BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerKidnappingPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

NEW MILITANT Launch United Unemployed Organization Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 14 WHOLE NO. 66 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 PRICE CENTS Klan Pays Tokyo. Berlin Alliance Sentence Azana Speaks Firmly March on Defense Against USSR Reported Chambers, For Conservative Spain Capitol Is Attorney Mini, et al. Loudly Applauded by Stalinists and Mon. Last Act the speech FACTS ON TAMPA Croppers Akron Guild Swindled Man Fired Adequate Soviet Defense Made Extremely Difficult By Stalinist Manoeuvers archists. Cabellero Cautious; Swing Whitewash Planned With Chinese Bourgeoisie Calif. Prison Board Sets to Right Apparent Johnson Rump Con Tampe Flogging By LO SEN Sentences for SacraBy ALFREDO ROJAS Germany and Japan have struck a virtual bargain for joint action vention Folds UpTrial against the Soviet Union The Azana government topk another big step to the right this mento Defendants Fiasco week. On April 4, only eight days before the munleipal elections were This alliance, in preparation for several years and often reported to be held, Azans issued a deeree indefinitely postponing them. The TAMPA, April The appointconsummated, was the outstanding development this week in an inter SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. April 10. rightists Monarchists and Catholies had declared they would abUniting three separate and oftment of two outstanding Florida national diplomatic situation crammed with plans and counter plans, The California Board of Prison time warring organizations the orattorneys to strengthen the prose notes and threats, offers and promises, under cover of which the stain from the elections and had called upon Azane to postpone them. ganized unemployed are now concution in the flogging murder trials powers of Europe are Jockeying into position for war.
Terms yesterday set sentence for This leaves bourgeois republican majorities, elected in 1931, still in cluding their business in the nais being asked of Governor Dave live of the Sacramento criminal News of the Berlin Tokyo pact, control of the local governments.
tion capital by creating the most Sholtz by labor, religious and cyle while not official, came through Au chine on the mainland with a view syndicalism prisoners. Pat Cham Azana postponement of the elecpowerful fighting machine the mil: groups that are fighting Ku Klux gur, White Rusalan emigre close to eventnal hostilities against the bers. Martin Wilson and Jacktions was preceded the day before he stop the excesses of the lefts Hon headed jobless have seen slee Klanterrroirm here.
to the British Foreign Office and the crisis began.
Crane were given five years, Alby a significant speech by AzADA which have resulted in disorders With the Workers Alliance, the These groups are dissatisted one of the best informed corresJapan will plan its anti Soviet bert Hougardy three and a hall before the Cortes, and which was the last few weeks with the conduct of the state case pondents in Europe. It not yet moves now in tune with develop years, and Norman Mint three greeted with praise by all sections For Azana Monarchists, Staliniste National employed 1840 and up to now by State Attorney Rex embodied in a formal document, ments in Europe where British years of the bourgeoisie and by the Stal. Jimenez Fernandez, spokesman to one cohesive body, the unity conFarrtor. The addition of new the understanding between these support of Germany has placed the Both Mini and Hougardy iniats.
for the reactionary Catholic Ceda, vention will wind up its stay in counsel, they feel, is essential to two Powers is complete as to mil in dangerous position. Ce parole will serve 16 months of this period Azana Speech said: support ninety percent of Washington with a mass demonstre the vigorous prosecution of the tary details. The frequent ex. Moscow has recognized this fact Assuming time off for The tenor of Azana speech is the speech. Gil Robles, after ton around the White House and Azana attitude, declared. tion of false and extraneous issues commissions between Japan and tys within a general framework of ready Cases and to resist the introdue. change of military and economic by coming out for German equall. Sood behavior, since both have al summarized by Ahora, reponer understand how to the Capitol.
by the defense.
Germany during the last three collective security, another one of have about four months more to served one year; the two can daily, as follows. The fear that the recent disMore than paragraphs of the speech could a thousand workers, When the first of the trials re years has not been for purposes of these hopeless formulas with which.
orders (1. e. strikes and persant have been applauded by the Com representing a force of unemployed openg next Monday in Bartow. courtesy or mere display. Now that somehow, in some way, the inevit: serve in prison, seizures of land) would continue, munists and the extreme Social. some 200 times their number are Polk County, the defense will be Germany has upset the European able day of reckoning is to be post of the 18 defendants tried, Caroshould be dispelled by Axana ists. Even the arch monarchist, expected to take part in the planbolstered by two additional crim applecart by marching into the poned. But coming from Moscow, line Decker, Pat Chambers and pech. In It he declared, first, Count Romanones, declared that ned march which will protest the Inal lawyers, Luke Johnson and Rhineland and the crisis brought this proposal shows to what extent Norman Mint were special targets that he will go no further than Azana speech would undoubtedly scheduled layott of over 700, 000 They will demand A. Borsage, whose record of ac nearer, it is logical that Japan the whole careful system of pacts for the prosecution mendacious the limits fixed by the electoral pact of the Popular Front; see quility and calm in public opinbouton dollar appropriation for refacilitate re establishment of tran WPA workers.
quitals is among the highest in should seek means of correlating and alliances has foundered.
