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8 SOCIALIST APPEAL August 28, 1937 Party Branches Protest Mass Expulsions to the won the posterepublicante con Black Book of the YPSL Leaders The Politics of Gus Tyler Rochester and turn Socialist Party over munist Fusion Party. We believe Twin Cities the majority statement of the Space does not allow for a predominantly left wing City Central Committee to show complete enumeration and national secretary of the League, Hit Ouster of the comprise fully 50 per cent of th: ordered a new, mail election with a definite trend toward the policy bureaucratic crimes against so League membership. fantastic out consulting the circle or rebeing followed by the Commun cialist democracy and the League ratio for the election of delegates gional organizers, and against Rochester Protests ist Party. This action is a viola membership committed by the was likewise decided upon for the protest of the Regional Comtion of the constitution (Art. 10, Clarityites in the Young People 5 members, for 8, for 23; omittee. Some of the summer ad325 Meigs St. Sec. 9) Labor Party Policy as Socalist League. We enumerate that a circle with 30 members dresses of circle members are August 10, 1937. adopted by the Chicago Conven only a few of the more outrage would get only one more delegate unknown.
Roy Burt, Sec y, National ous bureaucratic deeds. than a circle with members.
We deplore the fact that the 5) The Rochester circle with 1) The YPSL NEC met in How this works has already been an active and paid up meinberJames Lipsig. Sec y, State N: has failed to comply Philadelphia during the Memorial commented on in the columns of ship sufficient to entitle it two Exec. Committee.
with the action of the Conven Day week end May 29 to 31. the Appeal, tion re: an inner party organ: Without heaving adequately warndelegates was told by the NEC Dear Comrades: 3) In Cleveland, the Appeal that it was not entitled The Chicago Convention ratified deLocal Rochester, in Special a mutual agreement whereby all the League circles in advance by recently won a majority of the legates: Why? The delegates Meeting called for the purpose factions agreed to cease publica special communication, the NEC League membership. Two of the (who will be elected) will b) left of considering the inner Party tion of factional organs with the closed the dues books, which three chartered circles had Ap wingers.
crisis adopts the following state understanding that the based, as of the day on which to out of the delegates. Th: circle representations was to be peal majorities, and were entitled Coast Delegation Cut ment to be sent to the would publish an inner party or the NEC was meeting. The two Clarity County Exec. transferred and gan for full discussion by all fac Appeal members of the NEC people into one of the Appeal 6) California with an active There exists a grave crisis in tions; five months have elapsed; pleaded with the committee to circles, one of whom had already and growing membership of 200 sion of the report of our Con paper. While left wing members open the books for one month, voted in another city (Columbus. has been informed that it may 130 vention Delegate and examina are being expelled or suspended in order that the League might and attempted to disqualify com only elect delegates for Frank Stern Comrade members. Not being a Clarity tion of the minutes of the Chic for this reason, Comrade Thomas vention; they argued that the Stern was able to find his mem state, it did not have acce 73 te cago Convention, the Constitu is permitted to place the Alt convention would certainly ap bership book in time to expose the National Office books and tien, Resolutions and Policies man faction side in the CALL prove this extension as necessary the attempt, and to exact an dues stamps. By now, it is post adopted by that convention, after and this same faction is permit for democratic and spirited con apology. The circle, throughly sible that California which has cansideration of statements is ted to present its view or argu vention. It goes without saying sick of the Clarity maneuvers, registered more successes than sued by the various factions ments in official State and City that the Clarityites in control of become more solidly Appeal. In any single section of the League within the Party, after consider papers, omitting the side of the National Office provided the second Appeal circle there in the last year will have been was a similar attempt to disqua suspended by the NEC.
tions of the the Report of Jack Altman. City lify two comrades.
