CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismInvasionLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NIKOLTANT SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1936 Faces Challenge Roosevelt Steals Labor Party Thunder Of Steel Industry Labor Chiefs Use New Deal as Safety Valve industry is organized background with the same ease that pression that there are, like the say actior John Lewis and Industrialist Serve Same Master in 1936 Elections and cele de ference call is issued only to India It would be ridiculous to expect, to soak the rich, the need of curb (Continued from Page 1) It was meant to be understood. This viduals, not to organizations. Obvi that local unions should take the ing Wall Street and the need of duced to a mere shadow of a union is one of the reasons for the fact ously these Individuals are expect Initiative in organizing a national preventing the invasion of the peoIt represents today a far cry from that the organization he leads has ed to do nothing more than to ex. labor party apart from or in oppo ple rights by the courta. Roosethe powerful organization that conplore the possibilities for a labor sition to their parent bodies. It velt declares himself to be against ducted the Homestead strike in only 4, 800 members.
party. But what they are to ex would be worse than ridiculous to war and Fascist tyrannies and for 1892 and cleaned up on the Pinker The Challenge of Steel plore becomes further clear in the assume that such a party can be a people government. By these tons. Its gain of 150, 000 new mem Meanwhile modern conditions of By ARNE SWABECK devices, the stagnant for some time, or actually announcement that a farmer labor brought about without the organi ingenious campaign bers during the 1919 steel strike During the last few weeks the lost ground.
presidential ticket is not to be con zations of the industrial union bloc Rooseveltlans aimed, and rather withered away under the unfortun. production has forged ahead to sidered at this conference. In other and its leaders as well. However successfully to forestall the emergate leadership of Mike Tighe, who constantly greater improvement of plea for Roosevelt re election has No Serious Labor Party Swing of gained new converts and new ad These facts only lend so much words, the sponsors of the confer much the Stalinists may put forence of a labor party, or a third to parts, in 1988.
The adept pupils of these dema spite his senllity and decrepitude. conditions of labor to the control taking on the character of a clean once: There is not selour move Nothing further remains to be ex try to convene labor party gathering high posts in the progressive who remains in control today de constantly also subordinating the the trade union movement. It is stated in these columns more than et to be a matter settled by the invest it with the qualities of someEven the new spark of life with of the capitalist ownership of inwhich the union was infused as a dustry. Under these conditions the result of the impulse from the NRA whole trade union movement is in plea la presented, and in view of serious forces available for a na plored but how to swing the labor Ings made up of singing societies union bloc, follow up the campaign the present objective conditions, ttional labor party, or farmer labor en introvereteinen tapecessfully into and his prestabes to be a dressed by in the same high key. They are for dent and his slightly younger lieu not actual extinction, unless the 1s not at all surprising that the la party or third party in 1936. Those this reelection campaign.
Local Bodies Powerless not carry any social welght. At trial unionism and against reaction.
tenants. new set of progressive basic industries and particularly bor party question fades into the who still attempt to create the im Labor party sentiment has been best they will only furnish new ar John Lewis started the ball rolcal positions. They condemned in Even Green, Tighe and company is sweep gains in momentum. Or. Stalinista do, are simply up to their recorded in a number of local guments for the Roosevelt camp fol. ling at the convention with perhaps it would be more correct to old a mighty attack on the Liberty scathing terms the policy of paral cannot possibly be entirely unaware that the labor perambulator is An editorial game of deception. unions. Much of it is motivated on owers.
in the May Daily progressive grounds. To an extent Eye on 1936 League. An easy target. These lead.
yels; they made some stupid mis of this fact, though they may not being hooked onto the Roosevelt Worker finally acknowledges that. it arises out of disappointment with The stampede for Roosevelt basers are now all against war and takes, but they demanded action comprehend its real meaning of bandwagon. Farmer Labor Presidential tick promised New measures which been cleverly manipulated by the Fascist tyrannies and they also and organization. Mike Tighe knew for that matter, care much. But only the reply of suppression and they do know that the tackling of This stampede started last Janet in 1936 is now out of the ques were not realized; to an extent also deliberate and carefully planned have broad views on the people expulsion and numerous local the steel empire is a serious cam uary when John Lewis whooped tion, but it maintains that the out of disappointment with condi policies emanating from the white front. It is therefore not at all unlodges were wrecked.
