BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1936 NEW MILITANT WORLD OF LABOR STALINTERN READY TO EMBRACE CHIANG KAI SHEK Offer Chinese Red Army in Return for mange penge det Resurrection of Disastrous 1927 Bloc By LO SEN LETTER FROM ITALY enero de sementes el secrets Nationalist Maniacs Driving Nation Through War into Collapse and Ruin On March 21, 1927, the workers nine years ago was supposed, in of Shanghal rose in a mighty insome peculiar way known only to London International Labor Conference surrection. with their own Arms Bukharin, to result in proletarian and their own forces they defeated hegemony in the revolution. The Endorses Imperialist War Policies and expelled the carrison of Nor. Do we then not tell the workers The Stalinists propose a People to an instrument of counter revolu documents of the period are heavi.
thern mercenaries. Fve days later and peasants that the national bour Government of Self Defense into tion and the mass movement was ly adorned with dissertations on the By JOHN WRIGHT Chiang Kal shek made his trium geolsie can not and will not con. which all parties, groups, political crushed, the stalinists came for perspectives of the proletariat pbant entry into the city.
sistently fight imperlaligm? That and military authorities are to ward with Soviets which proved which, as events proved, only turn On March 20, a Joint conference munication to the suggesting On April 6, 1927, in the Hall of the fight against imperialism is the Join. They will ed out to be perspectives of defeat of the Second International and that the co ordinating committees of pational In the period of counter revolu and disaster.
Columns in Moscow, Stalin told night against the bourgeoiste for the only one the propose confiscal trasle Action the Trade Union International was should meet, and that both parties that interests of the workers and peas traltors. and any feudal land tion the Opposition called for a But today, in the reincarnated held in London to consider the war should urge a Joint meeting of the Chiang Kal shek was lending the ants? That the proletariat alll lords who won say they re struggle for democratic rights een veralon of Dimitroff Wan Min, all crisis, aggravated by Hitler re Second and Third Internationals.
army and cannot do otherwise butance with the peasantry alone are against imperialism. Workers wintered around the slogan of a Na of this phraseology is completely armament of the Rhine.
The Executive Committee of the lead it against the Imperialista. capable of prosecuting a successful be promised increases in wagen tional Assembly. This. improvement in material con nounced by the Stalinists as the programmatic article without ever teen European countries, meeting to the great surprise and embarwas de passed over. Wan Min can write The labor representatives of Al turned down the proposal led his army against the workers imperialism? Do we not show them ditions. In the areas controlled by uttermost depths of counter revo touching upon the perspectives of presumably to express the views rassment of the Staliniate Mauof Shanghai and with frightful how this was demonstrated to the the Stalinists own Red armles, land lutionary Trotskylam. Today the the proletariat or even mentioning and interests of the International rice Thorez, the General Secretary slaughter crushed the mass move bloody hilt in 1926 27 and a thou confiscation will all but come to an Stalinists, dumping their Soviets, the words trade union once. working class in the face of the of the French complained ment which had swept him to sand times over since then? end and the extreme demands of want the People Government The reason for this is clear and gravest war danger, gave proof bitterly about this developing coldpower.
Do we not call for the indepen the workers will be rejected. to convoke a representative body constitutes the main distinction be once again that they represented dess in his speeches at the Eighth On April 21, 1927, in his theses dent organization of workers 10 They wil refrain from organizing elected on the basis of demo tween the bloc of nine years ago nothing except the imperialist pol Congress of the CP. held at Villeurpublished in Pravda, Stalin wrote their unions and parts of peasants workers control of industry, the cratie liberties.
and its current reincarnation. In icles of their respective national banne at the end of January.
that the revolutionary Kuomin in their associations led by the ur necessary conditions for which do Noose for the Workers 1925 27 Stalinism actually had its bourgeoisies.
The Labour Monthly summarizes tang in Wuhan (Wang Ching wei ban proletariat Independent in not exist as yet.
Thus once more, base in the heart of a tremendous The outcome of this Conference his remarks as follows: Maurice and Co. was leading a decisive banner and program of the vacil Return the Land as a thousand mass movement which drew mil. was a foregone conclusion: the la Thorex declared himself astonished struggle against militarism and lating ang treacherous zigzags of times in the past the Stalinista Llons of the toiling population into bor lieutenants of capital merely at the Irritable tone adopted by imperialism.
the bourgeoisie or sections of it? Thus, the silent, furtive demise have been compelled to reach out its orbit. Today the Stalinists have rephrased in labor terms the Leon Blum in criticizing these pro After Shanghai.
