AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NY MILITANT MAY 16, SATURDAY, BROWDER: THE MAN AND HIS BOOK Out of Their Union Blooms THE WOOING OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY Own Mouths In Akron na is a Presidency inst position on the strusele America bit listening to need people the coalition of all the from another langle hielo into a Soviet sovernment.
Ian Detobe roue en het team buibiliternoonge catholic header, declares himselt By MAX SHACHTMAN Old Guard claims. Communists do of submitting to the sell out. ing of a powerful people anti Fas toilers If this is the idea, how (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Whatever else a critic may say not want a weak Socialist Party (P. 62. And again: No, it is cist front, given an organized ex will the overthrow a govern At the same time, those in other radical people who thrive from the about Mr. Browder, he cannot just which is no asset to the working clear, unity behind these gentlemen pression in a Farmer Labor Party. ment which communists will sup parts of the United States are puz cause of tearing down something ly accuse him of the vice popularly class. They urge Socialists to join Norman Thomas and leaders (P. 1076. Through the united front port. Enlightenment, please!
known as author pride. Quite the struggle for the united front means a united surrender to the of a fighting Farmer Labor Party, Paging Abe Cahan!
zled that a court trial where the decent and who enjoy causing trou.
issues seem so clear and evident ble. Those persons should be the contrary. If Browder erre to because it will strengthen both the capitalist attacks. That is not the we will protect our rights now and Or perhaps the Browder idea 18 any side in the evaluation of his and the and thus streng kind of unity the workers need. We prepare the workers for socialism.
past writings, it is to the side of then the working class. 111. need a united fighting front of the (P. 111. It is the only bulwark a different one. The LP.
BOV should drug along as the present singled out and dealt with accordernment is not Socialist, not Com trial here in the Shoemaker case Five Sit Downs in Night humility. What are we saying The Keeper and the Nurse workers against the capitalists and against economic catastrophe, humility. No, downright self efThis early morning episode folBut that means against political reaction and Pas. munist, nor can it introduce social has done with the State case Can nobler sentiments be found all their agents.
In any case, so it ap in any contemporary political work that unity must be built up, noticism, against the growing danger ism. real revolutionary govern. taking three weeks and just now lowed a night during which there facement.
ment can. Is the latter, then, to reaching its conclusion pears.
Browder, who, you might imagine with these leaders on their present of another war. 125. It al come into power without the viowere no less than five sit downs at The two points of view show the Goodyear and several at Firestone, That L. government) could fight lent overthrow of the united wide differences in thought, ens where they were protesting the inThe earliest one, The Meaning of party. This nevertheless concerned means not a united front from the against the cconomic chaos of the front government? The only other toms, life and politics in the countroduction of pace setters in the tire Three of his works are before us, has work enough building his own policies, but against them.
Social Fascism, we will call No also with building the Unlike top, but a united front built up by capitalist system. 126. Our way known to man is to come to try.
departments. The companies are 1, to simplify all references to it. Cain, he not only wants to be his the workers from below in the or perspective of a united front sov power by voting the preceding roHis book late last year, Commun brother keeper, but his nurse ganization and struggle for their crnment is one of an instrumento sime out of power. Consequently, even death are not unusual here asent wage increases to speed up pro Flogging, tar and feathering and trying to take advantage of the rec.
ism in the United States, we will well. Weaken the Perish the immediate needs. 52. struggle against capitalism, of the the transference of power from a a means of disposing of persons auction. This is proving a notable call No. and his latest volume, thought! Nothing but a powerful How Black Becomes White collaboration of all anti Fascist to a socialista What Is Communism. No. III. and mighty Socialist Party will satEnough has been quoted to Indition and Fascism, and for the inter and exchange from the hands of its terests or to what pe vaguely parties and group, against reac. 02 socialist reps of production who are disturbing to certain in failure.
