BourgeoisieCapitalismFascismImperialismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismWorkers MovementWorking Class

September 4, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Basque Chiefs Fear Workers Mc. Grady Lands EXPULSION DRIVE IS Company Boss UNDER WAY IN MASS.
Job as Radio ex Discipline to (Continued from page 1) capital in Spain, the Basque Edward McGrady, Assisbourgeoisie had enthusiasm tant Secretary of Labor, former owners when the war was over, for joining Franco, with his president of the Newspaper charges against the Appeal rades Lewis set the first date as Alfred Baker Lewis has filed inconveniences you at all. Comeven if they had been on the wrong side for a time. Apart But more than they hated Franco, the Boston Central Labor Union members of the State Executive. 11 Sunday, which is infrom this certain prospect, there they hated the masses of the end of the Massachusetts Fede The specific charge was that they convenient for me; since it was may even have been an under: UGT and CNT. They supported ration of Labor, and for fourteen jointly signed a statement in the to be at our house complained this point with Prieto and the stalinists in re years thereafter the legislative tion which condemned and re gested Friday evening as he he sugFranco; for the absolute uniform constructing the bourgeois state, agent of the of is rejected the gag rules and the plans to be in Western Massaity of the Basque policy of sur in depriving the workers of the signing to become vice president tact has no counterpart in any conquests they had won in crush of the Radio Corporation of Spanish resolution of the chusetts for a meeting late to He suggested either Fri modern war, not to speak of civil ing the fascists in the chief cities. America, in charge of labor re The members are: John Hall, day.
John Dwyer, Wm. Adam, Walter day evening or early on Sunday wars!
But despite all repressions, the lations.
bourgeoisie had no guarantees McGrady is distinguished from Birch, Antoinette Konikow, Au morning have an important gustus Mason and Lawrence examination at the college on Double Treachery that a victory over Franco would the other Labor leaders toge Trainor. Charges were filed also Saturday morning, so Friday not galvanize the workingclass ther with whom The iron ring defending into taking complete power. tinies of the organized working against David Udell, of the Ap evening was decided on, tho it this eventuality only class for decades, only by bis su meeting that we want to drive anyone.
Bilbao had been built months Against peal, for stating at an doesn seem very convenient for perfor vigor previously under the direction of Franco could guarantee them. have invited For nearly two decades he deter wedge between the leaderComrades an engineer who had shortly Nothing Learned Lewis and mined the F. of s policy ship and the rank and file.
escaped to fascist territory. The Pine to suppor Comrades Dwyer and Adam, fascists, then, had the plans of toward legislation. That he now the fortifications and could skirt Basque bourgeoisie, nor the con bor and becomes vice president will feel the traiter axe, as Dwyer can come and would the Neither the treachery of the drops all pretense of serving a members of over years stand Promptly at six, on Friday, 2m writing Dr. Konikos inviting him, ing, will be the first two who and hereby invite you. Mr.
and flank them, as they actually tinued blockade of Franco and of one of the biggest employing Dwyer is a member at large and to, bring her along. We ll have did. But the treachery of the en English imperialism, serve to gineer only made public after convince the bourgeois Prieto sight into the class outlook of Adam is a member of Worcester simple quick meal as Comrade the fascists had broken through Stalinist bloc that their course is the men who dominate the Ame local where the majority of the Lewis may have a meeting later the fortifications; it was then false. Nothing can convince the rican labor movement.
activists are Appealites, but for in the evening.
They are adduced as the alibi of the Basque Peoples Front coalition of this. in the old American radical fighting against Socialist prinI government. But months had in They are determined to win, if at Phrase. the labor lieutenants of ciples the dead wood will be Burbank Book and find it Delighttervened since his flight. Why all and not a few of the govern American capitalism.
was nothing done to construct a ment leaders prefer a compromise tul.
members of his stooge new system of fortifications in the with Franco to the possible dan unabated the reactionary offensive majority to sit on the trial board Be sure to come promptly to interim. bers of proletarian power after against the proletariat. Another trying Dwyer: Pineo, who has supper on Friday.
