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12 SOCIALIST APPEAL August 28, 1937 Clarity Splits New York Yipsels Join with Right Wing to Ohio Youth Votes Solidly with Left Wing Expel 11 Revolutionists 408 pages An overwhelming victory for By Robert Stiler the AYC stating that unless the following is done by the National (Continued from page 1)
in their totality a veritable Black the Revolutionary Socialists was Council of the AYC the YPSL tion organ, the Socialist Call of Book. In many instances, so des won at the State Convention of and the building of a new, Fourth shall withdraw its delegate to the today. Clarity had a dual motive: perate is their anti left wing the Ohio YPSL held in Cleveland International, based upon the National Council. to carry Altman campaign campaign, they have shamed Alt last Sunday, August 15th. Out principles, strategy and tactics Repudiate and refuse to seat where Altman could not himself man with their methods. Not of a total of sixteen delegates Of Revolutionary Marxism The the delegates of the Italianwage it; to scotch a left wing even Altman would have dared Clarity was represented by two. Clarityites in their usual attempt American civic league.
majority at the National Convento rescind out of hand a referen The convention demonstrated to circumvent any political ques2. Repudiate invitations extendtion of the YPSL.
dum that been constitutionally beyond a shadow of a doubt that tions, stated that they were for ed by Carey to other fascist orWhen the Clarity right wing demanded on the dropping of the 90 per cent of the membership the Fourth International butganizations.
bloc dropped the four Yipsels four Yipsels.
in the league in Ohio actively not at this time. Withdraw the from League membership resolution on Their methods are air tight. supported the political positions Altman demand after they had First, they try to expel 200 or of the Appeal. resolution vigorously con against armed insurrection, rebeen rejected for Party mem more members of the New York demning the Right wing of the pudiate the impartial aid to bership, it set a precedent for il. League. Next, they plan to sus tion Clarity stated that any dis sharply criticising the Clarityites that we are only in favor of aid At the opening of the conven Party for splitting the and Spain and issue a clear statement ever, the same formula could not fornia, which it undoubtedly win cussion on political questions for aiding the Right wing was to the Spanish anti fascists.
be used in the instance of those now that the California Party would be futile since Appeal had passed with the two Clarityites Remove Governor Hoffman who had been expelled from the has been suspended. Between an overwhelming maaority, and voting against. The resolution and all other anti labor names Party by the Altman machine. times they use their control of asked the convention to limit it lso called upon all YPSL ers to from the sponsors list of the Altman had stepped brutally self to organizational questions. Solidarize themselves with the congress.
upon Clarity bunions in order the apparatus to inflate their The Appealites pointed out that expelled comrades of the Left In spite of the convention of the Youth was wing and strongly condemned the Clarity they could not deny the to guarantee his two thirds ma support. They cheat, or try to, jority, and the Clarity caucus its proper representation. Then facing a crisis because of political attempts of Clarity to gerry necessity hoy these demandes. They one circle after another out of the party and had cried out in pain that the ex: they come to the national con questions and that it was the duty mander the majority at the pulsion was an illegal act, and vention, confident of. ma tively intervene in the struggle. YPSL.
of every YPSL member to ac forthcoming convention of the passed unanimously.
not to be recognized by the Par jority if they can first guaran. The desire of Clarity to limit the The revolutionary Socialist ty membership. Though a section of the Clarity caucus, as reveal tee the support of the right by convention to organizational On the American Youth Con position on the Role of the YPSL was passed as was a statement ed alsewhere in this issue, favor taking severe enough measures ed a change in its position on the against the left. Finally, they questions at this time showed gress question the Clarityites solidarizing ourselves with the expulsions, a majority prevailed delude themselves with the vainconclusively, the political bank voted against a resolution which Fourth Internationalists in Spain. regional committee of seven against. But expel the left from hope that the Appealites, will be ruptcy of the Clarity brand of alled for a break with the reach the YPSL they must. Altman weaklings who do not utter question Clarity could not remain clution passed with the Clarity members, with disciplinary and demands it. Clarity itself de word of protest.
consistent. When the political ites voting against. After the policy making powers was set up.
manded it in the interest of seesolutions were offered Clarity resolution on the AYPC the fol Comrade Stiler Akron was curity by hook and by crook an How they reckon without their did participate in discussion and wing motion was presented: elected Regional Secretary of the anti Appeal majority at the Na the nation League membership. every political question before mediately issue an ultimatum toto extend over the state of Ohio a decisive defeat on We demand that the NEC im committee whose jurisdiction is tional Convention.
As daily the revolutionary ele the convention.