If you look through No. III you isfy him, and he is determined tocate that Mr. Browder has slightiseats of the entire working popul present possessors into the hands of called social order. They are not anti union forces are slowly meshThe gears in the machinery of the will find no gratifled reference to help build It despite any reluctance modified his views about the so tion. 1266. the ideas so recently developed in or suspicion it may display. And cialist Party. few months ago throughout. Our emphasis the proletariat, would occur peace carried out under any law in Flor. ing. One of the latest evidences of No. II, both of which simply tail he not only wants to strengthen the mention of the was enough to fully and legally. Thus would be a statutes but by persons who this is the formation of an Akron even to mention No. The latest in general, but its leadership make him rage like Vesuvius on a 99. 44 Percent Puro realized the most dearly cherished believe such methods are for their Civie Justice Association, a fit comvolume shyly notes the fact that in particular. If the militant So rampage; now you think that but Now, it is our contention that any dream of Karl Kautsky. Ramsay own or for the public good, and panion to that other piller of Akron thes handelt esitab took comarwnload on clalists come out boldly for the ter wouldn melt in his mouth. Not party possessing the properties and MacDonald and Abraham Cahan. their pour certains de cerves Sarrestat society. The Law and Order united so long ago, the bourgeoisie didn virtues that Browder attributed to But a few pages further, our bap that court trials, or even arrests, League. The former is now spec ializing in full page ads, the chain and pamphlets, brought together front, will rally around them, and doesn want one. Not so long ago, enough for the working class. Its trancing and painless a solution of At the same time, the great ma of reasoning being that now since over a period of three years. It they will be able to multiply the the split in the represented a existence would obviate the need of the class struggle is discourteously jority of citizens in Florida, numer the rubber companies out of the badan the shortcomings inevitable strength of the many fold. clever trick, a division of labor any other working class political shattered by the same Browder: ous but not influential, express the bounty of the hearts have raised with such a. book is, in contrast, a single work among the social Fascists to facili organisation. Browder does say History does not show a single hope that the outcome of the pres wages, this union monkey business (p. vil. Not another word: what enables us to overcome the emotions now Browder lies awake nights will not be able to introduce so transferred from one class to an methods.
Only the strongest physical effort tate the selling out of the workers that the government of this party example in which state power was ent case will put an end to such ought to be stopped.
Centralization on Increase was defective in No. II was merely stirred in a reader by this touching thinking of how best to help the chalism, which can only be done other by peaceful means, whether Citrus growing is a 100, 000, 000 More of this type of propaganda its forma confession which sign of unselfishness and prodigalt Left wing strengthen itself with its through a real revolutionary go in the form of voting or some other industry in Florida, and, as it can was the recent hullaballos about meets the strictest requirements of ty. But the recollection of what followers in the few months ernment (125. but he doesn method of formal democracy. not afford to pay higher wages, decentralization, spread by the rub.
that Bolshevik self criticism So Browder said not so long ago is ago, he wanted nothing less than a bother to say or show why the 1656. Again, enlightenment, please labor organizers must be discourer barons. Outside sources soem vehemently insisted on in Browder enough to restore the pulse and united front from below against government could not meet the Let us try one last time.
encyclicals to the flock.
The aged. It would be undignified for a bit sceptical, somewhow, James heart beat to normal. For Browder Norman Thomas and the other Anal test. According to him, the people government would come members of the organization to do MeMulin in his New York column Abandoning the Old Mistress not only wrote on the same subject leaders of the now only a party of his heart desire could out of a coalition movement of it, and outsiders are used, one pointed out that United States RubA closer comparison of the two before, but wrote words of a dia united front with them will do fight for all the necessary de al liberals, progressives, Socialists man explained, adding that he himber, currently one of the most suchowever, reveals that Browder has metrically opposite kind.
does Browder gush with mands of the tollers; it can stop and Communists (p. 123. But self had helped consign a dozen cessful plants in the country, far done more than simply abandoned What Happened to Social Fascism? honey like the rock in Horeb that Fascism the only thing that can this government should not be con such disturbers to abandoned and from decentralizing is pursuing a an old form. Indeed, it requires al When we speak of the Socialists gushed with water when Moges stop it: it is the only bulwark fused with the Soviet government water filled phosphate mines and directly opposite course, and the Annalist openly stating that the high degree of nonchalance to de as Social Fascists, he wrote in struck it with his rod? Because he against Imperialist war; it can con of the victorious proletarian revo swamps.
signate what he did abandon as Work No. In No. III, as the has been instructed to cajole the tend against the economie chaos of Intion, composed of a an alliance of Enongh has been produced in rubber companies (beyond being af.
