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SOCIALIST APPEAL Stalinism and the Party Crisis on Altman Wisconsin Lewis which he endured in Spain. honored leaders of the Wisconsin (3) Lastly and most important, delegation. Within their home if we examine Baron anti State, they pursue a line identStalinism or that of virtually ical wit the Stalinists in their The relations between Stalin able factionalists. By all of such as the recent articles in the any other member of the Right major activity, the Farmer Laism and the crisis in the Socialist these epithets, the Stalinists Call, signed jointly by Sam Ba wing we discover that it is al bor Progressive Federation; alParty are numerous and pro mean, of course, that Marxists ron and the non Party member, together without basis in prin tered only by their need to confound. proper understanding are unalterably opposed to the Liston Oak. Taking these ar ciple. It is a purely bureaucratic tinue for a while a non Stalinist of the Party crisis is impossible ideas and program of Stalinism. ticles as a concrete example, we opposition: Baron and the others line with respect to the of without taking into account the The Stalinists do not leave may observe: influence of Stalinism upon what these characterizations on paper, object to the Stalinists because because of the local voteris happening in the Socialist They act in accordance with Spurious Flare Ups Against the Stalinists are the more suc getting power of the of cessful bureaucrats. His objection machine, closely tied up with the Party. The relations of se them. They refuse Stalinism enter a veral kinds: both external, in united front in which Trotskyis a form of envy. It has no roots, Hoan forces) and their wish not (1) The conclusions of the ar and can disappear overnight. to let the Stalinists have too what the Communist Party has ists participate. They use their ticles are directly at variance This is brought out strikingly in much of the gravy.
done and is doing with reference control of the North American with the speech of Baron to the his articles on Spain by the fact To fight successfully it is alto the Socialist Party; and in Committee to bar Left wing New York membership, in which that nowhere in them does he at ways necessary distinguish ternal, through the activities of Socialists as speakers. They fra he repeated the slander that the tack the policies which govern with absolute clarity the real Stalinist agents within the Party, me Left wingers in the unions Barcelona events were caused by the Stalinists; by the fact he does enemy. In the present crisis in but far more important through and the Workers Alliance. They Franco Fifth Column within not even mention other organ the Party, the enemy, or at the the effect of Stalinist ideology demand the right to veto Social the POUM and the FAI. In large izations (for example, the Social very least, the main enemy, the different individuals and ist Party representatives on join part, these articles represent an ist Party) which have the same bulwark and driving power of groups within the Party. committees, in order to eliminate attempt on Baron part to cover policies.
the enemy forces, is: Stalinism.
Throughout the world, the Left wingers. They beat up Left his tracks and to shunt aside The same lesson can be drawn It is Stalinism which above all Communist International is now wingers distributing leaflets and the thoroughly justifiable reac from Wisconsin. Even so short a will rejoice (and this a revealing the greatest obstacle within the literature. And day in and day tion to that speech. And, in gen while ago as the Cleveland Con test) if the Right wing succeeds: working class to the achievement out they hammer home their eral, it is true politics that a vention, the Wisconsin represen will rejoice even more freely than of the proletarian revolution. The drive to smash the Socialist Right wing tries to put a strong tatives were (apparently) the many members of the Right entire force the Comintern, Party by expelling its Left wing. Left foot forward just at the most bitter anti Stalinists in the wing itself, for these have cer.
backed by the mighty Soviet Bureaucracy, has undertaken the Political Source of Right Wing point when it culminates an at Party, threatening to withdraw tain qualms as they look forward if the united front resolution was to the smash up of the Party task of blocking the revolution.
In considering even so briefly tack against the Left.
This means that it must, at all these facts we discover the final sonal grievance against the Sta position (2) Baron has a strong per passed. In their case, too, the op which their course promises. The costs, prevents the growth of source of the campaign of the linists from some time back, re cratic, with memories of a past however, will rejoice for only a now merely bureau Stalinists and the Right wing, new revolutionary parties and Right wing against the revolu inforced strongly last year by (the Third Period of Stalinism) short while, and in vain: the rethe new revolutionary Internat tionary Left. The source is: Sta his run in with them in his form when it was something more. At volutionary tendency will emerge ional. To do so must at all times linism. This is not at all to say er union (the Chicago such full fledged Stalin not weaker but far stronger be the first item on the Stalinist that all of the adherents of the and kept alive by inconveniences ists as Porter and Berger were from the struggle.
