CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotsky

August 28, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL 11 Gagged by the Party Bureaucracy!
Membership Meeting in a Reply to Maynard Krueger Threats a camto enters an was Dew policy. No campaigns Why? Because money is lacking, in this country. Upon all discussion interferes with activity wingers. do not think that a against the decisions are allow ill be the answer of those re of these problems there are ser to such an extent that it should revolutionary Socialist can accept able and those decisions are to sponsible. But that answer shows ious differences of opinion and be abolished. What activity on such a resolution. Is it conceitake immediate effect. how little the leadership is able. it stands to reason that no mass Spain would there be if there vable that a revolutionary SocialNow the decisions say nothing to evoke sufficient enthusiasm work can be done without first were discussion? Activities ist can keep quiet on the imabout the left wing. From a amongst the membership so that convincing the membership of can result, in the long run, from portant struggles of the working strictly legal viewpoint they money can be raised to publish the correctness of the NEC pol correct policies and not from a class and on decisions cf the apply to Wisconsin, to Altman as necessary papers. But suspect icies on these fundamental ques prohibition of discussion. NEC which violate all concepts well as to the left wing. And that it is not so much the lack tions. What shall we tell the The method chosen by the of democratic procedure? am comrade Krueger went to great of money as it is an indifference masses; around what ideas shall NEC to develop activity shows not advocating wholesale delengths to emphasize that point. to a real discussion on vital prob we mobilize them? Around the its inability grasp the neces fiance of the NEC; am just But in effect the ɔnly ones lem and a fear that in any dis ideas of the NEC, according to sity of convincing the member predicting that the NEC will against whom the decision will cussion the left wing will be most the party leadership. What role ship. Ideologically, repeat, if the have to expel every revolutionary operate will be the left wingers persuasive, should the party play in such a NEC finds a substantial number Socialist from the party. In other First because they are the only If there has been any violation mobilization? That of mere fol. opposed to its policies it must words the NEC will have to deones interested in carrying out of convention decisions it has towers. Such a concept can never either revise them or be prepared stroy the party in order to coma campaign among the members been by the NEC and not by the set the party into activity and to show the majority that its pel a strict observance of its deon questions of policy and second left wing in fact the decisions of the NEC policies are correct and thus cisions.
because the right wing will use will prove that far from mobi isolate the minority if it persists Strictly construed this meeting the decisions as a pretext to ex The Left Wing Has Been lizing the members for active in its opposition too long. There is a violation of the decisions; pel the left wing.
Disciplined work it will paralyze the party is no other way for a party to strictly construed any attempt to Comrade Krueger told you how and no work will result.
function. party develops in initiate a referendum will be a insistent Wisconsin was in its want to emphasize the fact It is because the NEC does struggle. participation in the violation of the decisions. Of attempt to induce the NEC to that is is not a crime to be op not want the revolutionary view. struggle of the workers, struggle necessity we shall institute a refchange or modify the convention posed to a convention resolution point upon the important prob. against opponent parties, strug erendum and carry resolutions on war and trade and to carry on a theoretical dis lems confronting us to prevail gle within its own ranks. He who paign in favor of rejecting the unionism. What does that mean cussion against such a resolution that the gag resolution was pro fears the struggle must step out NEC decisions. Will that be consin actuality? Did Wisconsin carry in a revolutionary party where mulgated. The NEC, to cover up of the revolutionary movement. trued a violation? shall wait on a campaign among the gene democratic procedure necessarily its inability furnish any The sections of the resolution for the NEC to reply. If it will, ral membership of the party with prevails there will always be leadership, simply the purpose of convincing the discussion on all convention rese order that mass work be done dealing with the support of the then it means that the NEC is membership that the convention olutions; what will be demanded without attempting to win the call, the regulation of meetings determined to split the party; resolution was wrong and that of the minority is that it does party members over to its con and of the sale of literature are it can mean nothing else.
