Andrés NinBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 17 WHOLE NO. 69 NEW YORK, SATURDAY.
MAY 2, 1936 PRICE CENTS Workers Throng the Streets on May First Tasks of the Fourth International in Spain WE HAVE BEEN NAUGHT, WE SHALL BE ALL MJersey Jersey Thousands Jobless Expected Ousted To March MAY DAY 30 HOUR WEEK have Front!
HAYMARKET Letter to a Spanish Comrade By Leon Trotsky.
The situation in Spain has aguinartism of the molern epoch is the Bourbon Politicians In New York Parade Will become revolutionary.
expression of the highest accentu Flict Final Injury The development of the Spanish tion of class antagonisms in the Mark High Point revolution is taking place at a slow period when these antagonisms On Unemployed tempo. By virtue of this fact the have not yet led to open struggle, In Many Years revolutionary elements there have Bonapartism may find its point of acquired a sufficiently long period support in the quasi parliamentari New Jersey enpitalist politicians Celebrating the Fiftieth anniver.
of time in which to take shape, to an government, but also for that ordered the joblexs demonstrators rally the vanguard around them. matter in the supra party presi out of the legislature, their final wary of May First hundreds of selves, in order to mensure up to dent: this depends exclusively on slap in the face to the employed thousands of workmen will march their task at the decisive moment, the circumstances. Zamora of the state. After tossing the in the citadels of capitalisin as this We must now sny openly that the the carrier of the Bonapartist equilinterests of the unemployed between issue goes to press.
Spanish Left Communists have ibrium. The sharpening of the an.
Democrats and Republicans while completely missed this exceptional tagonisin led to a state of affaits relief payments stopped dead and In New York, where a more inly favorable interval and have not in which both of the main chips suffering wadesprend, the policlusive united front of political and prove to he one whit better than anght first, to make use of Zam.
ticions decided to adjourn and do labor tendencies than has been nothing ween for years, a monster paraule traitors. Not that there was any The Right wing did not succeed the Socialist and Communist on and then to get rid of him.
The Workers Alliance of New will take place. New York will be lack of warning. All the greater in doing this in its time, but the Jersey, rallied its forces and march leckel in red, its streets will retherefore is the guilt of an Andres People Front did. This means ed them into the Assembly halls of sound with the marching trend of Nin, an Andrade and others. With however, the beginning of an acute the State Capitol. an action which Inbor legions.
a correct polley the Communist revolutionary period.
must have cansel no little trepida Hegiming at various points in Left conld stand today as a section tion among the never hungry ruling heart of the city, the parade will Toth the profound ferment in the of the Fourth International at the masses and the uninterruptedly classes. The army of moccupa more through lower Fifth Ave. head of the Spanish proletarint. violent explosions demonstrate that tion. In they became popularly previously tented by the police and Instead of this, it is vegetating in the repeatedly cleceived workers in known. is a portend of the future, converge on Union Square.
the confused organization of a Mau town and country, as well as the This the capitalist politicuns must rin without a program. without poor pensants. Are have realized as they scurried back In Chicng, Cleveland, Detroit, continually perspectives, and without any no driving with all their power in the to Trenton from the banquet tables San Francisco and all the great litical significance Marxian ac direction of the revolutionary soluin their luxurious homes and industrial centers of the country, tion in Spain can begin only by tion. And what is the role played yachts.
workers will march or demonstrate means of an irreconcilable con by the People Front, with regard Bourbons to the marrow, the poltin meetings against capitalist opcondemnation of the whole policy to this mighty movement?
ticlans returned, muttering the no pression.
The of Andres Nin and Andrade, which role of a gigantie brake manufae.
torious insults of Marie Antoinette.
