AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieChekaCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerKirovKronstadtLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 PERSECUTED BY STALIN THE HONOR ROLL ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE AGAIN Time in Pamphlet Going Lefto veritate con le is fter in Recognizing that the draft program of the left wing of the so1933.
cialist Party is a step forward, Alex Here is what Heckert had to say on the meaning of the theory Rittelman undertakes the task, nay! the duty of proving helpful to We have long been uneasy about several times, committed to prisons down in his new place of residence the Left Socialists. It is our plain Communists foresaw Fascist Solntsev Recent letters bring us and exiles. He fell gravely ill, when he was again arrested and duty to show what what and evolution of Social Democracy.
the grave news of his being hound atter receiving a no matter how sublime his instincts According to the Left Socialists, Did the and the Comined to death. Still a young man in 1934 as a Bolel. Prison term once more sentenced to three years who who in the draft program. Leninist in prison.
can get very far to the left, with however, the German Communist tern foresee the inevitability of the (he was not more than 35 years and being sent to Susdal prison. In 1933, comrade Stopalov wife, What keeps the Socialists from such errors.
Party contributed just as much to fascist development of social deold. Solntsev was among the most The prison regime caused an ex comrade Lemberskaya, was also really going left in their program The Horrible Example the victory of Fascism as did the mocracy? Did they warn the work.
talented, true, and authoritative treme aggravation of a condition clapped in jail. She is an active are harmful influences. Who?
ers of it? Yes, they foresaw it and To sum up: In his principled an Social Democracy.
Bolshevik Leninists. On his return resulting from a wound he received oppositionist, member of the party on the one hand the pseudo Lefts alysis Bittelman arrives at the Bittelman declares himself abso issued their warning. Comrade from a mission to the in at the front Dumbadze began since the civil war, a former teacher like Zam; and on the other hand. conclusion that on three out of four lutely astounded (p. 20. Not Stalin gave a definition of the de 1927 1028 where he went, we be gradually to lose the ability to move in a party school.
influences of a kind that cannot be issues, the Left Socialists are to his only do the Left Socialists tell part velopment of social democracy into lieve, with latakor, he was short both his hands. Comrades in the IN ORENBURG EXILE characterized otherwise than as right, and on the fourth, so far to truth, but on top of that they pro fascism that in its exactness and ly arrested, and sent to an isolator cell had to dress him, feed him, etc.
its clear sightedness is unsurfor years, then received an ad. The prison commission of te the present time a number of out Trotskyism. In Orenburg exile there are at those of counter revolutionary his right as to be in the camp or ceed to add such a sentence! Itsed, a definition that was made ditional term of years, serving headed by Andreyeva, on one of its standing comrades of the Commun very vicious counter revolution is a horrible sentence. It does not Bittelman livides the basis of the program of the his work Therefore it turns out that since even belong in a program: it is an this term in Verkhne Uralsk; he inspection tours, promised to arist Opposition was treed after the mass hunger range medical treatments for him. Ists. Elxin, an old Bolshev. Program IL. Questions of Tactics. dratt program are largely conces term; it strikes a discordant note, GE (Bolshevik Lenin. into two parts: Questions of the mistakes in principle in the imposition, not to use a harsher Comintern and the policy of the striek of the Oppositionists against As a result, he was shortly trans ik, Lida Svalora, Belenkl, Byk, Fascism said comrade Stalin the added automatic sentences to ferred to the Butyrski infirmary in Cherykh, Upstein, with fundamental programmaticolution, the Left Socialists must be cause it hurts the program and these fishting organization of the new prison terms, and was exted which, for technical reasons, he Leonid Guirshek. Last year questions of the present epoch. attacked for being ultra left for Left wingers, bourgeoisie, an organization that either to the Northern part of the could not receive treatments. Then Lyakhovitsky and Santolon These are four (4. and read as sectarian. One of our major tacrests on the active support of social Slander Indeed!
