BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 NEW MILTITANT PAGE An Eye witness Account 1914 1936: The Same Social Patriotic Tune Of Events in Poland Voices Same Phrases as Social Democrats By ARNE SWABECK Participant Tells How Revival in Labor Movement question of war in the modern imposition that the question of war in perialist epoch is as inseparable Is Met by Savage Police Repression and the modern imperialist epoch is as from the capitalist system of society Betrayed by Stalinists and Reformists inseparable from the capitalist sys as is the class struggle. false tem of society as is the class strugers in the various nations entered France had then been atacked by cording to this has the choice, not position in regard to the question. On the same evening delegates of sle. Our attitude towards war is the services of their respective the Kaiser troops, so he maintain of building a revolutionary party of war lends inevitably to an equalare some facts concerning recent the trade unions, the e. past, de therefore the same as our attitude bourgeoisies to the tune of the war ed. And now again we are told that for the overthrow of capitalism, but by false position toward the everyevents here The workers of the manded that the strike be immedi towards the class struggle, our aim cry, Kultur versus Czarism or the greatest threats of the military purely the choice between the good day issues of the class struggle. It rubber products factory Semperit ately called on. The representative is in both instances to work for the Democracy versus Kalserism. To forces of Hitler are directed among and the bad capitalists. leads not to the victory of the working clase but to its defeat.
struck and at the same time oceu of the Bund wanted to continue to defeat of capitalism and to secure day Browder proclaims. And when other countries against France.
pled the plant to prevent the em The stalinists demanded: contin. This fundamental criterion the ders of Germany it must be met by The Bad American Bosses Bourgeoisie Pleased The main enemy of the people of Hillquit Browder Wants to players from hiring scabs and toue until vietory. proclaim the stalinist leaders have thrown over. military means. At the mo should these threats be carried out Liberty league Hearst combina cluding his report on the war quesWhat kind of a war would it be, America today is the RepublicanAet We must, says Browder in connights of Friday and Saturday of try. the immediate removal of the Marxian position the Comintern tary forces of Hitler are against the answer thus: If Hitler should ment on the CP. position in the ton in America directed towards rethe past week the police attacked Svitalskl. But outside of the con and all its sections now reincar. Czechoslovakia, the sleeping workers (It was about ference a secret meeting of several nates in new forms and under new Austria, France attack France it would be an imper. coming elections He adds; We straining the instigators of war that in the morning) and ejected them leading bureaucrats was in process, conditions the ideas of social pa and Belglum.
ialist attack on his from the building, horribly mas composed of Stalinists and reform, and it inust place as the center of our But the question arises: by whole France should in the ende work in the election campaign the the United States will become an sacring them, not even sparing the lists. Suddenly, the Stalinist dele triotism which characterized the military means is this agression fend herself, it would be natural need for combatting this reaction effective international force, will pregnant women.
be defeated? Who will organize case of self defense which has noth ary bloe and defeating its plans in the world front of struggle for sates, after having received the great betrayal in 1914.
Alarming become a positive contribution to To the stalinist leaders the fun and direct the military operations? ing to do with imperialism because 1986. This is where the emphasis rumours ctrculated high some from a superior dedamental diferentiation in the pres. Do the stalinists answer the prole imperialism nreans the grabbing of is to be placed according to Brow Keep camerelem want the war through the city Two clared in favor of the ent day No. This The official com Immediate cessation of the strike. along the irreconcilable lines of op the hands of the forces of peace foreign lands in the interests of der, not direct opposition to the canalogan Keep America Out of War, have been slain.
muniques denied this. The trade Nothing remained of their rrrev. osing and antagonistie classes. To the bourgeois democracies among home capitalism.
union leadership and the National olutionary position in favor of the them the main division occurs be the capitalist nations supported by grab foreign lands: God forbid. alists. In line with this it was ententive committee of the Polish strike untii victory. that is up tween good capitalists and bad cup the Communist parties and such some helperialista doce not want quite natural for him to make the thens ther capitaliste maten French imperialism would not merely opposition to the bad caplt. He wants to link up America with italist system, far from it, but because that is the slogan of isolaSocialist Party (P. under pres to the overthrow of capitalism. Ia Italists, between which the work workers as the Stalinist leaders can cotoutes. It didn in 1914 either announcement hours general strike for Monday, and several others protested. They and against, to rely on the of defense of national independence. was just plainly and simply attack do or say anything that would tend situation, but still with the same sure of the masses declared 24 vain the building union delegates ing class is to take sides, for mislead by their deceptive slogans said the French social patriots. It a few days before: We would not virtue of restraining war developa press conference tions to which he attributes the March 23rd.
