AnarchismAndrés NinBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGPUIV InternationalRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

8 SOCIALIST APPEAL will stop Socialist Party Split in GP Lynches Andres Nin at nothing in their struggle against the Left.
Forward with Left wing We shall not quietly give up our position in the Party upon their request or demand or pro. Continued from page 1) and take the dead in rallying the whole procedure to the National, try and throughout the world. vocation. It is we who have been membership of more than 120 world revolutionary forces into a Executive Committee, a request The warning of the Left wing, building the Party in struggle, comrades, and then refused to Fourth International a belief from whose National Secretary, now more than ever, has proved who have been recruiting its continue its hearings two days which the left wing is entirely Burt, for a one week delay of to have been justified. The right members, launching it into mass later, when the principal defend within its rights to advocate in the expulsion until an wing is splitting the party! It is action. We shall fight every inch ants and their counsel could be side the party. Not a single se sub committee could investigate bureaucratically expelling every of the way. We shall demand our present to make their case with rious action involving a violation the New York situation, was left wing militant for the crime usurped rights in the Party, and the aid of witnesses like Norman of discipline was proved against cynically ignored by Altman of revolutionary ideas. It is carassert that demand through Thomas, Harry Laidler, Girolamo a single one of the defendants. well oiled machine, composed in rying out the persistent comevery means at our disposal. But Valenti, Max Del and almost In spite of the handicap of larger part of deadwood. mand of the Stalinist Communist we shall not be turned aside by a dozen others whom the defense curtailed time under which the graveyard members and incor Party, the Social Democratic mealy mouthed legalisms, which proposed to call for testimony to left wing labored it nevertheless rigible right wingers, Stalinists, Federation and the trade union our opponents have been the first prove the existence of a factional succeed in making amply clear, pacifists and petty trade union bureaucrats and politicians at to spurn and throw aside. There conspiracy of the right wing to in the one hour speech for the officials.
the head of the American Labor is too much at stake to be settled railroad the revolutionists out defense to which its spokesman, Party.
by lawyers phraseology. We an of the party in order to deliver Max Shachtman, was confined at Denounce Meeting as Illegal We call upon every branch of nounce in advance our solidarity it, bound hand and foot, to the the Central Cammittee meeting, the Party and every circle of the with the revolutionists who are La Guardia machine in that the Altman Thomas bureau The Central Committe meeting YPSL to refuse to recognize the or may be expelled or suspended the coming elections.
cracy had decided long before the was conducted in so bureaucrat illegal and reactionary expulsby the bureaucratic moves of the Right wing or the they No Charges Proved charges were actually brought to ically high handed a manner as ions. We appeal to every socialist. are our comrades, expelled or not At the hearing, the Altman no matter what formal grounds of the so called Clarity grouping complete solidarity with the and we stand with them. We will Siegel prosection not only did or pretext, in order to guarantee (Zam Tyler Co. to denounce expelled. Let the voice of the fight along with them for the not prove any of its charges, but their continued domination of the Altman machine as worse Party and the YPSL be heard reinstatement that is their sim made no serious attempt to do the movement, their sell out to than that of the Old Guard and throughout the land. Let the La ple right; but in any case, and so, any more than did at the La Guardia, and the liquidation to refuse recognize the legality Guardia socialists know that the whatever happens, we and they meeting of the Central Commit of the Socialist Party into a fu of the entire procedure. revolutionists throughout the will stand together and fight to tee. All the accusations boiled tile, impotent educational sect The expelled revolutionists party will stand like one man gether. We announce in advance down to the undenied charge that operating inside a mass Farm left the meeting singing the In against their shady deals to bethat our voice will be heard, and the left wingers held certain beer Labor Party. Shachtman also ternational, undeterred by the tray the socialist movement and that there is no device known to liefs and advocated certain ideas, announced the intention of the the expulsions from an even more their bureaucratic machinations Raskin or Altman or Thomas or such as that the Socialist Party defendants, who refused to ack vigorous continuation of their against the left wing.
