BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceLeninMarxMarxismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL 2, NO. 19 WHOLE NO. 71 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1936 PRICE CENTE Communist Party Trails Bandwagon Aid the Russian Faces Browder BorrowsFarley Campaign Bolshevik Exiles! Challenge Slogans; New Deal Demagogy Stalin Plans Report Death, Suffering Of Steel Aided as Labor Party Flops Wholesale In Stalin Siberian Jail Drive to Organize Industry Persecution Pressure Forces Victor Serge Release from ARL BROWDER, like a good father, always has leading the drive toward fascism. This ultra reacAmerican Labor a new surprise up his sleeve for his political tionary alliance is today the chief enemy of the comThe following information on our prisoners in the has children. The surprises, no doubt, seem often a bit mon people of the country, and all efforts must be been received from an absolutely trustworthy source. For obvious BY ARNE SWABECK flat and stale to those outside the family, circle; but made to defeat it in the November elections.
wm the half million workers, when accompanied so gracefully with that warm and All efforts. How, then, do we vote? But this New Decree Directs Vioreasons we cannot disclose the name of our informant: whose fortune and misfortune is well known smile of the leader, the family itself is question Browder and the Daily Worker have seen 1) Our comrade SOLNTSEV, imprisoned in 1929 after his retum harnessed to the brutal and caprl always ready with a happy round of applause and a ft not yet to answer.
lence of Regime Against from America served three years in prison and then an additional two cious dominance or the sigantle shout or two of delight.
But, naturally, the Answer goes on. However, Revolutionists Released at the beginning of 1935, he was deported to the Siberian sterelem poremite for industrial from Moscow a year ago January, personally wrapped cize all those who, by retreating before it, are help.
in order to defeat reaction, it is necessary to critifrontier do not know name the locality, but was in indirect By TROTSKY Organization considers this ques up and sealed by the hand of the master. Browder ing to pave the way for its victory. This is the role communication with him in a village where it was impossible for him tion to be a challenge It passed himself was so excited about it that he couldn even of Roosevelt. And, after outlining why local FarThe March 15th issue of Pravda to find work and where he therefore suffered the greatest physical the challenge on to the F. of stop in New York to show it first to the Central Com mer Labor parties must be built: Moreover, only carries a semi official order that em privation. At the end of 1935, he was arrested again, without any But, it attached also an offer to mittee He didn want it spoiled by being talked such a militant people front could exert real pres.
anates from a high source, obvious conceivable legal reason, and soon condemned to or years in prison contribute a half million dollars about beforehand. He jumped on the first train to sure on Roosevelt and slow down to some extent his ly from Stalin, and that deals with He refused to undergo this punishment and carried through a hunger and a staff of experienced organ Washington, hurried up to the platform of the Social retreat before reaction. The leading editorial in strike lasting about 20 days in defense of his freedom of exile. He igers for an organization campaign, Security Convention, and presented it there to the the treatment to be accorded the exthe same issue amplifies further the same ideas, unwon his point; the consented to send him to Minoussinsk stipulating that conditions neces delegates, entirely prepaid. How they all gasped der the heading, Roosevelt, on Taxes, is Giving pelled party members. The question where his exiled wife and son awaited him. On route, travelling by nary really to produce results would and cheered! wonderful, new, mass class Farmer New Concessions to Reactionaries.
is not a simple one because, as we stages with other prisoners, he fell in with exhaustion (inflammation require assurance that all steel Labor Party! The delegates could hardly wait to CONFUSION VERSUS MARXISM have only to recall, from the second of the internal ear. was operated on immediately in the hospital at workers organized will be granted hurry home, and spread the glad tidings to farm and half of last year to the present day Novosibirsk where he died last January (1936. moment pause is necessary. Let us stop to the permanent right to remain unit countryside. Gone were the days of harsh words consider for a moment these quotations from the more than 300, 000 have been ex 2) All the Trotskyist exiles of Tara, a dozen comrades among ed in one industrial union, and and bitter theses. Gone the love and austere superAnswer. This, no doubt, is the realistic Marxism whom is Guerstein, arrested in January February. This means that the leadership of the cam. revolutionary struggle. Now comrades could be found modelled after the new helmsman of the Comintern.
