BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MALTA SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1936 France at the Crossroads Dubinsky Finds a Haven in Roosevelt Camp wreck.
lin, legal transport of revolutionary Iiterature; sometimes for Joint ar rangements of a street demonstration; sometimes to repulse the Black Hundred gangs. During In Lieu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of elections to the state Duma they did, under certain conditions, enter In Defense of Terrorismº into electoral blocs with the Mensheviks or the Social RevoluticuDavid Dubinsky, head of the In whole course in the unions. There By LEON TROIAKY arles, on the second ballot. That ternational Ladies Garment Work only remained that they should set is all. No common programs, no Roosevelt. Another long time memby coming out in support of capiers, has declared his support of the formal seal on this treachery Editor Note: In response to serving of the slightest trust. It views on this subject. The over. The crisis of the capitalist sys common and permanent institutions, ber of the Socialist Party. Emil talist politicians.
requests from many of our read was not accidental that the cartel turns in Italy, Germany and Aus tem di arms the Radicals, deprivno renunciation of the criticism of Rieve president of the American ers we are continuing publication So long as the Old Guard reof France at the Crossroads by Leon Trotsky. This introduction participation of the Socialists in these people. Will they cease sing plements for Lulling the petty Lour: agreements and compromises, con Federation of Hoslery Workers, mained in control of the Socialist the mummery of the lodges. Now ing paeans to bare lists when de geoisie. The middle classes are nimed. strictly to practical sertion a resolution endorsing Roose manche de socialista ase faucements to the new French edition of In and Lenin never spoke of any other velt. The General Executive Board so that they refrained from nok Defense of Terrorism is the tant Communists, also, to don the them? Sometimes one feels sorry stand that it is impossible to make common with the People Feet Workers voted likewise, kind have absolutely nothing in of the third section of comrade Trot. Aprons! Incidentally, the newly Amalgamated clothing ing open commitments with captsky series Whither France converted pupils will be able to afforded privately to the Messrs. forms, that it is necessary to scrap which represents a conglomeration Schlossberg being the only one re however, Joseph talist politicians (in New York, which is to be published in book serve the old masters of the cartel Leaders, without involving form by Pioneer Publishers. more comfortably in aprons.
But Radicalism and audacity are long term alliance between differ ported to have voted against the Governor Letman. But without the The sharpening of the class strugSafety Valve for Capitalism From the standpoint of the bour. as incompatible as fire and water. ent classes, that are bound for an proposal. Among those voting with collapse of the Old Guard, the Du Miller, Louis Hollander and Samuelists any longer.
gle, and especially the open emer But, we are told not without in geols regime as a whole, the Peo: Fascism is fed above all by the entire period and what a period. Sidney Hillman were Abraham inskys dared not remain Social One has only to read the full tion, caused great ferment among a cartel at all, but a mass move the competition between Radicalism petty bourgeoisie in Radicalism. mon policy. the policy of parades, Leo Krzycki, national chairman of lard laudatory reports in the New declamations, and of throwing up the Socialist Parts, is asserted by Leader. April the workers organizations.
The ment. There is, of course, no lack and Fascism for the attention and one can say without fear of exas smokescreens.
The People Front the New Leader to 25, of Dubinsky Socialist Party which had been of pompous definitions, but they do good graces of big capital. By their geration that the political fate of have merely seches before the cloakmakers peacefully performing the role of not change the nature of things theatrical fraternization with So France in the period immediatels will fall to pieces at the first sortthe spare wheel in the chariot of The job of the cartel always con cialists and Communists, the Radi ahead wil largely take shape de ous test, and deep fissures will open abstained on the vote.
and the United Hebrew Trades, to These traitors sive as their ex: see clearly his real animus. H18 the Third Republic, found itself sisted in putting brake upon the cals want to prove to the master pending upon the manner in which up in all of its component sections use for supporting Roosevelt the attack on the Communists and on compelled to half renounce its cars movement, directing it into that the situation of the regime is Radicalism will be liquidated, and the policy of the People ronispreposterous claim that Roosevelt the united front for May Day is will save the labor movement from just window. dressing. The source tel tradition, and even to break the channels of class collaboration. not as bad as the Rights assert; who will fall heir to its legacy, e. the policy of betrayal.