paign of organization, leaves no hroug the United Mine Workers prospects are as good as ever for tions under the New Deal bless House and from the progressive natural they they should direct the After Fifty Years room for compromise for bar convention a unanimous resolution a farmer labor party this year. ing. Above all it arises out of labor leaders. Roosevelt and his senutne fears of To Mike Tighe the secret rituals saining. Besides It is such a sl. for Roosevelt re election. Follow. This is equally pernicious and defears of reaction and an instinctive brain trusters whatever is left of fears of war and Pasclem into the and mummery left over from old ous bruises because the feudal rul Lengue came into being. It was superficially it may seem as it in view of the general ack of under patronage dispenser, Jim Farley velt reelection. With a little man of trade easily be interers of this empire believe in fight sponsored by the Lewis Hillman the fervent desires nurtured by the standing of what the requirements have for some time had their eyes Ipulation that main a sacred union heritage, more forees. The American Federation Stalinists were to be realized of a party of the workers must be on the November elections. Special preted, and even in the prevalling dear to him than activity and pro ing it out to the end.
gress. And so well did he dischange This is the challenge to the whole the America mated clothing Workers by the Minnesota Farmer Labor help to drive the organized workers promisary notes upon the labor leggon if necessary, as symbolizing the of Hosiery Workers convention and through the conference call sent out it is particularly these fears that emphasis has been laid in all the labor party and people front jar.
his obligation to the inviolability trade union movement. What the General Executive Board next fell Party. However, the appearance in in marching formation into the islative program, the alleged social light against reaction.
of his contract with the steel man of Executive Council will in line. Two international union this case is also deceptive. The con Roosevelt camp.
security measures, the tax program No Labor Party Wanted Now ufacturers that the union, after do about it is now perfectly clear. presidents, David Dubinsky and of course, the truth is that these more than a half century of exist. It will do exactly nothing of any Emil Kieve quickly deserted the progressive leaders, in harmony ence, counts a paid up membership serious consequence.
Socialist Party for their new and with Roosevelt, do not want a la of not more than 4, 800 Needless The Convention bor party, or a third party and certo say this contract which Mike tainly not before their own preparaTigbe holds as sacred, is not The Amalgmated Association of opening day of the of Extions are well done; not until they scattering of workers here and just ended its sixty 1st annual re election. And two days before meant to embrace more than Iron, Steel and Tin Workers has ecutive Council second quarterly meeting, advoented the President in the proper reformist bounds.
there is a few mills. It is a con convention. For days on end 10 gave consideration to the offer this the delegates to the United The day after May Day two news his subordinates and Secretary of and deserve the support of all ad. Even then they can be expected to vanced workers.
yield only to pressure. Their aim tract designed essentially to restrict made by the CULO. only by a scant Automobile Workers convention vot. items appeared side by side in the Labor Perkins. and to prevent organization.
High Stakes for Lewis can then be expected to be to utilFrom the description it would safarity was e conditional accept supportent Rodgesenting didice, to pross. The first reported a speech This unpremeditated harmony beMore alert and enterprising than pose the growth of a revolutionary Ize such a development to counterbe difficult for any reader to note nince achieved. Mike Tighe, how support the Roosevelt candidacy.
Raw Deal for Auto Workers the Bank of America, and a dire common allegiance to the Dem the moss backed conservatives of movement. As solid convert any real distinction between Mike Stranglehold upon the union and Nobody will suspect that the tor of the National City Bank. Bub: ocratic Party not only illuminates the Green Gompers school, Lewis New Deal, they aim to lay out the afference of age. Outward aifer of both lewis and Green. The finalings of special gratitude to Roose praise for the President, he declar. also provides us with an insight in industrial workers for industrial and perpetuate his program tomor ences there are Actual differences decision adopted aflirms the charter velt. They cannot possibly have for As a result of President Roose to the character of the Democratic unions. Ils own union, the strong row it need by, by means of a former has carried out the policy ation, which are the rights of sole agreement which was foisted upon structure rests on soider founda and in general the political mech on an industrial basis and has made of the latter and both are more or Jurisdiction has an industrial union them during the spring of 1831 ion than at any time within our anism by which capital keeps labor him power in the His distinction between Roosevelt and less equal partners in the polley Outside of that the conditional ac This agreement they looked upon memory.
enchained and maintains its hold sponsorship of the industrial union the Democratic Party. How can any and methods of the of bu ceptance of the offer will then as a definite setback to their The second was an announcement upon the American masses. movement may well make him the real distinction be possible? Roose reaucracy. And thus the real ren have real meaning only provided aims and efforts; and such it prov. by John Lewis that the State Could the picture be more per unchallenged leader of organized velt is the standard bearer of his ganization in the steel industry bold of it and carry it into life.