pelled, perhaps, even half a milion, that a case is being cooked up against them which can only end bypaign must be such as to inspire at every glance, and the broad embrace of the people But it seems, at least at a superficial glance, someThe smallest percentage of the partheir removal to concentration camps for long terms.
confidence of success. Certainly, movement could draw within its arms Church and what removed from the Marxism associated with the ty members expelled is but in 3) LADO DOUMBADZE must be saved. Wounded in the civil more reasonable conditions could school, and Salvation Army, clubs and sor founder of the principles which bear his name. Inseveral instances over orities, the bitter with the sweet.
one third war, seriously bruised besides, he is paralyzed in both arms. Impris not be stipulated.
leed. If it were two years ago, we might believe that to Boutirky, from Bou However, the of Execuhave been expelled. At the present onedl, in 1934 35 he was moved from And what a campaign it was, spurred on by Dim we were reading an account of Itoosevelt in The time the purge is continuing under tirky to exile, from exile again to Souzdal, rapidly transferred from tive Council, now meeting in Washitroff stirring realism at the Seventh Congress Nation or The New Republic. These two Quixotic wrathfully spurned The Daily Worker was hardly large enough to conperiodicals likewise analyze in the same manner the the guise of exchanging the party becomes more seriously ill. They ended by exiling him to Sarapout, the offer and refused to accept its tain all the reports of the Farmer Labor gatherings tragedy of Roosevelt. Roosevelt, they have been cards. or, as Stalin order states, where he is alone, an invalid, receiving an allowance of 50 roubles a conditions.
telling us for some time now, an honest man with the party continues to rid itself of month. It is almost impossible for him to dress and undress himself; Win. Green declared that the Ex olutions adopted for a Farmer Labor Party every good Ideas, retreated before reaction. He was Trotskyists. Zinovievists.
White he has no one to care for him, letters seldom reach him, it is only with cutive Council would act only it time two honest persons got together. The sweep, the two wenk to stand up before the attacks of Wall Guards, and other filth. This list the greatest pain that he succeeds in writing a few lines and then after it were free from the interference Daily Worker informed us (that is up to a week Street and the industrialists.
hours of painful travail. read one of these letters, it is a tragie on the part of any group or groups ago) was irresistible. The Farmer Labor party was Revolutionary Marxists (that is, of the non Dimand the order of naming the catdocument; but if we do not obtain care for him or other living either within or outside the assured for 1936. Only cowards, lagging behind the Itroff variety) make a different analysis. They state egories of the expelled have become tions, LADO DOUMBDAZE is lost; his heroism can now serve him diction of the of In other masses, could fail to see it. Long editorials in large that Roosevelt is the political executive of financevery firmly established, and, more only to go under like a man.
words, these distinguished elders type scolded the Socialists, grew Indignant at Norcapital, that he stepped into the government to use over, in all the lists, both local and believe it necessary to broadcast widely the sufferings and death atly rejected the whole idea pre man Thomas, denounced the militants, because these the resources of the state to help pull capitalism out general, the Trotskyists invaricynics suggested that a Hurmer Labor party in 1936 of Solntsev, the danger to Doumbadze. My information is quite re sented by the of the depths of crisis, to restore profits and maintain ably occupy the first place. This liable and for my part will do everything in my power. of Decision Remains Paper was not soing to be the rule of the bourgeoisie and of private property.
means that the heaviest blows are UNION CHIEFS FOLLOW DAILY WORKER have read Tarov and Cilika: they are, on the whole, understat Convention resolutions of 1934 Har from retreating be ore reaction, they say that directed against them.
and 1985 put the of Lon. TO ROOSEVELT ing the case. The truth is much worse.
