Andrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninismMarxOpportunismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

New Trends in the Evolution Of the Unemployed Movement The Roosevelt. Lewis Coalition And the Farmer. Labor Party On and PAGE NU MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1936 change occurs in the general economic and political situation, possibly after the election, the policy of the. is likely to reflect the general line and temper of the unity convention. This will be the aim of the Stalinists under their By MUSTE Problems Arising from unemployed movement. The ted opportunism and social patriot By ARNE SWABECK Lewis Takes the Windening war, they present the labor and Fascism and against the threatThe recent unification of all the Only Struggle Effective With the organization of Labor Out of Stalinist party as a means to this end. At leading unemployed organizations The Washington Unity tion of trade unions for the unWhat this line means for the un. Non Partisan League, the Labor the same time the labor party, in into the Workers Alliance of Amer.
Convention ica marks a definite period in the their version, is to be neither 80The chief leaders of the employed is already plain to every party question has come into new 1936 Sails It is a peculiar kind body. terrific drive to cut down prominence cialist nor communist, and still evolution of the movement. It is Socialist and Stalinist, consciously appropriations in order to balance of prominence and it is a new verimportant that the militant work national body at this date seven encourage conservative trends ra the budget capable of performing these giganunder way. Thouston of this question. At the same indicate conly vaguely the labor tic tasks. It is to be a broad ther than resist the.
the road that has been travelled, Great Depression, and three years conservatism in the movement. Jects. Except where vigorous fight tion yet presented of what a future have no illusions about a serious of confusion and treachery. Any the trend which now prevails, and labor party movement in 1936. But small town banker, or smart bourthe polley which they must them after the advent of the New Deal There were interesting illustrations ing organizations exist, all kinds of labor party will actually be.
administration. confirms Harry of this during the convention. They devices for worsening conditions The sponsors of this organization, they see cleary the leftward trends geois lawyer, or hattered down selves adopt for the coming period. Hopkins recent utterance that un displayed the greatest anxiety that are resorted to. No amount of mong whom are Job Lewis of in the trade union movement which bourgeois liberal politician may To date the unemployed organi employment is still the most urgent delegations to Congressmen and the flirting with the Green Woll outfit the United Mine Workers, George have been manifested especially in rightfully demand his place in the zations have accomplished a nun problem before the nation and sugW. offices should behave like in the of L, or with liberal Berry of the printing pressmens that these trends will also sooner what grounds could they be exrecent strikes, and they understand brond people movement.
ber of important results. Their gests that the President statement entlemen, though they were actu congressmen, no amount of gentle union and Sidney Hillman of the pressure has helped to keep relief in his Baltimore speech to the et ally going without meals and beds, manliness in dealing with the clev. Amalgamated clothing Workers, or later endeavor to find political cluded? And why should a people standards from being scrapped rect that man who is sensitive and eller authorities politically is er politicians of the Roosevelt ma have announced that their present expression movement disparage the New Deal Shrewd Strategy program?
emplorerted the right of the un. the continued existence of a vast sisted nothing could be done about colu, no amount of polite lobbying objective is the re election of Roose In regard to these developements For quite some time the Stalin.
employed to organize. They have permanent army of unemployed is who addressed the convention were to bring into the lobbles, no amounted, it is intimated, the League may the Lewis Illlman group, which is ists have addressed their appeals corrected innumerable grievances the expression of a pious wish. liberal representatives and sena of resulting about fine sounding become the precursor of an Ameri credited with the new strategy, has to the Lewis group urging it to of individuals and families. They have contributed some notable Yet the momployed and their tors such as Lundeen, Marcantonio, but fake Stalinist farmer. labor oran labor party or third party of again proven its ability to gauge support the Labor party idea. it Amlie and Frazier, some of whom ople parties, will change this labor, farmer, liberal and progress the moods of the masses more ac now appears as it the appeals ive clements. This is the way it curately than the craft conscious have not been vain. Support for sles in the United States. They they constituted a couple of years relict bills, and a personale repre pees to the history of labor strus ate and dramatic menace, which are sponsoring social insurance and situation.
is now offered to the working class. bureaucrats. Progressives in oer a labor party is at least intimated.