Whole Left Wing Involved ments in Clarit anks, disA meeting of the DEC called tics of its caucus leadeship, join Fourth International was passed gusted with the capitulatory an resolution calling for the SELECT LIST OF PIONEER PUBLICATIONS for August 13 was deliberately hands with the Appeal, that ma with the two Clarityites voting sabotaged by Clarity formula jority becomes more crushing against. After analyzing the had not as yet been found. That No more than the left wing tol current world situation and the LEON TROTSKY formula was discovered at a erated disruptive tactics of the bankruptcy of the existing interstormy session of the Clarity New York DEC, will the national nationals the resolution concludTHE THIRD INTERNATIONAL caucus on August 16. Charges League membership abide the ed in the following manner: The involving every single Appealite, machinations of the Clarity right appraisal of the past experience AFTER LENIN and many who are not members wing caucus. Expel, cheat, lie as of the working class, the present 50 of the Appeal, were presented that combination may, the League crisis, and the perspective for the against the eleven on August 17, membership will be represented future, lead thus to the concluTHE STALIN SCHOOL with a supplementary list held in Philadelphia in its proper pro sion of the inescapable and imOF FALSIFICATION in abeyance for one week. On portions. And its revolutionary mediate need for the regroup368 pages 50 August 20 the expulsion vote was will will be done.
ment of the revolutionary forces, cast. Hardly a day wagted!
160 pages Cloth 75c Paper 50c Thus, it can no longer be said that Clarity is moving towards LESSONS OF OCTOBER split. More correctly, Clarity, Cloth 750 Paper 50c with its right wing ballast, has split the YPSL. The attempted JAMES expulsion, for it can only be an The National Executive Com La Guardia gang, despite the attempt to expel the League ma mittee, without even asking the wholesale expulsions already unWORLD REVOLUTION 1917 1936 jority, dimaxes series of left wing of California to state dertaken, the Clarity NEC 50 crimes against League democracy its side of the case in reply to coos like a dove. It does not think which would require columns to the wretched falsehoods of Rod for a moment of suspending the VICTOR SERGE detail. Beginning with a vicious gers, has just voted (with the charter of those whom Zam and inner caucus document directed Clarity and Right wing leaders Delson call betrayers of soFROM LENIN TO STALIN against the Appeal, some five or combined, as usual) to grant the cialism. Not at all! The height 116 pages six months ago, Clarity has com Rodgers demand and to suspend of its audacity towards the right mitted repeated acts of bureau the charter of the California statewing is reached by a decision to MAX SHACHTMAN cratic violence against the Ap organization. An NEC sub com send a sub committee to New peal youth group, and conse mittee is being sent to California York to. investigate the siBEHIND THE MOSCOW TRIALS quently against the overwhelm to reorganize the party. It tuation. Why wasn the same 142 pages Cloth 750 Paper 22 ing bulk of the national League goes without saying that the left moderation shown to California, membership. These acts comprise wing in that state will fight where, with the very worst postooth and nail against this brazensible interpretation of what is PAMPHLETS SOCIALIST APPEAL usurpation and split move of the happening there, the situation LEON TROTSKY desperate Clarity leadership, cannot seriously be compared Published Every Week As The which has lost the last shadow of with that prevailing in New In Defense of the Soviet Union 10c Orge of the Socialist Party support among the active mem York? The only answer is that The Suppressed Testament of Lenin 10c New York, Left Wing bership in the party and youth despite all their talk the ClarityBrenches organization.
ite leaders, in every real showJAMES BURNHAM down, crumple up under the hamThe People Front 150 Published at Room 1609, Softness toward Right Wing merings of the right wing. What100 Fifth Avenue, New York.
ever strength and power they FRIEDRICH ADLER In significant contrast to the have, they exercize in effect The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow TELEPHONE: 10 brutal decision against Califor against the left wing.
Algonquin 4950 nia, amounting to a condemna It is in action that everybody WHY DID THEY CONFESS?
Vol. No. tion of the left wing without is tested. Study of the Radek Piatakov Trial 10c pretense of a hearing and showSaturday, August 28, 1937 ing that the Zam Tyler Delson It is in action that the CentrSubscriptions: 00 per year; group is capable of out Altmanist leaders of the Clarity group WAR AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL 100 Theses of the International Communist League 00 for months. Bundle ing Altman, is the decision of orders: cents per cop. Single the NEC with reg to New show themselves be to. Centrcopies: cents.
York situation.
spite the ists, talking against the right PIONEER PUBLISHERS Address all communications flagrant violation of party line wing and acting against the left.
and make out all checks and and constitution by the right 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, Y: money orders to the Socialist wing administration, in spite of The action on California shows Appeal.
the sell out virtually consummat the road the Clarity leaders are SEND FOR BOOKLIST ed by Altaman and Thomas to the traveling.
California. New York 128 pages 440 pages 50c