Clarity legalists which can si should disaffiliate from the nowledge the legality of the ex work to advance the revolutionary Unite all forces around the left lence it. We will not be silent be treacherous Second International pulsions, to appeal against the socialist movement in this coun wing!
fore the betrayal of the Spanish Revolution and the destruction of concrete form the choice now The issue is now squarely up the October Revolution and the before the whole awakening to the entire Party membership.
emasculation of Labor Movement; nor will Laguardia SAILLOUT UN ward class collaboration. to flood of protest must drown rica and the plans of the liquidators.
we Against the La Guardia sellcountry and in the Socialist Party who defend the assassins of the (Continued from page 1) this faction, getting into line dent politics of revolutionary soclass struggle and the indepen out!
For independent socialist poSpanish workers, the Kremlin The present utilization of the with their political bed fellows of cialism.
hangmen, and who themselves American Labor Party in New the Old Guard and the Stalinists, work toward these same crimes in York City is one such scheme. have completed their plans to this country.
The American Labor Party is turn the Socialist Party in New Whatever the result of the being used by the bureaucrats York over to La Guardia. For present internal struggle, the re and the Popular Frontists as a weeks they have been conducting volutionary tendency has nothing device for lining up labor votes unauthorized and disloyal negotto fear. The future lies with us. for the capitalist representatives, iations with the and It is not the revolutionary ten La Guardia, and his capitalist with La Guardia himself. They (Continued from page 1) of the Italian anarchist leader dency which today stands at the City Administration.
have made a fake nomination of hundred of its members arrested, in Barcelona a couple of months final crossroads; it is the Party.
Thomas as mayoralty candidate as well as sixty who have disap ago, Camillo Berneri, and the If the Party measures up to the La Guardia Record in order to permit maneuvering peared.
reported murder of Andrade and choice confronting it, the road This is the same La Guardia and withdrawal at the moment Miravitles (leader of the Gorkin, darkens the blood with ahead is certain; if not, the Party who concluded the notorious dictated by La Guardia and the Catalan Left and the Barcelona which the hands of the Stalinist is forever doomed. There is only agreement with the bankers at leaders. Meanwhile, in government) told sponta assassins are drenched. Just as one road: our road, the road of the dictate of Morgan Co. and his column, week by week, in neously that as soon as Nin was Noske, Wels and Scheidemann revolutionary internatfonalism, the Chase National Bank. Who open violation of party discipline, arrested for espionage, an ac were written down in history as the road toward the proletarian organized the Rifle Division of of the editorial policy of the Cali cusation which nobody could the murderers of Rosa Luxemconquest of power, toward the the Police Department. Who has and the national policy of the believe, he was summoned by burg and Karl Liebknecht, world triumph of socialism. It is blocked unionization on the City Party, Thomas puts forward his Companys (head of the Barcelona Stalin is now written down as along that road that we summon owned Independent Subway Sys factional justification for the People Front regime) and the murder of the Russian and the membership. Forward with tem. Who has broken a hundred sell out.
they both decided that the latter Spanish revolutionists. For his the revolutionary Left wing! strikes, from the taxicab strike in Article X, Section 8, of the would write immediately a letter unspeakable crimes, Stalin will National Action Committe 1934 through building strikes Party Constitution provides: to the Valencia goverment point not fail to render account before Appeal Association of the and the whole series of depart No state or local organizat ing out the deplorable impres a tribunal of proletarian justice.
