BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyFascismGermanyGuerrillaImperialismItalyLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 15 WHOLE NO. 67 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1936 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Woe to the Vanquished Mussolini Slogan Jobless Masses IN SI ALIN PRISONS Huge Student Hus Unite Ranks Strike Nears Fascist Army Overruns Ethiopia There THE OLD GUARD AND THE SP PRIMARIES Dr. Ciliga Continues Series on Persecution of Revolutionists Under the Stalin Regime EDITOR NOTE: Two Internationals Reveal An Analysis of the Washington Unemployed Question: Is it a criminal offense to speak against ommunism 350, 000 Expected to join in Protest Against Bankruptcy Once Convention and the Task Ahead in the Soviet Union?
War in Nation Schools Again Answer: No. There is compete freedom of speech in the By MAX SHACHTMAN Any person can have and can pice any opinion about Communism or Over 350, 000 students are ex the way for far greater retreats With the capture of Dessye and long and decisive step has been taken to put an end to the diviabout the Communist Party, or about its policies, or leaders.
pected to leave their classes on and concessions later. a view that the announcement by the Italian sion of the organized unemployed workers of this country into three Daily Worker, April 16.
April 22 at 11 in the third is made menningless by the provi forces in Africa of plans of a threeseparate national organizations and countless local groups. By Now read the testimony of Dr. Anton Ciliga who was jailed for nation wide students strike against sion permitting participation day march at the end of which it virtually unanimous vote, the delegates assembled in convention in five years in the prisons and exile camps of the Soviet Union for dif war. Called by the American Stu in administration controlled assem is expected to take the capital city dent Union, the strike has been en blics in the high schools.
of Addis Ababa, the main immediWashington last week in the auditorium of the Department of Labor fering with the Stalinist bureaucracy on questions of policy. Cinga, dorsed by a number of college pres. The call describes the strike as ate objective of the Pacist invabrought about the amalgamation into one body of the Workers Alliance a member of the Political Bureau of the Jugoslav came to the idents and professors as well as a rehearsal for the future and sion of Ethiopia seems to be deflof America, the National Unemployed League, the National Unem.
Soviet Union an exile only to find, through bitter personal experience, leaders of other student organiza calls for support of the Oxford uitely assured.
the repressions against revolutionists more severe than in his native tions. The New York Teachers Pledge (not to support any war in ployment Councils, the American Workers Union (a Missouri organThe occupation of the capital ization) and several other local and state wide organizations of the land. Another installment of tiis series will follow in the coming Union and other local unions have which the government is in which now appears inevitable will pledged support to the strike. volved. undoubtedly be a severe moral blow jobless.
issue of the NEW MILITANT.
While in the colleges and univer.
Confused Slogan to the defenders, and little more The name of the new organization, as agreed upon by all its con. will be left to the courageous EthiBy DR. ANTON CILIGA the Stalinist collectivization, the slties the students will hold their War anywhere is war every plans save the continuance of stituent bodies, is to remain that of the group which had the largest days of us executions through own demonstrations, in the high where; stop the agresor. the poradie guerrilla warfare to prerepresentation at the Washington convention, namely, the Workers III. In the Prisons at Leningrad ent the whole of Russia, the day schools, where peace assemblies new formula of the peace is in vent the Italians from completing Alliance of America Similarly, the principal officers of the new Alli and Verkhne Uralsk the famous execution of the Forty are being called by the administra divisible pro actionist conception the subjugation of this last of the ance have been drawn from the old one.
Hive enlleul wreckers. spent five months (from May be no two opinions to October 1980) in the Detention this time primers in our jail were ticipation on four conditions that gaux in the strike call. And in an independent lands of Africa.
kot nlmost daily to face the it be student controlled; that stu other section of the same call we At Geneva, meanwhile, the Italian merger. The separation of the in Jail 1, 000 Bolsheviks Prison in Leningrad. During the representatives, haughtily exuber.
employed workers into organiza in Chile first part of this term, up to the arius quad. Except in rare dent resolutions be permitted and a ant with victory, have laid down conclusion of the investigation, stands, the press carried no news recognized as part of the national With cenuine neutrality cir the victor pence terms in accortions which were not far removed was committed to a small dark cat these executions. But once action. Whether or not the condicumvented, a strike of 350, 000 dance with the old Roman war ery from enlarged editions of the poUnder the cover of martial law witnessed the following case. The tions are granted, there is little students for the principle of no litical organizations mainly respon.
