BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarKidnappingLeninMarxOpportunismParis CommuneSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 16 (WHOLE NO. 68 EW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1936 PRICE CINTS Down Tools May First. Demonstrate Against War and for Workers Republic Seamens Red Scare On the 50th Anniversary Struggle is Raised of May Day Settled in Tampa New York Labor to Unite in Huge Parade to BoysFramed in Arkansas AN EDITORIAL All Political Tendencies Combine for First Time THE tradition of May Day is a tradition of But when the imperialist war exploded, the in Years; Only Bonkrupt Old Guard and West Coast Unions Re Mimeograph Machine militant mass action. On this day the opportunism which had been ripening within Labor Bureaucrats Sabotage proietarian prisoners of capitalism assert the upper circles of the Second International trea. But Employzrs Becomes Threat to their right to act as free men and women. bore its bitter fruit. Overnight the leaders of By MARTIN ABERN Aims are Spiked Civilization 11 Defying the discipline of their bosses, all class the Social Democracy turned into social patri On Friday, May 1, 1936, New York City will witness and take part conscious workers lay down their tools; quit ots and dragooned the disoriented masses of in the largest and greatest May Day celebration and demonstration By ARNE SWABECK By SIDNEY HERTZBERG ther places at the machine; and emerge from their respective countries into the imperialist in many a year. far larger number and variety of labor and polit An intense struggle of wide ram KARTOW, April 19. factory and worshop to assemble in unified slaughter on the side of their masters.
ical organizations are participating in the vast parade that will mare ifications, precipitated by the opus humble and somewhat dilapidatxa ranks with their comrades in the streets. The for many hours, with bands playing, floats and banners by the many lent national shipping companies and mimeograph machine with two imhoes who march on May Day herald the time waterfront employers sociations, portant parts missing became the wiren they will storm the Bastille of capitalOnly a handful of reyolutionists with Lenin thousands, through the streets of New York, hailing labor solidarity.
and involving issues of life or death Ninisor weapon with which ourism; overthrow their exploiters and oppres remained true to the principles of revolutionat their head resisted the patriotic torrent and For the first time in many years since 1919 in fact, numerous to the Pacife Const maritime untons, Anglo Saxon civilization was to be sors; and construct the socialist society that political tenderies of labor will mareh telether, proclaiming comary internationalism. In the first months of mon cause ainst the capitalist system. The Communist Party ment. The unions found themselves chiet counsel for the defense in time will usher in a new epoch of peace and progress the wa. Lenin proclaimed the necessity of (Sta. inistr. the Workers Party. Trotskyist. the Socialist Party compelled to make a retreat but milely revealed last week that kidnapping murder trials for all mankind.
the shipping companies were frun breaking with the betrayers of the Second In. Militant Socialists) and pther political bodies and large numbers of trated in their openly avowel nimelte would be the cry of communism The holiday of workers the world over, Mayternational; of turning the imperialist war labor unions, fraternal and workers organizations of varying kind.
overturn the present militant to justify the acts of the seven for. IRN special significance for the Ameri into civil war; of building the Third Interna are am as the participating bodies on this May Day leadership, which was to be only a mer Tampa policemen now on trial can working class. Here the idea of setting tional. With these slogans as a guide, the The labor movement of New preliminary to the complete smash for the false arrest and kidnapping aside the day as the workers own was first York as a whole, its official Central ing of the unions. One may be sure, Eugene. oulnot, Chairman of led Lubor bedly, etc. ilire not yet taking however, that these waterfront em the Florida Workers Alliance proposed. Here on May Day, 1886 thousanvis the Russian workers to victory over their own WO part directly or officially in a comployers have not at all abandoned The particular segment of civil of workers thronged the streets in a mighty hourgeoisie; beat back the counter revolution on May Day demonstration, but their aims. They are biding their matou that Whitaker is striving to the more advanced increasing time for a new opportunity. This preserve is usually guarded by the ing flash of proletarian power so terrifying under the banner of the Third International.
