BourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

NEW MILITANT APRIL 11 1086 AMERICAN LABOR AT GLANCE Ferrero Sallito Denied Writ By Federal Court Judge (From Northwest Organizer) 9574 Leader Gives His Impressions of Induswe ment seize Javier Craft Union Blocks Shirt Workers Organization The very air is charged with. By FARRELL DOBBS feeling of impending change. After two months of procrastin Some of the newspapers out The most pleasant surprise extrial Union Movement in the East Events are moving at a rapid pace. ation, Judge Francis Caffey of Lere are calling frequently Inquirperienced by the Local 574 committee which was sent east to visit one union for all and all on the screat exponent of the sanctity of The workers should support the nidcant happenings. Labor is pre Southern District of New York been a final decision on these cases Erin Tattoma laders of the Indus picket Ithe. The craft union lead. per capita tam, has followed this Work to stand for andrestritai paring in its sigantic, lumbering nally handed down bis reactionary There are also a number of civic trial union movement was to learners would have liked very much to practice.
Voting strength in the unionism, but, at the same time, way, for a tremendous stride for decision in denying an application organizations showing unusualne of the popular national support pluck this union, but they did not of convention is based on they must constantly put forward ward. Local 674 can look ahead for a writ of habeas corpus by Vinterest in the two cases. Should which 574 enjoys.
called and we talked with many the lessons to be drawn from such ternational Unions. Hence the cam machine control which now exists on the side of progress.
we shall have to important labor figures we found action would have been too obvious. Paign to pay in for every possible in the of and the restora, 4, 1936, and the decision was not be prepared to to. The hearing was held on Feb. der of deporuke it on the chia that the General Drivers Union rendered until March 26, 1936. In as the publicity will be very much was known and admired. All. inThe strike of the building service member the house de la taula de sus creation of true democracy in the local Azana Speech the meantime the two defendants against our department.
quired not about what we have done workers in New York is a second stake; the jobs of the craft unlon unions have been imprisoned in Ellis Is See ty Perkins Has No Authority Our long conversation with John union Intended to do next. They the movement was tremendous.
The the workers of America. Every Brophy, director of the gave Conservative been taken by the Ferrerro Stalllegation from the Conference that In reply to the demand of a del expressed satisfaction with our ac strike spread like wildfire. Eleva vote counts.
us a very comprehensive picture of (Continued from Pako 1)
to Defense Conference for an ap she review the cases of Ferrerro Role of the LO.
count of the present healthy con tor operators, caretakers, Janitors, the present activities of this group firm intention of carrying out the peal. and obtaining the release dition of 574 and its excellent pros erst nighting as one, and lighting of the Committee for Industrial Or tee is contined to the educational Communists will loyally support pending action on their appeal To properly understand the role the principal work of the commit. People Front pact, and the of the two innocent men on bailand, Sallitto and intervene in thely pects.
In every big Industrial center we estate czars.
very effectively, against the real ganization, we must first recognize tield. Books, pamphlets, news re him throughout (on todo momenThe case has aroused widespread of Labor, wrote the Conference as the background of the committee leases and editorials sent to labor found the workers and the proto. protest in labor and liberal circles, follows on February, 1936. In reply, you are advised that gressive union leaders in very good The craft unionists do not like members. None of these men can editors, speeches, and other mediThis is true enough the Stalinist partly because of the openly antagspirits. All are highly enthused these manifestations; they do not boast of a clear record of progresums of expression being used Mundo Obrero has been more leonistic attitude taken by the the two aliens named have been orDepartment of Labor in this case. dered deported under the provision Over the new possibilities of er. ike the rest with which the work sivis. Some of their past actions to clarify the issues throughout the vish with praise of Azana than even The men were first arrested in saubere it is found that in allen beof law which requires such action fective union organization now ers take to the ideas of industrial are downright reactionary, and to national labor movement. The opening up for them through the unionism: they do not like thesay the least, undemocratic. This has not, however, taken the the government own papers dare Francisco in April, 1934, on tromy jongs to any one of certain speelto be.