with several other prisoners. Dur which had been doubt after last year experience loans, credits or supplies to belli er imperialist pirates: Woe to which is the shibboleth of all modproclaimed to break the railway sible for their formation or main ing the latter part of the term. morning wipers tenance, has proved to be a costly men strike, the Chilean govern while awaiting my sentence, sut just brought in, contained a dis that the assemblies called by the gerents will indicate that at least the vanquished. From the inti.
division of energy and efforts.
ment has arrested over 1, 000 in a large cell. intended for 23 peo patch that the death sentence of school administrations will in most the student population of the matel tering, it is clear that the It ple, in which there were from so to so and so had been carried out. cases be patriotic rather than anti United States has learned the les Italians plan simply to convert may even be added that, just as Among those who have been 110 of us. The occupants of the But this man was still alive, sit war demonstrations.
sons of the Nye inquiry.
on the trade union field, so among Ethiopia into a colony, to humillimprisoned and deported are comthe unemployed, workers should be large cells were continually changing entirely unaware, among us in Warn Against Intimidation Can one logically support the slo ate her to the depths and to inflict organized not upon the basis of rades Jorge Levin, Carlos Videla ing and in view of the fact that the cell. The entire cell, the whole their political beliefs, associations lis Juan Vergas.
Aquiles Jara, Quinteros, Luls Lo to large cells were let out to tier fell into a frenzy, into borror been issued by the one for and at the same time principle of tight for independence as will con Two national strike calls have sun of Stop the ageressor such penalties upon her for her gether for 15 minutes into the yard. but a few minutes later this the colleges and universities and a no credits or supplies to belliger stitute the maximum guarantee or sympathies, but upon the basis Our Chillean comrades, who the opportunity to of the simple and adequate fact that they are workers in the case have a great influence upon the acquainted with a great many pris man led from the cell to face the milder one for the high schools. onts, which includes both agres Against the future resumption of Warning against intimidation by sors and defenders. Yet, the the struggle against the invaders.
of the trade unions or that they trade union movement of the oners with hundreds of cases and Aring squad.
the authorities, the college call Stalinists do so in practice!
The Fascists are bluntly conunemployed (or part time, o country, assumed their posts at the fate of hundreds of individuals. also became acquainted here states: To surrender the militancy At the Cleveland congress of the temptuous not only of Ethiopia but the very forefront of this struggle These were the days of the mass with the methods by which certain and purpose of this strike at the American League Against War and also of relief) workers in the case of the the great gunrantor of and the strike.
uprising of the peasants against (Continued on Page 3) first sign of opposition is to pave (Continued on Page 3)
pence the League of Nations organizations of the jobless The indispensable corrolary to Insulinis representatives, demonstratively ignoring the League, inthis principle is that in both cases the field must be left entirely free xixit pon negotinting exclusively with Ethiopian representatives, without even the presence of inclined to agitate in a loyal and comradely manner for the particu.
League representatives, and in a locality atentatiously removed lar political, economic, philosoBy JOHN WEST phical views he may hold. The back to reformism, aside into the leadership of the Militants in the mental principles and policies is Guard is also given: Confident. from the League seat. Geneva. As workers demand of their employer In the recent New York State ceath house of Stalinism, or down past few months, the Socialist drawing to a close.
snid Waldman at the banquet, in a concession, it is reported from Party of New York State showed that hiring be not confined to those Primaries, both in New York City into futile isolation The feature article on the New the conviction that we represent on Geneva, Italy may permit a League At each stage of the development, real signs of activity. The Mill Leaders Banquet the political field the same program, observer to be present at the direct politicat view. This demand is listes com a substantial and decisive the basic underlying process ap tants sent organizers up state, re quotes from the speech of Louis the same principles, the same 1oy negotiations on the condition that usually accompanied by the right majority over the old Guard. This pears only to a limited and to some newed branches, made speaking Waldman: Ours was not a light, alty to labor exemplified in the he remained silent and took which every worker particularly important in dezree distorted extent on the sur tours, sent ont communications, in as some tried to make people be British Labour Party, we are equal part in tlum. That would be tantatakes to himself: to agitate among its prophecy of an equally progres face, The political differentiation creased their participation in lieve, for the continuance in power y confident that with our allies of mount to the league his shopmates for any views he sive outcome to next month na: takes on in the struggle an organ strikes and demonstrations. They of our side of the Socialist Party the labor movement the future be them in blank. Times 17. The pathetic protests of the Ethimay have. The two propositions to al convention of the Socialist izational formand for a while it conducted debates with the Stalin but for the fondamental program longs to our type of socialism.
have at least equal validity in the Party. From every forward looking is the organizational contest which ists and ont debated them. The ot Social Democracy. From that Abe cahan looked forward to the plan delegates to the Lenzue are, broad organizations of the working the Old Guard represents a genu litical in though it is the lat. veins. The Old Guard bad com matter who is in control of the So lationship between the Socialist Wis to be expected. Since October class.