son for the dismal failure of or the industrial union forces take ed to be. It brought abont the hated Federations of Labor of Kentucky tect or the symmetry more com labor. These are high stakes and parts one of the two capitalist Automobile Labor Relations Board and Alabama had followed the pre bilete? Roosevelt in the center em well worth fighting for. Lewis has parties. From this party he reaside from the devastating gross Company Unions Stampede headed by Wollman. It strengthen cedent set by the United Mine braces Giannini with his right hand therefore placed himself at incompetence can be found only the ceives his mandate and this carries in the position of this bureaucracy.
ed, for the time being the strangle Workers and recorded themselves and Lewis with his left. The in head of that movement to exploit it with it the duty to serve finance Last year company union repre hold of Wm. Green and Collins, lat. in favor of Roosevelt return to of structions that Gianinni and his col for his own private purposes.
Wm. Green and his allies do not sentatives from a number of plants er supplanted by Dillon, and postcapital. Need there be any doubt think of coming to grips with the beld a convention in Newcastle, Pa. poned the organization of the autoleagues whisper in his ears, Roose Not only must the old forms of that this is the responsibility to problem and undertaking a cam at which demands were formulated nomous international union Banker Giannini spoke under the velt with his incandescent smile trade union organization be over which he will remain loyal even so auspices of the Good Neighbor, a passes on to Lewis, while Lewis in hauled but new forms of trade un more decisively and unequivocally way that it could actually succeed working conditions while the dele tomobile workers.
paign of organization in the only for wage increases and improved much desired by the organized au non partisan organization of liber turn hands them down to his rank on action are necessary to cract after his reelection.
als formed to campaign for Roose and file. Eeach is a necessary link concessions form the employers to The trade union Such ideas are allen and repugnant gutes refused to grant admission to support of No, these are not the reasons for velt reelection. Labor leader Lew in the chain whereby organized la day. The old craft union bureau Roosevelt could not be unexpected to them. Their own role is deter management representatives. Short their endorsement of Roosevelt. The is spoke for Labor Non Partlsan bor is kept in subjection to the crats carried on their class collab It is des destined to go down in history mined by their attitude to the cap Is thereafter a similar company decision for them tuto Roorkers con Lengue. a non partisan organization domination of organized capital. oration activities directly with the as one of the great illusions of allegiance. They naturally become considered a proposal for a final the lead of the Committee for In campaign for Roosevelt italist system to which they swear union convention in Gary, Indiana, vention simply means that it follows of union officials also formed to The orders transmitted from fin bosses. The National Civic Federa 1936. It has become possible prichampions of the rights of collective breakaway from company control austrial Organization. This is of ancial headquarters do not of tion was the supreme expression of marily due to the lack of revoluStriking Coincidence course, always reach their destina this immediate alliance between 1a tionary education of the working however occupying the pos of taking independent measures to relation to the labor party question. Coincidence casts upon the political when they do. Both Roosevelt and a small section of privileged crafts ments are sure to begn wil a What a flood of light this little tions, nor are they always needed bor and capital. Representing only class. After 1986 new desillusion for one placents who are privileged defend the interests of the workers. It must be remembered that on the lineup behind the Democratic party Lewis must reckon with the de men, these leaders could make deals third party carrying on the New the bargain both ways. In this role These are important signs of a whole the unions of the and for 1936 on the one hand, Roosemands of their supporters as well with the employers at the expense Deal tradition and program then new trend and of a new vitality its supporting unions, like the auto vult will secure the support of the as the sions for the untons but simultane. displayed in an original way. Real workers, represents the section of liberal wing of finance capital, dry two antagonistic forces and find alcalists opposed and resented for that this is the only held able to wishes of their masters of the mass of unorganized un prove a solution? Most decisively capital, in. They must mediate between the skilled workers. These narrow syn. not! And it is well to remember the custodians of the interests of steel industry are unquestionably in a progressive direction. This is and finances who are bound to the formula for the solution of their ernmental Interference.
rank and fle members Indisputable. It is also the section Democratic party by their special contlicting interests. This is easier This form of class collaboration expected. Hence there remains one The Empire of Steel The organization of these work of organized labor that has shown interests. While they will contrib said than done. But in general this is exceedingly difficult to carry on main conclusion to draw. Today ers has now become imperative. But the greatest vitality and growth, ute as usual to the campaign funds is the way in which the system op when the negotiators represent all and tomorrow the struggle for so In the steel industry, however, the challenge has been thrown right and particularly so when a compar. of both parties, the coservative crates, this the methods by which the workers in plant or industry, calism must go on.
