AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceKaganóvichLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPopular FrontsSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyVoroshílovWorking Class

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1936 ME MILITANT PAOK WORLD OF LABOR Daily Worker Performs Sleight In the Columns of The Liquidation of the Russian Komsomls of Hand on Elections in France Pravda. by Alpha took place in 1917. Overthrew the of the youth for the patriotic de to prove by facts and figures that than one third of million yotention by a way of a mild Roosevelt question do not meet with any ob paper edited by him Trotskyist cists, People Front Boosts Azana into Presidency Ever drawing newer and newer cent weeks he has delivered sever(Y. ás a Political Organiztion The Stalinists are mobilizing the Right wing.
balances of the so called check up al panegyrics to Stalin which made Says Repard, French Communists gained a total of party documents. Pravda is con Mikoyan himself turn green with their specialiste to interpret the party names are not at all deserip of 667, 298 votes on this first ballot vinced that the behind the scenes envy. In reward Molotov has refacts relating to the French genertive in France. From a general After alapes of almost six years immortal statement of Stalin that al elections. In other words facta pile of such Right wing parties Retical demonstration he then pro purge. It turns out that many of ures in the second place, and he the Tenth Congress of the All Union the youth must study, study, study and figures must be twisted and pard is able to produce a combina ceeds to quote from the socialist the disguised enemies were able to bears the title of the closest comLeninist (read: Stalinist) Komso in the most stubborn way. Pledges falsified to suit their boasts and tion showing a staggering loss of party organ, Populaire to the effect fool the purging Committee, and in panlon in arms.
mol, originally scheduled to open the youth to liquidate illiteracy and claims.
on March 20, was finally convened to organize clubs, etc. to raise the on April 11. The Tenth Congress cultural level of the socialist tion indicate first of all the process siderable gain for the Right wing Thus, the Stalinista are growing in other words, this to say that that Molotov didn find it easy.
The results of the French elec But the newspapers reported a con gains mostly from the right. through the purge with applause. all decency it must be admitted 10 days on of the Kremlin to take up the folof differentiation of France into which was recognized even by Gan at the expense of the rights of the many of those suspect of being op. After all he knows Stalin for too III. In the Sphere of Work in two camps. This fact is so obvious tes How then was Repard able to Fascists, the Socialists are main positionists had lowing agenda: the School and among Children that even Harry Gannes was able establish a loss? Very simply. He taining their own. to whom their organizations with them and same plane with Lenin, as he did sympathies of many years to place him on the 1) Report of the re Particular stress laid on the dimly to take note of it. Comment included among the Rights, such did the Radical Socialists lose their the Committees, appointed from a in his debased speech to the dele porter, Kossarev. Co report of taking the lead in supplying chiling in his column upon the results parties for example, as the Popular one third of a million votes? Sta bove, had no pretext for expulsion sates from Soviet Georgia. But, the co reporter, Kozlov. dren with good toys of the election, Gannes says: Not Democrats, a Catholic Centrist tistics may be made to le, but in But, in the behind the scenes check after all, it is not for us to be con2) Report of the Delegation of IV. In the Sphere of the Phys. only was there smashing People party, and the party of the Inde this case his own statistics give the up the study of the party person cerned about Molotov dignity as a the Komsomol and the re ical Development of the Youth. Front victory, but side by side with pendent. Radicals. The only differ lie to Repard.
nel was much deeper and many man. We have other concerns.
porter, Chemodanov. In the Sphere of Participat that there was a polarization of ence between them and the Radical Blum Follows Bruening Adoption of the Program ing in the Socialist Construction. forces: on the one hand, a massing Socialists is that the latter are sided than during the purges During the school term in Kremand Statutes of the The youth is instructed to take the of the forces of democracy and so members of the People Front, If any proof were needed that (Pravda, March 22. This is hardly 4) On the Work of the Kom lead in Stakhanovism (although cialism: on the other of reaction while the former refused to join it, Fascism is not disintegrating in to be wondered at the searchlight chous on the initiative of a prop somol in the Schools.
apparatus of the agandist named Poteliako, a discusthe name Stakhanovism is not men and Fascism.
although invited.
