AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceItalyMarxOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

POR MALTM SATURDAY, HAYA At the Auto Workers Convention French Radicals Hold Whip Hand Progressives Beat Dillon Machine The Meaning of the Elections in France Daladies de les vital federale. Terror Reigns Grant Wage (Continued from Page 1) ters are significant (N. Times, 1982, the Socialists polled a popu. May lar vote almost equal to that of (Continord from Pago 1)
The victory proved unexpected opposing the previous craft union once and for all, the progressive battle. Many of the militants apa finish and defeating the resolution forces against which the workers the Radicals. The electoral agree and even embarassing to the Stal: minded administration, the second forces passed a motion to refer it peared to realize this too, and ex.
ment between the Socialists and the inists because they were anxious text of their development showed back to the constitutional commit pressed that opinion.
indicals on the second ballot that the Radicals should be strong definite weaknesses which can not tee where it was forgotten.
worked to the advantage of the later in the new Chamber than the Sobe ignored.
The delegates have no illusions ter, and this cut down the Social cialists. But, as it turned out In that connection, a speech by about the ferocity of the struggle Election of Officials ist representation in the Chamber, everybody won except the true Rose Pesotta, of the International that will be waged against them. Continued from Page 1)
In 1932.
banner bearers of the People So strong was the desire of many Ladies Garment Workers Union, Speaker after speaker told of the parties form a bloc with the Radical Socialists which puts In commenting upon the results Front, the Radical Socialists.
delegates including the progressives speaking as a guest that afternoon, spy systems, the intimidation, the forward as its program exactly the program of the Radical of the election, the Daily Worker The Daily Worker pretends it is to obtain offices that instead of spiked the reactionaries on the red blacklists and other Socialists; which accepts as its outstanding leaders, both in remarks that the victory was even pleased at the outcome, and ex fighting out differences on basic is scare. She gave an eloquent plea brought into play to crush canton and out of Parliament, these same repudiated Radical Socialist Stalinists stem generally at a Toss the defent of the chemies of the stand, it was decided by the steer which was cheered by virtually United Rubber Workers left a dedchiefs; and which in the elections throws the working class vote for superlatives to racclaim their People Front: The defented Rading cominittee that election of of everyone. After her talk the issue nite impression and bullt up a new over to the Radical Socialist candidates. triumph.
Thus, Gannes says lenl Socialists were the doubtful cers should come first.
never came to the surface again. determination in the auto workers.
Flays Craft Union Regime If the Goodyear strikers did that the progressives, was chosen prestWhen every demand of history and every teaching of Marx shyly that the tremendous, even friends of democracy within the Martin, a compromise selection of ism called for an open and intransigent revolutionary proleta are comparable only to the Span Front who dared flirt with the re timer, of Cleveland one of the ver for the independent Industrial delegates adjourned, returning to Then came the memorable speech much, we can do the same, De The forces within the People dent. Previously Wyndham Mor of Richard Frankensteen, an obser troit delegate sald.
rian policy, for the hastening of the dissolution of the Radical ish election victory.
Socialist party by resolutely drawing the lower strata of its Comparison with Spanish Vote following behind the proletarian ranks under the banner of a From the standpoint of what the ical Premier Pierre Laval. were de became first vice president. Es craft unlon policies of the Green eve backed by the to union Fascist measures of ex Rad sives, was favored as candidate. He enoed. He scathingly denounced the the 10, 000 workers they represent revolutionary program, the Stalinists and Socialists of France stalinists acclaime as the great cisively rebuked and rejected. Hall, secretary treasurer, although regime. He criticized the ignorant have, through the People Front, been engaged in exhausting sains for the French masses, to Mays. ize the 450, 000 auto workers.
the energies of the proletariat for the sake of slowing down the French is to hold a candle up Defeated Despite People Front from his own territory, Wisconsin, against his untony pointing out that. However a speech by Charles While it is true that The Staliniste consciently forest in a deal. Wells, of Detroit, known had any attempt been made by the and president of the Typographical credit and prestige with the masses, salvaging their bankrupt proportionately the People Firme went down to defeat. aid so de came wind vice president, and them into the federation. He des such aid would take.
program, and aiding them in their loyal task of preventing the majority in each country (58 of spite the support of life People Goorse Addes, of Toledo, by no clared the of conduct in showd obtafere more of the shape of preparations for revolutionary struggle.