Whatever the temployed got in Starting out with the re clection of tain questions of trade union orxan. Such a party would also tear pro uprilica obie a rare care este objetive factors in the sen sentative for earry Popkinses hie die past, they got because they had Roosevelt. such a party, when ization, this group is Rooseveltinu minently the imprint of the official Teleco Auto Lite strike, era come and pollical situa calmly informed the delegates he strong organisations which went on emerging full fledged, would have in political leology. This means trade union leadership and of the active participation in strikes of emotion play purt here. The upturn could do nothing for their hungry the war path. Building or reviving for its basele New Delprogram that it is a colous supporter of whole woterie of elements we have applaud workers to all extent knw in no fich stis, us cand stomachis and was polites rethem into action is the job of revmation of the present labor reason it has set for itselt the im Rusvelt Hrogram and the labor such organizations and carryins This is not surprising Ittief jayments and at the conclusion of Au ex the capitalist system. And for this Ho difliculty in prontencing the ouer cury. Through their work the in connect with concrete needs as atopitiully made ark. The Lesser Benjamin lead tionists and militants toxiny.
of the removed and their liar by the intership should hang its head instant struggle with the staterade unich leadership which, it is in the movement for indleron the elements and not from arty trends, the position of the late task of canaixing the party with the same acrent. It is entou notivities, they have to: cies pratos, cinisme, if it is capable of that will government agencies, is lu to lieremendured, is still the dent political action into the sure the workers that the Stalinists may rato constantly resorting to for perunitting this involved in the very nature of the authentic perman of the movechamels of support of the pondo claim thelr just reward fer services kabic terve preventeel Fas we own payments to detrading performe. Until nemployed situation and of any at it represents and the actual reform measures of the New Deal rendered in the cause of social ro.
or war. aristoallits from The threat of reuerently u Crvention espoel me why role that a iabor party can play to cure in actuality these mea formim.
rking in to the went Josed but se.
Ima the rolls langs over the pled would have subint red to it. the was of tons of thousands. There it should never be permite Link wills Union Mitants Norded should contine intelliant workers tor fiance capital and for the most. Significant Omen From Se?! elp to Class Struggle of rievances on nappen again.
NonTrulous suis, that the menu that what is intimated through the part ruled out by the Supreme ready claims for itselr a widely the rury mouth of the crisis to build and hold the Secretary Frank Morrison of the Wher heile varithit the dove untous, of La presented resident plodorants Cowan is a fairly true picture of this is possible and later through a set in this development hopeful kinds of liberals and acaderii Changed situation Green, but there was no speaker by being drawn down to the low coming events.
new political instrument; this is the sig for a future farmer labor party.
cians any ot themelored or trom John Lewis Comunittee for level of militancy in many of the Stalinists and Lewis way the question is presented to David Dubinsky of the Internationinizations were of the barter Nevertheless, the situation is less Industrial OrganizationIt is true unions. On the contrary, the work and self helyr type 10 results were create than in those days when that Norman Thomas and Mothering class movement is a whole can Let us compare this with the appear in palatable form to the Al Ladies Garment Workers threw workers.
in his support immediately, and to ubtabwe system of exchange The contradiction of this strategy Icave no room for misunderstand among those who had nothing still the corner, memployment a line with more or less direct hints to heighten the militancy of the stalinists in their present hurricane passing phenomenon, and the only from the officers, they refrained wions. Consequently, the tie up campaign. There is left them with nothing in the end.
suced to lies not in the linking of support to ing he resigned from the Socialist Conditions liecame Wor Source of relief cither the orerbur from putting forward the Socialist which the unemployed must seek inore their violent disavowal of Roosevelt in 1936 with a labor party. His loyalty, to the extent worse. It wax when the memlenod private charities, or bank or the Communist parties respects with the industrial is against the Lewis, Berry, Illiman coalition party to apear later. The contra that he had any, had been with the ployed began to raise hell. built up cits, county and state treasur: tively. All the recognized leaders the craft unionists in the of or its present aims, for even as a diction, Insofar as the workers are old Guard. On what good grounds organizations on a basis (conscious Then too the temper of the spoke for a Farmer. Labor party to who have never evinced the pretense that much would be neces concerned, lies in the blurring of can the Old Guard decline to follow or unconscious) of class struggle masses was more intammable Include also liberals and progres slightest interest in the unemployed sary. With this we need not be the class issues, in the harnessing his example?
that some results were obtained those months when for the first sives, and the incoming Natioual masses and basicalls the tie up seriously concerned. In politics, in the slowly developing political on the whole it would be difficult Not the least important result was from under their feet, upstanding explore the possibilities of form the top but with the militant pro count, even declarations have val movement based purels must not with bureaucrats attentions or desires are of little ac consciousness to a program and a to deny that all the signs of labor obtain: party developments point unmistak that the unemployed learned the power of organization, rend Anericans were forced to undering such a party on a nationalgressive forces in the unions a tie idity only when accompanied by coring concessions from capitalism at bly in one and the same direction.
go the humiliation of applying for sale in 1936.
forged and constantly made strong responding deeds. But, above all, time when real concessions can it could not be otherwise once their own strength, developed a fighting psychology.
relief. were evicted from homes er in the daily struggles of em is the objective logic of the post be run from it only to the ear reformist party is projected. Dit When the un Power in United Body they had built, etc. then it is now employed marched on Washington when they have become in greater ployed and unemployed alike.
