AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsRadekSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1936 EV MLITANT PAGE HUNGER STRIKE IN STALIN PRISONS MARCH OF EVENTS Heroic Struggle of Revolutionary Political Prison rs Against Despotic GPU Is Told by Dr. Ciliga in Fourth installment of series By JACK WEBER Decline of the British Empire 02 all the great powers Britain chilled to the marrow by the spec is today the most vulnerable, the ter of future wars and revolutions, By ANTON CILIGA one that has most to fear from the Tremendous unleashed mass forces, the GPU agent Dupnis told me that ron Moscow. the representatives May 22, 1983 was the day on in that case he refused to accept of the collegium of the My Citizen Ciliga. wald Dupuis. munists, our late could not be kept inevitable changes that an unstable even when aimed at capitalist overthe representatives of the colles secret any louger. This imposed capitalism will bring forth. The throw, are not to the king of men which our prison term expired. On the and would send me back to old acquaintances. citiziness Andium have something to communicate upon the GPU the necessity of em. end of Great Britain world dom whose sole claim to power rests on March 21, we sent a declaration to Verkne Uralsk. Once again was reyer, Agranov assistant, who is to you.
ploying more cautious tactics. ination was foreshadowed even be the stifling of mass forces.
the and the colleglum of placed in an automtbile and carried in charge of all matters relating to Well, what is it? said rubbing We will not permit you to com core the war, with the rise of those Writing in Current History on the demanding that we be o. But not to Verkne Uralsk the persecuted communist, socialist my eyes, umbling for my glasses, mit suicide. sala citizeness Andre collossal industrial rivals, the Britain way in World Politics.
given permission to depart unhin. They threw me into the cellar of and anarchist groups There was and half raising myselt on the yev. sucwe will assiten etw. Gre United States and Germany. The Radek bids the Wiser conserva dered from Russia upon the ex. the jail for criminals under the also the head of the All Union De bench.
ed out in our declaration that in into a damp. cold and dark cellegium of the citizen Popov, eness Andreyev, have the follow things will be immediately remov. wrought since have emphasized the of two courses in order to safeguard piration of our sentence. We point Chelyabinsk militia, was lockedpartment of Prisons under the coll Citizen Ciliga. continued citi ents to your cell, and all your World War and the changes tives in England to take the better ed.
processes of decay rotting the foun their system. At the present time the event of a refusal or fallure to The electric light burned night and whose appearance alone bespoke of ing to communicate to you: the collAnd she proceeded to issue the dations of Empire and simulta the ruling section of the bourgeoisie receive an answer we would begin day. spent three months in this his functions. The third memberium of the and the necessary orders. was left only neously threatening the very exis is playing the game of balance of. to pret sentence expired, and should the minute. without even seeing the live the prosecutor office was demand or permission to depart when we ask secrete articlenew Bharp whole. Viewed from any criterion serve e me marea core and amet frain from resorting to the most ex.
treme measures, sparing neither our strike here. knew that my com. ubinsk, and used to make the rounds your prison term has been extended Isolator. was triumphant of its capital export, the loss of ling Germany, the tories propose to trike mediately began my bunker he was present on the spot in Chels der of the collegium o: the God blade, already smuggled out of the of Imperialist power the decline allow for the expansion of a strangbenith nor lives in the struggle. rades were also on hunger strike of the isolator during the day. to. Por un additional two years. them. For this reason tola new weapons of warfare that shift and permit Hitler complete freeIt came to that. would show naval supremacy, the threat of the the Germany hands in the West short time ago, succeeded in somewhere, because we had taken in gether with Andreyev and opor. The welises to recognize citizeness Andreyev ironically the England boundarler from the down in the East Brital proposes obtaining permission to depart. to consideration all the possibilities Comrade Draguitch, a former mem beforehand, and had planned how to The Execution of the Poles ber of the e. of the Jugoslav meet them. We had agreed that in But inasmuch as my case, coupled ially.
