BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSS ConstitutionWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 18 WHOLE NO. 70 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1936 PRICE CLER Comrades!
Radicals Hold Whip Hand solidarity Terror Reigns In French People Front In Cuba Their Aid is The Meaningofthe Vital to French Elections and Plans Progressives Triumph at Hundreds AutoWorkers Convention Jailed and Tortured The Comununist Party scored the rublished in this issue. takes for here this week at the second con convention after the retreat of Hitler could not remain in power longer than bare six months tion to 16, and replacing the Rad. TANT has published what news basthousands of auto workers are by a crucus of 140 delegates held dictatorship, signalizes an effort by the Cu coming period.
Wis largely due to the refusal of been almost no international aid formosed to Green appointed prel (4) approval of a democratie con continuance of the white terror. No Every Rubber Co te operation of police or right to long Grant Wage Increases Widespread Support Needed Against Reaction On the Arst day of the General Strike of 1935 in Cuba, our com rade, Cresencio Freyro, leader of By JOHN WEST the Bakers Union of Cuba, WAS COLD and sober analysis necessary in order to estimate at Social Patriotic Policies seized by Batista gunmen. They their true value the results of the French elections. Dema Hold Sway in New attempted to force him to pick out Dillon Green Machine Receive Smashing gogues, liberals, and reformists are at liberty to spin out dreams Left Coalition ers. to refused; and the gunmen and illusions; it is the business of Marxists to base their theoDefeat; Plan of Action Drafted retical and practical conclusions on an understanding of reality. The final results of the run offs took him to an open field and ma chine gunned him to death, and By JACK WILSON Homer Martin, vice president, took If we were to accept the Stalinist account of the French elec in the French clections avec se left him there to rot.
Since then other comrades have resurgence of the labor morement chairman. The union had won its SOUTH BEND, Ind. May 4 the platform to act as temporary Batista tions, we would now believe that the danger of Fascism in France seats out of a total of 618 to the Attempts to has passed, that the crisis in France is in a position to be solved called People Front. In the old heen murdered and others have in the auto industry that has wide autonomy!
Cover Up by rapidly and tranquilly under the benign aegis of the People Chamber these sume parties held died in Batista dungeons. The re possibilities can be expected follow Tasks Before the Convention strained news report from Cuba, ing the progressive actions taken Front majority. Unfortunately, we remember other Stalinist 304 seats out of 611.
Two major tasks confronted the Investigation accounts of other events: We remember how, in the autumn of 1932, the decline in the Nazi vote in Germany proved to the largest and seemingly most sensa. Tantel a knowledge of the depth vention of the United Automobile Green and Dillon; adoption of a tonal gains, adding 62 seats, and few American workers have any of the Cuban terror. Unfortunately, Workers of America. Special to New Militant)
progressive program which would satisfaction of the Comintern analysts that the power of Hitler Increasing its total in the Chamber den of the concrete conditions un rubber workers convention of last ful unton and the selection of good of the Congress, calling for an In HAVANA, April 30. The action Similar in many respects to the afford a basis for building a powerof the Cuban Supreme Court and it was so stirringly prophecied by these same brave augurs that ex seats, increasing its representa: struggles today. The NEWMILI call, the sessions brought a forte leaders to carry out that program. vestigation of recent murders of program had been drawn up bourgeois opponents of the Batista ical Socialists, who dropped from seeped ont. glance at the bourgeois press during the past few days 151 116 Chabelar bent een President Roosevelt, circulated by through the factories and what steering committee of 12 was support.
The vigorous protest to thinking. what unrest is sweeping a month previous to the convention. Batista to broaden the base of his might alone be enough to cause a doubt or two to begin with. paritaining the Chambres, Paul on the Non Partisan Labor Defense, course might be traveled in the chosen at that time to lead the night Any investigation made will be outcome. The Times notes that little difficulty is to be expected Union received 26 seats (1e1nx 13. the outlawed political parties, the capidesha eriminal poileles of progressive bloc who were advised Batista hopes, however, to make Socialist and ban terror the smashed unions for its approval.
a farce, for the murders were comfrom sudden changes in French foreign policy, since all of the the Independent Socialists recente labor and progressive leaders as am Green. of La president, 65 the Committee for Industrial peace with his bourgeois opponenta The program of this essentially mitted by Batista own gunmen.