Urals or Western Siberia (we are his martyrdom began. The half were taken from exile and placed in follows: tical criticisms of the draft pro democracy. Social democracy unable to recall the precise place) paralyzed veteran was shunted concentration camp. All these 1) The Dictatorship of the Pro grum is its sectarianism (p. 23. This sentence introduces some objectively the moderate wing of to an utterly forsaken sprot, where and under what conditions. from comrades are devoted, firm, and letariat (le, the nature of the sectarianisme is the great enemy thing which does not belong to the fascism.
There exists no reason for he found himselt absolutely alone cxtle to prison, from prison to ex. convinced Communist Opposition workers state. of the draft program (p. 36. and of course doomed to total un He: he is brought to unequipped ists, several of them outstanding 2) Soviet power (i. the form of Bittetman has a horrible example the program counter revolutionary ization of the bourgeoisie can employment Almost no letters at infirmarles, and suddenly thtown leaders. There have alrendy been the workers state. It is alto achieve decisive successes in their to hold up to the Left Socialists. Trotskyite intuences.
all reached blm, letters from him out and left to his own devices. In forged exile and prisons remark 3) The road to power (i. e. the None other than himself. There Bether out of tune with the main struggle or in their leadership of to his friends would arrive in the February and March 1986 henble, devoted and deeply convinced method of attaining the workers was a time when we ourselves were trend of the program. It hurts the the country without the active supration of one out of three. His turned up in exile in Sarapul, all revolutionists, who bear up with state. not fully free from a similar secaraft program and it hurts the Left port of social democracy. And wife and child were exiled to Min alone there are no comrades there, extraordinary firmness under sys.
there is just as little reason to sup4) The two worlds or The Out tarianism. We therefore should wing. 20. Emphasis in orig)
yusinsk the disingenuous bureau so that he has nobody to help him tematic strangulation.
standing Victory of the World Pro. like to warn and guard the Left This sentence hurts Bittelman so pose that social democracy can crats still sought to break the even dress or undress; he has After the Kirov affair, there were letariat at the Present Time (i. e. Socialists against repeating our that he must take it apart in four achieve decisive successes in its fighter by destroying his personal no resources (the dispenses arrested the folowing comrades who the final and irrevocable victory mistakes (p. 38. As the poet Hieces, clause by clause. He finds struggles or in its leadership of Kife. In the middle of 1983. Sol unemployment relief of. 40 had recently left the prisons and of socialism in the Soviet Union said: lat such teach others who that the first part is a slander, the country without the active sup ntzev was once again arrested in rubiles a month, while a kllo of who received new long prison terms: 16. themselves excel.
and repeats, We repeat: it does port by the fighting organization of exile where he could not have bread costs ruble, and a corner Pankratov (served years: second head, he deals falled to have been politically in in a lodging room not less than 30 received another years: his wife with six (6) tactics Fascism, the Left Socialists are really mov program. 20. Ile takes the complet contradict each other, but But all the time knows that not belong there (le in the draft the bourgeoisie. These organizatiog active. He was given a new sen rubles. he is helpless, made a and child have been exiled to As with an ataches strubeleciso the toeste Se la liste hans mealhamoy scena clause, and again throws it complete each other. They are not tence: years in the isolator, to wreck by a progressing disease. trakhan) and Ch. Pevzner Peace. 3) United Front: 4) Trade compass to guide him. Every once away in disgust. Slander. But fragte letter of his clrculated server years, received years Union Unity: Farmer Labor in a while he need only quote a when he comes to the third is curta All that has happened in Gerwhich he immediately replied by a hunger strike to death if need be in exile: it is written as a child additional. Party; 6) Organic Unity.