7) Chicago, with a membership and the City Cen Central Committee Minutes, July Fix Arbitrary Ratios 4) In the Ithaca, New York of 190, has been told it may only, tral and Campaign Committees, 6th. Cornell University) circle re send delegates for 120 men bers.
we have come to the following Excerpts are lifted from writ2) This same session of the gular election had been held Here, as in St. Paul, and other conclusions.
ings of defendants (in true Cap NEC moved the convention east prior to the end of the school cities, our comrades did not have That the Chicago Convention both italist fashion) thereby distort from the mid west, knowing full term. Two Appealites were elect the credit facilities of the in spirit and action was predo ing the whole intent of the orig well that this would impose an ed. Because a single Clarityite Clarity circles in the purchase of minantly for a Revolutionary So inal text. SEC minutes July 23, extra burden on the mid west inactive for a year, had not at dues stamps.
cialist Party. Was determined to CCC minutes July 6) We protest and far west circles which are tended the meeting, Al Hamilton, 8) Philadelphis was until re be done with class collaboration this procedure ás being undemocently wholly Clarityite. Our arid Popular Frontism. The Con cratic and disgraceful.
comrades have however made vention over all Red herState Bulletin No. 4, carried a gains. The Philadelphia City ring cries of Trotskyism and statement that Comrade Bennem, Exec. has therefore transfered an insinuations of expulsions. of Local Rochester, was circulatinto the Temple University circle They who raised these cries were ing throughout the state, a letter (Continued from page 7) But how long can we tolerate one of their henchmen who has discredited by the Convention. which was inaccurate and unfair.
this especially when the pers never attended the school, but It appears to us that the great After thorough consideration of however, Tyler: the very left pective of the Trotskyists toward who may in the future do est single cause of the inner this letter and statements con wing of the left wing of the Cla: making a party of their own be The transfer changes the balance perty conflicts today is due to tained therein, and inasmuch as rity group, remains true to type comes ever clearer.
in the circle.
the fact that those officers on the has failed to comply in the crisis. He is now the purAll that Altman has done is to 9) Into a Newark circle, Irving whom the responsibility was with the desires of the Conven veyor of arms and ammunition to placed for the carrying out of tion in establishing inner par Altman. In his caucus letter give a prompt and vigorous reply Barshop, executive secretary at the actions of the Convention ty organ, and inasmuch as com he wrote a few weeks ago, in to the question in Tyler last the New York League, transfer have themselves failed to com rade Bennem distinctly stated in contrast to his March article: sentence by saying We can to ed, without consulting any memthe New York Action ply with the spirit and action of his letter. As see it. we be The latest trick of the Trotsky lerate it no longer. and to make bers Clarityite wh) to that convention. Political ex lieve Comrade Bennem was act ists an attempt in my mind on use of Tyler first sentence in Committee, perience has shown that a policy ing within his rights as a mem the part of a top group to whip order to justify the expulsions. this date still lives in New York.
of vacillation and collaboration ber in this matter, and we resent the rank and file into line is What better function could Tyler This may change the balance in with extreme right wing tenden the circulation of this statement to proceed recklessly to violate perform for Altman than to that particular circle.
10) The now famous and scand cies leads to harmful and futile which reflects upon the name of elementary discipline and then make it possible for him to say: reformism, which in turn leads the Organizer of Local Roches when brought on charges to Even Tyler, who is practically alous Barshop letter to Al Hamil to splits and ruin.
ter. We respectfully request that cry: persecution! The existence a Trotskyist, charges them with ton, suggesting the manipulation After the heroic campaign of the above statement be carried of a real campaign of petty and reckless violations of discipline of dues records, and advising 1936, the policy of Local y. in the next State Bulletin.
reinstating the four major persecution preceding this. Tyler has asked me, Altman, how against is shameful capitulation to the We submit this statement for of course, gives the semblance much longer will tolerate this, Yipsels. Barshop has committed answer is not for more breaches of democracy than forces of reformism and Stalin your consideration. of truth to the new outery. another minute. And if this is this one flagrant act. He has ism. If we analyze the Euro Approved the assistance BENNEM given the right constantly arrogated to himselt pean situation as well as the Local Secretary cialist Party wing by the most left of the an authority which he never pose local situation, especially that of The Socialist Party members Clarity leaders, it is not hard to sessed; e. he set voting days, the we are forced to believe that we have been either Twin Cities Protest here assembled call upon the realize the role played by the without consulting the Committee National Executive Committee to other liberals who make no claim and then after his motion was overwhelmed by the New Deal defeated in committee by a tio landslide, or duped by the Stalput an immediate stop to all ex to being so radical.
