AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT MAY 23, 1936 SATURDAY, WORLD OF LABOR OLSON CONFAB ROOSEVELT RALLY Farmer Labor Party Is RuseforPolitical Trades hour LP leaders have set out to utilize been amply demonstrated by expe Power on to the side of the war bor Party. And this is at a parLabor Party is esmakers.
The Last Week Before the War People Front Upholds Capitalism in France fallen.
Anti Fascist Leaguers. What with the so called common people behind quests, economic, political and mill Labor Party Leaders Vote Arms Budget in this motley gathering do?
Browder says: The conference already exists and reinforced by appropriations sponsored by Roosehas the opportunity of working out the Stalinist people front ideology, velt can be understood only in this Belgium; Anti Semitic Riots in Poland a program which will be a clear It could hardly have any other out light.
suide for the growing sentiment in come. It is therefore only in this. But the Stalinists are not going the United States for a national sense that the clear gulde which to do or say anything that would BELGIUM cording to reports in the European By ARNE SWABECK tions. This is the leadership It Farmer Labor Party. But the Browder seeks from Governor 01 tend to turn Roosevelt support over This column has already carried press, a section of the has The date. Governor Olson should hardly be necessary to remain forces in this gathering are son conference can have any to the Republican candidate. This the story of the predicament that been expelled for refusing to ap conference at Chicago, May 30 31, mind our readers of the despicable prepared to make their deal with meaning. And this is all to be put cannot mean anything else than no befell the leaders of the Belgian prove the social patriotic policies to explore the possibilities of a na role played by Governor Olson dur. Roosevelt. The trade unions that over in the name of the light opposition to Roosevelt and the Labor Parts, practically on the eve of Vandervelde and Co.
prove to be a landmark in the his declared martial law and had his gressive category are committed to Browder Protects Statue of Liberty in such a manner that votes will be These leaders had vowed, and writ. POLAND Behind the wave of anti Semitism and the great battle for the rights into the stockade, not to mention Commitments in this case means claims the Daily Worker, have whether or not the goes would oppose any increases in the in Poland, and the changes in the and welfare of the American the police assaults, under the direc more than support of the person or drawn close together to huri the through the formality of nominat military budget, or in the military government is the story of a frightpeople. So says the Daily Work tion of Mayor Lattimer, upon the the individual; it means support of Statue of Liberty into New York ing its own candidates, for, as we term of service; and they entered ful economie debacle. The index of er. Governor Olson himself could Strutwear strikers and upon the his program and support of his na Bay. Next we will be informed, have seen from the statements of the Ministry, after they were as industrial production has been not have said it better.
strikers of the Flower Min Iron tional ticket.
in tones trembling with indigna Browder, any other policy would sured that they need have no fears dropping steadily, the number of Should there be any doubt of this works. The whole history of the Will Back Roosevelt tion, that these same forces will bring the forces of reaction down on the question of any increases, unemployed has been constantly prophecy, let us recall the example Minnesota LP. leadership is one The Chicago conference will not attempt to bury the stars and upon us and huri the Statue of etc. Then the Minister War pro growing. According to the official of the Illinois coal miner. Ile meant of disreputable deals with the DemLiberty into New York Bay.
ceeded to demand adáitional mil figures the unemployed number bewell. During the period in which ocratic Party. In the last election consider a national third party stripes beneath it.
The Great Deception lions for defense and an increased tween 600 750 thousand; the unofl.
the National Miners Union was Governor Olson party lost its ticket. Naturally! Why should We must make the masses of What a dastardly deception and term of service. These demands cial estimates reach the unprececreated, he had read in the Dally control of both branches of the it? The old method of parliamen the country understand, says Worker about the various history state legislature. It is therefore tary deals still holds true and the Browder, that the victory of the delusion of the working masses ts were approved by the Socialist mindented figure of close to 2, 000, 000.
of a proper formula to cover up Party (under censorship) reported turn came to attend one of them he possible loss that the Minnesota national ticket. But, as has already Hearst combination would throw of the campaign for a Farmer LA their brazen treachery.
carly this year that two years ago, arose solemnly just before By this the masses are ticular time and under objective par The new election platform pre 72 of all the workers in Poland of adjournment to propose: Mr. their present unique opportunity of rience, a Farm the coming June elections earned less than 140 zloty a month.