strong Industri manner in which the workers ap is a matter of record. True, they initiative in solidifying the indused up charges, and taken before a Largo Caballero, whose strength ininor supporting a progressive trial union groups in the various unionism.
sent leader and the overwhelming at the workers do like it; they trial unionism. But their prime the movement on a national basis growing Left Wing, was wiser than This official, acting as prosecutor. advocating measures having that Every sincere, intelu. ply the power which is theirs when are now wavement for indus industrial centers and co ordinating in the Socialist Party rests on the lon Tunctionary of the Districtfied groups believing in the overthey are organized industrially. cause: the of the Department of Labor. throw of organized government or majority of the workers in the heavy industries are completely taste; they hunger for more. The have enjoyed the thrill of the first motive is one of personal ambition. As yet the strong feeling of the the Stalinists. Asked comment judge and jury all in one, after a end in view. Where charges of this The members of the have workers is only a seething ferment, on Azana speech, he reserved de perfunctory hearing on practical nature are found to be sustained by craft unionism. They tell you con craft unionists are finally begin one distinct advantage over their evidencing itself in sporadic heat clslon: It much too soon to give is no evidence, ordered the defend the evidence, the Secretary of Lavineing stories to show that their uing to understand that they are rellow officeholders, the craft uns lightnings, which give warning of an opinion on the speech. When ants deported. The action caused bor has no authority under existing twenty four hours later, immediate protest by labor elements law to avert deportations.
beliefs are not based on pure the sitting on a powder keg. The dis lonists: they have been able to the impending storm. Organized Azana, ory.
covery has shocked them deeply. correctly estimate the mood of the action to rid the movement of the called of the municipal elections, who formed the Ferrero Stallitto so flimsy was the so called eviCraft Unionism Disastrous Rule or Burin working masses. They realize that evils of craft unionism is yet to Caballero, speaking the next day Defense Conference in various seedence submitted in Sallitto case, to the Young Socialist meeting in tions of the country.
that after the hearing had been union is created in steel ecutive Council of these of Industrial unionism, that they Through the medium of its partes revolutionary phraseology, served The craft union controlled Ex the workers are determined to have come.
Madrid, in speech bristling with Nation wide Protest closed, the record was sent back. factory, International Unions, notice on Azana that if his govephone calls and personal commuThousands of protest letters, tel. tor more convincing evidence.
from Washington with a request rubber plantit matters not where bas ordered the Committee for In sooner of the way of this ob the bas lent aid and direc lernment does not solve the political Inications from all over the country Whereupon these stool pigeon infor the story is the same. All the dustrial Organization to dissolve. who stands in The cal. ma refused. What action sective. Understanding this, the tion to the local onbons etape is and economic problems, the road have swept in to the Immigration called another hearing and calmly workers band together in one em While the Executive Council take at members of the have declared tant strikes; a notable example 18 will remain open for the dictator and labor authorities from such outbracing unit. They prepare to do battle with the cute to fight its next session? Will it expel the themselves for the industrial form the Akron rubber strike. The pro ship of the proletariat. Caballero Istanding organizations and individ introduced into Sallitto record exfor higher wages, They are assura posals to organize the steel indus declared that the Ayana govern International Unions affiliated with of organization. hours, a uals as the American Civil Libercerpts taken from the record of decent living. Then, on the eve of the This is very doubtful. ing the leadership of this movement try put forward by the ment will not solve the problemsties Union, the American Commit. Another case.
action, the craft union officials As a matter of fact, the order to in a cautious and hesitant manner. proved a great embarrassment to easily. Azana was right, said tee for Such is the evidence which Masweep down with their paper claims dissolve was issued to the LO. They stand with one foot firmly the craft unionists.