669 2nd Ave.
Aug. 17, 1937 pulsions; to restore to all expelinist anti revolutionists. We beThe pernicious part played in vote. We wished to delay the lieve the Stalinists must be National Executive Committee, led Party members their full the party crisis by the rotten voting until a maximum of dis fought on every front and ex Socialist Party of the Party rights; to provide for and liberalism of the Clarity leader cussion might be arranged. LA posed at every turn.
549 Randolph Street, insure full democratic expression ship at once cover and prop of the whole pre convention discusWe renew our protest of the Chicago, Ill.
on the issues facing the Party. the right wing is sometimes ob sion period, there has been exIn view of the crisis in the Par scured for some observers by the actly one city wide discussion actions of the at both the Dear Comrades: Philadelphia and City ty, in view of the deliberate dis indubitable fact that the centrists meeting in New York and that We, the membership of the So tortion of National Convention and right wingers are often at a fizzle.
cialist Party of the Twin Cities mandates by the present Na odds on many questions. They It needs to be added, that the We renew our protest against Metropolitan Area, assembled in tional Executive Committee, as polemize against each other often Appeal members, of the DEC, all the Gag resolution of the Spe meeting Sunday, Aug. 15, 1937, typified by its failure to issue enough, and sometimes raise their of whom were elected b; the our demand for a party referen the illegal expulsions of 52 left letin, or to abide by the Conven social intercourse. This is quite the last election, were allowed but dum on it.
wing Socialists in New York City tion Resolution on the Peoples true. And even though, in concrete one district office, and that This resolution is fantastic and by the Altman Thomas Valenti Front, we call upon the present practice, their differences, as in holdover from the previous comme dictatorial and opened the doors bloc.
National Executive Committee to dicated above, do not prove to be mittee.
for mass expulsions of left wing We judge this to be a move on shining example of ers who do not agree with the the part of the liquidators in the special emergency National Con at all out of the question that, leadership!
issue call within 30 days for a of a fundamental nature, it is not equal participation in League present leadership.
Socialist Party to split the Party vention, with one of the items on given the present relationship of We renew our protest against and deliver the remnants to La the agenda of this Convention, forces in the party, the right wing vote of the Clarity right wing 11) Rescinding by a machine the expulsion drive as a direct Guardia and the American Labor to be the election of a new Na and the centrists will present the majority on the DEC of a reviolation of the will of the con Party.
tional Executive Committee. party vention and demand the reinsta We Socialists of the Twin Ciwith a second split this ferendum on the four dropped Copies of this resolution are to time between themselves. We Yipsels demanded by one third tement of all members expelled ties Metropolitan Area cannot be sent to the National Executive leave to another article an exami of the committee, according to the and suspended.
conscientiously recognize these Committee and the Socialist Ap nation of the reasons for this im provisions of the Constitution We renew our protest against expulsions. We not only refuse peal.
pending split in the bloc of the This perfectly outrageous the vacillating policy on the to recognize the expulsions, act Unanimously adopted.
Spanish resolution.
right wing and the center and a pretty nearly tops anything the we pledge our full support to Fraternally yours, We demand a special conven expelled comrades, and further consideration of the fatal, truly Clarityites have done in the bue HEDLUND, tion of the Party.
sectarian perspective which the reaucratic line. pledge to collaborate with them referendum Chairman of meeting Clarity leadership is now opening would have demonstrated whó We reiterate our opposition to in their struggle against KARL KUHEN, up to the followers of its political had the support of the League the attempts of Local New York right wing liquidators in the Secretary of meeting line. membership, and who had not.