nenstation for the eight hour day, a warn and reconstituted the revolutionary vanguard class conscious and radical forces of New York Labor have at last esonly for the time being. torturers and executioners that ex. that it drove the magnates of capital to inflict For five years the battallions of the Third tablished a United Front for May Day, 1936. llence, this May Day It was long protracted, bitterly is its civilizing influence on their brutal retaliation upon the martyrs of International conducted an heroic struggle for contested, at times smoldering, then barlarians who try to organize ex. Haymarket.
represents marked progress in the the overthrow of the bourgeoisie. With the out in the open and finally coming loited citrus workers. phosphate developinent of labor solidarity and to a head during the last couple miners, longshoremen or unemploy This May Day marks the fiftieth anniver Furn in the revolutionary tile following Protest Must Stay Hang Srogede front on specific issues o weeks. Its wide ramifications ed.
sary of that memorable demonstration. There the defent of the German workers in 1923, involves many seemingly side issues The Klan was performing this could be no more appropriate occasion to re it fell victim to the post war political man Hand Acing on The Old Guard which are nevertheless all inter function last November 30 when po view the results of labor struggle for emanci reaction, which gave a new lease of life to the Planters ders There are nevertheless, importdramas so typical of the American ested six men who were writing pation; to celebrate its victories; and, above Social Democracy ant found its consummate ant influences hampering the sollexpression within the Soviet Union in Stalin (Special to the New Militant)
labor movement. Leaving aside for the by laws of the Modern Dem all, to assimilate the lessons of its defeats.
ditication of Inbor ranks this May the moment the great San Francis ocrats, a new progressive political Proletarian revolutionists, wrote Marx, theory of socialism in one country. The By JAMES EVANS Day. The Old Guard, for one, co general strike, which constitutes valition, and mercilessly toeged criticize themselves ceaselessly and interrupt history of the Third International under Stalin ventrance of the planters has fallen Front May Day Committee and call BLYTHEVILLE Arkansas The vociferously attack the United the background for the more recent three of them. Joseph Shoemaker themselves constantly in their own course.
events, it is necessary to mention clied of the flogging.
is an unbroken record of retreat and defeat, on two young Negro workers upon workers not to participate in only such outstanding questions as: Through the combined efforts of They return to what has already been accoin culminating in Hitler victory. The Third falsely accused of rape. The Ar the parade and demonstration. But Five Outstanding Questions liber: So che elosious and ca plished in order to begin it again and deride International has become nothing more than kunnesotictals are answering the onese elemente enly continue the are a pawn in the diplomatic deals of the Soviet Negro share croppers with a frame. ing in the labor movement for place before secretary of the DeHow. For the first time the hilsness, weakness, and wretchedness of their first Pirstly the bearings now taking wer has been challenged rated with ruthless thoroughness the half heartedbureaucracy with its imperialist allies. up whose sole purpose is to divert years. Today they try to divide partment of Commerce Roper and tory of Florida, the Klu Klux Klan attempts. They appear to throw their adver Today the world trembles on the brink of united militancy into racial preju Labor ranks on Labor May Day.
Today they attack the fundamental Perkins, on the case of the sailors is standing trial.
a second world war. All sary to the ground only in order that he should from the Panama Pacifle liner Call and the first three days of testiThe questioning of veniremen craw renewed strength from the earth and rise great powers are dice.
arming themselves to the teeth. Their states south have been uneasy ever since tion and hail only the backward These vicious gentlemen of the tenets of the grent Russian Revolufornia, whom Secretary Roper mony hare clearly indicated the deaga in still more powerfully before them. They men no longer pretend that the conflict can be two successful strikes of the cotton forces and processes which stalin charged with insubordination hand tense tacties Whitaker fartends to recoil again and again from the uncertain and avoided. their only cuestions are when, where, pickers. Things look bad for the and his degenerated bureaucracy demands.