On the other hand, the craft Caballero, in terming his govern eign Born, the International Ladies dame Perkins is willing to accept It matters not that they part of most of the members of foot they feel dngerly about for unionist Executive Council has set frent the last bulwark for the de Garment Workers Union, the Amal as a basis for deporting workers to embers sate place to implant themselves about deliberate campaign This and that the government could notice, the the International has asked to be notified when Fer fense of the right of the bourgeoisie, gmated Clothing Workers of Amer Mussolini Fascist dungeons.
have been unable to organize in the Executive Council.
eliminate the Federal Unions. This rule by cannons and soldiers.
these plants. They poise, motion cause of any sympathy they might in the new.
less, like birds of prey, until they have for industrial unionism, but Many worker, look upon the type of local was created in an atThere is atempt to forestall industrial union At every step of Azana against dustrial Democracy, The Non Parti rerro and Sallitto are to be desee a good opportunity, and then because they were well aware that LO as a messiah.
the Workers ported. Every worker who knows they swoop down for the kill. It the demand would meet with re strong tendency to render it blind is. It has since become a staunch the masses, Caballero delivers him san Labor Defense Circle, what is going on in Italy today is sorry sight that they leave in fusal, that thelr bluff would be allegiance. This is a dangerous supporter of and a potential spring self of such left oratory, but Alliance, the Workmen thelr wake. They gain a few mem. called, had to be called, by the attitude which can very well de board for the industrial union takes no action toward breaking many central trades ond labor bod will realize what this means, bers for the various crafts, but tract in a large measure from the movement. Federal Union charters with the bourgeois. republicans. So los in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Help Defend Ferrerro and Sallitto!
most of the workers are driven back into the ranks of the unor Miami session of the Council with industrial unionism. We need some Unions are being dissolved into the the wave of undoubtedly senuine labor unions representing must volves the freedom of expression gnized, embittered by the expert minded, hard boiled attitude. He We need a democratie freedom of can be done. These charters are inates the Socialist ranks, especial painters, teachers, cement workers. death necessity for all workers in his usual self centered, narrow thing more than Industrial unions craft Internationals wherever this revolutionary feeling which ant. clans, bakers, rallroad trainmen, and association which is a life and ence.
But other leaders, cooks and waiters, textile workers, their struggles. Every workers and demanded the immediate expulsion action to apply the power which being revoked on a wholesale basis y the youth.
The bosse chance and from the of of the affiliates this form of organization creates on the slightest pretext.
with a more consistently militant furriers, jewelry workers, pocket every labor organization should ralintensify their anti union cam of the Tobin, the charter position, like eno, Social book workers, carpenters, etc. and ly solidly behind the Defense Conpaign. Active unionists are fired. revoker, who probably still thinks ist leader of the Asturian rebellion, Norman Thomas, John Lewis, ference. Get your organization, No organization remains to defend that 574 is smashed because he reare being heard more and more by Tom Mooney, Whitney, Davia your union, your cooperative, your them. The cloak of a special la voked its charter. 574 has done the Socialist masses.
Dubinsky, Joseph Schlossberg. Hey club, to send delegates to the meetbor board, which the government better without him than it ever did Threats of split by the Right wood Broun, Kirby Page, Upton Ings of the Ferrorro Sallitto De has obligingly provided for the with him. The of Will Wing Socialists, led by Indilecio Sinclair, Albert Sprague Coolidge, fense Conference in your vielnity.
craft union officials, quickly proves probably some day enjoy the same Prieto, are reported by the conser. Robert Lovett, Roger Baldwin, and In New York, at the offices of the its impotence. The union is gone pleasant experience. Joint Board of the 218 vative republican organ, YA. The attitude of the Department West 40th Street, every Monday There are and with it the rights of the work other Tobins in the Council who By ALBERT DANE Philadelphia area without the u. which states that Prieto and twenty ers. We were shown the spot where also believe in rule or ruin, who year ago the Akron rubber work are drunk with imaginary power industry is the most sweated in went around to all the bosses, told the left Republicans. The split, it hown in the following excerpts 415 Sonth 19th Street, CommuniPITILA, Pa The men shirt Interference, this Mr Polson other deputies plan to unite with of Labor authorities is clearly night at 30: in Philadelphis at ers made a huge bonfire a cards after such an experience.
