BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1936 France at the Crossroads IR Ileu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of In Defense of Terrorismº In the Dark of Night the Prepares The New Betrayal for China Members of CP An Unnoticed May Bolshevik LenDay Funeral Are Kept in inists Point Ignorance The Way From Pacifism to Social BRITISH WORKERS AND WAR Stalinism: Yesterday and Today By LEON TROTSKY (Concluded in this issue) lle, or the struggle for the overthrow that it is even assured to endure as fighters but doelle functionaries, ad To pretend that Herriot Daladier of capitalism. The tollers of France long as Mussolini has been able to Jutants, errand boys. It is by reason funeral, unnoticed and unare capable of proclaiming war are faced with the problem of the maintain himself. Beginning with of this that the Third International remarked, marched with the May against the 200 families that rule revolutionary conquest of power not Italy or Germany, the twilight of Day parade. It was the funeral France is to dupe the people shame as a distant goal but as the task fascism would quickly spread into is putrefying so infamously amia of the myth of Soviet China.
the historical situntion so rich in lessly. The 200 familles do not hang of the unfolding period. Meanwhile, France as well. To build revolu: great revolutionary possibilities.
By LI PU JEN The Friends of the Chinese verifiable facts concerning the subsuspended in mid air but are the the socialist and communist leaders tlonary party in this, the least fa (Translated from Struggle Organ People who have been the foreThe Inevitable Regroupment ordination of the interests of the crown of the system of finance cap not only renounce the revolutionary vorable varlant, is to bring nearer most defenders of Soviet China proletariat to those of the bour of Communist League of China)
ital. To cope with the 200 familles mobilization of the proletariat, but the hour of vengeance. The wise The Fourth International rises on SHANGHAI Conversations be on the American Stalinist liberal Ecoiste under the direct aegis of it is necessary to overthrow the resist it with all their strength. acres who shy away from the unthe shoulders of its three predeces tween some of our comrades and front, marched on May Day withthe Comintern would indict the real nese Soviets, single authors of the catastrophe and the maintenance of which Herriot they hound and expel the Bolshe the conditions are not mature the front, the sides and the rear that at least some of the rank andstrike a blow at the Stalinist cult and Daladier are just as interested viks. So greatly do they hate the merely reveal that they themselves that even mentioned the workers cowards, philistines Ale of the Chinese Communist Party as Plandin and de la Rocque. The revolution and dread it! Under have not matured for the condi have nothing to seek in our ranks. are not finding it easy to swallow and peasants of China, nor a sin was placed on the leadership, infallibility. Hence the blame issue here is not a struggle of the these conditions, the worst role 18tions.
The percentage of sectarians and the new line for China the regle placard against the Kuominespecially Chen Tu halu, who today nation against a handful of mag played by those peudo revolution Building the Cadres tang!
adventurists, inevitable at the be establishment of the bloe of four Support the liberation movestands in the ranks of the Fourth nates as Humanite pictures it but ists of the type of Marceau Pivert the struggle of the proletariat who promise to overthrow the bourThe Marxists of France, as well shuning, is winnowed away as the classe which led to the catastroment of the Chinese people, Internationalists, and is a prisoner movement grows. Let pedants and phie defeat of the Chinese revoluof the Kuomintang.
against the bourgeoisie. It is a geoisie, but only with the permis as those of the entire world, must seeptics shrug their shoulders about tion in 1925 27. Support the patriotic movement in a question of the class struggle which son of Leon Blum!
of the Chinese students, Sup Comrade Chen Tuhalu has for can be resolved only be revolution course of the French labor move inning, but on an infinitely higher small organizations that issue They cannot stomach the idea of port the People Republie of years been hounded and defamed The strikebreaking conspiracy of ment for the last twelve years has historical level than their predeces small papers and fing a chal being harnessed once again to Outer Mongolia, Withdraw the by all the hacks of Stalinism be the People Front has become the placed the task of creating chief obstacle on this road.
per conditionarea peres on the order extremely dificult by the fall of the resolutioniste pwede sangentepten er laget to conto tome da li se these were the slogans under scapegoat. because he insisted on e new sors. Progress is at first rendered tem seu contine entire worlcon Serpong Chinese and shouldest charioteeme ho American forces from China. cause he refused to become a silent It is impossible to say in advance the day.
how much longer the semi parlia.
