BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismGerman RevolutionIV InternationalLeninLeninismLiberalismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1936 Book Review The Death of Jobless Hit Lexicon of Whitewash Lynchers in Pa. Relief Revolution Tampa Flogging Trial amphe soft Coal industry is a dying played pletare con el center into: Rebel at Slave Wage in Southerilled to memorence thesident toutes et bolestiegenbeste alde the Little NRA By JACK TAYLOR tory of the Revolution Stalin says. Continued from Page TROTSKYISM is the an Trotsky, who was a relative new the death of the Guffey BIIL. They guard of the counter revolution comer in our Party in the period point to the Supreme Court as the Board members, to lead them in the (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) BARTOW, Fla. May 17 The first worth to get before the jury over ary bourgeoisie.
That is why of October, did not and could not sole culprit and ignore the role of Aght.
This book is no abstract thesis smear of whitewash was applied Whitaker objections.
the attempts of certain littera have played any special role in the Roosevelt and Congress as accomon the impossibility of socialism in to the Tampa floggings Saturday He allowed Bush, chief of teurs and historians to smas party or in the October uprising. plices in the crime.
121 Million Declared Imperative Ble the disguised Trotskyite rub The same Trotsky whom the world The conference then got down to one country. It is, rather, a richly when Jude Robert Dewell or detectives, to testify that when he The Triple Play bish into our literature must en knows as Lenin collaborator and business, adopting various resolo concrete history of the Communist dered the acquittal of Titts. told Tittsworth what the been boe counter determined resistance as the organizer of the insurrection Thus tho Guffey Bill was put out Lions affecting the conditions of the movement both inside and outside Robert Chappell for lack of evi kidnaping, Tittsworth blowed np.
from the Bolsheviks. Joseph of 1917 did not and could not play as the result of a triple play be workers, to be brought before the Russia from 1923 to 1928. In order dence and threw out three of the told me not to let it get to the Stalin, Questions concerning the any special role in the October up tween the President, Congress, and legislature. rellet appropriation to illumine his criticism of Stalin four counts in the information. Mayor and that was the end of it History of Bolshevism. 1932. In rising.
the Supreme Court. Rarely has of 121, 000, 000 as against the Bukharin draft programme for The defense motion for a directed right there.
ternational Publishers.
there been a clearer case of the 70, 000, 000 gure proposed by the the Comintern, then about to be verdict of not guilty for the other The judge also permitted Lieut. Let us, says Stalin, take the manner in which the executive, leg Democrats under Governor Earle submitted and adopted by the live defendants, made by Pat Whi LA Eddings to tell the jury that Determined resistance does not tral committee, on October 18, government work together to de Republicans was declared to be ab. Trotsky found primates of the meeting to be one slative, and judicial arms of the and the 13, 000, 000 proposed by the Set ofte konsument de les course in our site rekena macedagte was determine state The me nitak poured and more and cannot dispose of the real his 1917. practical center is eleccelvo the workers and deprive them solutely Imperative, on the basis of the story of the major events of the The counts knocked out by the ers had been flogged and if they of the perspectives of the Bolshe the uprising who is elected to ernment appears to give the work cents per person per day, to tide the of the circumstances surrounding fulsels, false imprisonment and they deserved anyway.
seizure of power in 1917.
From it: Sverdlov. Stalin Dzerzhinsky with its right. Roosevelt proposes, ning of next year. The conference revolution in 1923: the tale of the of kidnaping Eugene Pouinot, witneses tell how the badge number the Leninist interpretation of rev. Trotsky did not get on the practical Congress enacts, and the supreme unanimously recommended this tig preposterous Peasant International Chatrman of the Florida Workers of defendant John Bridges abas changed from 39 to 140 after Tittsolutionary events and perspectives center, which was called upon to Conhe American system of bour ure as an alr tight minimum to the created by stafin and which disap Alliance, remains The defense is not expected to worth had learned that the state of the October Revolution reach the lead the uprising How can this terpretation of the revolutionary tion about Comrade Trotsky spe Congress, being elected officials. are demand spokesmen before the legis with the British trade union bure so to the jury this week surface. To label the Leninist in. be reconciled with the current no els cabelonera cyber president and presiding committee was instructed has come rican Edersensinale take more than two days to present attorney had evidence that a police tion and wearing badge number 39 events and perspectives for coana cial role. Stalin October Rev compelled to yield now and then to lature, to present the case for the caucracy Purcell and Cook were the indictments against Chappell was involved in the kidnaping.