France and that the parliamentary here was slon was instituted on the poesi5) Elections.
tioned in the draft. and is asked Democratic Regime Falls In the 1982 elections these two regime cannot be restored to its bility of building Communism in At its last session the Congress to assist the Soviet State in former equilibrium by any sort of At whose expense is this polari. parties received: unanimously adopted a new pro strengthening the family.
xation taking place? clear an Popular Democrats (Catholie) Juggling on the parliamentary are. We learn from Pravda, in pass one country. during which Potelgram and a new constitution which VI. In the Sphere of the Defense swer to this question cuts the na, we need only turn to the latest ing, that in one of the Chelyabinsk lako advanced Trotskyist formu set the seal of approval upon the of the Socialist Fatherland. The ground from under the policy and Independent Buirale. 309, 336 956, 990 reports from France relating to the factories to 108 communists there lations. Despite the protests of already achieved transformation of is turned into a reserve practice of the People Front. This position advanced by Blum, the are 318 of those who were expelled several communists. obviously, the correspondent himself)
the into a non party, non force of the Red Army. The new differentiation is proceeding at the 1, 265, 326 next French Premier As Irom the party at one time or an Pravda class, non political organization for constitution provides that: Every expense of the parties of the soIn 1936 they obtained: Philip remarks, in his May 10 dis other. In other words three times Poteliako was left on his post and the propagation of culture. member of the Komsomol shall called democracy, that is to say, Popular Democrats. 246, 129 patch (N. Times) from Paris, as many have been expelled as have continues to give his lectures.
But, after the correspondent noThe draft program of the newly study military technique, be su those parties of the Center that Independent Radicals. 690, 557 Leon Blum today assumed lead remained. The Chelyabinsk factory constituted Young Culture League Premely devoted to the great So have served as the balance wheels ership of the democratie majority is hardly a rare exception. At all thee in Pravda, we have reason to is rather brief, occupying about cialist fatherland and be ready to of the parliamentarian regime in 936, 686 in France in terms that implied events, it illustrated the manner in believe, Poteliako was not only re columns of Pravda six column give all his strength and 1f neces France.
Making Galns from Losses that leadership would be not far which this sorry ruling party 18 moved as lecturer but also given all the necessary inspiration by the page (March 27. nary his life itself.
The loss that these two Center removed from the dictatorial. In living!
well known theorist Yagoda Three fifths of this new program From a political organization of tomatie of the atsintegrations of me parties alone suffered amounts to other words, Blum is preparing to Pravda carries an exposure of the to devoted to a preamble which sets the youth. the. has been democratie regime as a whole. ver 320, 000: the rest of the loss follow in the footsteps of Dou Novoseletski, who receved the es. Repard supplied by means of mergue, Laval, Flandin, Sarraut. secretary of the Uspensk District transformed into a non party This fact above all must be denied bis Democratie Alliance and Left We are to have a semi Bonaptrtist, Committee of the Azov Black Sea degree of the best newspaperman The New Catechism mass organization for political and disproved by the Stalinists.
Thesis 1: The October Revolution tieular stress on the mobilization Theodore Repard has been assigned not only to mask a pain of more will attempt to introduce a solul and he introduces them on every his new post printed in the news med en tural education with a par. And so, the statistical experts, Republicans Thus, he was able semi parliamentarian regime in region. His motions during the at the Ukrainian Communist InstiLeon Blum, who session of the District Committee tute of Journalism, on arriving at rule of the bourgeoisle and estab reuse of the lished the dictatorship of the prolethe gains of the People Front in scored by such a truly reactionary The age limit has been changed general and of the Communist Party as the Republican Union but can publie works program. Could ſections, because he does not to counter revolutionary article. for in. at. Two quotations from stal com 14. 23 years to 15 26, and the Party in particular were made to emerge with a loss of 465, 000 any clearer proof be adduced of the lerate any objections. How awful: Whatch he was expelled from the Komsomol will admit into its ranks the expenses to the freight wide at votes Similarly, he was able to utier bankruptey of parliamentar. What a shocking breach of demoe party (and, of course, arrested. Thesis 2: description of cap every boy and girl, who is polit the reactionary parties supported screen the loss of more than one lanism in France, than the fact racy! Saltykov once wrote a his This episode is a clear testimony to third of a million votes suffered by that the victors. fustead of retory of the city of Gloupov (Dunce the Intlux of Oppositionist audacthe plight of the youth, in capital his or her social origin.
