CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 DAY TO DAY REPORT OF SOCIALIST CONVENTION Farmer Labor Party Question their of (Continued from Page 1)
spect to the conditions, failed of though not in its original) called mained for the crowded closing with an indictment of the National success. The Right wing was and on for a society in which the indus minutes of the final session. on the Executive Committee, the militants, properly so adamant in its demand tries of the country shall be social. Farmer Labor Party resolution and and all those associated with them, for all or nothing. The Honn moly owned. The Right wing the United Front. In between, a as communists and insurrection was thereupon defeated by a proposed to change socially to number of significant motions and tlonists a term which he uttered vote of 4, 393 in favor and 10, 201 publicly. Laidler accepted the resolutions dealing with the with all the horror and hatred of against, with some scattering abproposal; King of Michigan, a the war question, armed ina prosecutor demanding a verdict stentions. It was the last effort to (Continued from Page 1)
member of the Committee, objected; surrection, changes in the Consti.
against a revolutionist in the dock. arrange for the peaceful cohabita ever given a mayoralty candidate, Marxist political party, the only with sister parties in all countries, and, on a vote, King was upheld. tution and the Declaration of In spite of the unbelievably dull tion of the conflicting currents on the express promise not to use party that can truly represent the that can weld together and educate Principles, were passed without presentation of his speech, it never. And the defeat of even so concll the police in industrial disputes. American workers and farmers, the working class, gain the alle The Road to Power discussion, and will not be taken theless sought to bring forward intory a proposal is sufficient evi. Despite the treachery of Latimer, and cope with modern industrial giance of the farmers, lead the onup here, since they failed to reveal Some of the political differences at dence of the depth of the division the Farmer Labor party has reconditions. Our experience in Min slaught against finance capitalism, sas and Minnesota, moved certain dencies in the Convention itsell.
Left wing delegates from Arkan clearly the demarcations and tenit might be remarked that the rep maneuvering was unable to boties ranks or even to discipline him in assist in building a Farmer Labor tablish the rule of the proletariat sentences dealing with hunees war resentatives of the old Guard were The Farmer Labor Party less Inclined than were their oppo however, Eave the Wisconsin dele The state Farmer Labor machine Party and misleads and confuses the world to the establishment of question. The most important test, nents to rest their case on purely gation the basis for its final vote. has continued to make unprincipled the workers who are seeking the a world socialist economy.
however, came on the motion of The Committee report on the organizational points and legalistle We have done our all; nothing block with corrupt bourgeols poll. way out of their misery and op We therefore conclude thone the the paragraphs in the Appeal Plat ous in the extreme, and of a kind Whitten of Arkansas to substitute Farmer Labor Party was ambigugerated were oneal and Wald this was the spirit in which they ests of the rank and Ale. It has However, should national strument that initiates or builds form on The Road to Socialism to provide no resistance to the man efforts to label the lead cast their final ballot on the mostified democracy within the party. Farmer Labor or labor party arise the Farmer. Labor parts. We must for the waters, reformist statement maneuvers of the Stalinists on this ership communist. their speechestion of the Credentials Committee it has at all times supported the in America, the revolutionary So be prepared to face the develon Committee Platform. The issue at Bor Party, but declares that one is ereren med en emphasizing the fact to seat the Militant delegation as most corrupt and reactionary sec. clalists must find the path to work ment of this reformist Farmer In this point was entirely clear: it not possible in 1836; It states that that their intransigence was based a whole. The frenzled cheers of tion of the trade union movement with such a party in order to show bor party is a force ocams and was in effect on the altogether de Socialists must work vigorously for primarily upon differences in prin the convention when Wisconsin against progressive trade unionists its supporters the only road that nationally in a practical manner.