tomorrow you will be fed artific a man who finds it necessary to do Channel to the khine, the economie to survive at the expense of the away with himself would not be development of the colonies with Soviet Union. This is a time honCommunist Party, in struggle the event of our being separated, or with what the commission had to The question of the hunger cestrained either by soldiers or any the creation of a colonial proletar ored policy of perfidious Albion.
other obstacle.
iat capat of leading the movement to make a deal with a possible to achieve this aim is still incar. being taken to some other place tell me, was such a shocking in strike and of artificial feeding cerated in the secret dungeons of than Moscow, we would begin astance of lawlessness, such a cynic has already become a second The next morning sent a tete for fudependence, the internal eco aggressor at the expense of other nomie crisis at home Britannia powers.
How does Radek propose Soviet Guiana, the terrible Solovet tunger strike imediately. G. al breach or even formal rights and ary question. began coldly kram to the Moscow collegium of. and deliberately. In answer to he GPU and the e. of the feels the sceptre slipping from her to bring about a change of heart to cross the frontiers illegally atter eurolled under the in the is office decided, quite reasonably, that. among the slave drivers? By adthe unheard of decision of the containing a declaration grasp.
dressing himself to those conserG. and of the Soviet Gov.
permission to depart legally was later although was being kept in It should best be done without its xinilar to one had made to Threatened in every direction vatives who are shrewder and ernment, and the refnsal to denied him. Comrade Deditch, a the jail under the militia. On the knowledge. All the more so since Andreyev.
and on every front, British Imper hope to preserve the status quo by well known trade union activist in day of iny trans er from Verkhne. the representative of the prosecn allow me te return home al. No attempt was made to feed me ialism is engaged in utilizing every means of collective security Jugoslavia (Herzegovina) is sitting Uralsk to Chelyabinsk had receiv. tor office was himself a foreign though have already served artificially, but instead was offi means to stave off the evil day, to through the League of Nations.
ill, famished, and without employed a rotten meal, and therefore communist, aormer Polish worker. the prison sentence which you cially told the following: prolong its rule and with this rule Radek warns that any breach of inent in distant Siberian exile.
beran the hunger strike under in. One shonld imagine that this former yourselves imposed upon me in the entire system of exploitation at peace, despite any hope of the Eng.
An Official Deeree Reasons for the Struggle Auspicious conditions. For this rea: olish worker is today alrendy so 1930, to the mutomatie addihome and colonial oppression ish that they can remain isolated The Political Bureau of the abroad. Under these circumstances, and become the source of supplies tion of a new prison term which of Jugoslavia has sed We were so stulborn in Insisting on. began to vomit on the second Stalinized as to be able to now or the third day, but afterwards assume upon himself quite openly trans arms me into your perpet resolution approving the decision of the class conscious workers to result in a general world wide war it becomes the task and the duty for a warring Germany, can only pont permission to depart abroad began feeling better. did not feel aul brazenly what he undertook on ual slave and captive. will the GPU to extend your term of for several reasons. First of all hungry. When a man consciously shame acedly in 1933. That is to resort to the extreme measure We enme to Russia in 1026, only for me is really profoundly permented way, unless he happened to be imprisonment.
This decision of the utilize every means to strengthen which would threaten the entire left me suicide. If necessary Political Bureau let my death be the price paid the Jugoslav heir forces and their organization structure of the Empire Far bet Communist Party will be wiven to roletariat and the oppressed mases with the nontinent of the British to return home after accomplishing with the conviction that he must mong those fity important polish to in the struggle of the British ter for them to rely, in accordance not touch food, he absolutely does communists who were recently shot for in orming the foreign pro.
certain work. By 1933, our mission of feel the pangs of hunger. He in Russia without non in writing.