just a form. For Browder joy reader will surmise, the phrase So into cooperating with the Stal capitalism; it can protect our Communists. left Socialists other groups which had jointly court and openly talked outside dicted with the incurable disease of capitalism) are the victims of their kind described by the old Restora found, we are not merely abusing People Front which, according If it can accomplish all these participated in the overthrow of. to involve the citrus growers. own meretless price cutting.
ley: Next to the pleasure of mak: the scientific description, the name a federating the trade untons and then why so henven name cane composition of the two governments Azana Boosted Akrom sum miners was well demon strated last Sunday when 4, 000 rub.
ber workers celebrating the ndvent rid of an old one, and of all old performing. Socialists in words, toilers into a wide Farmer Labor there one single example in the his the former) is compared, the only of Spring in Akron, Ohio (The Rubbetween No. II and No. II! Brow Social Fascism means. It is an ac all the people prepared to resist the movement of a political party that the Soviet government would be Ber Center of the World. descended der has otraced everything he wrote curate, scientific, descriptive term attacks of capitalism (p. 114. was able to defend the daily interdentical with the people governupon the amazed town of Kent, a (Continued from Page 3)
and stood for a year ago. And in applied to the Socialist Party. Such a party cannot arise spon ests and rights of the masses as ment except that it would not consuburb of Akron, and demonstrated.
putting forward his latest ideas, be 141. taneously It must be led and or successfully as Browder says his tain the Hiberals and progressives What is the Azana government before the Black and Decker Eleeplaces himself essentially upon the At that time Browder was not so ganised by a united front coalition Farmer Labor Party will, that was unless (God knows. they are to doing? Two things: its civil guards tric Company, where scabs remain other daily murder workers in attacks on ed in the plant, closed recently by discredited platform of the Second worried about the not being of the most advanced sections of not equally able to emancipate the be included among the International which, fortunately, strong. In fact, his worries were the 1148. Thel asses from all bondage?
We groups. Now, is it the idea of strikes and demonstrations; while striking workers the best socialist elements are now of a different order altogether, be most advanced sections means: know of none and we are ready for Browder, who does not know a the government makes demagogic Yes, summer is eumen in. But abandoning cause, thought he, the was be and CP. And for the Stalinists, as enlightenment. We do however, single example of the peaceful gestures to which the Stalinists and it looks like a union summer this What Browder has succeeded in ing built up. And by whom? The we shall see even more clearly fur know something about the British transference of power, that a vio Right Wing Socialists can point as time doing in his latest volume is to give bourgeolsle is definitely building up ther on, the is an indispensable Labour Party.
lent revolution will have to be un proof of the progressivism of dertaken to get a few liberals and Axana. law is passed announcing a will to conquer, we shall succeed up entirely internationalism for the the Socialist Party because it knows ingredient of this united front The Mystery Grows sake of national patriotsm, the Len that in the coming great class strug. coalition which is to lead and or Let us try the Browder puzzle government In order to convert it re employ workers fired after the and Spain will not be a Russian colony. Almost daily, Gil Robles, the the PWhen the does.
position, the Marxlan concept of not exist, the capitalist class has We mer party, whțle not having it much more violence ments of plans for public works, ready for civil war.
Communists. Browder the program of the proletarian rev at all would be needed? Then, faeed etc.
the class struggle for the reformist to bring it into existence and that writes, still on the same page olution and of socialism, would nec. with Browder fascinating scheme, he offered Azana one of two choleconcept of class collaboration. In 1s what is is doing in the United would be delighted if we could cssarily have to fight on the most The reactionaries are openly es: Anarchy or a government of all the liberals and progressives and threatening and preparing for civil national concentration. In a passing, he has dumped overboard States today the building of the bring millions immediately behind important issues of the day. Socialists and Communists would war. Ya, rightist paper, declares: speech in the Cortes on May 6, GA a dozen other views which he held is so directly the business of our own program and our parts: 121. Assuming that it would not laugh themselves to death, thus civilization, a culture and a re Robles declared his followers were virtually until yesterday.