talism with particular stress on Ically fit without any regard to in the election by the French Fasthe party of Radicals by totalling storing the democratie role are vile) in which he portrayed the eng. ty. We note it with satisfaction.
cists, who did not run thelr own it in with the gains scored by the of those who had acted in accord raey. The piece about the Uspensk ance with respect to Trotskylsts. obliged to follow in the footsteps toms of the entire Czariat autoc ist countries.
Stalin Contradicts Seriptures In explaining the need for vigllThesis 3: lyrical description of To put the full weight of autho And so Repard proves (D. class for support, in particular by ance with the demands of the Fas District Committee ring like an in. Pravda unburdens itself of a bril Socialism in the and the rity behind this decision the follow May 11) that it is not the Center the Stalinists.
fortunate position of the youth ing little scene was staged at one with its traditional leading party After this suggling with guins Co.
name of the Uspensk secretary is llant Image which is worthy of rethere.
of the meetings of the Stakbano of the Radicals that is disintegrat and losses, Repard adds what the This is the longest thesis of vists in the Kremlin: young Tilba, ing in France, but the parties of Rights lost what the. Lefto gain very same inability to solve any of the in place of the district are death throes which are not Blym as dictator will reveal the Saut. But if one were to put down printing: the class enemy in his all, and it begins with the affirma a combine operator rose to his feet reaction. His proofs?
ed and draws the following con the pressing and fundamental prob and replace Saut with Stalin, one death bed) refuses to surrender. He He first performs a delicate poll clusions. 1) The left parties tems in France as did all of his could leave unaltered everything resorts to all sorts of snares and with the peasantry not only over ota kulak will go on struggling tical operation and causes all the sained 185. 370 votes (2) The dictatorial predecessors. The Peo else remaining in the text.
threw the bourgeoisie in Russia but to improve the life of the workers parties of the so called Center to total number of votes which were ple Front will in the end only redirty devlees, especially when there also transformed the formerly and peasants. will go on building disappear entirely. This accomplish transferred from right to is a lull in vigilance. Thus the left real most sharply the utter collapse Molotov has succeeded in com class enemy is terrible not when he backward, poverty ridden, bankrupt Socialism. Thereupon, Stalin arose ed. Repard is able to operate only amounted to 624, 016. 3) The lof democracy in France. pletely straightening out the front. defended his privileged positions Socialist power. It concludes by gathering, son is not responsible composed of those parties that adSince the liquidation of the Third with arms in hand at the helght of Period Nolotov, as is well known, his strength no! He is particulardeclaring that: Socialism has be for the sins of his father. Young here to the People Front, while has been in semi disgrace. His ly now in his death bed deathcome a reality for the many milTilba photograph was reprinted in all others assigned by him to name, it is true, was to be found throes His most Serene Excellenlioned peoples of the Great every paper in the country.
among the Inborn leaders but not cy Prince Potemkin once remarked The conditions are being The Commissariat of Education tution. is is precisely the posiprepared for the transition from issued decree admitting the sons tion of Trotskyists and other on every occasion. His name was on a similar occasion to the literasocialism the first stage of commu and daughters of declassed people Leftists.
comonly put after Kaganovich and teur Ponvizin: You might as well Voroshilov. and he was often de die. Denis, you will never write nist society to complete commun to Soviet universities and colleges.
ism. In short, a socialism is in and the Komsomol now Incorpor obediently executing the orders of The young bureaucrats, who are By ALFREDO ROJAS peting with the reactionaries, for prived of his initiala. In Soviet rit. anything better.
ual all these are signs of paramount full bloom; communism! ustates Stalin pronounciamento into stalin, declare that all the criticisms Azana has been inducted as the except in a few places, the reac importance. Whenever a delegation around the corner. tatutes.