no alternatives are offered. The back into the lap of the industrial ison is made with a number of section of the big bourgeoiste, or the working class is lined up on all and particularly difficult in the the absolute and despotic ruler. 14 ao londolate what even the seconna unde in spirit, which he be remkime savixed around the Liberty League sortante rettes tiene infrasping the present period of capitalist decline NEW MILITANT is in itself an empire within an problem or nibbling at it will not Commerce, will rally behind the Reempire. Only 23 American cities do Certain naive people have been are opposed to their employers in a with which merged rich opportunity awaits austry is a gigantle task. Enor publican Party, not in the hope of surprised and shocked at the spec particular industry and the success THE MILITANT had greater population than the these unions. spark of new lite nuosts ainculties antics thate to the defeating Roosevelt but for the pur tacle of Lewis and his associates ta of strike and the terms of the Published weekly by the New Wlk population of the Steel Cor was manifested at the steen work raced and the minimum requirement pose or exerting pressure upon him the o. whom they have been settlement affects the profits and tant Publishing Co. 100 Fifth Ave. poration in 1920. Not less than ers convention nourished by the tecnothing less than re gigantic to keep his liberalism within mod tanght to regard as the hope of the competitive position to a consider NL 196, 000 workers and their familles pressure for action made by are dependent for their livelihood progressive elements. New unions this feudal empire, capable of inthe movement capable of surrounding erate limits.
working class, so ardently embracable degree. The conflicts tend to watered as second class mall matter On the other hand, thanks to the ing Roosevelt. But such conduct become sharper and more irrecon. At the Post Omce at New York, Hemos largest proton Thomas Amer ares rowing and gaining ground in vading it and executing the neces activities of John Lewis and his should surprise no one who underclable and the social consequences under the act of March 8, 1870.
bor. The several mass production Industries sary tactical flank maneuvers to associates, Roosevelt will be assurstands the real character of these more serious. ence JAMES CANNON: Editor directors of this corporation do not from which forces for further at all fancy any ideas of sitting tension can be recruited. Practical tnek. This is the next big job for fority of organized labor.
gether with the head on frontal at ed of the support of the vast ma leaders and cherishes no illusions increasingly necessary for the cov: Subscription rates: In the Valted few concerning their progressiveness ernment to step in as a third party States 00 per year: 66c per att down at conference tables with all of these new unions appear American labor. Success in this field anys ago Lawis and Major George Differ in Method Not Ideology and try to arbitrate the dispute.
representatives of labor. Their to be ready to continue an aggres will no doubt depend much more d1 Berry visited Roosevelt at the months: Canada and foreign 50 policy in this respect was laid down sive Aght for the building of a rectly upon the ability, contage and White House and informed him that Lewis, Hilman, and their like It cannot be too often stressed Rely on Gov Good Will per year; 00 six months. Bundle in a resolution of June 17, 1901, truly powerful As a result, the industrial union rates: Two cents per copy when Morgan the Elder or movement; but its future is bound inely progressive trade union forces tous states had already sponsored laboration than their craft unionist upon the good will of the govern industrial unlon tenacity of the developing cenu that 30, 000 union officials in var. are no less committed to class col leaders tend to rely more and more SATURDAY, MAY 1936 ganized the United States Steel up with progress in steel.
Vol. 2, No. 19 (Whole No. 71)
Corporation. It says: than upon the good will of any Labor Non Partisan League. 4, 000 opponents in the of The ment and less and less upon the We are unalterably opposed to The organization of the steel in leaders.
speakers in every state of the union two factions differ not in their militant action of their memberPAUL LUTTINGER, any extension of union labor, and were warming up for the campaign: fundamental allegiances but only in ship. They are not averse to threat.
and that, in addition to the inter the forms and methods by which ening strikes and even to calling DANIEL LUTTINGER, advise subsidiary companies to take a firm position when these LUMEN CAMP COOPERATIVE national unions that have declared this policy should be carried out them if they are forced to it. But Wushington Square North questions come up, and say that themselves for Roosevelt, six state under the present conditions. In they do not really trust such millRivervale, 2 and Foxcept Bundays they are not going to recognize Labor Federations had endorsed this respect the two factions serve tant methods. They prefer to deand Holidays.
OPENING MAY 30 the President and the League itself. the same purposes within the labor pend upon such governmental aids Round Trip. 75 Every word here is meant Just Modern Facilities An Act of Betrayal movement that the Republican and and agreements as codes, exactly as it is written. Moreover, TENNIS SWIMMING SHOWERS What can it mean when one of Democratic parties serve within the Guffey Bills, and similar agreethe Steel executives have the foremost bankers and the most nation as a whole. Resting upon ments drawn up together with the WORKERS Band and Entertainment Every Saturday never deviated from this resolution.
powerful captain of organised labor different social bases, they carry administration to secure these con 14 a Week 12 for Members Protect Yourselves Against the Nor bos Mike Tighe ever deviated in the country combine to set their out the same policies by different cessions from the state, it is nec.