The rule of Bolshevism on the reaction. They speak of Roosevelt of his rage is the fact that the with its own right wing (the Neos. This is precisely the job of the that the threat of the revolution the influence upon the petty bouror the of the question of blocs rends: march sep. in much the same ter Concurrently, the Communists com People Front as well. The dit is not at all so grent; that even seots: arately, strike together! The rule the German Socialists supported policy of organized Socialist activiwith which Militant Socialists have adopted a pleted their evolution in just the ference between them and not an Vallant Couturier has swapped his proletariat.
of the leaders of the present Com Hindenburg in 1932. Fortunately, ty in the trade unions and are opposite direction, but on a scale unimportant one is: that the tra knife for a dog collar; that through An Axiom of Marxism intern is: march together in order there is this difference in the anal building Socialist Leagues to forinfinitely more extensive. Over a ditional cartel was aplied during the medium of the domesticated The elementary axiom of Marx. to be smashed separately. Let these ogy: the German bureaucracy mulate and carry out polley in the period of several years these sen the comparatively peaceful and revolutionists it is possible tost strategy reads that the alliance gentlemen hold on to Stalin and dragged the whole Socialist move unions. This, according to Dubin88 ch. barricades, conquering the streets, regime. Now, however, when the consequently, to save the parlia little men of the city and country Is France Saved from Fascism! America the main forces of the unions. Dubinsky deplored what and so on (their delirium, to be masses are impatient and explosive, mentary system from shipwreck.
can be realized only in the irreconIt is impossilbe to read without Socialist Party continue to fight he characterized sure, remained primarily literary a more imposing brake is needed, Not all the Radicals believe in cilable struggle against the tradithe attempt by independent proletarian the Socialist Party, under the leadin nature. Now after February 6, with the participation of the com this maneuver. the most solid and tional parliamentary representation indignation the declarations of the foran 1934, realizing that the situation munists. Joint meetings, parade influential among them, headed by of the pretty bourgeoisie. In order bragging leaders who allege that course.
had taken a serious turn, the spe. processions, oaths, mixing the ban. Herriot prefer to take a watchful to attract the peasant to the side the People Front has saved Thus the treachery of the Dubinarskio the left wing group. to cialists in barricades scurried to ners of the Commune and of Ver position. But in the last analysis of the worker, it is necessary to France from Fascism. In point of skys and the leves stands out and abandonment of the policy of the right. The normal reflex ac.
sailles, noise, bedlam, demagogy they have nothing else to propose tear the peasant away from the fact, they meau only to say that still more nakedis as the treachery cooperation with the trade unions.
tion of the scared phrasemongers all these serve a single aim to themselves. The crisis of parlia Radical politician, who subjects the the mutual encouragement saved of union bureaucrats who have Dubinsky wept for the good old coincided most propitiousty with curb and demoralize the mass movementarianism is first of all the peasant to finance capital. In con the scared heroes from their exag reached point in the degenera days of Hillquit the new international orientation ment.
crisis of the confidence of the voters tradistinction to this, the People cerated fears. For how long? Bestion where they drop even the pre The party of Morris Hillquit of Soviet diplomacy.
