CentrismCominternDemocracyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL 7. Perspective of the Left Wing are drive out the Left. The first big violate the entire theory, tradi on a single iota. They cannot with the Right, the ranks of the speeded. In State after State, we test came at the Philadelphia tion, and practise of internal because they are in alliance with centrist grouping fall away. The witnessed what took place, for meeting of the There party democracy. It is quite li the Right wing, against the Left passive and reactionary sections example, at the Pennsylvania the Right wing permitted, with iterally true to say that for a wing. Is this not obvious. Is of their following have almost Convention: the united forces of out too much worry, a long list comparable piece of bureacratic not obvious that of the Clarity entirely gone completely into the the Clarity leaders (Felix and of temporary Clarity victories usurpation of the rights of party leadership and the were camp of the Right wing, where friends) together with the Right on organizational questions members we would have to turn going to act with and not against they belonged in the first place, wingers on one side, the adherposts and committees, trager for to the history of the Comintern the Left, it had a perfect chance and where they find a more firm ents of the Appeal together with Labor Secretary, Tyler for the under Stalin. But martial law at the Special Session. There and decisive leadership. The ac the militant and active members Call, Zam for the Monthly. The does not function in the abstract: it acted with the Right and tive and militant Party members, formerly following Clarity united Bight wing knew and Altman it is a repressive device made against the Left. And the Right seeing the gulf between their on the other. The process goes and Siegel expressed this openly use of by one group or class wing Clarity alliance, far from own view and the actions of their on, greatly stimulated again by in intermissions that these vic against another; and to under weakening from now on, will ne supposed leadership ever widen the direct treachery of the Claranything Clarity would only dis solution we must take it in re further development of the strug the revolutionary tendency. This ity leadership at the Special Sescredit itself the more through its lation to the actual present con gle.
process was well under way at sion. Even today, exeept for remprominence in the apparatus. On ditions in the Party.
Meanwhile, the other phase of the first State Conventions held nants in New York, Chicago, and the question of the Trotsky Com Not one word or phrase of the the final centrist development following the Chicago National Philadelphia, Clarity, as an inmittee where the Right wing it Resolution is directed against the has also been rapidly taking Convention. Following the PhilaBolt is partly divided between its Right wing, which is solely res place in the months since the delphia session, with the dependent tendency. remains as Stalinist and not so Stalinists ponsible for the precipitation and Convention, and still more rapid Spanish resolution taking first a mere sterile hulk.
segments, and where the full continuance of the Party crisis. ly at present. As the centrist place at the subsequent State Such is the universal fate of weight of the campaign of the What does this lack means? It leadership enters its definite bloc Conventions, the process was centrism.
Left wing on the Trials pressed means that the Right wing, by against the the Right the terms of the Resolution, is wing suffered a defeat. But its given a free hand to proceed unmain energies during the entire hampered in the carrying out of Spanish question which with the their campaign against the Left.
Revolutionary Marxism bases defense and advance of revolu lead it, lie in the revolutionary Barcelona events forming the Every provision of the Resolu its plans and proposals upon real tionary Marxism and its adher Left wing. With the Left wing background of the Special Session tion, understood in the concrete, ity. There is nothing either dema ents toward the great goal of a out, there will be nothing left ground of the Special Session, is directed squarely against the gogic or utopian in revolutionary genuine revolutionary party in but a skeleton. The unholy aland the attention of the entire Left. The never for a Party concentrated on Spain, the moment suggested that Wiscon, hopes or wishes or fears. Coldly, of the international revolutionary only by its common opposition to politics. It does not build on this country an integral part liance which is held together Right wing knew to be the cen sin or Altman or Lewis or Siegel soberly, it observes and analyzes, movement. We shall conduct revolutionary Marxism will fall tral issue of the meeting. should stop saying and writing and draws conclusions. Utilizing this fight on the only possible apart into its constituent and doing just what they pleas the methods of Marxism, the per basis: the full program of revo ments. Wisconsin will find that eleThe Right Center Bloc they would not stop, either within spective of the Appeal Associa lutionary internationalism. The La Follette provides plenty of On the Spanish question, as the Party or in public whatever Left wing of the Party, follows, these cannot be separated from independent Party. Lewis and organized revolutionary dominant political issues though politics without the bother of an the membership knows. Clarity the might say. What thus, naturally and easily from the full and rounded Marxist others will be satisfied with the capitulated miserably, shamefully, the Resolution aims to do is to the analysis of the actual situa program are dictated by the Still others will need no to the Right wing. The infamous silence the voice of the Left wing tion in the Party.