The of it in Leaving all outward appearances vances and organies along revo: should not deceive anybody, for the or other centers in 1832 to 1935 or lesser degree adjusted to a new the unemployed organizations in employed organization to establish aside the fundamental issue there. Ixtionery lines. The history of the objective logic of the positions advented from entering or else 80ing a more stable situation is the siderable slump in membership. The the fighting spirits in city, county on the labor party question? And as the developing political con one and the same general result.
the outskirts of the city and pre living. Another factor in producted, significantly enough, by a con from the center, nothing prevents sective result of these two positions most clearly Therefore, so long formism must necessarily lead to treated within the city limits that fact that the Roosevelt Hopkins grew stronger because of state organizations from getting in it we shall be sure to find a sclouness of the workers can be Today the most genuine indication some six hundred delegates at the policy of recognizing the right of the accession of previously existing busy at once with building along resemblance as striking as two eye thus harnessed capitalism remains of what the actual result will be recent mity convention of the insisting that they behare in a renew ones, and the gained relative actionary strongholds as Tampa, the unemployed to organize but in units, rather than the formation of these lines; with invading such re balls.
safe to continue its exploitation is furnished by the Lewis, Berry, employed in Washington in which In outward appearance there are Wither the Peoples Movement Hilman coalition for Roosevelt sponsible manner, as against the ty to the Councils and the Leagues, Florida; with support of militant differences. In origin and gestation This is also the contradiction of toward a labor party or third party the Workers Alliance of America Tory attitude of Hatly denying the But its strongest state organization, strikes as the Project Workers the differences may seem to the less the stalinist campaign for a labor based on the New Deal program.
absorbed the former National Un right to organize, is percolating all for example, the Illinois Workers Union in Akron stood ready to give discerning as if in open conflict. But party. But this glit propaganda This can hardly be the thing that employment Councils National Un the way down into the heads of at Alliance, experienced the same de the Goodyear workers recently upportunist trends easily meet re on the question, insofar as they in class conscious workers are looking employed League and a number of least a large percentage of the local cline in membership and activity as with large scale local and state gardless of origin. Labor Non fluence class conscious workers, is forward to. It can hardly be an lesser organizations, convened in adininistrators and foremen. was manifested in most other or demonstrations. Thus will the Partisan League gestated from the far more dangerous and far more object of support to socialist workthe spacious and imposing auditori be made into an important New Deal program and its spokes criminal. Attempting to delude ers. Their job still remains the um of the Department of La Such conditions tend to develop sunizations.
bor and their sessions were much an organization devoted mainly to Setting up of a single national or progressive force in the class strus men are still very cautious about their followers, who sincerely want one of building a movement for more sedate than those of last collective bargaining between ganization of unemployed in which gle in this country.
future perspectives. In words they to fight against political reaction socialism.
fall A. of convention! Much workers and management in this socialists. Trotskyists, stalinists, about the evolution and the present enne local, state and federal autho etc. participate is in an important branch lobby office in Washington, are anxious to reinstate themselves position of the unemployed move rities) and lobbying for legislation respect a progressive achivement.
with the Townsendites.
ment is revealed in this contrast.
in the interest of the group, rather It will give considerable impetus to In the spring of 1935 the TownIt remained for the Stalinists to The Most Urgent Problem than to agitation and revolution the organizing movement in the send Plan was introduced into the ary objectives. The establishment immediate future, though conflict The fusing of many organize of the enlarged Workers Alliance among diverse political tendencies House of Representatives by Jump into this mess of middle class tions of relief recipients and pro of America definitely marked the will not by any means he entirely MeGroarty, poet laureate of the messiahs and vote anxions congressJeot workers into a relatively stablel ascendancy of this trend in the eliminated. Until some substantial state by special act of the Califor men to lend the movement the inSixty six years went by before in theory but absolutely unsur nia legislature. It received some valuable advice and ald of the beDr. Francis Townsend of Long passed as an expression of all the fifty votes from Congressmen an loved leader of the world proletathe parliamentarian cliques. Beach, California, noticed the in petty and vicious fears and hopes xious to bolster their precarious riat, Stalin. In a pamphlet on the To be present in every strug justice of this world. For sixty of aging lower middle class shop reputations at home.
sle so as to invest it with clear six years he was content to strug keepers, professionals, retired farTownsend plan Alex Bittelman, the gle onward over the backs of the mers, and ex political Jobholders.