shouted in the direction of the stal. former against the latter. On the Obviously this defense is also to. Did not Vaillant write in to turn Roosevelt support over to ments. In somewhat different The city was almost completely inists. You have betrayed us as paralyzed by the strike. Only the hare the socialists. You have one hand in this division the forces include Austria where the Stalin Humanite, then the official social the Republican candidate. What objective meaning Norris Hilquit for and Heimwehr may take up street caurowarkers. cremated orntube seat your brothers noor theitden ces for war, not divided along class the cry in Minecone honey live the ist party organ: In face of the is the objective meaning of this oppose American Isolation in 1917.
congregated in Varshavska Street. bargaining with our blood. Cow countries and nations of warlike in scist of Democratie Fa all their whole duty to the father but to support Roosevelt? or at protested: do not advocate an im.
courageous anti war stand Hilquit The representatives of the ards. Traitors. etc. tentions: a world divided between land for the republie and for the least to take care that none of the mediate separate peace, a with the Bund (Jewish Socialist Par In actuality the workers wanted the capitalist democracies and the Handmaiden of the Capitalist revolution. More than that, potential supporters are lost from ty) and the Communist to struggle. On the next morning Fascist aggressors.
State answered the satisfied editor of Lethe Roosevelt camp, which God for drawal by America. Nothing that Party of Poland) addressed the thousands of workers continued the guage. The masses became Impa: leaders. lackeys of the bourgeoi. Party position on war and the com problem of national state indepen ceols can ask from Duclos, Cachin, capitalists over the good capitalists.
workers in the tremely precedentermopa: strike against the orders of the in this report on the communist els the completely wanted. Marahat date of mi. Edouard Vaillant and his Republican Liberty imagenes Here Justify suck Amerweplong assertion tient: We must demonstrate. sie; the streetcar workers did not ing Presidential elections Browder One felt that nothing could quell work to pm. The workers of the names the Fascist aggressors: It Marxists recognize as well estab they cannot even ask from Mr. Browder remains entirely consistent act, not to withdraw. In his statedence among capitalist nations. Stalin or Browder. More than that the will to struggle. Finally the other cities walted only for the is clear to the whole world, he Ished the fact that the national Olgin, whose articles printed in the and he remains faithful to his stan rel with his idea of crystallizing Surely in taking this position Browder now wants America to demonstration formed. 15, 000. They strike call.
ment, cited above, one cannot quarsays. where the threat to peace shouted: On to the Waywode.
But the state became a frightful impediment Daily Forward, after the United linist line of policy. And this ex mass opinion toward restraining in Down with Binister Svitalski.
betrayed from. Massacre on Streets But that did not prevent the Stal. ese Imperialists. On the other tural development of humanity. The were presented in Washington by the position, on the farmer instigators of war? Is this a ques We arrived at the Mateyeka Inists from celebrating it as a great hand, he informs us, we now have defense of the national state Is Abe Caban as proof that the For labor party question. Browdertion merely of certain people of reactionary square. The police fired. First In victory of the People Front a number of countries which are therefore a task, ward was patriotic, that it called wants to collaborate organization certain nations? Marxists reject And at the very time the unton directly threatened by the military worthy only of the depraved hand upon the American mothers to give ally with those who are committed such a conception and emphasize the air. Then into the crowd.
There were dead and wounded all of social patriots and communo pa agression of the fascists and face maidens in the service of decaying their sons for the country and there to the support of Roosevelt in 1836 time and again that war is ineviready Not Arms were obtainel Fences, bench corpses of working class heroes, the national independence, countries national state, but the wiping out pressed.
explains in his usual lucid and gardless of which nation fires the es and paving stones were torn police arrested bundreds of work like Czechoslovakia, Austria and of all national state borders is the Forces for Peace learned fashion, not merely the first shot. And much more decisup. The cops will pay for this. ers. real massacre began. The Belgium. In Czechoslovakia, says task of the proletariat.