Furthermore, no offensive was victory on the basis of 80 POUM leader has been killed, been on Lewis personal pie card Fraternally Franco to divert troops from the geois regime that Anglo French Mena, Political Commissioner of sor, who has stated time and begun on the central front to force thoroughly consolidating a bour. this time by legal execution: payroll for years, and Mary Dick Mary Dickson Basque front. Nor were airplanes imperialism, reassured, will come the POUM militias sent from Madrid, then quiet, to to their aid.
defend Bilbao. Why? Had the The most striking confirmation The French press, with the charged with inciting to revolt. time again that she wants the Left wing expelled.
Negrin government information of this is seen The remaining five will have to which made it certain that Bilbao front. The Catalan militias, preception of Humanite report this.
would surrender? Was it, per, dominantly CNT, and with ten arrest of Joaquin Ascaso, pres solidly Left wing, namely Lynn Even more significant is the be tried in their Locals which are There was a national progres.
haps, a party to the decision thousand POUM. militiamen ident of the Council of Aragon and Boston Central.
sive group the unity caucus Certainly no other hypothesis among them, made the most im Ascaso formed the Council in This is the first decisive at of the United Auto Workers, explains the passivity of the portant military gains in the first September, 1936 and shortly tempt by Lewis to split the Mass, meeting in Toledo. Before this Negrin Government during the months of war. They re conquered thereafter it was enlarged to Socialist Party. Needless to say, group met, there was a meeting march on Bilbao during June. almost all Aragon and immobi include representatives of the over 90 of all active members of the Socialist League. Several The Stalinist alibi that the Negrin lized Zaragoza, seat of one of the Popular Front parties, but it re are Appealites and regardless of motions were adopted One of cabinet (established May 17) had biggest garrisons and heavily mained predominantly CNT in the expulsion drive, we shall con them: for the right of groups to not had time organize a fortified, which was to have been composition. It organized on a tinue to solidarize ourselves with exist in the auto union. Another: campaign on the Madrid or for the fascists what Burgos was collective basis the economic life all those expelled and refuse to for independent political action Aragon fronts is absurd on the further west. Once the fascists of re conquered Aragon and made recognize any expulsions. on condition of no connection face of it; no military man worth began receiving arms and planes possible provisioning the with Republican, Democratic or Lewis Pays for Votes his salt would deny that three from abroad, however, the ill. Aragon front by the neighboring any other capitalist parties.
weeks not to speak of prepara armed CNT POUM militias could villages.
How the Right wing gathers Bert Cochran raised these two tions by the Caballero cabinet in not take Zaragoza without planes which the Prieto bourgeois and artillery. But they received Negrin government on May 17 a wood is revealed in a letter of League decision, as motions at With the establishment of the up the necessary amount of dead points, in according with the Stalinist forces had the command none of these materials which rabid campaign was organized July 14 which Lewis sent to two the caucus meeting. The Stalining voice was enough to orga were arriving from ists bitterly opposed and defeated nize a large scale offensive. Mexico and other sources. While against the Aragon Council.
Stal. ex members of the party: them. Walter Reuther (party Our suspicions are completely the Civil Guards, Assault Guards Congress in Barcelona at the end Joe Salerno, member) openly sided with the justified by the manner in which and Carabineros (who were not of July, openly called for repe Charlotte Marchese, 20 Bilbao surrendered. No attempt sent to the front, but were used tition of the Barcelona repression Conduit Street, was made to defend the city. Not to preserve order by cowing in Aragon. All attempts to orgaStalinists, speaking and voting Lawrence, Mass.
with them.
a single factory or wharf damaged by fascist shells before brand new Russian rifles, auto nize a strong Stalinist movement Dear Comrades. We raised the question of diswithin Aragon failed, for the its fall. The Asturian miners matic pistols, machine guns and earnestly hope that you will cipline on the party branch floor rard, the managed to dynamite some of the artillery, and fleets of warplanes peliants are in favor of the coli both re register for membership afte government in the Socialist Party.
