BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1936 NEW MILTITANT PAGE Stalin Destroys Conquests of October October Revolution Bolsheviks Hounded; Class he Class Nature of the Soviet State Bureaucracy Strangles Enemy Granted New Rights Letter from Leon Trotsky the Factory Committees at tive Czarist Methods Returnin Schools Workers Party Joins the Socialist Party It is possible to learn how Trot conscious Bolshevik Leninist When a worker abroad asks al by laughing and mocking them for skylsts are unearthed by reading a simply arrived independently You ask the question of whether Precisely the bourgeoisle has re that the productive forces continue question about the conditions of the thelr prudishness. The social intelegram from Kazan printed in certain conclusions, is immaterial. the present. Soviet system can give duced the forms of property to their in their rise, there will remain in workers in the he is not surance tunds were expended with the January 17 issue of Pravda.
way to a third form of society, barest expression. The proletarian your hypothesis nothing but the interested only in the material con out any control. The president of under the following scarehead: Privileges and Repressions which would be nefther capitalist revolution nationalized capitalist fact that the bureaucracy has suc. ditions of labor (wages, length of the committee did not permit the The Trotskyist Calumny of Sur means of special decree, the Dor socialist. Urbans believes that property. The question therefore ceeded in stabilizing, fortifying and the working day) but also in the workers to become delegates from district membership meeting in all social restrictions in the sphere identifying the sovlet system with itsele degenerate into a fiction, real cally, ideologically and politically the most important conquest otment. And the workers complained Bougulm, Surortzev, the director of education. Henceforth children fascist capitalism. In doing this property, under one form or an (and why not religiously. This October was the occupation of the of many other things.
Finally, after the discussion, they criticized the party regime or, as kulaks will be accepted into the ference: fascism hems in the high class emerging from the bureau mass of the population patiently ac had become proprietor of all the passed over to the election of the It appears that zenly calumniated the party, deny the same plane with the children the framework of the national stateNationalized property stands or raising of the level of economy and committees had two extremely im half of the candidates were not conference.
Ing that conscious discipline exists of workers and peasants. Today by cutting short their further de falls with planned economy. Thus, culture and endures it without of portant tasks: the control or proeven present at the In the party.
The states in his telegram that One otov at a session of the In thm to the development of the pro does not only signity that the pro certain degree the progress of econ. der the dictatorship of the prole conference and the presidium inindignant correspondent these restrictions, announced Mol. In its present form, imparts a rhy reality. Nationalization, however, That is not at all probable. To a ment of the conditions of labor un the absentees. The chairman of the sisted nevertheless on the election would imagine that such a speech January, 1936. One would imagine ductive forces never before attained. Auctive forces are organized and omy opens creat sources of power tariat.
would have met with harsh repudi that these words as well as the Urbahns thus does not know how to directed according to a plan, but to the bureaucracy. But this very ation. However, those present at privilege itself were to be under distinguish between what is his also in the interests of all. The progress is more and more turning committees at the present time cause the candidates have been en What is the role of the factory of all the candidates. Why? Bethe meeting listened to Surovtzev stood in the sense that the stabil torically prog bureaucracy prejudices the new against autocracy and its para Nothing remains of the role they dorsed by the party committee.
without any protests. Taking into Ized sociallat society is no longer arch reactionary.
system in these two ways. On the sitism.
account the Stalinist regime this in need of an artificial defense one hand, It reduces the efficiency played in the past. With the de. Finally, the president obtained the What perspective openg before generation of the party, the govern election of all the candidates and implies that the meeting sided against the youth of boureols de see that you have nothing in of planned economy and on the completely with Surortzev. Not scent. The only thing to do would common with Urbahn formulation other it consumes enormous portion. This will not be a social rev. committees have also undergone the committee several members of only the secretary of the District be to greet the new decree! But But you think that the Soviet bu tion of its surplus.