But imperialist France is not only continuation of the role of labor as ively must we reject Browder deBrowder, the Communists will proAnd how does Browder really in danger of attack, acording to auxiliary to the old parties. He ceptive and delusive prattle about overturned to serve as barricades. number of militants disappear. bably. refrain from voting on propose to defend the Independence Browder. Together with the United wants to see in it also the begin making Amerten a positive contrtsmasbed. The workers behaved victims were secretly burled. The sure! for you see, the situation be relies upon the bour peolate but ing peace. These two countries, he to ordinary mortal beings how sle for peace. Proceeding from the splendidly and defended themselves cops made expeditions against the not the bourgeols rule but shifts not entirely. In face the war insists, are not furthering the de would this be possibleheroically. But the arms of the op trade unions killing on the spot from moment to moment. In threats he demands the complete invelopment of war; they are resistMarxist conception that the causes Pro Labor and Pro Roosevelti assures us: The dependence of the working class ing these developments. We are ponents were much more superior. those present, as for instance at the any event We lacked the training and am confectionary workers headquar Communists will recognize the movement. But. he adds, the not sure that the editor of the of war are inherent in capitalism Can a movement fulfill the role and that actual war grows inevimunition (at least partial armam ters.
necessity of military resistance to complete independence of the work Temps, even in his most exalted not merely as an auxiliary to the tably out of this form of society ent. And everywhere there were on Wednesday the funerals of possible Hitler invasion requires ing class movement does not mean, moments or bourgeois ont Docrises, old parties, to the capitalist and proceeding further from the available the utmost however, that the peace policy of would guarantee that much for parties, or even to the one of them working class achieving its historteeth. The machine gun went into admitted by the police) were held possible fighting weapons against the working class movement of France. As for the United States, which carries the Roosevelt label. te mission of overthrowing capitalresistance the forces of the capital same fighting spirit which animated Inists have likewise declared that is directly opposed to the policy of cepted in earnest and is ready to ning toward a working class politi necessarily that both of these ques ist state prevalled.
the masses three days earlier no they will defend the fatherland. the capitalist government. the goy dish out the bourgeois demagogy cal movement? Obviously this tons or war and peace funda. The official communiques longer prevailed. The betrayal was Their beloved leader, Gottwald, ernment of the bourgeoisle within about spoke of dead and a few score bearing its fruits. But also the idea came straight from Moscow to tne that country.
WoundedIn reality there were at of a new International was more seventh convention of his party to Not directly opposed to the policy in the best guarantee of peace. forms or by labels but by the ideo contand the question effe class for No doubt the rival capitalist powers ogical position and by the program forces. Petty bourgeois philistines least 20 dead and 100 wounded mor easily making its way into the con reassure his hearers that this new of the capitalist government! In have a different understanding of it stands for. And in this case, in tally or seriously wounded, not to sciousness of the shamefully be line does not really mean social atter words, follow the war map Proeldent Roosevelt one billon particular. no doubt need ex last that America to become a positive conmay call upon America capitalist speak of those slightly wounded. trayed masses.
patriotism: Comrades, said Gott and not the map of the class strug dollars military budget. They have this very thing which is the old and tribution to the world front of the defense of the republic against you may make your reservations United States as a powerful force the beginning to something new will address this call to the AmeriDe struggle for peace The Crisis in the Pilsudskyist Dictatorship Revolutionists The white dictatorship in Poland The next week a demonstration of class peace, reformism, social pa. Ixor the capitalist government. hegemony and not hesitating to use Logical position and program. At can working class and to its allies.
is passing through dark days. The unemployed at Chrzanov led to atriotism. But this is not necessarily Lake Plekhanov, the one time be any means at its command to gain Its best the same auxiliary to the tinction between them arenise posithe correct interpretation. And we lant Marxist, who stooped to the this objective. But in this respect old capitalist parties, possibly min. tion and the position of Browder working and peasant masses are bloody conflict with the police.
delivering it the most serious blows. To understand the meaning of the Communists do not interpret our level of defender of Czarism in Browder also gives a warning. us the Roosevelt label, possiby with and his stalinist fellow bureauThe recent demonstrations and Lvov events, the general situation position this way.
strikes to which the Koscialkowski in the country must be taken into How else can it be interpreted? er armies) are at the border of the capitalist United Statesis would continue the tradition hand crats. Their position proceeds from the Stalinist peace policy of the government replied with massacres, account. Even the bourgeois press The social democrats of 1914, al my country and mark a revival in the militancy is obliged to recognize that the mathough equally treacherous, were at and murder. ur ready to rob Interested in maintaining peace. the program of the Roosevelt New Soviet Union which has for its preyour reserva not furthering the development of Deal. But it would continue under mise the preservation of the status of the tollins masses of the country lority of the peasantry (three least much more frank. On August tions. he urged the Duma deputy, war. resisting these develop new objective conditions as a more quo of the boundaries of capitalas a whole. The barricades at Ora quarters of entire population) is 4th Hugo Haase rose in the Reichs Durlanov, this is absolutely necments, that is, provided power effective barrier damming up the list nations, of the relations between cow and Lvov terrified the ruling literally dying of hunger.
tag session, the only speaker on the essary but vote for the credits not taken out of the hands of the path of advance for the revolution these nations as well as of their inclasses.