The disillusionment of the petty bourgeois masses with France. the Spanish and the Communists. Far from rebat means a thorough progressive, was the Motor Products strike where the product produced. The automothe total seats in Spain: 60 in Front, Le of the Socialists and of chosen secretary treasurer.
Dillon led seabs Into the factory Radical Socialism will not be permanently altered by changing combined obtained only a little over ing or rejectius any Radical, even the name of Radical Socialism to the People Front. Why one third of the seats carried by referenly Stablolete satelit Toome reminiscent of the rubber workers grace to unionism. Then be made we must night to maintain the should they pick up again what they have discarded merely for most two thirds for the French cate and clect every single one of test of a class struggle will show pledged to bring the union into the us continued life, liberty and the they are in large numbers turning not to the left but to the Inr vote of these two parties to Indie Natten 20 the State of the rubber worker progressives Workers while the delegates gave must learn it is good business to right, where at least there are confident leaders to speak out talled 600, 00 out of 10, 000, 000 histe rediset menecmooie padelbos turned reactionary in the Goodyear Mim a tremendous ovation. Ander: pay higher wases. Howard boldly for a new road and a new solution. The continuation received less than 60 of the Front Committee that every candison of the likewise took said, at a mass meeting.
The Red Scare a similar stand in his talk.
Support of Roosevelt also was of the People Front policy means that this trend of the petty seats in the bloc as neninst almost ante supported b: the bloe be asked company Inspired red scare It was clearly established that urged. In other words, a class colbourgeoisie will necessarily continue and increasc. When the 20 for the in France.
blows of history strip of the new clothes of the People Front It is not alment to prove that sram and his support of the govern through issuance of a fake leaflet two main ideas were in the auto laboration polley will be pursued to show more obviously the Radical Socialist skeleton bencath, most as a shock to the tab tumpers Girly cough the Cammunists. enger communists did not affect the what the thousands of workers in the most militant struggle can the huge factories think. Those bring any victory, as the Goodyear it will lose what attractive power it now has for the petty bour for the People Front not to alienate the Radicals hy elections.
geoisie, and they will drift faster toward the fascist camp. The Results Como as Shoek seeming to dictate to them, rejected In bitterness over the election re were UNITY of all unfors under strike proved.
the proposal.
sults, reactionary delegates intro the banner of INDUSTRIAL UN In conclusion, it must be said that proletariat can win and hold the petty bourgeois masses only Leon Blum, in an interview is The Daily Worker carefully duced a resolution to expel all IONTSM.
the number of young militants at by drawing them in under its own revolutionary banner, never sued to the French press, on the avoids any ditoint mention of known communists from the con Unity Probable Soon the convention offered real hope by creeping in under the tattered petty bourgeois tent.
eve of the first ballott modestly Herriot ease. Yet it is a secret to vention two hour debate ensued with tion including the seating of an in ers would base their fight for union Immediate plans for amalgama that the United Automobile WorkWhat has been changed in France by these clections, hailed own party, while siving the com friendly to the people Front, and militant Socialist delegates taking dependent union leader on the gen ismin a class struggle policy. In by the swarm of liberals, reformists, and social patriots as the munists 25, and the Radicals 15.
dawn of France salvation? Essentially, nothing. Even in the Fe is convinced that the Radical porting the pro Fascist measurem strongest opposition to the resolu Is therefore highly probable that magnates only such a polley offers Chamber of Deputies, in spite of the electoral shift, the basic crown the great middle class party of Laval it is certainly Eferriot who tion.
Instead of fighting the battle to auto workers.
unity will be established among the the correct program for victory.