Chairman, move you that this con combining a step toward extending sentially an institution of parlia also to be made to understand that conditions in which certain impor is the concentrated essence of Jes. The paper then goes on to comment ating on sea The Roosevelt and his party are not tant strata of the working. masses ultism and gall, which runs second that this means that 72 of the ference go down in history. their own third party experlences tivities. So also Mr. Olson Record to a national scale with a much mentary maneuvers and election ac amongst the war makers. What alhave actually begun to enter a pro. only to that of the Stalinists. Polish workers are undernourished.
Certainly the political developvelt, all of which is expected to elections is the presidential ticket: these masses of whom Browdercess of awakening. when signs are from whom the Belgian Laborites Their diet consists thietly of bread bigger deal for support of Roose real center of attraction in these frightful delusion and deception of manifest that point toward a bements that preceded this conference bring returns in a greater populari. the standard bearer and hs plat banks with such slib tongue101: ginning of political consciousness have evidently learned a good deal and potatoes, and they consume an in recent days.
invests it with an unusual Impor ty at home.
infinitesimal quantity of meat and tance, though most likely in the opthe election campaign and of the have some other meaning? No, it This is the time and place and conThe Belgian Labor Party is not dairy products.
Since that time, the wages in Who Will Be There?
posite sense of the prophecy mengovernmental adminstration after clear that these masses are to lition demanding above all clear tioned above.
sufliciently wide Who will attend the Chicago the election victory is achieved. forget this year gigantic military and precise efforts toward educa for national defense. it is only variety of representatives of the conference? There will be serious Anything that comes out of this budget mounting up to more than tion of the masses for the needs of in favor of defending the country Poland have been considerably cut, It is therefore in favor of a na considerably increased common people, so called, are in trade union elements like schloss conference can therefore in no sense one billion dollars, for, says Brow a new social order for the needs against any unprovoked attack. and the number of unemployed has new movement. But the signis trade union champion for a labor adjunct to the Roosevelt re election Roosevelt support over to the Recah Governor tholisonsa tonference for the independence of the country trates even into the semi official vited to give it an appearance of a berg and Gorman, the outstanding be anything else in reality but an der: We would not do or say any of a persistent and tenacious strubtional defense organized different. The horrible plight of the work thing that would tend to turn cle for Socialism.
In view of this situation what ly. The only complete guaranteers and of the unemployed pene.
cancet movements, whether new in reality Worker, Heywood Broun, for whom Browder cannot possibly have any publican candidate. We distinguish do? Does this general situation is peace. peace organized differpress. The situation among the or in appearance, depend entirely Morris Hillgult once said that so illusions on this question. Evident between twins. Even twins are not not mean in reality that even the ently.
peasantry borders upon that of on their political direction. And it cialism was such a nice novelty, ly, he sees no conflict between the dentical.
idea of a national Farmer Labor in the sphere of military defense, chronic famine. Tuberculosis rages.
Roosevelt War Program should not be difficult even at this will be there; liberals, amateur rad Roosevelt and the Farmer Labor Party is already shelved for 1936 the Laborites will vote only for some reports indicate that there time to form an estimate of what icals and third partyites will at Party sentiment. And how could Certainly twins are not identical. Appearance and reality after all budgets with the preponderance of may be as many as five million role history will assign to Governor tend, together with a good sprink there really be any according to his But it is very important to know are two different things. In this defensive armaments. As for the peasants in Poland without any Olson conference based on the ling of stalinists and their stooges. people front Farmer Labor Party the difference as measured by time, particular situation it will be found term of milltary service, it must be land or work. The peasants in the position of the various forces that Non Partisan Lenguers from North conception. He says: We must col place and objective conditions. Such so much more to be the case. What limited to. an indispensable Ukrainian districts under Polish will be represented.
Dakota; Farmer Labor Progres laborate organizationally and po an estimate will place Roosevelt as ever Farmer Labor Party proclam. minimum. indispensable defen control are the worst of The deathrate is extremely high.
The actual sponsors are made up sives from Wisconsin Farmers litically with those who are com a much more effective and a much ations may be forthcoming from sively and differently, no doubt!
of a combination of the Minnesota Holiday people: Epic Democrats. 1936. To collaborate organiza italism and all that it stands for be nothing else but a new way, at and real peace, the advocates that the Polish Socialists report mitted to the support of Roosevelt more progressive defender of cap this conference, such would really And to guarantee real defense. It is hardly surprising therefore Farmer. Labor Party, including Knickerbocker Democrats and in Governor Olson and Mayor Latti Townsend people wbo will support tionally and politically is a very than the old fashioned reaction least for some parts of the country. Public monopoly of the implements that Anti Semitism forms an essen.