1935. when by qul unanimous Advantages of Unity ine step in advance not merely for ter which in the long run deter Metely neglected the rank and tile cialist Party.
and labor movements in this counThis issue of the New Leader, try existing between vote League Council labelled The unification of the organiza is developing labor.
movement in the opening slogans bitle as often Guaranis ut frately interested in a thermores make an entirely see the British Trades nion Congress leads the precists The visit fore correct generally speaking The extent of the victory of the Nevertheless, the process and the citations like the Forward, on the the fundamental program of Sonial of Herbert Morrison of the British and International to the Third French Radicals through the See and even more correct and urgent Militants exceeded most predictions, movement continue, and gradually trade union bureaucracy, on fat te Deuweracy to be In the present circumstances. As even those of the Militants them re shape the wlogans.
tainers from the thions for Old is overlooked to crack down on hailed and advertised. And well formational lanve been singing the No opportunity Labour Party to this conntry is semble under one banner, and de selves. It is important and neces.
Two Decisive Factors termined as they are to maintain sary to understand what accounts LaGuardin. In many ways, rankocracy. that is, to attack the brother has to the Brill an instrument of peace and the the most intimate contact with the for the result.
The New York Primaries Aght, and file is an Inconvenience to the lirotector of small nations whose organized trade unions, the mass. Basically as we have on numer itself a stage in the larger strug Oll Guirl. The membership wasolutionary struggle of the proler Party set them grandiose was in jely. From of the unemployed who have Old ready understood the need fortional struggle within the Socialist to our understanding of the process this difference between the gevis democratic state, whose agents and within the working cut the indendent working claxy pinization will be imbited with Party rottoets new processes offer as a whole. If we examine the card and the Militant leadership in the working class the Old Guard Was it not through the British wesoment to sleep with the con nater spirit of self confidence and inent and differentiation which have specilie Aud immediate consequently of militancy. The heen taking place within the ad. which account for the sweeping peal for an active, effective Social. pritis itself on being and aimsuse net ward that the Generalne of sonctions, would titke care factors They responded to the Militant apthat national unity was achieved in solidation that the League, by virto continue to be disunity of the jobless gave the duced sections of the working class victory of the Militants, the follow ist Party. They linked this slogan strike was broken that the budof everything.
Bill Green Toasted ruling class and its government as a result of the Spanish, German, ing two seem to have been decisive: for a democratic, inclusive party.
get 14 balanced at the expense of The indubitable advantages League bandits, however, the and Austrian events, the intensinThe biggest display of the entire the Itritish workers. that British were preoccupied with all the con (1) The On Guard openly and and saw that together they meant structele between the two forces cation of the war crisis, and the consistentiy conducted its fight on a resolve to bring the Socialist issue is given to the speech of War Imperial policy is now being put liderations in the world save that The unification not only takes these character of the post 1920 economic the basis of conservative social Party ont of the advantages out of the hands of the crisis. The ferment and differen democratie reformism. Their cam which it had been sleeping for an Green, the guest of honor at across to the masses in the present of the independence of Ethiopia.
backwater in a the Anniversary Banqne Green, war crisis?
While Mussolini modern and in enemies of the unemployed, but tiation are not, of course, confined sign was a campaign of furious decade into the broader stream of whose long record of thorough 80Many meming reaction and treachery in the it stands. It stands for the tried inserally crushed the woefully sives the latter a corresponding and to this country, but are reproduced Red Baiting in which the New the mass morement.
Yes, the old Giard Inows where tinitely superior war machine has hitherto unpossessed superiority, 1o an analogous manner on an in Leader icensed the Militants every ers doubtless cast their votes for trade min movement has been cli and sure methods for bringing de sle to ameltorate the lot of the son drawn from the world events, Communists, reds, Trotykyists, and can from the more complex theo tirme resistance to every progressive class; for the policies that assem for center the argue Joe Periodist powers jobless and the relier workers to with varying degrees of clarity, by revolutionists. But the majority retic consideration though the two development by bitter night bled the workers for imperialin provo Hour own respective world The whole outcome of the strugternational scate. The central les week of being dred in the wool then. Eirotantseometris basis rather hande distribes the rest your des chis teat and disaster to the working forces, tie rival imperialist powers the extent that this can be accom increasing sections workers with of the dues paying party members are not, of course, unrelated.
