BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalKirovLeninLeninismLiberalismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassZhdánovZinoviev

BROWDER: THE MAN HIS BOOK The Stalinist System of Beloved Leaders Azana Sends His Best Love to Stalin rounding its conception, it is posarated from the ranks and striving between the suminits and the ranks rarbed in the most ravishing modely needs a Governor General who cives in full an interview between thor and consequently do not need fcient confidence in the ranks tonust? As a rule, the bureaucratssystematie, well organized, and tho. of those who appointed him has a lot news from Spain in the Daily fore able to defend our common SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGR. Turks in times gone by automatic Sensational Interview ally became a Pasha or Bey. The designation of beloved leaders in every country is not merely done in servile imitation of the Russian state of things. It is politicaly necessary for the Stalt regime.
Under it, the Comintern has been reduced to the position of a department of the Soviet Foreign or By MAX SHACHTMAN The good leader does not operate as would mean the end of the his subjects to comment loudly upon tice. Stalin has no time or need of Not every book has the Impor by himselt; he surrounds himsele bureaucracy. Bureaucratism there the beauty of his garments which revolutionary working class polt behind the Stalinista pro Amana ested Light was thrown on the reasons test but am not in the least intertance of a political program, in with other qualified men in whosetionally and politically. Commun by the little child who cried, But velopment of a leadership indigen. In the Daily Worker of April 23 of the presidium of the League for their position.
deed very, very few The counted among the limited number. he is first among equals. The good new relationship between man and Union, even the smallest child is class movements, is entirely super ish Premier. Holds Soviet Union Azana: Yes, am, together with well as by the circumstances sur pany into an aloof bureaucracy sep its antipode, ends by establishing reign is not only not naked but sculations. In every party, he mereneath it a cable from Moscow which Antonio Machado sible to get a good mental picture above all for self preservation and the relationship of feudal lord and Omniscient and Omnipresent can trustworthily translate into the Ehrenbourg: How do you exti.
of the movement for which it serves tears. He does not fear to give a sell perpetuation. Quite the con serf.
To preserve itself, the bureau language of his country the require Azana and the Soviet writer Ehr mate the role of the In the as a program and of the man at the head of the movement, thorough and periodic account of his. But what if differences arise in cracy puts all its hopes in the Suments of the Soviet bureaucracsenbourg, terming it a sensational matter of the defense of peace. Azana: The Is the guar.
What has struck reviewers who stewardship, he welcomes criticism. the ranks of the bureaucracy itself, prema Arbiter, Stalin. To preserve The fact that this agent is exclu Contrast the generous space given antor of peace. Your country pos: If his course is correct, he has sut as they always do and inevitably him, the bureaucracy carries on a sively dependent upon the goodwill to this interview, with the sparsity senses military power and is there.
are not direct partisans of the auto render the volume the dithyram know that they will endorse it. cannot appeal to the ranks to in roughlyhair raising campaign or double advantage: 1) the ranks of Worker since the February elec ideals, Fascism is the germ of war.
bic homage which is otherwise comhis course is wrong, the same con tervene in the settlement of the panegyrics to The Leader. Steadily the party, which have been trained tion. Almost nothing is reported. Ehrenbourg: Are you acquainted pulsory, is the startling contrast ndence assures him that the ranks derenees. That would mean to dinned into the minds of the masses that way, will take what this me What little is printed is dishonestly with Soviet art?
between What Is Communism. will help hin by correcting it. By awaken them, to present them with what they are told, not what they questioning it: he can be re hailed by the reactionaries, was loosen the bonds of the masses, to in the notion that they must believechanical transmitter says without istorted. Anna speech of April Azana: particularly value the published early in 1936, and Com: nunca intile nelinis tore leader forteps political problems to solve. to set it the masses can be made to Coved just as easily as he was a sot mentioned. His speech of April news Soviet music, which have the same Earl Browder, pubished his indispensable contact with the them in motion. Once that is done believe that the leader is as wise, pole. Each agent is like a light 13 was tentunedbete listinck heard here and in Paris know the 1933 exposition of the car without which he is sure to where the reawakened musclent, amit omnipresent Gothm. lie Comintern Stalin throws its April 18 story, the ball tre las enabled me to terstand the soul of the Soviet revolution. standpoint said Black, the 1936 exin a position to check and control, might decide that the real solutions, primarily in the interests of pink, and the trulus will move the line of the Which wrong; and the ranks are not only will won. Good gracious! They welt, then the lęcrees which be the master switch, all or them turnWorker revealed the bankruptcy till not mention the great inte former sal so the literare vest they are constantly being train the bureaucratic dispute lies in burcuncracy, will find more cordlingly in cache country, a twist the middle of the createtele de ion which Soviet tilms have made of the master switch and all lights clared they may hurticipate Inter pon me. regret toclay to 19 where the former had a prins signed to a better understanding of declination of the bureaucracy favor and less opposition.