great catastrophe and drawing lesThe question whether events will famous than the fall of the social The October Revolution also offee the well known method of decep The Soviets, which are now to semi Bonapartist minis allow sufficient time for its for democracy in 1914. The new cadres began with its swaddling clothes. tion. But to do this they have had give way to a new bloe of four sons from it for the future. He mentary, The mighty Russian parties of o conecal from the membership of classes were silently interred. was and is traduced and vilified tries will continue to succeed one mation is to engage in the most are being recruited slowly, in a cru With what contempt Chinese and standered, not because he comanother in France and in general fruitless of all occupations. His: el struggle against the united front Social Revolutionaries and Menshe the party large portions of the workers would regard these mitted mistakes fatal for the revo through what concrete stages the tory has absolutely inexhaustible against the reactionary and patri. viks who made up the People Seventh Comliteru congress docucountry will pass in the next period. resources in the domain of different Itle bureaucracy in the working Front with the Cadets, crumbled meats. riends if they knew anything lution, but because he would not This depends upon the world and variants, historical forms, stages, class. On the other hand, these very into dust, in the course of a few Our comrades quoted to the about them!
agree to deceive the workers and national economic conjuncture, accelerations, and retardations. Un alfculties, which did not descend months, under the blows of a young Stalinists Wan Mo offer act as a cover for Stalin and Co.
upon the degree of strategy of Ital. der the influence of economic dim. upon the proletariat accidentally handful of fanatles of Bolshe to give Chiang Kal shek an oppor. literature has not enlightened them. The facts of history cannot forto be course of events in Spain, and last maturely and suffer a defeat. This for the correct selection and the cial democracy, the German Com against the Chinese people. Boll of the policies pursued and the real of the Chinese tollers we shall drag but not least in importance upon would imply a long respite. Con tempering of the first detach munist party and the Austrian so shevik, Moscow, November, 1935. sons why a great revolutionary them out into the light day and the awareness and the activity of trariwise, it may occupy tempoments of the new party and the cial democracy died an ignoble Only a Maneuver movement ended in one of the most warn all honest revolutionaries to death under the blows of fascism.
the advanced elements of the Fixing position too long and thereby new International. Ah, they retorted, that only vicious and French proletariat. The denouement increase the chances in favor of the Only a very tiny section of the The exhwhich is drawing close a maneuver. Thnt is what the olutions destructive counter rev. be on their guard against the Stalin modern history. inist falsifiers. We shall neglect brought closer by the con revolutionary organizations The cadres of the Comintern began its for the European peoples will bureaucrats are telling them, that Wan Min therefore feels quite no means to expose their lies and vulstons of the tranc. closer col People Front may go to smash revolutionary education from the sweer out of the working class the new offer of a united front is safe in perpetrating the most blat their slanders.
laboration between France and against its own contradictions be outset of the war, prior to the Octo without leaving trace all that is being made only to expose Chiang aut falsehoods, in poisoning the proEngland can postpone it. In any fore fascism is able to engage in a ber revolution. Almost all these equivocal and rotten. All the Jou as a traitor who is not prepared to litical atmosphere and thereby preThe Real Culurit: Then and Now have For Bolshevik. Leninists case the death throes of democra general battle: this would signity ements, without a single exception, haux Citrines, Blums Cachins, nght for China independence. paring the destruction of the third nothing in common with the metli We asked them if they had seen Chinese revolution. Between Wan ods of Stalinism.
period than the duration in Ger in the parties of the working class ternational e anext oldet stores and phantom oferea echtes of the the documents of the Seventer Con: Min and the accomplishment of his ood tell the whole treho. com ceroticos Bruener Papen Schleicher: but this tionaty vanguard does not stop it from being the mass movements as In Toulon and easier. But only an insignificant another. new regroupement in the the rank and file only careful Leninists, organized in the Communothing Only this way can pas Spontaneous October Revolution. This was much storiously leave the stawe one after ership, we learned, hands down to experiences become useful lessons nist League of China.
death throenDemocracy will be Brest may attain a wide sweep and portion has remained even of this workers ranks in inevitable. Young selected excerpts. So we quoted to teach the workers to turn their stalinists, truth is dangerous. They We shall for a victorious future. For the swept away. The only question is is a en the were prepared to forsive Chen Tu by whom?
revolutionary lever. Finally, even majority of the present cadres of and blood. Victory is conceivable which has been used by Wan Min corrupt masters whom he serves.
