AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceHitlerImperialismMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

France at the Crossroads to nod that the altruismlare cartel newspaper in action the are pickets of finance is list countries to unload the al This lea is not new. One can ailel. The war only deepened the formation not by Parliamentary rublemakers and fomenters will Ameria, where it gevra! utrike IGE. SATURDAY, APRIL 25. 1936 instruction to hand over power to Doumergue. And the Radical General Strike Marks Premier capitulated with the pusillanimity that is generally charRocque. In other words: sovereign New Left rend in Spain In Lieu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of Daladier surrendered power to Douinergue for the seli same reason Defense of Terrorism acteristic of the Radicals it was LEON precisely because he recognized his Azana Directs Shafts at Communism in Reply to TROTSKY own master in the gangs of de la Provocation from Fascists But Workers Action Editor Note: Following is the director of the newspaper re frage: he went around carrying na brake upon the development of the bat the director of Depeche and an excerpt from the third section fused point blank to intervene: tional sovereignty in his pocket productive forces, engendering an the Mayor of Grenoble refused to Makes Them Run for Cover of Leon Trotsky work, Whith anything your heart desires, except alongside of his handkerchied. But extreme instability in social and expose the abominable cruelty of er France, which is to be pub that! For, a previous Indiscretion the moment that the detachments international relations. Parliament the agents of Comite des Forges. By ALFREDO ROJAS the fascist provocations. The Civil Mshed in book form by Pioneer in connection with this mighty or of de la Rocque, Maurras and Co. ary democracy is indissolubly An Unsolved Question participated in the The extraordinarily successful Guards who Publishers. Only the second see tion of Whither France has ganization, Depeche had already showed that they dared to shoot bound up with the epoch of free The transition from democracy 24 hour general strike in Madrid on tiring on the workers were arrested, heen published in the English been deprived of an advertisement, and to slash the tendons of the po competition and free international to Fascism carries with it, how. Friday, April 17, called in protest highofeers in the Guard were re language, in The New Internaand suffered a loss of 20, 000 francs. lice horses, sovereign Daladier sur trade The bourgeoiste was able to ever, the danger of social upheav against Fascist murders and at moved from their posts, and mass tional director of the left newspaper valid who was designated by the assembly and of the press only so In contrast to the proletarians, the rendered his post to a political intolerate the freedom of strikes, of als Thence arise the tactical vacil tacks on workers, is the most signi arrests of Fascists took place in lations and differences among the ficant event since the February 16 many cities, and in one or two the like the mayor stood to lose some tenders of the armed detachments. long as the productive forces were sunumits of the bourgeoisie. All the election. It has thrown back the officials of the Catholic and Mon This book is devoted to the elu. thing.
Its archist parties were also arrested cidation of the methods of the rev. engage in an unequal They therefore refused to this fact is of considerably greater mounting upwards, so long as the magnates of capital are in favor of rising tide of rightist moves.
struggle importance than all the electoral sales markets were being extended, enrther strengthening the armed full significance can only be under and jailed. The Cortes remained in Ponutlar styles of the proletariat Leaving the workers with their di statistics, and it cannot be erased the welfare of the popular masses detachments, which can serve as stood when one realizes that session throughout the night of the in our epoch. The presentation is seased intestines and kidneys to from the pages of the most recent even only partially, was rising safety reserves in the hour of dan came, suddenly, after a period of general strike, passing a law. prohibe polemien in nature, like the rev. their fate.
olutionary policy itself. Once the history of France, for at forecasts and the capitalist nations were able ter. But what place should be al proletarian retreat and growing 18 iting alarmy officers, including retired, from participating in poA Democratic Republie the future, to live and let live.
masses have been won the polemie Dotted to these detachments even sertiveness by the rightists.
against the ruling class turns, at a Premier Axana speeches in the Assuredly, the course o the po It is otherwise now. If we ex today? Should they be permitted Once every week or every fortThe recent experiences in France certain stage, into revolution.