ciple and policy rather than on ob favorable vote was cast on the mo national Farmer Labor party will lead to the satisfaction of their The Socialist Party must always cisive question of the road to power it in the unions, and spends most the thorough even if it arose under the best pos needs to their emancipation the be in the position of analyzing the and the nature of the Workers of its space discussing the form posts. The militants did indeed ly ambiguous position which the sible variant that is, based on the organization of a revolutionary So Purmer Labor party in its true state with the Committee Plat. that genuine Farmer Labor make at least one distinctive effort Hoan delegation had taken through conomic organizations of the work is list Party, the overthrow or cap light, educating the workers to its formgiving the reformist answer, Party should take. It was attacked to emulate the old Guard in this out the fight in the last two years ers and farmers, as in Minnesota italist dictatorship, the smashins inevitable reformist results, respect when the New York State The motion of the Credentials com could look and act no differently of the capitalist state machinery, dangers, and to the fact that only lutionary answer. Delegate Whit from the left. The left opponents Committee of the Left Wing circu mittee was carried by a vote of than does the Minnesota Farmer the expropriation of the expropria the achievement Socialism ten presented his case well, and distinguished lated a statement summarizing the 149 in favor and 4, 809 against, Labor party. Our experience with tors, the establishment of a work through the leadership of a discl was applauded with full enthustclearly from that of the Right issues in the conflict. The char with a few abstentions.
the Farmer Labor party in Minne ing class democracy and of a socialplined, revolutionary Socialist Party asm by the rank and file delegates pointing out the extremely reaction acter of the statement, however, It had been expected by many sota, makes us certain that it is ist economy.
can permanently solve the prob of the Left. David Lasser at one ary character of the opposition from failed to set the tone for their that this vote would be the signal not the duty of the Socialist Party point interrupted to enquire sarthe right; and at the same time At all times the revolutionary lems of the working class.
Speeches in the convention, which for a walkout on the part of the of America to throw its efforts be Socialist Party must hold intact its We propose the content of the proposing an amendment or an en. and basically reformist character castically whether Whitten was criticizing vigorously the confused is saying a good deal in criticism entire right wine. The Right wing hind a national. policy It is borne in mind that the state strategy. Waldman defeated groun arty. Today and in the near fu ization, but must turn its energies Socialist Party on the uriner question, which served to point the At the same time that it attacked of their position, especially when had, however, decided upon another ment itself was far from meeting withdrew, and proceeded forthwith are great sections of workers are to the building and strengthening Labor Party question. We further the Committee resolution, the left the obvious requirements of the to set up The Social Democratic awakening to political conscious of its own organization. It must propose that this polley immediate issue even more clearly The division was ness. To channelize the masses patiently explain to the masses the ly be put into action nationally. Remarkably as by a rising vote. wing took positive action when Federation and to issue statements into reformist party is a crime fallacies of a labor party in the Since it is impossible to set a blue amendment lost only by a vote of member of the Committee, introsituation.
enough, Whitten Pemble of Minnesota, as a minority The high point reached by the to the press denouncing the Miliola Louise Waldman. Skilleully con other states, on the other hand, eers must go through the school of tor fascism by lulling the workers we should resolve that are located tone of Tilinois, Minnesota, Indian, passed at the pre Convention Con marked by the one hour speech of politically allied delegations from it been shown that American work fascism. at can only pave the way because of difference in conditions, pomber mee alhetentions. This sub form of the Resolution on the Prob.
undoubtedly tantsiccand their worksThe armers of America. Nowhere has Farmer Labor party cannot stopstances that merit different tactics per favor, Tendalet (with a duced as a substitute shortened at times too melodramatically de thenceforth playing a comparative would be a backward one. It would shown by the fallures of the social permitted to negotiate, endorse, or through, it was designed to rally to carry through the split in a more neared der many reason the develop: democratie parties in Germany and permit any of its membership to credevotes elsewhere. There was Minnesota (this is reprinted closer every available delegate around the Leisurely manner at home, hoping movement. revolutionary socialist Austria. Nor can reformist parties enter into relationship with a particular interest in the New York where in this issue ear. To emble prevent the outbreak of imperialist Farmer. Labor Party without first on the question. Only two dele lutionary perspective of the MinneDrawing from our expurpose of getting the best possible disruption in the Socialist Party perience with the farmer Tabor when betrayals of these parties ecutive Committee for permission. Kates from New York were seen to sota send off for his new party. His proper.
castigation of the Militants reeked Meanwhile, the Convention pro party in Minnesota, we say cate drowned the workers of Europe in in making decisions on all such rise in favor of Whitten motion. resolution was lost ona volce vote of the reactionary social democeeded to complete its organization. sorically that it is the immediate a sea of blood.
Today it is only a revolutionary cordance with the policy as herein Rieht wing delegations thus had by a vote of 100 in favor, 64 their way with the Platform. against.
crat hatred of everything pro The Committees were elected with duty of the Socialist Party of Amer majorities, and ica to build its own revolutionary Socialist Party, working closely stated.
gressive and revolutionary in the solid Militant labor movement. Nor did he remain Hoopes of Pennsylvania was fitting.