On the 18th day of the hunger writes, in printed letters.
sentence from Dimitror report he pulls up short. This is curl. many completely confirms the corHere are also to be found, at strike he was informed that the If from nooks and corners of the least until recently, several dozen we shall allow Bittefnan his sole discover that the dratt program trying to brazen it out with insults nosis. Hitler does not reject the Very well. For argument sake by the Seventh World Congress, to us. 20. It is. Instead of rectness of Comrade Stalin progwas nearing, and the executioners the soice of the advanced represitionists, who had capitulated long which nul revolve around one con this premise he draws the infallible prove that the Left Socialists are in their readiness to participate in his six tactics tends in the same direction. From and denials, Bittelman sets out to support of social democracy. The became embarrassed. For the sentatives of the working class, denso, or who had secondary differ. tral point (p. 17. we shall later conclusion that the Left wing must themselves guilty of what they acsiven exile to Mingusinsk, e. the veteran of the October Revolution names: Mdineradze (professor of die wish to examine themele Fiset commendable. It shows that the revolutionary Trotskyists are able neatimet the working class (Fritz possibility to see his wife and son. be given immediate medical treat philosophy. Prozorov (his is die draft samen met het bestilte Sor Lente wing is going restwards the to nupose on the Left Socinlists, Heckert, What Is Happening in still convalescing, he was sent of ment and an opportunity to live like tory Instructor from Dnepropet Mittelman own specifications. 17. why not sittelman, too? On page Germany, pp. 20 21. under police convoy, together with a human being, even within the rovsk. Kaznacheyev (in DecemAnd just to prove that this was Concessions Run Amok Lenin was fond of remarking that 21 of his pamphlet, be tries to imcriminals, in prison cars, from one walls of the bureaucratie prisons, ber 1935 finished his term of exile, sinking transport jail of the old then our comrade is doomed to dle after a concentration camp, and Sald above, we are informed of the on a single page than a score of Fascism. No more, no less On the very first page, as was a fool could utter more nonsense pose upon them the theory of social all there ever was to the theory We lascization of German social democ regime to the next. En route, in shortly.
racy is no accidental interlude, but now again arrested, after four deficiencies in the draft due to the wise men could clarity in a vol quote this curiosity verbatim months. Dimitriet (history teach harmful influences. Where are these ume. Bittelman fills 46 pages.
Novosobirsk he had to have an emergency operation. He had an Mikhail Bodrov The Skeleton Again the road that all social democratic er in the high schools of Ivanovoinflammation of the middle ear, and Moscow worker, soldier in the Voznesensk, recently again sent to the manifest themselves it not in On Fascism It (Le, s) theory of parties will go. idem, 24. Could anything be more curious?
war, concentration camp. Udin, Radio, the fundamental questions?
he died on an infirmary cot in Red Army during the civiles Sorokina (she recently contatorship of Proletariat) Bittelman Socialists most violently for their the united front. This is curlone. Yes! For no sooner has Bittelman In fundamental issue No. (Dic Since Bittelman attacks the Left social fascism and opposition to January, 1936.
Bolshevik Leninist. Early in 1928, written his remarkable exposition It is impossit convey in Trotsky was exiled to cluded ber exile, and was freed)
words the meaning of this loss to Alma Ata, comrade Bodrov was Solovyan, and Chernoborodos. They covers two serious weaknesses position on Fascism, we shall first Prior to making this statement the of all there ever was to it, than (p. The first of which is a con of all look into that.
draft program itself (emp he tosses of the following: the Russian communists. His image sent by the organization to Alma All call themselves supporters of coesion to the Old Guard; the sec. He accuses the lefts of telling original) formulated a complete will have to be restored; we will ata to serve as a contact between the general line of the party.
And the United Front!
onda concession to the Letts of only half truths. The draft points theory of social fascism. It stated always remember him. As a tbeo Moscow and Trotsky. AB Among the Right Communists. the Zam variety. The Left out that Fascism proved victorious (we repeat the quotation. In re As to Communist opposition to retlclan, as an exemplary person suming the appearance of an Ural Bocharov (he recently re Socialists it appears are going. In some countries only because secting the Marxian conception of the united front well, well. ality, crystal pure in character, as peasant, with a beard and proper celved minus 15 after serving a ultra right and ultra left at one the workers failed to take power the state as an instrument of class The Communist Party fought for an unwavering proletarian revolu papers, Bodrov obtained horses three year term of exile. and the same time.