and cowardly resolution of soli on Spain, on the Soviet persecuterms of the crisis itself: defense more than the American Labor darity with the assassins of the tions, on the International quesLet us summarize briefly the of the Spanish proletarian re Party. Many, by one or another Catalonian workers was passed tion, on La Follette and La Guar situation in the Party, which has volution, solidarity with the re route, will jump or drift into unanimously with the exception dia. The has already The Party is in the grip of an revocable opposition to the trai. Some will leave been herein stated in some detail: volutionary workers of Spain, ir their proper Stalinist home.
the movement Tyler (the latter of whom, at cussion meetings to be provided intense crisis. This crisis is a tors and assassins of the Popular altogether. small clique (perand their least, has subsequently become a under the Resolution (which will, reflection of crucial national and Front defenders harps form the Clarity group, defender of the revolution. No besides, probably never take international political events, as throughout the world; defense of some of whom already counter resolution was even of place) are not to discuss differ well as of the specific circums the heritage of the October Re thinking and even negotiating fered.
ences of opinion, but, in true tances of the Party internal volution, and unshakeable oppo in this direction) may well en By this vote on the Spanish re Stalinist manner, to discuss how development. In this crisis, the sition to the Stalinist hangmen; gineer a deal with the Lovestonew revolu neites. The Socialist Party will solution, the Clarity leadership to put into effect the decisions aim of the Right wing is the sup the forging of Laid the political basis for its of the The literature pression and expulsion of the re tionary nal, the sum simply drop apart, like the one the Marxist answer to horse shay that had outlived its bloc with the Right wing against and speeches which the Resolu volutionary Left wing. The Cen mation the revolutionary Left. tion aims to remove from the eyes ter (Clarity. nominally in con the problems of epoch; the time.
The Right wing went ahead and ears of Party members are the Party has not merely proved dent working class politics, alto wing succeeds in defeating the trol of the national apparatus of defense and advance of indepen On the other hand, if the Left faster than ever.
up the New York membership. still on sale both within and itself incapable of leading the gether clear of every class colla Right wing, De conqilering for meeting. Thomas returned, and outside of the Party or the ar Party and unable to resist the borationist tangle.
the Party a normal life and the lined up with the Right wing. ticles of New York Right wing campaign of the Right wing, but As the necessary organization possibility of normal developThe question of split was put on ers attacking the Party position has, in the persons of its lead al instrument for our fight, we ment, the future of the Party is the order of the day. The Spe in the Jewish Day, the Stampa ership, entered into a de facto are re constituting the Socialist assured. There would still be a cial Session of the was Libera or the public and private bloc with the Right wing against Appeal Association throughout split, it is true: not because the called.
speeches sponsored by the the Left. majority of the ac the Party and YPSL, drawing Left wing desireg a split, but Meanwhile Clarity, terrified as but the pamphlets and docu tive and militant membership of thus on the splendid and consis because from the nature of the its house of cards tumbled about ments and addresses of revolu the Party adheres to the Left tent revolutionary tradition of case the hardened core of the its ears, called tragically for a tionary socialists.
wing, an overwhelming majority the Appeal tendency.
Right wing would quit the Party. truce. a peace. The Right The answer of the Special Ses (if we include those not yet de As a further indispensable in But such a split would strengthen wing sneered contemptuously. sion of the to the migh Anitively and consistently with strument in our fight, we are un and invigorate the party. With a it would accept no truce. The ty international and national the Left) is. opposed to the plans dertaking the immediate publica Left wing victory, in the face of revolutionary Left asked what events and to the profound crisis at the Right wing. Nevertheless, tion of the Socialist Appeal. The the mighty political events now Clarity meant by a truce. Clar of the Party itself was: the at in direct violation of the deci solemn decision under which the unfolding around us and the un ity explained: it meant the giv tempt to suppress by adrsinistra sions of the Chicago Convention, Appeal suspended publication at precedent opportunities ing up of all right to discussion tive decree the voice of the revo the Party statutes, the tradition the time of the Chicago Conven they hold out, the Party will go and criticism within the Party lutionary left wing, and the si lof party democracy and the will tion has been brazenly violated. mightily forward, expanding and for the Left wing, the complete multaneous grant of a carte political disarmament of the Left blanche to the Right wing. wing and the Right wing Centrist never appeared; and has, in fact, deepening its roots in the mass movement, assuming leadership wing, and not a single measure bloc (functioning as the been voted out of existence by in the class struggle, and preparagainst the Right wing already Clarity Final Stage usurping the rights of the the at its Philadelphia ig as the revolutoinary vanguard fully armed and in battle array: In the unanimous vote for this membership, carry on their cam meeting. The official press is a of the working class for the fiit meant that the Left should lie Resolution, the Clarity leadership paign against the Left by brutal purely factional press from which nal conflict.
