CommunismDemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

September 4, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL CIO GETS SETBACK IN STEEL; Party Locals Rally oT The Left Wing GOVERNMENT AIDS BOSSES men on union man in Two more important party labor bureaucrats of the AmerEighteen union are tional guard, police, and thugs, pickets but also for picket duty, locals have solidarized themselves ican Labor Party. This attempt murdered. Hundreds more await combined with economic pressure no organized attempt was made with the left wing.
to liquidate independent revolutrial trumped up charges. from their creditors which finally to encourage the women form By unanimous decision of the tionary socialist politics, in comEvery known method of strike force honest workers back to the a union auxiliary of any kind; membership, Local St. Louis plete violation of the party con.
breaking was used by little mills. But even this combined and many was, County, Missouri, addressed a stitution and resolutions, could steel to terrorize the steel work force would have been insufficient therefore, influenced by his pas sharp letter to the NEC, calling not be successfully carried ers. In spite of the heroism of if the policies of the SWOC lead sive wife to go back to work. for an emergency national con through with the left wing in the rank and file, the strike is ers had not led to the demorali Probably no other field of ac vention to settle the party strug the party. So, in order to carry broken.
zation and confusion of the work tivity was 50 neglected as the gle democratically. If this is out this traitorous move it was Since this is the first serious ers.
field of strike publicity. In this evidence. it says of the right necessary for the right wing to setback that the CIO has expe On the whole, the steel work situation where the entire valley wing charges, then this is the expel the left wing who were rienced, the course of the strike ers fortunately do not think bad was paralyzed, where 35, 000 steel USSR in its latter day aspect. vigorously opposing this sell out must be carefully considered, not ly of the union; instead they feel workers Mahoning Valley. The wording of the charges and exposing the splitting taconly to understand the reasons that Governor Davey double alone were affected, in a com proves that this is a fundamental tics of the right wing combinafor this defeat, but, more im crossed them. The thought in munity where the entire popula political conflict between the tion.
portant, to be able to make con nearly every steel worker mind tion depends for its existence right and left wings of the party Local Marion County declares crete proposals which will help is that the national guard broke directly or indirectly on the steel and not an attempt to cleanse its full political, moral and orthe steel workers to victory. the strike. Quite true, the na mills, no regular strike bulletin the party of disruptive elements. ganizational solidarity with the The most important single lesson tional guard did break the strike. was issue Nothing, no bulletin. We express our unqualified comrades expelled in New York to be learned from the history of But who appealed to Devey for no mass meetings outside of solidarity with all the members and nationally.
strikes is: Any strike policy of support? Who told the workers those at picket lines, no parades, of the Appeal group who have union Leadership that does not that the national guard will nothing to spike the vicious lies been disciplined in any way by place its emphasis on the fighting keep the mills closed. Who of the company controlled press the New York committee. They Local Lynn Aets power of the workers, on the in built up the illusion that the The only publicity available to are our Socialist Party comrades, By unanimous vote, the flourdependent force of the union it administration from Davey to the majority of those affected by fighting by our side to make the ishing industrial Lynn, Magsaself, is doomed in advance to Roosevelt favored the steel union. the strike was the local news party a truly revolutionary or chusetts, local of the Socialist failure. The reason for this is The leaders did! papers such as the Youngstown ganization that will not crack or Party, adopted the following Apquite plain: The capitalist not Vindicator.
Class collaboration Policy This paper carried smash in a critical time.
really affected by the strike ungeal resolution on August 15: Another unanimous decision, of on a strike breaking policy from The Lynn Local demands the less it stops production or hinders it so greatly that employer The union leadership from the very beginning; yet this was the Central Branch of Lehigh begins to feel a serious loss in Philip Murray to John Mayo the medium through which the County, Pennsylvania, backed calling of an emergency converbuilt this illusion profits and so is compelled to which com steel worker got his news of the the left wing, denouncing capition of the Socialist Party at pletely disarmed the workers, strike. The majority of steel tulation to La Guardia and Peo the earliest possible date. Such come to terms with the union. leaving them helpless in the face workers did not even come to the ples Frontism and concluding Convention is necesary to take can in New York brought about by pressure, for only the workers showed its true colors. The policy home and dug in the garden, solidarity with the expelled comcan operate the machines. That of confusing the workers as to went fishing and only oecasion rades and will aid them in their the illegal wholesale expulsions of revolutionary Socialists and is why the union leaders must the character of the government ally drove down to the picket struggles.
by the determination of the Altalways proceed on the basis that the tool of the capitalists line to see what was happening.
man Thomas Valenti group and their most powerful instrument disarms them, leaves them demo Gradually many of them suc Indiana Unanimous their supporters to line up the is the union itself.
ralized at the critical moment. cumbed to the vicious propaP. behind the liberal capitalist Government Aids the Bosses Although the CIO principle of ganda.