night, the socialist mayor disturbe litical le of a country cannot be clude the Soviet Union, the imper imediately to assume the offensive Cortes have been a sensitive baroRevolutionary roliry has its the the dim recollections of his youth altered by every srot armed with ialit epoh is characterized by the. should they stille held in re meter of the move to the right. Six demonstrate, however, the worth oretical basis in a clear understand periorities of socialism over capital armed Itachments which are the al income, a chronie agrarian erinin solved as yet.
by delivering a speech about the su revolvers, at any time. Only those stagnation or decline of the nation prve as a threat. These questions weeks after the masses had pushed lessness of governmental mensures him into power, Axana gave a against Fascism. No bourgeois go ne or the class nature of modern mm. During clections. Depeche organs of specific classes can play is and orgine unemployment. Finance capital 10 longer be speech which was hailed by the vernment will seriously attempt to The phenomena pertain Internal lieves in the ability of the Indicals Catholics and Monarchists (repart destroy the Fascist legions on which its ideology The bourgeoisie op verything is in order. Comite des tims. Coloma de In Roumne and his to the present phase of capitur bod hem, and by means of the 11. The Communist Party hailed only the workers own defense may have to depend tomorrow.
erntex with abstractions (nation therland. democracy. in or Strive by these his speech, and even the left So fores can smash the Fusics, corps.
der to cover up thereby the exploit this sort, which es not hurm in. ax law and order in France to explain the world eral tolerance towards morialism of undergoinst convulsions. And in si pertain to certain ages of man.
cronorextrain the proletariat within clalist. Largo Caballero, contented Far more important than the going character of its rule. Le vernment assurances is the inTemns, one of the most wennt new capitalism. By means of an adverthe least the material interests of cully the rule of finance capital chans hy the consequences of the the ramework of lemocratle dis himself with being cantiously nonover middle and wity bourgeoi last war is to lay bare a hopeless pline. But finance capital is like committal. Azana became more xpiration that the general strike has vers the terrestrial loba isement of 20, 000 francs per year ste, and the role othebourgeoisie superficiality in the spirit of Caill wine certain of the ability of the world, and called on the municipal given to the proletariat. so whenply are there Kentlemen as a whole over the proletariat and anx, Coint Sforza and the like. Fascist organixations, which stil elections scheduled for April 12 war macers of France in patriotism priced! The feudalists the the seeint strate close it to it, the The war itself was nothing Over a hundred thousand workers subroitted lack anal mass base, to selve pow. The proletarian parties were ont on strike a few days after, and altruism. Meanwhile it beavy Industry and banks keep dements of de la Roogne are thon an attempt on the part of cap and establish firm order. on April with many cconomic An Unstable Situation strikts going on in all parts of according to such a hostile source ale Temps itself is on the market Muljection. And not the newspaper capital, seady impending crush upon the The behind the scenes lenders in the rightint deputies called as the Axsovinted Press. The same source reports strike victories in at fixeel international rates.
alone. Comite des Forges npparent Two Agen ies of Finance Capital buks of the eneny. The attempt have been instilled with the need upon the government to put an end udva, involving 0, 000 ininers and The first step of revolutionary poly los sirguments, both ilirect and Hities is the exposure of bourgents, indirect, weighty enough for Messrs fic ions which poison the conscious Mayors Senators, Deputies, includ rases of le Populaire and Human subsequeut vopment pre workers, by the attempt of the GenThe govern nose of the masses. These fictions in the Socialists. Entire official ite, although, of course, they were pares a new war.
eral Strike, which, to be sure, was net minister Salvador, on behalf of ment labor officer, ment hastily sent ten million pes the government.