On December 30, 1935, Pravda inlevelled at the new program and new president of Spain, to the tune tionaries were boycotting the elec: arrived to see Molotov he was al dlgnantly reported that revolutionThesisThis thesis is very about the changes etected in the of nothing ese than vanguardism, tiles, stalinists and Socialists Joined a vote for Socialism, and then made and Chubar as his right wheel gets to mention that ca upes at we shall make new constitution are manifestations of the International sung with tions. The Socialists could have lowed to receive them only by having ists were being subjected to torhorse, tures in Jugoslav jails. Pravda forus that in addition to overthrowing he to quote from the youth party.
the bourgeoisie and building social Program. with conservatives and Catalan whatever bloc maybave been horse. On his part, Molotov, though olutionists are subjected to tortures ism, the working class has estabng Communist What was the purpose of all rightists in the vote for Azana in deemed necessary in the electoral he did give necessary praise to the also in the jails of Stalin.
lished a workers and state which World Congress of the ages introduced) to the opposing candidate and only International, ade these appeals (1. e. objections to the electoral college: there was no college.
leader, would do so only two or does not give the slightest signs of confirmed by the naredium of the Lers? To make them doubt, to im sroup Caballero Cogitations of die hard monarchists and three times thronghout an entire From Conversation with a Sorwithering away although all the EXC. on March Naturally, the Azana government speech, which in the atmosphere ot let Dignitary.
classes have been completely de In pel them to take a critical attitude Catholics did not vote for Azana aid not want such an election, for the Kremlin sounded almost like a (Not from Pravda (Truth. but stroyed, and although socialismother words, we shall quote the decisions of our party, not but instead cast blank ballots.
it would have exposed their lack call for the overthrow of Stalin. forsooth the truth. has irrevocably triumphed. Among against Stalin. into consideration the party Why do you flatter him 50 other things, Soviet power is necBefore the New Dispensation Azana first act as president was of support among the people. And But, with God help, since the end authoris ignore the revolu to call in for consultation about the the Right Wing Socialists were of last year, a turn for the better shamelessly?
essary as a great cultural and There are fundamental differ. tionary traditions of the older gen new cabinet, representatives of all more than willing to cover the has been noticed. Molotov was What can one do? He loves it moral institution which plants dis ences in the conceptions of the crations, etc. Translated into the the leading parties, including the nakedness of the republican bour straightening out the front. In re so.
cipline and respect for socialist Communists on the one hand, language of organizational princi Stalinists. This was followed by geoisie. These two groups, therelaws and the rules of communal and the social democrats on the ples all this would signify the crys his invitation to Indalecio Prieto, fore, agreed to run a Popular Front in the election, demonstrating the vinces. In Castor and Algar, the living and imbues all the toilers other as to the role of the youth tallization of the Komsomol as a Right Wing Socialist leader, to be slate, with the understanding that lack of interest of the masses in a priests were expelled and sentenced with an honest attitude toward labor and social duty without which general. There are some unessen separate party organization. Pos Unexpectedly, Prieto declined; so And Caballero? He immediately Front. Such a proletarian peasant strike declared in Malaga, with and the youth organization in parts independent of our party, a come premier and form a cabinet. Azana would be elected president. show of strength for the Popular to death if they returned. General tial shadings between the bour tysher Speech, Pravda, April 11, certain were the press services that gave way on the fundamental issue stronghold as Seville registered shooting encounters between strikgeoisie and the social democracy, 1936. he would accept that advance stor the independent slate but exhib only a fifteen percent vote. ers and police, Thesis 5: Sums up the situation.
but the fundamental conception Cautious About Opposition les predicted it. One can only conited stubbornness on the candiof both is the same. Social deand Commu On May general strike in The and the Soviet Govclude that the Right Wing Social date. Not that he While the the Meashevik course Cadiz, to support the demands of Influence proposed a nists repeat ernment are busy organizing the ists did not dare enter the govern. Socialist candidate! He merely of 1917 in Russia, the anarcho syn striking arsenal workers, closed mocracy for the most part decommunist system. while the role anizations to be purely educaclares the role the youth or The bureaueracy as a whole has ment on the eve of the June con wanted been extremely cautious in its gress of the Socialist Party.
single store of the must be that of a seols republican, instead of Azana dicalists play completely reac elty and port: not references on the extent of the mase, non party organization is a political organization.
tional or cultural. The counter revolutionary influences The new cabinet formed by Cas When the executive committee of tionary role in left phrases. The was permitted to open.
