BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKidnappingLeninLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY. APRIL 11, 1986 The Suicide? Advice of the Prospects for a Farmer Labor German CP in Plebiscite Party in the 1936 Elections Lascism. mean.
FACTS ON TAMPA CASE Jingle of Lies to Please the Master It in France, Stalinism drags the Counterpart to Social Patriotism worker objects that the interna. Two weeks ago the Minnesota they have differences on organiza Non Partisan League to support masses into support of the governtional working class and Soviet Farmer Labor Party convention tion policies and outlook for the Roosevelt. he suggests that this ment and its war plans and poliin France, Equally Disastrous Russia is not in this category. adopted a resolution committins building of the trade union move set up may later be utilized as the cles, in Germany they accomplish Whereupon Hitler points to the the party to cooperate with other ment, which insofar as these ques basis for a labor party, In real the same purpose by the slogans non aggression pacts it, for Chan, man workers on the presente di strin People Front where workers joto progressive, labor, farmer and potions are concerned, divide them lite this would be an out and out they employ against the govern cellor Adolf Hitler they are only bution of the world colonies? win with capitalists in national unity litical organizations and leaders in along lines of progressives and re. third bourgeois party. And while ment under Adolf Hitler.
According to Ralph Barnes of edly refers to the Locarno Treaty, ie is crippled by its lack of col and Soviet Russia, through Stalin calling a national conference to ex actionaries, in regard to questions in appearances such an initial rate the Herald Tribune, Communists an integral part of Versailles.
were very active in the plebiscite, No country on earth entertains the constitutes erotwar threat comes a partner to it. Is it entire Farmer. Labor ticket in 1986. This firm supporters of the capitalist from the objectives set forth by the recently concluded for the purpose aggressive designs against Ger against Germany, even if negative ers should revise some of his con opposition, but in the final voting their attitude on whom and which practical reality this will be found of endorsing Hitler Rhineland many. It continues. Fascist Ger ly?
ceptions about the class struggle? it carried by a fair margin. party to support in the 1986 elec not to be the case. There is no policy. leaflet charging Hitler many under Hitler is the instigator Not that alone, however.
The would he be entirely impervious Farmer Labor tions.
reason why this could not be a with preparing a war against the of war in Europe. Halt the ene Hitler mob will print figures run to the propaganda that the days of Party is among the oldest and best Soviet Union is Hitler means ning into seven or eight ciphers class war are over and the days established state parties of its kind and flle, the local trade union leadparty at the concoction presented quoted by Mr. my of the masses!
Coming down closer to the rank Just as bona fide People Front Barnes It reads as follows: war: Stalin means peace. Of what importance are nonWhat a hopeless muddle! And armaments in France, England, tunately the German workers have years it has her control of both ership in the main line up on the reason why it should not at In adaggression pacts, it for Chancel bels! We sincerely hope a copy of these the expression of peaceful plebiscite means anything at all and the major state offices; its de formation of labor party and atbeen taken in by this pap. If the branches of the state legislature same basis. In Illinois, for exam. mirably with their social patriotic lor Adolf Hitler, they are only scrap of paper. No country this leaflet does not fall into his intentions and of un aggressive de it means just that.
cisions will therefore arouse Interhands for he will certainly use it sims, they will ask.
But what would it mean to the on earth entertains aggressive deThe conclusion is inescapable: signs against Germany. Fascist to a fare you well against the But the choicest morsel for them est among both friends and oppo. tended by representatives from working class? For an answer to When the French, Stalinists be Germany under Hitler is the in Marxists.
