BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismImperialist WarProfinternSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAUL THE ELECTORAL PACT MARCH OF EVENTS WORLD OF LABOR By JACK WEBER America Plans for War Full Text of the People Front Agreement in What Happened at the Trade Union Unity Spain for the Elections to the Cortes Congress in Toulouse, France translated the The structurat The outcome of modern war de department wishes to maintain these pends on the home front as much plants. But it would be quite in. By JOHN WRIGHTif not more than on the battle front. correct to assume that the only Editor Note: In response to zation of the products of the land, assets.
The Congress held in Toulouse, March 3, was not a fusion ConThe avatlability of resources at the reason is to assure a supply of tin many requests for the full text of especially of wheat and other cer2 beginning of, and during a war, and for the war. That is a relatively the Spanish electoral pact, we eals (in Spain, the government fires ing system to rules of organization ment. The Toulouse Congress only ratifled formally the already effected Subjecting the private bank gress, but the first Congress of an already united trade union movethe level of the technical productive minor purpose. The real motive publish it below as the price of wheat. adopting meas which shall benefit its liquidity on merger between the reformist and the Stalinist controlled forces are vital matters that enter must be sought in the process of from El Socialista (Jan. 16, 1936. sures for the elimination of into all the plans and preparations detinning, in the chemicals formed organ of the Socialist Party of middleman; doing away with the which have been emphasized by the basis of the classic principles which took place last September, wlen, after both the and of the General Statis. Thus one during the process of recovering tin Spain All remarks in parenthe agreements confabulaciones) among the experience of the last crisis, the had held their conventions, the parallel units pf these large section of the United States from scrap. This process uses sis are editorial comment, not the millers; and stimulation of the in order to guarantee depositors organizations merged on a local, territorial and national scale.
War Department has as its task the chlorine in considerable quantities. contained in the pact, but which keeping of up to the minute files of Chlorine is one of the elements that will facilitate the understanding this last is bait for the small land accounts, etc. etc.
The membership of the new Genstatistics and technical information enter into the production of certain of the reader. Only material in owning farmers of the Mediter Improve the functioning of eral Confederation of Labor is patible with the traditions and on every raw material and com of the polson gases. The tetrachlorquotation marks is directly quo ranean coast, who depend on ex the savings banks in order to make about 1, 000, 000 (in 1920, on the principles of the labor movement modity that enters into military use, ide of tin, one of the chemicals proted, but the rest is carefully sum port of olives, grapes, etc. them fulon their role in the creation eve of the split, the old bad ior a trade union functionary to either directly or indirectly. These duced, is used in explosives to pro marized. As measures to improve the of capital, dictatins also those a membership of 1, 500, 000. More occups an important political post Commodity Files show the annual duce a concealing smoke, and is also condition of agricultural produc measures necessary to protect pri than 1, 700 delegates attended the The Congress recorded itself over needs of the country, both civilian used in producing glares. It is for The pact begins with a few sen tion: agricultural instruction and vate savings and the responsibility Congress to deal with the two ques. whelmingly in favor of the in and military, the sources of supply, these purposes that the war depart tences that the undersigned organ technical aid to be organized by of the initiators and promoters of tions that were before the con compatibility clause, and Frachoa and in factories, the possibilities detinning plants, and not for the but agree on the following measures crops: development the stocks on hand in warehouses ment is anxious to keep soing these izations retain their own principles the state. plans for rotation of them. Equalize taxes. and stop in gress. 1) the statutes of the unt and Racamond, where bor previous of pasture creasing the public debt.
for quick expansion of production, tin primarily. Of course tin enters as necessary to public peace. lands, cattle industry and refores. 1) Direet taxation to be comical polley to be pursued. reau, proceeded to declare demon.
the available substitutes in case of into the making of all Babbitt bear tation; water works and dams and pletely revised and reorganized Under the organizational ques stratively that they considered the shortage. Where certain materials ings which are so essential to all irrigation works to reclaim land; necessitate importing from abroa tion, the following three points decisions of the Congress as abso machinery, particularly on ships and on a progressive basis; Amnesty for all Hical of roads and rural construction.
were in dispute. what lutely binding, and in proof of particularly from South America, in mechanized warfare. But Bolivia fenses after November 1983, and the navy is assigned the duty in ad. is a source of tin that is under the those of a similar character not property of the land: the law of As measures to reform the (2) Indirect taxation reformed ture of the Confederation should their good faith immediately reaiming at cordination. combe, whether it is compatible to signed from the of the French vance of keeping the sea lanes open direct control of the United States released by the April, 1934 amnesty tenantry (passed by the reaction)
pletely unclear. yet the one combine trade union posts with Communist Party of which they point important to workers. lending functions in political or are members carry these materials. The war sibly be closed to American imperl pal and provincial officials) tired or evictions shall be re examined; old (3) Fiscal administration per canizations, and, finally, which in fected to serve as an efficient international amiatious to maintain.