The same day general strikes beembracing in its ranks. wide upon the youth. But we can arex Quiron, a member of Axana the announced its support of national convention of the syndiHuelva, It must strive to gain the majori strata of the advanced and politgather a pretty clear picture from Tarty, is an undistinguished one, Arana, a spokesman for Caballero calist unions, now in progress, gan in Santander and to include 700, 000 city and miners and dock workers paralyzand indoubtedly represents a stop conplained to the press that he had land workers, finds every anarchisting the city in sympathy strikes ically educated toiling youth of the ty of the working youth, and the city and country. Its task is to other deeiste sections of the toil his report complained that among sap until after the Socialist con portaben. com verdens but in the same leader declaring against trade supporting railroad workers deaid the Bolshevik Party in the ing youth. The reputhe propagandists there are many cause of educating the youth and diates the theory of neucomrades who are obviously un calists will enter it. There have pose Azana. The real issue that union unity with the Socialist con mands.
trality in political struggles children in the spirit of Commun Madrid cafe workers have closed been several recent reports of the election should be a tabulation trolled trained, while here and there, for within the party. Political acism.
thus threats by Prieto to split the party of Socialist strength was Mass Action Broadens their places of work, with the deexample, in the Leningrad organtivity must not be confined to the The preamble ends with a quota higher bodies of the but ization we have had revelations and make a fusion with Azana it completely obscured.
While the proletarian parties mand that all Fascist sympathizers tion from Stalin to the effect that must permeate the entire organ not only of untrained people but the Right Wing perspectives are The Stalinists were as eager as continue to support the bourgeots among the employees be discharged.
all this is according to Marx and also of enemies Trotskyists, Zinnot accepted.
Axana for the joint slate. Here is government, the mass action in the significant agrarian strikes are ization. In accordance with ovievists and so on. Pravda, its political role and social charIndalecio Prieto, Besteiros and the Daily Worker description of factories and streets offers a stir now in progress. In the province The remaining two fifths of the acter as an organization of the April 13. Fernando de los Rios, Right Wing the problem (May 3)
ring contrast. We list only a few of Teruel all land workers are out program is devoted to the enumera The Fascists and foreign reach of the events of the last few days. demanding higher wages. In Bagworking youth, the enLooking for an example of an! Socialist leaders, have wished to tion of the tasks of the Stalinist sures that the working class memInstance here and there Kossarev enter the cabinet since the Febru. tion had hoped that the Socialist On April 28, El Aguila, biggest uena striking agrarians forced the La, which fall under six general bership plays the leading role.
points to nothing other than the ary elections. The opposition of Party would insist on their own brewery in Spain, was seized by its right ist secretary of the municipal.
headings leading Leningrad. Program of the pp.
organization! Left Socialists has so far prevented candidate and thus split the Peo employees and held for days until ity to resign and escorted the parSix Heroie Tasks 33 34 10. And, moreover, he assigns the first them from doing so, although the ple Front, and the had glee the bosses granted all the demands. Ish priest out of the municipal limI. In the Sphere of the Political To repeat these words today in stronghold of the Zinovlevists, not daily and the party executive, have the important Madrid section of tables and fish in Madrid declared If he returned. An agrarian strike Education of the Youth. The the approved by Stalin to the latter but to the Trotsky been warm supporters of Azana.
the Socialist Party firmly refused a protest strike because police had in Valencia developed series of organizes the study of the hasle himself in 1926) is to lay oneselt ists. This fact alone speaks vol Caballero, who was Minister of to carry water for Fascism by such injured seven of their members in anti religious demonstrations, reideas of Marx Engels Lenin Stalin, open to Indictment as a counter umes.
