Times, such a organized one year ago on the out of that city.
Semple, Hill, etc.
he told the electrical workers, strike. would place th. City initiative of the leaders of GeneOn May 27, the Gas Workers the city authorities throughout Administration, definitely recogNess Belor Honored ral Driver Local 544 in MinneaUnion Local 20190 climaxed a are sworn to safeguard the rights nized as friendly to organized polis.
On Sunday, July 18, hundreds year organization campaign by of all concerned, whether it be labor, in a position where it At the present time there are of Minneapolis workers gathered winning a closed shop contract the strikers, the employers against might have to make the dicate over 20, 000 members, working in in a parade and demonstration in from the Minneapolis Gas Light whom the strike is conducted, his choice between alienating hbor five states, enrolled this honor of the memory of Ness Company, gaining seniority, paid customers, the employes who le support by rigid insistence that Drivers Council. Locals have and Belor, the two workers vacations and wage increases fuse to strike.
transit service go on as usual or been revived and strengthened murdered by Minneapolis police averaging 19 percent. Miles In both speeches, he stressed antagonizing large sections of other locals have ben set up, in in the 1934 strikes.
Dunne was loaned to the gas the point which is being ham the public by real or seeming about 20 cities. Today, there are Minor strikes were called dur workers during this successful mered home by the reactionary partiality to the cause of trikGeneral Drivers Locals, affiliate ing the hot July August days. campaign.
press throughout the Country: ing transportation workers of the Council, functioning in on July 19, the milk drivers of The Woodenware Werkers The new rights and powers ac Meanwhile. La Guardia has Austin, Albert Lea, Duluth, Eau Minot walked out and one week Local 1859, under progressive corded labor require increasing flung off his earlier coyness Claire (Wis. Fargo (N. Dakota. later won their demands. Local leadership, has grown into a responsibility. Misguided poli about accepting nominativa on Grand Forks (N. Mankato, 544 won a short strike of the powerful body. Delegates of the cy, excessive zeal or lack of disci the Republican ticket. His hat is Minneapolis, Minot (N. St. heavy hardware workers in Min union recently attended a meeting pline, leading to unruly demon well into the ring for the SepCloud, St. Paul, Superior (Wis. neapolis. Drivers in Mankato, in Oshkosh, Wis. of the Midwest strations, minor riots, breaches tember 16th primaries. has Brainerd, Watertown (S. Minn. struck July 22, and won Advisory Conference of Furniture of the peace or disorders exten accepted an invitation to speak Mason City (Iowa. Winona. in 48 hours. The drivers in Eau and Woodenware Worker s, at sive enough to become a nuisance at a luncheon of the Women Faribault, Waseca, etc. In every Claire, Wis. struck on Aug. 3; which 125 delegates from half a to the public, can only lead to a Republican Club on the 13th, community, working conditions one day later, they had a splendid dozen northwest states set up a strengthening of movements, al where he will put an end to all have been bettered, union con contract, calling for wage in regional conference along the ways active, curtail the rights doubts, and where he is expected tracts have been won.
creases of 15 25 percent, a week lines of the Drivers Council. of labor. speech to Local to announce his support of the Suike Weapon Used vacation with pay, etc. Cab This, in the briefest possible The half veiled threat in the arch Republicans, McGoldrick and drivers in Minot went out Aug. manner, completes the picture of last statement means, in plain Morris, as his running mates, At times, the strike weapou 11, and are still carrying on a union developments here since language, an order to the bureau. The Mayor gives Thomas and has cracked the necks of the militant struggle. Ice, coal, trans March. It is not hard to see why crats to keep the workers yoked Browder a lot to swallow; but basses. June, the road cons fer and lumber drivers of Winona Minneapolis is today recognized firmly in the harness of class col. they apparently have iron digestruction workers in Minot, struck on Aug. 23, and two days (by both government labor bu laboration or face the whip of tions.
members of General Drivers later won a victory for 250 men. reaus and union officials) as the Local 74, won their strike. An In Minneapolis, the General best organized city in America.
exceedingly important struggle Drivers managed to win working The seed of militant trade uniontook place in July, when on the agreements granting wage in ism planted in 1934 has been first day of the month over 800 creases and better working con nourished along, and has grown members of General Drivers ditions for thousands of workers to a mighty oak, casting its welLocal 120 in St. Paul won an in many sections spring water, come shade over five states, and lay strike, gaining every de heavy hardware, market, lumber, so firmly rooted in the working mand, and equalizing wage scales package delivery, sand and class that not all the onslaughts in the driving industry of the gravel, excavating, etc. The wage of the bosses, the blows of reacTwin Cities.
level for drivers is around 75c tionary labor officials nor the By Paul McCormick During the struggle, Bill here at present, compared with machination of the Stalinists Brown, president of Local 544 in the 200 40c hourly wage in 1934 have prevailed against it.