During 1935 the movement con8. To drive constantly towards working class to a comfortable po tinued to grow until founders second string authority on counterhaving the fighting masses form litical post in the City Health de percent Americans who had man signatures to petitions and memo Old Age Revolving Pension Plan The scheme was to pay all 100 claimed more than twenty million revolutionary Trotskyism, balls the and constantly expand their compartment.
aged keep out of jail for sixty randa to Congress; a monster dem as a movement of the masses of mittees of action (juntas, soviets. Continued from Page 1) carry on together with Mauriu a elected ad hoc.
Then at a ripe old age the middle years a sum of 200 per month for onstration of social unrest. It be the toilers, in a powerful protest workers organizations, however, recompletely impotent propaganda class crusader lost his job in a not doing any work. The money came a menace to the federal gov9. To counterpose the program political overturn. against the policy of monopomain completely enmeshed in the for the democratic socialist net of the People Front. The tution, that is for a social, demo of the conquest of power, the discounted his mengre savings and sales tax on the working class, re onment for it threatened to reveal tatorship of the proletariat and the faced a jobless and poverty stricken gardless of citizenship or criminal working class supporters of the to the middle class and deluded Hes. convulsions of the revolutionary cratie betrayal. Revolutionary Attitude masses (without a program, with Nobody can know what form the social revolution to all hybrid pro senility he was overcome with a record.
grams (a la Caballero, or a la humanitarian Impulse.
Plan the complete dependence of Dr.
out a leadership worthy of conf next period in Spain will take. In Naurin)
Townsend original plan the people representatives on The workers can bave no use for dence) thus threaten to throw the any case, the food tide which has Looking out of the window of didn mention the working class big capital.
this vicious middle class scheme for This is the real road of the pro his little house be observed three specifically as the source of the gates wide open to the counter rev borne the clique of the People letarian revolution, The Investigation raising pensions at the expense of olutionary dictatorship!
Front to power is too mighty to other.
There is no old women rummaging through the twenty billion per year necessary Instead of answering the plan, the workers. They want old age Nin and Andrade ebb in a short period of time and That the workers are driving to leave the battlefield free to the April 12. 1936. TROTSKY. et. This observation late in 1883 it is evident that ang sales tax instead of concerning themselves pensions for all productive workers seems to have been not only the falls most heavily on the workers. Hected, instead of proposing serlous want them raised by income taxes with the economic terror it re regardless of citizenship, and they ahead in a revolutionary direction elements still have a certain period is shown by the development of all of time, not too long a time to be the People l ront ders not inspire first time that De Townsend be The turn of the Batalla toward Pension Fund idea, but also the buying public beginning of the Old Age Revolving who form the great majority of the alternatives, the august bootlickers on wealthy Individuals and corporin Congress decided upon a cam ations Dr. Townsend enlisted the aid of larly by that of the Socialist Party sure, in which to reflect to assemus with confidence More than this, the workers and the Socialist Youth. Two years This refers in the first place to Nations is a band of brigands, on Beach way Monday that the League of not roses and soft jobs in Long whore former experience as a Call sinuation against the leaders.
One cannot came aware of the fact that all was his business friend, Earl Clements tign of personal slander and inshould know from experience that ago we raised the question of the the Spanish supporters of the Tuesday urge voters to vote for fornia real estate broker proved congressional investigation was poverty in old age is only one facet Leninists into the Socialist Party entry of the Spanish Bolshevik Fourth International. Their tasks the program of the League of NA Birth of Movement valuable in selling the shares of launched in the bope of destroying of a system that condemns the This proposal was rejected by the are as clear as day.
tions, on Wednesday explain that like many other workers the new development to the public the Old Age Pension movement by working class to poverty, insecurity The same and unemployment every day of the Andres Vins and Andrades with the Tasks of Fourth Internationalists yesterdny it was only a question of throughout the country the three It was decided that a 15 percent discrediting Townsend.
disdainfulness of conservative phil To condemn pitilessly and to electoral action and that today one old women lived on the garbage of sales tax was too baid, and in its congressmen who can contemplate year.