While justifying himself in the in Radicalism. Until some method Front, the conspiracy between the tween Hitler first uprising and tense of being Socialists.
had won the reputation for seeking Logic of Right Wing Policy Status Quo the Policy Chamber before the Rights, Sarraut for rejuvenating capitalism is dis labor bureaucracy and the worst his coming to power, a decade to work harmoniously with the la Their treachery is the inevitable bor movement, and now the soOppressed by the danger threat declared that his innocent conces covered there is not and cannot be political exploiters of the middle clapsod, which was marked by fre killing quent ebbs and flows. At that time, outcome of the Right wing Social cialist Party, under the leadership ening from itler Germans, the nothing else than the safety valve Radical party. The latter has only the faith of the masses in the revo the German Blums and Cachins ist policy of the last two decades of Norian Thomas, endeavors to ward France. Status quo in Inter of the regime. Such frankness may the choice between two variants of lutionary road and of driving them also used to proclaim more than in the Socialist controlled un split and disrupt the labor moveonce their victory over national ions.
national relations! Status quo in seem imprudent. But it was re political doom. Even the relative into the arms of the Fascist cou socialism. We refused to believe workers, these unions were from Dubinsky Hatred of Militants Built by class conscious ment.
the internal relations of the French the benches of the extreme left. coming elections can neither avert warded by violent applause from success it may score during the ter revolution.
Unbelievable as it may seem. This experience, them, and we were not mistaken. the first oflicered by Socialist Party regime! Hopes for the social rev. Ergo. there was no reason for Sar nor even long postpone its ship some cynics attempt to justify the taught the French cousins of Wels cracy developed in these unions and cialists; and well may he tear. For however, has members. Even when a bureau: bate and fear of the militant SoHere is the root of Dubinsky olution? Chimeras! The leading raut to be bashful circles in the Kremlin refer as a In any policy of the People Front by and Thaelmann nothing. In Ger crystallized during the war years, despite their present weaknesses, rule only with contempt to French Consciously, in providing a classic he succeeded, perhaps. not quite quoting Lenin, who, if you please, many, to be sure, the Communists it had to continue to render lip the Socialist Leagues Is This Bloc?
proved that there is no getting did not participate in the People service to the Socialism adhered to constitute the most serious threat the unions what exists, lest things get worse. safety valve for the mass move the most carefree politicians in in particular, without making agreemocracy with the bourgeois left, But after the 1919 split in the these leagues, inevitably, the soThe lenders of the Socialist Party along without compromises and, Front, which united the social de by the most active union members to the Dubinsky in a decade In Parliamentary democracy in France ment. Sarraut is generally lucky France, do not burden themselves ments with other parties.
is inconceivable without the RadiIt has with the study of the sociology of become an established rule among and the Catholic Center. the alli. Socialist Party. there ceased to be cialist workers will hammer out a cals: they must be supported by with his the middle classes. During that policy the bloe between Blum and Her of home policy. Having entirely monologues of Leon Blum. As for tramp order the Communists not to hinder Foreign policy is the continuation learn anything from the endlesstern to make mock of Lenin: they period the Comintern rejected evention in the unions. Under the spe come to grips with the bureaucrats.
the teachingsghting agreements between work clous formula of cooperation with workers, who know Dubinsky and We are sure that these Socialist nists, themselves, must join the bloc. letariat, Blum, Cachin and Co. tremely proud of their initiative in party, and then they take a trip to Fascism. The results are quite well them, the Hillquit leadership col of all that these traitors are no riot, and it possible, the Commu renounced the viewpoint of the pro the Communists, the latter. ex of the builder of the Bolsheviking class organizations against the unions, not trying to dominate his like at close range, are happiest No convulsions, no threats! Such adopt, under the screen of collec the cause of collaboration with the Moscow to kneel before his Mauso known. The warmest sympathy to laborated with the union bureau longer members of the Socialist is the course pursued by the Krem tive security and International bourgeoisie, picture the People leum.
Thaelmann as the captive of execu cracy in its class collaboration pol. Party. deadening weight has law, the viewpoint of national im. Front as an alliance between the The Tradition of Lenin tioners cannot deter us from saying icy, its venality, its persecution of been lifted from the shoulders of When Stalin renounces the worla pertalism. They are preparing pre proletariat and the middle classes.
that his policy, e, the polley of the militant union members. When the Socialist workers; they are Lenin began his activities in revolution, the bourgeois parties of cisely the same policy of bootlicking What a parody on Marxism! The Radical party is not at all the party Czarist Russia, where not only the Stalin. did more for Hitler vie rank and sile Socialists protested freer to recruit the masses in the less caution! in politics, blind years 1914 to 1918, adding only the of the petty bourgeoiste.