Roosevelt is precisely the agent of reaction the Stalin order leaves no room for record to organize the steel indus Somehow, Lewis and Hillman and Dubinsky and agent of the bourgeoisie, the reactionary class in doubt on this score. On the surface try. Nevertheless, the net results Green and Olson and Rieve failed to follow the Daily moderne meliods of the Tlebrty Lengue, that indeed the order sems to be intended as a to date falls below zero. The steel Worker closely as they should have. Somehow, check upon the excessive zeal of lohe has conflicts with many of the bankers and inworkers union has even lost the they began to issue public statements and form gains it made during the early NRA propaganda leagues and put pressure on unions to dustrialists. But in basic class content and allecal organizations who are depriving glance, they are (these unrealistic Marxists) unable all the expelled of work. With unperiod. To establish the responsi support Roosevelt. Or was it that they had read exampled bureaucratie Jesuitism, bility for this failure should not the Daily Worker, not too little, but too well? Had to find any difference between Roosevelt and the Liberty League, between Jim Farley and Hoover or Stalin Intervenes in behalf of cerbe difficult. It is a well known they noticed in the Daily Worker that the main enemy tain categories of the expelled.
Landon. It is their view view they share with After three years of exile in Stalin Siberia, Vietor Sprve, author fact that the leadership of the steel of the masses was Hearst and Hoover and the Lib Thus, the order remarks that cer.
workers union, headed by Mike erty League, that the force which blocked the people Marx and Lenin but unfortunately not with Browder tain communists have been expelled of The Year One of the Russian Revolution and many other working class books, and a life long and devoted militant in the revolutionary Tigbe, is even considered by Wm. legislation was the Supreme Court, that the agency and Dimitroft and Stalin that the chiet enemy of As passive elements, for breaches of movement, has been released and returned to Belgium Green to be so incompetent as not making for fascism and war was the Dupont family. the common people of the country is not the Rediscipline or of party ethies. Harshto merit the confidence necessary to Morgan and Fearst and the organizations which these publican Liberty League Hearst combination, butHe was arrested in 1933 by an administrative order to the ness toward them is unwarranted.
the class enemy, the bourgeoisie, capitalism as a If they are whole. They declare that the business of Marxists in eto compromised for their and exiled without the slightest semblance of a trial in violation of direct a campaign of organization subsidize? Perhaps they had noticed these things Self complacent bureaucrats, when and observed that this was precisely Roosevelt the Soviet laws for his continued refusal to give up his revolutionary irritated old work, they must be given new demands for action, position, and that Roosevelt seemed a more imposing the 1936 campaign is to agitate, not against the work. One should not needlessly views and prostitute himself to the task of liquidating the October usually need a scapegont, and truly, advocate than a hypothetical and non existent Far. bogey man of the Liberty League, but against capi.
breed enemies. Unfortunately, this Revolution. a better one than Mike Tighe could mer Labor Party which would advocate, in funda talism and for socialism, to utilize the ferment of simple truth is not understood evHe was deprived of all communication with the outside world, hardly be found. But this means mentals, that same position.
the election year to draw the masses toward a revoerywhere. man who has commit and blacklisted so that he was unable to obtain employment in Oren nothing more than the old proverb For this is the truth of the matter: the Stalin lutionary program and a revolutionary party, not ted some sort of a grave breach of burg, where he was exiled. For three years he tried to support a slek of the pot calling the kettle black ist campaign for the Farmer Labor Party has been toward reformist illusions and a third party to patch party ethics may nevertheless re wife and child on the meagre returns from the publication of his The sluggishness of Wm Green and continues to be a campaign for Roosevelt up the holes and wash the dirty linen of a rotted social order.
This, then, makes Browder latest surprise permain a useful individual for our works in France. During this time the Stalinist bureaucrats constant and company would also seem to socialist country. Under one con ly harrassed him for a capitulation mirror a consciousness of their own haps not so surprising. Last week end, at the ConA CAMPAIGN AGAINST SOCIALISM dition that he is not an enemy. On April of this year the growing wave of protest against the incompetence And no doubt, the ference of the Youth Congress held in New York, The Stalinist campaign, the whole false, hypoLe, the enemy of the bureaucracy. treatment of Serge, especially in France where a committee of promi stubborn insistence on craft union Browder disclosed it: There is not going to be a critical, degraded, cynical campaign of their massIf a man has embezzled, Elven or nent authors carried on a long fight for his release, finally forced the prerogatives has very likely led Farmer Labor presidential ticket in 1936. Again the class Farmer Labor hocus pocus, is a campaign for taken bribes, beat up an underling, Stalinist bureaucrats to let him go. But they took their revenge by them into a position that they short sasp (after all, the Daily Worker had been Roosevelt, a campaign against socialism, the ideas or raped a girl, In short, committed holding his former secretary, a young French stenographer, who was themselves cannot think through to explaining that there would be all during the week of socialism, and the revolutionary struggle for soa mrave breach of party ethies completely inactive in politics, as a hostage. At the same time all the end when considering organiza before. and then again the applause and even the cialism. This is true whether or not the Communist but has in the meantime remained tion of the steel industry.