the latter now puts a minus sten problems and prepared for later refer its macinto disputes to return for the incredible system of That, we believe, is the main in yellow or greu de les their present dorton was to that am aequabute with stanis am vice versa.
the themelet And the masses, the bureaucracy always crimes Tandstion of Stalin which will suddenly be informest tinut the state come into action virt theatre directors why from The Beloved Leader the revolutionary jury is to learn to set up a dipreme Arbiteronght to bring at flush of shame to tulisi lule they reis Li Li the reactionaries This inconsistency, hy itself, Bureacratie Leadership Yet the Daily Lip will siesin its owu midt, one up whom it everyone save the mamelukes of the sam; bat li can happen (it did. Worker hail the call to put as we mistrerything in would be enough to cause a stir.
But it is comilicated by the phono nornul and healthy way in which came interes from attacks by us Don Bock at a few xarope from a me morning and find that they do including Aana) ple with Soviet cultades salairt In seweral this presents the relies for the protection of its she and even to some of them. at the masses should wake up stiae oll tinis tury the esple to remain tile omuibie.
menon or consistency. The official the party ranks and fenderskie Strous neler of the easie recent compilation.
at love him the lett bit, they Porces Arrest of Fascists in Civit Ebrembours: CiestiC. reviewers are frist as unre must function. buncratic real as well by the ages whom it Shameless Panegyrics for Stalin love Wang Min itsad. In France, Card. The name story reports to the station in a strained in their encomiastic praise ime represents the mormal and dominates.
the proletariat munt accept Thorez the vote of confidence in of the second volume as they were unhealthis way. It is interested pri Azana: Yesienny evenis siuw But the King Is Nakeil Renant or newly nandities and nobody else as its beloved Axund but sempreses uit facts that the right have POCOIL of the first. However opposite may marily in keeping itsel lutact, be the views expressed by the two consequently develops distinct caste line of the mechanics of the evolu staliumbad, Stalinissi, Stalin Aont, the object of its affection. Sim Worker bwhaves like the stalinist ordination This is, roughly, the general ont Strlik, Stalingrad, Stalino, Saline, on a work souls, only Stalin the cortes. In short, the ially in the Civil Guards mediul volumes in the eyes of the nveras interests fets its ownes, llavolous host tion of a Tomapereist lenderstu. Stalinir and Stalinogorski, to say Harls, in every other comers, from Stundo obrero which outuksestue sure to be removed or replacement Yesterday, the govert cases the author has displayed a moods, needs, interests of the massesment of the Soviet Union, especially somit amir, Peak Stalin (the Following Machiavelli Advice support of Axana Why? Ann of Fascists wlu tire mong the comwisdom. a simplicity, an insight, a Without that, its charts are no goud of its Communist party, in the last second highest being named Peak scope, a majesty that are associand more often than not it tends the bureaucratie regime becomes, the ing the August name are legion.
In his chapter Or Those Who interview, relayed from Moscow, manding statt.
The rights are frightened and ated in each communist party with ranks onto a reef. The history of Have Attained the Position of supplies the answer: Axona is only one member: the beloved lead the labor movement is rife with exnarrower the organized base of its will not dare to raise their heads.
it er in his particular country.
In the field of belles lettres, Prince by Villainy. Niccolo Machi friend of the Soviet Union We quote the interview as a believe that in the very near fuThe modern beloved lender of tween organization and politics requires periodie riousishe very highest renown. con arrange to commit all his cruelties annples of this fatal connection be existence, the more Stalin has assumed a position of taking a state the conqueror must Whole: ture we will have an agrarian refrom the masses. Ehrenbourg: What measures has form.
The closer it (each to an of them is plagued with one is a new itself that will be acceptable to the comes to utter bankruptcy and ex tributor The Literary Gaxetter at once, so us not to have to recar the Spanish Government taken for which will allow us more stringent with and expressive of the politics ther and further away from them, seek to bolster the legend of its linguistics and articlsm to study able, by not making fresh changes matic relations with the The People Front is stable and phenomenon directly associated ranks, the bureaucracy draws tur posure, the more feverishly does it so that he is the role to them every day, and so as to be the establishment of normal diplo control over Spanish banks.
which gave it birth. We do not be It resents their interference and successes, its infallibility and its the style Stalin. The versifler to reassure people and win them Azana: During the campaign, the Communists are trusted allies.
the People Front advanced the de. The enemies of the regime are only lieve that the significance of the fears it. Once it has gained organpresent volume contents can be izational control of the movement, Lenin, serene in the knowledge writes. An effusive, but entirely ing: Learn to write like Stalin over by benefiting them.