hslu his opportunist errors and The struggle against the 200 the victory of fascism in France, the Comintern adhered not to the only on the basis of the methods of abroad in several of his recent arCovering Their Criminal Past familles. against fascism and war. which is theoretically not excluded Bolshevik program, not to the rev Bolshevism, to the defense of which teles claborating the new line, eren invited him to Moscow to for peace, bread and liberty, and does not mean that it will reign for olutionary banner, but to the Sov this volume is dedicated, notably the following: The Stalinista can only cover talk things over. They defended other beautiful things is elther a1 1, 000 years as Hitler prophesies, orlet bureaucracy. These are not March 26, 1936.
The setting up of such a pro their shameless present by cover. Chen Tu hslu against the Oppostgram for a broad anti imperialist in their criminal past. Thus, tu ton during the revolution precisely ing in common with the pacifist fighting front of the Chinese people line pursued in 1925 27, Wan Min Stalin Instructions. His real crime Patriotism line. We do not for a moment ex is not a maneuver on the part of ascribes full responsibility to the In the eyes of the Stalinists consistclude military defence against Fase the Communist Party ism on one condition and one serious matter as the defense of the headed by Chen Tuhalu. Wan catastrophe of 1927. his refusal to a crime to mantiver with such opportunists in the leadership ofed in his refusal afterward to cover Party, up the role of the Comintern in the condition only, namely, that we people against imperialist robbery, Min is careful to point out that in bend the knee and take the rap.
have a country to defend. We shall One inay maneuver with and 1927 It was not the anti Imperialdefend Workers Britain, as an in nainst the enemy but not at the ist united front tactles themselves Stalinism in China will lead to new The new opportunist une of tegral part of the World Worker a liberty and freedom the Com that were at fault.
the oppor disasters it runs counter in every Republic of the future World Sovmonists defend selflessly.
League while the Trade Union bloc, port of imperialist war in certain let Union, aglust Fascism with ev.
line and syllable to the interests of To which Wan Min added But Wan Min prefers not to turn the Chinese revolution. The MosBy London)
When the workers of Britain Party, is wholehearted in its sup against an aggressor, in the citse then we shall fight our own expolley is a manenver, then why do the Problems of the Chinese Rev defend the Soviet Union by hay.
abandoned their rifles in the year port of the League and Sanctions olution in which he declared, ing the Chinese Communists re1918, a tremendous peace psycholo and only criticises the policy of the of war for the collective system ploiting class. we shall not let our you not try to expose our maneu among many other similar remarks: nonnce the revolutionary struggle weised hold of the British work. National Government because it of imperialism, in the case of war to selves be dragged Into warring for ver by your honest participation in ing class movement. Old jingoes does not so far enough to satisfy preserve the nation and its demonet of masters against another, the anti imperialist nnited front? The student youth (revolutionary and join Chiang Kai shek in a This is the Leninist line.
youth. the working youth, the People Government. But this like Blatchford and Hyndman were Sir Walter Citrine, Bevin, and com. cratic institutions. It is here that Staggered by True Facts peasant youth all these are a would be disastrous not only for the significance of the attempt Last of Leninist Line pusbed to the back of the stage and pany. Outside the labor Party all Our young Stalinist auditors force which can advance the revo the Chinese revolution but for the the pacidst elements came to the the Socialist groups are against the to exploit the fact of Soviet parti. That was the last of the Leninisted at these quotations. Theylution with seven league boots, if Soviet Union for such a govern front. Year after year, at Labor League and sanctions with the ex cipation in the League of Nations line so far as the British Commu were at first so incredulous that it should be subordinated to the ment not only will be unable to Party Conferences and Trade Untonception of the Communist Party.
in order to revive the weakening nist Party is concerned. Within a they thought we had cooked them Ideological and political influence of stem the tide of Japanese imperialCongresses resolutions against war Stalinist Policy isin but will, on the contrary, comwere endorsed to the accompaniDoes it appear from this that it promise with it and drown in blood ment of long, windy speeches usual.
by delivered by MacDonald, Snow for a hobettone to police Lube a part ng class to subordinate itself to the cist Italy, for a Labor sovernment sources setuptor aud verst. They the revolutionary struggle of the which the real defense of the so The latter body is now pushing preach the obligation per the wore were in full cry for the League of part of every Stalinist educa viet Union resides.