mer, and Stalinist leaders of the anything with pensions in it: Social broad promise. It has all the pos. arics. Roosevelt program, when to corrall support behind the Roose of war; nationalization of the in Dol part of the policy of all the official party and stooge organiza Crediters, Share Our Wealthers and sibilities of a real national union of stripped of its demagogy and ver velt standard.
blage, is clearly a program for more Apparently the open betrayal of regular People Front election tles of the Polish bourgeoisle differ effective and more up to date class the political class interests of the program, only without the Stalin from one another not in whether collaboration in order to prepare working masses does not even waitists.
the home basis for a new onslaught for the actual formation of a reHow peace to be organized dir the method which they favor for on the world market, for new conformist Farmer Labor Party, ferently?
putting this policy in effect. The (Continued from Page 3)
By strengthening the League of most ruthless economie boycott.
yet struck but which will, all of which if realized will permit a re emulation: it happily harmonizes Nations, which has hitherto organ keeps the Jewish workers, manual ized peace so well and so different and on manual the Jewish you by taking the solemn oath to vival of economie life.
the three principal interests of the day, at the same time that they In the present situation the mill moment: the interests of the na1y. Above all, the organization intellectuals out of all the public give you the kiss of parting: ad. tary operations, on land and sea, tion, the employer and the worker.
of peace within the framework of services, out of all quasi publle in.
stitutions and services, out of all the League of Nations.
vance soldiers of the revolution, it and in relation to the position taken is not in vain that you will have in the struggle by England, the NEW MINISTRY; And of course, the lasting efforts the largest private undertakings.
AT THE FRONT Mediterranean Sea, the Channel, The only difference between the of peace are to be secured by dis bourgeois parties is the ex Depart without bitterness, with the North Sea and the Atlantic Here at the same time is an. Continued from Page 1)
armament: To the extent to which termination of the Jews is to be and specified that most of these the organization of peace is built attained. openly, or by a gradual out regret, comrade workers. Ocean are open in almost complete nounced the resignation of the cab the People Front advocates a should be financed by money up, progressive and simultaneous process and under the cover of leBeginning with Wednesday, Aug. security for our merebant marine nent, and the formation of a new stronger League of Nations: closer raised locally (N. Tribune, May alsarmament under the control of Reality an And in the meanwhile, 12, Johaux, who had written noth as well as that of our ally, the League of Nations.
they stage pogroms. Our ports can then resume their occurred at the front which have stronger France; a League policy With the cconomic crisis still ing since the outbreak of the war, started a series of articles, impor normal life on the condition that been covered up until this day that involves the automatic desig deepening in France, with unem disarmament, the has voted Jews is only a part of the broader While speaking about peace and Of course, the drive against the for and the change in the ministry. the automatic and universal appli layers of the petty bourgeoisie be new platform unbinds its hands, the workers as a whole. The reacconceptions expressed therein. Gone traffic are the lamentations; our feet are Is this fensible? Yes. Por ac. Following the official communique must now study the new problemssion we are guaranteed the mastery tion, unsigned, on the New Goy. Cressor. It is also in favor of dis gathering more and more threaten of the Belgian bourgeoisie in its Polish and Jewish, has been very now planted solidly in the war; wecording to the date in our posses. the paper gives a brief appreciacation of sanctions against the ag coming pauperized, with war clouds even of pledges, for further support tion of the workers in Poland, both armament and organized peace ingly, Blum is able to offer, in the war plans.
ernment. inspiring. series of the greatest posed by it. The first of these ar of these seas. collective security. And of course name of the working class parties, ticles on this day, concerns itsell But there is more, Germany is. Finally what characterizes the People Front is the Friend the program of capitalism as a sharp resistance has manifested it pendent Poland were staged in reIt is not at all surprising that a demonstrations ever in indewith the widespread unemployment at tae present time blockaded, its the new ministry is the arrival of of the Soviet Union.
solution to the desperate masses self in the ranks of the Accent months.
which arose spontaneously from the maritime commerce is partly ent politically influential statesmen, In his pre election plea, Thorez the self same Blum who, just a few single fact of the war. The theme on! Why cannot our merchant both former ministers or newcom stressed the abolition of the Fas years ago, at the beginning of the cist leagues, and summed up all crisis, under the pressure of the hands of France. That is, in turn in the business cycle; for a most that idleness is a bad coun not assume to thelr own profit rart Briand, Millerand, Delcasse other demands as follows: We de leftward surge of the masses was practice you will find that the of the German work which is no and Thomson make up part of this mand that the rich should pay destroy the machinery of the sellor. possible loan from America, a repromising to seize power, and to People Front will amount to. WE MUST HAVE WORK longer being carried on?
