BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
VOL. No.
401 Saturday, August 21, 1937 Cents per Copy Tory Press Declares For LaGuardia As Mayor Enters Primaries Tribune and Times for Browder Thomas ALP People Front Candidate The Capitalist Press For LaGuardia orusual, the As if derisively answering the Oneal, Earl Browder and Jay People Fronters in all camps Lovestone. All of them are aswho have advertized him as sociated in a policy and moveLabor Candidate. Fiorello ment which the convention of the La Guardia threw off all pretense Socialist Party almost unanimby entering the race in the New The New York Times: The New York Herald Tribune: ously condemned the policy of York Republican primaries in The alternative to both Mr. Copeland and The leaders of Fusion and their allies within the People Front, ranging from order to win the Mayoralty noThomas and Altman, through mination of the party of Landon, Mr. Mahoney is Mr. LaGuardia, on the Fusion the Republican party have every reason to be Lovestone and Browder, to La Hoover, the DuPonts, Ford, Mel ticket. During the early days of his adminis proud of their ticket. There have been nervGuardia and the Republican Parlon and Mills.
tration it was apparently his belief that trade ous moments in the last week, but the result is ty machine.
At the same time, not only the unions could do no wrong, even when they resort what counts. That could hardly be better. The main organ of American capital ed to vidlence in the pursuit of their objectives, ticket that will be offered the city, given the People Front Line Fatal ist Democracy. the New York and his action in the taxicab strike reflected this this cooperation of the Republicans in their primary, Instead of emphasizing to the Times, but also the leading reac conviction. Fortunately, his his epinions on this will be the ablest and best that local politics has working class the imperative tionary Republican organ and point are undergoing an unmistakeable change. ever achieved. They Mayor, rejecting the ad need for independence from the chief spokesman for Landon in His handling of the attempted sit down strikes vice of some of his closest advisors, remained in capitalist class and all its politthe last presidential campaign in this community last Spring and his present the Republican primary. Thereby he turned his ical institutions and organizathe New York Herald Tribune, handling of two great strikes in the dockyards back on a smart political trick to play fair with tions, they help implant the dicame out flatfootedly an enBrooklyn and Richmond has shown admir his many Republican supporters. As sastrous illus the: thusiastically for the candidate of the New York bankers and able firmness. Mr. Dewey presence adds Mayor final decision is the right one. We ganizations can be utilized by labor. Instead of enhancing the real estate men. La Guardia has great weight to the Fusion ticket, which, with shall hope and expect that Mr. Dewey entrance already been endorsed by the class consciousness of the workits other sterling candidates, now offers the into the primary will mean sweeping victory Fusion Party, the Seabury provoters of this city an opportunity to put in com for the Mayor over Senator Copeland. Sur. smearing over all class lines. On ers, they help to blunt it by gressive. the Simpson Republi mand of the municipal government for the next rounded as he will be by a predominantly Re. an American scale, the People can machine, the American Labor four years an administration which is honest publican tidket of extraordinary ability and Fronters of all varieties Party, the Communist Party, the and humane, non partisan and capable: staunchness and pledged to devote himself com smoothing the path for the same Lovestone group, the Old Guard Social Democrats and the Ital Times, Aug. 15, 1937. pletely to local affairs for the next four years, catastrophe that befell the workMr. LaGuardia is entitled to ask for votes upen ers of Germany and Austria and ian socialist daily, La Stampa the basis of the city welfare.
which now threatens the workers Libera, edited by Valenti (financial wizard of the Altman Herald Tribune, Aug. 15, 1937 of Spain.
What a revealing commentary Thomas caucus. Thomas View Rejected on the right wing in the Socialist with the Tory press has given its of membership in it was support tions, now also, as an obstacle Party that, while it is ready to La Guardia apparently did not support of his candidacy, em for Roosevelt and Lehman. To in the path of independent work dissolve the movement for the read Norman Thomas column in phasizes more plainly than any day it is support for working ing class political action and as sake of supporting the Repubthe Socialist Call of August 7, thing else that LaGuardia is a class political action.