As in the rubber strike, irrespecrelations are unaltered. The Communist and Socialist parties Chamber. The Manchester Cuar participated in Lavais enbinet together have only about 35 of the votes in the Chamber. dian Weekly. April 24. Blum Prophesies Collapse In this matter the Committee for tive of any particular leader or Industrial Organization was praised groups of leaders, future battles in Thus they can control legislation and governmental policy only. In the Daily Worker analysis of hy Frankensteen and Anderson the auto industry will assume auch with the assistance of the Radical Socialists, who have about the results of the first ballet we the Radicals, but the decisive in Frankensteen openly declared that magnitude and the auto workers 20. But this means that all measures actually taken will have victory. secondly. forecast ot gardless of whether or not the Rad and: first, a boast of the gront Hoeness or or not rhet Rama In Cuba to be Radical Socialist measures, and that any type or varia from at least 40 and possibly to leals received the largest delegation resentatives, Adolph Germer endly predict the development of cadres others, had brought them to the of class conscious, revolutionary tion of a People Front government could be in practice only deputier for the and, finally, it was obvious from the outset that minded militants by the very na(Continued from Pro 1) unity position.
another Radical Socialist government. The Radical Socialists the following astounding progno the next French Government would The Agrarian National Party It can be sald generally that the ture of the struggle.
keep the same relative position which they held in the last It is estimated that the French which is plainly dtyided in it and the Apristn Party, two petts CLO. because of the very nature Chamber.
Socialist Party will obtain 80 seats views toward the People Front bourgeois organizations.
In many important respects, the nominal majority of the in the next Chamblr and the Raai Leon Tum, for example prophesied The Confederation of La auto workers, played a more proPeople Front taken together with the minority position of the end Socialists will hold nbont 70. in his interview to the press shorts bor the and a host of agressive role than in the Goodyear strike where more baste questions Rise in Akron working class parties is an added danger rather than an im We can either accept this news ple Front would collapse in the The Havana Federation of were confronted.
Labor Party Resolution provement. For example, it enables the French bourgeoisic to dispatch (nllegedly from Paris) at next Chamber: Abent co Radicnls Labor, and the Socorro Obrero However, the credit for much of (Continued from Page 1)
Federation com carry through any social and economic measures which they see ita face value and conclude that the with right wing tendencies will The Havana outlawed unions of the progress made must be given to and boxes, and embellished with fit, from wage reductions to devaluation to war, and at the same Daily Worker was merely insuring leave the people Front organiza priser the cigar makers, building the active group of young militant sign. Moving Goodrich to Oak time to slough off all responsibility for such measures on to howling victory on the first ballot ennnot associate with a majority trades and office workers in that Socialists. They supported and Park, Pa. slap at the decentralthe People Front In this way, the bourgeoisie can convinc and predicting a disastrous defeat which includes Communists. city. The Socorro Obrero (Work fought for every point of the pro tration announcements of the past ingly maintain before the French masses that the continuing for the People Panthin ther. Find Loader of this group. One might organization, which takes care of numerous caucus meetings and ca None other than Herriot is the ers Aid) is a non partisan defense gram previously mentioned both in month.
With Goodrich marched its uniand increasing ills from which they suffer are actually due to be wildernehmen who come otted the have innocently imagined that when the prisoners from the Havana the convention floor, except the formed baseball team, and members the People Front and its inspirers, the working class parties. We will craspheck whor concerted the Herriot, for years the mayor corn Pederation, the Bolshevik Fanynhet Labor Party resolution and that believe it or not. the riding Thus the basis is laid for unanswerable propaganda to weaken cive the Radicals, that great mid Lyons. Lyons and Herriot the party and the anarchists. In con deserves special mention. club, gallantly bearing signs, Goodthe mass standing and authority of Socialism and Communism, dte class party not to but 170 seats two names are inseparable. failed trast to the Stalinist opportunism, Although Stalinist Influenced pro rich Riding Club the Horses are and to draw the petty bourgeoisie and even many layers of the The latter figure is the one prophef. clection on the first hallot, the the Socorro Obrero seeks to enlist gressives expected a bitter night and Resting.