trial, upon letariat into what a position in the colonies so as to prepare to masses, on that preserver of peace, had long been fulfilled. Secondly. nly feels weak. had already had the unverified and all embracing you put those foreign revolu This is not my Political Bureau. wrest power from their brutal in the League. And please note, my there were no possibilities in Rus te experience of the great hunger charge of ludskyisi.
tionists who refuse to become interrupted the orator. These are wrialist inasters. Otherwise the English friends, May Radek, it war your mamelukes and their decisions fragments of empire can only fall should nevertheless break out, you as we usullerstorbe it, anders beste strike a 1931. Of course, the han nude provocation. As the online your lackeys. will also inform Moscow of my decision.
are not binding upon me. do into the greedy hands of other im world through this policy obtain we hnd infinitely greater possibiliser strike in this place was made the most competent and authorita it recognize this Political Bureau. perialist powers, even more power the whole hearteil support of your ties abroad. Thirdly, after our more difficult by the cold and the tive representatives of the Polish man who decides to commit do not belong to any of your pul than the present rulers and the masses.
want to become directly acquainted blanket lay the whole the liner deputy to the Polish Sejm were Yes. said smiling at her, you Therefore do not recognize their slave drivers.
harsh experience in Russia we dampness. Half dressed, wrapped in Inbor movement, the great majority suicide does not give notice of 16 communist parties, nor have any masses now under the British whip time of the executed, among them a for objected citizeness Andreyev.
intention of belonging to thein. will suffer new lashes from the new But if war beromes inevitable also with the experience and the on the tenth day, after midnight a above all suspicion; and that upon would like to see me dend, provid discipline and refuse to submit to night and day, on the wooden bench.
owing to the imperialist policy of Japan, Germany and Italy (not ideas of the Western European and group of agents stamped into investigation any impartial inter you do not bear any responsibilit.
France or Great Britain, oft American labor movement.
And, the cell. Night time is the favorite national committe would have provity for it. am engaged in a pocourse. then the British masses, finally, we could not reconcile our time of the for its work. ed criminal light mindedness on the litical struggleskalnst you and in ormed me that a telegram OF THE EMPIRE Four days later, Tapnis appeared RADEK AND CONSERVATION selves with the conduct of the preAs was shown by the trade union sent Soviet Government, which perA Nocturna! Visit congress and the labor Party, mits itself to treat foreign workers was already quite spent peysie not something worse.
ity for everything you have done had arrived from Moscow stating will be all for the defensive measures adopted by the League. ing them into its perpetual prison willy and even more so mentally In the eyes of the present Stalin and will do to me and my comrades, tort the additional two wear prison game, proposes to advise the Engand revolutionists like slaves, turn. Eight days had already dlapsed ist leadership, which is conducting Ny oficial declaration is precisely term had been changed to three iish bourgeoisie in their frantic or Particularly since the entry of to place the responsibility years ers, depriving them of their cle since my demands. Suspense tends a nationalist policy, every Pole and inte at self pi ervation as a rule the Soviet Union into the League. Irkutsk is a large city not like ing class. This is the inevitable those masses see in the League a mentary human rights, seeking to without any answer from the German must be held suspect, if pon you in the event of my prostrip them of all human dignity Chelyabinsk, and you will be able outcome of a policy which places guarantee that defense against to strain and weaken spiritual reis not directly considered as a spy test suicide.
Hundreds of foreign workers and tance more than anything else. The am personally inclined to consi We Will Not Permit.
to arrange there the matter of your sole reliance on imperialist combi German, Italian and Japanese anrevolutionists find themselves in is well aware o this, and der this psychology as the underly. If the death could have been departure more quickly. the head nations to maintain the status quo. gression will not degenerate into Soviet Russia in the status of thinly therefore makes systematic use of in of the Chelyabinsk political prison to the Stalinist bureaucracy that a policy of imperialist deals at the monstrous crime hushed up, the GPU would have not shooting farty Polish communiste: eshte semurele modems whether diplomatized.