proposals for strong national defense. The New York Eveningsdent. acarmunsts kept the seafs rate of the proper se night and dance who defended craft unionism at organization ineluded. the end! Hearing ontlased Post, in a long editorial, notes that the elections were a great they had in the previous Chamber. we published the full text of that the convention, marked the opening ing of the probationary period of ranizations and imprisoned nearly What the Gains Mean protest in our issue of January 11, session.
the union with Dillon as president: tive thousand workers, sharecropblow both at fascism and at communism. Ludwig Lore, in It should be noted that the seven the terror has gone on systematiSo well remembered were the two (2) establishment of an Industrial pers and intellectuals Batista his post colunn, in the midst of his song of victory, pauses told increase in the Communist repcally.
years of splitting betrayal, auto union within the confines of the wants to unite all the respectable Front is no more radical than Roosevelt New Deal. In France flect the gains of this party on the families who are under the charge cies which nearly destroyed the la question to be carried to the maintain the status quo.
parenthetically to observe that the program of the People resentation does not corroetly re The political prisoners and their cratie control, and the other poll. of with the jurisdictional elements of the population to itself, the repudiated premier, Sarraut, was so overwhelmed electoral arem. Its popular vote of the petty hourgeois liberals and hor movement in the auto industry of convention. 3) amalgama: Conciliation and White Terror was about double that of the 1932 the receive financial aid for which Green and the majority tion of the independent unions such as not to find it necessary even to resign.
of the executive board of the Fas the and the former Batista conciliatory nternational connecgestures What has changed in France? What is the significance of delerntion in the vid Chamber tions. So far, however, there has of Le were responsible, that the 215 Coughlinite Infuenced union with the relations benog tiorem borarecoille Automobile these elections?
the Stalinists to make any sort of the prisoners adhering to the HaWithout doubt, the elections record the movement further electoral greements with either vana Federation of Labor, the Sodent, Francis Dillon. stitution allowing all political libiny passes without someone being to the left large sections of the French proletariat and the the Socialists of the Radicals in corro Obrero, and the Bolshevik Green and Dillon Trounced erties to membership. 5) and the murdered. New hundreds are im.
1932. As a result, the vote in many Leninist party. Every class conlower peasantry. This is marked sufficiently by the spectacular cases was split three ways, to the scious worker is duty bound to give and Green of their polieles met with which the Stalinists naturally had attending tabor meetings. Scores lame defense by both Dillon Gorman Labor Party resolution prisoned for no other offense than increase in the Communist vote, and the substantial increase in advantage of the Right and the financial aid to these victims and no sympathy or response foisted upon the delegates. 6) an are tortured. Only strong young the Socialist vote, making the representation of the latter party Center parties.
men can survive imprisonment 10 their families. Here it is not merely delegate was prepared to battle at immediate organization drive.
the largest in the new Chamber. This, in turn, is a symbol of Nor is the rise of the Socialist a case of international solidarity, any cost a continuation of the an. The program carried in its en Cabana Fortress: older men die soon.
the deeper process which has been unfolding in Ifrance during Party to supersede the Radicals It is a case of supporting the strug tiquated craft union policies. In tirety. Without an understanding What is needed here, above all the past three years: the gradual cleavage of the French popu French general elections have been than we do the common yoke of lon and Green withdrew While the ever, the program lacks much con Is a powerful defense movement lation into the two mighty divisions of the basically opposing going left since 1994; and in American imperialism.
delegates cheered and cheered. The tent in so far as accurate analysis The kind of defense work known class forces.
Contined on Page We ask all our readers to send two men left repudiated, disgraced. is concerned.
in America is a physical fmposer But, first and last in commenting upon these elections, it funds for Cuban political prisonere, failures in their effort to organize The senting of the 37 militant bility under the Batista dtctator.
must be observed that the increase in the votes of the workingin care of the Non Partisan Labor the auto industry because of their Toledo delegates was the first ques. For example, we need to em Defense. 22 East 17 Street, New false policies.
tion considered. Since the Dillon ploy lawyers for courtroom fighte class parties occurred at the expense not of the Right but of York City It was highly significant that opposition was the main problem before the general strike of 1936: the Center of the Radical Socialist and the lesser petty bourGreen and Dillon made sneh a serland he had left the convention, now there is not a lawyer left in ANNOUNCEMENT ous retreat, one that further im these delegates had little difficulty the whole of Cube who will accepe strength, actually gained more than twenty seats in the new Max Shachtman lecture has pairs the already badly damaged in obtaining recognition. Dillon the defense of worker or radical reputation of the craft union domhad claimed Toledo had no charter for fear of government reprisal.