a new one was necessary. Need not act contrary to any convenception of mass work, assuming cate the same tendency to settle Appeals Proposais For less to say that is not the method tion decision. defy anyone to that it has any kind of concep problems by command. Take the of Wisconsin. What the Socialists point out one instance where the tion on that subject.
question of the Call. It seems to the Crisis from Milwaukee did to left wing has acted contrary to whisper in Krueger ear that a any convention resolution. In Activity We Yield to ship of the party and the party What do we of the Appeal change is necessary in these res What is in question is not a olutions or else. and the or campaign against convention resNo one organ would not be supported group suggest else meant a threat. And am olutions but against NEC reswould either change the nature order to avoid the catastrophe Wisconsintes not to worry, that lems. Is the NEC resolution on that the revolutionary left wants the organ policy. But that is restoration of party democracy quite sure that Krueger told the olutions on fundamental prob statement made by our opponents membership to the correctness of NEC resolution? We demand the Once more want to label the of the organ or educate the party that is being threatened by the everything would go along Spain a convention decision? Is smoothly.
to make of the party a mere asking a little too much from which means the immediate rethe NEC gag resolution a con debating society as a complete the present leadership. know scinding of the NEC resolution.
The revolutionary left operates vention decision. in quite different manner. If it stretch of the imagination!
it must obtain such obedience by convention decision providing for is dissatisfied with any resolution By what authority has the Nec fact that there are party memor decision it immediately appeals decided that its resolutions and bers active in Indiana Harbor decree. No one questions the right an inner party organ where we Apto the membership; it carries on decisions are to be immune from in the steel strike? And all of of the NEC to ask that meetings can present our viewpoint. The an agitation amongst the ranks criticism by the membership?
them are members of the Appeal be organized for the purpose of delegates representing in order to convince a majority Such a doctrine would mean that ten den hole and take any other members. But it has gone further agree toonthehe suspension that the tendency. Take the Appeal group explaining the policy to the peal viewpoint were induced to point. It is because the left wing fundamental principles of social group in the party and it will and practically ordered that no Appeal on the promise that an be readily ascertained that meetings be held except when it internal party organ would be carries on an agitation in the ism with impunity. Such a doc amongst the Appeal group there calls for them. If any one is ac published. The failure of the NEC open, educating and convincing trine would transform with party is a much larger proportion of quainted to provide for such an organ the Stalinist the membership, that the party into a Stalinist monolithic party activists. Not that am satisfied.
enlightenment campaigns he justifies us in resuming publileadership was so anxious to and that of course would mean recognize our weaknesses but can see trat the NEC has copied cation of the Appeal. We demand muzzle it.
the death of the party as a resay that our group is much another leaf from the book of further that no expulsions of left wingers be tolerated. If the NEC Krueger Creates Straw movement.
volutionary force in the labor stronger from the point of view Stalinist monolithism.
fails to take drastic action to of participation in the class The NEC will be compelled to struggle Men stop Altman from suspending or than any other group.
Towards an Index deal with many new and impor The difference is that we insist expelling left wingers, it will be Here want to mention some tant problems and if the principle on having our activity based on Prohibitorum conclusive proof that the NEC is thing that is of great importance were to be recognized that it can revolutionary theory.
intending to split the party. No The decision on regulating the arguments of a technical nature in showing that the NEC is try decide on all problems regarding to becloud the issue. Krueger less of the opinions of the mem must now carry out the conven intended to prevent the revolu the NEC must come out with a Nor is the contention that we sale of literature is obviously will help the situation. At least spoke about the campaign of bership then the party simply tion decisions any more correct tionary wing of the party from blast against those who are exWisconsin to change convention becomes an instrument to exthan the cry that we must do selling Trotsky books resolutions and decisions. And he ecute the decisions of the NEC mass work and not discuss. One pamphlets. What pattiness! Soon recognize the expulsions because and pelling comrades and refuse to thundered that neither Wisconsin revolutionary Socialist, any nor Cannon, Shachtman and kind of Socialist with an inde does not and cannot carry out we shall have an Index Prohibi in reality the expulsions are for Goldman would be permitted pendent mind, cannot accept peating the words of the resoa convention resolution by re torum.
the purpose of destroying the left What will be the effect of this wing movement.
carry on an agitation for chang such a perverted view of the lution. resolution can be car foolhardy, undemocratic resoluing convention resolutions and nature of the authority of the ried out only by applying its tion? Should it actually be car.