The third and final organizationstocks on hand so as ist to be gases and the materials for productuspended for political reasons to and small renters (Sharecroppers)
caught with a shortage of some ing glares and concealing smokes Gred from public utilities, railroads till on a plan of long term liquidaJoubaux and Co. the leadership al dispute revolved about internastrategie commodity on the outbreak that motivate Hull and Roosevelt. bank of Spain and other institution. pars new tenantry law VIE.
of the old stood pat on the tional affiliations. Jouhaux and old traditions; the leadership of Co. proposed affiliation to the Amof war. Naturally in chrrying out tions and industries in which the which shall guarantee tenure (sta The Republic that the Republi the Stalinist went through sterdam International. Once again this phase of its imperialis: duties, PREPARATIONS FOR WAR the War Department is in close government holds shares or has a bilidad) on the land; rents subject can parties conceive of is not a the motions of attempting to 10 and reasonable. Far from propos touch with the capitalists who con the utmost need of technical pre. refers notably to Precisely because war involves voice. and from public services to revision shall be made moderate: amie class motives but a regime debates took place in an atmos. Ing afiliation with the Red Trade republle directed by social or eco stitute progressive reforms. The its Union International, they pleaded trol the supplies, with the trusts paration, the careful planning of where many were fred after a concealed forms; indennification of democratic liberties impelled by phere of mutual trust.
that the Confederation adhere to The news of the embargo on ex uation, it takes a number of years those unjustly fired in private in carried out by the renter; land cul and social progress. But precisely make up of the neither International, but maintain port ut tin scrap is an indication of for a country to build up the stocks dustries shall have timate relationship. At the out equipment is adequate The United (Though the cause referring to tur. Cooperatives (consumers and the moral and material conditions tonomous and quite de centralized. soon as possible. Conld anything labor boards. able for acquisition by the cultiva. Inilley has the duty of elevating surface to be very loose, very au for the calling of an International Trade Union Unity Congress as of break of war certain factories will states today is engaged in these private industry is weaker than reultural) shall be stimulated. imit that the general interest of alist structure is ideally suited for be more reasonable? Yet, Jouhaux be immediately mobilized according technicnl preparations. just to the maximum but, in reality, its so called Federas is those preceding it. apparently pri Colonization of peasant files production permits, without stop rigid bureaucrate control.
to prearranged plan to start proevery other tower. The rivnlrles. vate Industry followed the rest in with necessary technical and finan ing at making all the sacrifices The basie, and traditional unit any ties with the Profintern, and in his speech simply passed in stduction of military supplies. These the competition for markets and reinstating the workers. lence over the proposal to maintain inl aid. Measures for recovery strategic plants are naturally sub colonies, the need for expansion on Laws to be passed, granting the communal land (the coin that may have to be imposed on of the is the local trade work for international unity.
sidized and given every assistance in the part of each national branch of adequate reparations to families of mous. Laws to cancelled which economic and social privileges. The uniou organization known as a time of peace capitalism. bave reached the ex. vietins or revolutionary events returned or old for graridees land. Belle parties do not accept syndicate. In the majority of cases overwhelmingly against the Stalinplesive point. The capitalist world (those killed in October, 1934) or the workers control solicited by these local syndicates are quite ist proposals. The purely formal IV.
DETINXING AND WAR is on a volcano ready to blow up victims of illegal acts of the pub.
the socialist delegation, and to destroy civilization. The le authority and the police.
small. Nationally, these syndicates character of the Congress is best Our industry canut rutise itself They (Republicans) agree to: Tin is not an essential or strnt workers of all countries will be the from the depression in egie commodity.
which 10 IL.