Splendid Fraternal Delegations working class to the only other road to Fascism. It will be also ventured as an estimate in the lead in administering a rebuke and Amnesty Committee it stands out about the passing of the Gorman Throughout the parade observed that it is the policy of the People Front which has pages of Humanite.
a defeat in the run offs to the man hend and shoulders above the rest. resolution, the resolution was sup signs demanding the repeal of the placed the working class parties in this equivocal and possibly Eren after the ran of the who so obviously endangers their However, it forces are too small ported without any voice of oppost sales tax, condemning the Law and fatal position. To date, in drawing up the balance sheet of the Daily Worker tended to be reentire politicat plaming. Just the to change the situation at present. tion, without any debate.
Order League, and attacking the (Since the writing of this ar Bedaux system. Fraternal delegates People Front, the Socialist and Communist parties have paid sicioned Thugs tutoe het tekening the support of the Socialists and what does exist here is a system ticle the press reported the car. from Canton bore a large sig.
out: revolutionary theory, revolutionary policies, revolutionary healine or Mayz which proclaimed the communicate and mased ont his content on them whechie en pageance rying of a resolution endorsing BLACKLISTED! Republe Steel Roosevelt for re election. This Workers, and served as a reminder Front which is either no majority at all, or a majority for most conservative dispatch The salient aspects of the elec rate. United Cooperative has motion was put and passed as a that labor solidarity reaches every rider to the resolution urging the where. The Palmer match workers, the Radical Socialists, since the majority can be maintained which gave the Communists heton have been already outlined by teen formed within the prisons to us in last week article. It remains include political prisoners of every formation of a Farmer Labor carrying a sign, LOCKED OUT!
only at the whim and pleasure of the Radical Socialists. But tween 45 and 55 seats in the next only to add that the results of the shade. This co operative, in which party following a speech by Pres.
parliament. and did not breathe second ballot provide a striking both the Socorro Obrero and the and bearing on their shoulders what such a majority, far from representing an asset, is only an ad a word about the possibility of the veriftention of the manner in which participate, distributes mon ident Homer Martin, who ap were obviously huge imitation ditional liability, burdening the working class parties with all Radicals losing their dominant po the People Front katvages the nt ev, food, tobacco, books, etc. This cross the which is definite enough, would probably serve pealed to the delegates not to matches, but whichcariously the heay debts and crimes of Radical Socialism.
sition to the Socialista terly bankrupt party of the Radi work, which is a necessary auxilDistressed at New Set Up The election results do not alter by a hair breadth the ly committed to back Roosevelt fine picket clubs, were applauded cals.
iary to a defense movement, is the In 1936. Ed. constantly.
underlying causes of the French crisis. Unemployment, low the very thought of themselves orcional narty of French democra united anspices.
The Stalinists get the Sitters at The disintegntion of this trade only real activity carried on under Tt seemed that no one except the An encouraging sign, especially wages, high costs, the increasing misery of the lower strata of the Socialists, in the working ev, which is so marked in the face Stalinists took the resolution sert when it is remembered that Akron The Cuban government is ex ously. The delegates appeared recruits largely from southern the peasantry, high taxes, the threat of devaluation, the ap class parties having to oppose the of the joint support of both the tremel sensitive to American criti confused in their position and some Inbor, was the large number of proach of war: these remain now as they were a month ago. Fascists face to face even on the Socialists and the Communists, and cism of its policies. The protest to voted for and others apparently ab Negroes parading with the PittsAnd every year of modern history, especially every year since parliamentary arena. Accordinx to which must continuent an ever in President Roosevelt on conditions stained from voting burgh Valve local.
the last War, proves that the reformist schemes of the People ple Front, Prance can be saved a relationship of forces in the tisan Labor Defense, and signed by Significant Observation After the parade, a mass meeting As a Toledo delegate remarked was held in Grace Park Joseph Pront cannot change materially for the better a single one of from Pascism only provided that Chamber which places the greatest Norman Thomas, John Dor Passos, after the vote, What we are vitally Schlossberg of the Amalgamated the single possible answer: the workers revolution and socialism. class he interposed in rower he people Front. The collapse of the labor leaders and intellectuals in progressive industrial union. The stooge, Maurice Sugar of De And the French Fascists? Defeated by the parliamentary tween the lawless Fascists and the People Frent would signify a tre December, hnd strong repercussions Labor Party isn going to help. If trott.