Right wing are Stalinists, which Consequently, when the left is not the case; indeed, there are ward development in the Socialist some in the Right wing who conParty of the United States began sider themselves bitter opponents to make headway, the Commun of Stalinism. But all the strength ist Party could not stand idly by. and vigor of the campaign of the The initial combination which this respect, has there been any be troubled by any discipline or It had to exert every possible Right wing derives at one or went to make up the main body change since the time when the any demands to live up to Party effort to keep the leftward de another stage removed from of the Right wing was formed Old Guard left. Wisconsin paid Resolutions and the Party Consvelopment from maturing, to Stalinism. It is Stalinism which by a coalition of the Wisconsin its dues, and that was the end titution. There was some argufind means to seduce, drown or sustains and nourishes it. organization, the Altman group of it. It had its members on the ment about just who should be strangle it. These efforts we This is shown, most obviously, in New York, and the Lewis National Action Committee, but driven out only Left wing leadhave witnessed during the past by the fact that the Right wing group in Massachusetts, under they naturally never attended ers, or all ex WP members, or several years. They increased in contains as an integral and con the leadership of Altman. At first meetings. The State Committee all these plus the Left Clarityintensity at the time of the great sistent part of itself many out glance this combination is rather went its own way, worked out its ites; but the general plan seemed forward step marked by the split right Stalinists (whether or not incongruous: municipal socialists, own problems, joined the Federa plausible and the deal was put with the old Guard and the en these are members of the Com left over by a kind of historical tion, fought the o. conduct through.
trance of the former Workers munist Party is irrelevant: they accident from the Old Guard; one ed its own propaganda, supported Party members. They continued are complete Stalinists in ideo of the most prominent sections its own paper (the Call has only Capitulates to Wisconsin unaþated throughout the entire logy. the members of the Con of the old anti Old Guard Mili 75 subscribers in Wisconsin. The combination functioned election campaign of 1936. In necticut Committee of Corres tant grouping; and an old fash without ever bothering the na smoothly at the Philadelphia Browder report to the Central pondence; Paul Porter; sig ioned, passive, group tional organization. But Wiscon meeting, and continued firm Committee following the Elect ners of the Wisconsin letter on from New England. However, sin none the less has been feel at the Special Session. Raskin ions, the drive to smash the So the Trials; numerous single in during the past year, the paths ing more and more restive.
Ru. and Minkley, in their own way, cialist Party was put forward as dividuals the key problem. The Party was the Party. Much more important, come together. On the four key ers that the national Party had stood. They announced that Wisflooded with literature, leaflets, however, is the fact that the political questions they have dis taken steps to the Left. that there consin would stay in the Party. articles, pamphlets in the pre arguments and aims and meth covered a remarkable unanimity: were even determined revolution as long as the Party did not inconvention period. Since Convention, the campaign of the borrowed (sometimes with minor national, and perhaps especially the literature and speeches of the vided the purge of the Left and Stalinists has continued with alterations in transit) from the on the necessity for liquidating Party were very close to Marx of Left wing ideas was carried even greater bitterness, with arsenal of Stalinism. The central the Party into a Farmer Labor ism. Such a state of affairs was through. They explained that speeches and editorials and even aim: the suppression and expuls movement an end largely irksome, and might prove grossly Wisconsin objected to the War more with the campaign in the ion of the Left, is identical with accomplished already in Wiscon inconvenient.
Resolution, the People Front the Stalinists.
The sin, in motion form in New York, Wisconsin came to the Chicago Resolution, and the Trade Union North American Committee to Aid political basis of the Right wing and wished for eagerly by Lewis Convention in a truculent mood. Resolution, and would of course Spanish Democracy, the unions, wing ideology support of the in his pre convention documents There, though it succeeded in therefore be unable to act in acand the Workers Alliance. Spanish assassins, attacks in the Massachusetts State Bul keeping adherents of the revolu cordance with them in Wisconsin.