Job and social insurance and a wrath. The first two bad led the Florida.
its own plans against the Soviet ond, that he, heeding the die lon. Calvo Sotelo, leader of the On the Far Eastern Front Union more closely with similar arstrikes which won 2, 000, 000 addiThe hiring of Luke Johnson in rangements in Europe.
tates of experience and responsi monarchists, said: It was the set.
Meanwhile, on the Far Eastern tional wages in 1983 for the er bility, would keep control of the pression of a true conservative. His NUL Well Represented a criminal trial in Polk County execution It has become increasingly clear front, mutual relations among Ja ploited migratory workers of the the electoral) pro declaration of respect for the law constitutes the nearest thing to that the Hirota Government is car pan, China, the and Mon State In Miel case what parti. gram, which is equivalent to re and the Constitution should make At this writing with detalls not reputed to have compiled a highly sying through on all fronts inten solia, are likewise undergoing a cularly inturlated Sacramento reactionaries was the spectacle of an ulating the rhythm clrcumstanc good impression on public opin ret svallable representatives to es, possibilities and consequences ion.
the National Exective Board informative dle of all the eligible sive preparations for war in the process of definition son (1 Moscow published a pact of educated, intelligent native of it; third, that everything will the united Workers Alliance of The Stalinists were equally tul: America are being selected in caujurors in the county. He knows East while presenting to the world be done by legal methods and some in their praise, the general the life history and prejudices of at large a liberal and moderate mutual assistance with Outer Mon spurning all evasions and, in the every man on any given ventre and front. The Ministry of War in golia which was formally signed face of threats and pressure, reafwithin the law, punishing all who secretary of the Communist partycus by the various participating or.
ganizations for ratification by the violate it. These statements are issuing a statement saying: he usually wins his cases right Tokyo on April asked for a spe on March 12 this year, but which firming in open court his devotion after the jury box is Alled and becial budget of 300, 000, 000 for the has been in effect since Nov. 27. to the idea of a new social order satisfactory and reassuring and We were pleased with convention and a particular road to it. It was demonstrate that Azana knows Preliminary reports Indicate that In Azans we see the fore any witnesses are called. Such purpose, frankly stated, of streng 1934.
because he so defiantly affirmed that it is expected of him that (Continued from Page 3)
the National Tinemployed Leigue. Continued on Page 2)
a convenience should bring great thening the Japanese military ma.
that the future belongs to us which merged with WAA prior reller to the defendants and ex that the Sacramento Bee and other to the opening of the convention plains further the anxiety of Pat reactionary institutions have houn was represented by close to 150 Whitaker, chief defense counsel, delegates, coming from their battle ded Mini and the National Sacrafor a change of venue which meant mento Appeal Committee ever since grounds of struggle in Pennsylmoving to Polk County, its creation.
vania, Ohio, West Virginia and Attorney Paid in Cash other parts of the country.
The Background Johnson is said to have demandTribute to Sacramento Committee were released by the police into Rump Convention Fizzles ed and received 5, 000 in cash be Tampa 18 famous for cigars, walting cars in front of the police That Mini bas, nevertheless, restation fore consenting to help acquit the sambllog and flogging.
They were driven to aceived a relatively short term is a Labor in The rump convention of the NUL MEMPHIS, Tenn. Apr. While By BLAKE LEAR organised by Arnold Johnson, Stal11 ex cops and Klansmen who are the cigar factorles and in the sur: Tampa. There, they were stripped, work of the National Sactamento meets with representatives of the hard hitting chairman of the Oblo plete Maxle. With hardly as many lonely spot 14 miles outside of tribute to the effectiveness of the the Department of Agriculture AKRON, Branko Widick, inist stooge, proved to be a comindicted for the murder of Joseph rounding citrus sroves 18 merci: Aogged with chains and whips and Appeal Committee.
Shoemaker and the kidnapping and lessly exploited, Unemployment is Although its planting and banking interests of district of the American Newspaper delegates as can be counted on the flogging of Fugene Poulnot and widespread. Relief is pitiful. In was tortured and his right leg was setting of mininton wrms for all Southern Tenant Farmers Union Akron Beacon Journal unit of the vention had to abandon the pre covered with bot tar. Shoemaker activities were all aimed at the the cotton producing states, the Guild and leading militant of the fingers of your hands, this conSam Rogers.
is also said to have received an in racket is worth a million dollars a held over a fire. After nine in the prisoners, the Board of Prison is preparing a stiff resistance to the Guild. Was summarily fired on text of representing the NUL. We itial payment of 5, 000 in cash as month.