ter revolutionary Trotskyism dla olution, 71. the pressure of the masses and con celine trend taking the road of siders are the history of the Revolanele care ar puffer between the rulers were also the beate Emergency tie viet Union covered Purcell and and kidnaping of Dr. Sam Rogers on duty the night of the kidnapins, We are at liberty to ask the fal cede part of their demands. They organized unemployed. Comunittees going to defend the Soviet Union as a principal and Tittsworth as an Other policemen testified that, elected to present griesthe So accessory in the false imprisonment although Tittsworth knew they were counter revolution in bearlier ton how it is that Trotsky, who and the ruled. The Supreme Court, let Board and to the state WPA Cook betrayal of the British Gen. and in the second degree murder they had never been questioned by interpretation of the revolutionary aid not get on the practical cen appointed for life and practically administration.
events The Bull Hunch Who Is Counter Revolutionary sametile the practical worden deaf ear to popular clamor. They All the delegates men, women Support on the hoteles rodeanings for The freeing of Tittsworth, who In 1982 Stalin asks: Who save connection with the organization of need listen only to their masters and children were housed and fed support in the backward peasantry was on trial as accessory after the In the meantime, the testimony the counter revolutionary bourgeol. the uprising. truthful man voice.
at the expense of the government forty pages of explanatory notes fusal to admit damaging testimony revealed, Tittsworth was writing a sle Its Intellectual weapon against need not fear saying two different What Now?
during their entire three days siege round out the historical detail so against the former police chief and Letter to Mayor Chancey in which Bolsbevism in the form of the thesis things at two different times. Only The lesson to be drawn from this serious conduct of the conference that a newcomer to the revolution was in the face of vital evidence he exonerated the police and suggested that Poulnot and Rogers of the impossibility of building so falsifiers have the quality of concialism in our country. Intradicting themselves at every turn decision of the Supreme Court is had forced the hand of the adminary movement can follow the argu that had been admitted earlier in themselves murdered Shoemaker ment understandingly.
the trial this ques For Stalin, you see, tells us on so clear that even William Green, istration.
looking for the answer and also making a publie statement Committee Interviews Earle Shirking His Duty Special mention must be made of declaring that his own investigation, let us turn to page 48, Stalin page that tek bocou la moto andness resembling the last ticker of On Monday afternoon, the presid the Chinese Revolution which, to the two day argument on his mo that the police were innocent.
the Summary and Perspectives of Whitaker, during the course of tion had conclusively established matter is that the selzure of power the October uprising, forgetting ing man, could not miss it. Aftering committee was received by Gov gether with the explanatory histortion, contended that the information Tittsworth aquittal in the face Says Stalln: The fact of the did not play any special role in consciousness in the brain of a dyby the proletariat occurred under that on page 30 of the same work all, he said, we must rely on ourernor Earle for an audience. Davidical notes, provides the reader with was fatally defective because it of this mass of evidence indicates peculiar conditions, domestie and he tells us the exact opposite. AUown economie strength. If we can Lasser, John Maldowney, Sam Gora succinct introduction to the whole failed to specify secret intent as that is one of the higher ups, he foreign, which placed their imprint practical work in connection with not enact legislation of this kind indon, Charles Spencer and a Nesto istory of the Chinese movement provided in the Florida statute on testimony bad revealed that Smitty which the charges were based.
on the entire work of the party the organization of the uprising an orderly way, we will irresistibly woman delegate from Philadelphia, from 1923 to the present time.
received special protection. The The general features of the his The information was drawn by Brown, ex traffic sergeant who led after it seized power. In the first was done under the immediate di be drawn to use our economie pow Margaret Johnson, argued the case place, Russia is onomically back rection of Comrade Trotsky, the er; that can be done only through of the unemployed before the chief wand it cannot of its own strength president of the Petrograd Soviet complete and thorough organiza executive for more than two hourstory of the Communist Interna Hillsborough County Solicitor the boys in the raid, was Tittsset aright the transport system, de. It can be stated with certainty that tlon; the more thorough and com The governor was very generous tional since 1928 are given in Max Jay Hardee whose removal was re worth pet in the department.
Police witnesses also testified that and his hypocritical assurances of so that this 100 page book can serve jury on the grounds that he is using traffic cops had never before made and rural. to economic power.