Committee but even the representa against the background of liberal meneracij in its further developese we speak of a third system. The bourgeoisie too in its evolution that of a superintendent, an aid to workers had demanded be expelled Committee, 0, measures of this sort, all the more ment, will be able to adapt the we must answer the question as to bas known of great revolutions, the economie organs, closely con from the committee.
the important party summit kept monstrous is the new flood of bureterests to such a point that it be newly acquired by the bureaucracy political revolutions which took apparatus of the It is notures of bureaucratism: scortul In this note we see all the feaceed too much counter to the mood oppositionists, the savage repres comes in reality a ruling class. You to an ever larger party of the na place on the basis of already estab longer the representative of the rude attitude towards the workers of the meeting. Only towards the stons against the working class do not specify these new forms of tional income which would be lished property. The theoretical working class controlled by the the blind execution of orders from end of the meeting, as a conse: youth, the moment that the latter with the general statement that isin, or it what is involved is the not foresee, in any case. the post houp of functionaries under of the most elementary principles of democracy. It is interesting to note by individual (1) Communists. matter of fact there is no contra lite me e voluto na nia fovemba tuostable in virtual liquidation of planned econ. bility of the political revolution on dere out the furet lacradles tomade In this general form, find it as would constitute a new social base. by the proletariat. Bu There is rarely any information that the only reaction of the editors tary of the District Committee of bourgeois relations in the sphere they ata in the Soviet press on the real life of the paper in relating these facts briefly remark that the criticism of the aistribution of the articles altficult to adopt as to reject the. We must clearly understand that not also foresee the bonapartist de of the factory committees and there is to add at the bottom of the ar.
a repetition of everything the ment of ranks in the army and the corny factors must be abstracted and by the same token also the tatorship. Both these things belong When it is impossible for them to the elections should be annulled?
Trotskyists said in their time creation of a privileged stratum of for that in the first place those nationalization of the productive to those stages, transitory forms remain silent on some repugnant No, It is not by volding that these The entire mechanism of the meet the best people on the basis or that are decisive for our revolu forces, will inevitably and automater so rich. The general lawsin for selt criticism and assume tire bureaucratie system, where the etc. in the formation ing stands clearly revealed before personal performance open up the tonary activity.
ically lead to paralysis and disin tory which his facts does the bureaucracy itself go facts can be changed! It is the enDA. The individual indignant com possibility of a career for the self Now, forms of property are social then the longer have before us a socialism, as they are established against the bureaucracy.
tegration of the latter. We would of the evolution of capitalism to the air of seriously struggling lower ranks follow in the footstepe munista is, of course, the author seeking progeny of the bourgeoiste forms par excellence. You cite ex. progressive system, but one in de by Marxism, do not lose their force of their superiors, where the crushTo allow the reader to form his ing of democracy is the principle of benchman of Pravda, le, of the manifestations of the bourgeoisin pre capitalist epoch where certain lead to fascist capitalism. It is able episodes. of the correspondence himself, the On the other hand the self game amples moreover taken from the composition, which would inevitably by these episodes (very disagree low judgment on the real life of the regime, which bears the reGeneral Secretariat: it was only cation of the ruling summits en forms of property had no great conceivable that a development so sponsibility for these revolting upon his direct insistence that the sender oppoaltion on the part of significance. These examples only rich in possible formations created on the subject of the Interesting tral organ of the Soviet trade unions not interest themselves in working the factory committees will cite facts These are a few considerations several facts culled from the cen Naturally these committees do that the very same eritilam of the same time make this oppoaltiono tinguish the real from the supposed sence of the matter there would me and which send you in all tend to give a complete pteture of are often horrible. Listen to what present with obvious sympathy, eyes of the bureaucracy. Thas thical fictions (which also have a real Let us suppose that planned haste.
was nothing else than Trotaky. removal of restrictions upon those function, but on a higher plane. economy remains basically intact, January 1, 1966 the life of the factory committees the workers say in speeches at the but should however provide useful of the Metal Workers trade tgm. The secretary unable to who emerge from the bourgeois milInformation.
