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SOCIALIST APPEAL Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 401 Saturday, September 4, 1937 Cents per Copy Popular Front Surrenders Santander China Defense Sags, Fear Masses For Activity the By Felix Morrow Santander, last Biscay port of the Loyalists, was surrendered on August 26 by the Basque general By Li Fu Jen Erber Greets Youth Convention taft without the slighetst attempt to defend it. Santander fell into Demonstrating once again the the hands of Franco intact, its inability of the Chinese bourg The Ninth National Convention port and factories ready for use eoisie to conduct any consistent, of the is convening to By Ernest Erber positions, but none more prepos by the Fascists. The same thing terous than the attempt of Clar: had happened in Reinosa, manueffective struggle against impe decide the fate of our organiza National Chairman of the Young ity to conceal their political facturing town and key to Santrialism for China national inde tion. Those of us who have strug People Socialist League nudity behind a sheet of dues ander defenses, a few days pendence, recent reports from gled for the last six years to stamps. History has taught us earlier. Instead of war to the China indicate the withdrawal of convert the League into a revothat the capture of the outward death against fascism, the Negrin Nanking government forces from lutionary organization can look by means of gerrymander and forms of Woosung and the immediate back upon our efforts with a election irregularities had failed centrist maneuverers and combi government appointees miserabvicinity of Shangai, thus enabling feeling of satisfaction. Every to take away our majority, they nationists who have been repu: ary supplies were destroyed. Even the armies of Japanese imperial recent convention, Cleveland in resorted to a campaign of ex diated by the ism to secure a substantial foot 1932, Reading in 1933, Pittsburgh pulsions of our leading New majority of the membership can before the fascist troops arrived hold in the area of the Yangtze in 1935, was a demonstration of York comrades to complete the only leave them with a shell that republican police. the National in Santander, yesterday loyal delta at a time when the armed the rising tide of Revolutionary job and to insure the presence crumbles at first touch. We can Republican Guards, as well as bosts of Nippon have already Marxism in the We of the Altmanîte delegates who well afford to let the Clarityites armed fascist driven through the Nankow Pass assemble at Philadelphia with refused to come if a purge of capture civilians, were to complete their conquest of the knowledge that our struggle Trotskyites was not carried out desks, the typewriters, the falsi patroling the streets and disarmNorth China and Inner Mongolia. has finally succeeded, that at first.
Japanese military and naval com least 70 per cent of the memfield records; we will have what ing Asturian militiamen.
of the Clarity no one can steal from us, the the conduct of The centrists revealing light is thrown on manders told newspaper corres bership supports our program.
the Basque group have followed with a boring Young People Socialist League, pondents that they expect the Shanghai hostilities to be over in the ranks of the members should of futility traveled by every ill Marxist theory and trained in the Not only our great support in monotony the same beaten path with a membership educated in Government by a Times dispatch of August 25: short order. The cabarets on make Philadelphia a field day for fated centrist grouping in history. class struggle. At the time of the fall of North Szechuen Road will be the left wing, but the fact that Even to the bitter end they Bilbao the Basques freed all their hostages open again in about two weeks, the convention itself will seven imitate their historical prota: Meeting except seventeen. Now these are considered ly announced. Thus seriously do the work the left wing has been tionalists of Martov, the Indeto be in the gravest peril as Japan warlords estimate Nank carrying on. For the first time in pendent Socialists of Kautsky Lays Basis the Basques admit that it is no ing resistance!
the history of the League we will and Haasee, the Socialist Workers longer possible to protect them high Nanking government have in our midst the young Party of Germany. Their struggle from extremist elements (the spokesman, quoted in the New workers from California against the left becomes ever Asturian miners) in Santander.
York Times on August 28, des agricultural districts, the sailors more vicious, more shameless. When the British Embassy cribed the withdrawal at Shanghai from the Pacific, the young work more unscrupulous, as their defeat Local New York called by the The emergency conference of agreed to take off the hostages as the first step in a plan for aers from the Akron rubber center, becomes more apparent.
it would also evacuate the long campaign of stiff resistance, the Chicago and Youngstown struggle against the right be on August 28, set up a provisional Their suspended New York branches Basques who have been guardretiring inland if necessary, and steel centers, from a score of comes reduced to the remark in. City Executive Committee to diing them as well as any reletting the enemy extend his own miscellaneous industries that serted in their speeches and rect the socialist work for the maining members of the Baslines to his cost.
have been the scene of recent articles in the form of a footnote, coming period.
que Government. What if they take Nanking? strike struggles, and from the parenthetical statement, or ap It is hoped that the whole this anonymous mouthpiece non fighting ranks of the unemployed pendage, and we also disagree represented by delegates coming Over 350 party members were maneuver will be carried out chalantly declared. It would movement.
before the more violent elemente with the policy of the right. from more than 20 branches and signify nothing, for there would in Santander are aware of what Growth of Left Wing But in political acts they become minority groups in branches.
be no government there and is happening.
probably not much of anything The largest left wing delega indistinguishable from the right, Fraternal delegates from Yipsei else by that time. And conceding tions will come from those sec and their blood with it becomes circles, reperesentating a majority Play Fascist Game that the Japanese Army with tions which have been the only ever more open and direct.
of the New York organization, naval aid might sweep the whole ones to show consistent growth Bankrupt Centrists were also present.