fornire a particularly malignant France is under the dictatorship of the origual formulators of it. Social Disintegration in France Ntified at its very inception by the eta to Asturias for unemployment character when amalgamated with finance capital. In the la Rousse The publications, however, speak Robles Threat of Civil War relis. The arrival in Gibralter of Band 118 Freel economic statis. breaucracy of Joubaux, and, inter the song socialism and rev. dictionary this system is called a cul half of the truth. The second ties are font they deliberately by the beat uprisines (Toulon The farthest right was achieved inany big landowner indlated new Intion be one in the workers or remed to the stems. Iest depok in the set it ferrit som rade the problems of class contra Brust. slight curb was piae the same day by Az una hituselt. So nod by the peasantry.
altre of France is being set de and Journalixts not only in the balance with their followers are to cover the manifesta. ins, even these statistics are als Breathe just a bit carier. Le government as to what measures Leftward Development in by the manufacturers of such a malls, but in all the departments of also an acuey tinance capital eta direct will disintegra Temps, which had alreads rushed were being taken to stop disorder Even more wignificant than the ms.
France that there would lo en otherwise the Radicals could not die mid the general decline of to offer its hand and heart. In a Robles. Catholic chief of the least and workers struggles, Between Editions to their peaceful coabitation with the ruling warty the national income, and the truly manter of articles to the young rights forces, delivered that which can have to successful issue The first cilition of this book can reaction. They were mis France for a period of decades, plave a certain role in the forma aben. Long corrode luy dry rot, we are not to play the enments, mid the rain of the little in writo a liberal regime, break out, will be caused by the is the latest news of leftward devel tive age of the French Communist demory suddenly felt the barrel. de and seek. we must say that men in the cities and the growth the one most in harmony with exwrument negligence. We dements in the Socialist Party, Party. At that considerable evi. gun at its comple. Just is the dela Rogue and Daladier both memployment, the gignntic en French, geulis. Thus, the mustable. Har now that it is preferable to which is by far the laruest prty of notice and Incidentally, it is not trial fact brought out a real This is not mean to say that 100 240 milions a year are doing with the genus of France but with by our enemies. Spain, declared has voted to seek revision of the dence of this came to the author MateJoybag bare the value and serve one and the same master. terprises with a turnover above transitional bastarit rexime was alle fighting in the streets thau o le masses. The adrid organisa difficult to find traces of it in armament of Hitler a coarse rither they Humanite up to the year 1924. peaval in the relations between nuts are identicnt. Quite the tal in Huickbug the lieblood from the decline of the Third Republic al Robles. Who was only thwarted party program at the June contro During the twelve years that have luury nature of the so called in contrary. They fiercely war against the veins of the French prople, in What Ntands ont most sharply in from creating Fascist regime by Madrid Mocalists will present a since canela radient revalnationernational law. Just so did the each other, like wo specialized the full sonse of the term. Such is this regime are lt Bonapartist the revolt of Asturias in October, program which adopts as its per of values took place in the Comming of the songs of Colonel de asencies cach of whom has its own the sial basis for the ideology and traits: the independence of power is divided into two camps and rective the immediate reale for monist International after a num a Rorque result in convulsing the special secret of salvation. Dalad polities of national mity.
mention that this work is listed to helling all parties without excep through the exercise or the self. times are pussible in the process of slation by means of emergency bly end in civil war, Mitigations and clickers of better quidation of the parliamentary leg. ists are intolerable and will inevit. that Epain present crisis is not cyclical but permanent, the program What was Axana answer to this declares that the only detinite soluIn their ideas and methods, the a diferent coloration, and effect re Rorque holds that ont lived parlia: They remain, however, purely comment in the guise of an arbiter threat? Did the Man of the Re Son of the national problem is rev.
present lenders of the French Com sronments.
tarianism must be swept away jinetura in character. The gener above the struggling camps. Le hille pillory the rightists for reolutionary socialism, and that in munist arts (we are compelled to Friedrich Engels once wrote that and replaced by an open militarynation. The fusing to abide by the democratic the period of the transition from retain this name which is in com the state. Abeding the democratis ice dictatorship. The political condenamour pochimerions Ministries of Doumergue, Flanding results of the February elections capitalist stety to the socialist rediferin ang principle from Kaut armed men in defense of properswil nims they serve the identi umber of other countries, to the Laval, all three with the invarinble at all: Axana answer was sime, the form of government shall alternative: either the proletariat participation of the compromised a rabid attack on revolutionary be a dictatorship of the proletariat skv. against whom our work was y everything else serves only to cal.