do more. It ought to be added that leu and the strengthening of the unions (Trud, Dec. 28, 1985. The similar episodes occur at hundreds repressions against the working Trud (Jan. 1, 1936) dves the children of the worker Mezendinov and thousands of party meetings. class youth naturally supplement following report of the life of the (he has worked in the factory since factory committee of the textile 1911) cannot attend school. They Whether Surovtzey is actually alone another.
corporation at Tashkent: For the have neither worn clothes nor first time in three years, the workshoes. In the chemical corporaing men and women of the corporation at Mychitainek It is very 1985 was a year of great re that is why all discipline from power, the bureaucracy no longer tion met in conference to hear the damp, the workers remain standing forms for the In almost above is superfluous. On the con tolerated any expression of free report of the outgoing factory com in thelr slippers on the damp floor; all felds of Soviet lite, changes trary, the youth must develop free thought. It demands absolute submittee and to elect a new one. Out it is very warm and close. New matook place which remove the ly without the pressure of author mission. This regime was similarly of the 19 members elected three chines have been placed in the rope ever further from the conquesta ity exercised by the family, by the Introduced in the school Autonomy years ago only one remained. All walk, the amount of injurious. of October. The re establishment school or anything else. Continued from Page 1)
of the pupils to supplanted by the the other members of the commit cretions has increased and the of grades in the army, the monetary The appeal to the scholars from police surveillance of adulte this tee were appointed.
cance of the day to day drudgery, knows very well reform, the reform of the family the People Commisariat of Educa is to guarantee the state from the It is clear that the workers eye sicknesses. The lack of venworkers have begun to contract what a powerful aid to these tasks is the clarifying finally the academic reformtion in 1917 said: spirit of opposition.
are landmarks on the road of the Pupils of the secondary schools The decree on academic reform, activity of the committee. During matism among the workers. Here learned nothing from the report of tilation, the dampness er uses rheuword, the sharp arrow pointing out the road ahead.
degeneration of the Soviet state. must not have no right to consider published by the Council of People the discussion the indignation of is the situation already known to Theory and practice go hand in hand in a healthy rev We intend to pause here exclusive themselves as children and to gor Comissars, Sept. 3, 1865 makes a the workers was expressed in the the factory committee. In olutionary movement. Naturally, there are differ y on the academie reform, and by ern their future according to the complete sweep of everything intro speeches or some 60 of those pres the factory Red Star, the new ences that arise at every crucial turning of the road. contrast with the academic reform orders of thelr parents and thelr duced by the October Revolution ent. The small number indicates chalrman of the factory committee, These differences must be threshed out by free dis put into effect by the October rev. teachers. Izvestia, October 15, and returns to the methods of ed. the interest the workers have in comrade Bratebenko, coopted new olution, show how in 1936 Stalin 1917)
cussion among the membership, and not decided by is liquidating one by one the con ucation established by Carist conferences of this kind. What members to the plenum andre The Government under Lenin ac Russla. Let us examine this decree did they speak about? They told moved elected members from their bureaucratic decrees of self constituted Popes. quests of the revolution of 1917 in complished a veritable revolution as published in Pravda, Sept. of 70 men in the apparatus of the jobs. He did not call any meetings, party without democracy is not a party. The best and, the academic field and approaching in the academie system. series of 1935, closer. The principal clause is committee who did nothing but not wanting to give them any reindeed, the only guarantee for a normal solution of the model of the Carist schools decrees opened a new era in the the following: with its uniforms and respect for education of the youth. Above all Underlying the ruling on the rubles were expended to maintain very active members.
were paid and that thousands of sponsible tasks although they were disputed questions is the fullest democracy in educauniforms. an Institution in thelr aim was the liquidation of the conduct of he pupils must be placed them. They told of the relations These few facts present a partional work and discussion, coupled with an attitude known even in the schools of the Ozarist system.
a strlet and conscientious applica of the leader of the paymaster sec tial plcture of the real situation in of responsibility and discipline. There is only one cure capitalist Nations of Europe. Utilization of the system of tion of discipline, politeness in rela elone with the women workers: the factories of the The for the terrible blight of mental stultification which Every government which does not marks for an extimate of the tion with teachers, comrades and When we came to him to obtain working class of the works support itself upon the broad man knowledge or the conduct of a pu adults.
