AntifascismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL September 11, 1937 LA GUARDIA RECORD: LACKEY OF CAPITALISM Fiorello is Wall Street Cleverest Candidate But His Record is Damning By James Casey is Harry Lundeberg is. Defended by Sailors Against Slander In New York at present we sought a seat in Congress on a measure was that it did not probehold three candidates zealous straight Republican ticket. Once vide for three brigadier generals ly bidding for the job of savior elected, however, he announced as flying officers.
NOTICE TO PARTY in, of course, the democratic himself a progressive so that BRANCHES American style.
he might array new forces to his thrown the full weight of OrAids Fascists ganized Labor behind local Please send in names of support in coming campaigns.
This trio is unanimous in the candidate for public office as in Again, La Guardia is looked comrades elected to serve as pledge to save the municipality Fiorello and Tammany the case this year of LaGuardia. upon as an anti fascist. Wall correspondents to the SOCIALtor doctrines of Americanism as Under the circumstances, it would Street is inordinately happy that IST APPEAL. Special atlaid down by the Chamber of And, as though to prove that not be amiss to scan his position Stalinists have chosen antitention must be given to proCommerce, the American Bankers he meant what he said, La Guardia in labor matters and thus learn fascist slogans to strengthen viding us with timely stories Association, the various manufac took on as one of his first pro whether he merits this unprece capitalist democracy. Much is on trade union struggles.
turer groups and the Daughters giessive tasks retainer to serve dented action.
being made of La Guardia verbal All copy must be in by of the American Revolution as special counsel for the TamSaturday.
One need go no further than bouts with the Nazi dictator. But Broadly speaking, this American many administration that was to the files of the Daily Worker what about LaGuardia attitude ism stands for good govern then fleecing the city treasury. for the first three years of La toward the barbarous and deadly ment. non partisan rule. ef Having of late criticized Tamma Guardia administration. This Mussolini regime? Why are the ficient business administration. ny politicians for their unshake was before the inauguration of Stalinists silent? Why is La and all other forms of legalized able habit of making grabs of the People Front line and the Guardia silent?
SOCIALIST APPEAL robbery and exploitation of the tax payers money, would it be Daily Worker, which now In 1935 when anti fascist Vol. No. Saturday, city population.
oo rude to remind LaGuardia that avidly supporting his candidacy, groups were preparing for a One of the well known aspir he, too, likes to cash in, while the was not then duty bound to con Columbus Day demonstration, the September 11th, 1937 ants, Royal Copeland, has an sun shines?
ceal La Guardia anti labor fascist forces arranged for a rally Published every week by the adequate record to fit him for On August 31, 1932, LAGuardia record. Week after week, the at Columbus Circle. LaGuardia Socialist Appeal Pub. Assn.
the job. He is a celebrated quack collected 8, 508 of taxpayers Stalinist organ covered columns chose to speak at the fascist rally who aids patent medicine manu money from the Tammany gang of space to show how he used his along with Generoso Pope, pub Published at Room 1609 facturers, with a health hints at City Hall for services. On police force against demonstra lisher of Il Progresso, New York 100 Fifth Avenue, New York column in one of the local news December 14, 1923 he received tions of jobless and his authority fascist daily. La Guardia addresspapers. During his years another check from Tammany as arbitrator against the trade ed the meeting in spite of protests Subscriptions: 00 per year; Washington, he has done every officials, this time for a 2, 688.
unions in wage and hour dispute. from liberal and working class 00 for months. Bundle thing possible for the public It must be noted here that dur But his soiled record extends back circles and anti fascists, who orders cents per copy. Single utility interests short of intro ing the time he was making these to even before the issuance of marched to the scene of the copies cents.
ducing legislation to send all the collections from Tammany offi the first number of the Stalinist fascist meeting, were clubbed and All checks and money orlegislators back to their homes cials, La Guardia was officially a paper that now swallowing trampled by the police of La and have the vice president of the Republican legislator on the every word that it has printed Guardia progressive adminisders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
Consolidated Gas and affiliated Federal government payroll.
against LAGuardia in other years. tration, companies take over the whole Having wooed both Tammany Application for entry as parliamentary extravaganza.
and the Republicans for a spell Against Postal Workers Casey next article will deal with with a fair amount of success, LaGuardia supporters. second class matter is pending.
In the summer of 1919 when New Dealer Mahoney LaGuardia decided to expand and try out a new field. Thus, in 1924, the nation postal employes were In Jeremiah Mahoney, the he bloomed as a full fledged pressing for passage of a bill Senator has an interesting rival Socialist and a candidate for to increase their wages, LaGuarand whose past is the envy Congress on the Old Guard dia came out flatly against the of many a also controlled Socialist Party ticket. measure. On September 6, 1919, would like to serve the nation But in that campaign Fortune he made a sharp attack on the biggest tax dodgers. As a former lagged a bit and did not reach postal workers bill on the floor Democratic Judge, Grand Fiorello of the House. Indeed, the sub By Joe Lookout suffered by the Stalinist fraction Sachem of the Tammany Robbers sequent defeat of this bill was in the Ham Fish Man in no small measure due to the and a corporation lawyer, MaThe Stalinist slander campaign Moscow Frameup honey is a reliable guarantor of demagogic opposition of this In 1926 La Guardia was again against Harry Lundeberg, leader the good government demanded in the race for Congress, this progressive.
of the Sailors Union of the The article accused Lundeberg by Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis time as a good Republican, as which was played up in all the back when the Headquarters rious Joe Ryan, dictator of the His speech on August 30th last Pacific, received a sharp set of making a deal with the nota clubs.