Let the capitalists and not of the work. But we are realists. Hear, hear! libe neutral in the fight between leaving the General Secretary in lision cannot be made to flee in the becoming Fascists and that he was compare notes!
ers, this is the determining reason we know that these masses have the two classes in modern society, such contplete control of state pow night by savage hordes manipu not opposing the tendency, be.
why the Socialist Party has such as yet not hnd that necessary ex we conclude that it would fight outer that he would not even have to lated from foreign countries. The cause Spain is now divided into The United Front Mood leaders as Norman Thomas. The perience which will bring them sol these issues on the side of the workshoot off a water pistol? fight is now inevitable. The criti two groups frrevocably opposed to The principal stress in the tactics the party, are going to be sure they fore, the Farmer Labor Party. Let a party could be neither Socialist capitalists, if they are going to build idly behind our leadership. There ers. Yet, Browder points out, such History Has Already Spoken cal moment approaches, but with each other.
of the stalinists, especially since have a reliable man at the head of us dwell a moment on the sense of nor Communist, but it also could be We can hardly wait to see Browthe Seventh Congress of the it. Especially will it grow and these few lines is now laid the united front with become a menace in this country it neither anti Socialist nor anti Com der People Front come to full the Socialist Party, to the point we Communists are not active and Why the Farmer Labor Party! munist; it could be a genuine bloom. But then, we really don where the even proposes the well armed in the struggle againsterary for the masses before they and, remember, it will not be able respect could it differ from the late What experience is, logically, nec anti capitalist party. 107. need to wait. In what essential fusion of the two organizations into it. 402. Iron Front in Germany, or the one party. united front with the come solidly behind a (presumably to introduce socialin. Well, it even at the price of completely paring en Browders two positions. Ably communist party? An exper mands of the tollers.
One can only conclude, from. com correct program and (presum will fight for all the necessary de People Fronts in France and Spain? In the lands mentioned, reensting the American League that the decided to pick up lence that would be tantamount to they served and serve as dikes Against War and Fascism. united the job of building the where disillusionment with all other par forme a government, as Browder in the United States, it could serve And when it comes to power and against the proletarian revolution LEON TROTSKY front with the for the purpose of launching Farmer Labor Party the capitalist class left off. Once, ties and all other programs. What says it should and will? Then the only as a hindrance to the rising united front with the on any coming great class struggles in this: We have the correct program united front government the bourgeoisle knew that in the Browder is saying therefore, in communists will support such a class consciousness and class indelong as pendence of the workers.
Now, the united working class America it is going to need the and party. The masses don yet it really uses its powers to protect Browder of course, no 100front against capitalism is neither now, the needs it.
support our party and won for and extend the economic and politsions about the imminence of a a new idea nor a poor one, and we United Against the Leaders some time to come. They must first ical rights of the masses. We are People Front Government in who were not among the last to Objection may be raised that be find out that the other parties and even prepared under certain condi the United States, however wistfuldiscover its merits will not be found cause in 1983, when Work No. their programs are worthless. Con tons (which. for practical partie ly he may yearn for the role of a among its opponents today. But in was presented the was differ sequently, let us build a Farmer. ipation in such a government (p. respectable statesman. He is interall the years during which we found ent from the of today, a dir Labor party for these inexperienced 125. But a few pages back we are ested in more tangible and imme.
position to the united front, we nev Granted. But Work No. 11 was we know will be such that it will tues of the is the fact that may have to wait; the formation forgot that such front has presented in 1985, and a second provide the masses with that nec it would bring the masses face to of of his People Front FarmerConsiderable confusion exists as to the cause meaning and value to the working printing of it appeared as late as essary experience required before face with the problem of state Labor Party and the corralling of of the split in the Communist International class only if these questions are September of that year, without a they delight us with support of power, and therefore with all the the Socialist Party into it, cannot which drove Trotsky into exile from the answered with whom? Against single word or footnote to qualify the and its program. To put problems of revolution. 1206. Wait. And it cannot wait because whom? for what? till when?
Soviet Union which he helped to create.
its contents. That 18, it appeared the matter thus bluntly, would re Very good, very commendable.
the Stalinists cannot afford to let Now picture the situation in the the continue further along the Browder doesn always say quite more than a year after the Detroit veal the ludicrousness of any atclearly just what the united front convention of the where the tempt made nowadays by revolu concrete, however distressing this road of revolutionary proletarian Was it as certain commentators have sought to make it will really look like and do.
appeara personal feud between Stalin and But Left wing gained control. And thonists to initiate a reformist may be for the many volumed au socialism which it has begun to Trotsky? Was the issue a mere squabble for powerfor that at he makes it entirely clear here is what No. II has to say party. Browder, who cannot put thor. The takes over the tread.
that he wants the united front with about what it calls the crisis the matter so plainly, is therefore government, legally and peacefully.