That is what we tell them. The of a thousand propagandist lepende for a political line laid down by no mass base whatever. Their only political formulas of the Imperial posals after a long silence, and af Wuhan Stalinists pursue a different course. The poor peasants who gleaned the vanguard of the counter revobase rests in the insurgent, mobile ist brigands who are maneuvering ter comrade Zyromski (Secretary Exactly a month later, on May modicum of in the The Stalinist Flip Flop 21, soldiers led by the Wuhan gen Soviet districts will go back into ever, in their hands it is mangled now operating in the distant west slaughter.
lutionary bourgeoiste. Only armies of soldiers and peasanta in preparation for the next world of the Seine Federation bad de that erals began slaughtering the work If Chiang Kal shek really the tender embrace of the landlords and twisted and becomes not an end northwest. In China proper ers in Changsha and the peasants means to take up the struggle As for the workers, they are being instrument of proletarian struggle they have none whatever. Any base o at Just as in the League of Nations, forward, and their principles were throughout Hunan province.
London Conference the not in contradiction to those in the On against Japan, then obviously the deprived of something they never but a noose for the working class. they noqulre as a result of their delegates were divided into two sodalist statement. March, 1986, July Wang Ching wel and Co. Soviet Government (sie) will ex. had, except in the imagination of we concelved the National Assem new line, will not be among the camps.
formally proscribed the Commu tend to him the hand of friend hacks ten thousand miles away. bly as a slogan around which the workers but possibly in sections of Hitler occupation of the RhineOne croup Inslated that 146. This turn is a severe blow to the zists and the trade unions and ship on the field of battle against The fictitious Soviet Government workers could be helped once more the petty and big bourgeoisto.
workers heads fell in the streets, Japan. Mao Tse tung Daily will remain as a formal label for to raise their heads and through land warranted the strongest ac Stalinists. But Stalin. Litvinov.
of Wuhan, the revolutionary cen Worker, March 30. the Red Army command. The So which they could emerge as an inWan Min boldly proclaims: The tion against Germany. This post. Thorez can console themselves with ter (Stalin. under the area of hand of friendship on what Viets will either disappear entirely dependent political force. The stal: Communist Party of China really tion was most clearly volced by the fact that while their formerly the revolutionary Kuomintang. terms? As outlined by Wan Minor assume grosser, even anti prole inists, having forsaken the workers, can and must act as the generalls Vandervelde, the leader of the Sec staunch allies have become some few weeks later, the Wuhan in the special Chinese number of tarian forms.
now want an assembly from the top, people as a whole.
the Chinese ond International who demanded what lukewarm, they have made Government, which had been lead the Communist International for Nine years ago at the height of created through a new series of immediate sanctions, that is to say, new converts to their anti Hitler ing a decisive struggle against mil February, they represent a complete the mass movement, the Stalintern combinations, a new bloc of four In 1927 under the terms of the the immediate outbreak of the war. policy. Colonel de La Rocque itarism and imperialism capitu abdication of even nominal strug proscribed Soviets, urged by the classes. marks a new phase bloe the Communist Party fused it. Vandervelde position coincided to Croix de Feu (the French Fas lated to and united with the gov. le for the revolution in China. Opposition, because they represent of the Stalinist course in China self with the bourgeois Kuomintang every respect with that of the Stalcists. which now claims 800, 000 Nanking. The power of the Kuo myths of Soviet Chinn of recent the revolutionary Kuomintang, has cut an ever widening chasm be peasant movments to the limits flx advocates of national unity and the Franco Russian pact, has now Spankent of Chlams Katushek at One by one. Wan Win drops all the ed slogan of struggle against which, through its various periods, and restricted the trade union and inlsts who are the most consistent members, and which was hostile to mintang and the generals was es years into the bottomless pit of a When the revolutionary Kuomin tween the Stalinist party and the ed by the bourgeoiste. decisive measures against Gerdeclared in favor of the pack, if tablished throughout the land and past, better forgotten.
tang was transformed overnight in Chinese workers.
The Red Armies on the Altar man Fascism.
only as an inevitable reply to Hitthe mass movement was crushed.
The second group, led by the ler. See the Manchester Guard That is the record, in briet, of the Today, the Stalinists offer their British labor leaders, with Sir Wal an Weekly, March 20, 1986, achievements of the anti Imperial present forces, the Red Armies, up ter Citrine at the head, saw great 226. ist united front in China in 1925on the altar and declare their read. hope in Hitler peace proposals. 1927.
iness to fuse the Reds into a and were for negotiations. The JAPAN The Cycle of Adventurism united anti Japanese army con British social patriots looking as The results of the parliamentary trolled by a general start to be set usual eye to eye with their imper. elections held in Japan towards the The Kuomintang power which up by the People Government. Ialist masters were all for collec end of February are a clear exWhen the Red Armies, consisting tive security on the basis of Non pression of a leftward trend on the otherwise known as the bloc of four classes. has now endured nine of insurgent peasants and soldiers, Aggression Pacts, provided.