bridges; but when they sought stood idle on the Madrid front has struck from outside. Ascaso in forthcoming from Ben Fisher to destroy supplies which were between offensives, the Aragon is held on the preposterous hope you will cash and send in don you prefer charges. We enclosing check which (county organizer) is, being left behind, and factories militias had worn out Mauser charge of embezzling jewels. for your back dues which are have pointed to the fact that manufacturing war materials, rifles, one machine gun to fifty Although only thirty years old, now a full year in arrears each. Ben Fisher (who is also an NEC they were driven out of the city men and one revolver to about Ascaso one of the most popular want you to do this as there member. Hy Fish, state secat gun point, or, worse, disarmed thirty men. Government which CNT leaders.
front. by National Republican Guards sends boys of fifteen to has been criticism of you by the retary, and Alan Strachan, NEC and Basque soldiers of the regular with rifles forty years old, and is sabotaged by the government, tience with that sort Thus the war against fascism Trotskyites, and have no pa member, were all present and as army and held so that they might keeps its biggest men and newest while the latter incessantly wars criticism knowing the services responsibility to exact discipline.
vicious leaders of the party it is their fall into the hands of the fascists! weapons in the rear, is manifestly against the revolutionary work which you have given to the Par. But they fail to do anything whatThe Guards maintained order more afraid of the revolution ty in the past.
until Franco forces arrived; than of the fascists. Hence the soever except shrug their should One of their criticisms, which ers. From a Detroit letter, patrolled the streets while the feeble war policy of the past six is technically correct, is that you fascist troops marched in; then months, and hence the compromise have not kept good standing most of them donned Carlist red with which the war will almost)
SOCIALIST APPEAL know your situation and am berets and went to work for certainly end, writes George Franco!
Orwell, soldier with the LP. Sandwiched in between the taking this method of helping Vol. No. Saturday, Rear you to keep in good standing.
These unquestioned facts do contingent on the Aragon front. chauvinistic speech of a September 4th, 1937 would appreciate hearing not come from any private source, Admiral and the smug prayer of War Sabotaged Most of them were reported by a naval chaplain, was none other from you.
Published every week by the Fraternally yours, Socialist Appeal Pub. Assn. the regular news correspondents, When Santander fell and the than Fiorello La Guardia, at Alfred Baker Lewis including the London Times government sought to make a the launching of the new cruiser Published at Room 1609 Steer, a Loyalist sympathizer. showing by initiating the present in the Brooklyn Navy Yard last The Last Supper 100 Fifth Avenue, New York Neither here nor abroad did the Aragon offensive, the main forces, Thursday. The naval officers gave The kiss of Judas was no Stalinists deny these facts. They those of the CNT, were not en him a genuinely enthusiastic Subscriptions: 90 per year. ignored them as did the Negrin trusted with the artillery; in welcome to the launching party. sweeter than the intimate. 00 for months. Bundle government. With the result that stead, some International Briga: the Soudest cheers of all came the Lewis old ladies expulsion orders cents per copy. Single the Basque Government has con des Stalinist led were copies cents.
sumated its treachery by simil the artillery and machine guns from little Fiorello.
club to John Dwyer. With no All checks and money orarly surrendering Santander and while the CNT troops manned the further comment, we publish in If the Mayor should ever fleeing the country. This outcome trenches with their inadequate his dates mixed and read a boiled full the chatty epistle inviting ders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
was inevitable: for liberal weapons. As a result, the offens shirt speech to an overralled him to have his head chopped off!
bourgeoisie has no basic stake in ive never developed any power. audience, some of his naive sup Dear Comrade Dwyer: Application for entry as fighting fascism. As agents and While the war is thus sabo porters would get jarred out of m sorry about the change second class matter is pending.
partners of British and French taged, the government continues their seats.
in the date of the hearing if it.
of answ Why ers.
Admiral Vote