Green does not of course intend concern over the plight of the job for them to be in the police station Russia had as a neighbor a big, in the rapid going over of the garrison make any definite. Indeed, until Hardee was chief assistant to at all a busy Saturday night several Sovlet states it easily conlal efficient manner in which the work but he inadvertently hit upon the neath the thin veneer of his Roose umes of this series of Selected State Attorney Rex Farrior dur. when traffic is heaviest. The raid dustrially developed Soviet state or to the side of the Soviet and the these words to be taken seriously. Inakean vaselitate coat would not time. Comietern up to the present his duty in the hosting te sterker have estabhished co operation with of the Military Revolutionary Com. right note. Only through their or veltlan liberalism penetrated a sightWorks of Leon Trotsky are pub ing the preparation of the case and occurred on a Saturday night.
ganization and militant action, and such states on the basis of an ermittee was organized.
change of raw material for me History will have its revenger hot by reliance upon the bounty of strongly indicative of the real lean. lished, this first volume will remain during the unsuccessful attempt to Obviously the arrests and the kid.
chines and equipment. However, And when it does, Stalin role ore capitalist state, will the mineralings of this latter day friend or the best study of the Communist obtain a jury in Hillsborough Coun naping were not Smitty Brown so long as this is not so, Soviet falsifer and grave digger of the able to obtain their demands the peepul. Side by side with a movement that has yet appeared. ty. From the beginning, however, own idea. Tampa is now asked to be portrait of there was dishe has been regarded unfriendly to believe that Tittsworth Brown the prosecution.
boss and mentor did not know what Russia and our party. are Revolution will meet the late re and to keep them.
forced to seek forms and means of served for it by the onward march industry. Other sources of power graphed picture of none other than The alleged defectiveness of Har. his protege was up to.
dee information need not be as The state closed its case after capitalist groups of the West in Already we hear the steady trend are steadily cutting into its market. Enkelbert Dollfuss, the butcher of necessary of the iron battalions of the Fourth mining industry shows that no Upon a challenge from delegate Faulty informations which are nesses without once touching the technique pending the victory of International amount of regulation or state sub Cordon, that the 70, 000, 000 figure (Continued from Page thrown out by the trial Judge are question: Who ordered this whole the proletarian revolution in one Differences with Lenin sidy can save it from continued de was woefully Insufficient and was or several industrial capitalist By placing the mystic halo of cline. The manifold social prob not based upon the actual needs of Mitchell, Executive Secretary, tect paying or powerful criminals The state evidence against all and at the same time permit the defendants except Chappell is overcountries. Failing these, there infallibility upon the head of Lenin lems that arise in the lives of the the unemployed, the organizations Box 5815, Memphis, Tenn.
prosecuting attorney to go through whelming. Even Chappell, who was is no use even thinking of serious the falsifiers hoped to extend that miners out of the decay of the coal of the jobless never having been economie construction of electrify infallibility to themselves. Intall Industry can only be solved under consulted as to their estimates There can be no doubt that once the notions and avoid criticism. freed with Tittsworth, was identunder way, Lynch Governor Dave Sholtz has retified among those who arrived at ing the country.
which were based on actual contact this strike bility does away with lots of ex Socialism.
This was written in the early plaining about the differences be Meanwhile, the bituminous miners with the workers needs, Mr. Earle law and mob vlolence will become fused to act on the 17 specific grand the police station with the arrested years of the Revolution, when ideas tween Lenin and the October cen can prevent the operators from In a furry of excitement offered the daily routine of the planters to sury accusations against Hardee un Modern Democrats and among the were still fresh in the minds of all, tral committee. Since the central relegating them to the serapheap WAA delegation a representative on crush the sharecroppers. This ter der the general charge incompet men standing outside while Ponoe organized in the bailli ency, malfeasance and misfeasance was being kidnaped.
yet find it possible to distort the could make no mistakes, how could starvation levels only by the strong ment. The delegation finally ex. wick, and with the connivance of in office and neglect of duty. He with the perspectives of October. The above serious differences arise therefore est organization and the most unre tracted a promiso from him that Josephine Robinson, Roosevelt bas announced he will let the peo exception of Tittsworth, are the Behind them are the citrus quotation from an article by between Lenin and the central mitting struggle. The Stalin originally published in Prav committee on the question of the miners in the already to molest the demonstrators in ang commentary Fondeed bin the policx primary elections in which Hardee growers with their machine suns da, No. 190, August 28, 1921. seizure of power?
have enough combined strength to way in the mass meeting they of Lewis, Green, Dubinsky, et al is running for renomination State Often Overruled porations and their convenient. Socialism in One Country Speaking about the October days, enforce their demands upon the planned at the state house in the who support Roosevelt because of his liberalism! And also, by the The state spent its last week in water filled pits, the shipping magAs we see, the question of social Stalin says: The question of the operators in most fields. They need evening.
way, on the Daily Worker, which Crowd Swarms Legislature ism in one country was considered transfer of power to a new class only a correct class struggle policy ascribes all of Roosevelt reaction a futile effort to get before the jury cantes and their stool pigeons, the impossible, especially since Rus becomes the burning question of and a progressive leadership.