Hazards of Life. Join the essary to keep in the good graces of from his respect for the inviolaFor Information Call Labor Bookshop seal of approval on Roosevelt pol methods.
bility of his contract with the steel 28 East 12th Street WORKMEN SICK AND icies and vie with each other in solSTuy. 0567 Lewis and his associates did not the party in power, to see that their Ale do not get out of DEATH BENEFIT FUND companies iciting support for his reelection become aggressive advocates of in rank He has understood it OF THE and interpreted it just exactly as Et It can mean but one thing That Custrial untonism out of any pro control and embarrass the adminthis labor lieutenant of capital is found inner convictions of class istration.
1884 1936 the Hillmans and Dubinsky and Olsons, is in a posl. delivering the workers into the consciousness but as a result of the It cannot be denied that by skillOrganized, managed by and Trails Roosevelt tion to sweep to itself the great majority of those hands of the political servant of pressure exerted from below upon fully combining the strike threat fór workers with only one who have been infected by the Stalinist agitation, their masters and is engaged in an them by their rank and file and of with the legal opportunities opened purpose: to render protection and tle them to Roosevelt machine, whatever the act of outright betrayal of the in their own thirst for power. They out by the that Lewis to members and their familles. Continued from Page 1)
Communist Parts publicly declares about voting. terests of the working cass. realized that in order to maintain Mine Workers, Dubinsky and Hilland to support all endeavors Roosevelt s: this entire perspective was outlined in since the Stalinist agitation leads necessarily in the There is no need to look further their position in their unions and man garment workers and other Roosevelt annual message to Congress. In actual Roosevelt direction, and provides no political barrier than one nose to prove this point. extend their influence among the unions have cracted substantial and struggles for the improve ment of tollers ity, the Democratic Party in this country this year, to bring about a differentiation along class lines. For at the very moment when the masses of Industrial workers that concessions and made considerable under Roosevelt leadership, constitutes the ultimate Browder is too modest in asking for a joint ticket coryphee of capital and the captain the horse and bugsy methods of the sains under the Roosevelt regime About 50, 000 members or ganized in 350 branches. Rein the People Front as defined by and called for by with the Socialists. In all conscience, his name of labor joined in a chorus of praise Gompers Green regime had to be But again, like the old craft unionthe Communist Party. It comprises, in its main should be presented to the Democratie onventi for Roosevelt, notorious open modernized. Craft unionism hadists, they have done so at the exserves 2, 400, 000.
social composition, just what the Stalinists aak: the the logical and At running mate for Roosevelt. shop Industrial Association of San been rendered obsolete and impo pense of the great mass of workers Death benefit graded accordbulk of the trades unions, the organized farmers, the The international betrayal of Stalinism manifests Francisco, backed and financed by tent by the development of Indus in the auto, rubber, and steel ining to age at entry, Sick beneTownsendites, the Eple Clubs, the disoriented middle itself in every country in the betrayal of the revo Giannini and his friends, was entry: the workers in the mass pro dustries, who have been thrown to fit payments from 225 to 900 classes, the bulk of the unemployed; with the ma to men and women, accordlutionary struggle within that country. The fight gaged in a conspiracy to smash the duction Industries could only be or the wolves. This is part of the fority of Wall Street and the industrialista howl for socialtem is the Aght not against this or that Maritime Federation of the Pacific, ganized along Industrial lines. In price they have had to pay for their ing to classes.
ing against it from the outside. And its program is Individual capitalist or group of capitalista, but one of the most militant and pro so far as they have struggled for gains. Another installment on their Monthly 89essments from a completely typical People Front program, with against capitalism itself. And this fight is no longer gressive organizations in the Amer. Industrial untonism and aided the debts to the administration for fa. 450 to 10.
the standard People Front demanda, closely similar conceivable apart from the fight against Staliniam, in labor movement. And it was organization of the unorganized in vors received is being made by their For further information apto and in many cases to the left of the program, for whose historical function is now only the search for doing so with the active connivance these industries. and so far that support of Roosevelt. The others ply to Main Office: example of the French People Front.
new forms in the betrayal of the struggle for social of such administration ofcials asjald has been more nominal than will come due and will be made 714 Seneca Ave. Bklyn, Thus the Roosevelt demagoky, ably asslated by Secretary of Commerce Roper and real. they play progressive role in good time.
becomes ism.