a warriors of the People Front? Buried beneath the clouds of at the reonie Front is acceptab! of retrounment within the French from the Non Partisan Labor Deers after a real struggle against was a wonderful exhibition of the ballots? The very conception is sufficiently ludicrous. The to Herriot Daladier because it is workine des 1 whole, within fense that a broad movement in de the anto magnates that will mean Akron trade unions fresh, young Fascists participated only to a small degree in the elections. the program of lerriot. Paladie the Focielist Party, and even among ſense of Cuban workers is being es something to the workers. strength. Naturally the barons of For the most part, they swung their votes to the traditional he trimter: Its hymen, the Marseita Sunctur) when the Fasclets are as political tendencies, is the most in survey led this writer to the opin nappins. While throwing a nop As a matter of fact, careful the rubber Industry have not been Right parties, many of the lenders of which are more openlynis. That is why Philip can set inprepared to launch a general spiring information we have had ton expressed above that the auto the workers, they have been busy moving toward a Fascist position in recent months. Meanwhile, report with satisfaction the fol. ffensive monta come as a great here in the ear since the terror workers are a hundred fold inore solidifying the forces of reaction.
the ranks of the Fascists are intact. Their knives and revolvers lowing: hoon to the French working class bekan.
Interested in building a union by At Goodyear the police force is be and machine guns and armored cars and tanks and airplanes In estimate the degree of which can expert no counsel from We urge the class conscious trect class struggle than in any ing augmented, the Law and Orare safe and growing in number. Their influence in the army redzess of the new majority, it Blum Daladier Cachin except be American workers to help build this Labor Party.
der League 1s initiating a low does slonld be notert that at nearly trayal and no action except capitu defense movement. International is mounting. They prepare systematicallv, in their own fash all the electoral meetings, even It hardly need be pointed out paying unlon, and it is entering the jon, for the struggle ahead. And French finance capital directs the Communist cars, the Tricolor solidarity can act as a springboard that such a struggle for elementary political arena The first serious test, and there for the Cuban struggle for demo rights will necessarily take on res. Everything points to new and their progress, holding them temporarily in check from too flag of the French Republic was sulting disintegration of the vic cratic rights.
olutionary aspects because of the glorious struggles ahead!
precipitous action before it is needed. Finance capital makes tied to form the centerpiece over fors may come even prior to the the platform. The Marseillaise convocation of the new Chamber it its business to learn from history: and the lessons of Italy, was strz as fustily as the Inter over the question of the devaluaGermany and Austria were not taught it in vain. It knows that nationale. and these small mat tion of the franc.
EARL BROWDER Political Book Review of What crucial political issues are not settled by ballots.
Is Commumism and Communism The proletariat THE MAN AND HIS BOOKS France will do well to follow such in action; and of the Fase the in the United States. By Earl example. Its basic struggle must be transferred from parlia workers defense must be armed and organized. The answer to Browder.
SPEAKER ment to the streets and the countryside. The subordination of the crisis of France must be given boldly: the workers revoluthe proletariat to the program and tactics of the petty bour tion.
With a Few Side Remarks on To MAX SHACHTMAN Repisie hrough the People Front must be resolutely broken. But each of these tasks, without the accomplishment of wards Soviet America, by William Editor of the New International Foster and Why his Book Was The People Front itself must be smashed through, and in its which the workers of France are doomed to the fate of their Suppressed.
place, to secure concerted and coordinated action, must be built German comrades, demands as its first and decisive pre tondiIRVING PLAZA HALL the fighting united front of the workers, which will draw behind tion the reassembling of the revolutionary forces of the French 15th ST. and IRVING PLACE How Browder Became the Be it the lower ranks of the petty bourgeoisie. The revolutionary proletariat, the forging of the revolutionary party, which can loved Leader and his Career Under slogans must be brought before the masses, and made concrete alone achieve the victory, Two Flags WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th Sp.
were lation