CommunismCommunist PartyMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL September 4, 1937 CALIFORNIA PARTY DISPLAYS Farmer Labor Leaders Plan The RECORD GROWTH, ACTIVITY Dissolution of Their Party active to By Glen Trimble MINNEAPOLIS, Minn When, means that the Communist Party on August in New York City, has now infiltrated into the FLP Farmer Labor Governor Elmer apparatus to the point where the SAN FRANCISCO. On August taken from official local secre Clarity Case Benson of Minnesota said he Stalinists will now be able quite 11 the National Executive Com taries reports of the period. Against this proof of revolu: President Roosevelt would be favor of having rapidly to lead it into the Demomittee suspended the charter of the actual membership allowing run for a cratie party for the purpose of the California State organization for registration stragglers is tionary accomplishment and of withouth a hearing. On Saturday, approximately 300. Let any other reformist failure what did Clarity third term. Times, Aug. their broad People Hrönt.
All this fine talk that a Labor August 28, we were given a mock state match the California record offer? Rodgers read a document the days of the party of which Party helps break the masses trial may a hand picked com of 249 registrations out of 300 written for him (he is not trust he is the standard bearer, as a from their ties to the capitalist mittee appointed by the NEC to membership by August 16, 1937. ed to extemporize. reiterating group independent from the Re parties, in the light of these take over our organization. The party activists from all over the in terms of Socialist work them with no evidence except publican and Democratic parties, latest facts, is seen to be uttering state attended the session en official delegates from local after rather smelly mess of irrelevant are drawing to a close. He was unrealistic. In a very short period doing more. He was stating that of time, it is more than likely masse and we put our accusers local reported no sign of Clarity, an innocuous stolen personal the Minnesota Farmer. Labor that the FLP in Minnesota, for on trial before them. The irrefu state. The challange went unans letters, hear say, slander, distorttable facts brought out at this but lectures, classes, trade union ed quotation and warnings that Party has not the slightest in many years considered by the hearing will have an interest for strength, street meetings, recomrades in other states who cruiting, nevertheless. Above all, The delegate from Fresno very tional Farmer Labor movement, gress, will have little to distin have been hoaring so much about the youth has advanced, record pertinently characterized their but, instead, that its leaders have guish it from the American Labor California ing a growth from 40 to 126 in case as charges of liar, thief, already made up their minds to Party mess in New York City.
The actions of Benson, LunWe were charged with demo Los Angeles, to 18. in East Bay, slander and you don play fair lead it into a Liberal RepublicanLiberal Democratic People Front deen, seems to me and many other leading ralization of the state member new circles in Stockton, Domin and commented, Hills, San Bernardino, that in every factional fight where in the 1940, national campaign. L spokesmen follow closely.
activity by incessant factional tightened state and regional or the struggle becomes bieter de tot er Labor Party is treading the solution of the state comunittee warfare. Local by local and ganization, organizers group that is being liquidated inevitable path to dissolution. To of the Minnesota Communist member by member we proved touring the state. No better evi ideologically resorts such be sure, it is impelled at a more Party dated July 10, a copy of that the presumably responsible dence the political health of charges to take the place of a the which has come into our hands.
SEC majority had recorded 100 the Appeal group and the political political position that can be rapid pace in this direction Popular Front line of the Com The organized labor moveper cent failure in recruitingand decay and rottenness of its op attacked.
inunist Party. But from the very ment, especially the CIO, Labor and 100 pre cent success in de ponents could be presented. Clarity failed to rally a single first years of its political suc Non Partisan League, independmoralizing and stultifying its Another charge was sabotage local, branch or YPSL delegate. cesses under Floyd Olson, the ent Farmer Labor and progresown locals and its own member and neglect of the party press official or unofficial (this latter truth is that the FLP never was sive parties, large masses of toilsupporters. Clarity has so demo and ralized itself that it has not been made farcical by the miserable was included in Rodgers invita the capitalist parties. The All classes (reads the draft) have literature. This charge, alternative for Clarity s, benefit for one instant independent of ing farmers and city middle able to present a single candi paucity of literature issued by the tion. Even the SEC majority, Party Committees (forerunner of tended to rally around Roosevelt date for responsible state or ac National Office in called, failed to come. the People Front) which have in the Democratic Party, seeking tive local office since the state was turned against its makers. Only Rodgers, Clement and four been a feature of every election by independent organization and convention in February of this we challenged them to prove resuscitated for the occasion. The of the old political machines to work for progressive and desince 1928 assured the influence struggle to influence that party.
Simultaneously the Appeal lo publication even approaching that attitude of this handful was within the FLP.
mocratic solutions to the presscals and raambers presented a re of the Appeal comrades in the what does it matter? We have Benson is not the only Farmering problems that confront the cord of strengthened morale, in wered. We proved consistent and the NEC! Just so, and the NEC Labor leader to go on record for masses This regrouping of the the People Front. On August class forces was already activity, and actual openly admitted sabotage of the has. them.
foreThe rest of the Socialist Party 24, Senator Ernest Lundeen (a shadowed in the vanguard state membership growth. Despite the official state paper, Labor Action, resignatiou of the laggard old and tical non of the of California every active local, supporter of Lemke candidacy of Minnesota by the alliance betguard Purish Branch and the Call by most of the Clarity sup the entire YPSL, ninety eight per in 1936) announced a sectional ween the liberal Democratic Stalinist influenced Oxnard Local porter Against this we present cent of the active membership meeting of the Farmer Labor forces with the Farmer Labor (both Clarity supporters of ed our own record of support to has had an eye witness demon bureau in Washington. Lundeen, Party behind Roosevelt and Ben sort. and the stultification of a state paper through sixteen stration of the determination of although insisting no attempt son against the Republican althe Clarityite Stockton local, and hard won issues, a functioning the NEC to expel revolutionists will be made to outline a program liance with the Liberty Lague the anti trade union discipline book shop in Los Angeles and within the Socailist Party. It at this first meeting, says the Democrats. This advance of Bakersfield local the total mem street meeting literature distri was not fact, legalism, or the report, indicated efforts pro labor and the people is further bership of the State is larger bution.
