BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismHitlerImperialismMarxismNational LiberationSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorking Class

6 SOCIALIST APPEAL August 21, 1937 Japanese Invade China Socialist Call Comes Out For Sanctions of more a costs Continued from page 1) Kai shek, capitulated virtually rialist exploitation. It remembers The fruits of the right wing taged effective independent 000, 000 yen, or approximately without struggle to the successive too vividly how the peasants in 250, 000, 000 To meet part of incursions of Japanese imperial Hunan ten years ago, primitive centrists alliance against the left working class support of the these obligations 130, 000, 000 in ism. It gave up Manchuria with arms in hand, translated the have ripened quickly. It would Ethiopian struggle. 2) disorientgold has been exported since out firing a shot. It gave up Jehol slogan: Down with the unequal have been naive to suppose that ed the working class on the the fight March and a similar sum must and saved its own face by want treaties between China and the the alliance could be reduced to whole problem soon leave the country, leaving only sacrificing thousands of imperialist! into Down with an organizational maneuver. against war and the role played gold stocks that will probably soldiers it left there to fight the unequal treaties between the Not at all. Just as the alliance in that fight by all imperialist not exceed 350, 000, 000. To cut without support. It consciously landlord and the peasants! It required a political foundation, governments; and (3) led logieimports regime has called and deliberately sabotaged the remembers how the workers were so does it yield to necessary po ally to support of one own upon the people to cut down on attempted resistance of the 19th no more satisfied to be exploited litical consequences.
imperialism in the coming war, The political foundation is dis in order to back up the governthe consumption of primary pro Route Army five and half years by Chinese capitalists than they ducts and subordinate this al ago. It spoke loud and long of were to be exploited by British covered, in the last analysis, by mental acts (the sanctions. ready ineager living standards to military preparations, but only or Japanese. In the great strike the hostility to revolutionary which had been advocated.
the needs of the military machine a few weeks ago once waves of 1925 27, Chinese mills Marxism, shared in common by The application of the Neutthe Zams, ality Act is simply another whose demands have caused Chiang Kai shek left the 29th closed as well as foreign mills. the right wing, and Japan budget to treble in three Army unaided in the face of Ja Then the Chinese bourgeoisie was Tylers, and Delsons of the cen phrase for sanctions. The Neuhostility trality Act would impose an imyears and are responsible for a pan march on Peiping and Tien saved from disaster only by the trist leadership prospective deficit of 1, 100. 000 tsin. During the past six years, criminal policies of Stalinism. It which the centrist leaders try to partial embargo, just as sanctions yen next year. Meanwhile prices he Nanking government has not not anxious to take the chance nask as anti Trotskyism. But did. This embargo, if meant seare shuoting up and heavier and only not opposed Japan, but it gain. For it knows that while this basic hostility to revolution riously, would have to be enheavier taxes are being imposed. has waged ruthless terror its struggle with imperialism is ary Marxism, confronted by the forced. For the governAt the same time the inevitable against all who raised their 2nly a struggle for a larger share Party crisis and the need for men to enforce it, would lead to and imperative mobilization of the voices against the Japanese in of the spoils, the struggle bet finally taking sides. forces its coercive acts which as between government subsidized merchant vasion.
ween exploited and exploiters is way more and more decisively sovereign states constitute acts marine for war purposes cripples through the left phrases of the of war. and, if conditions 30 But this was still not enough a struggle of life and death.
centrist Japanese trade or, at best, raises for Japanese imperialism, which and leaders, The Chinese ruling class canreveals dictated, to war itself: The central objections to the almost prohibitive levels unlike the British and American not wage a successful struggle more and more openly the reactwhole demand for the application of if foreign ships are used.
varieties, cannot quite so well against Japanese imperialism un ionary content of the the Neutrality Act are the same Since 1931, billions of yen have afford to share with the Chinese less it arms the masses of China; entrist ideology.
gone into Japan military ad bourgeoisie its booty in the ex and it dares not arm the masses, Centriests Adopting Right Wing as those to the demand for sanLine.
ctions. It sabotages the move venture. So far, the returns have ploitation of the Chinese masses because the guns will surely be In the course of this evolution, class support of the struggle ment for independent working ben negligible for the solution of it requires complete conquest, turned against itself.