In point of fact, that is what mand for the establishment of dip among the rights. do not deny fully grasped without an under by virtue of one or another com that his policles were correct, or if typical lady of letters, describes statin did in the United States. During the next two weeks, an Am obstacles but neem convinced that particular individual but as a inevitably deprive the ranks of the mal manner, had no fear whatso nothing less than the direct come from those suspected of rotten bassador of the Spanish Republie the People Front will triumph Il completely and that Fascism is possibility and opportunity to ex ever to expose himself and his tributor of Goethe. writer in liberalism towards Bukharin the will be appointed to Moscow that the rig all will pro do Browder was recently elaborate press themeselves politically in a course to the widest public discus At the Literary Post casually Lovestoneites he committed ly introduced to the bourgeols free and thorough manner, for the sion. Stalin, the incarnation of the informs the reader that Stalin bis cruelties at once Browder was appointed General Secretary tors who came to the Colonies not LUMEN CLUB debonair monthly The American draw such organizational conclu and for good reason. The nude nis zwrofound comprehension of lit. and Beloved Leader in one. In after the landing of the Mayflower, CAMP EXCURSION Magazine (Feb. 1938. The tone sions from their political expression king of the fairy tale who compelled erature. manifesto of the As turn, he has created Beloved Lead and members of the family have Come to the excursion arranged employed by Hubert Kelley, the sociation of proletarian writers ers on a lower scale in the hier fought in every war waged by this by the Lumen Club and see its author of the article, who writes new camping ground for the comlike more than a casual acquainLion, ench paragraph of the speech loved leader of the farmers. Fler country tip to the last one (The ing season.
tance of the secretary of the Com of Stalin is the most fertile theme bert Benjamin the Beloved Leader touch. In his book (the Sunday, May 10, 10:15 munist party, indicates that Our for artistic works.
of the Unemployed; James Ford new one. Browder assures Starting out from the Bus No. Communist (as the presentation is entitled) is a semi official Stalin: Peer of Kantians the Beloved leader of the Harlem Hearst that we cannot think of Terminal at 181 St. and Amsterintroduction of Browder to the reNo loss a genius does The Leader Leader of the New York workers any other spot on the globe where dam Ave. The bus will take you spectable public. The fact that to Riverdale, You will display in the field of philosoply. But over and above them all is the we would rather be than exactly Browder has nowhere commented shevik Leninists were expelled from an unblushing professor tells the Beloved Leader Browder, only this one (p. 13) and on the next location of your coming summer By on the article, much less challenged In a public report on Dec. 30, the party (exclusive of the party The position of the Moscow: one step removed (but what a page he generously pleads on be vacation or disowned it, fortifies this con 1935, Khruschov, the leader of the candidates and the On Kantism cannot be completely un of the World Proletariat theses of step. from THE Beloved Leader half of the foreign born workers: Lunch will be served at the clusion. Mind Like an Adding Machine portant and the largest in the party, the basis of the reports of Khru derstood in contemporary science In making his choice, Stalin was They deserve, nt a minimum. chinp.
Don hesitate, come along. think Earl Browder is the boasted that the check up of the schov and Zhdanov, that have been except in the light of comrade not deceived. Be the figure as com a little courtesy. from those Price for round trip ticket, 70c.
leader of the Communist party, party documents resulted in suc published since then, we conclude Stalin Inst letter.
writes Mr. Kelley, for the same cess.
The enemies of the party that not less than 10, 000 Trotskyence is to Stalin putrid attack on it does not matter much. Obscuri To Kelley question about the prob. NEW MILITANT The referorless and mediocre as possible who would speak of Americanism.
reason that certain other men are were exposed: Trotskyists, Zino ists and Zinovlevists were ex: the memory of Rosa Luxemburg. ty, too, is handicap a reputa tem of saluting the flag faced by with which als merged leaders in the capitalist world Vievists, spies, kulaks, White Guard pelled in the two capital cities the connection it has with the Kantion will be speedily and elaborate Browder children in the public which he hates because they are, officers. The order in which the alone.