As in the rest of Florida, sering days during which time his Terms knew that the campaign of terror with which the April learn from a Daily Worker Washchiet defense counsel.
politicians fight each other for the les developed cangrene and was Mini chosen representative, spoke landlords of Arkansas and OklaThe for a vastly broader force than dia home hope to smash the organiza or the industrial reaction after the Johnson has been placed on the ExThe action came as the first blow Ington dispatch that the traitor While the defendants may have privilege of sharing in the booty amputated. Shoemaker died. Continued on Page 4)
Anyone who tries to buck this others revered, the International combination of capitalists, racke representing the other prisioners. laborers negro and white In Wash recent Goodyear strike, and pre ecutive Board slate as an indepenteers and politicians, either by orThe Protests The Board has no desire to prolong ington, new plans are being laid to ceded by four days the opening of dent from Kentucky. Placing ganizing workers employed or unthe activities of a body which ral. continue the subsidy to planting in of the Beacon Journal, the Times Kentucky, which the real NUL was When the news leaked out, employed, or by forming opposition tour of protest descended upon led ten International Unions, five terests by means of a conserva unable to contact, the Staliniste political groups, is branded as a Florida Where life at its best State Federations, two score city tion scheme since the Supreme Press and the Guild unit. red, kidnapped, flogged and some costs less. Thousands of organi central labox bodies and group Court has declared that the cot Widick has a ape record in the have conferred fallure to realize times murdered. The official flogations and individuals expressed of Senators and Congressmen to its ton reduction plan of the AAA was Labor movement. He was instru their wretched scheme to capture unconstitutional mental in organizing Ohio for the the NUL by a too clever maneuver.
The following telegram was senting agency for the combination is their horror to the Governor and support Guild, and was a leading advocate the leagues throughout the country to Mayor La Guardia, Governor the Ku Klux Klan, a secret band to Tampa officials. Committees for Compared with the sentences Across the Mississippi, in the of affiliation with the of Lafekly realized that Johnson was Lehman, and to Borough President unsurpassed by anything Hitler has Tampa were organized in erates the Defense of Civil Rights in the Imperial Valley pris share cropping country, poor farm On Thursday preceding the com acting in their midst as an agent New oners in 1961, the Board has been ers, who hoped that the AAA con pany action Widick spoke before of the Unemployed Councils, and for the Defense or the rights of yet produced. The police and most York, with Norman Thomas as harsh. The fact that great re tracts of plowing under would at the on the Hearst Gulla sabotasing unity in the interest of Organized Labor in Brooklyn government officials, high and low, chairman, and in Tampa, with the actionary drive is under way. in ford them some slight measure of strike in Milwaukee.
the latter, turned a deaf ear to his April 2, 1936 are directly connected with the Rev. Walter Mitcalf, pastor of the anced as the has estab by both local and Federal Courts As a consequence of his record, appeals and convention calls The Kings County December Klan. Nobody knows how many First Congregational Church, as lished by the State Chamber of relief, have had their hopes dashed the LU. has indicated its sup Ted Selander and Anthony Ram Grand Jury presentment of April doegings and murders have taken chairman Protest meetings were Commerce which aims to smash when they tried to enforce their port of the move for his reinstate uglia, former officers of the NL ganized labor in Brokolyn. They perpetrators have never been pun. Norman Thomas addressed 3, 000 underlies this harshness.
Many Share Croppers Not Represented addressed the Beacon. Journal Ramoglie came to the convention charge that the strike at May ished by law because in Florida enraged workers and many thou persons expected year terms.
sands more over the radio. Presl.
These disputes arose when the unit on the Widick case.
Department Store conducted by the Ku Klux Klan is the law.
Local 1250, Department Store William Green announced partial victory has been won, tarmers could get no justice from Sherman Dalrymple of the Unit. high County WPA strike Se Workers Union, American FederThe Crime that the American Federation of but the fight is not ended.
The the local Corinty Committees which ed Rubber Workers, and Wilmer lander, whose name is intimately ation of Labor, was organized by. Certain uninformed persone nel the constitution drafting committee drawn from Tampa unless those werdicte and timeleht for the tree bodies to administer controversies. bor Union, are throwing the weight lite strike of Toledo, spoke to the ther patrons of Brooklyn stores of the Modern Democrats met In Bullts were properly punished. It dom of all the prisoners. The The local committees are composed of their organizations solidly be assembled delegates on the community of interests between emmor residents of Brooklyn consist private home in Tampa. In spite one more teroristile e score come sotme yet to appear before the Boara. share croppers are not represented. The charge against Widiek is played an unemployed, describing two pr three hundred young rad. abead with their plans for pro Iar acts before it had been ignored. Prisoners now dented parole The courts hypocritically ruled that incompetence, but the real reason the cooperation rendered striking in bis pro labor ac workers by the leagues in his diswere icals alded, abetted and encour gressive party opposed to the local State and county officials after Mint is free, there will still putes because the contracts were tivity. As was observed at the rict.
used by the responsible heads of swindlers. Joseph Shoemaker, forced to act.
the Union. The recommendation formerly a member of the Socialist Militant Note In Speeches prisoners in whom the signed by the landlords and the time in Akron labor union circles, of the Grand Jury calling upon is interested. Pressure must go on, government and not by the farmers If it took three years to discover Other speakers included Ray Party, was chairman.
