BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1936 Flaherty Dead ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE AGAIN The AntiTrotsky Bittleman Takes the Swing this Time in Pamphlet Going Left Cliques Fold Up that of the Fascists, thus sowing the minds of the Left Socialists the morrow can only mean an interval certain stage the state can lose its into these blind alleys on an ultra(Concluded in this issue)
of the League. It is not that sancBy KARANDASH tions were defeated, but their saboThe New Militant learns with formed in November, 1928, upon the tage and betrayal. This is printed great sorrow of the sudden death expulsion of three members of the One year after Hitler assumpin bold type, as the revolutionary in Ireland of comrade tion of power in Germany, the position on the League of Nations!
erty, an adherent of Trotskyism Central Committee of the Commuganga of reaction raised their raIn the Camp of Revisionism from the first days of the forma nist Party (Cannon, Shachtman zors and guns in Paris on February In every sphere the Stalinista havo 6, 1934 against the corrupt Dala Ists for what they say, Bittleman or it tion of the Left Opposition in the and Abern)
for support of the postto. United States and a firm supporter tion of the Russian Opposition, comdler government. On this day, attacks them for what they alles. the stream, PP. 145 146 Russian taken over the views of the revisionists of Marxism, their precurto his dying day of the movement rade Flaherty was one of the first Humanite, the central organ of edly fail to say. According to Bit edition. Emphasis in original. sors in betrayal. As is well known, for the Fourth International. On to announce his unqualified support the French Communist Party, aptelman, they are guilty of falling One need change only a few Bernstein and his associates propealed for a demonstration in the to mention the central task of the names, places, and incidental re ceeded by subtly altering the The disintegration which has been interests were with his comrades it. He became a member of the his death bed all his thoughts and to the Left Opposition and to join very midst of the reactionary gangs, anti war struggle. serious charge, marks to have practically every. Marxian theory of the State. How taking place within the various in the United States and to the last Communist League of America and and with practically the self same indeed!
thing that Lenin and the Bolshe do the Stalinista stand with regard sectarian groups, which have made he had hopes to recover his health remained a firm supporter of the slogans, against the corrupt and Fascist Daladier. This was a we have been taught that history directly to citizen Bitteiman, and The Stalinist theory of the state Is Trotskyism, had several open tion actively in the movement le bs Do Teotely In the school of Marx and Lenin vis wrote on this subject apply to this mainspring of revisioniam? a common platform of fighting and to return to the states to func Fourth International movement led gave full support to the Workers The December 15, 1928 issue of Red Referendum in Germany, where to the advanced capitalist coun approached the question of peace in iste, not to be distinguished from manifestations during the of the Commuthe Stalinists appealed to the work tries: Either socialism or a new the abstract. Writing in the dark them except in ignorance and clum week.
past Party of America upon its forma The Militant, orvosition. an.
In addition to open splits, tion and viewed it as the first step nist League ers to cast their votes against the series of imperialist wars. And est days of the war (at a time siness.
Socialist (social fasciat) govern that therefore the central task of when the workers were certainly The essence of the revisionist tul episodes, information is made genuine revolutionary elements who berence to the cense of the Bolsheaccompanied by the most disgrace in the process of unification of the nounced comrade Flaherty adment of Britain and Seventing at the struggle against war is the pros avitely interested in the members there is the state delle note dhe shen public of the frightful decompost. bedenih na verotak, the Stalinists did not mix their of overthrowing the bourgeoisie. terminology. Lenin and Zinoviev strument of class rule but in the tion and internal stagnation of His sister, Anna Johnson, in a lar Communist propagandist in votes with the Fascists, instead An American Austro Marxist kept stressing that peace under assertion that there are stages in these bankrupt cliques. The rank letter to comrade Martin Abern, America and the writer of the tathey staged a demonstration which But Bittelman wants to instill in capitalism today as well as to the evolution of the state. At a and file workers who were misled writes from the Aran Isles, Ireland:mous Daily Worker column As We could not be distinguished from Letter from His Sister See It and a revolutionist of many wars. specific class character, coase to confusion among the workers. idea that the central task in the between two imperialist You will be surprised to hear years standing, has issued a stateOn February and the French anti war struggle today is the Peace under capitalism is an im serve as the instrument of class revolutionary program are drawworking class was treated to the struggle for peace (p. 27. Ofter perialist peace. Anyone who is for oppression, and therefore can being a balance of their unfortunate that Tom bas passed away.