is undoubtedly the counterposing of Stalin to Hitler. Because, what line sponsors of the shibboleth nents of the idea. The important few unions scattered over the state. this question, it is important to question, however, is what will it Labor went on record to support the trade union movement could while the Chicago Federation of remember that the leadership of stigator of war in Europe. The Arguments on Platter democracy against German people are being driven No country has aggressive de they have to contend with here is they inevitably became agents of What the Move Means Roosevelt. conference held in not at all be expected really to be toward catastrophe signs against Germany. Cannot policy Texelnsionarilohin diese midealist French Imperialism and Hitler Springtield, Mass. for the forma come supporters of a labor party Halt the enemy of the massIn the Dally Worker columns tion of a labor patty, it is reported, until they become motivated to do Goebbels point out that France policy against nationalist es! Hitler means war; Stalin through the Versailles Treaty with Ambitions on the contraty stal struggle in France to those who is greeted as the beginning of a failed to draw a single representa un by fear be the routera beharreta means peace! Socialism means Other editorial writers, tive from the central bodies of the ous revolutionary movement. all its oppressive clauses keeps prosperity, freedom and peace; Germany paralyzed for imperial its little Entente and its colonial agitate for labor party brought into being unParaclism meanis misery, slavers ist reasons? Can he not pick up properts lends plausibility to it. Why the German Staliolets em seu cynical but less credulous eight or ten cities involved.
ler demagogy any organ of the French Front Roughly, this is how the labor der such conditions will function in control of the Minnesota escape being called by Hitler For not as a progressive force for the The Reichstag elections are Populaire und read a call for a What Are the Conclusions. agents of a foreign governmen sponsored this resolution merely as party question stands today.
the future, the best indication is reallation of the aims of an awewar elections. Every vote of no preventive war against Ger Hitler tells the workers that Ger France? They will say they ar is a vote against war, against many?
many is oppressed by the Interne for the defense of the Soviet Unio Roosevelt administration the need perhaps given by the idea advanced kening working class in actuality by Sidney Hillman. Proclaiming it will become a barrier on the misery, against the Gestapo. semili of supporting them in the local Or cannot Rosenberg punch bolestional bankers and Jews through But the Soviet nam has cret police. concentration camps in this leaflet by lecturing the Ger the Versailles treaty. The Germantury alliance with France most logical explanation elections. This appears to be the his support of the trade union road.
and murders. Therefore, away with Hitler!
Ocusion for different things at that In any case this would be typical Long live the united people ume, and, besides, the people were of the Minnesota Farmer Labor front for peace, freedom and different the verses simply ex Party leadership. No doubt leftbread! Long live international pressed what was in the air.
ward tendencies are asserting them (Continued from Pape 1) assigned Judge Robert Dewell of proletarian solidarity UnderHistory is not a heap of old rag: relves within the ranks of this ther description of all of which is Polk County in his place.
line the vote no. Before examining the policy adparty, the same as within the labor to the Solicitor unknown and in that can be placed into a boiler movement in general. To satisfy furtherance of said assault they and mashed into clean paper. the demands of these tendencies by with the said whips, straps and tar The Witnesses vocated in this leaflet, which it is Russian proverb says: what is adopting a resolution declaring in and and held in their hands, did. Nearly foo witnesses will be call.
our contention cannot but strengthen Hitler hand in Germany, written down with pen cannot favor of a national farmer laboren and there strike, beat, bruise, ed by both sides. They include By ALPHA will be profitable to analyze the conversation years ago but The reactionary literateur Aldan. the actual events in our own time. History of those years was written plore the possibilities or a national aid wounds the sald Joseph Shoe Tampa and other state and county upon behucked away with an axe. The party and appearing ready to ex. wound and ill treat him, from which Mayor Robert Lee Chances of another dori che prevede the German ov, who writes historical novels The Fourth International is a dire not merely with penat any farmer. labor ticket in 1936 does maker did languish and on the oth code sterke smo portare a Weltreide. with the pen. if for the state committed suicide was common knowledge, wide ment of mankind from the stand growth of the Leninist. Trotsky Demyan Bedny 1f. in 1919, Bedoy, can be itilized as an implied die under mysterious circumstances bely publicized by all capitalist re point of an alarmed philistine, has 18t. Opposition in the picked up by the great wave, on his threat to gain some extra support fore the trial began. They are porters, that the plebiscite was an occupled himself of late with writ. frightens the usurpers. That is own initiative executed the liter they will consider this so much other of Hitler great Barnum ing historical notations to the why they find it necessary to seek ary order of the masses, then, to better. At any rate it need not The Defendents Robert Fariss, to whom a receipt was issued for a Box used by acts, that all conceivable methods October Revolution.
