BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinChekaDewey CommissionFranceKamenevLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyVictor SergeZinoviev

August 28, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL The End of Henry Yagoda Stalin Imprisons the Head of the Because He knew the Inside Story By Victor Serge all an was Yipsels Remain True to Revolutionary Tradition What Norman Thomas Saw in Barcelona The vast police coup etat be signed by Kalinin, announced the he had become, in his turn, ansome article. The great chief of gan by Stalin last July in order accusation of Henry Grigorieintolerably disturbing witness the concentration camps and of to liquidate Bolshevism and to vitch Yagoda: Malfeasance in He accused. Everything can those silent executioners stabilize his personal regime office, crimes committed in the Chief Commissar of the Criminal be blamed on him: he committed the dungeons of the continues, and each day brings course of the fulfilment of his Police, People Commissar for by order all the crimes that conquered at a stroke the heart its new surprise. It will soon be functions. What functions? the Interior, member of the Cen are required, and he could com of the author of Jean Christoclear that the importance of this Yagoda is an old Bolshevik from tral Committee of the Party, mit no worse or more unpardon phe.
period of eighteen months is not before October, member of the commander of the special troops able crime than to defend him Is this not the occasion for inferior to that of a Thermidor Cheka; in 1928 he sympathized of the he was in truth self for this could only be done Rolland to write a new article combined with Eighteenth with the Right Opposition (Buk the most dreaded man in the by accusing others. He is irre on Yagoda to try to save even Brumaire. The arrest of Yago harin, Rykov. but not for long. the one whose conscience trievably lost.
this life for is it not enough da is the sensation of the last carried yorder. the heaviblood and too much cynicism on few days. It even casts into the. As head of the for est burdens: Chief of Police to picture him to myself in one the part of the Master to attempt shade the arrest, which has firm many years he organized the re the genial Leader. In this ca of those cells in the Moscow pri thus in broad daylight to suply been confirmed, of Christian pression against the technicians, pacity he presided over the se son of the which he him press his servitors. Rakowsky, and the rumors that against every opposition, in every cret examinations (what horrible self had built, reading again the Leon Sosnovsky, like General sphere. Thousands of death war concoctions. for the Zinoviev regulation which he signed, Already last September Putna, has been shot in prison rants received his signature. He trial and over the execution of awaiting an examination, a judg wrote: The whole generation of without trial. Sosnovsky, the ruled the vastest concentration the sentences against the Six ment, an execution, the rites of October is condemned. Finished.
brilliant Bolshevik journalist, camps in the world a position teen. Immediately after the Zi which he knows by heart un Lost. Every one strangled in a greatly appreciated by which gained him decoration noviev Kamenev. Smirnov trial derstanding at last what he has trap. The few last survivors of Lenin that he made him his for the construction of the White his disgrace became known. done, what he has become, what the old Bolshevik cadres the mouthpiece at the first pan Rus Sea Baltic Canal, by convict lathose like him have made of the Litvinovs, Krestinskys, Bubnovs, sian Executive of the Soviets. bour. scape goat was required to Revolution!
Antonov Ovseenkos are also But nothing definite is known shoulder the responsibility of condemned, in the same way or about this, and perhaps nothing He watched over Stalin, whom of this badly managed judicial And think also of Romain by others means. Their existence ever will be known.
he was seen to follow step by comedy. Above all was it neces Rolland, who met him at Moscow has become incompatible with Government communique, step on ceremonial occasions. sary to suppress Yagoda because and devoted to him such a hand that of the regime.
Expulsions Begin in New York In New York the ClarityRight wing bloc in control of the YPSL has recently been conducting as real a split campaign as has Altman in the party. When By Hal Draper er of Clarity pretend that they four Yipsel applicants for the On May 7 the workers, the Commissioner of Propaganda are the mass workers while we party were rejected as Trotsky raised barricades in Barcelona to of the Generality of Catalonia. The Yipsels show in advance are. sectarians!
ites (two of them with the con defend themselves against the Jaume Miravitlles, visited the rewhat the party will be like a offensive fugees now accommodated in the year from now that is what NEC (elected two years ago Clarityites illegally dropped them The agreement to end the con well as the school for refugee Clarity however controls the sent of two Clarityites on the counter revolutionary party Executive. the YPSL of the bourgeois Stalinist bloc. great Stadium of Montjuich, as the left wing Yipsels used to and the national machinery; and from the League also, because flict proved to be a complete vic children installed in the former boast during the last few years, like the capitalist class, they are Altman demands it. All posts tory for the counter revolution. monastery of Pedralbes, on both when each advance of the party determined that the Left shall are being denied Appealites. Un. During the next weeks, armed of which Mr. Thomas commented to the left prepared by a similar movement are resorting to every shady precedently flimsy charges have police by the thousands were with admiration. Later he spoke among the youth. In the fight trick to keep a formal majority been brought against Appealite sent into Catalonia to disarm and on the radio a few words of enagainst the first Old Guard, the at the coming National Conven The latest move was the expul Madrid regime treated Catalonia Spanish Government, and afterthe workingclass; the couragement to the forces of the YPSL was won soonest, and be tion in September.
came a powerful lever in swingsion of Comrade Bergner, who like a conquered province.
wards viewed by moonlight the ing the party.
recently broke with Clarity on In the midst of the repressions, beautiful Generality Palace and Today too the national YPSL Shady Clarity Devices uncovering the letter referred to on May 23, Norman Thomas ar its fourteenth century Courtyard belongs to the left wing. And above and preferred charges rived in Barcelona. Did he talk of the Oranges.
this is one of the reasons why the (1) The NEC shifted the place against Barshop. The charges to any of the workers who had The following day Mr. Thomas Right wing entered upon its pre of the convention from the mid against Barshop were not taken defended themselves on the bar was officially received, at the sent desperate campaign to split West (Ohio or Chicago) to Phila up, but instead Bergner was il ricades? Did he talk to the CN Palace, by President Louis Comand liquidate the party before delphia, which is a Clarity city legally expelled with no quorum POUM leaders?