He ment setting forth his uncondition died on May 19 from heart trouble. al support of the Platform of the spectacle of a Socialist Party pro ing the foreign policy of Stalin peace under capitalism is in reality utilized to advance the interests of experiences and returning to our He came back here on January 15 Russian Opposition and his soll revisionists ranks. This process is especially after 18 months between Dublin darity with all comrades expelled posing a united front to the Litvinoff in place of revolutionary for peace with the bourgeoisie other classes. The and England. He was all when he for these views. and the latter refusing the propo Marxism, Biitelman Insists that: Derose who today cry Long live im pever denied that the state was an noticeable among the youth.
sal. llamanite replied to the The Communists propose to fight perialist peace will tomorrow ery, instrument of class oppression, or statement made public last got back and got worse every day.
state week by a majority of the clique You know he always suffered from the question of the Trotsky line in After studying new material on want to struggle against fascism, central slogan of the struggle for the position of revolutionary Mars could be utilized by the bourgeoiste of Field (who was expelled heart trouble.
for its rule. Rut, said they, once from the Communist League for It is very pitiful to see him the and the Comintern, you should apply to the Amster peace (p. 28. This is the centralism.
dam Pleyel Committee whose par slogan not of Marxism but of Aus It was Karl Kautsky who insisted the state has evolved to a democ treachery during the Hotel strike suffer and he wanted so to get well sold comrade Flaherty in his ticular specialty this is. few tro Afarxism. Bittelman, whether that the International was in the racy, then it has reached that stase operating under the pretentious months later the in was he knows or not, is a true disciple nature of things an instrument of when a transition is possible, when title of the League for a revolu York and Chicago and was contin clusion that the line of the Russian changed.
of Max Adler.
react. The struggle for peace the state need no longer nerve us cay Workers Party, informs atually with you. He talked to all opposition led by comrade Trotsky is the correct Leninist line and That is why in 1936, Bittelman Back in 1915, Max Adler wrote a is the international organization of the tnstrument of bour TORSD in the organization and of the other members of the Party therefore associate myself with working class. This is the do the machinery of the then be an attempt by Field to impose and tried to persuade me in the has to write, It is strange that pamphlet Prinzip oder Romantik the Left elements. should have also in criticism of sectarians. Sition of the social patriots whom taken over by the majority of the unity by means of physical force. morning that he actually was there the position taken by comrade Oannon and his associates in the allowed this Old Guard and Trot. In which he advanced the idea that Lenin and the Bolsheviks attacked. people, and legislation introduced This method of persuasion was Ne You see, had to be continually Workers Communist) Party of From Instrument of the world to inaugurate a different social sorted to after representatives of with him night and day for the last America. They were unjustly exskylte slander to creep into the socialism after the war must make the majority, Demby and Sve weeks. He was so nervous and pelled for attempting to explain to pence its central slogan, otherwise proletarian revolution, the Third system.
draft program (p. 20. The Capitalist Transition Bittelman derotes tully two fifths socialism will cease to exist. Žino International has been transformed of his pamphlet to a criticism of viev, at that time closely collabo by Stalin into an instrument for The Stalinists do not deny that to the National Committee de It is now that his second book, the membership of the Party the the democratie state is an instruclaring the organization to be Cliffmen of the West (a book on rating with Lenin, replied to Adler peace, that is, of betrayal.
political line really advocated by the draft program on the question Trotsky in the and the New Converts for the League ment of bourgeois rule either. But, bankrupt and announcing their the agrarian northwest in the of Fascism and War. On these as follows: Zinovlev on Adler and Bittelman Every day, almost every hour. as laid down by Dimitroff) it is it. Thereupon, according to the ago the publishers wrote for perstatement then went on to set forth they say, under certain conditions Intention to sever all relations with is being advertised. And two weeks Comintern. Comrade Flaherty central questions the Left Social ists have moved closest to the For those Socialists who see no brings added proof of the Stalinist possible to have extraordinary gov statement, the door was locked mission to sell the language rights the Russian Opposition on the varthis agreement with the position of olutionary Marxist position. On other perspectives the revolution treachers, over which the staliniste ernments which can serve not the and stanley and Demby were at on a 50 50 basis.
