AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLiberalismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 20 (WHOLE NO. 72 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1936 PRICE CAND The Death of the Croppers Rebel Parole Mini: Blum Upholds Little NRA At Slave Wages His Demand French Capitalism Sharecroppers Strike Mini Appeals for Struggle To Force Release of People Front Leader Pledges Safe Regime, fiue Pa. Relief New Sitdown At Goodrich Reactionaries Rely on State Rights on. AN EDITORIAL The reaction against the reforms by the government. Production was of the Roosevelt regime sweens for to be rationed, priors fixed, was 5, 000 Arkansas nomic recovery. The unabated mas 15 percent sales tax imposed on all Against System of Peonage on Chambers, Deckers Socialism, Only Solution to Crisis, Is sacre of the New Deal measures by coal sold.
the Supreme Court is the most pro The Guffey law represented the Cotton Plantation nonnced expression of SAN FRANCISCO. Norman ini Remote to Moguls growing strength. What the Laber maximum of governmental interferhas been released from San Quentin MEMPHIS, Tenn. May 18. Five thousand cotton croppers and ty Lenguers proscribe, their judici once in private industry, short of Prison, first to complete his term Within a few days, the first Socialist Ministry will be officially al tribunal hastens to sentence to nationalization. It was therefore day laborers, members of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, wil of the elght workers convicted in installed in France, with Leon Blum most likely as Premier.
bitterly opposed by big business indeath.
terests as well the corporations hang up their hoes and strike for higher wakes. They are now being the famous Sacramento criminal syndicalism trial of 1934. Norman The Freneh Socialist Party is about to make history in the same Before declaring the Guffey Coal who operate the captive mines. It paid a wage ranging from 60 to 750 per day, working from sun up Mini received a three year sentence Control Act unconstitutionnl, the sense that the socialist governments of Vandervelde, Scheidemann. sponsored by the Unite to sum set. Their demand is for 50 per 10 hour Supreme Court has already con Workers and favored by the unionand must spend the next sixteen MacDonald, ete. made history, in their time. That is to say, Blum demned seven of the most import ized conl operators who sell their In Memphis the Cotton Carnival is in full swing. Thousands of months under charge of parole ofllwill assume the vestments of power with the permission of the bourant measures in the New Deal jro product under highly competitive visitors from all parts of the nation have flocked to the cotton capitol cers.
geoisio on the self same condition that his colleagues in other counof the other male prisoners Algran, including the and the conditions in the open market.
of the world to pay homage and obeisance to King Cotton. Each day tries were invested with power, namely: that he protect the bourA. Two escaped execution for Conservative circles are therefore witnesses mile long parades with costly floats. Wealth wrung from a half years and like Mint will serve geoisie against its enemies, tide it over a crucial period, provide it special reasons: the because jubilant over their victory, as the King Cotton slaves is being lav the last 16 months on parole; while although it threatened the monopishly poured out for the extrava Pat Chambers, Martin Wilson and. with a sufficient interval in which oly of the power trusts, Mussel editorial commending the decision the masses can be exhausted and gances of this festival. While King Jack Crane got five years senten Shoals was needed for national de and interpreting it as a slap in Joblessit in the Republican Herald Tribune Cotton retinne feasts from the fat cos, parole to be determined Inter.
demoralized, while all the neces.
fense: the Gold Clause because it Roosevelt nec, indientes. Reacof the land, millions of slaves from sary preparations are made for a The National Sacramento Appeal could not have been interfered with tion is in the saddle and riding decisive assault upon the revoluthe cotton country live in wretched Committee, detening Mini, con tionary forces of the working class without creating colossal inancial high, trampling the hated New Deal ness and want. Those who have aneted a natiound campaign for convulsions.
and the peasantry.
into the dust. Finance capital has produced this billion dollar crop are minimum sentences, rallying the toulay naked and starred. While support of ten international unions, Blum Capitalist Program child of the Was it was designed the decision.