Very characteristic, in this con Poverty. Unemployment and Terrorist, to proclaim in the name of the The rejection of the credits woula Roosevelt administration. In these ary movement. For as we have ternal equilibriums. In other words social democratic fraction, and amid be a betrayal of the people) and coming elections, the victory of emphasized often before, in such the status quo of the capitalist sysnection, was the declaration of Mr. volume edited by the Eco applause from the Junker reaction: abstention would be cowardice, the Republican Party. Liberty case the shedding of the old sbeltem of society alongside of which Bartel on April 24th making we this Rooseveltian Bourgeois reformSathese were very serious events. which prints numerous letters tror have always stressed in the hour implemented by Browder: We are elatums Browder, would throw pow. im cane e ens porten els colore the Soviet system ti supposed to be If the crowd is fired upon and it peasants, reflects this unprecedent of danger we do not leave the fa not pacifistsesona When witter for the question of war is here again with the time when objective con due cannot tolerate any upsets or any does not move to save itself for ed misery. In many sections. a therland in the lurch.
ear of death; these are not riots. Peasant writes, the only resources In 1914 these fatherland defend Germany it must be met by military presented not as an inevitable out tarmer labor party reformism thesis. It leaves no room for a polloverturn. That would be its antiThey smack of revolution.
are the veterans pensions. The only means. Make your reservations growth of the capitalist system, cy of proletarian revolution. The For several months strikes fol ones with small incomes are inval Marxist polley aims directly for the lowed one upon another uninter sds. But there are not many such worsened concurrently with the In times of war or preparations for caused by the forces that capitalism more effective means of arresting thes ruptedly. They embraced the entire lucky fellows. Agricultural labor difficulties of the regime. The rulers war but do not oppose directly, Itself sets into motion, but as some the revolutionary advance.
the policy of the capitalist govern thing instigated only by the bad In taking this position Browder proletarian revolution as the only country. After the textile workersers who work few weeks in the bave serious rivals in the nationalment! What a frightful parallel capitalists. The working class, ac also remains entirely consistent. In way of eliminating Imperialst war.
of Lodz, came the turn of the pe year earn zloty 50 (around eratsan, old type reactionary party, with the betrayal of 1914.
troleum workers of the Boryslaw cents) per day clerical, anti Semitie and partisan Vote the Credits!
the use of legal trickery? We hardA peasant from the Radom dis of the French orientation) which district, the miners of upper SileVote the credits! Not only ly think so, especially with public sia, the strike struggles at Cra trict makes the folowing remark in speculates on anti semitism. The Czechoslovakia, Austria and Belsupport behind us in protest over Czesto a letter: Winter is easier to sur latter have had a rebirth of popu slum. There are other countries, these arrests.
cow, Sosnowice, Poznan, chowa, etc.
vive than summer because one can larity and are in a small measure says Browder, like France and the We urge the companies to meet The confitets assume a very acute sleep more and forget the hunger. rejuvenated by the opposition United States, whten for thelr own character. The workers who strug As they say in French. Qul dort cure they took for the past ten particular interests are interested (Continued from Page 1)
gle to maintain their miserable dine. He who sleeps dines. years.
in maintaining peace, which are not agement for fomenting unrest and vigilante force known as the LAW bargaining. Only that method can ACwages lock themselves in with their Unemployment is widespread.
The conflict of the cliques Inside furthering the development of war, turmoll by the provocatory acts and Order League, another more solve the present situation.
families, in the factories and the cording to the official figure it has hall million which is two international orlentations. The ments. And the French Stalinista organizations. Full support was adopted.
reflects which are resisting these develop of its company union and vigilante subtle and vicious means has been The rubber workers can be pits and it is only with difficulty reached crushed. They must be dealt with that the forces of the police dis surely more than a third of the pro Hitler policy of Beck is vigor echo: vote the credits. pledged to the United Rubber The arrest of our members after as men.
lodge them. Demonstrations of un entire working class.
ously combatted by a goodly sec In 1914 the manifesto of the Workers Union and a call was sent such company attacks like the employed have taken place all over The petty bourgeoisie is complete. tion of the Polish bourgeoisle which French Socialist Party proclaimed to federal the country. First at Cracow and ly ruined. To that must be added takes into consideration the danger Spontaneously without waiting conduct incat agencies to shooting of five of our men recently into espion were not penalized, is flagrant so WORKERS!
then at Lvov, blood was spilled. the police regime more severe than of submission to Germany which for any other manifestation of the age and other unlawful practices clal injustice.