Nor is it proletariat, the peasantry, and the ser than the policy hitler him against this course, they were told unlong to the socialisme It is unfortunate that the Dubinvirtue. But blind distrust is no Yet during the years petty bourgeoiste, in accordance of the bourgeoisie stood in opposi out, the Comintern now applies in crime against the untong it Social better. One must know how to com 1918 1928, when Soviet diplomacy with the idiotic definition of the tion to the old regime. If the pol France the quite familiar policy of ist union members joined together skys were permitted to take the pare words with deeds and be able was also obliged to veer consider Moscow Pravda. The middle bour icy of the People Front has any the German Social Democracy. is to formulate a policy for a union initiative and choose their own opLiving and Acting Like Bosses portunity to leave the Socialist to recognize a general tendency of ably and to conclude a good many sevisle exploits the petty bourgeoi justification at all, one should ima it really so difficult to foresee the Party. They should have been development over a period of years. agreements, not a single one of the sle not only economically but also gine that it could be justified first results?
The coming parliamentary elecThus freed by Hillquit from any driven out long ago by the party The policy of Stalin, determined by sections of the Communist Interna politically, and it itself is the agen of all in a country that has yet to possible restraining influence of on its own initiative. The workers the interests of the privileged So tional so much as even dared to cy of finance capital. To give the achieve its bourgeois revolution. tions, no matter what their outservative through and through The geoisie! Is not this alone ample upon exploitation, the neutral name would not do badly at all if they are serious changes into the situ. the repulsive characteristics of a more respeot for the Socialist Parts viet bureaucracy, has become con think of a bloc with its own bour hierarchic political relations, based The Messrs. Falsifiers, however, come, will not in themselves bring the Socialist rank and file, the domineered and oppressed by the French bourgeoisie has Nevertheless, the sons to place faith in steple reaproof of the sincerity of Stalin of bloc is to make mock of were to point out at what stage and ation: the voters, in the final anal reformist trade union bureaucracy bad it done so.
Stalin. All renunciation of the world revolu reality. horseman is not a bloc under what conditions the Bolshe ysis, are confronted with the choice the less reason for trust on the part tion?
between a man and a horse. It vi tarty ever built even a sem between an arbiter of the type of in an era of relative capitalist sta fact that the Dubinskys are no bility. Never called upon to give longer covered by the mantle of of the French proletariat.
The self same motives which im. the party of Herriot Daladier ex blance of the People Front in Rus. Laval and an arbiter of the type an accounting of themselves to the Socialism is a good, healthy sign The Society for Bankrupts pelled the present leaders of the tends its roots deeply into the petty sia? Let them strain their imag Herriot Daladier. But inasmuch as Socialist rank and Ale much less of the leftward development of the During the Trade Union Upity Comintern to suckle at the paps or bourgeoisie, and in part even intonation and rummage among the Herriot has peacefully collaborated called upon to collaborate with the Socialist Party. Given a continuawith Laval, and Daladier has sup Sociaist workers in formulation of tion of this development, and one congress at Toulouse, the commu. democracy in its period of agony, the working masses, it does so only historical documents!
The Bolsheviks did conclude ported them both, the difference be policy, the Dubinskys lived like Dubinsky will be replaced by a nist Racamond save a truly im. led them to discover the glorious in order to lull and dupe them in tween them is entirely insignificant, Bosses, acted mortal formula of the policy of the image of the League of Nations The Radicals are the democratic practical agreements with the revur measured by the scale of the thought like bosses; the paycholowe refrain from commenting at like bosses, and thousand honest workers.
the timidity of the Radical Party? emanating from it. Thus was cre party of French Imperiaism anyolationary petty bourgeois organi tasks set by history, ay of the employers becomes far length on the truly disgusting bezations, for example, for joint 11(To be continued) more akin to such bureaucrats than havior of the old Guard Socialists.