of force, terror and intimidation, Paris in Miliukov paper Ed. In mer. Written in for Inspiration from Aldanov Botb 1936.
Those indicted on the murder and be Klu Klux Klan, who died of fulells only the order of de espected that anything in par: kidnapping charges are: Police Ser. monoxide poisoning in his sarake Stalin This customer pursues aims tentar will be done about the car grunt Smitty Brown, lead and Police Sergeant Carl Tomp direct and indirect, would be em. one of his feuilletons, basing him ployed to insure a unanimous Ja self on a ludicrous analysis of the Compromising Par which are not at all literary but rying out of this resolution prvely practical. Demyan Bedny.
er of the raid and one of the best kins, on desk duty the night of the vote. Post election dispatches ten budget of Pravda for the year 1917, fet. once upon a time, this selfThe reason for this is the fact pistol shots in the country: Patrolerime, who jumped from the at we already know. was ordered of summary dismissals from their he attempts to prove that the Bolsame Bedny also wrote about Trot OA 01 Prej Oqm SaJOM Jo sqofsheviks did Just the same receive sky in a somewhat different tope. lersity of sending Trotsky to a place. Inovement afoot for a national labarmen Sam Crosby. John third floor window of a Tampa hosto provide the formula for the per that there is not yet a serious party, or a national farmer. labor ter also under indictment for the Bridges and Switzer, the lat pital.
and that these recalcitrants were German money. To be sure, in the and, moreover, in the very beat of whence there is no return.
faited by black shirted or brown process, the many millioned subsidy the Civil War, at a time when men party. Various attempts have been kidnapping of Robert Carrell, a shirted Nazis.
Stalin is obviously making pre made in several parts of the coun. St. Petersburg lawyer; CarThe Present Trial The Stalinist Solelde Advice is reduced to very modest sum lected to a serious test. propos parutions to cutrust the fulfillment try toward the creation of local lisle, former employe of the city The state has decided to try first vises Vote no. In other words, rises to its heights.
And the Communist Party ad equipment of the historian bimselt of a rumor alleging that General of this task to the poets from bor parties. But so far these department: Robert Chappell, the cases against Smitty Brown, Denikin, the Chief of the White the school of Yagoda, the General attempts are entirely localized and former employe of the city water W. Carlisle and John Bridges it calls upon the very workers, Army, was making preparations to Commissar.
have not brought great results. department; Gillian, Éa Spiv for kidnapping and conspiracy to whom It dissuaded and prevented 10 subsequent feuilleton Aldan have himself crowned, Demyan In Toledo and lo Akron, in the ey and James Dean, Orlando Klans kidnap Eugene Poulpot. The trial from Aghting when they still had or recounts how Trotsky. In June, Beiny published in Izvestia, some And that is how note it down state of Connection, In Massach men and pcial policemen during began on March 24 after Judge a chance, before the Brown shirts 1918, informed the German diplomat, 16 months after the alleged declarsetts in Detroit, Mich. in Illinois the Tam primary election. Chiet Petteway had denied defense mo took power, to take their lives in Count Mirbach. that we, Bolsheviksations of Trotsky to Mirbach, the and elsewhere, referendum votes of of Police Tittsworth and Man tions for a four month delay and thelr hands today for the sake of are already dead, but there is as following verses: 10 al unions have been conducted wel Menendez, police stenographer, for a change of venue.
a Yutile demonstration. would yet nobody around able to bury us. Strike no hero poses, king!