It is more a convictims of imperialist war. Such Re establish the social legis each industry; and, on the other Alustrated by the fact that after the stage play, speeches and votes venience in modern lite than a wars have as their aim the bolsternow finds itself unless we revise lation in the purlty of its princi hand, they are also united territorinecessity. Substitutes could easily ing up of decaying and tottering tablished: al violations of it to be tion by the state, according to a the necessary clispositions in order for each district, or Department. referred back to the Commission The constitution to be re es the complicated system of protec pley for which they will dictateally into Departmental Unions, one for the record, the Statutes were be found for tin in the food indus empitalism. The capitalists aim to revised. The law governing elec striet criterion of the coordinated to cancel all the laws which de Each syndicate, however large and were then accepted unanimous.
tries and in the manufacture of auto maintain the system of exploitation tions to the tribunal of guarantees subordination of the national econtract from upright sense of justice, or small, can send one delegate to ly.
mobiles. It seems strange, at first of the working class at home by the Supreme Court, which is elecony to the general luterest. As a revising all the checks and punish the Congress, and each has buta The self same procedure was sight, therefore, that Secretary of extending their field of operation to ted by an intricate system which consequence it is in order. State hull in his capacity as Secre other lands and to other peoples. gives undue weight to universities melits established. nothing single vote (the National Federa gone through on the second point tary of the National Munitions Con workers once learn that such and the mpper classes) shall be re laws which shall fix the basis of To dictate law or system of more concrete than this. tions and the Departmental Unions of the agenda, pertaining to the trol Board, should have seen fit to wars are almed just as much at vised so as to prevent that the de protection to industry, including labor (Inbor boards, in conditions but only with consultative votes Reorganize the jurisdiction of can sud delegates to the Congress, political policy. Racamond made an impassioned speech, pleading endorse the protest of two deting them as at the enemy abroad by tense of the constitution from fall tarife laws, tax exemption methods of independence, in order not only grow the core are not rep claim that the programom the firms and place an embargo on ex the home capitalists, then all the ing into the hands of these con coordination regulation of nar that the interested parties mas rotative democratie bodies. In People Front is the programare cbviously, there. ore, the Con that the Congress solemnly proscrap tin for three months, technical preparations of the war trary to the regime.
to be followed by licensing of such mongers and their military. servants kets and other methods of assis equire a consciousness of the imXports. The Vulean Detinning Co will come to nought. For in the the constitution shall he asset. es. Interest to national production also in order that in no case shahar myndientes was increased to ens. Jouhaus and Co. spoke for.
And the Conand Thermit Co. of the two wolutely essential productive force cal regulations as provided for in of industries in order to lighten the passed Phone major producers of tin from scrap, is the man power of the worker him the constitution local government. load of sexulation that has ham laneybut this purely a unanimous resolu.
claim that the running of their busirelf. The capitalists can conduct Reform of the rules and regulated industry. Rectify the process of the ture was intended only to screen tion (to quote the dispatch in lliug salaries of the land work the fact that the Congresses are a Pravda, March 1) to the effect ness profitably is being threatened war only so long as they can suctions of the procedure of the Cor Institutions to guide industryers, truly starvation salaries, tix. deuncratie shantar removed from that the General Confederation by Japan extraordinary purchases cessfully suppress the militant work tes (not clear for what purpose. clept. of commerce, labor, etc. ing hinium salaries in order to proportional representation.
of scrap metal here. Therefore, in ing class, only so long as the prole of Labor will struggle decisively conformity with the War Depart tariat is forcibly prevented from The principle of authority is guarantee all the workers worthy The Congresses play on the sur. for the demands in the program of Adopt necessary measures existence, and creating the offense face the rule of the highest direct the People Front. the resoludustry in time of war, Hull took of the hands of ercise with full recocommerce.
quick action. Evidently the war into its own.
nition of the priuciples of liberty be of the People 4. To elevate the activity and justice. Revision of the law fundamental al industries by mic recoustruction is aimed at the Central Committees of the Nation of the working class formulated in of public order the laws which means of a plan of public works. absorption of unemployed, it is also a Federations and the Departmenthe Labor Plan of the of courts. Although policy of econo the CGT is directed by the joint should include the specific demands empower the government to quickly Orgaulation and assistance to the necessary to organize administra tal Unions. This joint Committee siege, and nurtint law) fc void rural population in the form of tivels and technically the struggle is not clected by the Congress but are standing shoulder to shoulder (Continued from Page 1)
against it, establishing statistics, comprises the representatives of with those who betrayed the French abusive uses of (ie, don drag. lf liquidating public works.
France, as they will seek to do to out martial law too long.
classification, employment agencies all the Federations, and of the working class in 1914. The united (2 Tokyo, preparing to bring remorrow (Indeed, already today. and workers exchanges, with spe Departmental Unions (which are trade union movement in France newed pressure on Nanking, once in the United States, the Stalinists to free them from the weights of works not only as a public service of youth and without forgetting the representative from each syndicate, irreconcilable struggle against the Reorganization of the courts The Republicans consider publiecial attention to the unemployment themselves made up of a single will march to victory only in the more circulated the report that a now seek to do in China.