a fallure due in part to the fact oppression, and in clinging to cap. the united front; the Social Demotionist, capable of bearing up un and wagon and used to make regu Among the Mensheviks: In fundamental Issue No. (So in reality revolutionary parties. cratie Party of Germany objective united front (p. 22. Emphasis in that the Socialist Parties were not italist democracy, the Social Democratic Party fought against the der everything and of sacrificing lar trips as coachman between Kuchin, Goldberg, the Estonian viet power) the left soctalists are are indelible impression upon every station (city of Frunze, more than and was recently again arrested in issue No. 1, for no genuine Lett Hovinkly. But that is cute parecer la tots but a theory or social tas ter Guardian of March 22 the soeverything for years, Solntzev left Alma Ata and the nearest railway Zommer, who arrived from prison reminded to the site the committed Bittelman quotes this passage ap. prepared the conditions for the original. body who knew him we in Russia 20 versts distant. Under vers Che will probably be taken tore (can) afford to be ambiguous. the truth. But in some countries cism? What is social fascism? It cial fascist Trotsky, save as the standing of our young and future save proof of great tirmness, cool also several shoot the. Sicer point of revolutionary principle (p. the workers and hot take it, then in the conditions for the victory of Hitler the fact that the had considered him as possibly the out. aificult conditions, comrade Bodrer concentrations camps of these con such a vital and fundamental the Fascists took power because is socialism in words and preparing cause of the seizure of power by leaders.
ness and makinash Solving a bisa mea sik ben de member of time ago Go And Bitterman immediately one souhers the workers aid take fascism (paving the road for tas not formed a united front with the like to exaggerate, and knows the connection for Trotsky with He received permission to go for a concession to reformism 11. power and did forestall the coming cism) in deed. This was all so social democratic party on a platAs regards fundamental issue No.
it was impossible to overestimate After maintaining himselt almost several soclulists have been sen: (Road to Power. the draft, ac was the Soviet Union the former is precisely what the draft, program cialdemocracy: The defense of the If you, Left Socialists are mass trade unions. an endeavor They tormented him to death. rested in connection with another having sent in their time letters to cording to states the correct empire of the Tsar and capitalists. Says about German Social Democ parliamentary government and the They also knew him, and they eval. case but was also exposed as the French Socialist and Commu. is a compromise conclusion, 18. Emphasis in the original. right in saying so, and you ARE to smuggle in this scoundrelly platuated him in their own fashion, the coachman. He sat for several nist papers, bailing the united compromise with reformist influFrom this, according to Bittel right, then why was it wrong for form, which not even a Wels dared wanthos. em varlons alls and then frontwich was done of course ences (p. 13. strongly influenced man, follow four (1) inescapable the German Communist Party to to suggest to the Communists, even Vassili Feodorvich Pankratov by reformism (p. 13. a bad com conclusions. We shall cite only say so? Instead of condemning it, after the seizure of power by Hit Pankratov is one of the he spent three years (1981 1984) in the powers that be.
Verkhne Uralsk prison. At most devoted and influential of the promise with reformist influence class taken. the revolutionary it said it. 21. Emphasis in platform for the united front have of the Georgian social democrats (P. 13. Russian Oppositionists. former present he is in exile. Other re there is the old man Ramishvili On crucial Issue No. (Socialism triumphed (p. 19. road, Fascism would have never original. sailor in the Baltic fleet, partici ports say that he has been sent to Among the anarchists: in one country. the Lefts are once Scorn itself is disarmed by this crats had been ready to fight for pant of the revolution in Kronstadt, a concentration camp.
Inaun, Kornilov (recently ended his again charged with setting down a Who Is Responsible! Stalinist who sweats and squirms it in reality. it would have delegate of the Kronstadt Soviet to exile. Sokolov (In the last ten correct premise but this time, of of the German working class to not so very long ago when expound defection to the position of Wels Who is responsible for the failure over his daily stint just as he dia meant for the Communist Party a Kerensky, participant of the civil Gregory Stopalov has the failing to draw any conclusions take the revolutionary road. Acing the virtues of the theory of and Lelpart; a retreat from Marx war, important member of the Entered the party in 1917, and most all the concentration camps whatsoever. As any Marxist knows Cheka and the Opposition while the student participated in the Sokolov is.