the other hand, the degeneration ary perspective of the transforma unfallingly throw the usurped ban interests of the bourgeoiste, but tacked, knocked to the floor and Tom received papers regularly ous issues (Anglo Russian Commitand betrayal of the Third Internation of the imperialist wars into ner of the October revolution. In those of its class enemies. Such a beaten about the head. Field par from the but lately was un tee, Chinese Revolution, etc. toda estand out most sharply pre coll wars for them there is really his pamphlet, Bittelman patroniz transitional government on com ticipated in the attack, his group able to read them and was too weak cisely in the struggle against Fas no other way out. Die Fried ingly compliments the Socialists for ing into power would carry through outnumbering cism and War. The Stalinist recensidee zum Mittelpunkt.
the other members to have them read to him. His sis expelled him. The breaking with the traditional So a number of fundamental revolu at the time.
ord and policy in this sphere are idea of peace must be made our cialist Party attitude on the Leaguetionary measures (control of pro twelve members of the group sup but it was no use; he was already Eight out of the ter Della spared nothing on him; Wrote for The Militant only to clear. It is hardly sur central slogan. This is what of Nations. He forebears to mer duction and of the banks, disband. port the position of Demby and far toowhen he returned home the Militant from time to time Comrade Flaherty wrote for prising therefore that the Stalinists the events have taught them. tion that he and his colleagues have ment of the police and its replace. Stanley 1n severing relations with He was 47 years of age.
Founder of Communist Movement Interested in the agrarian problems, and participated in other activities.
upon trying to check any further serkriegsidee. one feels like shout attitude. Thus, in the June issue tia. It would so weaken the clarification or evolution of the Soing to these great toplans who are of the Dally Worker, Gabriel Peri, bourgeoisie and so strengthen the simultaneously with the disgrace Comrade Flaherty was a revo he proceeded to function for some cialists on these burning questions running around with such a petty while on the subject of the Fight working class and its allies, that ful finale of the Field adventure lutionist of many years standing years in the Northwest and edited of our epoch.
utopla. Not the idea of peace but for the Defense of Peace has the the working class would become came the announcement of seces. He participated in the Irish nove the farmers publication, the ProThe draft expresses the funda the idea of civil war, citizen Adler! following to say: ready to make the proletarian rev sions from the Oehler group, follow. ment prior to coming to the United ducer News (Plenty wood, Mont. mental thesis of the Marxian post. That is what must become the cen It seems to us that France must olution (p. ing upon previous expulsions and states in 1912, immediately joining At the same time he was engaged tion on war: only the overthrow of tral point of our program. We now declare: It is not the League This remarkable government, ac withdrawals. total of ten com the Socialist Party in Boston. He in literary efforts. He was ill durcapitalism can put an end to war. say to you: etther socialism will of Nations that was defeated but cording to Bittelman, would not be rades announced their repudiation remained in the till the split ing all these years, particularly Unable to criticize the Left Social become the organizer of civil war the inadequacles and shortcoming the government that is set up by of the platform of the Oehler group in 1919 when he joined with the with his heart, for which he was the proletarian revolution, but and their interfers Party in jou founders of the Communist move. little over two years ago he de farmers government the kind ing the Socialist Party. Five other ment in America, and a member of cided to pay a visit to his native which is set up within the frame members had previously left the the Central Committee of the Com home, on the wild spot, the Aran work of capitalism, a sovernment Oehler group returned to the munist Party for many years. He Isles, on which the famous film, of the united and people front Several others who have been was active during these many years Man of Aran, was made during the against fascism and war. expelled remain indecisive as to particularly in the field of Journal time. He lived the hard life that united front government, a people their next steps.
ism, being one of the leading and all must live on this barren place.