rganizational charges which were bably will be made to enlist sup being stimulated in Minnesota biy than it was immediately after We produced a bulletin issued at issue. Bursting through these port from the more liberal ele the Farmer Labor administration, the Old Guard split and the June 1, 1937 regarding re regis comparative trifles was the clear ments of both Republican and by the transformation of the Workers Party entry. By compa tration, and urged all locals to fact that the Socialists of Cali Democratic parties. This is the Farmer Labor Party in the dirison with the national totals use the reregistration period to fornia were political enemies and Stalinist formula for their rection of a broad people front for the same period California increase support to the party that the verdict of guilty had People Front.
and by the increased activity and has exceeded more than twice the press, as well as generally revive already been signed, sealed, and To those in Minnesota who influence of the Communist national average.
and strengthen activity of inactive delivered.
Trefer to themselves as real Party, etc. etc.
members. The secretary instruct Reformism is in the ex Social Farmer Laborites (as distinguis If there exists a single honest Registration High ed locals to use the National ist Party saddle, but the victory hed from the All Party Farmer. Socialist who had the slightest Office Call drive bulletins as a will be empty and bitter. Only Laborites. this hopes that the Minnesota FarmerRegistration despite a wide basis for this phase of the re revolutionary Socialism can ex triumph for the liquidationist Labor Party would be a means spread hoycott by Clarity sup registration visiting work. We propriate the expropiators and All Party line which has been of developing independent polporters, totaled 349 on August suggest that if our record called lead the working class in the fought by the rank and file of itical action of the workers on a 15th. This figure may be com for charter jerking, Wisconsin conquest of the earth. California the Farmer Labor Party ever national scale, these recent de.
pared with 237 non Old Guard twenty times worse percentage Socialists prefer to aid in and since Floyd Olson first introduced velopments should root out such members in March, 1936 (figures deserved at least a mild rebuke. share that victory.
it in his early campaign. This illusions.
past year, though creased means a APPEAL GREETINGS a few: Kindly renew my subscription man Clarity bloc in New York peal and all comments indicate and accept the four new ones, have just mailed to the that they are lad it names of which herewith en New York City Central Commit and like the appearance. More The reaumption of the pub ceived the copy of the APPEAL! close. Chas. Marston tee.
lieation of the APPEAL is more The idea of having a paper that Mills, Cape Cod, Mass. The first issue of Appeal was Paul Rasmussen.
than justified. More than the expresses our views at the pres Party organizations and lead taken up so quickly that am Local Roobester violation of the promises, by the ent moment gives us an added ers throughout the country are personally sending in this order NEC, to publish an inner party spur in our struggle against the greeting the appearance of the for thirty more copies of the first Greetings to Socialist Appeal bulletin, more than the fact that right wingers.
revolutionary organ. We reprint issue, and enclose payment. from one who as a delegate to the Cali is essentially a factional Fraternally, the Chicago National Convention organ of Clarity with permis have just received and Richard Posner, sion to Thamas for the publica devoured. the first issue of Louisville, Kentucky was unaffiliated with any facAsst. Organizert. tion, but who observed and learn.
tion of his particular confusion) the new SOCIALIST APPEAL The Socialist Appeal is a real ed from the left wing.
is the pressing necessity of an It is a good job.
St. Paul, Minnesota And what a paper. Please send us ten more Bennen, Organizer, organ of revolutionary Marxism relief to have once more a re copies of the new issue for which We have just received the Local Rochester to educate the advanced workers volutionary voice to read! we will send the money upon first issue of the Socialist Ap Chairman, Monroe County on the significance of the great think this one issue will mean a sale.
events the day. We would be big boost in left wing morale. For a Revolutionary Party remiss in our duty if we were to am enclosing for my subscrip Enrico Panicali SUBSCRIPTION BLANK continue to permit the miserable tion and donation. And ll send Louisville, Kentucky Call to pass off as the organ of revolutionary socialism. Revolu more it possible to help keep it you at least every monthRechester Socialist Appeal tionary Marxism must have its going. certainly think every 100 Fifth Ave.
champion and the APPEAL must left winger. should make every extends you their warm greet The of Rochester Room 1609 assume that role. Albert Gold financial sacrifice possible to keep ings as you venture forth to de New York City man, Chicago.
it weekly paper. Hildegarde fend revolutionary Marxism in Smith, Hutchinson, Kansas.
City Central Committee, Local the Socialist Appeal. Last eveEnclosed find. for which send me The Deate, voted to send revolutionning (Aug. 25) the circle unanim Socialist Appeal. 00 per year; 00 for six months. extend greetings, and Iously accepted the sition of wgroutings to the SOCIALIST commend you for your decision the Appeal the crucial poliAPPEAL and donate ave dollars. and action in republishing the tical issues, coming out solidly Name SOCIALIST APPEAL. Now and for a new revolutionary Fourth From Fresno Branch, Calitar at all times, the Socialist moye International. We also passed Address nik: ment requires clear thinking and a blistering denuneiation of the City Were we elated when we rol courageous action. enclose left wing purgings by the Alt