excited shout or two. No, explained Browder, realParty comes out openly to call for votes for Rooseloyal to the powers that be, then Serge papers, notes and manuscripts for books, in which the auLewis Flays Wretched Policy istie politicians understand (everyone else having velt. This latter possibility, as we have repeatedly this useful individual must be thorities vainly searched for counter revolutionary statements were already come the conclusion) that the idea that Still, the real reason for the dis there can be a Farmer Labor presidential ticket in pointed out in recent months, is by no means exconfiscated.
glven other work. The chief quality cluded; it is, on the contrary, entirely consistent mal fallure so far is a much more 1036 is utopian and romantic. But of course that that the order demands from the The release of Serge is the second victory of this year in the with their present position, as well as with the interfundamental one. Unwittingly John does not mean that we won have a Farmer Labor party leaders 18. the ability to struggle to free the thousands of revolutionists who are rotting in the Lewis touched its very nerve party in 1936. Of course not. We will organize a national orientation of Stalinism. The ground has distinguish between the enemy and jails and in exile in the Soviet Union, jailed and exiled by administra been carefully laid, and it is significant that the past center when he addressed himself national party to run local tickets.
the non enemy. Ruthlessness is tive decrees without trial, and unknown even to the population of the the other day, on behalf of the We will understand that The main slogan of the And meantime weeks Daily Workers nowhere carry categorical recommended only with regard to itself.
o, directly to the convention of the Communist Party in the election campaien will be denial. The latest dodge is that the Communist the political opponent. docile party will seek a joint presidential ticket with the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Keep the Hoovers, Landons and Hearsts out grafter is not an enemy. The mor.
Steel and Tin Workers Socialist party. This can hardly be meant serioustal enemy is the honest oppositionly. And, they on, if unsuccessfuu (the party)
1st who must be deprived of work With withering scorn he con The Daily Worker theoreticians hurried to their will place in the field its own independent candiof every kind.
demned the of policy as desks, tore up their back copy, and prepared a deluge dates. The statement that these candidates will Inadequate, futile and conceived of new articles explaining the full meaning of the The only employer in the include a presidential candidate is studiously avoided.
is the bureaucracy. Stalin order in a mood of humiliated despera new surprise. Olson call for a conference at Chl Moreover, candidates can always be withdrawn. The Implies in practice the doom of tens tion on the part of men who have cago showed it off to full advantage. Here was just actual election tactic, however, deper upon certain of thousands of Oppositionists to for years past trifled with the des what answered. Farmer Labor Conference called factors other than the logical consequences of their the tortures of unemployment and By BLAKE LEAR It is not often that the capitalist tinies of 500, 000 men employed by by a State Farmer Labor party, disavowing any position: upon the stage of the crisis in the Far East, AKRON, Ohio, May 12. Seven press draws aside the curtains that your industry and have materially thought of putting forward a presidential candidate, the developments in Roosevelt foreign policy bebomelessness even when they are workers were slightly wounded on conceal the real forces at work in stayed the progress of the American and keeping clear of any inconvenient democracy in tween now and November, and a purely opportunist exiled. To be sure, this used to be May 7th when a company gunman maintaining social order under labor movement. Lewis also ad. its arrangements. The stalinists, under banner heads, done before too, but not in every shot into a crowd of several bun the present system.
judgment as to the effect upon its mass following case. Today, this has been erected dred Goodyear workers milling remarkable, therefore, is the All the more dressed his offer directly to the hail the Conference, appropriately, the greatest which electoral support of Roosevelt would have.
steel workers convention. But step yet taken toward the mass class Farmer Labor The Stalinists have a hard job in their striving for into a system about a company weasel who was lowing article on the Tampa flog chances were rather scant for a movement.
respectability: Roosevelt will naturally be the first This order of Stalin which bears distributing an anti unton pamphlet, ging case that appeared in the New better response from this gathering THE MAIN ENEMY!
to repudiate their votes, and besides Roosevelt is the caption On Bolshevik Vigil. The Real Facts!
ance must be brought to the atYork Times of May 11. The killing than that received from Green.
