BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLiberalismMarxismPopular FrontsReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL to a of ional forces. No single important the revolutionary forces in a cialist Party. The Fourth Inter. er Labor and Labor Party. hundred strikes; favorite of the phase of the civil war can be se new, Fourth International, based national is not in the least a And what sort of movements Citizens Budget Commission parated from international con upon the theory and practice of mere phrase to conjure with. It are they? About this no elaborate that organization of the big prosiderations.
revolutionary Marxism. This is is the perspective which sums up argument is needed. Are they perty owners in the interests of This is equally true whether the immediate and inescapable all the great problems of our anti capitalist. Not one of efficient government. whose we approach the Spanish events task imposed by the demands of time; the slogan which in con their leaders would dream of police have developed the most from the point of view of Franco, the present, following equally densed and concentrated form pretending so. They are dedicat accomplished technique in this or of the Popular Front Govern from the lessons of the past and draws the full conclusion of re ed heart and soul to the preser country for the preservation of ments, or of the revolutionary. the perspective for the future. volutionary Marxism to the ex vation of capitalism. Are they law and order. whose own pet, workers and the struggle for so. This task cannot be put aside. periences of the present epoch. against imperialist war? Quite the Independent Subway, is the cialism. Thus the Spanish events The hollow argument that the To those who direct their attack the contrary, they are busily last of the big traction systems provide one more decisive test bulk of the militant workers still against the Fourth International preparing a mass base for the to hold out against unionization; ing ground for the two existing remain within the old Inter who defend and support the In coming defensive war. Are whose agreement with the bank Internationals of the working nationals, and that therefore the ternationals of treachery and they free of all entanglements ers on New York City finances class. The answer to the test is time is not yet ripe for the new betrayal, the revolutionary Left with capitalist parties (a foolish differs from Tammany only in unambiguous: The Spanish events International, is only a cowardly replies proudly and defiantly by question enough, when they are being more acceptable to the prove beyond any remaining attempt to slough off respons unfurling, at the head of its co themselves capitalist parties. bankers.
doubt the hopeless bankruptcy of ibility on to the backs of the lumn, the ideas, the banner, and How absurd: their chief task in The direct relation of this is the two existing Internationals. masses. The fact that the bulk the goal of the Fourth Inter 1936 was to gather votes for sue to the Party crisis is apparWithin Spain, the Socialist and of the militant workers still ad national.
Roosevelt. Do they run genuine ent on the surface. The autumn Communist Parties, in harmony here to the existing Internatiorepresentatives the proletariat elections are fast approaching.
with their parent Internationals, nals, only strengthens immeasu. 4) Farmer Laborism for office. La Follette and La Wisconsin wants to rid itself of have pursued a basically identi rably the argument for the new The fourth of the key political Guardia are the answer. even nominal attachment cal policy of class collaboration. International. For the masses, in questions forming foundation The Farmer Labor Progressive party which includes revolutionUnder the slogan of the Popular so far as they adhere to the exis stones of the present crisis in Federation and the American ists in its ranks. Altman and Front, they have attempted to ting Internationals, far from the Party is the issue of Farmer Labor Party are both vicious Thomas know that they could confine the struggle of the work being led in any degree toward Laborism. We refer not to the muddles of class collaboration, never put across their capituers within the framework of ca the workers revolution, are question of a Labor Party or Popular Frontism, outworn Po lation to La Guardia without the pitalist democracy, subordinating thereby hand and foot to Farmer Labor Party in the ab pulism and atavistic liberalism, suppression and expulsion of the their policies to the demands of the bourgeoisie, and prepared for stract, but to the very concrete the docile instruments of labor Left wing. This is an additional the Foreign Offices of England, slaughther in the coming impe problems of the Farmer Labor bureaucrats and careerist pro and compelling reason for the France and the Soviet Union, and rialist war.