Chamber. Thus, even on the electoral field, we find on examinabeen postponed from Sun. May Inated executive hourd of the the and was outlaw union since it The real work of defense move tion that the mighty blow to reaction turns out to be the 17th, to Wed. May 20th at P. Of It indicates that their posi refused last fall to bust the power ment, then, cannot be in the court hallucination of bureaucratic minds: the Right emerges from The subject will be Earl Browdtion has become so weak among ful union of 16 plants into separate room, but must begin with mass the elections not weaker but stronger.
AKRON, Ohio. May Goodyear, workers in basic industry that they locals. It had paid up its delinquent pressure on the authorities. This er, the Man and His Books. the fear to make a fight for it! per capita tax.
means meetings, lightning demonThe increase in the votes of the working class parties, as Firestone, and Goodrich, the three place, Irving Plaza Hall, Irving Jubilant progressive and the Although nearly all the delegates strations, leaflets, underground it well as the increase on the Right was, then, accomplished at the titans of the world rubber indusPlace and 15th St.
other delegates shouted and cheered acted in progressive manner by erature, systematic diffusion of expense of the parties of the Center, above all of the Radical try, early this week announced in a wild scene of enthusiasm as (Continued on ARO 4) news to other countries, especially Socialists. The Radical Socialist Party, for many years the percent for all production workers.
to the United States, a militant largest parliamentary party in France, will enter the new It need not be imagined that policy of mobilizing the ranks of the shattered unions outlawed Chamber with approximately twenty fewer representatives than these increases came from the comlabor parties. all of which has the Socialist Party. Thus these elections demonstrate incon varons whose capacity for good been conspicuously absent for the testably the truth of the Marxist prediction that under the works and kind deed is well past seven months or more.
impact of the process of basic class differentiation the petty known. They came because big Amnesty Committee Ineffective The National Committee for Am bourgeois parties of the Center must necessarily disintegrate, boys are quinking in their rubber nests for Social and Political Prietheir following sifting out into one class division or the other boots before the demon of rampant unionism which the Goodyear strike oners has falled to act as the center The relations in the Chamber do not, however, indicate by any has unleashed.
for ancha defense movement.
means the full extent of the disintegration of the Radical Social The full extent of this victory is going on to replace the Soviet Behind the Kremlin walls work By Leon Trotsky store their privileges In propor the past eight months, It has met tion as the objective possibility for but once, and then it came together ists. Further evidence is provided by the fact that many of can be savored only by those per constitution by a new one, which, be disenfranchised only by the the exploitation of man by man is at the call of the Bishop of Havana, the most popular traditional leaders of the Radical Socialists sons acquainted with one of the according to the dodarations of appears, all necessity for these tem. Who called the Bishop of Havana?
including Herriot himself failed to secure election in the American Industrie Traditionally the most democratic in the world. tirely derived form that very same appear, and the party will strive to months of existence, the Amnesty competitive of Stalin, Molotov and others, will be courts. All these principles are en porary measures will likewise dis Who hut the Stalinists? In all its first day of voting, and were returned on the second ballot only at daggers drawn, the rubber bar To be sure, doubts might be aroused program of bourgeois democracy narrow them down, and to com Committee has not issued a single with the support of the Communists and Socialists; and in a ons sat down around a table and by the procedure in which the con which the Soviets in their time pletely aholish them (our empha, leaflet. It has not called a single number of cases lost out altogether.
agreed universally to the present stitution is being elaborated. Up to came to replace. The party always sts. These lines can no doubt nerve demonstration or even adopted. The disintegration of the Radical Socialists is both symbol increases.