Socialist Party.
ment stores strikes right up to ion shall fuse, combine or com sion produced by this arrest, the present moment when hund promise with the Democratic, that Catalonian public opinion to remain silent in face of the For the workers of this country reds of his police are smashing Republican or any other political could not believe that Nin was a the shipyards strike.
party whose policies and platform Fascist spy and that companys be to aid and abet the physical crimes in Spain, would This is the same La Guardia are inconsistent with those of himself really required, a very extermination of every) revoluWher Wolf Kupinsky, who came in as a candidate of the Socialist Party, nor endorse great effort to admit it.
tionist in that country. Every prisoner of the and the not one but two capitalist par. candidates nominated by such Evidence Laughed At labor organization must raise its People Front in Spain?
ties: the Republican Party and parties except as provided in voice in indignant protest against Member of the Socialist Party the City Fusion Party; who has Section Section Pays down This letter was immediately the imprisonment and murder of in New York, and of the Interna: these the City Fusion Party, even the possibility of any form les himself and turned over to anarchists and Left wing socialminimum condition for brought to Valencia by Miravit our comrades of the POUM, the Union, he went to Spain months and if he is not by the other will of cooperation:. the nomination Ortega, director of the Secret ists. Let the country ring with ago with the Debs Column. He at the very least be supported and election of candidates by a Service (the real minister. Or denunciations of these murderous fought for months on the Aragon by the strong Simpson wing of party of workers and of farm tega then declared that there democrats and anti Fascists front and was twice wounded. In the Republican Party.
ers, organized in express oppo were crushing proofs against Nin June 1937, he was arrested in The La Guardia movement is a sition to the political parties and he showed Miravitles a paper the Stalinist raids against revomovement for the liquidation of supporting capitalism. Even (a Madrid mileage ticket, with lutionists and has been in the independent working class poli more flagrantly does support of sympathetic ink on the back of People Front prison ever tics. That is why the Social De La Guardia and the in it, dealing with a certain SOCIALIST APPEAL since, without a single formal mocratic Federation, the Stalin this autumn elections contra which was such an obvious charge placed against him! With ists, and the Lovestoneites, whose dict every paragraph of the re forgery, Miravitles told us, Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing other political prisoners, he was whole aim is to liquidate inde solutions on the Farmer Labor that burst out laughing and Branches forced to go on a hunger strike pendent working class politics, Party and the Labor Party, both nobody will any longer dare to for days, protesting the prison have already gone over to La solemnly adopted by the Chicago make use of this paper.
Published at Room 1609, regime, the wretched food, and Guardia, Convention. Caballero told us that he the failure to charge or try him.
The Socialist Party alone is in The Altman Thomas faction, knew Nin, Gorkin and others 100 Fifth Avenue, New York.
That the Stalinist turnkeys of a position to defend and advance however, has no more regard for personally for some time and TELEPHONE: the bourgeoisie should act the independent working class poli party discipline and decisions on that, although he was their poown candi this than on any other matter. litical opponent, he knew perfectALgonquin 4950 way they do, is understandable. tics, by running But how explain the dead silence dates for Mayor and all other has set its course for the ly well that they were not and Vol. I, No. of the Socialist Call, official offices and conducting its own splitting of the Party and the could not be Fascist spies. If of the party organ liquidation of the Party as an Nin and the other members of to which independent campaign.
Saturday, August 14, 1937 Kupinsky belongs? Why hasn Altman Thomas Sell out independent political force. It the POUM are now being perSubscriptions: 00 per year; a single word appeared in the But at just this critical junc has no intention of stopping out secuted for espionage, it is only 50 cents for months. Bundle Call all these weeks about com ture 60 vital for the whole of any consideration for disci for political reasons, only beorders: cents per cop. Single rade Kupinsky! What reason is perspective of the American pline, Party loyalty, Party deci cause the Communist party wants copies: cents.
there for this criminal sabotage labor movement in the coming sions, or the will of the Party to destroy the POUM.
Address all communications of the defense of a class war perioda sell out is being cooked membership.
Issue is National and Basic Stalin the Butcher fighter whose very life lies in the up by the Altman Thomas factand make out all checks and money orders to the Socialist unscrupulous hands the ion in Local New York. In brazen The La Guardia question is not The revolting murder of An Appeal. defiance of every Party decision, a local affair. It puts in the most dres Nin, like the murder us 80 Where Is Kupinsky. of