By unanimous decision, the candidate for mayor of New industrial organization is correct The SwC leaders have no ex Indiana State Executive Com York, La Guardia; and is necesThe employer zses hired thugs, and has succeeded in organizing cuse for the failure to carry on mittee of the party on August sary, generally, to halt the dethe anti union press, armed vigil the masses in the basic industries this absolutely necessary work. 29 addressed the following determined drive of unscrupulous ante committees and other means where the craft basis failed, Many times they were approach mands to the NEC: Right Wing elements to split and too numerous to mention, but his nevertheless the general policy ed by rank and file delegations. The State Executive Com wreck the Socialist Party namost powerful instrument in of the CIO leaders is to solve with resolutions from picket mittee of the Socialist Party of tionally.
breaking the strike is the govern the workers difficulties on the lines but they brushed them Indiana proposes and demands The Lynn local plays a leading ment. The Government includes the false basis that labor and capital aside. The answer cannot lie in that: role in the heart of the New Englocal police, the national guard, have common interests. They the talk about no funds for it is The immediately land factory district.
the courts and the local, state and build up the workers confidence well known that the CIO treas reverse the decisions of the Local On August 22, the Lynn Local federal administrations. They all in the capitalist government ury is ample to cover the cost New York City Central Committee informed the National and State pretend to be neutral in labor machine. They proceed in all of a strike bulletin. The answer and reinstate the expelled com offices of the party that it condisputes, but under the pretense their strategy, tactics and orga lies in the fact that the whole rades and guarantee to them all siders it our duty as revolutionof defending the right to work, nization from the basis that it is policy of the union was on the democratic rights.
they always act as scabherders, only a few economic royalists basis of maneuvering with Roo The instruct Local with the expelled comrades and ists to declare our full solidarity and protect the interests of the who are holding back from re sevelt instead of concentrating New York to conduct an inde pledges them our unqualified supbosses.
cognizing the unions and making on the workers themselves.
pendent socialist campaign in port in their struggle with the Any policy which fails to explain the living standards of the work To say the union members had the elections in New York City. right wing splitters.
to the workers the role played ers so low. The workers will con no control over the strike is a The E. immediately reby the government, and talks tinue to pay, to suffer untold gross understatement of fact. store the charter to the Califor Conn. Secretary about the community of interest union proceeds in all its work Even the organizers in complete nia state organization.
between capital and labor, must hardships in vain, until their charge of the plants had nothing The issue a call for Victor Harris, State Secretary be fought against if the strike from the basic principle that to do with the strike strategy, a special national convention in of the Socialist Party of Connecis to be won. Only a policy of their is an uncompromising which was decided by the very order that the membership may ticut, charged that the NEC restruggle, or reliance on the mili struggle going on between ca top men in the CIO. There was duty to decide the fate of the solution, is in violation of the itself have the right as is its solution on Spain, a major retant fighting spirit of the work pital and the working class.
ers, can really bring the steel The strike was called for the any kind, let alone one elected party in the present crisis; and convention) resolution on the barons to their knees.
purpose of gaining a signed con by the members of the union, that in order that such a special Peoples Front. the NAC contract between the companies and Resolutions or suggestions to the convention may actually repre cessions to Wisconsin are in vioLeaders Go to Politicians the Cio. No demands were made leaders got absolutely no atten sent the party membership, we lation of the Trade Union (constrike, it became increasingly that the rising costs of living workers could do but carry themed From the very first day of the shorter hours, in spite of the fact decided and there was tacthing the mente of all expelled and suspend. NEC resolution on inner Party plan of militant strugle against justify them. The steel workers out blindly and hope for the best. cessation of the expulsion drive. the spirit of democratic central The State Executive Com ism. Harris in his letter an efficient strike machine, they understand, nor was any attempt lessly that the fate of the steel moral and organizational solidar cussion. we do not means Glue What can be done? It must mitee of the Socialist Party of of August 26 to Roy Burt, deunions before and did not fully be said quite clearly and fear. Indiana declares its full political, clares that when we say disspent their time in Washington made to explain to them, the reaand Columbus Tobbying Roosevelt and Davey begging was important. Not only the swoc which can exert enough officers and left wing comrades out the party line. That is: sons why the signing of a contract elopment of a left wing in the in New York and with the state members talk over how to carry them to make the companies workers themselves but, in partsign up with the CIO. Both efforts icular, the middle class, could policy which pressure to carry out union in California and pledges to help characteristic of the Communist with a hands of te policy which not understand why then biserning the real interests of the workers bership the spliting tactics of the Party. Harris declares he will in reality meant support to the unless a demand for higher wages concrete proposals for the build nation in New York and nation with the NEC if at all possible. teel barong. Governor Dave sent the national guard to open also made.
and better working conditions was ing of the CTO in steel.
but against the NEC if it violates the mills and protect the scabs.
The most important issues that the plain mandate of the Chicago Without a program of struggle, Picket Lines Neglected the left wing must immediately convention.
the union leadership was unable raise are: Democracy in the Indianapolis Local to combat the clever offensive of No attempt was made to have union; workers education; elec The principles of revolutionLocal Marion County, leading which paralyzed every plant of line on their regular shifts, which lication of a strike bulletin; and solidly in support of the Appeal rade Harris, must always be the bosses. As a result, a walkout the workers come to the pieket ted strike committees; the pub mid west party center, came out ary Socialism, concludes comme the companies involved in seven would have insured a mass picket general strike policy on the on August 23rd.
held higher than any particular states of the country, affecting line at all times. Picket captains basis of struggle program. The local resolution follows group of more than 70, 000 workers, soon were not selected until the third Around the left wing will cry in part: men who interpret stantial majority of the men had system by which these captains more intelligent workers who are the expulsions of fitty twas com devoted Socialist will think twice The railroading through of them. Naturally the sincere and gone back to work.
the building of the rades of the left wing by the before sensuring his lenders the Way so many men go back members easily. Strike reljed was union, on educating workers te Altman Thomas Valenti cligne in their arrars, for he too may be to work! We cannot call them inadequate and improperty or gas depend only on their own organ, control of the administration of wrong But once his mind is brand those who work in defence in Plint proved how wiluable Progressive stoel Warkørs fire was but part of the campaign made up it is his duty to take brigade can of the Right Wing to sell the his stand for what he considers of the state forces, courts, ne lbe, not only for feeding the Youngstown, Ohio party out to La Guardia and the right. have denem.
with ally