For it was an utterly Workers Alliance Calls their conomic overlordas, today tire state federations and two score Rubber Workers Rap Vio cialis hilfine the noor sovernments to necomplish for the anarchic and reactionary decision, untainted with for Appropriation for decrepit soft coal industry what the the slightest suspicion of liberalism.
themselves are fortunate to get group of Senators and Congressmen.
lation of Union in Englaud, Germany, Belgium, etc. was supposed to accomplish The irreconcitable and almost iuso. Emergency day work for or 75 cents. With Mini Appeals for Other Prisoners so there will be nothing socialisfor all big Industry: to stabilize lent tone of Justico Sutherlands thousands unable to get either crops Regulations tie about the future Blum governthe bituminons coal industry opinion is in itselt a sign of the Upon leaving San Quentin Mini or jobs and with hundreds of thouIIARRISBURG, Pa. May 12 sands of others barely existing on called for a renewed effort to upset ment, a fact which Blum himself BULLETIN has openly avowed to the mass through the regulation of labor and courage and contidence that has llundreds of unemployed men and starvation wages, the slaves of King the convictions, which come up on By BLAKE LEAR meeting in the Salle Wagram, held in celebration of the victory.
regulation of the entire industry by ste by the upturn in the business wonen from all parts of the state Cotton are in open revolt an industrial commission appointed cycle.
gathered here Sunday and Mondny, Enthusiasm for Strike High AKRON, Ohio, May 20. Good By releasing me the state of California hopes to obscure the year Plant. was closed clown under the leadership of the work. The strike was called, and time fact that it is holding in prison Reminding his hearers that the conntry had not given power to the completely last night by a siters Alliance of America, to halt the set by one of the most enthusiastic Socialist Party but to the People l ennsylvania legislators disgrace and earnest meetings in the history agricultural workers, Chambers the leaders of the California down involving 7, 000 men. At the ront coalition, Blum snid: Our same time there were three sit. program therefore is based on capThe majority opinion declared their masters. The majority ruled. ball of the reliet appropriations bill of 78 locals present, not a dissentdowns in the Goodrich mechan. italist society. Our task will be the law unconstitutional on the here as in the decision, that legislative deadlock between Ring voice was raised. Strike comfreedom of these two and of the to extract from this social regime ical goods department. The sit.
ground that it violated state Congress possessed none of the sis mblicans and Democrats threat mittees have been established bound up with the fight to organother prisoners is indissolubly down at Goodyear began at mid everything that it can still harbor rights. The States, Sutherland Milicant powers assumed in the Act. ened to cut off relief abruptly for throughont the affected aren, and in the agricultural workers, Ele night when a non union headof well being and justice. John wrote, were before the Constitu Congress could not impose a sales an indefinite time. The State Emer scores of men and women scoured mentary solidarity demands that layer was placed in charge of a Elliot, Tribune, May 16. tion and therefore their legislative tax, because that was not a tax but seucy Reliet Board had exhausted Northeastern Arkansas, Saturday all workers and workers organpit crew though he had less seni powers antedate the Constitution. a penalty. Congress could not fix al current funds at its disposal and and Sunday calling the people to izations unite In these words of Blum we have renewed efforts ority than two union men. The the balance sheet of the People wages and hours because the relawas prepared to shut down relief strike.
By an ironte coincidence, the lat. tions of the employer to the employ rolls unless the Senate and the The landlords, tearful of the to free these workers from pris.
dispute at Goodrich also involved est issue of the Nattou carries ace is a local relatiou. all the touse passed an Front, its program and its vicseniority. Both were settled when tory. It is that of capitalism. All appropriation strike, have redoubled their work The National Sacramento Appeal union heads conferred with the that Ilam is pledging himself to the liberals have allowed the slo grils of the industry are local en measure enabling them to continue. ing force; and plan to bring unem Committee announced that it is management.
do ng Premier is to extract everyThe jobless met in a conference played relief workers ont of Mem. sending to the State Parole Bord The increasing intensity and thing compatible with the wellover by the reactionary Republider the category of interstate comat the Farm Show Building here his and other cities to take the cans. The Supreme Court decision merec.
