AnarchismBolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyGPUImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

August 21, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL A Reply to a Stalinist Calumniator is than As Mike goes on, his twaddle Stalinists Applaud Split Campaign to Browder Underworld king engage drug lacked in coherence, they surely By James Casey to invent bedtime stories. That he wait more than three hundred addicts, stool pigeons, dim witted more than made up in name call preparation of the election cam is why Mike recounts supposed and sixty five days before coming thugs and other unfortunate ing and just piain puerile piffle.
conversations that he and Casey out with this confession? Does products of the capitalist system The cuss words were lusty and After a bold start, Mike at had about the latter wife not not Gold realize that by his own for their foul jobs. When one of plentiful and what more could tack slowly simmers down into being satisfied with Daily Worker statement he placed himself in put a rival, he gives the sign to desire as a substitute for political whine. Casey was paid more earnings. For more than a year, the position of being branded a two or three of his human de argument?
relicts and the morning papers Daily Worker, including Clarence Casey complaints. And now, and an enemy of the people. carry a story of so and so having success. Mike was The confession was a howling Hathaway, bemoans Mike, and nore than twelve months later, But Mike can quickly dispel his been taken for a ride.
reinstated. asks: Why did he kick? Mike suddenly ups and squeals fears. Casey will save him. The And now he is back at his coSuch crimes fill us with a sense lumn, as happy as it possible this juncture, why doesn he and full well that Helen Casey was verted mind. They are part and It is relevant to ask Mike, at on Casey.
conversations Mike writes about of disgust and glass conscious for one in his plight to be.
Mike and his masters know took place only in his own perwerkers, while condemning the instigators and perpetrators, in show up James Casey and try lies?
His latest assignment was to and decide to stick by the same an active worker in the Com parcel of the necessary trimmings munist Party and the general he had to fabricate to carry out veigh basically against society that breeds this sort of Stalinist chiefs are sly and to the capitalist press to declare ganization the to make a good job of it. These Last Summer, Browder ushed fraction secretary of a mass or a dirty job for callous, unscruin a Bronx section. pulous masters, who make lying violence.
scheming gentlemen. They are that Casey was just a minor Helen Casey was one of the a cardinal principle of their daily However, there rampant conscious that the election cam editorial employee. And now largest contributors to the Party operations.
today a form of crime more paign is about to get under way along comes Mike with the state fund for many years, and before bestial His masters used Yagoda, the the underworld and that the chances murders are one ment that Casey wasn satisfied, she was expelled for her opposi chief of the OGPU, for the same more abhorrent to the normal get busier cand te human species thousand to one that Casey will even though he was receiving tion to People Frontism, she kind of dirty work. Now Yagoda intellect than the gangsters of full of holes the class betrayal the staff. Now isn Mike just a to bring her blasting more money than anyone else on challenged the Party leadership is rotting in some dank prison case before the cell or perhaps he has already the racketeer realm.
policies of the People Front little bit afraid that some com membership. Naturally, this was been shot in the back in the rear Stalinists and Apologists bamboozlers. Hence, the Communist Party rank and file never done.
of some toilet. The Stalinist munist Party members must be members might be curious to By manufacturing the drivel chiefs will not always send Mike We refer, of course, to the Sta stirred into a frenzy against know why upright, disciplined about Helen Casey and alleged to New Mexico for his blunders.
linist executioners and their Casey. They must be worked up Bolsheviks should discriminate conversations, Mike shows him Mike should chuck up the whole noisy professional apologists. to such a pitch that the very and pay a minor editorial em self open to a serious charge. filthy game before it toolate. If Here we have a situation wherein sound of his name will make ployee more than anyone else As the hardened, honest and he waits until his masters are men are cruelly maligned, tortur: them want to tear their hair, the staff including the so called disciplined Bolshevik that he through using him he may find, ed physically and, finally, shot kill somebody or commit suicide editor in chief, even though the boasts he is, why did nt Mike redown in cold blood for the un Hence the Gold effusion in the latter did spend nine months of port Casey deviations to his to his grief, that they have forgivable sin of upholding re August issue of the Daily the year in Minneapolis bar masters, when Casey was still chosen for him a most unhappy volutionary working class prin Worker.
with the Daily Worker? Why did end.
ciples against the perversions of Stalinist People Frontism.