And what is the purpose of this Conference? Its sure to be elected in any case.
So eager were the workers to re of Joseph Shoemaker was so callous direct descendant from the meaning stares us in the face. It is called to mobil ROOSEVELT IS THE PEOPLE FRONT tention of the workers the world celve the pamphlet that the com a crime, the national protest against proud Sons of Vulean, and itself ize further and more solidly the confused and cloudy But the specific electoral move is unimportant.
over. Not a single appropriate oc pany weasel had to pull a black its perpetrators so powerful, polit antedating the formation of the Farmer Labor sentiment behind the Roosevelt charThe political significance remains the same in either casion should be missed to raise Jack to repress the importunate ical and economic conditions in of by several years, the Amal lot. Again, it somehow turns out the Farmer Labor case. The Stalinist propaganda plays into the hands Wherever possible, it is necessary tical error, for he was immediately trials are so thoroughly rotten that this question at workers meetings. crowd. It was an unfortunate tac Tampa as brought out during the gamated Associatton is again reof Roosevelt because of the basic political perspec(Continued on Page 2)
campaign is a campaign for Roosevelt, What libel! Is it suggested that the Communist tive which directs it. There is nothing strange in to penetrate into the trade union burled to the ground. The special even this ultra conservative journal press. Everything must be done to deputy, one of those commissioned has been driven to expose them Party is betraying its class interests and lending ald this, nor would there be in their voting for Rooseprevent Stalin from physically ex during the late unlamented strike, after its own fashion.
velt, no more than there was in the vote for Benes SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION!
and comfort to the political agent of the enemy!
terminating tens of thousands of then fred into the crowd.
in Czechoslovakia. Does not their international poIf the number following your The infamous notion seems to have occurred even to Irreproachable young Aghters.
sition call for the support of democracy against fasthe minds of some of the following, for we find to The pamphlet, cleverly signed By JUNIUS WOOD name on the wrapper Question and Answer Box of Thursday Daily Work cism? Are they not prepared to democratic support March 25, 1986, Goodyear Worker, portrays the BARTOW, Fla. May 10. An er dealing with it. The Question is put hackwards: countries in wars against fascist countries? Do they Goodyear as a veritable Garden of unanswerable question to persons 71 a simple worker signing himself modestly not call for a brond people front of minimum reATTENTION Eden before the sake of unionism in this part of the country is why wants to know whether we shouldn stop criticizing form on non class lines, against the 200 families Max Shachtmann, editor of the arrived. The ugly lynch spirit per the mere flogging and tar and feath. your subscription Ine EX Roosevelt and concentrate our fire on the fight in France, against Wall Street and the Liberty New International will speak on vading the screed 18 well shown in ering of three men, one of them so PIRED. We urge you to send against reaction as represented by Hearst and the League in this country? Do they not call for neu Browder: the Man and His the following quotation. There is severely that he died, should at in your renewal by return mall, Liberty League. The Answer is stern, but friendly.
legislation, social security, an end to the conBooks, Wed, May 20th, P. another condition in the shop today tract such widespread attention in thu kuring the receipt of Irving Plan, Irving Place and that is there are some very the United States.
of course, the main emphasle. must by all means trol of the Torles, a people government? Whereln, your copy without interruption.
and 15th Street.
be laid on the necessity of combatting the Republi therefore, does their program distinguish itself from (Continued on Page Continued on Pago 4)
can Liberty League. Hearst combination, which is (Continued on Page 2)
of power.
Union Blooms Out of Their In Akron Own Mouths