against the American Committee letin. Above all, the three are tionary tendency oft of the The listened, cowered, The Stalinists Aim for the Defense of Trotsky, un unbreakably at one in their un and though it commended and accepted. On the touchiest believable bitterness against the relenting opposition to revolu the vigorous measures against point of all the Trade Union The aim of the Stalinists is perspective of the Fourth Inter tionary Marxism, and the revolu: factional organs, yet it saw Resolution administration was not obscure. It is to drive all national, class collaborationist tionary tendency in the Party. It some of its worst fears almost turned over to the Wisconsin non Stalinists ideas and all in Farmer Laborism all of these, is this last powerful motive realized. Quite inacceptable re State Executive. Wisconsin dividuals who persist in holding in the hands of the Right wing, which really keeps them to solutions were passed on a num terms were granted. Minkley such ideas out of the labor move are only watered down versions gether; when it is removed, they ber of subjects, and there was a graciously concluded that the them by the nature of Stalinist from Stalinism that the Right ferent ways.
ment. This aim is imposed upon of the Stalinist program. It is will no doubt again go their dif good deal of talk about discipline. Wisconsin members of the NaWhen the delegates returned, the tional Action Committee would world policy, and they cannot be wing learns its characterization The three groups are well clamor grew demanding that would begin attending meetings content with anything short of of Left wingers as disrupters known to the membership. It is something be done. Voices were as soon as the Action Committee its complete accomplishment. In and factionalists, with whom no not necessary to discuss them at raised, calling for a walk out. stopped talking about Spain and this country, that means first to one can get along (they could length. few observations are, The difficulty was: where was France and Russia, and began make sure that the Socialist not have learned it from expe however, worth repeating. there to go? The Social Demo really trying to convince the man Party does not become a revolut rience, for during the past year The mass base of the Right cratic Federation could not be of in the street about the superiority ionary Party. And this in turn it is the left alone which has wing lies in Wisconsin. Every much use to Wisconsin; there of socialist mayors.
means to smash the Left wing built the Party and advanced it month a check paying for 2, 000 was not yet a national FarmerSuch, then, is Altman main in the Socialist Party, upon in the mass movement. The dues stamps arrives at the Na Labor setup, and the Farmer ally in his struggle against the which the future of the Party as Stalinist methods are likewise tional Office (the role which dues Labor Political Federation had Left: the Wisconsin organizaa revolutionary organization, reflected in the exclusion of ad stamps play in such matters as not yet sufficiently matured. tion, reactionary, entangled with indeed, its future as any kind herents of the Left from respon Party Conventions should be kept Still. something had to be done. old line trade union bureaucrats, of independent political organi sible posts, from the in mind. The maximum esti Broad mindedly, a representative contemptuous of the Party, inzation wholly depends.
the press, from all important mate of actual Party members in (nominally of the Milwaukee solent and brazen in its attitude, Revolutionary Marxists, all functions and committees in sec Wisconsin runs to about 400. The Leader, but with expenses paid social patriotic virtually to Left wing socialists called all tions of the Party where the former members, and indeed most by the Milwaukee Local of the man, anti revolutionary to of them Trotskyists by the Right has control. In the work of the remaining 400, have trans Party) was sent to the Pitts. core.
Stalinists are counter revolu ers Alliance, Lasser spends the ferred their allegiance to the burgh Convention of the Social Of Lewis not much need be tionary fascist agents. They major part of his energies Farmen Labor Political Federa Democratic Federation. The re said. His following has dropped are professional disrupters and struggling against the Trotsky tion.
saboteurs. They are against the ists port was not in all respects satis to a pitiful, worn out handful.
among his fellow party factory. Membership meetings He himself and his associates unity of the working class. They members. Even more: the ruth Wisconsin States Right were held. And at them, and at have made their perspective are treacherous sectarians. They less and bureaucratic manner in conferences, the emissaries of clear: Liquidation of the Party should be driven entirely out of which the Right wing conducts Wisconsin has always stood Altman for example, Lasser and into a Farmer Labor Party, any he labor movement. And wher its campaign is only a faint copy firmly on the traditional Ameri Siegel arrived. Siegel explain kind of Farmer Labor Party, ever Stalinists have sufficient of the time dishonored methods can doctrine of States Rights. ed: Let us get together; we must with the socialists functioning power, they take steps drive of the Comintern. Live and let live, they have join to drive out the Leftwing; within such a party as an educathem out. They are members of We should not allow ourselves tolerantly felt. It goes without that is the first step toward any tional group. One last Party Franco Fifth Column. They are to be deceived by the occasional saying that while the old Guard suitable solution; stay with us duty remains: to join his feeble impossible for honest workers to flare ups of anti Stalinism was in the Party their rights at least long enough for that; force to the lynch campaign get along with. They are incur from the camp of the Right wing, Iwere never infringed. Nor, in we will promise that you will not against the Left.
the the aim the