Mike starts out by saying that a certain professor has quit the Gold and Browder at Odds Bent on wiping out the work Communist Party. He adds that ing clasa opposition, Stalinist the said professor had gone to leaders here and abroad have Harper or Seribner or some with that of his boss Browder.
grows more and more at variance marshalled bands of literary (other high brow magazine (Continued from page 1) We offer our hand of comweaklings to act as shock troop write told the membership the revolutionary road and trans radeship to the Socialist Party ers. In America, the business of misled. This professor, Gold Hearst. So had the Daily Worker. People Front class collabora The hand of comradeship of about how he had been thas Casey had gone over to form in into an instrument for concludes the Stalinist editorial.
this pathetic crew is to concoct adds, had shunned contact with Taking Browder at his word, tion, of social patriotic support the CP bureaucracy drips with most brazen, most contemptible you expect, exclaims Mike, of But what can many communist Party members of democratic imperialist wars, the blood of the revolutionary and most cowardly variety. That men who get into the party for had been buying the New York and of servile bootlicking of the martyrs of the Soviet Union. It is the hand that has just pumped these lies and slanders may be six months and leave? There Journal for months in anticipa trade union bureaucracy.
is to these Stalinist upon, Mike launches on his tirade articles.
one of Casey The applause given by the the body of Adres Nin full of They operate on that golden the cases of the professor and go back to the New York Times for what it plainly is: a capitu up a lynch campaign against Now Mike tearfully Daily Worker to the Altman machine gun bullets. It is the chiefs entirely beside the points against Casey. implying that whimpers: It Casey wanted to Thomas drive marks the latter hand that is even now whipping Hearstian theory that the truth Casey are identical travels at a snail pace and that and higher wages, why didn he lation to the Stalinist campaign Largo Caballero and other left many, perchance, will go to the At once poor Mike illustrates do so quietly instead of raising a by tearing the revolutionary wing socialists, against the anargrave without ever knowing it.
to what low depths a man must fuss.
heart out of the Socialist Party. cho syndicalists, and all other reAccordingly, the prostitute descend in order to do the biddDesperately trying to avoid the right wing combination in volutionists in Spain. It is the seribblers rant and boil and ing of the Stalinist masters. Mike the real issue, Mike seeks to give the SP is serving as a club in hand that squeezed the right snort. Their excretions appear in knows as well as do his Stalinist his readers the impression that the hands of the Stalinists for wing for more than a year to bosses the Daily Wirker, the Pravda that Casey had never Casey has gone back to the New the complete devitalization and start the expulsion drive against and other Stalinist publications. written a line about the Stalin York Times and that his oppo destruction of the revolutionary the Left wing in the American And one quick reading of their ists in any of the capitalist ma sition to People Frontism was socialist movement.
Socialist Party, hodge podge shows that these gazines or newspapers. More just a pretext.
villfers, like all liars, become over, Mike and his masters know Needless to say, Mike lies as haplessly enmeshed in their own that Casey is not a newecomer flagrantly when he implies Casey ROLL OF HONOR lies, indicting both themselves in the revolutionary working had returned to the Times as did class movement. Casey and their masters.
was a his boss, Browder, when he said Here is the first list of revolutionary socialists expelled Perhaps the most overworked member of the Stalinist Party Casey had gone to Hearst. And by the rump meeting of the La Guardia Socialists in New York: of these forlorn figures is that when Gold was still trying to needless to say, also, that if CaDaily Worker columnist, Michael learn the definition of anarchism. sey had cared to amass money, Max Shachtman. Martin Abern. James Burnham. Joseph Poor Gold.
Carter. William Farrell, San Gordon. Emanuel Garrett. Ben Mike!
And Casey was a member of the he would not have gone to the Whenever there is some especially dirty Socialist Party in the war days Daily Worker in the first place.
Herman. Morris Lewit. Alex Retzkin. Maurice Spector. Herwork to be done, Mike is singled when Gold was memorizing lines It is toward the end of his bert Capelis. Dan Fellows. Clara Ross. Sidney Moroff. Isadore out for the job. He has railed from Keats and Shelly and pan fulmination that Mike gives him Greenberg. Esther Lieberman. Rubin Gotesky. Sam Greenberg.
against James Farrell. He has, handling nickels around the Rand self away. Why did Casey have Sam Gordon. Felix Morrow. Attilio Salemi. Ernest Ettlinger.
on instructions, fumed to write a pamphlet, asks Gold, Irving Shackley. Frank Visconti. Joe Ellis. Ben Lieberman.