Soviet Nanking pact was likewise social hierarchy, tradition and ecoor an imperfect method of une institutions of planning and insur with single vote. in the offing The Treaty Myth nomel privilege. Justice, once ployment relief, but also as a poance which, promised by the conpolicy and practice of JoubauxThe Joint Committee (which is Racamond and their associates There has never been any basis But in any event, this process reorganized, shall be given the intent means of developing sources stitution, should be begun.
the constitution of wealth not being developed by not a representative democratic for previous Japanese reports of has not gone as far as actual con lays down. Civil procedure shall private entrepeneurs.
The Republicans shall dedicate body. in its turn, selects an Ad. RESULTS OF THE SPANISH similar tenor and the sharp denials tact between Nanking and Moscow to the public welfare and health ministrative Committee be simplified. Speed up the civil issued nt Nanking and Moscow on Nanking is Tokyo vassal and too courts and increase their power: of urban and rural housing, also civilized land, without stopping as those functionaries who reside in (about ELECTIONS Great plans of construction the attention they deserve in any 35. primarily selected from among this occasion can be taken at their subject to Tokyo pressure, espe and greater protection for defen cooperative and public services, sacrifices. They will unity under Parls. This We have received an inquiry reface value. Japan still stands too mmittee lating to the results of the last lally at the present time. The dants in criminal cases: cut down forts, comunications, irrigation the direction of the state private then handpicks a sinall Bureau (a Spanish elections. The reports as solidly athwart the path of possible Japanese circulate such reports special privileges (such as freedom works and other land improve wellare and health institutions secretariat. headed by Jouhaux) to the outcome in the American Sino Soviet rapprochement. The only to use them as a lever to press present regime at Nanking is com Nanking harder for the concessions of guards from civil courts, prosements civilians cution of asexulting mitted to policy of capitulation it demands. Without violating wills of the de which is the actual leadership of bourgeols press appear to conflict To carry these out, legisla. ceased (this refers to church in the primarily because the various reguards in military courts, etc. to Japan and there is no sign that porters in recording the results of it to prepared to swerve from that report of a Nanking Soviet agree bad treatment done away with; no guarantee the usefulness of the On the very day of the Tokyo Prisons shall be humanized and tive and administrative arrange stitutions. VIII.
It goes without saying that Jou the elections differ in their manner orientation. The Nanking government, Nanking forwarded a protest arbitrary solitary confinement.
haux and his associates were ada of listing the parties of the Right ment, or any other similar Kuomin against the Soviet Mongolian pact5. Police abuses under the reac its contribution of the same to the cation as the inalienable attri structure, so ideally suited for buwork, its good administration and The Republle must consider edu mant in preserving this antiquated and of the Center.
tang regime, will tread the danger of mutual assistance, claiming that tion to be investigated to place re private industries directly favored. bute of the state We print below the final results reancratic machinations and so of the elections as reported in a only when it is assured of power. Moscow replied on April with an mined and punished. commanding the subsidy to unemployment rhythm as in the first years of the misht imagine after all the talk The Republicans do not accept hall impel with the same obviously in need of reform. One Havas dispatch of March 3rd.
The People Front electoral ful support from the outside, pre attenpt to justify the part in terms officers to be re examined and all (dole) solicited by the workers Republic the creation of primary about rank and file rule, that the bloc won 263 seats. The Sociale ferably from other imperialist pow. of the Sino Soviet treaty of 1924 those guilty of abuse or political delegation. They believe that the schools, canteens, clothing depots Stalinists would selze upon Parts obtained seats. The ers. primarily Britain and United States.
the in which Chinese sovereignty over prejudice to be dismissed. Reor measures of agrarian policy and for schoolchildren. school colon chance to demonstrate their pro Communist Parts 14. The seats offer to Liquidate Red Army recognized Outer Mongolia was specifically ganization of the guards (vigilanthose which are to be carried out les. Private eduation shall be subgressive ideas on trade union or that fell to the share of the pieces The new turn of the Stalinist treaty has been rendered inopera gime.
with officials loyal to the re in industry, public works and, in ject to vigilance in the interest of ganization. And, indeed, they dia bourgeois partners in the electorai (This section deals with sum, the whole plan of national re culture TRITY in China, the offer to liquitive by the Mongolians themselves. Inbuses from November 1983 to Feb construction, will full not only public to that of the propose a reform. Speaking in bloc, the party of the Left Repubthe name of democratic centraligm licans, were 83.
date completely the peasant Red who established their own indepen ruars, 1936. its own ends but also the essential (no more, no less. they proposed armies and to suspend entirely all dent regime. We would refer Chi2. develop intermediate and pro. in sum and substance not pro Right obtained 135 seats, the The three parties of the extreme in future, grave punishments task of absorbing unemployment. ressional education.
revolutionary struggle within the nese claims of sovereignty to Urefur officials who abuse their power.
country (if it can. represents an. but Moscow, you see is commit.