demanding that minimum sentences It is plain that the justices who on Sunday afternoon. David Las. Jobs of the strikers. Union official additional resolutions from unions, frequeney of the sit downs indi. Deing and justice obviously not of cate that a tremendous blow up is the working class but of the capproves anew, what should surely not require proof in this day and wrote these words have the condi ser, President of the Workers All ceived a pledge of assistance from be set for the girl prisoners, whose ahead unless management makes italists on the basis of whose proa radically new departure in its crom Icon Blum and his associage that contrary to the belier of tions of colonial America in mind ance of America, opened the ses the temple local of the Workers Indeterminate sentences are soon to the Nation, the stogte te state They have also however the pressions with a stirring address de Aulance of America toboclp prevent be fixed by the Board. The United tacties. It is doubtful if they can tes are preparing to assume power afford to do this. All slins point in June.
ent needs of the capitalists in mind nomcing the potty politics of the employed Memphis workers from Rubber Workers International, Chirights can only hnve a reactionary While they flatly state that the la ennsylvania solons and calling for going to the fields. Local leaders Ago Federation of labor, Boston to a strengthening of their strikeStalinists Revive Cartel Policy significance. Just as the slaveholders before the Civil War inserired they do not declare thint the priceThe conference also heard addresses londing into Arkansas. On the Ar Sonth Bend and San Bernardino tant future.
bor provisions are constitutional, militant action put a stop to it. of the Alliance will throw a picket Central Labor Union, and the con breaking organizations and to a It onght to be noted that it Blum ruthless battle in the not too dis and Co. did not assume power up this slogan on their banner, so our Axlug provisions nre illegal. These by Flerbert Benjamin, Sam Gordon to now, it was thanks only to their fent of the effects of such a step Italists, are using it to defend thelr are rejected now presumably be and John Muldowncy, all members kansasside the Unlon will have its are among the latest unions de manding freedom of the Sacramento property interests.
cause they are inseparably inter of the National Executive Board of own picket line.
AKRON, May 19. The Akron upon the French working class. The woven with the labor provisions. In the Workers Alliance. The dele. With thousands of its members prisoners.
anti social calendar this week refurthest that the Socialist leaders The shibboleth of state rights is other words, Congress may have the sates then clected the following of actually on a starvation basis and Raymond Llenderson, state corded the apparently virgin births dared to venture in the sphere of The esipitalist class utsele recente por me to the operatorio de este Barre, Chairman; Sam Gordon or evicted, the Union is in desperate attorney for Norman Mint and is in die tone new strike breaking organ support the Radicals a tho power to ed this in its herole days when it Ryhns no power to set wages for Sandwick or Bethlehem, Vice Chair nance the strike. Many of the peal. The other prisoners are rep.
Charles need of money with which to represent him in the pending apthis was known as the cartel policy.
The first of these is the Associn and is in all respects similar to the racs. Today the slogin is doubly has already been made that a new man; Charles Spencer of Philadel. people will suffer, and terror is resented by the International Lation of Rubber Workers, dis present policy of the French Stalreactionary. The American people act be prepared that will regulate phia, Assistant Secretary, and a likely to rear its head over the en bor Defense, which refused the insulsed company union onion oper inists. Brillerand, Briand, Laval, long ago cast of the swaddling prices but leave out the labor pro presiding committee including the tire section. Contributions for de vitation of the National Sacramento ating on safe principles and Paul Boncour and lesser fry who clothes of petty statehood, and now visions.
otlivers and the National Executive tense and relief should be sent to Appeal Committee for one united charging an initition fee of 00 exploited the working class moveIt has also ontgrown its youthful The dissenting opinion of the mi. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) Idefense. Continued on Page 1) ment in order to carve out a mingarments of nationality. The liber nority in whom the libernis vest isterial career for themselves, all als of the Nation are advocating their hopes is little better. In a had to resign from the Socialist a reversion to local limits at a time feeble volce they reserve judgment Party on becoming minister when it has become urgently neces on the question of the constitutionThe French Communist Party, sary to abolish national boundaries! ality of the snles tax and the labor from the very first day of Its exThe majority opinion reveals how clauses. They speak forth strongly istence, aimed its heavlest blows vigitant those Judicial watchdogs and without ambiguity only in faare in safeguarding the interests of vor of price fixing.