Nations was extolled as an instru Imates to that of the Labor and le is here that lies the significance set of masters in France against did not think we were counter revis ik not abundantly clear that Chen Against this peridious attempt ment of peace and security.
The Trade Union bareaucracy sarfa come of the preaching of hypothetical another set of nasters in Germany. Olutionaries, but they did not yet Tu hiu was faithfully carrying out at betrayal every Chinese revolubuked for their abuse of the League cerned. This remarkable position is Fascism. It is here that lies the against the Pascist capitalists. The them. They asked for more discus formulated by Stalin and the come with Stalinismo Bulathe new retra and their refusal to join the im worth studying Whatever fault significance of the spreading trust British Communists have found sion and of course we readily as intern?
could be found in the propaganda of in a future Labor Government as new allies in the Christian organperialist robbers.
olutionary party of the Fourth Insented.
For Wan Miu and his similar to ternational, the only guarantee of On their left tank, the Laborites the British Communist Party be an instrument of peace. What is izations, the Liberals and even the We showed them our paper, state this fact and all the other triumph for a revolutionary China!
were attacked by the Communist tween the years 1920 and 1985. Hobe our answer to these left, mcifist, Tories, with whom they have now Struggle. This impressed them who declared that the polley of the nunciation of the League of Nations ments is support of future imper alleged Peace Councils. The Com ints are pulvlishing absolutely nothLabor Party was a betrayal of the as a League of Bandits.
talist war. Our answer remains the munist member of parliament, ink here now, except occasional working class, while on the right, The propagandn organization of Leninist the line of interna. Gallacher, in his maiden speech, leaflets containing simple sloga the young Tory die hards sneered the League, known as the League of tional Socialism from Marx and called for a People Government And here, our small group, without at the socialist pacifists and alleged Nations Union was declared to be Engels, from Stuttgart and Baste composed of the best elements in the financial aid of Moscow, was that they were seeking cushy Jobs an excellent Agit. Prop. Depart. up to today. We need more than all partics, and in the struggle bringing out an excellent, priuted, MILWAUKEE, Wis. Apr. 27 follows: at Geneva. First: While wages, hours and Pledge to Support Gov munist Review. July, 1927. Even become entangled in the line of Union, honest left wing workers meeting ended with all five digging Calling upon the whole labor move time to time the war danger threat munist International, produced in every question of war solely from bureaucracy but also against the contributing five collar for the workers, on the ground that the so great that they would stand in As the years rolled on and from the revised programme of the Comimperialist polletes, but to judge have to fight against the reformist into their pockets and collectively ment to support the strikes of working conditions are involved, Hearst Wisconsin News editorial differences on these points are not ened to explode the reformist para 1928 and still circulating in Britain the standpoint of the working class new line of the Stalinists who are per as the Communist Programme re revolution. The workers under even more enthusiastle for the it fallen lectively right to organize and bargain col the way of wettlement, especially in die main tssue, the main view of the fact that the Gulia Trades has at AS It was only Russia, China, or revolutionary Holy Alliance of im Must we not defend our country timers themselves. All this contu runks of the of the Seventh today issued a formal statement fortitude of compromise on these South America that was threatened erialist powers. Stalin, himself against Fascism? Is not pacifism in ion favor the war makers but de Congre Meches and reports in the information and guidance of points.
then the usual protests to the In Leninism describes the league suche conditions equivalent to our spilte desperate efforts on the part wall their glory! The Stalinist union members and friends. Second: As to the statement of League were made and that was all as an organization designed to render to Fascism? The revolution of the social patriots, the British Burcanerats here Interpret the new Hints of general strike were mask war preparations and as late ary answer is clear. We hold noth working class is still against war. policy is a maneuver in order to The statement is signed by mem the management that it has not in sometimes made but by 1984 this as August, 1984, the Young Com.