tremendous nature of their own aims until plantation system when whites and He has revived a sedition law situation is created which makes retreat imen between whom will it break out? How soon Negrees who gather in the same flde Bolshevism, as exemplified by Secondly: the case of a crew re passed 70 years ago during recon possible and the circumstances themselves ery will we be drawn in?
leaky cabins and begin to talk over Lenin and Trotsky. Continned on Page Continued on Page 2)
Its attitude toward the impending war is matters. Red balting appeals have Tomorrow these Old Guard So.
out: Hic Rhodus, hic salta!
the acid test of every political party in the called the croppers know only that cialists (Oneal and Co. and others labor movement. The leaders of the Second the landlords keep crooked books of like ilk will demonstrate their and that their kids never have extreme treachery by calling upon The prophetic insight of these words, writ International are prepared to repeat their shoes. Desperately, the gentlemen the American working class to sup ten in 1851, has been confirmed a hundred traditionel role and once again send the work have resorted insuccessfully to port actively any war which Amer times over in the history of the revolutionary ers into slaughter at their masters command. Ivictions, floggins, kidnappings, Ican imperialism proclaims. But movement of the past fifty years. What a This time they have found worthy allies and and jail sentences to smash the that is the function of the old terribly steep and winding mountain road the disciples in the lenders of the Third Interna tone Southern Tenant Farmers Guard or reactionary socialism as against the policies of revolutionary Planter Justice proletariat has had to travel during that onel, who have already declared that the and Democrats Vie for Privilege to Represent period! Every advance toward its goal of workers of France, Czecho Slovakin, and the The rape nocinilson; and agninst the old charges preferred Guard treachery on May Day and Capitalist Class and for. the Gravy scration from wage slavery has been followed United States must suspend the class struggle against Bubbles Clayton and Jim all the time, there can only be war to the end.
By JOHN WEST themselves by announcing a brand by a corresponding retreat, for every two steps and support their capitalist governments in Caruthers are the last cards beThe Old Guard anti Sovietisin The Donkey and the Elephant new Brain Trust all their own forward the movement has been compelled to case it is allied, or may be allied, with the Somebody, maybe a drunken crony. Is expressed in their effort today to are now setting their preliminary naturally non partisan in character, teke one step backward. Whole generations Soviet Union.
razed the sata Kherin Ciac rub downs in preparation for their whose public spirited function it will have exhausted their cnergies and expended ence Wilson, not long ago. Wilson, Naturally, the slogan for the conditional defense of the Soviet formal entry into the world great. be merely to demonstrate in the their blood in the struggle. Three internationest puppet show, the last act of most objective scientific manner con al organizations, and now a fourth, have been The unconditional defense of the Soviet already down on the two onem Union against any form of imperUnion is the duty of every revolutionist. The ed them for this crime. The sherialist attack is a major slogan of Tuesday after the first Monday of the country to destruction. They needed to lead the working class in its cam only real defense of the Soviet Union is a rev IP is the name gentleman who the United Front May Day, this November. The Nominating Con continue to observe that Marx reigns paign against the citadels of world capital. olutionary defense. This has nothing in com drove Norman Thomas out of ar slogan represents a heart felt de sire of every militant and class conventions will he held in June, and as the guardian deity of New Deal And yet, toilsome and tortuous as the as mon with the present policy of the Soviet When Wilson took the boys to scious worker, and on May Day for the next six months the well Washington. The Democrats have and money in trying to persuade the for the counter attack: they utilize suffered time and again, the labor movement imperialist allies and nothing upon the power third degree in approved Arkansas demonstratively. The old Guard on nion in staking all upon its deals with its snil, he proceeded to give them the they want to assert this widely and paid publicists will use their energy more substantial weapons at hand cent has been, in spite of the severe setbacks citizens of this country that their the investigations of the Congres gene steadily forward. The ground lost lives, liberties, and general hapsional Committees to secure front after cach defeat has been recovered in the of the world proletariat. We say, on the con fashion. Clubs, gin boots, and this Nay Day hence concretely extrary, that the only reliable ally of the Soviet youths in an effort to make them working class character by their bin the appropriate states the ball and to show the public that the next assault and more added. Capitalist Union is the international proletariat. Now Contess to shooting the sheria. The sabotage of a united May Day demlot.