Yet, in spite of their willing Party and with the blessing of city newspaper and which ad Branch of the Deck Department longshoremen union on the East and their overwhelming the Herald Tribune.
vised trade unionists to discipli of the National Maritime Union coast. The absurdity of this ambitiou. neither of these two What happened? Ham Fish ne themselves and not call un voted an investigation of an ar Moscow frameup is obvious to aspirants compare in subtlety, party, the Herald Tribune, the necessary strikes was subtle ticle in The Pilot, organ. the many East Coast sailors who, cunning and demagogy administration, assurance to Big Business that nearly unanimous vote of the on trips to the West Coast, have the remaining member the trio House of Morgan and Fiorello he can be counted on to deal three hundred members present been able to see for themselves Hizzoner himself, Fiorello La with workers.
won smashing victory.
at the August 31 meeting, order that the West Coast sailors, under The Guardia, Republican, Democratic, working class candidates were It must be borne in mind that ed an investigation of the writer Lundeberg leadership, have won Fusionist Communist, Socialist defeated.
La Guardia is not a union man of the article attacking Lunde superior conditions to those on Progressive Social Democrat and and has never been a member berg, and a retracttion to be the East Coast. The contrasts Independent, one in all and all Fiorello Defends of any trade union. Since 1905 printed if he cannot prove his between Lundeberg militancy in one. Here you truly have a he has served the ruling interests statements. As a check against and the soft peddling of the combination of parts that has won Tammany in one public capacity or another. similar incidents, the membership Curran leadership of the the admiration and appreciation of bankecs, industrialists, merc went LaGuardia, with Back to Congress therefore the records show that he has also voted that similar articles was brought home to the sailors a light spent not a single day as a bona hereafter not be printed until during the fight against the hants and manufacturers from fide member of the nation work verified.
Copeland fink book. The West one corner of the land to the heart, a fat salary and still burn king class. Blackie ing with ambition. It was during Meyers, Stalinist Coast union prohibited its memother.
floor leader, vainly sought to bers from accepting the Copeland this session that La Guardia won Jingoism his chance to tell the world what prevent the membership action. book, while Curran made it opBig Capital Backs he thought of Tammany Hall.
This is the first important defeat tional.
La Guardia The occasion was a debate on the who hail him as a labor symBut the trade union leaders, It is this striking unity on the 1926 and Tammany fair name pathizer, also herald him as a part of Wall Street reaction and was taken in vain. The impudent vigorous opponent of imperialist Stalin representatives for their offender was Representative war. On this point, too, the claims all inclusive candidate that Lewis Crampton of Michigan. and hopes and election campaign makes it imperative. for every Whereupon, Fiorello got good stories run counter to the cold toiler to become familiar with Land sore. His sense of justice and indisputable record. At the unanimous vote condemning qualifiedly condemns the resort cord.
James Burnham already point. He jumped to his feet and Guardia left his seat in Congress Ward Rodgers was adopted by to a criminal court in any innerthe State Action Comittee of the party controversy.
has written a highly enlightening this is what he told Congress, to enlist as an army aviator. Colorado Socialist Party, August The resolution is signed by article on the Mayor and The gallery spectators, the CongresSoon after leaving for the front 30. The resolution follows: Carl Whitehead, Chairman, and Socialist Appeal in a previous sional Record and the whole darn LaGuardia was sent to Italy to issue has shown how La Guardia ed world. According to information re Marjorie McCormick, Secretary.
whip up war hysteria amongceived by the State Action Comis backed by the Democratic New Tammany Hall is full of heart the nation more or less apathetic mittee, Socialist Party of Colo York Times, semi official organ of Wall Street, the Republican and full of human interest. Tam people. La Guardia speaks the rado, Ward Rodgers, as repre The. ne Local of the Socialist Party chas League interests, and the Daily fare institutions of the great city vient crom city to city and from USA, has brought criminal passed the following resolution hovore interentsofa the stalinis (New York) in one year than village to village in exhorting the proceedings against comrades by e unanimous vole: and Al Furth, It is hereby resolved that Party. He is also supported by any private foundation with its citizenry to join in the war for Glen Trimble aan de democracy. So well did he per. charging them with theft and Local Louisville of the Socialist the Daily News of the Interna from now until the end of time. form his task for the jingoista embezzlement for their failure to Party goes on record as vigoroustional Harvester Co. a House of So there you have, in plain, that he was elevated to the rank turn over to him property be ly opposing the mass expulsions, Morgan affiliate, the strikelonging to Local San Francisco, past and pending, due to political busting Scripps Howard news healthy English, the official exLaGuardia returned to America Socialist Party of California, beliefs. We urge the immediate paper and the yellow journalism pression of the Morgan duPontBrowder Thomas candidate in and the fighter for democracy of the New York Evening Post. Regardless of whether or not, reinstatement of those expelled, To LaGuardia, the alliance in was again elected to Congress. As a last resort, a civil suit to the abandonment of this method regard to Tammany Hall.
One of his first official acts was recover possession of party funds of procedure in the party, and the his behalf of reaction with workLabor Record to vote for a 150, 000, 000 aviation or records might be justified restoration of the ing class deserters traditional is neither building program as advocated under any circumstances, the democracy, the abdication of strange nor new.
Never before in American his by the War Department. La State Action Committee of the which In the Fall of 1922 La Guardia tory have trade union leaders Guardia sole objection to the Socialist Party of Colorado un alarm.
we can only view with ness the Coolidge MORE PARTY BODIES. FIGHT RIGHT WING of major.