THE MILITANT tian theses is, of course, perfectly ly manufactured and disseminated schools, the latter replies: It Published weekly by the New MINas a rule, more intelligent, harder categories of the expelled are listed obvious. writer in Revolution for him. All that is really required their fac. Why shouldn they tant Publishing Co. 100 Fifth Ave. working, and longer suffering than is very remarkable, indeed! In We failed to run across a single and Culture sets down the fact of the Beloved Leader is that he salute it. American Magazine, anybody else because they are Moscow, the kulaks and White reference to the Democratic Cen: that Stalin is to be counted among have a vacancy those spots Feb. 1936, 111. loyal to one iden in life.
Entered as second class mall matter the last tralist Group or to the Workers the profound connoisseurs and where a normal human being has Why not, indeed? For the point at the Post Office at New York, Guard officers occupy leadership of the were it not long ago by the previous purges listing of the categories of the ex lected works on philosophy amply lum, and that the hinges of his Beloved Leaders included, have for the fact that Mr. Kelley un wit. In the capital. There is no need to pelled, or among the individual re reveal. Still another lover of bus knees be well oiled. Time was changed flags. Another word for Subscription rates. In the United tingly deprives this explanation of dwell upon splex as special ports, articles and notes. It is beaucratic posteriors adds that when Browder would not have qual such action is: betrayal. How Staten 00 per year: 65e per gli the most itled for the post; those old in the completely the principles to which months; Canada and foreign 50 home (1. e. in the u. can ac. Trotskyists and the Zinovierlsts. tives of these groupings took place, porary philosophical problems. ideas of his own, even if they were been abandoned, is revealed by a rates: Two centa per copy directly preceding it. Nobody back of the purge in Moscow were the lated expulsions of the representa competent les policies problemom tema movement recall days when he had the once bore allegiance have per year: 51. 00 siz months. Bundle of the BrowMAY 2, 1936 had a routine mind like an adding 9, 975 members of the party were that they were included among the In The Cultural Front that Es has since sternly repressed this de der book.
Vol. 2, No. 17 (Whole No. 60)
machine. have often heard per expelled in the city alone, apart general category of others. This sentially certain prognostications tect. He has learned the all sufficsons who know him wonder how from the district itself!
he got the job and kept it. My In Leningrad, 7, 274 people were tance. With the preservation of and deciphered in all their ampli tue, in the Stalinist order of things, emphasis. expelled. Zhdanov, the Leningrad the socialized means of production tude only by Stalin.
has its own reward in the form of As an introduction to a consider leader of the party, announced and with the collectivization of the The late Kirov described Stalin Beloved Leadership.
ation of the book proper, let us at that The counter revolutionary overwhelming majority of the peas at the 17th Congress is not more Last year, Browder put between tempt to analyze the phenomenon Zinovievists occupy a notable place antry, the economic and cultural and not less than the greatest covers a collection of articles and OPENING SPECIALS which causes even persons who among the expelled. In Leni successes of the Soviet Union prove leader of all times and of all peo speeches which made him sound Until April 31 the LABOR BOOK SHOP is offering special low prices on hundreds of books and pamphlets. Visit our shop In a properly organized working Opposition has traditionally as dations lodged by the October rev another congress, relieved trimself lion, but one with a deep and in or send postcard for booklist. Open every day (except Sunday)
class party, the principle of demo which must have become accentu despite the threatening bourgeois new era stand two peerless titans radical for him in those days, for from A. to P.
Published Our tial not primarily out of moral or ated after Zinovlev was clapped in degeneration of the ruling stratum, of thought, Lenin and Stalin. he was Obedient to the Stalin of WAR: Price Price Roosevelt?
Why We Fought by Hartley Grattan. 00. 49 because it is socially, politically than 7, 000 the Zinovievists occupy create the necessary pre conditions on anything at all without know. Green? Lewis? Thomas? Cahan? ECONOMICS: correct. arty members rise to the notable place, then it is quite for a future socialist society.
ing Stalin? Absolutely not! Noth. Trotsky? Olson? Coughlin? All of Decline of American Capitalism by Corey 00 00 position of leadership because of clear that we are not dealing with To place the on the same ing can be understood without them were combined in a colossal The Power Age by Walter Polakov. 00 superior ability in their work, their a few scores or hundreds. Pre plane with capitalist states is to Stalin, nor anything interesting conspiracy to defeat Browder Crisis of Capitalism in America by Bonn 00 ideas, their devotion to the cause, cisely for this reason the reporter spill out the baby from the wash written.
plans for an immediate and stormy The American Adventure by Bonn. 50 as displayed over a period of time was careful to evade mentioning tub along with the dirty water. Among the titles by which this revolution in the United States.