These demands are the minidecisions. It is so easy to create NEC in a socialist party. straw man and then proceed principles to the events of the ried into practice end of the mum for the restoration of peace to demolish him.
The Question of Mass day. resolution indicates a party as a living force can be in the party, for the creation of general policy and direction and be predicted with certainty. The an atmosphere where the left Let me ask comrade Krueger: Work it is up to the leadership to ap communist movement can afford wing feels itself free to work for what convention resolutions or ply that resolution correctly. And to be monoolithic; its reformism If they are not granted then the the revolutionizing of the party.
decisions have we been cam According to the resolution it should something occur which is and its intolerance of opposition onus for the chaotic conditions paigning against? Let him name self it is motivated by a desire not covered by any resolution, weakens it somewhat but the ef bound to ensue will rest upon one. Not that we particularly on the part of the NEC to have should the NEC refrain from fect is not visible. One of the the NEC.
like all of the resolutions and the party turn its face to the taking opposition on it? Of inducements for workers to join decisons passed at the convention masses and to carry out the de course not. It must take the best the must be its democratic Are these demands so unreaand not that we think it is crim cisions of the convention. Let us position it knows how and then procedure; to it must be attrac sonable? Is it unreasonable to inal to carry on an agitation analyze these concepts be ready to defend it before the ted all the independent revolutionask for democracy and freedom of against them. But the fact is that we have not said or done the necessity of doing mass work. convention No one can possibly object to membership. At the time of the ary spirits. It is the freedom of discussion? Is it unreasonable knew that discussion within the party that that the NEC be asked to live anything about any of the con The party leadership connects events in Barcelona would take makes a revolutionizing of the up to the decision of the con vention decisions resolutions. that necessity with and makes such a sharp urn. The NEC was party possible. Destroy that and vention providing for an inner On the contrary, we claim, and that work dependent upon a ces nevertheless obligated to formu you have simply vest pocket party organ? Is it unreasonable think with some justification, that sation of inner party discussion, late a correct attitude on those edition of the Communist Party. Ito ask for a stop to expulsions. the NEC has violated the con or better, of any campaign events and the membership is As such there is no place for it to ask these questions is to anyvention resolution on the People against Nec decisions. At the justified in criticizing the incor because it can have no historic wer them. All. comrades of whatFront. Certainly the NEC has present moment there are three rect attitude of the NEC. function.
ever viewpoint should endorse flagrantly violated the conven fundamental problems around But would we not be constantly do not think that the resolu build the party into a revolutionthese reasonable demands. To tion decision on the publication which the party should conduct arguing and thus prevent the tion of the NEC can be realized ary instrument it is necessary to of an inner party organ. a campaign both amongst its doing of any work? Even grant in practice. It is contrary to the have freedom to propagate the Did not the convention decide members and its sympathizers as ing that there would be consi constitution, the resolution and ideas of revolutionary Marxism.
that an inner party organ be well as amongst the workers in derable discussion even the traditions of the party. Here And these ideas and the right to published where all groups would general. They are: the Spanish granting that such discussion and there expulsions will result, find space for its articles. More struggle, the slaughter of the would interfere with activity, especially in New York where present them, the comrades of than three months passed and revolutionary forces in Russia still there is no way to escape it. Altman will use the resolut in the Appeal group will never surpot a trace of such an organ, and the great battles of the But it is absurd to contend that as a pretext to get rid of left render.
no one and