District Commissioner of ImmigraBox 181, Station New York, example. They support him. The factories in the coal mining sections cal organization, and would make Socialist convention, which takes tion in San Francisco, referring to for information concerning But now the whole picture is slightly more intelligent of the Pennsylvtnit and in the South, excessive demands and strike to get place in June In Asturias changing place of despair. Get these craft gram. They understood better than were as low as 4, and less, a week, algamate out for good, the workers virtually expelled from the partyed to Commissioner McCor. and activities in Cleveland, Chica Get to be create crátt unionists opposed this pro to particular, hand buy the Scopes them and in order to keep the Ant savs that Prleto considers himself the Ferrerro Sallitto case, address the Defense conterence comething go and San Francisco.
union leeches off our backs, say Tobin the weakness of their posi before the Since the would join his union, as nothing been use Spanish socialism is transmack in October 1935: the workers in the baste industries, tion. The order issued was a poor demise these low waces natur but a union could satisfy them.
forming itself into revolutionary give us a free hand to organise compromise which will return to ally have retppeared.
during the Scottish Hunger March communism. Since the Right Wing The bosses, seeing losie, per indusrtially, and we will show the haunt them at the next session of burgh, remained hidden in his world a union movement the likes the Executive Council. There will The Amalagmated Clothing Work mitted him to enter the cutting Socialists actually have a majority room.
John Bull Model of which has never before been the much bluster and taltete, whers in 1883, then not affiliated to rooms (being a craft union officini at present on the National Execu. Prieto 5) Next. in Gallagher election Workers Want Action their efforts to purge the clothe of L, started a campaign he only sought the cutters and, in tive Committee, and control the will be as ineffective as were Meyer national scale. The workers eager could be successfully called by the maneuver to scare Into Wine Waverboration with the Labour Party to remain bicognito In its sharp turn toward collanddress, the latter also preferred He never And these are not mere worde. Lewis efforts to purge 574.
Amalagamated rest of the workers) where he made ing elements who are impressed by the British Ands it necessary mentioned that he was a CommuBeginning with a series of sit down Another development in the fight Wherever it went and by 1985 it had speeches denouncing the Amulsa year plant at Akron have shattered tised and methodical manner in strikes, the workers in the Good at the top is the quiet, unadverlentered practically every shirt fac. mated and told then it was foolish the growing strength of Left wing to concentrate a sharp fire against nist candidate nor did he even the particularly because of mention the word Socialism. Com Stalinista, Right wing Socialists the latter position on sanctions ments the frate McGovern, It was the fetters which restrained them, which the International Unions tory district and organized most of to stick to it, as the bosses would sentiment in the ranks. the picket lines are paying per capita tax to the the shops. The one aren it lett for never recognize that union bat and the bourgeois republicans and the imperialist war. Lacking the poorest document have ever Last was the Philadelphia district, would recognize his organization by any Liberal.
by the thousands, they have dem of Lon additional member which is the biggest shirt factory which was responsible and sens. Joined together to peddle to the for arguments, the Stalinists have seen and could have been issued onstrated the value of industrial It has long been a recognized cusThose workers who balked masses as an extraordinary and to resort to invective. Thus, at a McGovern then asks Gallagher organization combined with mill tom for International Unions to production center with the possible ible.
were called into the office of the Nignificant victory the ousting of meeting at City Hall at Glasgow tant struggle Nobody scabbed on pay a tax on only part of their exception of Troy, New York, an annihilatihg charge The Amalgamated had entered boss and threatened with the loss President Zamora, which had been January 26, William Gallagher some very embarrassing questions: a craft union card in this strike. membership 1) What have you to say about a foregone conclusion after the fung Even Tobin that of their job.