with the aim of sering the chan.
most overthrow the utterly decayed an abject Radicals, represented Barxism.
originally drwted. They are only embellish or camouflnge this fact. The Decline of Capitalism ses in social, economic and political minor variations of one and the bourgeois order, or capitalism. In Arana Attacks Communism Infinitely more ignorant and cyni. Eloqnent champions of Law like organization and to prevent any atThe historical basis of the antag. the interests o self preservation, same theme.
Herriot or Blum always became in onisin between de la Rocque and must replace democracy with Pas Commr nism. shouted Azana. tempts at capitalist restoration, as cal.
Leon Blum Wisdom. would signify the death of Spain! well as to consummate the destrucThe relapse into reformism and cened at such cynicism. But both Daladier we use these names cism. Ilow long can Fascism last? Upon the inauguration of the He sharply denied that his govern Hen of the whole present social patriotism that Cachin and Co. are Hitter, and de la Rocque, each in merely for the sake of simpliclty in the answer to this question will be Sarraut ministry. Leon Blum ment was permitting the gradual order.
now living through might itselt his own domain. bave once again our presentation. the decline of provided by the fate of Mussolini whose perspicacity possesses two implanting of revolutionary Marxhave served as a suficient justifi demonstrated that Engels was core the capitalist system, its incur. and Hitler.
It appears likely that this procation for a new edition of this rect able crisis, its decay. Despite the The Piscists fired their guns on claimed that: The final effects of cessantly to maintain order. revis gram will be adopted in June. The wok. However, more serions moMore Vital than Statisties constant triumphs of technology Mebruary 6, 1934 upon the direct February 6th have been destroyed ing, if necessary, the whole system right and moderate wings, led by tives exist: they are rooted in the Early in 1934, Daladier was the and the explosive successes achiev. orders of the Bourse, the banks and on the parliamentary plane (Le o defense, in order to put an end to Besteiro and Indalecio Prieto, both profound pre revolutionary crisis Minister in Chief by will of univered by individual branches of indus the trusts. From the self same rul Populaire, Feb. 2, 1936. This is the reign of violence.
closely identified with Azana, are which is convulsing the regime of sal, equal, diret and secret suf try, capitalism as a whole is a ling summits, Daladier received the commonly known as cleaning the The socialists and communists re fast losing ground.
the Third Repnblic.
shadow of a carriage with the shad mained silent when Axana finished, It Caballero, head of the Madrid Significant Incident oped that Jensen had loaned the If you mean the American Civil aw of a brush. As if it is possible, but the left republicans, the center organization and chief of the ter a lapse of 18 years, the aumachine to your correspondent, the Liberties Union, don see how it in general, to abolish on the par, and the right cheered him noisily. were to take program serithor of this book has had the oceapresent writer, who is covering the could have affiliated because it is lamentary plane the pressure of Deputy Ventosit, spokesman of the ously, the first step would be re sion to spend two years in France trial for The Nation, the Milwaukeen non partisan, non political organ the armed detachments of finance rightist Catalan League, declared pudiation of the Popular Front (1933 1935. to be sure, only as an Leader and a group of labor privation devoted to the defense of capital! As if Sarraut can escape that Axana is the only man cap. alliance with Azlana. Dispatches obscrver in the provinces, who Dere. From then on, Sidney Hertz civil liberties, Jensen informed feeling this pressure and not quakeable of offering the country security carly this week indicated that the Moreover, found himself under con berg benme the defendant.
before it! In point of fact, the Sar and defense of all legal rights. would make the break by Whitaker Mysterious Evidence represtant police surveillance. During Isn this the same group that raut Flandin Government Yet, on the vote of confidence the insisting on voting for Socialist this time in the Isere Department, Whitaker claimed to have mys offered a reward of 1, 000 for consente another variation of the self next day, the socialists and com candidates in the presidential ele where the writer had to live, a miterions evidence that this writer victions in these cases? Whitaker same semi parliamentary Bona. manists voted for Axana! So, too. tion on April 26, instead of voting asked.