Shorter hours, more adequate not only was and remains false, but tured and put into operation by One of them. cleeply hurt that the also criminal.
traitors and slick sharpers. And poor, starving workers should be relief, social Insurance, freedom The Removal of Zamora only yesterday, Juan Andrade was demanding action, cursed the people for class war prisoners and strug.
who would pamper the unemgle for a workers world will apWhat is the meaning of the re still a co signer of the thoroughly plored. Why don you feed them be shouted from thousands of propear on thousands of banners and moval of President Zamora. That despicable program of the People chocolate eclairs. he said.
the political developments Reluctantly they listened to the letarian throats.
once more entered into an acute After Zamora removal, Azana, spokesmen for the unemployed, constage. Zamora was, so to say, the hand in hand with the new presi In Europe, where Fascist reaccerned only with finding a convention has not put the quietus on constant center of the ruling sum dent of the Republie, must take ient pretext to oust them from the open demonstrations, hundreds of mits. Under altered conditions he over the role of the true Bonapar.
assembly. The Hoffmans who thousands will march behind red played the same role that Hindentist center that is, he must seek could find a hundred methods for banners.
burg enacted in Germany for a certo elevate himself above the two winning publicity in the Hauptman tain period of time: It was during camps in order the better to be case, could not find a single method Paris and Madrid will express a the time when the reaction (even able to direct the arms of the State to feed the unemployed. Shall we great sentiment in their proletarian the Nazis. on the one side, and against those revolutionary masses rob Peter (read: rich) to pay Paul protests. This is embodied in the inthe Social Democracy on the other, who assisted him to power. The (read: poor) asks the Governor? creasing understanding of the lesput their hopes in him. The Bona. Continued on Page 2)
Never, the assemblymen chorused. sons of Germany and Austria. Un Let us rob Paul to pay Paul! fortunately this will to struggle And this was the solution. Before will be corralled by Stalinists and the assembly ended its delibera social democrats in social patriotic tions, it empowered a committee and class collaborationist channels.
under Governor Hottman to find These forces of treachery are premeans. This means expense of the party of the Radi is quite correct in stating that the the entire problem has been placed paring to repeat the great crime of August 4th, 1914.
Decided in Streets cal Socialists. This party is the lett critics of the People Front in the hands of the most ardent Akron Vigilante Frame up Guild Protests to Hoan traditional party of the Third Re prophesied that the Radical Social sales tax advocate in New Jer But in reality their power, depublie; it is the traditional parlia ists would gain at the expense of sey.
Not By Ballot Box spite the huge votes rolled up in On Trade Unionists After Many are Slugged mentary representative of the the working class parties (April But before the assemblymen parliamentary elections, is on the Falls Through French petty bourgeoisie; it has 28, 1936. could dodge the spotlight of unfawane. Between the pincers of fas.
by Police The first ballot in the French played the historic role of being such has been our prognosis, and vorable publicity, they had to discism and proletarian revolution, the general elections was held last the largest single party in the it has been veritied by the elections. pose of the visiting unemployed. It false leaders will be crushed.
AKRON, April 28 The Law MILWAUKEE, Wis. Apr. 20 Sunday, April 26. The 618 Cham Chamber.
But, the Daily Worker indignantly was clear that a continuation of and Order League, established This May Day must resolve Doom of the Radical Socialists denies this, Nothing of the king the mock assembly could do them during the Goodyear strike to blast Protests were made by the Milwau ber seats were contested by almost 5, 000 candidates, representing more happened. Sunday ballot no good. The pretext was found in that treachery does not lead the a way into the plant, has turned kee Newspaper Guild to Mayor than a score of political parties. Time and again we have pointed showed that those Radical Social an alleged letter of some veteran, working class to the disaster of out to be one of the brightest jools Hoan regarding police brutality The French Fascists (Croix de out in the columns of NEW ist candidates who faithfully ad threatening to kick the reactionary imperialist war or fascism again.
in the crown of Akron society. Friday night, during a strike dem. Feu) did not participate direct y in MILITANT that the crisis in hered to the People Front also assemblyman, Joseph Paul, out Only by means of trusted and Now established on a permanent onstration at the Hearst owned the elections, but supported the ex France signified above all the doom gained while those who flirted with of New Jersey.