Len the fallure to draw the revolution cording to Bittelman, only the Ger social fascism in somewhat difer and Lenin, a detection of Hindenburg. It would have meant tranFrans Caucasian collegium of the sle in the Ukraine. During the led for consorting with students either. So Bittelman wants to with incontestable history they instead of telling us how the Trotary united front with the bour ary conclusions is no minor charge, Left Socialists were acquainted Only three years ago, in June, sition to the position of a reactionshevik Leninist in 1928 and sen particular, underground under Den muntsts from among the national tance (P. 15. Why these rots would have learned that the com skyltes mislead the Left Social geoiste, in the last instance to Hittenced to three years imprisonment. Ikin.
minorities and Zionists. The oversions. 16. munists had already led the Rusists, the stalinists were busy dis ler (Heckert pp. 22 23. What makes BitUpon the expiration of the term in Bolshevik Leninist since 1923, whelming majority of the worker (To be continued)
sian workers against the Russian tributing a little pamphlet: What telman hound the Left Socialists So Fascists and therefore could have is happening in Germany? It was Verkhne Uraisk, in view of his upcomrade Stopalov graduated the communist population in exile, in is the fact that the draft says never failed the German workers, written after Hitler was in power, workers. Nothing could be worse.
right character, he received an ad Institute of Red Professors. Ancluding the general liners, e, nothing of the final and irrevocable against Hitler.
and it was approved by the Pre In a hit or miss, undirected use of he was treed and extled to Oren number of scientific works, Stopers not the gebierals in the support victory of socialism in the Soviet the sit down there is danger.
burg. where his wife Elizabeth aloy is one of the outstanding arrested for careless remarks Bittelman Findings The company might provoke such Senatskaya also resided in exile young oppositionists. number of Out of approximately 150 exiles in demonstrations to rouse the publie She was in reality not a party pretle and other important Orenburg, they comprise about 100.
But Bittelman himself does not prejudice against the workers, etc.
member, and was exiled solely beof the basic kernel of They re very little developed and tell us why. He does not even tell But the militancy which will not cause she was Pankratov wife. In the Bolshevik Leninista the passive individuals.
us whether this is an ultra right or (Continued from Page 1)
Orenburg, Pankratov worked as an Verkhne Uralsk Isolator come from tire control of one of the Goodyear tolerate employer injustice and inHere are also more than a thou ultra left silence, or whatnot. In for example, stated the other day: plants. Such a show of weakness solence must be organized hot rosand Leningraders, extled after the stead he makes an ominous prom. Impartial observers say that never want be certain to read the mente pressed. To company walls that the economist in Zagotzerno, and quick the pen of comrade Stopalov.
ly earned the confidence of the After serving three years in pris Kirov affair.
management of this institution as on 1929 1989. comrade stopa. are many women, old men and omissions result in some very seriality conditions in Akron are as bad begin the general strike against the workers are interfering with proa trusty and exemplary co worker. lov bad hardly managed to settle children.
He was arrested after the Kirov sufficient to emphasize that on this sit down strikes in recent weeks asuine recognition and other demands corporations which refuse to recogaffair, without the slightest pretext His Hire, Arkansas Planters Un point, as on many others, the draft ranks of the workers. Thus the use strike settlement such a strike for prompt adjustment of grievanfor new persecutions, discounting program shows unmistakeable of company union pace retters for may also come if the company atces are inviting trouble and ought of course, the legal pretext of fair to Organized Labor, We signs of struggle between the gen speed up purposes continues. In attitude is hard boiled. In fact pro to get it, since the alternative is Can Live on 750 a Day. The vine Leftward tendency in the so least one deartment recently an at vocative measures carted beyond a submission and slavery for the his remaining true to his convie.
Unemployed Workers of Memphis clalist Party and the Lett, be tempt was made to increase hours certain point would certainly pretions. Pankratov served four to five months in complete Isolation.