Pariism. only somewhat inclined lid many rightists.
nor and quite banal routine epi for a bourgeois republican as Azana way in ality the correspondent believe so, said Jensen.
to the let. Sarraut, himself, in sode occurred, which however, proThis was the atmosphere on the insists. According to the for the Daily Worker, that he was vides the key to French politics as replying to the charge of his having very eve of the general strike. So however, Caballero has agreed to (Continued from Page Communist; that he might be Tricks of the Defense resorted to Arbitrary measures, unboldened were the rightists, in support Don Alvaro Albornoz, bour.
a whole. And, said Ahitaker, his voice gave the Chamber the hest answer act, that while the proletarian gris republican candidate. If this is In a hospital, owned by the Com cy to incite an insurrection. On the mimeograph machine for an rising isn this the same group possible.
struction day which makes it a cranking out secret instructions on armed uprising. Jensen, he was Said Sarraut: If my lep ties were voting for Azana, true, the Socialists will have no ite des Forges. steel trusted) a The basis of this statute, be intendere, munst be Communist because wat sent lawyers to the Scotts measures are arbitrary. it is be young Fascists in Madrid were join oportunity of estimating their young worker, about to undergo a to establish that the advocacy of he had loaned his mimeograph to horo.
canse aim to be an arbiter. This ed by officers of the Civt Guard in strength among the masses by the serions operation, took the liberty communism is a felony.
Farrior and Connty Solicitor Man aphorison would not have sounded a revolver attack on workers who outcome of Sunday election to read the revolutionary press (or, such a person.
nel Clover, his first assistant, leaped badly even on the lips Napoleon shouted replies ngainst the Vive el to be more prerise, the press which Tir will then try to prove that Despite the fact that Judge Rob out of their chairs shouting objec. 111. Sarrait feels himself to be notarismo of a funeral cortege of an conocentis ncreatodeal land that the police there istantenertions, Whitaker again remained even after the Judse sus party or a bloc of parties in power the workers fought back on the the Modern Democrats were com. Dewell sustained the state tions. Whitakers self satisfied smile the plenipotentiary of certain awe offeer. But this provocation Announce New hospital put on ultimatum to the water en over one with and anxin came back to the mime ned the objections. he had got les proper in accordance with the pokrists proved to be Lecture Series others who shared his sympathies. Portraited as a red seeking machine and what your curton that word in. Then you don know, Whitaker arhiter over classes and parties, as either they rehonnee receiving the The General Strike to do to the home, the church. Hertzbery is on trial continued, whether the civil liber is in accordance with the laws of The next day came the general Trotskyem ortadinim wonld be immediately thrown out Hly on the normal projndices of her for arraign liim, plead him tie league is a political or commun Bonapartism.
strike. Despite the fact that it was this is the general there of a speof not guilty and fry him now, State istie organization?
the jury to take care of the kidnap. Attorney Rex Farrior suggested.
into the street. Of course it availAgain the court sustained theory, Whitaker will have another cailed by the anarchist controlled cal lecture organized by the New ed the patients nothing to argue ing Indictment, Finally Jensen was given a state objections but Whitaker was obstacle to overcome in proving that Confederation of Labor without any York District of the Workers that clericnlrenctionary propagan Whitaker used this approach chance to deny categorically that setting his licks in.
the Moderu Democrats were con attempt to secure united action from Party, to be held on Sunday. May da was beius carried on quite open with Charles Jensen, State Sec the writer was a correspondent for Farrior tried three tmes to intro munists.