Protect Yourselves Against the that of Czarism, the relen of the would culminate by the absorption popular will, he (the head of the on the company part. The method used in making the Hazards of Life. Join the Defenzywa (Polish Okhrana. the of Poland. This policy independ government has appealed to our In protest against the arrests arrests is nothing short of a publle Police Fire on Funeral On April 14th at Lvov the police punitive expeditions in the Ukraine ent of the great powers also iso party. Our party has replied and the scurvy way they were car outrage. The men were deliberate.
WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH BENEFIT FUND opened fire during one of these and in White Russia lates Poland from the economie Here! And in 1936 Jacques Du ried out, workers at two Goodyearly picked up late Saturday night OF THE demonstrations. Two were killed.
point of view and costs it very clos, leader of the French Commun. plants sat down late Sunday night and placed under high bond at first The Clique Struggle The city seethed. There were 30, 1884 1935 dearly by estranging it from the 1st Party: We are for the safety At plant the sit down lasted because it would be exceedingly The 000 people present at the funeral Pilsudskyist dictatorship stock exchanges of Parls and Lon and freedom of our country. We do hours, only being called off hy rank difficult for us to have them re Organized, managed by and of the worker Kzak, a funeral or which is celebrating its 10th an don.
not want to vote credits blindly. We and Ale leaders on the plea that leased on bond.
for workers with only one ganized by workers organizationsniversary (In May 1926 the Pilsud It is obvious that this equilibri: want to know what is done with the workers strength should be They were questioned in front purpose: to render protection and trade unions.
The police opened skylst coup etat occurred) wished um policy (maintenance of the them. The budget voto is a political conserved for possible greater of George Hargreaves, the Law to members and their families, and Order League attorney.
and to support all endeavors Er passing through the center of the regime by drawing Inspiration from same time collaboration with the taschen Hinside the detailed and const struggles ahead.
The Goodyear Local defense forts were made through his quesand struggles for the improve city to the Janowski cemetry. The the Italian and German example, ler) results rather from the objec try must be taken into considera committee on the case blasted the tioning to obtain statements.
ment of tollers.
police fired again. This time it was But Pilsudsky had not succeeded in tive situation of the Polish bour tion company with the following statemass party. The ma geoiste than from the personal nu Duclos is faithful to the Franco ment, issued through its chairman, not permitted to see the men. The Counsel for the defense was About 50, 000 members or a real massacre. The workers creating ganized in 350 branches. Reourageously defended themselves chinery of the dictatorship is much Ances the butch of Brest Lit Soviet pact and to the new line. Bi Carney, one of the outstanding entire proceedings were serious serves 3, 400, 000.
According weaker than in Italy and Germany. ovsk. The choice (between the Stalinism. He does not want the militant progressives in the recent mockery of Justice, a challenge to and erected barricades Death benefit graded accordto official reports there were 18 Upon the death of the Marshal a and Germany is very difficult credits squandered. He wants it strike: Since Goodyear falled in the whole community.
ing to age at entry. Siek bene killed and 200 wounded. Only with covert struggle broke out between for Poland. And if in France the actually to go for the strengthening its efforts during the strike to it payments from 225 to 200 difficulty did the police re establish the different cliques in the Pilsud polley of Laval is continuing with of France military means. And The immediate support given to men and women, accordorder. Then followed the repres sky camp out Layal, in Poland that of Beck Marcel Cachin, his equally faithful PAUL LUTTINGER, our men by the entire organized ing to classes ston. 2, 000 arrested and a hundred The conflict between the colonels can be continued by his successor co worker, may now repeat what he DANIEL LUTTINGER, MLD.
labor movement indicates such Monthly Assessments from militants were sent to the concen of the Gazeta Polska and the mod. In any case, now, the opposition in said in 1914 under the auspices of methods will not succeed in break 450 to 10.
tration camp of Bereza Kartuska. erates supported by General Ryds the country is clearly opposed to the Social Democratic Party: We mshington Square North ing our unions.
For further information apThe workers answered with a 24 Smigly, who wanted to extend the the pro Hitler policy of Beck and promise to full our duty complete 2 and 8 Ercept Sundays The issue involved in this situ ply to Main Office: hour protest general strike in Lvov, basis the dictatorship by bribing is orienting itself on the strength iy, as Frenchmen and as socialists and Holldaye.
ation is clear. Can the rubber 714 Seneca Ave, Billy, Warsaw and many other localities. the leadership of the left parties, ening of the Franco Polish alliance faithful the International.
companies break the unions through Rubber Unions and CLU Rally Against Company Provocation break our unton through threat of tatives to establish trad collective to