his dietatorial brutality in connec the revolution in Germany: the polplished under the capitalist system in the orbit of the Second Interna and the non party enrolled Social The character of the struggle of tion with the automobile workers, icles that grensed the ways for Hit port of the independent interna Inc. without the active supwhich inexorably creates their tional has been: traditional social ist voters have already absorbed the old Guard is very strikingly the rubber workers, the teachers. ler, that shed the despatriug blood to working class, the isolated the tunemployed combine with their class to disaster, and to sacrifice come convinced that hardenedre followed the Primaries. Indeed on every possible occasion, Vla on its banner, and displays proud tribesten ty themselves to triumph entirely upon the extent to which and serves only to lead the working the past three years: they have beender a dated April 2013 wheth fur eringing before the guvernment Spain. These policies at Inscribes Moned in advance to expect new solidarity a militant policy of the working class to finance capital formism is less and worse than this issue sums up in brief the deck, at the banquet paid fulsomety and openly to the world.
action, a policy of class struggle in every crisis to fascism as readi useless. Thus, this campaign of whole nature of the old Guard. tribute to str. Green for his conover modern, industrially backed Without the latter, even the com Safety Valve Labor Party This is, it will be observed, the and on the whole ably conducted, sistence that their fight is a fight can labor movement and for his these policies are defeated by the class movement which fniled of its pletest unity can mean nothing at impriulist army, is preposterous.
Nor is it to be imagined that but it is precisely the working all, or worse yet, can become a negative half of the lesson which lost rather than gained support, for principle. and repeated refer must be drawn it the full positive recommended the Militants to the ences to themselves as Social Dem pressed.
conduct is treacherous consolation.
champion of the op victory of Militants in the Pri obligations. More exactly, the SecPolitics and the Unemployed potentialities of these developments members rather than frightened ocrats and to their principles as maries, or by their probable victory ond and Third Internationals, with are to be achieved. It is necessary the members away. The case of the principles of Social DemoeraThe other featured trade union at the national convention. The all their braggart manifestues and It is especially from the latter not merely to understand that so the Old Guard against the Militants ey. Their fight, they make clear, ist among the speakers at the ban Old Guard looks ahead. It realizes Wuster and bluft once more disstandpoint that the situation is far cial democratie reformism is bankfrom reassuring. The course of the rupt; but positively, to break the membership the best case that intransigent.
was, in the eyes of the majority of is absolutely uncompromising and net was Matthew Woll, partner of that a broad rank and file is not cloud their atter bankruptcy.
Ralph Easley for yenrs in the Na vital to its plans. It sees the modconvention registered several def sharply from Social democracy could be made for the Militants.
tional Civic Federation. Hearst el of the British Labour Party. Austria, in the Saar, in Spain. And They collapsed in Germany, in ciencies in the movement which, in and this sharp break can be dech. In this sense, it might be said that Voice of Social Democracy chier red baiting rival. Another And it aims, together with the now, in fate of one. o the most our opinion, require the earliest sively accomplished brac the New Leader was the most ef The voice of Social Democracy. leading article. froudly displayed trade union bureaucrats. to head shameless imperialist aggressions possible rectification. The fact that ing and adhering firmly to the fective agitational organ of the they threaten, will be heard in in a box on the front page is by or the developmeut of the revolut our time, impudentis conceived these shortcomings relate to polit. principles of revolutionary Marx. Militants: politically speaking, Cleveland (at the national con Abraham Lefkowitz, co leader ical questions in no sense conflicts Ism. Half way measures and am more effective than their own So vention. The Social Democrats the Teachers Guild, splitter of the ing the years after 1936, by barnes old Internationals have once more with our previous contention that biguities can provide a partial and cialist Call in the party, they warn know no Teachers Union, and active dualist sing the le:tward movement of the failed. The tragedy of the whole the unemployed cannot merely be temporary solution, can make posthe appendage of a political party, sible even certain victories on the Ranks Activized surrender. They have just begun to the Of The Old Guard, workers into a reformist Labor Italo Ethiopian struggle lles in the a disguise for it. For, from the road: but anything less than the (2) different kind of factor Our Fight for Principles they dual unionism except, naturally, eaucrats, together no doubt with the working class movement did not to fight.
latter view one must not for a mo. full conclusion will in the end cut played almost an equally important herald the approaching end of the when more basic issues are in various of the progressive and react to strike even those simple ment conclude that political ques short the progressive development, role in this Primary struggle. For present struggle The long strug volved.
liberals. And it is confident that blows at the Italian Fascists which (Continued on Page 4) will route the advancing workers the first time in years, under the gle of the New Leader for funda The strategic aim of the ola (Continued on Page 4) they were in a position to deal.
sion of the Old Guarl to the bourrenting the interests of Finance blasts of lug uiaes calculated to