veiled slavery status quo includes the one concern the expense of other peoples. New Columbus Itinerary that lies nearest to their heart this is being perpetrated by a Go ents rushed in. was doxing, and being somewhat acquainted with twy suicide, firing squad, or as a re In other words, Radek promises verument that passes oft Hs re in the semi darkness of the cell did the deportment and methods of the sult of an unfortunate incident Yon mean sime so persistently and falsely as not at first recognize the intruders. can say with certainty But after our declarations in the Columbue tu say that ince desire, the maintenance of their to cover British imperialism with the the mantle of the Soviet Union if route from the Mediterown uncontrolled power in the fatherland of the toilers of the Then perceived that in addition to that it would not be so bad if among Verkhne ralsk isolator, and a terranean to India was via America, Soviet Union. If the British bour Britain will turn away from Gerentire worid. It is this combina. Depois and six agents, there the executed there were ten or even the declaration of the Elder of the therefore itinerary from the seoisie feel keenly the threat to many. With the aid of Stalin, the tion of the cynlem of Infinite op was also present the Commission rive real agents of ilsudky. collective of the imprisoned com Urals to Europe is vin Irkutsk and their power in any major distur masses will be led into thinking pression with the eynicism of Infin Kamchatka, said to him in a hance of the present world relation that defense of the empire is de ite les to the foreign proletariat similar tone. But no. wnia of forces, the Stalinists are no less rense of peace in general.
that most aroused our indignation want to go from the trals due Wes at the Soviet bureaucratie customs.
to Europe. Taking into consideraOur demand for leave to depart tin the withdrawal of an addition PEDIDORES NEW MILITANT was actively supported by the entire APRIL ISSUE OF THE al prison term, withdraw the question of the protest suicide. But communist sector of the prison. In with which is merel a special declaration to the Govern. continue with the hunger strike NEW INTERNATIONAL THE MILITANT ment, the Elder, in the name of all for permission to depart home to IS OUT the imprisoned Communists support By MAURICE SPECTOR realization that shifts British at others may follow. The great pol Europe.
Pablished weekly by the New Wili ed our demand to depart, and placed Galvanized by the Blackshirt suctention swiftly from the banks of tien risk of giving Germany a free This occurred on the 14th any of Articles by Trotsky, Sidney tant Poblishing Co. 100 Hifth Ave. the responsibility for our fate upon cesses in Ethiopia, British moral in the Rhine to the head waters of the band in the East is, however, that the hunger strike struck for Hook and many others criti the Goverument. The universal League Council, Anthons ten vir dignation is running high. At the Nile. challenge to British interests more. days. Again Dupnis arrived. cism by George Soule, editor of and told me that a new telegram Entered as second class mall inter An Anglo French alliance would would follow at a later stage.
and decisive support of the entire tously denouncing the bombings bring the Italian upstart threat the New Republie, and a reply at the Post Office at New York, isolator (up to and including and use o. polson Rus, called for the to the Empire and its communic Imperialism, the most vocal recent Instructions for me to go there.
These preoccupations of British was received from Moscow with by George Novack. Will Roosehunger strike in solidarity) was a under the act of March 1979.
manifestation of International solid application of fresh sanctions. But tions, to a halt. But the price that lipporter of the League strikingly demanded that be given an offi. velt be Re elected by John JAMES CANNON: Hur arity, and of a desire to make it we refrain iron boiling over in Baldwin Eden would have to pay, manifest the humbug of the sane cial written notice to this effect, West; What Is this Business Subscription rates in the Intel known through us to the interna synpathy. It is because our memory sanctions and military action tion policy as a means of struggle otherwise would continue the Revivalt by Arne Swabeck; and tional working class the position has not failed us. It is fairly mod. aminst Germany Is so high and against imperialism. The use ulhunger strike. Within halian hour much other material States 00 per year: CT MIX of the persecuted groups of the en history that British bombers, the consequences so perilous, that mess of the sanctions argument so the written statement had de months: Canada and foreign Order from The New Interna 00 six months. Bundle working class movement in the and under a Labor Gorernment. British policy is momentarily in far has been limited to lining u manded was delivered.