To the Chinese masses, there he centrist leaders are compell against Franco. It disorients the ed on the path of expansion, Ja why it has struck again at is of course no basic difference ed to abandon one by one the working class on the whole propanese imperialism cannot stand Shangai in hopes of there inflict between being exploited directly revolutionary positions which bem of the fight against war Still, else it falls back. It must ing Saswift and decisive defeat by Japanese imperailism, or in they had in the past been pushed and in this case far more fatally go forward, even if ahead lies on the Chinese bourgeoisie and directely, through ruin. The Japanese imperialists bringing it completely to heel.
bourgeoisie, by Anglo American by the pressure of the member for here it is the governknow that ruin is not inevitable The Chinese bourgeoisie is by imperialism. For them it is a ship. major step in this pro ment itself, and the relation of so long as they can continue to its very exploit the masses in their own serve one imperialist or another. ploitation. For the peasant, the delphia meeting of the the US. working class to its government, that is in exploit the many millions in the shall it serve Japanese imper question of the land; for the Spanish resolution, in direct and question. And it forms a link in the chain which leads to support great sprawling land across the ialism, based so largely on light worker it is a question of decent bureaucratic violation of the will of the government in the narrow Japan Sea.
industry and a weak financial working conditions and a living of the membership and the deC. Supported Party for structure, wants to master China wage.
cisions of the Chicago Conven coming war in order to enforce tion. neutrality against aggressors)
Invasion in order to establish a large out that is, the demand is a prelet for its own products and to Calls for Imperialist This process did not stop there. paration for social patriotio be Careful preparations Intervention were drain the country of the raw It has not yet been sufficiently trayal.
noticed to take a striking exmade before the present attacks materials it posses. Under such But, in the interests of Soviet ample that during Can anyone doubt this who has on North and Central China were mastery there is no room for the foreign diplomacy, the Chinese months the right wing centrist demand in the Stalinist press, past three followed the manipulation of this begun. At hone, the Japanese Chinese bourgeoisie which would Communist Party and the Com alliance has been gradually imperialists fear only the dis become essentially content of the Japanese workers salaried employees. Britain and intern have forgotten all this throwing over the revolutionary where it is part and parcel. of and peasants. More and more the the United States, with their They have lined up with the Chi position on war overwhelmingly and so clearly figures in their their social patriotic program; nese bourgeoisie in placing their supported by the membership, build up for support of the apburdens of the crisis have been greater share in the common explaced on the backs of the masses. ability to export capital, offer faith exclusively in the contra and fought for during so many proaching war?
Far from attempting to alleviate to the Chinese bourgeoisie a far dictions between Anglo American years.
and Japanese imperialism. In the As always, the right wing call Call joins Thomas Demand for Japanese great share in the common ex hope that Nanking will at least ed, the turn. Wisconsin announcapitalism has not the resources ploitation of the Chinese masses. hinder Japan ultimate attack ced flatly that it did not Let no one imagine that the and demand for the application of the ers, preparations have been made nese bourgeoisie would remain on the Soviet Union, they have would not accept the War Re Neutrality Acta Prested, in the od rennehy again tied themselves to Chiang solution adopted by the Chicago Socialist Party, in the to canalize and suppress it. At what it is, a class press the same time that intense brokers with a direct stake in the call for support of the indispens no criticism of Wisconsin by the issue of July 3rd, the Socialist Thomas. In the campaign of pro war propaganda exploitation of the masses. Ob able struggle against the invad centrist leaders constituting the Call, the faction organ of the was launched, strikes were pro viously, Britain and America are ing Japanese brigands, but pro majority of the hibited. The movement of protest far more preferable masters. So against the rising cost of living long as there is any hope of et ceede to place the gate and the Wisconsin was not content with it the official policy of the Call and the military campaign which fective American and Let the membership re read demanded editorial the lead editorial of that issue Social Masses Party, supported will try, in its own way and for cherous Chinese bourgeoisie and changes in the War Resolution. headed Neutrality. It is in caused it was canalized into the backing, the Chinese bourgeoisie tirely in the hands of the trea: Raskin by the Stalinists in the last elec its own purposes, to counter the dition, they take upon themselvse signed to permit pacifist and paganda of the Stalinists the good imperialist. In ad changes all of which were de distinguishable from the protions in which it made consider Japanese advance.
the task of teaching the demo reformist interpretations of the reformists weeks two Party declared its unqualified Chiang Propped by Anglo French creatic caimperialists hover best to resolution as a whole; and the years ago or on neutrality take care of their interests in obligingly changed at day. It contains even the same support of the Konoye govern Chiang Kai shek is fighting at China. The Daily Worker warns Raskin dictation.
ment invasion of China.