Stalinism and Old Guardism have brought into the ses of the tollers and is the govern pll is annulled in all cases in acWhat are the measures taken to unshamedly proposed to us to call and moral conditions because the authorization for a sanitarium, he under extremely painful material labor movement: we must recapture, and make a liv ment of a minority utilizes as a ademle practise. No. 50 of the ensure that the pupils apply this for the authorizations. in the Soviet boraucracy sees in ing part of the heritage of the revolutionary move guarantor of its power Just as It collection of decrees and laws, 38, discipline?
evening at his home. When the workers only a force of labor whose ment, the Marxist principle that the free discussion utilizes the police apparatus the published Ma uniforms by. elaborate a draft of a ruling for of the factory committee, he replied increase output and production.
31, 1918. Instruct a commission. to workers pleaded with the president duty it is to execute the plan, to education of the youth in a spirit of of ideas is the only method whereby the proletarian The wearing submission by suppressing all free pupils. as also the distribution of every type of school. The ruling vanguard can collectively hammer out the correct proexpression the benches the insignias and medals at the end of must have a categorie and absoluto school they decree: gram that it needs if it is to work out the salvation of school. By creating a state police the term are annulled. 861 Col ly obligatory meaning for pupils as the human race.
system of education with supervis lection of decrees and laws 28 well as for teachers. This ruling scholars. Pravda, Sept. 4, 1985. To establish one uniform for ors of classes, uniforms, marks, in published Feb. 21, 1918. ANNOUNCEMENT We are confident that in such an atmosphere of dedividual memorandums, the State must be the fundamental document The most complete collection of. which strictly establishes the In comparing the decree of 9mocracy and discipline, the Socialist Party will grow has on the one hand the opportun all the principles of new education regime of studies and the basis for 1985 with that of 1018, we see that WITH OUR ENTRY as never before. Already, with the ousting of the old ity of controlling all the movements of the youth is the celebrated order in the school as well as the all that the victorious revolution INTO THE SOCIALIST Guard in New York and the simultaneous influx of rex of the scholar and on the other Charter of the United School of rules of conduet of pupils Inside had annulled of the cursed heritage hand it imbues the scholar with Labor of the of the past, is now re established.
PARTY THE PRESS OF olutionary elements the party has taken a swift leap and outside of school.
the principles of discipline and All schools go under a single To introduce in all schools a Autonomy and independence in THE WORKERS PARTY forward in membership and activity. The party is still order, with an absolute sub name The United School of La uniform type of pupils report card 1918 strict discipline and pollte SUSPENDS in relation to the American working class, in its pracPUBLICAmission before the class in power. bor.
on which all the principal rules for ness towards the adults in 1936.
tical impact upon it, primarily a propaganda organi The bourgeois school has as its task 12. The old form of discipline the conduct of the pupil is to be Abolition of the uniform in 1918 not to create the free cltizen, but which corrupts the entire life of the inscribed.
TION. THE EDITORIAL zation. But it is today the party that can, given the re estbilshment of the uniform in STAFF WILL CONTRIBthe functionary, the engineer, the school and the untrammelled devel correct developments within it, become the party of doctor, humble and loyal servants opment of the personality of the Every director is Instructed to 1936.
UTE TO THE SOCIALthe masses. We revolutionary Internationalists who of the Government. Such was the child cannot be maintained in the establish a personal record for every. Abolition of marks and examinapupil. Pravda, Sept. 4, 1935. tions in 1918 re establishment of IST PARTY PRESS.
are called Trotskyites begin our work in the Social school in Czarist Russia and so it School of Labor. The process of ist Party with the fullest confidence in the outlook for is in all capitalist countries. Dis labor itselt develops this internal Publie Education has established The People Commissariat of marks and examinations in 1936.
the future.
clpline and order in the school is discipline without which collective new models for the pupils report re establishment of the untform in Abolition of surveillance in 1918 one of the guarantors of discipline and rational work is unimaginable card and for the pupil memorand etc.