Progressive Federation of Wis gressive capitalist politicians. haste and the brutality of their to their own democratic bour It is the new International consin and the American Labor Support of these movements at campaign. And, in general: the geoisie; and they have systemat, which alone can blaze the trail Party of New York: that is to the present time in actuality re Right wing stands for the exically suppressed and in the end for the masses toward power say, to the La Follette and the presents the perspective of the pulsion of the Left as an indisexecuted those who stand for the and toward socialism. From the the La Guardia movements. liquidation of independent work pensable step in its liquidation perspective of the workers re very first days, a genuine and The labor movement in this ing class politics. That is the of the Party as an independent volution. Outside of Spain, by functioning International center country has, during the last two long and short of it. And it is, political force.
advocating and upholding the can alter powerfully in favor of years, surged forward. The chief again, not in the least an ac The attitude of Clarity on this treacherous non intervention the workers the balance of for symbol of this upsurge is, of cident, that the Right wing of question is equally revealing.
pact, the parties of the two In ces. How great a role it could course, the o. movement. the Party is made up of those Clarity stands, in theory, for a ternationals have played the ga have played in Spain, where Never before in this country, and who in practice are the ardent genuine Labor Party that is, me of Stalin Blum Eden.
absence of such center has at no time anywhere else in the and eager supporters of these for the dream of a Labor Party During this same time, the rendered vain so much sacrifice, world, has there been anything two movements. They support in their own heads. Consequenttwo Internationals and their con has meant that the magnificent quite comparable to the them exactly because they are ly, they are always left in constituent parties have, under the heroism and militancy of the movement. In gigantic strikes and for the liquidation of independ fusion by the disparity between slogans of collective security Spanish workers has been left demonstrations and organization ent revolutionary working class a real, flesh and blood Labor or and defense democracy the prey of traitors and cowards, drives, the American workers politics.
Farmer Labor Party (such as against fascism. passed over to with no pole of firm and have been displaying an un The Wisconsin organiation of the Farmer Labor Political Fedan open policy of social patriot swerving revolutionary perspec precedented militancy and class the Party has already largely eration or the American Labor ism. This is most strikingly tive around which to crystallize. solidarity.
dissolved itself into the Farmer Party) and their dream. They symbolized by the voting of the war budget in France by both Right wing and Fourth As yet, the conscious political Labor Progressive Federation recognize and state there is Communist International the Socialist and expression of this upsurge has Wisconsin socialists run for something rotten in such movelagged far behind its direct act office not on the Socialist but on ments as these. But what to do Parties in January of this year Once again, we find that ion on the field of the class the Federation ticket. Raskin about it? To do anything would an act which at the time of the fundamental question of the new struggle. The profound problem frankly declared at the Phila mean to undertake a sharp polast war took place only after International, posed in all its im for the bourgeoisie and for all delphia meeting that if litical offensive against the the war had been declared.
mediacy by history itself, is di of its hangers on is to try to forced to choose between the Right wing; and this the whole rectly related to the internal make sure that this class mili Federation and the Party, the nature of Clarity politics forThe Two Bankrupt Internationals crisis in the Socialist Party. The tancy finds a political outlet in bulk of the Wisconsin members bids.
spearhead of the attack of channels altogether safe for would choose the Federation.
Throughout the world, the Right wing is formed by the In capitalism; as, conversely, the Hoan eyes placed greedily on The silence on Wisconsin two Internationals and their ternational question. The culmi problem for Marxists is to direct the Senate see the seat not Parties have undertaken the sys nating charge of the Right wing it along a revolutionary pers with a Socialist but with a Fe silence Wisconsin unsocialist Thus they endure in pained tematic persecution and destruc against the Left is that the ad pective. In 1936, by a variety of deration label. The Party as an behavior, and Raskin and Bietion of the revolutionists and the herents of the Left are Fourth devices, the bourgeoisie was suc organization becomes more and miller taunts and contempt. In revolutionary organizations. The Internationalists. This was Soviet Union is only the most main theme of the address of itancy of the workers to the su and in fact is still retained only counter motion to Altman a cessful in chaining the class mil more of a burden to Wisconsin; New York they introduce as a striking and terrible exemple. Levenstein to the Special Session gared demagogy of Roosevelt, as a means for maneuvering with motion of their own which is Within Spain the two parties of the in which he de and the Roosevelt machine. In the in the Federation, jointly carry out the persecution. manded the expulsion of the Left bulk, the workers have still not full of radical phrases, but yet In France and its colonies, it is wing en block because it believed broken fully with these chains.