This ar a means of keeping the workers licen nominee for Mayor of New when he wrote of the ALP that capitalist candidate, running on gument is now more plainly re subordinated to one or the other York, it cannot abide for another This year for Mayor it endor a capitalist platform, with the vealed as utterly false in face of of the two old capitalist parties. instant the presence in the party ses La Guardia who has publicly direct support of the class con the fact that the working class The role of the right wing in of the revolutionary socialists!
expressed his general support seious capitalists.
political action of the ALP con the Socialist Party today with Is it not significant that simulfor the ALP, who is fighting the In the article referred to, Nor sists merely in anticipating the regard to the election campaign taneous with the bureaucratic leaders of the Republican Party, man Thomas argued for the key nominations of the Repub is thus entirely indistinguishable mass expulsions of the left wing and may not run in the Prim withdrawal of an independent lican party. As in the presiden from that played by the old militants comes the disgraceful ary. The Mayor eagerness to socialist ticket by comparing the tial campaign of 1936, when the Guard in the 1936 elections or sell out of the party to LaGuarobtain the nomination of the Re ALP last year with the ALP this ALP corralled the labor vote for from that played at the present dia that the right wing is carpublican Party and the vigor year. year ago the the Democratic Party, it func time by Charney Vladeck, James rying out?
are Stalinists Applaud Ousting Necalituspends Violent Crisis Drives Japanese of Left wing from Imperialism to Invade China Charter By Glen Trimble The Communist Party bureau within their ranks.
The charter of the Socialist It is now By James Wills The world crisis of 1929 drove cracy, which has spared neither possible by cleansing all traces Party of California has been energy nor funds in its efforts of Trotskyism from the SP or ecutive Committee! On Wedns crisis that has become intoler new sources National Ex Goaded by an internal economic Japan to find new markets and of raw material.
cialist Party has put the stamp prestige of the Socialist Party day, August 11, the Clarity fac ably acute, Japanese imperialism But there is no room in the pretion openly placed itself at the has struck again at continental sent day imperialist world for of of hearty approval on the ex and give it new health.
pulsion of the revolutionary left Not only is it necessary to wreckers. Ward Rodgers, author effort to find a way out by estab has been compelled to erect a head of the party splitters and China in a supremely desperate peaceful expansion. Thus Japan wing of the SP by the Altman throw out Shachtman, Burnham, of the suspension resorution has lishing its mastery over all Asia. military and naval machine utThomas combination.
Abern and their tools. It is als) been appointed impartial ex Coming late upon the scene of terly disproportionate to its eco We greet the New York local essential, in the interests of the ecutor of the possessions, locals the capitalist world and lacking nomic capacities and to seek the of the Socialist Party. says the Socialist Party and of the work and members of the state party. the natural resources vital to the expansion it desperately needs leading editorial of the Daily ing class, that all ideas and pracWorker, on August 14, 1937, for tises of Trotskyism and the Trot doubt as to the complete alliance tries, Japanese capitalism very this resort to force has eageraWith this action last lingering development of the basic indus by resort to force. Yet precisely its expulsion of 54 counter revo skyists be cleaned out entirely between the lutionary Trotskyists as conspir from within the Socialist Party. social patriotic party liquidators to embark upon the path of in and hastens the day when this Altman Thomas early in its life found it necessary vated the economic difficulties atorial enemies of the Socialist By purging the SP of all ideas and Clarity NEC majority perialist expansion. Since 1895, weak and top theavy structure Party.
and practises of Trotskyism. is dispelled. flagrant violation the year Sino Japan must topple down.
the Stalinists mean today what of every party tradition, law and ese war, the Japanese bourgeoisie few brief facts tell the story Urge Deeper Split in SP they have meant ever since they decision, the NEC has acted in has been depending on the ex of Japan deep inner crisis, agstarted their drive for the expul haste and conspiratorial secrecy ploitation of China to bolster up gravated as it has been by the The New York Socialists, sion of the left wing: to convert to cat down the largest and most the frail economic structure on heavy burdens of the six year continues the editorial, have dis the Socialist Party into an ap active state organization in the which Japanese capitalism rests. invasion in China. For the first covered from bitter experience pendage of the Communist Party, entire Western United States.
that it is not possible to tolerate molded in its image, to tear it off The first phase of expansion won seven months of 1937, Japan had No chance was given to the them Korea, Formosa and a an adverse trade balance of 720, these counter revolutionary dregs Continued on page Continued on page 2) foothold in Manchuria. Continued on page 6)