The next day the British battleShanghai, Hangchow, Soochow and activity in the class struggle After a report and discussion, ship Keith. with Basque and and Nanking area even then. noteworthy examples are Like defeated centrist (the Conference unanimously Fascist representatives aboard they would have made only the Chicago, California, Upstate New groups, the Clarityites, rather adopted the following resolution: rescued the Basque officials smallest territorial dent in China. York, Newark. The presence of than learn the lesson of their The Altman Thomas faction, in and the seventeen fascists! InsNo, our present aim is not to ob these delegations will testify to defeat, become embittered and order to carry through its plans tead of going to the Asturian tain military victories but to the ability of the left wing to enraged by it and refuse to re to liquidate the Party as an in port, Gijon, to which the rea (Continued on page 1)
build the League and will be cognize their loss. Their final dependent political force, has fighters against fascism were harbingers of the Socialist youth futile, wild and desperate at utilized position in the Ad sailing for a last stand agains movement of tomorrow.
tempts to turn a defeat into a ministration of Local New York Franco, the Basque President.
The political level of the dele victory lead them into progres to split the Party. Acting through Aguirre, and his cohorts, prefergations coming to the convention sively more degenerate methods an illegally constituted rump City ed to leave Spain, paying for the will mark a new high for the of struggle. From the under Central Committee, in defiance of voyage by releasing seventeer another indication of handed and surreptitious methods the Party Statutes and the will important Fascist prisoners!
the work of the left wing in de of gossip, chicanery, and fraud of the membership, it has ex Such is the quality of the antiveloping the membership.
Moulin, leader of the Spanish matter what aspect of No which failed to stave off the in pelled more than a hundred and fascism of the liberal bourcon glorious defeat, they strive to thirty left wing members and geoisie.
Bolshevick Leninists, has been vention we look at, it should give learn from the left and carry on lifted the charters of left wing That the Basque bourgeoisie arrested by the Spanish GPU. the comrades of the revolutionary the fight in the open, but merely branches. The National Executive would not fight to the death On the wanted list of the police wing the feeling of a job well succeed in transferring into Committee, in spite of its famil against Franco was apparent as since the May days, he had been done and of tremendous opportu broad daylight and an exxagge iarity for many months with the early as September, 1936, when nities before us.
rated scale the methods of the situation in Local New York, has they abandoned the factories of directing the underground work Yet despite all this progress previous stage. From silently ex taken no step to put an end to San Sebastian intact to the enemy.
of his organization. His arrest in building a revolutionary move cluding our comrades from lead this gross and bureaucratic vio The same thing has happened in was made in typical Stalinist ment and all these gains by the ing posts they now pass on to lation of the rights of the party the case of every city in the fashion: no mention in the press, left wing, or, to be more accurate, removing them, from backstairs members by the Altman Thomas Biscay provinces. Rather than 20 charges recorded, the official because of them, the will gossip they now pass on to open faction.
conduct an intransigeant struggle enter the 1937 eonvention in the slander, from apologetically In order, therefore, to defend involving demolition of bourgeois government claim no knowledge throes of a desperate crisis. The dropping the left wing members and advance our rights and duties factories and buildings, the bourof his whereabouts, and he has crisis arises from the fact that from the books at Altman re as revolatoinary Socialists, this geoisie preferred to abandon the been transported to a Stalinist while the ideas af revolutionary quest they now pass on to whole Conference of regularly elected cities, one by one. Property was jail in Madrid.
Marxism have swept aside all sale expulsions, from being in a delegates from branches of Local more sacred to them than the Irwin Wolf, former secretary centrist ideologies in the ranks more or less accidental bloc with New York herewith decided to struggle against fascism. It the Arrested, together with his wife, a majority, the Bourbons of the on to an open political agreement apparatus in order to fullful our be irretrievably lost. But if they of Leon Trotsky, has also been of the membership and gained the right wing they now pass set up the necessary and proper property were destroyed, it would the daughter of the Norwegian centrist leadership refuse to sur for joint struggle against the socialist tasks.
surrendered it intact and Franco Labor Party leader, Knud Knud render control of the apparatus. left. We demand from the forth was victorious, Franco, believing Robbing the Left Wing History presents with coming meeting of the National in private property, would certainLatest estimate is that 20, 000 After their first attempts to pictures of centrists in all kinds Executive Committee the un ly want to conciliate the property workers are now imprisoned. guarantee themselves a majority of compromising and ludicrous (Continued on page Continued on page 5)
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