We are opposed to the depreciation turn for a promise to pay the war The editorials on the French One of the major preoccupations This would be ar. Initial victory, ministry of national defense of the present hour must be to be with an importance that can escape elections that appeared in the New debts. The old system must be re The Socialists, whose parliamen an emergence progressive tax con Cheers and Cocktails for Stalinism York Times, the Herald Tribune tained. The Sarraut ministry, on no one.
What made it possible for Blum and other bourgeois papers were a To allow idleness to remain Maritime activity will engender are represented in this ministry by large fortunes over 500, 000 francs.
to so successfully pursue his pres perfect echo of the remarks made been attacked in both the Commumaster would be in grave error. industrial activity, at the same time two of their most reputable leaders (Dally worker, May 18. Not as Radical as Roosevelt ent course, is the abject and in by the French business men Jennte nist and Socialist press as agents unemployment, spirits are enervat that it would permit us to establish Marcel Sembat and Jules Guesde.
of the Fascists, continues in power that The mere listing of these points famous role played by the French Lee interviewed in Paris.
ed, respond to the least rumour, and reserves which is no small matter.
can wander on to passing but never We advance our iden, certain Jaures would have been able to play and the manner in which they are communist Party. In the May Anti Military Propaganda Subsides while Blum confers with bankers, business theless rejudicial errors.
that it is realizable, and that the role of the first water in this stressed by the extreme left are issue of The New Leader (the BritThe May 198ue of Living Age men clubs, and pleads with Herspond to internal calm, there is only tice can yield, for today and for tono illusions here 15 a formidable Eram is not as radical in the do ports, as an eyewitness, election quotes at length the remarks of riot. who sat in Laval cabinet, apone factor capable of giving this morrow, surpass in utilitarian one.
main of capitalist programs as, say, scenes in France. She observed a the clerical Echo de Paris (by the sures, and disapproves all of the result: work.
weight all hypothesis which may be the program of Roosevelt Dissimilar in their past but re economic measures proposed by Every day the number of unem expounded.
Cafe La Paix, in the heart of the way, the Moscow Pravda, has also We might point united by the common will to conin passing west end of Paris. These crowds of late been quoting Pertinax ap the People Front, to become a ployed grows, it would be danger We must profit from all sitan quer, the men who assume power in that such a well known radical were better dressed than any she provingly, for be is a sworn enemy member of his ministry.
ous to allow matters to proceed in tions: the German blockade by the this tragle hour when the frontier as Lloyd George is heartily in favor had seen in Paris. Their sympa of Germany. this way believing that the entire English fleet gives us commercial is invaded, are going to face many of nationalling the munitions in thies were evenly divided between action the decline of revolution. cialist ministry in France will be Pertinax notes with great satisIt may well be that the first soquestion is one of providing charity, freedom on the seas; let us profit difficulties.
dustry. Our own President, Frank the right National Front and the Only one thought must animate in Roosevelt is certainly a far left People Front When and comary activity in France on the part its last. In any case, the governassistance of suffering; to prevent to assure work and then to estab them: to drive back German im more radical. soaker in the realm muntst was announced as leading of the Comintern. Says he, If the ment of Blum will not endure for misery by worthwhile em lish our primacy in the field of imperialism which is threatening ex of seaking the rich in order that the poll in one district a group of highest military authorities are to a much longer period than the semi ployment of the workers is better. ports and exports for the future. istng rights and threatens to de In lavoring the resumption of stroy the future of civilization. how tailing cesses may be im. dence of approval and called for da in France has subsided, if not predecessors from Doumergue down.
useful production, we create activ BELLIGERENTS WATCH, LIE ity and it is to that end that all IN WAIT, READY TO LEAP In the first day of the war, the the People Front has competitors. tory. Jennie Lee engaged the that in 1934, 150 cases of incitement that of socialism. The only road farseeing men acquainted with mob On the 17th, Charles Malato, ad government decided to create a In the words of the New York toasters in conversation but let to disobedience were recorded in the con France is that of revolution paychology must bend thelr efforts. dressing himself to the Italian re National Ald. it was concerned Times, an authority on the subject: her speak for herself Later we got to talking. figure has shrunk to less than 10. mean the triumph of counter revois possible and necessary, to revive trade unionists, issued the cry: those women, old men, unemployed wealth and opportunity is not spe congratulated them on their con Pertinax is convinced that as be lution, the assumption of power by activity, is to fortify against the Fuori barbari. who because of the war ran the risk cially socialistic It is common to of dying of hunger behind the lines, all Frenchmen.