or local conferences have been held were indicted as accessories after have been another matter if this Mirbach himself as is well known, Our deuce will do the covering on the question of formation of a the fact.
were a free, Australian bailot, then was killed shortly after June by the When we hit we are no The Need for continued Support labor party. In most cases these chumps large protest vote micht have left This story, retailing For ours is the deuce of trumps.
attempts are sponsored by local The Attorneys The progress already made in had a powerful effect in rousing the words of one Bothmer, who in Lenin Trotsky, there our deuce, trade union leaders, who in this running down the perpetrators of the German workers, But this turn quotes the dead diplomat, is so Hy direction of Governor Dave this deed is no guarantee against manner week to translate their Try to mateh it, 11 you choose!
ballot WAN mockery. An armed Absurd in itself that it is hardly Why, Denikin, the sudden blues (Continged from Page 1)
views of a progressive stand in col. Shoitethe prosecution to being a whitewash. The fight against the Nazl stood at the elbow of every worthy of notice. In June, 1918, sertive bargaining with the employ conducted by State Attorney Kl Klux Klan and the capitalistwas cast in the right way. Naztween the time the rapacious Brest. this ditty; but in contrast to the Liberty League. He granted a sym concessions by parliamentary action they Huntley and County Sol Florida must be carried to a suc voter and saw to it that the vote and therefore just in the period be. There is no covering our deuce.
Aldanov, incidentally, also quotes well, the red bogeyman of the ers into polities to gain further Rex Parrior, Assistant State Attor racketeer politician combination in teller counted the votes. Nad elec latovsk peace was signed and the conversation with Mirbach, it does pathetic audience and listened pe often there are to be found also to be tied in with the gambling Ingman in the country can call himBut very titor Jay Hardee, the latter sala cessful conclusion before any workthe polls. Which leads us to the Trotsky gave secret information not happen to be an invention but tiently to the grievances of the amongst the elements sponsoring Fing. The defendents are represent selt free. Protests and demands for following conclusions: to whom to a diplomat of Hohenempuan interventioner product of farmers as they were developed by these local movements ordinary by Pat Whitaker, chiet counsel, action from Individuals, unions and First, it was sheer, voluntary so zollern to the effect that Bolsbe. Deman creative efforts. It was the representatives of the nenny ante politicians who expect his brother Tomin Whitaker, Charles other organizations should be sent Blake and Womack, all into Governor Dave Sholtz, Mayor Icide for any worker to follow the vism was already dead. This is printed in izvestia. Oct. 19, 1919.
advice of the cp. an advice to a case of slander passing Into Repulsive as it is to probe into the result was an empty promise to find a new feld of operation.
The Stalinist Fiascos timately associated with the Klu Chancey and State Attorney this mess, we hope that the reader to look into the matter. Tugwell criminal that If carried out would raving.
Klux Klan. Rex Farrior. Financial contribMost outstanding, however, and bave led to an even greater declbear with us: a few rhymed, need only consult the official De utions to carry on the fight should Consumer ror the Garbage mation of the ranks of militant la lines can convey much better the partment of Agriculture report The Judge be sent to Norman Thomas, chair bor than the frightful condition for anything vile.
But there is always a consumer atmosphere of 1919 and the then which reposes in some remote tie set the same time the most ridicu.
And one was prevailing mood in the party than of the department archives in or create labor parties made to order. Judge Raleigh Petteway of Hills man, or Mary Fox, Treasurer, Nathat already exists.
be seconds suppose a sizable nummary 30th issue of Pravda carries falsifications and calumn. Lenin horror which is the daily lot of baptised as a bulwark against the as trial judge on March 17, on mo Civil Rights in Tampa, Room 1106 found in this case also. The Jan. all the latest luxuriant growths of der to verify the story of tragle puit together out of nothing and borough County disqualified himself tional Committee for the Defense of no votes were cast. Who several yards at Dengan Beding Trotsky, there our deuce. How some millions of share erpppers.