War Plank Disputed United Front Resolution silent about the principal ally of rewarded by being selected as the Committee report showed inter out during the norminations to the ent that the left wing delegates the militants Hoan and his Wis Chairman of Monday sessions. esting variations. Fisher of Illinois Hoan, in accepting noml were prepared to open up a fight Approximately the same division The Convention ended with a consin delegation. although his These were devoted for the most spoke sharply from a clear cut lett nation, stated that he did so con ing attack on it all down the line occurred on the motion of Delegate short but bitter debate on the boldness here was based primarily part to the nomination of Thomas position, and made Iris an ditionally, since, he put it, his Jack Altman of New York there. Parshall to strike out the pacifist United Front resolution. The maupon the fact that, after a meeting as Presidential candidate of Ne: other attack direct against the old very considerable duties in his own upon stepped forward and moved paragraph of the division on imme Jority report, far from clear in become clear that it would not sup dential candidate, and to the vari defended the Committee, but at the later on. His election, however, to the Committee; and this action tarism and War, and to substitute for United Fronts with the Comport the demands of the Old Guard. ous speeches and demonstrations in same time dissociated himself from followed in due course.
To the Militants criticism of his connection with the nominating, ac. any policy of building cells or On Tuesday the Platform made Appeal Platform. Not a penny, slona proposal from the for Airtations with LaGuardia and coptance, etc. Since a considerable attempting to interfere with the Conflict on the Platform its appearance in a somewhat moda. not somen, then the military contents of a united election ticket and a standRoosevelt, Waldman challengingly replied with what Convention adjourning Tuesday was proposed to change shall to It was the discussion and action leted, and in a few cases sentences position to any war engaged in by actions had been tabled without a Norman Thomas called a tu night) were given over the elec may in the section of the report on the campaign Platform which from the Appeal Platform a docu the American government. Here, dissenting voice. minority res quoque that is, So are you. tions to the National Committee, under discussion. Paul Porter spoke brought out most fully the conflict ment of militant class struggle, amusingly enough, after voting olution against any United Front Convention involving the introduced by het room penise Wohnfor doing no form, Committee reports. and vari ing how thoroughly he was against Convention. It had been rumored revolutionary spirit substituted for moved to add the appeal statement, the Right wing, was lost 67 83. The less in Wisconsin with the La Folous political resolutions, had to be any dictatorship from the top. that four platforms were under con phrases from the original. In sub The motion of Ernest Erber of Left wing was anxious to force the lettes than Waldman is supposed sandwiched in here and there as Through its Chairman, Murray sideration. one prepared by Harry stance, however, the Committee Milinois to amend the Anal para issue (it is significant that on this to have done in New York with the occasion permitted. The re Gross of New York, the Committee Laidler, one by Gus Tyler, one platform was not altered, remainsraph by substituting the corres issue alone during the last sessions LAGuardia. Why the discrimina sults were confusing on the surface accepted the compromise: Gross, by Herbert Zam, and fourth ing a consistently reformist state ponding paragraphs of the Appeal and the New York Militants stand Because you have Horn vote. nificance in the tendencies which, disapproval of the change. But June issue of the Socialist Appeal. Dort it received from the Right weakly by Erber because of the fought the central questions with This rather provocative comparison, explicitly or implicitly, emerged. Glenn Trimble of California, a The Platform Committee, controlled wing delegations. Laidler, for the shortness of time allotted to him respect to the platform. DarlingSeherance pour conmong the prices. Organization Questions the compromise trom the left, and reported out what was said to sraph paragraph, stopping at a number of additional paragraphs split it the question were veted on.
did not succeed in drawing elaborate replies from the Militants who very real, way, the Convention was carried. The motion to strike out document throughout of standard. tions; when there were done, the Commonwealth Plan, etc, were took the floor for the militants and took the floor subsequently. facing some of the problems in the entire section was lost with ixed social democratic reformism, paragraph was adopted if there thrown into the pot. When the proposed to carry the matter to a In the morning session following volved in the step to the left the Wisconsin delegating voting with scarcely a breath of revolu were objections, the paragraph was Platform was then adopted as a referendum, to be held after the whole, a considerable group of left November elections. The Conventhe midnight meeting which was marked by the rejection of the New with one or two exceptions to strike tionary content. There was no debated.