Labor in the coalition cabinet of a split.
an encounter how deep the fer sulting in the destruction of twelve publishes its own papers, magazines revolutionary Trotskyist and to The depraved bureaucracy which 1961, has been opposed to coalition Refuse to Join Capitulator etc, both political and literary, or run the danger of imprisonment found it relatively simple to crush cabinets since the October 1864 re ment when these lower petty bour church buildings.
Madrid is Caballero stronghola geois elements are drawn into po Rigorous Censorship in Spain ganizes clube, libraries, and reading and exile.
the older revolutionary generations rolt. But his recent conduct in the and still considered the center of litical life!
Suspiciously little news is printed rooms, and carries on a patient Not All Is Roses of the Russian working class, is in events connected with the presiden the Left Socialists, so that when Since April 30 general strike in the Spanish prese which is uncampaign against. supersti While the leadership of the Kom mortal terror of the youth. This tial election provide little hope Caballero capitulated on this ques of all maritime workers has der rigorous censorship. about tion and religious prejudices as somol has accepted the changes is what underlies the political and that he will lead firm struggle tion, there was no concerted action stopped all ships and closed all events on the land. One must not well as against the remnants of without so much as a stutter, there organizational liquidation of the against the coalition proposals. by the Left Wing.
forget that of the twenty four milchauvinism.
has been considerable opposition Komsomol. The youth must be reA Significant Index But it is enormously significant The Iron mines of Penarroya Hong of Spain, nearly twenty live With socialism blooming, the from the rank and file. Thus, moved completely from political The election of presidential elec that in spite of Caballero, a num.
have been occupied by the miners, on the land. Six weeks ago reports youth must be agitated against su Vershkov, secretary of the life; its thoughts and energies must tors, equal in number to Cortes ber of Socialist sections Almer declaring they will operate them on indicated widespread selzures of perstitions and religion. of the Komsomol, expresses his as be channelized into the fields of deputies, the two groups constitut UnWe append the verbatim transla tonishment over the fact that culture and sports. They must ing an electoral college to name ia, scene of many recent strikes a communist basis, because the estates by the land workers.
and street fights with the Fas employers have refused to re employ doubtedly they remain in possession tion of the anti religious propagan among the Komsomol membership study, study, study, preferably the new Spanish the workers dismissed after the of the land, and are nelzing more da clause: there are people who consider auch not the classics of Marxism, buted a significant evident, provid cists, Cludad Real and Albacete, index to the lack and other provinces refused to October, 1934 revolt.
estates The patiently explains to a definition of the Komsomol (le, belles lettres. The working class of an independent proletarian pol join the government parties in a Twelve church buildings werel At least one armed encounter the youth the han of superstition as a non party, organization) youth must be dissolved in the milicy.
joint slate and instead elected destroyed by Madrid masses when between workers and rightints or and religious prejudices, organizing to be incorrect in principle. llons of peasant youth, and thus Equivalent in form to an election straight Socialist slate This is a rumor spread through the city fascists 1s reported every day, alwith this aim in view special cir Speaking at the maslon of the tettered.
of deputies, the election provided a the first definite breakaway from that the monks and nuns had pol most invariably involving some cles and lectures on anti religious Ukrainian Komsomol Posty. Stalin has decreed it a crime for magnificent opportunity for the Caballero temporising tactics of soned some children. The same deaths. Many municipalities in propaganda.
sher said, Individual activists any youth between the ages of 15 Socialist Party to gauge its strength talking left and acting right. day (May 4) three churches and control of workers report mass arII. In the Sphere of the Educa bere and there are not pleased and 20 to occupy himself with pol among the maraes. There was not Only thirty percent of the twelve two convents were burned in Cadiz, rests of moparehlata and fascists.
tion of the Youth. Amplifies the with the draft of the new constitles.
oven present the problem of com million qualified voters took partand several churches in other pro. Continued on Page 4)
cannot be retirectory of socialism Lenin.