version to a revolutionary point tween revolution and Germany, the the French Fascists.
excesses of mass 1dleness, is also The place of the Italian people is Ever since the of view. At that a lively discuslatter is the greater immediate to favor a rise in the public morale in struggle on the side of the Later when the war was put on French Revolution it has been the sion broke out. had quite misthreat to France. The threat (of NEW MILITANT To aim at these two results in French republic which is still only work for all, but at the beginning and successive parliaments.
an induertial basis, there would be objective of successive covernments understood the French political revolution) would be felt all the with which is merged the present period is far from a statist and bourgeois and which we there was complete destitution in Philip, May 17. situation, they assured me. It same and probably to a greater de THE MILITANT negligible thing.
gree 16 hostility instead of a spirit was not they who had changed will develop until it becomes social the workers districts. And on the The public debt of France is 333 their minds. They were good of cooperation on the international Published weekly by the New MillOn Friday the 14th, Joubaur and libertarian.
Radicals, and hoped they would plane were shown to Moscow. And tant Publishing Co. 100 Fifth Ave. article this time presents an entire On the 25th the leading article is 4th of August one could read on the billion franes, the estimated govern program. It has as its title: Tet by Joubaux dealing once again with walls of Paris beautiful white ment budget needs for 1936 are set always be. But, on the other let us observe that Moscow never poster announcing the initiative of at 16 billion francs. the treasury hand, the Communist Party had objects to any repressive measure Entered as second class mail matter us profit from it! Let us profit the economic revival, taking an the government. Up to this point is empty. What then are the seen the error of its ways, and enforced against the Communists at the Post Office at New York, from the war, prodt from the fact example from England have before me a circular from was extraordinary was the collec ruined peasants to expect from the that it was possible to vote Comnothing extraordinary. But what unemployed, the workers and the now has changed so drastically Deal with them as you like is the under the act of March 3, 1879.
that Germany is blockaded, that it current phrase.
JAMES CANNON: Editor can no longer communicate with its the Hans Berthold Co. of ManchesLike the business men on the Subscription rates: In the United customers abroad to sell them merter, which reads verbatim as fol tion of names constituting the com People Pront in the way of wellmunist and still be good French boulevards who toasted the victory States 00 per year: 66c per six mittee in charge with the adminis. being and justice lows: chandise.
tration of National Ald: all high The directors are resolved, men. Good Frenchmen they do of the Communist candidate, Per months; Canada and foreign 50 Blum to Safeguard Investors LET US PROFIT FROM IT! however, by every possible means, dignitaries of the bourgeoisie, ArchIn his speech at the Salle Wag and order, national defense, the tinax is sure that it is not he who per year; 00 six months. Bundle We have already said that we to employ the entire personnel of bishop. Erand rabbi, academicians, ram, Blum declared that his gov family, and the frane. One of has changed, he ins Stalin rates: Two cents per copy.
Industrialists, bankers then ernment would need credit, and them went a stage further has turned conservative with the SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1936 ity 1s urgent. We will not return ders cannot be obtained, they will and Bled, Secretary of the Union troduced to frighten away the 10Vol. 2, No. 20 (Whole No. 72)
to this, save to add that the more work for stock as long as financial are opposed to Fascism. So are The Future of the People Front des Syndicates de la Seine.
the hour of the emotions, the more resources of the company permit.
vestors in state loans. He has yet the Socialists and Communists. The situation in France, however, PAUL LUTTINGER, to make a definitive statement These people realize that they has not radically altered. None of imperative it is that the new potentIf after all, a reduction of wages troubles find a working class not is necessary, this will take the form There was also repine, former about the prospects of restoring cannot fight Fascism without our the fundamental problems that face DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD.
gripped by unemployagent. of a reduction of the hours of work police chief, butcher of workers and Laval 10 percent cut in pay and help. We are willing to make a France can be solved or even Washington Square North This is to say that we take it rather than by a reduction of per Ch. Maurras, one of those really pensions. But he does envisage a deal with them. If they keep broached within the framework of 2 and 8 Dreept Sundaye upon ourselves to publicly indicate sonnel.
implicated in the assassination of large program of public works de their hands of our property we a capitalist program. Blum is well and Holidays.
another point of capital importance Here is an example worthy of Jyures.
signed to relieve unemployment, shall see that Hitler keeps his aware of this. He is hoping for al of use