Right wing for La Guardia does not specifically renounce the Pepular Front Government, in the Fourth International. For support of La Guardia. In their Nevertheless, the possibility of supported by the parties of the months in Local New York, all this break already gives rise to Left declared that the Altman demn Altman and La Guardia Months ago, spokesmen of the speeches, of course, they contwo Internationals, which jails, applicants for Party member nightmares in the minds of the tortures and executes revolutionship ists, suspends the revolutionary pathy to the idea of the Fourth bourgeoisie, the liberals and the Sroup in New York was headed roundly. But their mode of propress, and sends its police and International have been rejected knit firmly on the capitalist Guardia through the American liste gracefully in the end, with Mobile Guards against striking by Altman membership com oms, must be made ready. And Labor Party. At that time, the their tracks covered by the rathe parties of the two Inter column in the Call to polemize at hand in the conception of what usual manner, as slander. Au The issue is well worth pondnationals conduct their campaign against the Fourth International, they call a Labor or Farmer sections of the Party will take ering: Is this what the member.
to drive the revolutionists out of and to declare the incompatibility Labor Party.
it more seriously today. On July ship is building a Party for? To the labor movement, in order to of belief in the Fourth Interna12th the City Central Committee support La Follette and La Guartry to remove the last obstacle tional with membership in the Labor Party Real and Ideal held a meeting consider the dia (or, as it might read, Azana to their plans of betrayal to the Socialist Party. At the Special question of the autumn elections and Companys and Chautemps. coming war.
Session of the proposals No illusion about the possibi were made to exact It is not necessary to discuss The Altman majority motion (the Let this much be clear: this is a loyalty the ideal Labor Party, made to summary for which was deliver not the kind of Party which the lity of reforming the existing oath from all members pledging order in the minds of dreamers, ed by Thomas, though Thomas Left wing proposes to build. Our Internationals can any longer be allegiance to the Second Inter or to determine whether it is is not a member of the City aim is to achieve the workers retained. Reform is excuded national, and rejecting the good or bad thing for the Central Committee. proposes a revolution, not to put salve on both politically and organization Fourth.
workers. The revolutionary Left full slate of Socialist candidates; death sores of capitalism.
ally: politically, by the crystal The mass expulsicns in New wing has a clear answer to the but included is the following palization of the Internationals on York were largely based on the theoretical question. The only ragraph: the basis of class collaboration charge of expressing belief in Labor Party which meets the re Our candidate for Mayor These four, then, are the cenand social patriotism; and orga the Fourth International. There quirements of Marxists is the against La Guardia may be with tral political questions which lie nizationally by the iron mono, is a certain irony in reflecting revolutionary party; and, while drawn if in the course of discus back of the present crisis in the lithism of the Third International that this same Second Inter permitting under certain given sions with the and in Party. It is they that control and and the purely bureaucratic national, to which the Right wing conditions critical support of or the development of the campaign determine the course of orstructuro of the Second. There is now so eager to profess de even participation as an auto it becomes apparent that such ganizational struggle. This must are, it is true, large numbers votion, refused to endorse the nomous organization in a Labor action will strengthen the labor never for a moment be forgotten.
of workers now adhering to the 1936 independent election cam Party having the backing of the movement and our hope of use The fight of the Left wing is not parties of the Internationals who paign of the Party, is in the majority of the organized work fulness in building a national basically a fight for posts or can be won to revolutionary In closest relation with the Social ing class, revolutionists do not labor party. constitutional rights or new ternationalism, and perhaps even Democratic Federation, and holds believe that it is ever their pro Does anyone doubt the mean committees. It is in general, a entire parts organizations; but and pursues policies on every per business to adovocate or ing of this paragraph. If so, fight for revolutionary Marxism; these, as well as now unaffiliat important question directly op build a reformist party which those doubts would have been re and, in particular, a fight for ed workers, can and will be won posed to the avowed policies of will prove to be their most bitter moved by attendance at the July solidarity with the Spanish Reonly by resolute break, both po the Party adopted at the Chicago rival. But the theoretic question 12th meeting. It was made en volution, for the heritage of the litical and organizational, with Convention.
the two existing Internationals.
is not here at issue. It is the tirely clear that the majority October Revolution against the The International question is specific question of La Follette resolution meant, concretely, Kremlin hangmen, for a revoThe break cannot be left as a neither abstract nor postponable. and La Guardia. The movements support of La Guardia. La Guar lutionary International, and for mere negative act, but is inse. It is given in the circumstances backing them are not dreams, dia! candidate and member of independent workingclass poliparably bound up with the posi of world politics, and in the con but the genuine, homespun aut the Republican Party; institutor tics. This is the real meaning of tive task of the regroupment of ditions of the crisis in the So lhentic American type of Farm lof the Sales Tax; breaker of a the fight.