cialists. And, in point of fact, ter months prior to the actual estabWhen Stalin condemned Leon lesser man than the organizer here published time Lenin. That reader is truly to be shment of the united front beRoosevelt Receives Reward of Virtue Trotsky to exile in lonely Alma Ata ot the 1917 Insurrection might have kelish.
envied: He will find not merely tween the and the the Yet even this suppression did not awe inspiring prophecles that have stalinist leaders were seriously The storm of protest engendered tion going to continue to sive score en le fotoreali eta litical and theoretical leader of the succeed. Among the small group of been tolalled in the eight years constdering breaking on the cartel was written. More with the compromised party of the Court will doubtless rebound to the Like Pontins Pilate, the editors cy breathed a sigh of relief. The pate in the Sixth Congress in spite slon were James Cannon of the important, he will learn why what Radicals.
political credit of Roosevelt and ada of the Daily Worker do not stay for expulsion occurred on the eve of of Stalin armed guards. And he American and Maurice Spec. has happened has come to pass. For As for participating in the same considerably to his political capital. an answer. It can be given briefly the Sixth Congress of the Comintor of the Canadian party.
They Trotsky in 1928 was not a mere government with Ferriot Daladier, All the righteous indignation of the in a single word: Yes.
tern, which marked the completion did!
His participation took the form of were deeply impressed with Trot prophet crying in the wilderness. Blom, Paure, Aurlol and Co. actu mners and the masses of the people The Stalinist appeals to the Pres of the rise to power of the bureau maker of bistory, ally broke with the so enlled Neos, against this reactionary action will Ident are not only futile and absurd crney, The Stalinist faction had writing the materials which consti sky critique. They were not per. Trotsky was bo concentrated on the Court. from the standpoint of the working been in control of the situation at tute the core of The Third Inter. Initted to bring the materials with who knew that Stalinis could los a group of Socialist parliamentari Roosevelt. the spotless knight, will class. They are based upon an in the Fifth Congress of the Comin national After Lenin. published them out of Russia. The few coplesically lead only in the direction ofans who saw the quintessence Tot socialist policy in participating in receive the rewards of his virture. most criminal blindness to the true tern in 1994, but the prestige of this week by Pioneer Publishers. It at the Congress were numbered and social patriotte betrayal.
Even most of us who read mutil ministries. Most of these Neos, Roosevelt open and concealed state of affairs in regard to the tien still so great, and the bureau work, but the fundamental plately, they managed to obtain one and nted parts of this work which were after the split, joined with Paul to the the makers of the revolution was remains not only his most basic required to be returned. Fortunate supporters in the labor movement Guffey BI For Roosevelt is no are doing their utmost to divert less implicated in the plot to assins cracy still suttlelently doubtful of torm of the Fourth International in smuggle it out of Russia. Thus dia smuggled out of Russia in 1928 and Boncour Socialiste attention from his art in the wholo sinate the Bill than the Supreme its control, that Trotsky had been its struggle against Stalinism. Als great work first reach the light published in 1920 and 1930, will Union. In a few days Leon Blum rend this great work with far more will sit in the same ministry with atrair and to treat him instead as Court. He was not merely an ne elected a member of the Executive rich theoretical distillation of the of day.
Insight today than was possible six perhaps the very same people whom a friend or ally of the working cessory to the crime but even its Committee of the International. Successes and failures of the comProphecy Fulilled years ago.
he had voted to expel not so very The conception of the build How inny of 19, in the first long ago. It was all a very unforworkers, Daniel Tobin, President of First of all, the Gute Bill was varatuts autocratically expelled the an indispensable guide to the rev the Teamsters, hastened to declare presented to Congress after the londership of one after another of olutionary strategy demanded by ing of socialism in one country years of the Stalinist lunacy of the tunnte misunderstanding!