We are not afraid of isolation. There are times and order in the state. Revolution 17. The assignment of obligatory um. Then, for the first time a per.
when the revolutionists, if they are to remain true to ary parties have always under homework is forbidden.
or the Charter of the United stood the importance of the tree 18. All punishment in school is for every papli. Every five days nothing remains of the school itProtect Yourselves Against the sonal record is to be established School of Labor nothing remains, Hazards of Life. Join the their principles, have no other alternative. For more school and struggle for this libera Corbidden.
WORKMEN than seven years we endured repression and slander, SICK AND contumely and physical assault, in an isolated struggle tion of the school has always been 19. All admission tests and tests the chief instructor of a class will selt.
DEATH BENEFIT FUND an integral part of their programs for the graduation from one class mark enses of absence and tardiOF THE for principle. We survived. We are proud of our That is why it is quite natural that to another at the end of the term ness in it and will demand the sig1884 1935 struggle. We retract nothing and repent nothing. We one of the first steps of the Russian are annulled.
We have dealt at length with the Organized, managed by and are not afraid of isolation when circumstances impose proletariat in power in 1917 was a nature of the parent under all re reform of 1918 and that of 1935 36. These detailed extracts are nec marks of the instructor.
radical reform of the school.
for workers with only one essary for us for more complete In the personal record there will (annulling that of the October Thus the recent scholastic reform purpose: to render protection it. But no less courage is required to turn away from The Revolutionary Reform comparison with the Stalinist de be marked for the entire duration Revolution) is only to members and their families, isolation and move toward the mass party when con Voluntary discipline, a spirit of crees of 1936. link in the mutual aid, the single school, au The Soviet pupil ceases to be a pil for every quarter, his price and Soviet regime. The party is smashof the studies, the marks of the pu chain of the degeneration of the ditions open the way for such a step. It would be secand to support all endeavors and struggles for the improvetarian folly to reject the opportunity to participate ment of tollers.
equality, the collective principle the Ozarist bourgeois state, but be the ponishments. Izvestla, Jan ed, all rights for the workers are About 80, 000 members or in a broader movement, bringing to it all our heritage everywhere. that is the prind comes an independent citizen, with 15, 1996. suppressed and the Soviet pupil is ganized in 850 branch Reand all our ideas, which have been confirmed by every ple that will create the citizen we the right to exercise his own initiaA special apparatus of Commun dressed in the pre revolutionary serves 3, 400, 000 development in the international working class move need. Basic Principles of the tive, his free thought and bla will ist Youth organizers is to be in uniform, dyed only in a new tint.
Death benefit graded accordUnited School of Labor, Izvestis, stalled for the survelllance of the Thus is Socialism being built in ment.
ing to age at entry. Slek bene No. 225, Oct. 16, 1918)
pupil inside and outside of school. one country. Joining the Socialist Party as we are, with our 0900 At payments from 25 to The extract quoted shows the The Stalinist Reform They are to watch over the moral. to men and women, accordideas and traditions, we urge all revolutionary workcomplete incompatibility of the tree With the death of Lenin began ity and the state of mind of the direcPAUL LUTTINGER, ing to classes ers to do likewise and to add their energies to the ef and revolutionary school in a work the struggle of Staliniam against pupils. Thes, better than DANIEL LUTTINGKE, MLD.
Monthly awessments from forts of the many thousands of socialist workers in a ers state with the old Ozarist Bolsheviem, the struggle of the con tors, the instructors and the par450 to 10.
school servative clique of bureaucrats ents will follow the internal life of Thington Square North common struggle to build a powerful party of revoluFor further information apThe proletarian state does not against the representatives of the the adolescents. Molodala Gaardia, 3 and 8 Breept fundays ply to Main Ottee: tionary Socialism.
fear the tree citizen, It has no need idents of October. 10)
and Holidayu.
of whipe to assure its authority and After having strengthened 1tal To facilitate control outside of 714 Seneca Ave. Bihy, tho