The Indictments Others as well as legal moves involved in the controversies. that Widick is incompetent, charg. Cooke of New Jersey, who led a elty magistrates to deal with the present were: Eugene Poulnot, After three weeks of investigates ought to be preferred against demonstration of unemployed into situation with a firm hand is di former president of the Pressmen Ing, the arrests began There was a good reason for the the legislature of his state where meet encouragement to all anti Union, of L, Chairman of two and one half months, a series Muste to Speak fallure of the share tenants to sign the publisher instead!
Akron is recognized as one of they presented their demanda in an labor forces to crack down upon the Florida Workers Alliance and of indictments were returned picketing in Brooklyn. Our or a member of the Socialist Party; against eleven policemen and memOn April 19th meant that the planter had a Joint the strongest Gulld centers in Oblo, emphatic manner: Charles Roselo ganization, a frm supporter of Sam Rogers, a member of the bers of the Ku Klux Klan The Interest in the crop and could dis This has come about largely lof the Minols Workers Alliance the May department store strik Socialist Party and an officer of Indictments were for second degree Muste, Natonal Secretary pose of it as he saw it. In prac hrough the efforts of Widtck to which includes thousands of Job ers, and representing twenty slx the Florida tice this would have meant that gether with other progressives in less miners in its ranks, Workers Alliance; murder, an assault with the intent of the Workers Party, who has Brooklyn Amertean Federation of Walter Roush and Charles Jen to murder, kidnapping, conspiracy to just completed tour through the share croppers under the AAA tack on Widick, successful, win the Golden Gate.
even the few dollars accroing to the Akron organizations.
Patrick, one of the 1982 bonus It is openly admitted tat the at marchers and others from Maine to Labor unions with a membership sen, chafrman and secretary, re kidnap and accessory after the fact of one hundred fifty thousand spectively, of the Socialist Party The information filed on the murthe mid west and is at present would have passed through the be a heavy blow to the Guild here.
Brooklyn workers, maintains that of Florida, and John McCaken, der indictment declares that the attending the Unity Convention hands of the landlords and into The militant note struck by the the deelsion of the Grand Jury is In view of the fact that Akron orator delegates, the their pockets applause a city fireman. Suddenly, without defendants with force and arms of the Workers Alliance in Washis the mainspring of the Ohio or which greeted all fighting proposals in direct line with the desires of warning and without warrants, did unlawfully and by an act imIngton, the Brooklyn Chamber of Com seven policemen entered the home, minently dangerous to Joseph Shoe speak at emans Tugwell Will Investigate ganisational campaign of the Guild, to advance the interests of the jobHall, P. Sunday, April 19.
Now, the same interests merce and other anti labor forces confiscated all papers and arrested maker and evidencing depraved are the successful conclusion of this less, including a resolution for a ready In Brooklyn. Wo demand you the six men present. They were minds, regardless of human life but Comrado Moste will speak on traud by eliminating the contrac life of the Oblo Guild.
to consummate the same attack will seriously menace the mass hunger march of 50, 000 to take action with regard to invesWashington this summer presages taken to the police station, ques without premeditated design to ef tigating the personnel of present trends in the labor moto tual rights of the farmers in the Labor circles generally and es great future for the new organ: the tioned for communiat activities ect the death of Joseph Shoemaker, ment, political and economic, new contracts which are being pre Recially the rubber workers recognization.
Kings County December Grand and released one by one. Ronah an assault did make in and opon dealing particularly with the pared. The share croppers are not nize this a blow to the AFO LA comlpete account and analyse Jury.
Conference for Defense of Rights turn to their bomen. McCaskin maker, with deadly weapons, to strike of the Akron rubber wort.
Invited to the conferences which as well. The National Office of of the sessions, resolutions and are traming the new contracts.
of Organized Labor in Brooklyn the Newspaper Guild bus 2100 work of the convention will be turned out to be a stool pigeon. whlt, whips, straps and tar, a turors and the Labor Party bally.
delegation was sent to see Tog stressed the Importance of this given in the next leve of the New Jesse Land, Secretary Shoemaker, Poulnot and Rogers (Continued ea Page 4) hoe of the Communist Party. Continued sin Page 4) case.
Mutant by our reporters.
Unions Flay Grand Jury dent