How to overcome the bourgeoisie ated a common platform of foreign other definition is a lie fear of the proletariat? Very sim policy between the Radicals and the the paychology of the workers Dubinsky abandons Socialism and ply: the terrible revolutionists must Soviet Union. The home program the Fascists turning into respecta whom they dominate so ruthlessly. Jumps on the Roosevelt bandwagon.
ble conservatives. Ludwig Lore So long as the Communist Party Not a word of reproof from the Old fling away the knife clenched be of the People Front is concocted tween their teeth, they must put of generalities which allow of as prophetically foretold in his column was a revolutionary organization, Guard Socialists! Instead, they pomade on their hair, and filch the liberal an interpretation as does a few days before the elections that whose organized fractions in the give columns and columns to his smile of the most fascinating courthe Geneva covenant. The general the French Fascists Seem About trade unions confronted the Social ballyhoo for Roosevelt and attacks tesan. The result will be Vaillant meaning of the program is to leave to Join the toed Horse. and 1st bureaucrats with the needs of on the militant Socialists. The Old Couturier latest model. Under the everything as of old. Meanwhile, Gannes and the Daily Worker the workers, the Dubinskys found Guard taunts Krzycki for abstain(Continued from Page 1)
on set of the pomaded communists, the masses refuse to accept the who with all their strength pushed old any longer. therein lies the be realized, the relationship of tions thunder more tense Condt shout with him that Fifty Million it easier to maintain their controling on the Roosevelt vote in the produces Can mala aspects of the Cham. Frenchmen Forces in the new Chamber will dit ber that was elected in 1962. The (April 20. and that Fascism was bership, thus being able to assert Krzycki deserves the severest treat the leftward moving Socialists to sist of the political crisis.
Wrong! by retaining thelr Socialist mem. Amalgamated; and if it is true, the right, Blum had to change his Proletarian Disarmament fer little from that in the last. old Chamber was also the result effectually smashed by the results that their differences with the ment. But not a word in the New course once again, fortunately, in proletariat In the last Chamber the left of a leftward sweep. It was like of the elections on Sunday in Communist Party was one within Leader about the three official and Gannes in the proletariat. But with the desix non party Old Guardists who arose the People Front the so Cachins and Thorezes are most 151, 86; 10; the dissi ment which capitulated in 1834 to the accustomed direction. Thus ically, the Blum, Paul Faures, bloc numbered 314 out of the total wise headed by the left govern. France. of these the Radicals had ment of Daladier Frot, the govern. April 28. generation of the Communist Party, voted for Roosevelt! The most Fascist bullets and knives can and its resultant impotence in the likely explanation is that the Old ciety for insuring Radical bank. concerned lest the workers arment communists, 10; and Paul the Fascists. We have the same not be exorcized by ballots, not unions, this restraining influenceGuard ss the door open for rupts at the expense of the capital themselves physically. The agita Dubinsky, Rieve of the working class organizations. tion of these gentlemen does not Boncour Socialist and Republican setting, and even the same leading even by such magicians as Lore or disappeared. Meanwhile, the gen them to Radicalism is inseparable from differ in any way from the preachUnion, 39. eration of Socialist workers who Miller, et al, Into the Roosevelt Actors from Daladier down, sup Cannes Freemasonry.
While the misleaders of the built the needle trades unions has camp.
In the new Chamber, a left ported by an extra cast of StalinWhen we say this, er sermons on the superiorities French working class are celebrat been dying off. The younger gen the debate in the Chamber of Deps who taught that the problem of we had only with the participation it is the good old merry 80 agencies of finance capital are were not met by organized Social we have said everything. During of the moral principles Engels majority 320 340 out of 618 can ists and Socialists.
ing the defeat of Fascism, the eration which has taken their place WORKERS 1st activity which drew them into Xavier Valla recalled that Trotsky armed detachments, and Marx who faithful and the dubious friends ing to find that the editor of the swinging into action.