Philadelphia at the start of the camFebruary elections. Under the Against the It appears that all that, comrade Gallagher. Naturally the workers joined, par. Spanish constitution, the President Maxton and Buchanan are contin 2) Why did you, Gallagher repaign but selected the strongest senarily because the Amalgamated has no power comparable to that ually in the company of Tory Mfuse to vote for the right of the factory as the first for organization and lost a drawn out, violent strike. had strangely falled them. All the of the American, or the German and refuse to associate with unemployed agricultural worker to tactics to organizing the small town workers to temain loyal to it, but simtlar to the French president. charged that on the day of the benefit, when the bau was presentfactories first.
it their jobs were thereby Jeopard. Zamora has been succeeded by Hoare Laval debate, Maxton haded to the House?
3) What do Gallagher and PolAmalgamated Progress The workers did not hesitate Speaker of the Cortes by almost Tory members. No more, no less! litt have to say about Maisky and BELLEVILLE, II. ternational Retail Clerks, When the Amalgamated entered to follow this advice, especially be unanimous vote, including again about eight cause the Amalgamated OK it, rightist deputies.
the John McGovern, retorted Litvinov part in the late King Southern Illinois and Missouri un Coulter, who in the most trying Philadelphia Jon men, assembled in conference, time of the strike tried to black months ago, with a big statt of which they figured foolishly was The American Daily Worker, February 14 Issue of the New ner with the new King at Buck were aflame with anger at the jack it by signing a contract with organizers and plenty of money, it clever maneuver by the Amalga which receives the United Press Leader. says he Such an attack ingham Palace?
Adds McGovern, The truth is house workers, whose strike against workers, and containing none of this of Laffiliation is im raise (but that was all the u. dispatches describing Azana speech akher has asked for it, and he that they dare not criticize these the Kroger Grocery and Baking the original demands of the strikportant because the the Unit got them in improved working and its friendly reception by the shall have it. And McGovern pro they are their bosses and paymasRussian representatives, because Co. extends over an unbroken perl ers.
ed Garment Workers, which had conditions. rightists and Stalinists. Their ceeds to list the following facts: ters.
od of five months, by Coulter Polson Finishes His Work The demands of the union. Wiles original jurisdiction in the of only story this week on Spain was Harry Pollitt appeared on Over the shirt workes, had signed In short, Gallagher asked for it.
of the International Retall Clerks continued, remained the following Polson then went around to sever ene halling the ousting of Zamora. the platform at Edinbungh with and le got it!
an agreement with the Amalgamat: Their resentment was expressed in seniority rights, higher wages, and ed to avoid such a jurisdictional al other shops and put the fear of the Moderator of the Church of renemed and vigorous support WORKERS Scotland, Mr. Guy, Tory GUILD STRIKE SOLID and Sir Archibald Sinclair, MILWAUKEE, Wis. 15 delerates from 24 untons, un ment would be made until some sa strel, one part of which said that the Amalgamated in the hearts of Apr.
employed and fraternal organizatisfactory adjustment is made on ang dress shirt area (the Amalek ments of the other shops to the cut Protect Yourselves Against the the Liberal leader and land Striking editorial workers of the tions and over a hundred fraternal these demands.
owner of 23, 000 acres.
Hazards of Lile. Join the Support for the lated had first right in organisine ters, made them feel It was useless Wisconsin News and hundreds of delegates and visitors heard a restrike. enabling it to continue and WORKMENS SICK DEATH 2) Mr. Maisky, the Soviet am their supporters from the ranks of port from Oscar Wiles, secretary dealing serious blow to the com the work shirt factories) which the to fight the and the boss alone.