basis, the league last week entered Wisconsin News plant.
treme reactionary candidates. of the Radical Socialist Party. Its reactionaries lost ground.
tested revolutionary Marxism can Only the good naturedness of the victory be assured. Revolutionary a social whirl by brass clear majority was obtained collapse is inevitable. Despite the Even the Stalinis editor ar unemployed saved both New Deal Narxism, which proclaims unremknucks, pistols, and jack handles The police charged the picket by candidates in only 183 constitu cover afforded the bankrupt Radi a heated denial has to admit that democrats and Tory Republicans itting war against Capitalism and in honest Goodyear trade unionists lines with clubs and blackjack encies, less than one third of the cals by the People Front, this those Radical Socialists ware fully from another Hoover Bonus Army its labor lieutenants, fies the great pockets, and then informing the swinging. One strike sympathizer total, making necessary 435 run off party has suffered very serious and utilized the assistance afforded scandal.
banner of Marx and Lenin, Revolupolice.
The turn them by the People Front (those The Workers Alliance members tionary Marxism that was cut over the right eye and was Sunday, May This unprecedent of the middle classes away from who althfully adhered to it. returned home empty handed but Fourth International.
The very crudeness of the provo removed to a hospital for treated confusion is symptomatic of the the Radicals is very sharply illu were the ones who also gained their herofe struggle has aroused cation defeated it.
Like Lenin vallant handful ment.
The league made the front pages guildsman, were arrested. The pocy.
Five plekets, including a crisis that grips French democra mined by the case of Edouard At whose expense? The doubtful the working class of the country. braving the reaction during the Herriot. Herriot is the parlia friends like Herriot, who did not their action will be emulated time war, the Fourth Internationalists again when BNI Denton, one oflice attacked the strikers sound God s, shall we say, more earnest truck, breaking Windows in it and the actual relationship of forces in one of the vice Presidents of the Front men, lost ground. Which other states follows the inevitable Like Lenin party they are invinIt will be possible to determine mentary leader of the Radicals, wholeheartedly pose as People and again as the rollet system of challenge again the same enemies.
er, invoked its afd in attempting to was arrested a block from the scene results of the second ballot are failed to get elected on the first lot, once again at the expense of shepherds and spare time red boit tearing out wiring. One picket the new Chamber only after the Chamber, who had never before they will recoup on the second bal, road of New Jersey.
close the Soviet Alm, Peasants. of the melee. The five demanded Other interesting social pheno a jury trial when they were ar. and facts pertaining to the parlia ceded to have an easy win at. But the essential trends ballot, and who was generally con the workers.
mena is a bill for 21, 000. 00 pre raighed Saturday in the district mentary arena are already quite ons. Herriot not only failed to held 151 In the last Chamber, the Radicals sents. It is doubtful sented to the county commissioners court. Their trials will take place clear.
by the Lake Erie Chemical Co. for probably this week.
get elected, but even to head the whether they will get more than long range gas guns, tear gas, and Left Vote Mounts list, running second a reaction 120 in the new Chamber. The So six gas masks.
Mayor Hoan promised to take ary (Herriot, however, will be elec cialists are having exalted visions The elections show that of supplanting their Radical partThough every city official is play up the protest with Chief of Po French masses are moving sharple ted on the second ballot.
ing dumb, everything indicates that ice Laubenheimer. con to the left under the pressure of would have happened to the Radi leading and largest party in the Colonel Joe Johnson, who has ference between the mayor, the the economic and social crisis, a Socialist Party as a whole had chamber. Leon Blum, as is evi question arises as to what ners in the People Front as the Dear Friends, Comrades and Fellow Unionists: trained hundreds of strikebreakers chief, and a committee from the wbich is becoming more and more at not been propped up from the dent from his editorials in PopuOn May 1, 1936, the workers of the world will commemorate their in Akron shops, ordered the cas The Wisconsin News manage Guild will be held next Monday.