recently, there hus been no mention held that the Soviet patem was to justify the refusal to atsen militant resolution. Its appeal has and proof of the fact that the crisis in France is too deep to Lingering Doubts Dispelled If ang lingering doubts existed in press or at meetings. No one is program demands the its social and economic dictatorship through the utilization of windows last Sunday and watch time. Stalin told the American interpresston. The question we the new abolition of any restrictions what the Radical Socialists as its chief governmental agents. The phalanx after phalanx ont Akron viewer Roy Howard, on March Constitution bolts down therefore to sever upon liberty. For the entry Immunize itselt by spreading a In other words, it has tried to Radical Socialist leaders, in turn, maintained the support of downtown section. When the paour new constitution at the end of another and more fundamental into socialist society is character cloak of respectability and legally union lahor parade through the 1936 that, We shall probably adopt But today the results of the profound and continuing economic had passed in review.
depression and the approach of the new war demand a sterner Heading the procession was the constitution will he adopted about official speeches and articles, or will cent of the citizens of bourgeois or answer. The alternative is posed to France: Fascism or So lictorious Goodyear local of the which the people still has prac il chegin to soften tichoken and sin, but by the establishment of Follows and otherhood bour cialism; and the alternative is inescapable. Thus the voice of lin close order, with their yellowsible not to conclude that the most wither away. The meaning of true liberty for 100 per cent of the ty, it has felt Batista AstH18 United. It the Radical Socialist preachers of the middle way is lost in caps brilliant in the May sunshine, democratie constitution in the the new constitution can be cor population. With the abolition of soldados broke up a meeting. hands, to the right and to the left.
hty block. Cries of derision broke troduced in a manner that is not ately add here that the perspective withers away. Stalin, however, has rested, hanted to army posts and twenty seven members were ArIt is in the light of this process of differentiation that the Litchfield too unton members! Stalin confirmed to Howard, and itself does not at all depend upon strategy of the People Front policy must be judged. And, so Each judged, it is seen to be precisely the betrayal of the revolution headed a division of the parade. At the seas. that the companies to but upon the actual structure or restrictions upon liberty either to beaten with swords. Most of them Howard or to the peoples of the charge. to prison sentences of si ary struggle which the realities of French society places on the the front of the Goodrich local the new constitution, the suffrage the transitional Soviet society.
In explaining the reform, Pravda order of the day. Nothing could make this clearer than the marched 300 members of the rifle will be universal, equal, direct and Molotov hastened to Stalin as months and more refers obscurely and not at all prusistance, sad to say, not very proOrganizations Represented recent elections. The Radical Socialist Party, its policies and cries of When you gonna use the inequalities in suffrage dently to the party program writ pitiously. In replying to a question Neither the Autenticos (party of its leadership, stand discredited before the French masses. Its them guins, boys came from the rights in favor of the workers as ten by Lenin in 1919, which does of the Editor in Chief of le Temps, former President Grau San Martin policies have led to nothing but disaster; its leaders have been sidewalks. As the crack tire divl against the peasants are to be really state that. disenfran Molotov said, Now not infrequent or Young Cuba, ever joined the openly shown to be shot through with every form of corruption ston marched by the good natured abolished. Henceforth, obviously, chisement and any restrictions upon there is already no need for Amnesty Committee, although both Sit down! Sit not factories but citizens will vote: whatsoever upon liberty are neces those administrative measures were formally invited. The crga o and venality. And, at just the time when this is becoming ap down! This local also had a car each one for himself. Once there are mary solely as temporary measures which were employed formerly ixations comprising the Amnesty parent to the consciousness of the masses, the working class towing a trailer piled with old tires no classes. then all members of ot struggle against the attempts of but the Soviet power must of Committee fall into three groups (Continued op page Continned on Page 4) society are equal. Individuals can the exploiters to maintain or to re. Continued on Page Continued on Page THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE In of this great reforin either in the higher form of democracy. The So Franchise in a society in which the been maints to the charitable mindpermit of solution along the customary lines of modern French the skulls of the local barons, they acquainted with the draft of the Vlet system was to wither away to slbility for exploitation has dis of the hourgeoiste, the Catholic exactly as to the date when this inue to become stronger from equal with the workers, and not by of Havana has long 10. dropped now on, as is demanded by all the returning the tranchise to 5 per way, as have the few Masons, Odd of this perspective. Let us immeditatorship but also the state itxelevate home: twenty two