Bet their followers to swallow it, bers of a committee appointed by terfered with its employes joining while the Comintern pundits in the Council to investigate and re the Guild, the fact is that while proposition was definitely scrapped munst League at a Youth Conferand the Trade Unions and the la ence held at Sheffield issued a Moscow (Wan Min, Manuilsky) deport on the strike of the Milwaukee they may not in so many words. BOOKS bor Party were pledged to an Manifesto in which they state that signate such a conception as a Newpaper Guild against the Wis have stated that its employes erime.
consin News. The committee mem should not join the Guild, it has let finchingly support our government the League of Nations is not an Wan Min Crooked Calculations bere are Fredrick, general or does not favor the organization of it been generally known that it In all Maks and consequences of instrument for stopping war but is Biographies of Revolutionists.
fulfilling its duty to take part in a means of preparation for war.
ganizer of the Council; Herman the editorial workers FREDERICK ENGELS: Biography by Gustav Mayer. 50 Wan Min exegesis in justifica Selde geral secretary of collective action against a perce But the last blow for the Lenin line was struck by no less a person than The long awaited study of the life of Karl Marx close cotion of the new line proceed, with Council: and Otto Jirikowic, mem Third: As to the statement that breaker. Palme Dutt, lending theorist of worker by his official biographer. The first and only study of characteristic contempt for revolu ber of the executive board.
it has met with representatives of This line was followed up a year the British Communist Party. In Engels in English.
timuary cadres, on the two assumpthe Guild to discuss demands and later, when the Italian Ethiopian The report states flatly that the grievances, the fact remains that it tions which have become the comhis editorial notes in the Labor KARL MARX: The Story of His Life by Franz Mehring. 95 war crisis was debated, by a steain. Monthly for January, 1935. Dutt mont yardstick for all the Stalinist Wisconsin News has assumed an has refused to carry such meetings rollered resolution at both the criticises the Southport Conference Completed in 1918, this book has long been considered the most falsifiers. First, he assumes that open shop anti unton attitude to to a logical conclusion by refusing exhaustive study of Marx life and words. It appears now for Trade Union Congress and Labor decisions of the Labor Party. In the the older generation ward Its editorial employes. The lo the first time in English with an appendix by all old co worker Chinese to consider entering into any sort Party Conference calling for sine light of what has happened since.
revolutionists is for the most part cal management of the paper, evt. of agreement. Such an attitude is a of Mehring. Eduard Fuchs, which summarizes the findings of tions against Italy to be operated these comments are worth quoting through the League of Nations in full Riazonov and the Marx Engels Institute since 1918.
fallen into passivity and no longer tions of the head management of denial of the principle of collective These decisions went far to assure VIE DE LENINE: Jeunesse by Leon Trotsky. 75 participate in the revolutionary the Hearst Publications, has taken Fourth While it is true that the return of the National Govern Dutt Answers Dutt The first volume of Trotsky biography of Lenin. Not avail. struggle. He expects no challenge the position that editorial workers the Wisconsin News has a union ment at the General Elfction and The greatest danger lies in the able in English.
from that quarter. Second, he shall not organize and that the shop agreement with local unions MY LIFE: mpt at an Autobiography by Leon they also produced a tumult inside pacifist and imperialist confusionist and outside the ranks of the Labor maneuvers and its channels of in knows that the younger generation management will not recognize or covering employes in its mechanical Trotsky. Published Price 00; Our Price 50 Party fluence in the working class move.
The political biography of the great revolutionist written five in the events of 19:25 21, any more tions of such workers, the state stitute a distinct discrimination There are three main groups at ment to disrupt the united working years ago and recently subjected to wychological trent than Wan Min himself dia. wan ment continues.
against other categories.
ment by Malcolm Cowley.
work Inside the labor Party upon clas front and replace it by support Min was a young student at Sun Refutes Hearst Charges In supporting the strike, the JOHN REED: The Making of a Revolutionary by Granville the question of sanctions, and many of rival imperialist policies. It is Yat sen University in Moscow from Convinced by its investigation statement concludes, it is complying Hieks.
of their members are also against here that lies the whole significance. 50 1926 to 1920. He went there orig. that the management has consis with the request of William Green, The only study of the life of the brilliant author of Ten Days the league as being a sham and a of the role of the Labor Party Exec.
inally as a Kuomintang member, tently endeavored to becloud this president of of Affiliated That Shook the World.
fake. The Christian Socialists, per ntive, not only in its international not a Communist. He banks on main issue and mislead the pub local unions are urged to give morsonified by Lansbury are against fight against the united front, but LABOR BOOK SHOP the fact that the present day Com lic the committee takes up point al and financial support, and to parsanctions but not against the in its whole Southport line of sup28 East 12th Street, New York City munists have no personal recollec by point the management state tipate in picketing before the Wistions of that period and Stalinistments and its own conclusions, as consin News building Milwaukee Labor Council Urges Unions Aid News Strike