At 6:30 the huge delegation lined, ary moves to pressure from Wall some vital testimony against Titts crooked politicians and their gamsin is economically backward. But the hour. Were there any difup in front of the Farm Show Street. worth. Whitaker made long fre bling gunmen.
Building and, headed by the officers quent and impassioned objections to We are anticipating a bit, for Stal ferences of opinion within our party paraded through the streets of Senators and representatives with a sustained him on the ground that admitting this evidence. The court in in those days (1921) did not yet at that time? Yes, there were.
Harrisburg down to the state house cutting remark that boondogling no sufficient overt act had been of a approach the question of socialism But they were exculsively Lester Heckman, of Allentown, pre was hard work compared to the in established as to Tittsworth.
If the number following your in one country Stalin in those practical nature. Stalin name on the wrapper is sided over the open air demonstra sipid conduct of which they were Only days clearly stated: Russia can. October Revolution, 79. tion that was staged there and at guilty in their so called work conversations held by Tittsworth not of its own strength set aright slight differences of a practical The testimony ruled out included the transport system. How far nature. nothing political involved; 2 removed from Stalin theory of so says Stalin. And some of us (Continued from Page 1)
other speakers addressed the crowd Callery, he halled the example of with Matt Beasley, assistant Soviet Russia economic self suffi. wonder what are the falsifers and dues of twenty five cents per eral thousand which had by then swelled to sev the Allentown WPA strikers last chief of detectives, and Rus your subscription has EXspokesman for month, who, disgusted with the an sell, a former policeman.
PIRED. We urge you to send ciency. According to Stalin, in trying to hide now? What is Stalin month.
the presiding committee rose on tics of the capitalist parties had Beasley testified that Tittsworth The next is The Rubber Club, in your renewal by return mall, 1921, the economic resources of trying to hide?
tu waring the receipt of Russia did not permit the setting Behind infallibility your copy without interruption aright of the transport system tries to hide his own opposition to sons in all walks of life and per the pathering that both houses of matched down to the courthouse in bad tried to get him to say that he collaboration Lenin in the October days.
Stalin interested primarily in promoting to hold a joint session and to hear unless they took immediate action Brown and his men to rald the He warned that led him to order defendent Smitty with hostile capitalist sroups of attempts here to hide his own se civic welfare. The organization, the leaders of the WAA. He an. to break the legislative a teadlock meeting of Modern Democrats at the proletarian revolution in one or central committee in the October too often lacking in this wicked. nounced that both house had that was threatening the unem. the Herald home WORKERS!
he How fresh and far removed from Lenin: To refrain from selzing the sit downs, and three days ago the crowd thereupon streamed en more would be called into the captola Tittsworth that he was with Protect Yourselves Against the itol.
the reactionary theory of socialism power at present, to wait, to addressed a plea to the United masse into the galleries.
holding the truth from the state Hazards of Life. Join the Thomas In one country. But perhaps this chatter in the Central Committee Rubber Workers of America to re Lieutenant Governor David Lasser, speaking for the attorney and was afraid of getting WORKMEN SICK AND was incidental due to alten in. means to ruin the revolution. turn to the principles of the Amer. Kennedy opened the joint session national organization of the Work into trouble, his chiet told him that DEATH BENEFIT FUND Inence upon the mind of Stalin. Seeing that the Central Com scan Federation of Labor for col shortly thereafter and called uponers Alliance, wound up the presen. he could not help him if he changed OF THE Not so For Stalin in those days mittee hus left even without an an lective bargaining through nocredJohn Muldowney, the chairman of tation with picture of WA de his story and advised him to stick 1884 1935 considered it necessary to take into swer my writing insisting on such ited representatives and to end the delegation to introduce the tions in Illinols, Wisconsin, New to his original lles.
account the question of interna a policy since the beginning of the mass bargaining and intimidation. spokesmen. Muldowney warned the Jersey and St. Louis, assuring the Refuses to Testify Organized, managed by and for workers with only one fraternal principle between the Central Organ (Stalin was editor at the instant of writing Is a reed for adequate roller, unemployed ization was wholeheartedly behind was Manuel Menendez, Tittsworth purpose: to render protection progressive (industrial) countries 18 deleting from my articles creation club designed to make steel workers and silk workers this Pennsylvania demonstration former stenographer who is also to members and their families, and to support all endeavors indictment as accessory after and the backward (fuel and raw references to such glaring errors men out of red apple toys and to would follow the example of the and thnt the WAA would back the material producing) countries (in of the Bolsbeviks as the shameful beat up trade unionists, who re unemployed miners and start up unemploped of the state to the limit the fact but against whom charges and struggles for the improveand ment of tollers.