persuaded Irak villagers to pay state of confusion, The Ideal and the liberals, social democrats and called the hunger strike off tional, 100 Fifth Avenue, New rates: GPU Coup their back taxes more promptly. traditional British course is to hola Stalinist to fight for the interests and in two weeks was over its York, Vol. 2, No. 16 (Whole No. 68)
Less than a year ago, British planes the scales of the balance of power, of British or French imperialism effects. Dupnis really fed me When the GPU saw that matters rained bombs on the restless natives to act us conciliator. This policy against German or Italian imperial that he was thus fullting his rev.
quite well. He obviously thought DDSETS SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1936 were heading toward an extensive of India North Western Frontier. Is harder to apply when the Channel ism. under the somewhat tarnished struggle. It executed a maneuver. Lulled for a time by the habitual les censed to be the effective bar banner of the struggle to preserve olutionary and international duty deciding to remove is from Verkhnolsealculations of the military ex rier to an attack from the continent temocracy nd. Besides, he was trying to ne ralsk on decorous pretext. perts who lwelt soothingly on im This is whyit Baldwin meant when brile me so that would agree few days prior to the expiration possible terrain and coming rnius. he talked of the British frontier Power Politics to depart for exile)
of our prison ferin, on May 19, 1983 the British moral sense received now being on the Rhine.
The Nations and New RepubStill, was not taken to Moscow we were told to surrender our corr OPEN NG SPECIALS and gave full bay with the Italian expandence, and to get our things pure of Desnye The Pro German Orientation les are all engaged intoning that terane nervous again. Finally Until April 31 the LABOR BOOK SHOP is offering special rendy. To our inquiry as to our But when it met, the dearly beite French General Staff the requiralities return. if international had made a mistake. The comThe Cabinet is prepared to give collective wecurity goes, power learned the answer. The typist prices on hundreds of books and pamphlets. Visit our shop lestination, Txury, the Warden. Lovel League id little else thallwarantees against a German in law is to le effective, arrements muniention from Moonw, it seems Tudtad for booklist. On every day (exept Samlay)
from: AM to PM.
IN to the purpose of the journey. Cilure. What artions hnve been in the section the Cabinet which beral sormulas are among the that am being called there. Published Our we received the answer: Can say imposel onbiless created economic lostile to Eden pro French at contemporary lemorati cuple of day Batter, was told Price Price. parently, in order to discuss the littienities for the Fasrist regime. orientation, and Nympathetic to his Tower politin, the wlitics art mny leave for Irkut.
Why Foach. The Gratall. Inter yun raised in your declarand depleted its goli TOT. But struggle for En Route to Irkutsk tion. ONICS: IT:ler offer of twenty five year rialism, the they have not bronght about its col truce points out thint France in the markets, have never evased to rule declared a hunger strike. After We were taken away. The isolator tapse. On the contrary, Molini ecline of American Capitalism by Corey 00 00 The Iwwer Age by Walier Polakov. 00 uts off with the warmest wish has been able to turn the auctions with practs in the Past (USSR, site the peace of Versailles or about the question of Crisis of Capi:alium in America by Dom. but also with some doubts as to policy of the Lane (rad English and Cxclslovakia. They ask are we to be treated to a fresh the protexside was again on the ew The American Menter by J. Bomu. 70 whether we were not being simply to his own advantage remored to other dom. Our done by picturing Italy poor face in the West, which would The liberal twaddle about warring trike. again in the middle or the olved in a war or the defence of this collective mentity come inter, whortly after began the LIDOX? STORY: TRIMOns were examineil, our proletarian state whore rand to Labor Movement in the 120 politial Ideals and international echt group of GPL agents burst by Norman. Wa. 00 Sons were searched. We were plae a place in the sun was being hard te precipitated by French mit aw only serves to be the into cell and informed me of the imperialist the decision to remore to exile ed in two autos, comrades Deditch by the fit imperialist wwers. In ments to be Allies in the East and Draguitch in one, myself in the cidentally statistics of the value of SITI DENO RIOY: The politicians of this viewpoint Insielies of Newto of Seleidemun Pas. 10. 00 95 by force. They puckel my thin, other. The machines started togeth Italian imports and exports for the reason that Hitler is no longer as struggle.