VI. Amalgamation of universithe Administrative Committee be Robles) getting 99 of them.
portional representation, but that the concentration led by GII attempt on the part of the Soviet ted to the inane notion of the nIII.
The Treasury and the banks ties and superior schools to obtain henceforth elected by the Congress The Basque Nationalists obtained bureaucracy to find possible alles violability of pacts so the myth The Republicans do not accept shall be at the service of the effort more adequate ones.
and that this Committee, to be 10 seats in Nanking or in other sections of of 1924 has to be repeated in 1936. the principle of the nationalization of national reconstruction, without The necessary methods the Chinese bourgeoisie.
to elected by a Congress far removed Listing all the other parties in of the land and its free distribution slurring over the fact that such guarantee to the youth of the work from proportional representation, the Center, the latter obtained 65 For such is the nature of all NEW MILITANT delegates of the Socialist Party forced outside of the sure field of of capacity, access to intermediate of Eight, with Jouhaux as General to the peasants, solicited by the subtle things as credit cannot being class and in general to students then proceed to select the Bureau seats.
Stalinist pacts. There would not The relationship of forces in the nor could be any objection to a Sowith which is merged They (the Republicans) consider profitable and remunerative effort. and superior education.
Secretary. But even this sham re parliamentary fraction of the Sovier pact with Nanking or any other THE MILITANT desirable the following measures The Republican parties do not ac. The signatories shall replace in torm was overwhelmingly defeated, clalist Party of Spain between the bourgeois government if required Published weekly by the New Mall which are aluned at the redemption cept the measures of nationaliza all its vigor the autonomous legis and the hoary, reactionary struc right wing led by Prieto and the by the diplomatie and strategic in tant Publishing Co. 56 East 11th small farmer, not only because it workers parties. They know, howof the peasant and the medium and tion of the banks proposed by the Intion of the Constitutent Cortes. ture was preserved intact. left wing led by Caballero can be terests of the Soviet Union. But St. Phone: Lgon. 9068. the land program) is justice, but ever, that our banking system ro oriented in the direction of adhe. International policies shall be gleaned from the results of the the Stalinist quid pro quo is always Entered as second class mall matter because it constitutes the strongestquires certain perfectings it is sion to the principles and methods troversy was over the decree of Praesidium of the Socialist trac The second lively point of con contest for the election of the at economic recon to fulfill the mission that is put in of the League of Nations.
its hands for the economie reconSIGNATURES.
compatible for a leading func cast for Caballero and 32 for Prle.
which rests on the theory of socialJAMES CANNON. Editor Measures to help the direct struction of Spain. As mere retionary of the to be a rem to.
ism in one country establishes a Subscription rates. In the United farmer. cultivador directo, ap numeration of examples, we point ber of the leading body of any po The elections show that as a recontradiction between the interests States 00 per year; 66c per six parently the farmer, peasant, or out the following measures. PAUL LUTTINGER, Iftical party, sult of the People Front policies of the international proletariat and months; Canada and foreign 60 landworker indiscriminately, only Direct the Bank of Spain in DANIEL LUTTINGER, Semard, one of the Stalloist not only did the petty bourgeois the supposed interests of the Soviet per year; 00 six months. Bundle differentiating them from the non such a way as that it shall fulfill Washington Square North leaders. made an eloquent speech parties obtain representation far Union, a contradiction which in the rates: Two cents per copy working landowner. lowering of its function of regulating the cred1 and 8 Except Sundays in which he declared that such a exceeding their actual social and end has always proven fatal for Vol. 2, No. 14 (Whole No. 06) taxes and tributes; special atten4it according as the interests of proposal was tantamount to sanc political weight in the country, but both, a fact which the realists in and Holidays.
tion to the repression of usury: our economy shall dictate, losing SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 Moscow cannot understand. As they tions against the leading workers also within the Socialist Party itlowering of abusive rents; increase its character o partner of the in the trade union movement, and self. the Right wing was able to have done in Czechoslovakia and in READ THE NEW MILITANT agricultural credits; re valori banks and liquidating its frozen READ THE NEW MILITANT argued that it was entirely om capitalize on these policies.
megter an eine mobile tiene o king the means of production out else is bound the week but trecos consume mai industry and small of dracking down salaries. which is organisie But that is another con sees om te point out that the Tokyo Berlin Alliance dent Reois ally. That is Stalinism under the act of March 8, 1879. struction.