growing menace of war and Fashion of the defense, because he is. 112 East 19the Street, New York would have known about it? Does singles in which the account of is that? How could man who anyone beleve that the Hitler. con. Bothmer Aldanov is taken to be an save out treacherous statements to concern over the rate of these far paign is being conducted by these Mr. Roosevelt has expressed some cism. veritable hurricane cam a randidate for Governor. Sholtz City.
trolled press would have publicized incontrovertible thuth, and as the the august ambassador of the Kaiser mers, their children and wives. In strategists of election This second shakedown, however, is being successfully restrength and courage to revolution treachery. Today, Pravda is the Lenin? And where is Stalin? Is has been moved to action.
suren face calculated Motorlu final proof of Trotsky permanent turn up on the same deuce with tact, even the President himsell Resolutions skittere the estableret.
Ists? Why, even the blank ballotsperes fulAlly personal order. lived in the Kremlin, who met all by a commission whose members workers are represented. If these organ of Stalin.
were counted as votes.
Demyan it possible that Demyan Bedny who asked that an inquiry be set afoot regardless of whether or not the policemen While the Indicted have been surrounded with the Thirdly, any party which advoToday, Pravda does not venture as the top leaders in the party, who were to be appointed by the Gov. stateglsts were set out dellbermost effective, if not the most cates such action, and thereby yet to carry verses relating how it is even told, used to sup in the ernor of Arkansas, Futrell, notori ately to destroy the very idea of (Continued from Page 1)
scrupulous lawyers in Florida.
saves the Gestapo the trouble of Lenin and Trotsky received money dining room of the Council of Peo cusly onesmpathetic to the claims the labor party, they could not do become moderately well to do by the state has added lawyers to its hunting for the underground mili trom the German General state, but ple Commissars 1e it possible that on the farmers to earn the decent any better than the way they are supplementing their regular sala staff whose reputations embrace tants but could find them at the the moral evolution of the Bonapar. Demyan Bedny remained unaware livelihood and a planter himserl.
now proceeding.
ries with 50 flogging honorariums, neither effectiveness nor scrupupolling hooths, 18 consciously or ist bureaucracy is nevertheless of the fact that the deuce was As matters stand today the over they could hardly have made lousness. Governor Sholtz has diunconsciously cooperating with proceeding in this direction. To Lenin Stalin? Or, it may be that The demands of the Union are whelming majority of the working enough to pay these fancy legal rected Manuel Glover, Solicitor of Hitler in destroying whatever re Aldanov, at any rate, the receipt of Demyan Bedny was unacquainted as follows: class, including the trade unions, fees. The expenses of their defense Polk County, and Assistant State mains of the German labor more the Hohenzollern subidy by the with stalin? No. Bedny worked do not give a serious bearing to are being met by the citrus grow Attorney Rogers, also of Polk ment.
The Union Demands Bolsheviks and Trotsky conversa with Stalin in the legal Bolshevik these pleas. In the main they stillers, cigar manufacturers and ship County, to assist Chlef Prosecutor Meat for Hitler tion with a Hohenzollern diplomat publications back in 1911, and per Just and adequate settlement support Roosevelt and they are ping interests who mus maintain Farrior.
Now, what is the policy for which constitute entity. In Pravda, haps even earlier. He was well at end of season, legal rates of still carried away by Illusions of the Ku Klux Klan as their private Glover, who is said to be conStaliniam called upon the German together with its poet, the single acquainted with Stalin, with stal Interest on advances made share his peendo people legislation. Was police.
workers to risk their skins in this whole does not emerge as yet. But, In past, his specific weight, his croppers and tenants, wages of not the United Mine Workers con. The heavy ball bonds which give nected with the gambling ring in fatile gesture? Implicit in the never mind! The order was ful. Intellectual resources. Demyan 00 per 10 hour day with 15e vention practically unanimous in the defendants temporary freedom his county, will replace Insbor.