is a social patriotic conception. Third Period. really believed that People Front Program Every worker of every class (1) 18 had been declared inconstita: the gront parties of the Internation the conditions of our epoch, the pe This statement excites no sur the Comintern would inevitably Fortunately, however, the French pledged tonight to President Roose tional. It was therefore a foregoneal and replaced then with subser riod of capitalist decline, of wars prise when it appears in our press make a swing back to the opportun stalinists intervened energetically velt to roto for him at the next conclusion that the Little vlent hacks. Only after they had and revolutions today. It is our major criticism and ism of 1923 28? When the Stalin and opportunely to reestablish the election as a result of the decision would meet the same fate as its had firmly secured a stranglehola Document Sees Light of Day condemnation of the Stalinist beists were breaking up Socialist cartel on a higher level.
today. The decision has established model when it came before the high on the entire organization, did they In complete violation of his trayal of the interests of the worla meeting and declaring the Social What sort of a capitalist proin the minds of the workers the est court. On this account the convene the Sixth Congress.
rights as a member of the proletarint. Almost every action of its to be a greater danger than gram is the program on which fact that the court is reactionary, is fontso hesitated whether or not to Prevent Trotsky from Appealing. not to speak of his moral right the Comintern since the Seventh Hitler, it seemed fantastic to many Blum is accepting the premiership?
living in ages past, and that Frankpass the bill when it was certain to lin Roosevelt is a friend of the be declared invalid.
mit Trotsky to appear at the sixth of Lenin Trotsky materials were the stalin Laval pact confirms the would go back to bowing and scrap. Its outstanding demands are. 1)
worker. hope we all work to the At this point the President sent Congress Not all the delegates never distributed to the delegates social patriotic policy of the Comln. Ing before Chlang Kai Shek and Le com crestere line to the ofice a the following message to the House: were handpicked; not all of them and were not discussed at the con. tern. The nationalistic theory of on Blum. But in 1928, before the the fascist leagues. 102the above Congress that finds some way of hope your committee will not had been tested to certify that un gress. Two parts of his criticism socialism in one country has led to opportunist polley had been entire ton of the private manufacture of passing legislation to replace the permit doubts as to constitutional der any and all conditions they of the Draft Programme of the social patriotism in other countries. Wy replaced by third period lunacy, arms (the nationalization of the Guffey Act.
ity, however reasonable, to block would tnke orders from the bureau Communist International bowdler And yet this sentence was not Trotsky was already warning that armaments industry. 3) the conThe Daily Worker cchoes these the suggested legislation. The em cracy. So, a few months before the ixed and badly translated were giv written recently. It appears in the both the opportunism and the luna trol and reorganization of the Bank sentiments in its own fashion. Once phasized phrase save the cue to congress, Trotsky was expelled en to the small number of delegates criticism of the Draft Program of ey were alternating phases of the of. France the nationalization of skain, like the plaintive bleat of a Congress. It meant: Pass the bil; from the Russian party and march in the Program Commission, and a the Comintern, written by Trotsky degenerate Stalinist bureaucracy the Bank of France. 4) the im Congress to act to curb the Su Ty, the Supreme Court will take to all the rules and traditions of the lected group of delegates which im as a theoretical deduction has today to read this work now is to realize nomte decrees (which hit the cour how clearly Trotsky grasped this service workers, the proletariat and lal. These political enuchs cry in The Staliniste, the labor and in confirm or revoke the decision ont discussion.
The document What The Amazing Course of History fact, which has now been proven the peasantry. 5) the maintenshrill voice, Is President Roose eral supporters of Roosevelt com against Trotsky as a member of its Now. which is Trotsky letter of This striking prediction is only to the hilt by the Stalinist return ance of the gola franc. 6) taxvelt going to continue to dodge the pletely cover up Roosevelts role in Executive this violation of com appeal to the Congress for rein one example of the surprises that to an even more emphatic opportuning of the rich.
Issue? Are the labor leaders who this train of events leading up to munist procedure did not make the statement, was never submitted to await the reader who comes afresh ist course. Continuerl on Page 2)
In the sphere of foreign policy Staliniste hesitate for a moment. any of the Congress members; it is to The Third International After (Continued on Page Continued on Page Third International After Lenin Off the Press,