taken up mainly by the speech of York Old Guard. For example, the out; and the section as amended phrase in it which could not have An interesting division occurred demanding that their names be in on the thin edge of a split, but this wing delegates to their feet tion thus closed, as it had begun, Waldman and Thomas reply, a report of the organization and was adopted.
been whole heartedly accepted by number of briefer presentations Campaign Committee contained a The peculiar status of the Wis the old Guard. When it reached on the very first paragraph: The serted in the records as opposed. second time more profound and were made by spokesmen of the provision That Western States consin delegation was again brought the floor, it became at once appar. Platform (in its revised form, Two more vigorous struggles re far reaching in its implications, contending factions. For the most Organization Committee be set up part they followed the lead given having as its chairman a member ready taken place. The masses of riay. If the Belgians are to be an obstacle but an ald Fascism; by the two principal speakers, al of the This met at once the workers and of the petty bour damned for supporting Belgian that it is merely an extended verthough some of the rank and file with a bitter and slashing attack geoisie have already felt the effects capitalists, why is Blum to be supsion of the coalition governments Militants, John Fisher of Illl from the Right. Graham of Monof devaluation, and have added this ported by the French Stalinista? in Austria, Belgium, etc.
nois, distinguished themselves by tana and the demagogie McKay of to their already extensive experi For Blum came out openly in his Growth of Revolutionary Vanguard the truly aggressive and uncom Washington led a reactionary onA section of the Belgian vanpromising demand they made for slaught against dictation and People Front) government the statement that he was accept. suard has learned well the lessons a clean break with the Old Guard, the meddling of college boys from which can put through only the ing the premiership not on the of the experience in Germany and not merely organizationally but New York. Both were frank in policy of finance capital. This has basis of a Socialist program, but Austria. It is this section Action (Continued from Page 1)
above. com politica di bila potrebe telat stating that they would not ablice The developments in Belgium are provided an added impulse to drive on the basis of a People Front Socialiste Revolutionaire that has at this point that by any such arrangement, that the Belgian National Union and the consequences. Bet the couple out the middle classes into the arms of program, which, sald Blum, is a been expelled from the rebat, her ready decided his course, and that ognized in their states. McKay the Stalinists are excluded from it People perrente policiese Beleta Stalinists Gain Despite Themselves perhaps a program of capitalism the self same policies cept capatuhle the vote was predetermined.
As for the Communist gains, which does not salvage capitalist tion that brought about the debacle You leave us alone and we will party has been so insignificant a masses have already had with the these were scored not because of profite?
Old Guard Overwhelmed leave you alone.
The proposal force that hitherto there has been governments established through the policies they pursue but de in Berlin and Vienna. What has Every critteism that Repard levels hitherto rendered the working class The Belgian workers, at the Belgian National Union impotent in the face of its mortal convention on the New York con for a committee elected by the weg or approval seriously. That is why Catholics and the Liberals. The moving to the left, sensing and applies with equal force to the enemy bas been the absence of an Four proposals were before the was then watered down to provide no occasion to take its participation the coalition of the Socialists, the spite them.
Oneal for the Old Guard, to beat by the and was passed over olies and Liberals in Belgium as their socialist premier, true, is the crisis, turn towards the icism of the Belgians for their The most hopeful sign of the develtest. The first proposal, made by tern states, rather than appointed Repard biely refers to the Cath Belgian workers have already had seeking a revolutionary solution to People Front; even Repard crit organized revolutionary Vanguard.
the continuing opposition of the reactionary parties. These par name is not Blum but Vandervelde. in precisely the same way that the dumping the de Man Plan.