istines: they wanted Indepen pillory before the masses the polley lins to resume one own program capitalist civilization long before place was put a percent transac with indifference the expenditure Naturally the Townsend movedence at all costs, because it left of all the leaders participating in the serious worker must ask and Townsend lost his job with the City tion tax; a plece of legerdemain of thirty million dollars on a wila ment has certain fascist potentiallthem in peace and put them under the People Front.
what are these people going to say TIealth Department and are prob made all the easier by the fact that and useless Trans Floridan ship ttes. The already has the no obligations. And yet, afiliation To grasp in full the wretched Friday and Saturday? Maurin apably still scavenging under the new the authors were restrained by no canal for the purpose of raising a reform socialist demagogy, the rank to the Socialist Party in Spain ness of the leadership of the Work pears to be the very incarnation of Health Department.
considerations of economie possibil few thousand Democratie votes in nationalism, and the messianic Florida suddenly became indignant leadership of the fascist movement.
would have yielded immeasurablyers Party of Marxian Unity and a pretty bourgeois revolutionist, su. But in the meanwhile a newity. transaction tax doesn sound and self righteous at the thought But in these times of comparative better results, under the given cir especially of the former Left Com perficial, agile and versatile. He movement has arisen to save Town as bad as a sales tax, although in cumstances than was the case, for Munists Andres Nin, Andrade, studies nothing, he understands lit send and tens of thousands of other operation it would fall almost as of an organization which collected capitalist security and business rea bare fifty cents per member to a covery the Townsend movement is example, in France. Given the etc. and to portray them clearly tle and he spreads confusion all middle class old people from a fato heavily on the working class.
total of not more than a million probably doomed to end in another premise, of course, that in Spain in the sight of all the advanced around him.
the working class faces every day Mushroom Growth dollars.
EPIC fizzle. It serves a purpose the great mistakes committed by workers. Marx wrote in 1876 on the of every year poverty.
Dr. Townsend sat down at his The partners opened up shop in Committee Revelations the leading French comrades would To rally around the banner falseness of the term social demo in exposing the hopeless and reachave been averted. Meanwhile, of the Fourth International on the crat. socialism cannot be subor. desk and figured out an economic Long Bearch on New Years Day of Despite a great bullaballo raised tionary nature of middle class rehowever, Andrade and Nin united basis of the Open Letter. dinated to democracy. Socialism scheme highly nalve and unsound 1931, and began sending out letters by the investigating committee formism, the eynical indifference with the confused Maurin, in order To join the Socialist Party (or communism) is enough for us and folders describing their econo about Townsend methods of or and servility of the capitalist govjointly to trot behind the People and At the end of six ganization, his accounting for ernment, and the stupid and equally United Youth in order to Democracy has nothing to do ready been carried out. The Peo mic discovery.
Front. The Socialist workers work there as a faction in the spirit with it. Since then, the Octobernle Front is renewing it. The months they were receiving two funds, bis management of the Pacynical attempts of Stalinism to however, in their striving for rev. of Bolshevism.
revolution has vigorously demon personification of the democratie thousand answers per day, and had per, ete, it appears that Townsend capitalize on all this petty bourolutionary clarity, fell victim to To establish fractions and strated that the socialist revolution revolution in Spain is Azana, with moved into a Los Angeles office is no more of a crook than a conceols swinl.
the Stalinist deceivers. The fusion nuclei in the trades unions and cannot be carried out within the or without Caballero. The socialist with 95 stenographers. The middle gressman, and draws about the of the two youth organizations sig. other mass organizations.
framework of democracy. The revolution is yet to be made in im class responded magnificently to same salary.
PAUL LUTTINGER, nifies that the best revolutionary To direct the main attention democratie revolution and the placable struggle against the dem this scheme for sharing with the The investigation is not yet comDANIEL LUTTINGER, energies will be abused and dissi to the spontaneous and semi spon socialist revolution are on opposite ocratic revolution and its People big capitalists in the exploitation plete but there are already rumors of political disagreements among Washington Square North pated by the Comintern stipendia taneous mass movements, to study sides of the barricades. The Third Front. What does this synthesis of the workers.
And the great revolution their general traits, e. to take International theoretically con democratic. socialist revolution In January 1936, after barely one the committee members. No doubt 2 and 8 Except Sunday 1sts, Andres Nin and Andrade re need of the temperature of the Armed this experience. The dem mean? Nothing at all. It is only year, the movement could claim some of the congressmen foresee and Holidays main on the sidelines in order to masses and not the temperature of locratie revolution in Spain has al. an eclectic hodge Dodge, followers in the millions and the failure of the investigation, and Townsend Plan Hits The Downward Trek Problems for the Fourth Internationalists in Spain expression ries.