front government, a workers and Meantime the world shaklng an press. He was the first editor of published his first book, Aranmen popular writers in the revolutionary During this time, he wrote and had From Revolution (Paris) in effect revealed themselves as the Thorex declared in turn (l Hu farmers government. Whose class nouncement is made by the Revo the weekly, Voice of Labor in A1, based on life on the Isles.
hypocritical enemies of the people manite, May 19. interests would such a workers lutionary Workers League (Oehler Chicago, official organ of the Com. After a time, he left the Aran Isles On the morning after the elec who do not fear anything as much We want to bring about the tions, the communists declared as contact with the workers. collaboration of the people with certainly not those of the bour the entire group (of Field) makes of The Worker and later on the London and other places in Great that they were going to devotel Front, May 16, organ of the party parliament and the government, themselves to the organization of of Deat and Paul Boncour, warned as the program of the People Beoisie. How else could it intro. it Impossible to continue negotia Dally Worker. oficial organs of the Britain, contributing articles from Rank and File Committees of the its readers: Organization stipulates. The Comduce a number of fundamental tions with League for a Revo Communist Party. He conducted, time to time to the labor press. He revolutionary measures, and weak lutionary Party (Field group. too, a special column in the Daily returned to the Aran Isles upon the People Front The latest discovery of the mittees of the People Front must Thorez wrote in Humanite, consists in the creation of be developed, strengthened, im strengthening the working class so that off. But that is not al. Worker under the caption, As We completion of his second book, May 10: Committees in the cities and We will insist on the demoand its allies!
The Oehlerites are very thorough Chiffmen of the West where his Thorex offered the following ex neighborhoods to which the memComrade Flaherty was one of persisting illness soon thereafter At a time when the bourgeolsle going people and when they start the band of Communists under in brought the peace of death to him.
cratic election of Committees of planations in bis speech at Grange is no longer able to maintain to break off negotiations they be dictment in the famous Bridgeman, the People Front in the country, ber parties of the People Front are invited to participate.
aux Belles: stable parlamentarian regime and lieve in doing a complete job. The Mich. case. He participated in that letter to comrades in New York excity and village.
Without anticipating the deci. This firm desire to guar Comrade Flaherty in recent Replying to questions asked by slons our central bodies will not antee the support of the masses ruling class is no longer able to the doom of the field group also renowned underground conven pressed the hope and belief that he reporters, Duclos stated. fail to immediately adopt on on this through the medium of the Peo provide the most miserly conces announces suspension of the motion as well as other convention would soon return. That is why our friend ple Front Committees has al the United subject, we recommend the great of the revolutionary states, health greatly improved and Thorez emphasized our action for sions to the oppressed classes in mentous negotiations with the Ital gatherings est circumspection to the secre the democratie election of Comtionary press which is trying to set up under capitalismo govern in order to give the three members work of the International Laborary activity more fully. He remittees of the People Front taries of the groups. There will be enough difficulties for the rothe country. Thus we divide us. What is involved, how ment that would pass fundamental of the latter organization an oppor Defense and was de delegate to the mained a revolutionist, a Bolshevik, ever, is to improve what already revolutionary measures, etc.
publican government not to have International Red Aid Congress to the end, and all his friends and give proof that we are a party to ris the creation of new ones which bases itself on the people.
What have we here if not the re their ranks in the and inter. Labor Defense) in Moscow. The bourgeois press pretends comrades, who are legion, are glad by mass and street action which Expelled as Left Oppositionist propaganda pamphlet of the that this will be an intolerable vistonlst myth that the machinery nationally over the class character to honor the memory of a revoluwill get out of its control. which we have already cited, control over parliamentary and of bourgeois oppression can be atti. of the Soviet Union. It is to be When the Left Opposition was tionary stalwart.
ized by the working class for its inferred that if and when this Bergery paper, Fleche, makes governmental activity. We, formally states: emancipation. The recommends Com. similar comments. Mr. Bergery communists, think that only on small point is cleared up one way mittees of the People Front, prefers the salons to the workers the parliamentary and govern.