The greatest of all crimes is that loaded them into an anto, shoved HENCH REVOLUTIOX: vr. but on the road, the auto with first four months after sanctions ago, and that Germany must be committed by the leaders of the me in, and drove to the Chelyabinsk Freh terutation by Albert Mathiex. 00 00 my comrades pulled ahead, and dis went into effect reveal that the afforded a saites valve for expan. Second and Third Internationals milway station. Thus, towards the After Haberlehre: The Thermieturinn Reaction. TS 00 appeared in a cloud of dust. never USSR o Stalin actually increased ston, which is not at the expense of who have turned their organizations endoJuly, acompanied by a con Special ombination Price for Both. 50 saw my comrndes nenin. They had its trade with this. We should be the British Empire or of the states the official supporters of the aims voy of four PC agents was taken ILON TROTSKY: separated 18. We rode the entire Interested to have an explanation of quo in the West. The British desire and slogans of such democratic o Trkutsk. fonse of Terrorism (with new instroduction by anthor 15. What to do? After pondering a. English 20 In the city of Chelyabinsk. was worker or the league Against War French supremacy on the continent Frencl. But their strugkle against while, decided that the first stas: My lie. 50 taken to the Chelyabinsk political and Fascism.
Fascism and War prison, which held at that time from German rearmament, was always op my struggle for departe must OX GRIMAX FASCISM: Krepuruno знaтat) черея 50 to 80 people (S. social demo That altered the whole political shadow boxing be considered as closed. The battle hat Next. G7. Only Road (Cic. cloth crate, Zionists, anarchists, and a dary. The gorged Empire is caught heation of the Rhineland further overthrown without The British Cabinet is in a quan landscape and the impending fort Neliher war nor fascisin can be wonld have to be rested in exile.
berad. Special Frize for both. 98 few communists. revolutionary after had anthered and utilized BOUND VOLUMES OF NEW MILITANT: Chelyabinsk and Hunger Strike between the pincers of more dyna enhances Nazi power.
struggle against the capitalist im all the possibilities it offered. Har 1933. Reg. Price 50: Our Price 00 mic imperialisms in the East and The smaller states now within the arialist order that breeds them. ing made this decision. called off 1931. Keg. Price 50: Our Price 00 When announced in the prison West. The Halian conquest of orbit of French protection will have the most powerful force for the the hunger strike and began to take office that in view of the trick with Ethiopia would spell more than to reconsider their position when itestruction of both Hitler and note of everything new around Alondreds of other looks and pamphlets of all publishers at reduced prices during the sale, regard to my alleged journey to merely a diplomatie defeat of Eden. French forces will likely find them. Inssolini, and for the creation of For the first time after three years Moscow, and my being separated Mussolini would bestride the Med selves immobilized by German re the Soviet United States of Burope. serregntion from society. from life, LIBOR BOOK SHOP from my comrades, would immediterranean and challenge the British armament on the Rhine Rumania would be the French Revolution. was on a train, among human 28 East 12th Street, New York City Near University Place lately begin a hunger strike, the pickings in Egypt, Palestine and and Yugoslavia have already given That, and not the Popular Front of beings Tel. Tuyvesant 0567 head of the Chelyabinsk isolator, the Near East generally. It is this clear indications of dissatisfaction: class peace. To Be Continued)
British Imperialism Faces Dilemma As Line. Up in Europe Changes per year wo cents per ev.
ON. 33 00 facilitated