years, nine years of unremitting were operating in Central China, that these are extended to include part of the masses, which in turn terror against the workers and we declared that unless the more Soviet Russia (of course of 18 a reflection of the social and of economie tension in the country.
peasants, nine years of uninterrupt.
ment they represented effected a fu course. The Japanese bourgeois papers ed capitulation to Imperialism.
slop with the urban labor moveOnly yesterday, these same gen have devoted great attention to the Stalinism in this period played According to a recent dispatch now Il Duce threatens to do the statistics are notoriously unrell extinction or to capitulate to the ing sanctions against Mussolini. class and peasant parties, who have ment, they were doomed either to tlemen were the loudest in demand leap in the support for the working out its own cycle of disastrous ad from Italy. Vesuvius is again some to the key industries needed able for an Italian worker may bourgeoisie, Now after six years of But today British Imperialism quadrupled their votes since the venturism and hopeless experiments with an insurgent peasant move belching forth flames and the infor armaments. Italian capitalism be placed at about 16 cents an hour. heroic struggle against the Kuomin wants not sanctions but negotialast elections in 1932.
is being forced to sacrifice its last ment in the remote interior entirely habitants of Naples, who live un measure of freedom to the Fascista factory worker would, then of heroism and courage unexcelled speaks in the Parliament. Citre the Sakal Talsuto, a party with a The average weekly exrnings of tang armles, featured by exploitations with Hitler. So, while Eden The largest of the left parties is ellvorced from the urban proleta der its shadow, fear an impending state in order to preserve the ex amount to about 40. Women in the history of all peasant wars, does his share at the Internationbidebound reformist program. This riat. The working class itself, its eruption. Nothing could be more inting regime, and, above all. its workers earn from 14 to 10 cents these Red Armles are to be handed al Conference organizations shattered, crushed by symbolic of the present state of own existence. Finance capital an hour.
the territic defeat it had suffered, affairs under Mussolint. The Fas must pay a heavy price for its po graphers, etc. from 16 to 32 a where Stalinism has led them, for not the only ones who made a web: Minauto party and the Ulppour Clerical workers, sten over to the bourgeoisie. That is The British representatives were four years ago between the Sakal remained in a state of depression cist regime cam a flery furnace of lice protection. That is one reason month.
and political apathy. broken by unrest, which not only exerts tre why it prefers, it possible, bourEngineers get from 64 to it proved incapable of leading them tle change in their views. The Talsuto. In 1928 both these parties, desperate, heroic, isolated, defen mendous pressure upon it, but may, seois democracy.
Department heads behind a revived and powerful and French representatives were loud running independent tickets, had up to 112 a month.
independent movement of the work in their verbal demands for sanc. five representatives in the Japan sive, economie struggles.
in the not very far future, explode the long run.
tions, but as a matter of fact it Today, precipitately and without and blow it to bits.
Mussolini recent edlets concern As an instance of the earnings ors.
ese parliament (Sakal Minsuto 4: single backward glance, Stalinism The Stalinista completely disem is some time now that the French Nippon Talsuto In 1980 Sakai The Ethiopian Campaign ing the nationalization of the in the upper levels, here is the. has reverted to the same course Blum, Minsuto dwindled to two representatives and the other party strons social catastrophe of our adventure for two reasons. First. talism, as bourgeois comowentators of 40 skilled Mussolini ordered the Ethiopian Anks and of key industries are anonthly pay envelope of a shop, barrass themselves of any idea of Faure and associates have nnderism. this becaust steps towards sou skulle perleading the work closing revolutionary struggle to instead a militars Roue a change of heart on the sub gained another representative, having now also two. After the mer.
times the annihilation of a mighty as the beginning of his long promave claimed Shes represent one is about 45 years old, has been in alliance with the Chinese bourgeolject of taking an intransigeant at revolutionary mass movement, notised campaign to secure the colon linge flowering of state enpitalism the service of the same firm for 13 se against Japan, hoping once more titude towards Hitler consummation of the marriage years, and represents a sort of lathat the liquidation of the class Paul Faure, the secretary of the the original strength our live repo as such, but by the forces it had cheated of after the last war. Se between monopoly capitalism and bor aristocracy.
struggle in China will help line up French Socialist parts, has of late resentatives (1992. In the last been taught to regard as its own oud. as an outlet for the energies state power. The whole of Italian Salary. 70. 00 the Chinese bourgeoisle in the time apd again insisted. One elections, they elected 18.