LABOR HISTORY: and not in this or that isolated inthe figure.
The advanced workers want to shy Georgian flower graciously per Red Blooded American Labor Movement in the 1860 1815) stance. Often enough, leadership 10, 000 Expelled in Capital Cities throw out the dirty water of the mits himself to be called, are: The Then came the news of the turn by Norman 18 acquired not only by virtue of In addition to the Trotskyists bureaucracy but at the same time colossus of steel, the great pilot (or proclaimed by the 7th Congress.
SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: prominent participation in the gen and the Zinovievists, Zhdanov they wish to safeguard and to bring the great engineer, architect, mas Result? Where once he roared, he Memoirs of Scheldemann (2 Vols. 10. 00 95 eral class struggle, but in the made an obscure reference to op up the baby. That is why, even ter theoretician, collective farmer, now bleats pathetically. The turn course of internal disputes in the portunists of all sorts. In all years ago, when times were much etc. the FRENCH REVOLUTION: party itself. Ideas, platforms, pro probability this label covers those more difficult, the oppositionist creat wasters, the field marsbabe bility, patriotism, nationalism, unlFrench Revolution by Albert Mathiez. 00 grams are counterposed, and when party members who have shown re movement in the working class re the revolutionary army, the chiet ted frontism. In his new book, as After Robespierre: The Thermidorian Reaction 75 the best of them prevails (either sistance to the bureaucratie excess fused to follow the Mensheviks. of the world proletariat, the herole in all his other writing and ac Special Combination Price for Both. 50 after internal discussion or after es of the Stakhanov movement. That is why today, it has obviously oganizer of the Red Army, the in tions, Browder makes the turn with LEON TROTSKY verification in the class struggle. There need be no doubts that the turned its back upon the Workers spirer of the October Revolution, the late convert zeal. In the Be In Defense of Terrorism (with new introduction it is logical that their spokesman opposition groupings in the work. Opposition, the ers, and all the best Leninist, the best among loved Leader of the American prohy author 1935)
English should prevall with them. So and ing class have been revived pre others who approach the old Men the best, the gifted leader, the beletariat the new turn of the ci.
My Life. 00 50 80 has demonstrated by his pro cisely by the new pressure upon the sherik positions from the left. In loved leader, the dearly beloved is full bloodedly incarnated BuON GERMAN FASCISM. posals and his activity in this sit workers, accompanied with new this fact we have an incontroverdi leader, the most dearly beloved denz, the turncoat who took refuge What Next. 65. Only Road (6c. cloth uation in 1919, that situation in and monstrous privileges the ble verification our program, for leader, and more of the same it in the stalinist camp, emphasizes bound. Special Price for both. 98 1920, the other situation in 1921, bureaucracy and the best people. it has been subjected to testing not you can stand it to the readers of the Daily Worker BOUND VOLUMES OF NEW MILITANT: etc. that the party would be well. It is noteworthy, in any case, that only in theory but in practice. The that his leader has a Kansas 1933. Reg. Price 50: Our Price 00 advised in elevating him to the post neither Khruschov nor Zhdanov struggle against the bureaucratic Ordaining Lesser Beloved Leaders twang (the frontier touch. 1934. Reg. Price 50; Our Price 00 of leadership where his political had a single word to say in refer caste and the regime of privileges, As in the so in the rest Boston leaflet announcing the talents may be most beneficial to ence to elther the Mensheviks or the struggle for the socialist future of the world. In every communist Lenin memorial meeting anxiously And hundreds of other books and pamphlets of all publishers at the movement.
reduced prices during the sale.
the Social Revolutionaries of the country, the struggle for the party, Stalin appoints an agent describes Browder as the KansasWe wrote, on a previous occa world revolution marches in the upon whom is automatically con born American leader of the ComLABOR BOOK SHOP What Is Communism? by Earlston, that during the last months under the banner of the ferred the title of beloved leader, munist party. His bourgeois bio 28 East 12th Street, New York City Near University Place Browder, Vanguard Press New of 1935, not less than 10, 000, and Bolshevik Leninists, and only under just as the commoner appointed grapher assures his readers that Tel STruyvesant 0567 York. 50 cents.
most probably close to 20, 000 Bol their banner.
Vall of a province conquered by the Our No. Communist has ancesOn the Soviet Section of The Fourth International BOOKS 31 Ware. 00. 69 69 00 25