The role of factionalism on the Why Tyler Suppressed It part of Clarityites occupying Great Future official positions in the party is Why this flat refusal to print news from left wing sections of The possibilities of mass work no better exemplified than in the the party and why the uncomFor Work that open up before the League case of Gus Tyler, alter radely and discourteous attitude are almost unlimited. Everywhere, nate and editor of the Socialist on the part of Tyler? Because (Coplined from page 5) Field organizers will be as throughout the country, the Call.
the Colorado convention declared signed to important centers youth tional Buro of seven. was set up throughout the country.
comrades have already Imediately after the Colorado itself unanimously for the Fourth in New York City, the new naturned their minds away from International, condemned labor tional Headquarters, consiting centered in our propaganda. their eyes toward building a on June 13, the complete minutes resolution adopted at Philadelphia The Spanish situation will be the recent unpleasantness to turn convention of the Socialist Party party, and attacked the of: Exbor, Draper, Gould, Gar special program of activity on mass young Socialist movement and a tentative news story was on Spain.
rett, Kracik, Demby, plus a rep. this point is to be worked out by in America.
sent to the Call Three weeks resentative of the party.
James Oneal, as editor of the the NEC.
The tenporary Headquarters History places tremendous res passed and not the briefest notice New Leader, usually published of the League are at 22 East 17th popular pamphlet will be pub the only revolutionary force in Colorado, San Francisco, Chicago, of the country even though he For the present at least one ponsibilities upon us, not only as was given. Then comrades from party news from various sections Street, All circles and lished in the immediate period: this country, but internationally Kansas, New York and other was not in agreement with it, correspondents are ta get in touch four district schools in four states as the largest youth organiza parts of the country began writ reserving his editorial column for with the secretary at that ad will be set up; regular education lined up with the movement ing to the Call asking for an ex personal criticism. For instance, dress.
tional outlines will be issued, in for the Fourth International. planation.
he pinted notice in 1938 of a recluding specific attention to the Now, when the regroupment of. Program Mass Work The State Action Comittee of solution aflopted by Local Denver radicalized youth around the the revolutionary socialists may the Socialist Party of Colorado calling for the formation of the Finishing with the feeble dis Stalinists.
coincide with the outbreak of the officially denounced the Cal Fourth International. If Oneal ruptive afforts of the centrists, At the same time, our student second World War, when the fate editorship for factionalism and could be brought back into the the seation curated its faca comrades will begin the cam of the Spanish revolution and discrimination against the left party and made editor of the toward the future. After a pre paign for a militant program for the preservation and extension of wing of the party. Still no notice Socialist Call, as far as demoliminary tightening ap of the ar the American Student Union the Soviet October depends more of the convention in the Cal and cracy of news selection conganisation through re registra through the organization of left clearly than ever on revolu still no reply whatever from erned, it would be a step forward.
krim, pond ordinizatiomercing sentiment in the organiza tionary organization of the work Tyler. Frank Trager was appeal Glen Trimble of California has exer necessary, an extensive pretiop.
ers of the world, when even the ed to, and as National Labor been seriously reprimanded by the gaan of action will be under All this, and the rest of the most radical representatives of Secretary of the Party and an National Action Committee and bake program of action, is to be cocentrism have sold out to the member, he wrote Tyler threatened with disciplinary ince poups of cont ordinated through national tours capitalist politicians through asking for an explanation and action for aocusing Tyler of facradiasi the fields of the basic to be made by Erber and Gould, Roosevelt or La Guardia, the requesting a copy of the same he tionalism in his editorship. am has, 14 eplaege hedish covering the entire country; and Young Societats of America raise sent to the Colorado compades, herewith submitting my two bits pendule working as base pointed toward results in a na higth the banner of Marxism. Trager letter was sent weeks worth of evidence in support of the League.
tional membership drive.
ago, and still silence from Tyler. Trimple.
Colorado Party Leader Charges Tyler Factional YPSL Convention Organizes