aggravated. The popular vote gives left by the People Front? Even laire, already sees himselt Premier. On that day, we hope that you will not forget those who strugfrom himself as a salesman of the ment has applied to the federal left parties, and the People Front this assistance has not stopped but (The Stalinists prefer Daladier. gled for the solidarity of labor throughout the world. On this day of chemical firm.
court for an injunction to restrain candidates will indubitably carry only retarded the rapid process of Herriot Daladier Will Crack Whip all days, those class war prisoners who fell victims in that struggle Meanwhile the unions have an the regional labor board from hold the majority of the seats in the disintegration. The policies of the What is the extent of the vicshould be memorialized. They should be exalted to their proper place People Front not only prop up swered by putting out a progresing hearing on the board com. rabots.
in the estimation of those for whom they fought, died and suffered sive, tabloid size United Rubber plaint that the News has violated But there are also equally clear the bankrupt Radicals but also un tory of the People Front? With out waiting for the results of the imprisonment, and especially, at this time, appeal to you most Worker, by increasing the mem the Wagner lehorrelations act. The indications that section of the dermine the position of the working run off election, we can state with earnestly and fervently for your attention, bership in the locals, by establish Injunction ples will be heard Sat French petty bourgeoisie has al class, because this support causes assurance that it matters very lit ing study classes, and by holding urday by Judge Geiger.
the disillusioned middle class folMay ask you not to forget all class war prisoners on that day, tle whether or a huge victory ball. In the Goodready began to shift in the direction lowing of the Radicals to lose con outnumber not the Socialists Several carlonds of sympathizers of reaction and Fascism. This is the Radicals. It is and in your remembrance of them, do not fail to single out the monuyear plant a printed shop paper is are expected here from Chicago indicated by the fact that only a sidence both in the latter and in Herriot Daladier who will crack the mental injustice and monstrous wrong that has been done to my cobeing started Friday night for another demon minority of the deputies elected the labor partners as well.
suterer, Warren Billings, and myself.
Tension in the Goodyear factory stration. Five Muskegon (Mich. on the first ballot were those repreThe Fascists alone stand to gain whip in the Chamber and not BlumCachin.
The more attention that is attracted to the Mooney. case, electric. Fist fights are common. guildsmen flew over late Saturday senting the parties in the People from the debacle of the Radicals, According to the most sanguine and the greater the publicity the better are our chances in the United States Supreme Court. Leave no stone unturned to publicize to the paralyzed activity. These events week week Edna Ferber, one of the the greatest relative gains in the ties pursue a policy of collaboration estimates of Populaire and Huof fullest this case. It is only throngh such publicity that we have any will undoubtedly hasten and con foremost American novelists and first ballot were scored by the re with Herriot Daladier instead of manite, Blum Cachin dream firm the action of the rubber firms formerly a Milwaukee reporter at actionary Right Republicans.
waging an irreconcilable struggle total of some 200 220 seats for the hope of freedom and the combined with With warmest personal regnrds and every good wish for the comin announcing several weeks ago 15 a week, gave 100 for the strike In this we have a clear reflection against them.
the beginning of decentralization fund. The Milwaukee Typograph of the process now going on in People Front Saves Radicals the Radicals numbering from 100120. essence, therefore, even Jete victory of the working class, am, with fraternal trade union of the rubber plants.
cal Union No. 23 sent 100 Monday, France which is dividing the na The elections provide very clear should the most sanguine hopes of regards, Decidedly, the rubber barons accompanied by a resolution of sol. tion into two camps. This process evidence of just how the People the engineers of the People Front Very sincerely, have nothing to be cheery about. idarity.
must continue at an accelerated Front has benefited the Radicals. Continued on Page 4)
TOM MOONEY, 31021.
Peoples Front Salvages Bankrupt Law Order Cops Maul Radicals in First French Election Ruse Flops Guildsman Real lasues Will Beause one or the play with the Icible.
Mav Day Greetings from Comrade Tom Mooney the