passively and in silence while the consumated the bloc with the administrative and bureaucratie we are systematically excluded.
Can the Left wing succeed in measures.
Right wing tore it to pieces. The Right wing, which was prepared present crisis is the culmination muzzled and now, with mass ex the Party struggle? The majoFundamentally, the The Left wing is expected to stay Left was compelled. Clarity generous proposal.
Right wing put forward various enters the final stage of the cen ary currents; specifically, this Appeal is our answer to the gag legality is with us, for it is our At the Special Session, the ing. Thus the Clarity leadership current and the anti revolution We refuse to be muzzled! The with us. Many more will join us solution of the Philadelphia meet tween the revolutionary Marxist the crimes committed against it all of the active membership, is in the days just ahead. Party schemes, including the Loyalty trist evolution. Let no one make opposition is now focussed on the laws and the split drive.
Oath, for expelling the Left at who have shattered four key political which once and seemed workable. The Clarity tants who still follow or believe wing has gone too far to be able pearance as the militant and undecisions and Party Constitution of truce and democratic tradition. Histobasis; and its re worked form they are following the Clarity to draw back from its split compromising spokesman and That leadership is course.
emerged as the Emergency Poli now in a bloc with the Right banner bearer of the Left wing. Jy is with us for our ideas and aims represent the interest of cy Resolution. This Resolution wing, which is not altered by Capitulate or Fight!
Perspective of Fight the progressive class in society, was adopted unanimously by the any amount of radical words and and of the social revolution. But Special Session.
phrases. In actuality, there is Even this summary shows that What will be the result of the in the Party struggle we should The Gag Law Against the left now taking place a division of there is only a single alternative struggle? It is neither necessary be blind not to recognize the reOur labor in the campaign the Left. before the Left wing: put blunt nor useful to speculate on the ality and state it openly.
What, exactly, is this Resolu While the Right wing proper pro ly, the Left wing must either precise form of the outcome. The opponents control the greater tion? We must be entirely clear ceeds directly and brutally to the capitulate fight. It must Socialist Party is now reaching part of the apparatus of the about it. We should observe that immediate task of expulsions and either sit back passively and si the end of the long process which Party, and they have already even apart from the specific cir suspensions and charter liftings, lently while the Right wing rides started four years ago.
For it shown that they will utilize cumstances of the Party crisis, the Clarity leadership puts the roughshod over it, cuts it to pie there are only two possibilities: their administrative position in thie Resolution is a direct viola party members off guard and ces, leaves it in the end a poli On the one hand, il the Right wing the most ruthless and bureau tion of the spirit and letter of blunts the counter offensive of tical corpse; either this, or it succeeds in its aim, the Party cratic fashion. They have at their the Chicago Convention, and of the Left by softening the strug must undertake a mighty coun will be not merely doomed as a disposal a heavy weight of deadthe Party Constitution. In at gle. by assurances that you ter offensive, along the potentially revol force, wood book members. They have tempts to establish in the Party can rely on us. by promises that relentless, sharp, uncompromising. but will collapse as any kind of made clear that they will not rea régime martial law, prohibi the will protect you. It will need no argument to de independent political organizatting internal political discussion This must be made plain: fend the choice which we have ion. The entire strength and pro card in the slightest the will of and the expression of differences Neither the Clarity leadership made: to fight.
mise of the Party, the sole force the active membership. They of opinion. Still more does it nor its can be relied Our fight is the fight for the which can build the Party and have appounced openly that they. the or