The problem will not be solved, to Memphis which is the market revolutionary instincts of the Lefta vided in the strike settlement. At pang will try to pursue a middle however, by the kind of agreement His pregnant wife had absolutely no news from him during this time for cotton laborers were unable to and some very victous Trotskyist tempts to lay off union men contin course until the main drive for pro between the union and the complement Later we learned that Pankratov (Continued from Page 1) obtain any workers, Negro or white, counter. revolutionary influences. ue though in each instance the mill duction is over and an inventory is which apparently recognizes the The strike of farm laborers was to cross the bridge to take the (p. 16. was once again in the Verkhnefive year term, called on May 18 with the workers Jobs of the strikers. wm Lee, taney of the workers has thwarted plled up when it may Institute a union but actually recognizes the to which he was sentenced after an demanding 50 per 10 hour day. Memphis chief of police, said in Bittelman finds the following: Thus, on questions of principles them. The general fear of excessive lockout or answer a strike with a union officialdom as agents for carlay offs when the slack season complete shut down for a consider rying on class collaboration with Two serious weaknesses; one comes, induced by the abolition of able period.
absolutely monstrous and cruel in The present starvation wages paid court that 700 workers had been the employers. Not outward forms vestigation and trial, about which by the planters are 75 cents per turned back at the bridge and 10 ultra right, Old Guard variety: the thirty hour week by the compabut the content and essence count in we cannot my anything now. He day from sun up to sun set. The tucks unloaded by the pickets. snut down in the fall might be the matter of union agreements.
ntes and the fallure to get it restor regarded as injurious to the Roosewas recently lodged in the prison cotton chopping or weeding 2) Another sin to the right, reed by the strike, contiues to domin velt election campaign and the big workers is layoffs e. insecurity.
Tuesday morning. two large The basic fear of the Akron in a common cell with Kam time is now at its height and the trucks from the Wilson plantation formist variety ate the thinking of the men.
crops are in danger of being choked largest cotton plantation in Arand Slepkov.
8) Still another Since production in rubber is still Roosevelt still further to the right for no layotts, industrialists are trying to push The basic demand of the union is by weeds.
The name of Pankratov must be kansas) succeeded in securing only bad reformlade right deviation, variety.
come widely known to prole Four pickets from the Memphistive men. Chlef Lee, who defended the.
4) struggle between revolution automobile production lever ceme by such measures. It must be borne normal thirty houreuses and rede in mind also that the Supreme uction of hours to an even lower of one of the most valuable and America were found guilty in po planters that if any more pickets ences, the very vicious Trotskyist the highly provocative acts of the threatening also the National Labor mean job security. And that will Courageous representatives of the ice court of disorderly conduct. interfered with their attempts to counter revolutionary variety. This company against union men present Relations Board, etc, is an open in lay the basis for confidence among October traditions in the u. The Workers Alliance had under. obtain day Inborers to beat them struggle is a source of every sert on the surface puzzles. The most vitation to employers to take the the workers on which miiltancy can whose life must be protected from taken to support the strike of farm down with clubs and the law would og errors, of unspecified nature likely explanation is this. Though offensive against the unions.
the Stalinist stranglers.
laborers in Arkansas and on Mon protect them. He told the men Evidently, Bittelman sometimes the company probably desires uninbe permanently sustained.
day morning stationed pickets at arrested that he was going to also prefers to state a premise terrupted production the moment, In the present Akron situation, The workers of Akron look to the Lado Dumbadze the Harahan bridge which crosses break up this damn business and without drawing any conclusions. it cannot afford to appear supine charged with dynamite as it is leadership of the Rubber Workers Dumbadze an old Georgian the Mississippl into Arkansas.
They if any of them returned to the After all, counter revolutionary and wenk In face of the agreed ve timorous and reactionary union om Union and of the LO. to advance Bolshevik, participant in the civil carried placards bearing the slo bridge he would beat the hell out influence can lead only to counter ness of the union men who in re cials will noek to curb and repress toward that goal. What is their war, wounded at the front, arrested gans: Laborer 1s Worthy of revolutionary errors. And no one, cent sit down practically took en the magnificent militancy of the answer?
been Union. 16. The Problem in Akron in Cotton Lords Ape Hitler them