Shanghai today because, with the that Japan will proceed to drive hypocritical apologies and abBut even this is not what is tempts at covering up. Its arguBefore renewing its attacks on gold exchange agreement con out of China its British, Ame most significant. After all, a re mentation almdst out does China, Japan tested out the cluded by Kung recently rican, and French competitors. solution on paper is less impor Stalinists. The editorial declares: the temper of the Soviet Union. Em in Washington, the 120, 000, 000 The democratic nations do not tant than a concrete stand on a But actually, Hitler and Mussoboldened by the deep inner crisis loan concluded by him in London, realize the danger. Why does it concrete issue.
int he and the execution and the credit extended to him the State Department)
lini have been at war with Spain.
of Tukhachevsky and the other in Paris, the Chinese bourgeoisie not NOW invoke the Wine Thomas demands Sanctions Unofficial warfare. came to an generals, Japan took very tru has been given reason to hope Power Treaty and the Kellogend with the bombing of AlThomas returned from Europe meria That was open war If this culent attitude concerning the that Anglo American imperialism Briand Pact? Daily Worker, and in his first interviews de statement were true, the editors question of Soviet patrols on the will support it against the Japan Aug. 1937. It should suffice manded that the Govern of the Call are thus advocating Amur River, which separates ese. Furthermore, the Chinese to recall that from 931 to 1933, ment apply its Neutrality Act to that the government take Manchuria from the Soviet Union, bourgeoisie realizes perfectly well when the imposture of the peace Italy and German. What is the what are in effect war measures even to the point of sinking a that not to fight now is to abdicate machinery of capitalism was meaning of this demand? Its against rival imperialist govern Soviet gunboat and demanding forever its hopes of development completely exposed, the Nanking sources, in the vicious propa ments now at war.
the withdrawal of Soviet patrols. under the tutelage of Anglo Ame government covered up its be ganda of the Stalinists and re may be the intentions of the Whatever After several days of sharp rican imperialism. Chiang Kai trayal and capitulation to Japa formists through out the world, editors, their position on this tension, Moscow agreed to Japan Ishek is fighting also because the nese imperialism by just appeals should indicate the answer.
demands. Seven days later oc Japanese, in attacking his own to the League of Nations and to question is a form of socialcurred the incident at Lukou bailwick, have made it perfectly the In political fundamentals, this patriotism; its logic leads inet chiaio which precipitated the con lear that they do not trust Chiang signatories of the Nine demand is identical with the capably to complete abandon flict in North China.
as their ally and they want to get Power Pact.
demand for the application of ment of revolutionary defeatism rid of him.
The fight against imperialism, League and govermental sane and Chinese Bourgeoisie Sabotage support of the coming in the Italo Ethiopian war.
Fight So today, the Chinese bourlike the fight against fascism, War.
Let those who still have faith geoisie is basing its hopes on the cannot be separated from the In opposing the policy of sand in the revolutionary intention What is most important to re contradictions between Anglo fight against capitalism. If tions during the Ethiopian War, of the centrist leaders ponder member in seeking the key to American and Japanese imperialthe present conflict is that from ism. It does not dare to take the Chiang Kai shek is fighting to the Socialist Party pointed out the lesson well. The price of with absolute correctness that alliance with the right wing 1981 until the Chinese lead in arming the masses for day, it is only to preserve the this advocacy of anti war against the revolutionary left is, bourgeoisie, acting through its a really revolutionary war of right of the Chinese bourgeoisie measures to be taken by impe now as always, the abandonment principal representative, Chiang national liberation against impe to exploit the Chinese masses. frialist governments. 1) sabo of revolutionary principle. and now