contents of this lenflet is a support Alled. The meaning of the order knew very well what be was writper hour overtime for wl work its approval and support of Roose were supplied by Eli Witt who ough County Solicitor Jay Har of the Versailles Treaty. The same is expressed in the following qua hing. And if he did not know, how velt? And this is really not sur owns the 100 percent non union dee who is said to protect the robber pact, assalled from its in train: done by day laborers, and a writdid Izvestia, the official Government The gamblers in his balliwick for a ten guarantee binding owners prising when it is borne in mind Hav a Tampa cigar factory.
ception by revolutionists as the organ, happen to print verses in To bad, forsooth, that in Berlin not to Interfere with union organbasis for redivision of the world They got the news we so inte that the ideology behind the Roode anti labor groups, by subscribing price. About a year ago, Glover which Trotsky name creeps in by ization or discriminate against velt proposals does not differ es to the defense, are also working off was arrested in Kissengen Springs, by the leading imperialist buccan mistake instead of Stalin s? OF, glean!
anlon members.
sentially from the ideas of the a debt of gratitude to Pat Whitaker a resort als miles south of Bartow, neers. The same robber pact which Brief Judgment: wo such leaders was it merely done, perhape, for people front. The difference Hes who, as state senator, fathered all and charged with being drunk, disconstituted the most potent weapon Union leaders have asked for in the fact that Rooserelt appeal the the sake of a rhyme? And, finally, repressive legislation they orderly and nude. He was not spurn in Hitler demagogy and which why and how did the party keep support which should be generous for support stil proves more efter wanted. One of Whitaker babies found guilty.
enabled him to dope the middle To Limbo, whence there no roqulet about these sacrilegious ver ly forthcoming Send all contributive than the appeals for the is the so called 30 percent law Glover fellow celebrant on this turn.
classes disgusted with the social ses? we ought to add that is those tions to the Southern Tenant Farm People Front labor party. In which makes Florida elections as spree was. County Judge Mark democratie support of the treaty. This poetical conclusion is of days no one ordered laudatory ver. ere Union, 227 Broad Avenue, rofar as the phraseology is con democratic as a Hitler referendum. Quinn, predecessor of Judge RoIt says: of what importance are course based not upon a fetitious ses from Demyan Bedny we had Memphis, Tenn.
cerned, the appeal for the forgot. Under this law, a party must pollbert Dewell who is presiding at ten man is more clever.
at least 30 percent of the total the present trials. Quinn drun.
Campaign for Roosevelt vote in one of the two preceding ken escapades with women ultiSPEAKER If a Labor Party is to have any elections in order to get on the mately caused grand Jury investigation and his removal by GovernH. ISAACS meaning as political force it is ballot.
clear that it must have the trade Administration Tres Shakedown or Sholte. Dewell, a classmate of Former editor, China Forum, recently returned union movement for its basis. Its When the policemen were first the Governor at Yale, was one of from flve years sojourn in China top leadership, however, is already indicted, an effort was made to levy Sholte few pre election supporters QUESTIONS DISCUSSION buy campaigning actively for a percenta pa of the wage of every in Polk County. He was appointed STALINISM REVERTS TOWELCC OF FOUR CLASSES IN CHINA Ausp. District. Workers Party Roosevelt. And this is true not only city employee for their defense to redeem the bench that Quinn of the dyed in the wool and reac Such levy was enforced before biad so engagingly deflled.
tionary craft union chiefs; John the last municipal election to pro In general, the processes of the SUN. APRIL 12 8:30 IRVING PLAZA HALL 15th ST. IRVING PL. Lewis and Sidney Hulman Joln. In vide the campaign fund with which law in Polk County are very inand make it unanimous While the city administration stole its re teresting.
Croppers Swindled por estilo de Klan Pays Attorney JAPAN, CHINA THE The War Crisis in the Ear East