Its New York delegation as a ties of the Belgian Center are of Belgium the Mirror for France This opments in Belgium lies in the German workers swung away from Plan was proposed by the steps toward such a vanguard. The whole, was voted down on a Right.
course in no way to be distin The experience of these coalition the weighted ballot: 4, 397 in favor and Trade Union Policy guished from the French Radicals, governments was mirrored in Aus be social democracy towards the leadership in the very first days of future of Belgium depends upon 9, 322 against, with some 1, 200 not assumed power.
able to The same result followed the except in this that the Belgian tria, where Socialists entered into CP. up to the very day that Hitler the leftward move of the masses whether the vanguard after the German debacle. It pro fuse itself with the masses of voting. These 4, 397 thus repreWhat we observe in Belgium to posed to Immediately institute workers before the social patriota sented the maximum outright sup presentation of the report on Socialists have long pursued the coalition governments with Cleriport which the old Guard could Trade Union Polley, Section. In coalition governments, even with social patriotic strikebreaking and Austria and in Germany. The in Italists, nationalizing all key indus nationals have so demoralized the the self same day. was observed in its time in socialism by buying out the capi of the Second and the Third Intercount on in the convention.
The Reading delegation proposed tional Executive Committee is in Socialist premiers, polley only capitulating policies. It is disgustitial stages of the same process are tries, ete. It served its purpose of masses, and have surrendered such of this report provided. The Nath coal and disillusion with such policies a compromise motion to seat 22 structed by this convention to net recently accredited in France.
The Belgian Labor Party lost that underlies the losses of van also observable in France. Insidetracking the masses from rev. important positions as would enmembers of each of the New York up a permanent National Labor France, we have the self same disolutionary struggle.
Integration of the parties of the contestants. Obviously designed to Committee. Each local organiza support not because the leadership dervelde and Co.
Repard is quite outspoken in his able the Fascists to launch gentake a neutral poaltion in the tion shall elect a Local Labor Com refused to add the staliniste toit ought to be noted that Bel Center (the Radicals. and the condemnation of the Belgian Plan, eral offensive, and slide into power, in still another country.
tence side by side in one party of coordinate the action of Socialists have simply meant adding a tiny stage as regards its economic de wings. Once France will have had he will tell us a little something and. in NEW MILITANT with scorpful rejection by the con to carry out the policy of the competitive organization to a very the devaluation of the currency ments in which Socialists partict edition of de Man Plan, which with which is merged which is pending in France has al pate, and which Communists sup. was likewise proposed and similarsistent elements of both sides. The party. This section was as old and going concern.
motion lost by a vote of 8, 537 in salled from the Right; a Wisconsin THE MILITANT. then the French Fascists will like what has happened to the economic Published weekly by the New Milfavor and 11, 007 against delegate moved to strike it out; In the name of the Wisconsin Graham, Mokay and others sup LUMEN CAMP COOPERATIVE wise begin scoring their spectacu demands of the People Front tant Publishing Co. 100 Fifth Ave. delegation, Mayor Hoan proposed a ported the motion to strike out on lar gains. In this latter respect program, and its own New Deal.
Rivervale, second compromise in a motion to the grounds that the policy of the Belgium today mirrors the future when are the Laval emegency de Entered as second class mall matter Beat 32 of the Thomas delegation Section meant the building of Com OPENING JUNE 14 of the French People Front. crees to be abolished? When are at the Post Office at New York, and 12 of the Old Guard delega munist cells in the unions, that Round Trip. 75.
Modern Facilities Criticism Boomerang for the rich going to be soaked under the act of March 8, 1879.
JAMES CANNON: Editor tion, on condition that all dele it would isolate the Socialists from TENNIS SWIMMING SHOWERS The Daily Worker, in the person What about the year military gates seated should agree to abide the unlong, that the business of the of Repard condemns the Belgian service in France. Subscription rates: In the United by convention decisions and to rec Socialists was to follow and not to Band and Entertainment Every Saturday Socialists for joining a government Once the demagogy of the States 00 per year; 65c per ognize the reorganized State or try to lead or Interfere with the 14. Week 12 for Members on a program of salvaging capl. People Front will have been bared months; Canada and foreign 50 ganization. Repeated demands from trade unions, that it meant party For Information Call Labor Bookshop talist profits. This is ABC for to the masses in France by the ac. per year: 00! six months. Bundle the floor addressed to the Right dictatorshipand in general gave wing for the purpose of obtaining all the reactionary arguments com28 East 12th Stroot every revolutionist. But in the case tions of the People Front Govrates: Two cents per copy.
STuy. 0567 of Repard, this is not revolution ernment, then it will be clearly SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 a categorical Yes or No with remon to their camp. The defense of ary criticism but Stalinist hypoc. Iseen that the People Front is not vol. 2, No. 20 (Whole No. 72)
Belgian People Front Mirrors France Future robe de belongs the emergente settore