Scott Nearing. Under orders Who is the Newcomer. charging the Communist Party Ernest McKinney Sterling Martin Glee. Gertrude from his chiefs, he has scanned with being reacionary and be Brooks. Lyman Paine. Christian Neilson. Mildred Scharfberg.
Webster Unabridged Dictionary It is Gold, not Casey, who is traying the working class.
Bernard Morgenstern George Novack. Demby. Cuthfor the vilest epithets to hurl the newcomer in the working Therein lies one of the answers bert Daniel. Joseph Gott. Betty Smith Fay Hollenbeck. Dan at Sidney Hook, James Cannon class movement. Sc much for to Mike assignment.
and a long list of other writers. that.
Casey wrote a pamphlet showEastman. Sam Roth. Abe Roth. Louis Fein. Victor Fox. Sol Antman. Morris Heller. Allen Dash Lou Gordon Martha economists and political leaders, Mike claims that ing how the Stalinists, with the just because they refuse to con peeved because he was not apCasey got People Front line, have lost Burns. John Wright.
cede that to build Socialism. you preciated on the Daily Worker. every right to call themselves a The following comprise the list of the comrades still on have to kill off two thirds or Now, just what kind of munbo revolutionary warking class party.
charges and scheduled for immediate expulsion on the same three quarters of a nation po jumbo is that, Mike? Has Mike The lies about the new demo grounds. pulation.
Gold so soon forgotten how Mike cracy within the Party, growth Gold Gold in Exile got up. at a Stayvesant in organization and the scheurs Hal Draper. Neil Harrison Ephraim Friend. Arther KuCasino banquet and paid tribute delphia and Republicans in New to support Democrats in Philajawsky. Abraham Biensteck. Harry Low. Irving Smilier. Hilda And when poor Mike got kick to our great managing editor York, all are brought into the Agloff. Irving Lefb Philip Shulman. Meldon Joerger. Sam ed out editorship of the Now of our great revolutionary newsGilbert. Sidney Feffer. Julie Dorsey. Max Lane. Bertha Gruner.
Masses because he got the sig paper. And has Mike Gold so light of day. And Casey niso nals mixed up and wrote several soon forgotten how his own asked why the Stalinist leaders, Abraham Miller. Herman Stern, George Zola. Sam Fisher. while calling followers Raymond Rosenthal. Mary Greenfield Morris weeks before the official com masters from Earl Browder and were them Kline. Harold Isaacs. Moliy Davis. Milton Davis. Edith mand was given that it was the Clarence Hathaway down to Ike to boycott Hearst, Konikow Oscar Trenr. Arthur Burch Kathleen Burch. Philip duty of all workers to support Amter and Charlie Krumbein selves quietly carrying on busiBrinkman. David Atkins. Jacob Borut. Fred Jacobs. Ed.
Roosevelt. he was sent to New praised Casey from the public ness transactions with the Fascist Mexico on a probationary vaca platform on numerous occasions publisher.
Beecher. William Sherman Ada Mecelle. Stanley Loren. Samuel tion for his political health. because, they admitted, he turned Chertoff. Morris Spector. Phil Markson. David Miller. Robert nine in Xew an unreadable organizational Eloquent Silence Paul. Abe Marcus Martha Burns. Sara Avrin. Sam Eidensohn.
Mexico, Gold was allowed to re bulletin into the semblance of a Not a single world of this does Leon Falk. Ben Eidensohn, Daisy Manrat. David Knebel. Paul turn and, as a sort of confession regular newspaper. Casey did get Mike mention. Under the iron Schleifer. Harold Robbins Sol Lankin. Helene Garden Sol he was obliged to write a series damned sor while on the Daily rule of Stalinism, Mike dare not Broden. Moe Kirschenbaum. Louis Halaine. David Geschwind.
of Stalinist tracts against Leon Worker but that was when try to meet or discuss political Joseph Carwell. Frances Rosen. Morton Gates. William Kitt.
Casey was asked to put into the issues. That is not the Stalinist Milton Winston. Frieda Weber. Leopold Cyens. Ben Davidson.
True, the articles didn make paper editorials giving left way. The Stalinist way is to lie, Edna Margolin. Philip Slaner.
much senge but, then, what they handed support to Roosevelt in to distort, tc misrepresent and. against School, Max the Fred Nessin