Left Is Anti Stalinist or another the negotiations will el Do You Want to know demoeratically elected in the en: meetings: The only difference between the ther be resumed or finally broken mental plane one can obtain what If such a move can justify a above formulation of Bittelman off. We shall see what we shall see.
tire country, in the neighbor.
the sources of the social patriotism of the Third hoods and in the factories, and frenzied campaign on the part of by their activity in the entire and the classic formulation of the Diligent Inquiry by our reporter International embracing not only members of the trusts, it is certainly one revistonists is that Bernstein failed to uncover any tangible incountry.
the significance of the theory of Socialism in one organizations but the unorgan which permits Temps and other They pretend that such com would have insisted that such a formation about the present status country ized masses as well.
Right papers to declare that the mittees are revolutionary clubs, government could proceed to build and whereabouts, it any, of the Sovietization of France is being Soviets! The bourgeoisie is very socialist society instead of to Communist League of struggle the relation of this theory to the working class organized. make a proletarian revolution. Albert Welsbord. The cafeterias The Radicals in a Panie well aware that this is not true, movement in Russia, Germany, China, England and elsewhere But Bernstein could afford to be are thick with rumors that WeisTxard, deputy from Briey, un but it is faithful to its time worn It is therefore clear that the logical and consistent bord has departed for Chicago, that. the place of the Soviet Union in the world revolu.
adopted a demand which we have doubtedly thinks that the workers tactie: spread panie.
Since then the has shelved He did labor under the necessity of he has returned, that the bus broke tionary movement not ceased to defend. practical or who elected him will defeat de ganization, from below, of People Wendel with newspaper articles.
the meaning of the so called Trotsky Stalin the mass Committees. But that palming on his revisionist garbage down on the way there or back, Committees, democratically elected.
was not enough for Messleurs the as revolutionary Marxism.
that he has retired into seclusion in struggle Bittelman and the other funkies To that Vaillant Couturler added Radicals Stalinists Retreat Under Fire the program for world Socialism that the Communists would consti Confronted wth these attacks, the life and labors, etc. Up to the moThe pro fascist Dominique was of Stalin must resort to their shab order to write a book about his still writing in Republique, May be able to continue using the pres was unable to locate any authorized by revolutionary subterfuges toment of going to press our reporter READ tute as well a ministry of the Stalinists beat a quick retreat.
masses 16: That was enough for the entire Couturier wrote: In Humanite, May 15, VaillantThe 3rd International After Lenin tige and the traditions of the Oc spokesmen who could deny or con If Mr. Vaillant Couturier contober revolution in order to bull Arm any or all of these rumors.
Right and Radical Socialist press stitutes hls Ministry of the Mass The point in question on the doze workers away from the revoby LEON TROTSKY to set up a bowl about the dictaes, neither parliament nor the Sic transit gloria mundi.
torship of the proletariat, Soviets, People Front Committees is not cabinet will be free. And we want lutionary traditions and policies of With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Max Shachtman ete. Indeed, these gentlemen bad ties, nor of substituting itself for of substituting Itself for the par it to be.
the October revolution. To go left 416 Pages Cloth Bound Regular Edition 00 the right slanti In other words, the bourgeoiste is in the first instance to go away NEW MILITANT Popular Edition 00 In face of the impotence of Perthe regular government bodies will be less free to carry through from Stalinism. To be charged with with which is merged PIONEER PUBLISHERS llament, the People Committees The only question for them ar.
its maneuvers against the working being a counter revolutionist by a THE MILITANT dent defenders of democracy Is cifes, will be less free to horse Stalinist is a well nigh infallible 29 DAST 12th STREET, will appear as the only force capable of assuring the power of the to actively second a government trade, to plot, to le, to deceive in proof that one is learning to differ Published weekly by the New MIIworking masses. The mass comwhich is about to take office parliament. And that is what these entiate between the revolutionary tant Publishing Co. 100 Fifth Ave, mittees will set themselves against supplanting a ministry which in Bentlemen do not want!
the last week has permitted the the revisionism of the stalinist bur. Entered as cond class mall matter the arbitrary, dictatorial and poLUMEN CAMP COOPERATIVE lice rule o bourgeois state.
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