Did he talk panys, who made him welcome the left wing gains a majority. and all the way East, thus mak present!
to anybody except the bourgeois with a speech expressing the It is also one of the surest indi ing it more difficult to send de These crooked dealings and Stalinist government leaders in thanks of the Government for cations that the Appeal group is legates from the Appeal centers provocative attacks on the left Barcelona? He did not! the help given to the cause of the heir and continuator of the in the West.
wing have so resulted only Yet he had the gall to come the Spanish people by the people best left wing traditions of the (2) The basis of representain the resignation of a group of back and condemn the workers of the United States. Mrs. Thommovement.
tion is nothing short of weird: members from the YPSL Clarity for insurrecting. The profound as was presented with a bouone delegate for members, two caucus in New York, investigations on which Thomas quet tied with a ribbon in the. Majority with Appeal for 8, three for 23. The exact What stands out above all is: based his conclusions may be colours of Catalonia ancient effect of this is uncertain at pre if the three way split which Cla surmised from reading the fol flag, whose legend was explained An overwhelming majority of sent.
rity so desires takes place, there lowing account of his two day to her.
the YPSL supports the left wing In the afternoon of the same Appeal group. Here is a quick due (3) The books were closed for will be no youth organization visit, officially issued on May survey of the national situation dues payments counting towards left, but ours. Clarity (and, it 26th by the Commisariat of Pro day Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, at the on goes without saying, Altman) paganda of the Generalidad. We invitation of President Compavisited the picturesque members, we have at least 800. May 30, when the convention call will not be able to salvage enough print this document as one denys, And as usual, the percentage is was issued by the NEC, without from their wreckage to maintain serving to be preserved for pos mountain of Montserrat, where they were shown through the much more on the basis of active any previous drive for paying pretense of an organization. terity: up. All that was done was enormous buildings of the former The YPSL will continue its trainGENERALITAT DE membership only.
CATALUNYA monastery, and later joined in (2) Almost all leading cities which goes only to leading comsert a notice in YPSL Affairs, ditional custom of going with the left.
Presidencia drinking a toast to Catalonia and and states are ours: California, rades. At the same time, circles Comissariat de Propaganda to the other democratic governwith about 200 members, among were allowed to purchase stamps New Wave of Terror Avinguda 14 Abril, 442 bis ments of the world.
whom the non Appealites can be on credit up to May 30, Barcelona: Telefon 82215 Early on Tuesday morning the even counted on two hands; Ohio; though they paid at any later against German COMUNICAT DE PREMSA distinguished visitors left by car Massachusetts; Chicago; upstate time. The result is that many English Edition Number 206 for Valencia, where they will be New York; eastern Pennsylvania; places will not be fully representTrotskyism Barcelona, May 26 received by the President of Newark. In New York City, Ap led because they were not given Spain and members of the Govpeal is the largest group, larger a chance to make a drive; and Distinguished Visitors ernment, and shown the work than Clarity, but not majority, the Clarity National Office can good illustration for the StaThe President of the Socialist which is being done in the temhaving received 41 per cent of the use the credit provisions to jack linist statements about the Party of the United States, Mr. porary capital of the Spanish Vote in the city election held last up the representation of Clarity traitors and gestapo agents of Norman Thomas, who has been Republic.
May in Philadelphia, steady circles by bookkeeping transac the 4th International are the several times a candidate for the are tions.
recent trials before the so called Presidency of his country, has Half Rate on Trial (3) Virtually only Appeal cities on. 4) That Clarity is using such just spent two very busy days in People Courts.
Book And states have registered crooked measures to steal the The people court in Hamburg Barcelona, accompanied by Mrs.
growth in numbers, in activity convention special edition, for workers has and mass influence. California through a private letter which lows: been proved sentenced our comrades as fol Thomas, who goes with him on all his travels.
at half the regular price, of the has grown in the last year, un came to light in New York, from Mr. Thomas, who has been Case of Leon Trotsky. verbatim Hans Breuer, years visiting various European coun report of the hearings held from der Appeal leadership, from two Irving Barshop, New York Ex labor; Herbert years hard tries, had expected to devote April 10 to 17 in Mexico City by siacles to ten or more, with in ecutive Secretary, to Al Hamil labor; Hans Tapet, 1. year more time to Spain, a country the Dewey Commission of Inspiring work especially among ton. It shows, first, utilization of hard labor; Walter 1 year which he had not previously quiry, has just been announced the agricultural workers. Chica Altman split campaign in New prison; Frieda Helbe, years visited, but the red tape which by the American Committee for go membership has actually York to get rid of Appealttes in prison.
doubled under Appeal control. strategic circles where their vote had to be untangled before he Defense of Leon Trotsky.
In a few days several other was permitted to leave France by Only 2, 000 copies are available Meanwhile the Clarity centers and influence would count; and comrades will face the People the southern border delayed and at half price. They will be sold stew: Pittsburgh, the only im second, direct falsification of Court of Berlin and Magdeburg. in consequence considerably short only on advance order, with payportant clarity city outside of League records to increase Cla We have just received the in ened his journey.
ment. Orders should be sent imHow York md Philadelphia, is rity representation. One can as formation that one of our leading good example of this.
On Sunday, May 23rd, the first mediately to the American Comsume that this practise was not comrades in Berlin was sentenced day of their visit to Spain, Mr. mittee, Room 1435, 22 East 17 And the little tin soldier lead limited to New York.
to years of hard labor. and Mrs. Thomas. escorted by Street, New York City.