the Nocilisi controlled the 17. The spenker, Max Shachtman, Iv in the hospital. Inasmuch as on. Pars of the Socialist Party of the Daily Worker and Whitaker ance the program of the Modern Hot in pursuit of the reds, Wht strike met with powerful tess who is well known to New York ly ordinary workers were concern Florida and first witness for the stopped his play acting. His insin. Demoernts ns a state exhibit, but taker questioned Jensen closely Barly in the day the whole com. labor audiences will deal in his ed, who had to risk nelther man prosecution. Jensen, one of the six nations, however, probably had was stopped each time by technical about the finances of the local commercial life of the capital was com lecture principally with the strug «Intes as deputies nor ministerial arrested in the raid, told a damag their effect on the jury. objections from Whitaker. The mh tee for the Defense of Civil Lib pletely paralyzed. according to the ce between the two tendencies, one portfolios, but only their henith my story which could not be alter Whitnker added race prejudice program consists of ten municipal ertes in Tampa of which Jensen is Associated Press, Though the worked hy Trotsky and the other by and lives, the ultimatum had no ed in the slightest detail by Whit to red baiting while questioning reforms the most radical of which treasurer. subpoena was issitea ere of Madrid are largely in the Stalin in the period between the ect. Five sick men, one of whom kor tricky cross examination.
Jensen about the setup of the Mod provides for a planning board from for the books of the committee, but Socialist unions, and though the rise of the Left Opposition and its was scheduled for an operation, The defense attorney then beganern Democrats, the unemployed to plan and manage Jensen will probably refuse to turn have always isnored the usually ill. expulsion from the Communist Inwere clected from the hospital. a rice of questions about the mim. Warn provision made for the a system whereby production for them over to Whitaker because it prepared and frresponsible strike ternational at the end of 1927. This Grenoble at that time was a soncuph machine Jensen had wedi ion of the New York civilne instead of for profit may be will mean that those who gave calls of the anarchists, proletarian will cover the struggle for party cialist municipality, headed by lemocrnev, the dispute around the o Fun off copies of the proram of liberties league with the Modern made possibile. Should the nint money to fight Klan terrorism will Madrid came out on the streets.
Tinctor Martin, one of those con the Modern lem crats It derel Democrats Whitaker demanded. form be made available to the fur become marked victims of it.
The splendid response of the British general strike and the Chiservative bourgeois, who generally masses demonstrated the bankruptcy nese Revolution, Industrialization of the policy of the Socialists and and collectivization in the Soviet set the tone in the Socialist Party, Communists, who had not even at Union, etc, etc. together with the and whose consummate representa Leon Blum.
tacked Azana, let alone considered famous Third Period and the a protest strike. Late in the day, course towards nationalist degenThe ejected workers tried to find her came out in support of the eration which followed it. de ender in the Mayor. In vnin Inst independent state in Africa succumbs under the fire of SPEAKER: Despite all entreaties, letters, and strike and secured an agreement Fascist armies.
IRVING PLAZA with the anarchists to limit it to Trving Plaza hall, 15th Street and The lecture will be held in the intercessions they failed to obtain Mussolini aided by diplomatic game of Litvinov, Eden and an interview. They then turned to MAURICE SPECTOR twenty four hours. The anarchists. Irving Place Admission will be Flandin.
the loal left newspaper Depeche. Former Member League of Nations promises. but uses Ethiopia as a pawn Irving Place 15th St. protest. set no time Imt to the followed by questions and discus in which adients and Socialists of imperialist struggles.
compose an indivisible cartel. Upon Azana Compelled to Aet Auspices: Workers Party Bankruptcy of Second and Third Internationals again revealed.
tails about it will be contained in leorning that the matter involved New York Distrlet Questions and Discussion SUNDAY MAY 3rd Before the strike was over, Azana porning issues of the NBW MILIthe hospital of Comite des Forges, had promised to take steps against TANT, Red Scare Is Raised in Tampa.