Republicans plan to turn the so society is doomel.
as ever the task of the workers in every capi boy clothes became literally caked onstration.
The Election Campaign started verument over openly to Morgan Each of the three Internationals represents talist country is to overthrow its own ruling with blood, so that the rags in first sige tun was filed by Kelsevere his white horse again at Baltimored a landmark in the historical progress of the class. The main enemy in our own country, which they were clad stuck to their curra Socialists and others) also are trying to hold back the urge for To go forward it is necessary to return to to Congress, a proceedure which the south, and to promise once more se political program to a particular epoch. Each the ideas of Marx and Lenin. The emancipa. Flicket Prison harm andre placed Day by the workers. It must be adAfter the boys had been removed united action and solidarity on May Republicans ielt was distinctly curity for all has in its turn lifted the revolutionary van tion of the working class can be accomplished in the death cell, a white prostitute, ceeding in some measure in blockunprincipled abuse of the privileges It is, of course, a foregone con par to a higher level of organization, theory, only through its own revolutionary action. Continued on Page 2)
iny united ranks on May Day here, of his office. The Republicans manclusion that Roosevelt will be re and struggle, and then collapsed with the exnged, however, to follow up during nominated on the first ballot at the ception of the First under the colossal bur in our epoch is the Fourth International. Just The indispensable instrument for that action. hut more and more o their followNEW ADDRESS ing hesitate or do not listen to this false counsel. grotesquely ghost written speech be a few squabbles over the wording ens of leadership imposed upon them. as the red International of Lenin was forged ex hy Hoover, a studiously mean of the plat orm, but in the end it Comrades, friends and symThe First International gave to the rising in struggle against the social patriots of the pathizers are requested to take city, the international Ladies Gar Three major unions of New York Ingless statement by Landon, Tal will be worked ont according to the proletariat for the first time a scientific pro Second International, so its successor must be note of the new address of the ment Workers, the Amalgamated ering, and a heavy offensive thru Romage and the Baltimore addreskgram of revolution and a world banner. The ruilt in struggle against both the Second and New Militant, New Interna ohing workers and the Millinery ont their press. Neatly padded make clear what this will be crushing of the Paris Commune, the imma Third.
Workers Unions, speaking through statistics were issned weekly to Roosevelt will lean back on the turity of the working class, and its lack of a Such is the meaning of May Day to tho. ional in the Workers Party their officialdom, are also doing all show that the people were ready New Deal slogans of his first enm mass base led to its collapse. Its successor which is now: internationalists who remain loyal to the they can to disrupt the forces of la to throw New Deal policies on the ralen, and will appeal to the voters reunited the scattered sections of the working teachings of Marx and Lenin. Acainst the 100 FIFTH AVENUE bor, to crack the growing numbers Earbage pile.
and unity of labor on May Day.
ROOM 1010 Point, Counter Point which he is so gracious in formu. class during the Golden Age of imperialist social patriots of the Second and Third InterThesennions have organized a demNEW YORK CITY onstration at the Polo Grounds for Thinks quieted down to be relating. The old melody needs little expansion into a powerful international body, nationals! For the regrouping of the revoluvived on both sides during the past tuning up: May Day and are oponed to the denunciation of the numberine millions of members, and prepared cnary vanguard under the banner of the Please address all corres United Front or May Day achieved months. The Republicans surprise (Continued on Page 2) them for joint action against their exploiters. Fourth International!
pondence to the above. Continued on Page Donkev and Elephant Gird for Election Spree