a purely organizational fight for the control of the RusThe People Front is the Stal sian Communist Party and the Soviet Union?
the Itke a dying man wants among the social Fascists. compelled to paint a glowing pic. The supports the government inist formula for subordinating the life. He falls all over himself in In this crisis, wrote Browder ture of what his People Front even enters it under certain conThis book explodes such a superficial interpreta.
working class movement to capital. tion of the struggle in the Soviet Union between the his anxiety; he fawns on the a brief few months ago, the social Farmer Labor party would be capa ditions The government brings ist democracy in the name of a he praises it and especially its Left Fascist leadership finds it neces ble of doing The picture glows be the masses face to face with the struggle against Fascism and the forces led respectively by Stalin and Trotsky a strug.
wing; he cozens and wheedled it in sary to invent new means to keep cause it has so many colors and problem of state power and all the defense of the Soviet Union. It gle in which Stalin was the victor and the cause of the world revolution the loser.
every key on the scale; he means the workers fooled and under their all of them clash so harshly that problems of revolution.
It cannot is the formula which sanctifies the it no harm but is interested only control. For this purpose, they are it is impossible to achieve the solve any of these problems because most despicable practices of socialWhich course for the Soviet Union and the Comintern nationalism or internationalism? This was the in its welfare. few quotations beginning, wherever the situation slightest bit of clarity.
Browder forbids it the right or abil patriotism and clase collaboration.
from No. III will sutice to indicate gets too hot for them, to establish issue, and around it the battle has raged. We Communists have proposed ity to provide the only solution of Neither of these is fully realizable This volume, written in Trotsky customary brilhis position.
a division of laborone part of a Farmer Labor Party, which will such a problem: to introduce so if any appreciable section of the liant style, makes plain the issues that brought about The differences between us are them becomes the Right wing fight for all the necessary demands cialism. The problems of state working class movement retains its growing smaller. 103. Com which carries through the dirty of the tollers. 107. It must power and revolution can (may we class independence and revolutionthe split. It is basically, his criticism of the official program of the Communist International adopted at its munists, when they propose the work of the direct sell out; the be emphasized that only one thing assume. be solved only by the ary integrity. It is for the purpose Sixth World Congress. It was around the counterunited front, do not desire the de other part becomes a Left wing can stop the advance of Fascism in Communist Party when (may we of eradicating every particle of feat of the Socialist Party, as the which mlidly deplores the necessity lour country, and that is, the build further assume. it gains the sup these qualities in the Socialist Party program put forth in this criticism that the Trotskyist Opposition rallied. The movement for the Fourth Inport of that majority (who were that Browder woos it so ardently, ternational is based upon it essentially.
preparing themselves for a Anal What Browder hopes to achieve It is impossible to understand Trotskyism with decision as between capitalism and by his courtship in concrete terms out a reading of this volume. No one interested in the socialism (p. 120. Now, when of American working class policies, Political Book Review of What history of the modern working class movement can the cains this majority and is clearly enough revealed in other Is Communism and Communism afford to be without this volume.
in the United States. By Earl THE MAN AND HIS BOOKS tione is the united people front to set the supponited front with is ready for the revolutionary solu sections of his book. The anxiety Its stress upon internationalism as against nation Browder.
alism acquires particular significance at the present SPEAKER Farmer Labor Party government consummate moment when world war threatens to engulf the labor to be overthrown and its place it can be fully understood only in movement again in a wave of nationalism and chauWith a Few Side Remarks on TOMAX SHACHTMAN by what Browder calls the real connection with Browder views on vinism.
wards Soviet America. by William revolutionary government, a Soviet such questions as bourgeois democ416 Pagex Cloth Bound Regular Edition 00 Editor of the New International Foster and Why his Book Was government of workers and other racy, the contest between Roosevelt Popular Edition 00 Suppressed.
and the Liberty League, patriotism, IRVING PLAZA HALL By the way, what in the name the defense of the Soviet Union, ORDER FROM 16th ST. and IRVING PLACE of good common English and good and the approaching world war.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS How Browder Became the Becommon sense is a genuine anti These questions require the detailed loved Leader and his career Under 28 EAST 12th STREET, Two Flaes.
capitalist party which is neither treatment which only another arSocialist nor Communist. ticle will allow.
Now Ready!