Protect Yourselves Against the New York Sun holds the same Finance Capital Into Action had once prohibited French com looked upon insurrection as an art of the People Front, the party; and those who went to Hazards of Life. Join the In other words, if the Radicals views on the subject of the French Even though the left ward move the Socialist Party on their own WORKMENS SICK DEATH sonic lodges. Mr. Jammy Schmidt, barians in the eyes of the present choose (1. e, if they are so ordered elections as does the Manchester ment of the masses is being dissi initiative were repelled by the fact BENEFIT FUND OF THE US.
who we believe is a high authority deputies, senators and mayors of by French finance capital. they Guardian and Ludwig Lore of the pated by the bankrupt and reacthat they and the Dubinskys were in this field. Immediately explained the People Front. For the one may agree to head a People Front New York Post, who, in turn, 18 tionary labor bureaucracles of the members of the same party. It is 1884 1935 this edict by the incompatibility be hundred and first time, Populaire government, or even participate in in agreement with Harry Gannes and the it constitutes a a sobering fact to realize what a tween despotic Rolshevism and the prints a cartoon picturing a naked it with Leon Blum as Premier: or and the Daily Worker. dire threat of the rulers of France.
small percentage of the present Organized, managed by and for workers with only one purpose. free spirit. We shall not dispute worker with the caption. You will bloc with the reactionaries of the carried an editorial entitled and now demoralization even becialist or Communist, as compared to On April 29, the New York Sun They mean to stem the movement union membership even vote soto render protection to members this point with the Radical deputy. learn that our bare fists are more center or the Right as they have Blow at Fascism, which points fore the run offs. The prices on the to the solid Socialist ranks of the and their families, and to sup But we still consider that a labor solid than all your black jacks.
port all endeavors and struggles toresentative who seeks inspira: What a splendid contempt for mill done innumerable times in the past. But that Fascism took a beating stock market are tumbling, and generation which built these unfor the Improvement of tollers The Merry Go Round Again at the ballot boxes. The English preparations are being completea long.
cult of class collaboration, is unde ian negus holds more progressive Thus the stage has long been set About 60, 000 members organThus, the victory merely re liberal Manchester Guardian sees to suspend the threat of devaluating the franc (which can be done for the treachery of the Dubinsky.
Ized in 350 branches. Reserves by the bankers whenever they They have been treacherous in teer 18, 400, 000 choose) over the victory drunk Death benefit graded accord Under the cover of these moves, ceed to redouble its activities.
Ing to age at entry. Sick benefit the Fascist hordes, now numbering There are clear signs, however, payments from 225 to 900 to Last independent state in Africa succumbs under the fire of close to 700, 000 are being prepared that the French SPEAKER: workers have men and women, according to Fascist armies.
IRVING PLAZA for more intensive operations on learned from the experience of classes Mussolini aided by diplomatic game of Litvinov, Eden and the extra parliamentary field. With Italy, Germany, Austria, and Spain.
MAURICE SPECTOR Monthly assessments from 45 Flandin.
gun and knife the armed thugs will The struggle will be decided not in to 10.
Former Member League of Nations promises. but uses Ethiopia as a pawn Irving Place 15th St. try to stem the tide and to spread Parliament but in the streets; and the demoralization, for which the the revolutionary cadres under the For further information apply of imperialist struggles.
Auspices: Workers Party Bankruptey of Second and Third Internationals again revealed.
policies of the People Front lay banner of the Fourth International: to Main Office. New York District SUNDAY MAY 3rd the foundation. In short, instead are making their presence already 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, Questions and Discussion of being crushed, Fascism will pro felt.
Peoples Front Salvages Radicals in Elections Be HIOPIA BETRAYED!