The Amalgamated soon left town bassador, was chatting with the labor will stage a mass demonstraof Warehouse Union 667 and unani pany, has been manifest in a grow for whatever reason it had, with the lame alibi that if it conBENEFIT FUND OF THE Prince of Wales on his right side, tion at P. Friday in front of mously decided to broaden the anti ing boycott of Kroger stores would not try organizing 1884 1935 The G, disintegrating organ tinued organizational work, the rest and Signor Grandi (Fascist am the News building. It will be the Kroger boycott movement, to pre throughout linols and Missouri by Ization, made no attempt to organize of the shops would be forced by the bassador of Italy on his left side first night demonstration at the pare for a general strike movement organized labor as well as by gen any area and so the Amalgamated bosses into the and it didn Organized, managed by and for. in the gallery of the House of News building during the strike, in St. Louls and to further ald the crous financial contributions.
wish to organize for the workers with only one purpose Commons on the day of the Hoare which is now in its eighth week.
strike by soliciting strike funds. Outstanding among the organizahad the shirt industry for itselt, to render protection to members The bosses in the other shops did Laval debate, the same day on From the very start of the camThe Milwaukee Newspaper Guild Wlles Report which Maxton was observed in a will be host to all Milwaukee news.
tions aiding the strike have been paign in Philadelphia the respons not even bother to get their workers and their families, and to sup wort all endeavors and struggles compromising embrace with two papers at a party at 10 SaturIn a stirring speech, punctuated locals of the Progressive Miners of for the improvement of tollers, Tories. Adds McGovern. They day at the Hotel Schroeder. There by vigorous applause, Wiles re America who have helped finan. was gratifying and it looked as into the as it would mean a About 50, 000 members organ(the trlo in the gallery) appeared will be a midnight supper. Heyson did not object, probably because viewed the long, hard fought strug clully and by lending men in the though all the bosses would caplturalse of to all the cutters.
Pollate without much of a fight.
sle of local 687. He reviewed the leadership and guidance of the St.
he was already so well rewarded Ized In 850 branches. Reserves When the of convention for his efforts.
to be enjoying themselves immense wood Broun, national president of rise of the union under NRA, the Louis workers 3, 400, 000 the guild, will be speaker. Broun attack made on it by the employers, Gerry Allard, leader of the 11. ended, as rumor has it, Mr. PolWith the Amalgamated definitely Death benefit graded accordMcGovern another will opear in the district court the resistance of the workers and linois Workers Alliance, was elected son, organiser for the in Phil. gone and the rejected by the Ing to age at entry. Sick beneat ected adelphia, received a telegram from workers, the only perspective of the state secret in telling that Galla here Monday with five other perchairman of the conference. Other his President to shoot the works, cutters, who should enlist the supthe outbreak of the strike on Nov.
gher himself had asked Maxton sons arrested during a mass dempayments from 225 to 200 to 6, 1985. One hundred and forty. committees were elected to foster to speak to Tories and Liberals onstration a few weeks ago. Broun als men manned the picket lines the boycott movement, to solicitin other words to smash the Am nort of the operators. pressers, etc.
men and women, recording to class to get a requisition signed for the is charged with resisting an officer.
purpose of having the Daily Work Nash McCren, strike chairman. Monthly assessments from 45c er in the library of the House of and Jonathan Eddy, national wc Organizing with Bosses Aid ton and the Ahner, and the steady in St. Louis. if the committee striking when strong enough.
to 10.
In Commons; and even secured the retary, returned from the Twin Importation of scabs and strike should deem It advisable and nee. Whether this rumor is true or that way the Amalgamated help can For further information apply signature of Mr. Marcus Samuel. Cities where the gold pledged breakers. Kroger best ally has harry.
not, the effect was the same. Debe demanded, as it could not claim to Main Once. secretary of the anti socialist 400 more for the strike fund. The not been the detective agencies. The conference adjourned after spite the promise from the Amalthen that the workers are not as 714 Sences Aro, Brooklyn, Anti Communist Union. Twin Cities gulla has already given however, but the leader of the In deciding to reconvene.
gamated that it could organize the suredly behind it.
4) He furthermore charges that 500.
Southern Illinois Unions Back Kroger Strike veals and kept the strike rolne, battling support from local trade union bod Algimated campaign and, if pos lin their shops, should be one of in