the latter by the former? This is parliament, as giving seats to the formal logie in reasoning with cor just as the coal diegers had started and against thetr criminal petty Whitaker advice, Menendez de About 50, 000 members organized in 350 branches. Reup bootleg mines.
precisely why an International pro Mensheviks in the Presidium of the pany union members politics.
clined to testify because he might serves 3, 400, 000 letarian revolution is needed. Soviets, etc. etc. seeing all that in the meanwhile production in Demands Billion Appropriation The session was concluded amidst have incriminated himself. Judge Death benefit graded accordHowever, in order to begin (at am compelled to recognize here the rubber industry is slackening was followed Charles Sanda volley of cheers from the unem. Dewell did not even allow Menen ing to age at entry. Sick beneleast begin. Instituting a correct a gentle hint as to the unwilling ott: the rubber plants have already wick. Sandwick urged the repre ployed, who filled the gallery to the dex refusal to testify be made be At payments from 225 to 900 world economy, the victory of the Dess of the Central Committee even begun to lay off men. Tension in sentatives and Senators to memor. rafters.
fore the jury. to men and women, accordproletariat in at least a few ad to consider this question (selzure the plants is acute. In an effort to ialize congress for the passage of The fact that such testimony The next day both the house and against Tittsworth was inadmissible ing to classes.
vanced countries is necessary. So of powerJ. a gentle hint at leasen it the Firestone local is pre the Marcantonio Relief Standards Monthly assessments from long as this has not been achieved, gagging me and at suggesting that senting the company with a plan BII, which provides for a 6, 000. the senate voted for an immediate because no sufficient overt act 450 to 10.
our Party must seek circuitous retiro. am compelled to for spreading the work. Should this 200, 000 appropriation to aid in sub appropriation of 3, 300, 000 to pre had been established was apparently paths of cooperating with capital tender my resignation from the be refused, or even should it be ac. sidizing state relief and WPA agen vent the shutting off of relief, be an afterthought with Judge Dewell.
For further information apist groups in the economic arena. Central Committee, which herebs cepted, no one would dare predict cies. Sandwick gave some telling fore continuing their debate on the Ho had already permitted much ply to Main Office. Joseph Stalin, The October Rev. do.
when a new storm will break. arguments for this measure from larger figure for the balance of the damaging evidence against Titts714 Seneca Ave. klyn, olution 49. Crystal clear! Lenin wanted to the experience of the unemployed year.
How far removed from the theoresign from the Central Committee and to hound the organizer of the in the state.
The delegates returned to their ries of economie self sufficiency because it tended to refrain from October insurrection and those Margaret Johnson, a young Negress homes inspired by their achievement LUMEN CAMP COOPERATIVE and socialism in one country. seizing the power and because the revolutiopists who refuse to relin from Philadelphia, told the joint but conscious of the fact that mass The earlier international perspec. central organ of the party, with Gulsh the revolutionary traditions session of the tremendous suffering action was needed more than ever Rivervale, tives of the Bolsheviks as indicated Stalin as editor, deleted and de of Bolshevism.
the discrimination and the intoler to provide adequate relief. They OPENING MAY 30 in the above quotations from Stalin layed the publication of Lenin di But the truth will out! Already ance which the workers and the pledged their determination to conare today taboo. Internationalism rectives to the party in connection do the Stalinists find it difficult to unemployed of her race were sub tinue rallying the masses of jobless Round Trip. 75 Modern Facilities is labelled counter revolutionary with the seizure of power. stuff the cracks. Here and there Jected to and warned the legisla back home and to prepare them for TENNIS SWIMMING SHOWERS ideology and revolutionists are ex How devastating to Stalin! To the real history of October seeps tors that the Negro people of the emergency action.
Band and Entertainment Every Saturday lled and shot by Stalin and Yago continue to exist politically it be out some of the pages of Stalin state were watching their action Steps are now under way to set 14 a Week 12 for Members da G. for refusing to relin came necessary to falsify the his. October Revolution, when they atertly, and that they would draw up a state organization of the unquish the international traditions tory of the Russian Revolution. To reach the contradiction point, sim their conclusions soon enough. employed units afiliated with the For Information Call Labor Bookshop of Bolshevism.
usurp the power it became neces ply reek with counter revolution Sam Gordon, the secretary of the national office of the Workers All28 Erst 12th Street STuy. 0567 In his role of falsifler of the hissary to slander and to persecute ary Trotskyism delegation, startled the fat bellied ance.
NewSitdown At Goodrich