leaders of the unemployed and as a means economy must be put on a military Overtime (about 85 hours ranks of the Soviet Union allies! must always negotiate, no matter Further to the left of this reBack to the Bloody Past of diverting the domestic discon basis, not only to ensure its per this month. 39. 00 If the disaster of 1927 and the with whom it is, when it is, and tormist party. are groups of protent created by the crisis into un petuation, but as preration for Removed from the shroud which perialist channels. Coloninl expe the world war abend. The wheels also covers the bodies of scores of ditions and foreign wars are the of destiny. declared Mussolini Total monthly salary. 109. 00 anything at all, it proved the inca Eden pronouncements, attackedent of these is the Kato Kandziu. from which is deducted. acity of the Chinese bourgeoisle too bitterly by the French Stalinists which in Stalinist in its tendencies.
thousands of workers and peasants honored expedients of ruling class run fast. The inevitability of the Income Tax (81. 25. massacred in its name, the anties to turn the attention of the nation being called on to face Dues to Fascist Syndkate 46 war. It will compromise a thousand the Socialist Populaire des consentatives. They had no repre imperialist united front is being masses from their misery, Decay. another war. inust guide all our times with imperialism against the firmation of the position of the sentatives at all in the 1932 elec resurrected today to a form evening capitalism, whether of the actions.
Socialist party. The apparent con Total direet taxes. 65 workers and plants of its own tradiction between Vandervelde Antions; in 1930 they had a single more vile and necessarily more gro democratic or fascist variety, can Net income for month. 99. 35 According to all reports, the country. But Stalinism, nurtured representative, and in 1929 tesque than that which it assumed solve the problem of permanent application of sanctions bave se.
at the dry breast of socialism in Blun Is skin deep. It is entirely the An the organizations together nine years ago. All the old oppor unemployment in only one way When there is no overtime, his one country, has lost all faith or result of the different political polled over 600, 000 votes.
This un tunist phrases and slogans. hastily by conscripting the jobless into la The small industrialists have sufwerely crippled Italian economy. net income falls to 63 a month. interest in the capacities of the pro tasks and schemes cach bas to ex precedented vote, together with the ditched on the morrow of the ca bor armies as in Germany, fered heavily from the imposition to the fact that Italy was one of to drain. Turning once more to em.
point Setariat, which it has done so much eente in his particular country, It follows as a matter of course most reactionary party of large defeat of the Seiyukal party the tastrophe, have been lifted from the camps as in the United States, of sanctions. They have been shit the first countries to adopt a forty brace the Chiang Kal sheks, it will that the two opposing camps landowners and powerful monopoly past and refurbished for new use into actual fighting forces as in out of their foreign markets and Thour week. This is, of course, a exto destory the Third Chinese had no difficulty at all in drafting combines of the Mitsul clan and The lessons of the events which Italy.
And if thereasingly diffeult to ob, complete fraud from the worker Revolution as it destroyed the secreesothien International those same phrases accompanied nine years ago are left carefully Recomplish either end. Ethiopia is materials.
To date Il Duce has failed to tain necessary supplies and raw standpoint, Since the forty hour ond.
Labor the victory of the Minselto party.
burled with their victims.
which is considered as the more week was instituted without any Conference overwhelmingly passed liberal party, is a clear indica Build the Fourth International In Stalin Bukharin not yet in his clutches. The war 1925 1927 a resolution denouncing Hitler tion of a lettward shift similar to corresponding increase in hourly The plight of the Masses taught that the Chinese bourgeoisie in Ethiopia has been in progress pay, it was not wanted by the They are offering to do so in ad rolation of the Locarub Treats, the movement in Czarist Russia on was capable of waging a struggle for half a year. While foreign The burdens of the war, how workers, who find themselves un vance and we may be sure that the and urging negotiations with a the eve of the Russo Japanese War against imperialism. Trotsky military experts disagree as to the ever, have fallen most heavily upon able to earn enough to support Chinese bourgeoisie will in one view to including not only Hitler Reaction in Japan is alarmed.
warned that the bourgeoiste could extent of the Italian, successes, at the working and consuming masser themselves and their families, un form or another, by this or that but Soviet Russia in a system of And the military Fascist putsch lucky enough to means, secure the utmost advantage non aggression mets, etc.
followed immediately upon the elecimperialist movement. It took the not been subjugated; Abyssinia re dards of living were among the work many hours overtime. It is from the promised liquidation of disasters of 1987 to reveal to Stalin mains unconquered. Although the lowest of all capitalist countries in nothing but the Fascist version of the class strugkle without undanrion for the World War In 1914, a eign as yet of the Bolshevik Thus, the same people who did tons.
their work so well in the prepara However, in Japan there is not Bukharin the truth, if not the ex. Italian armies have advanced Europe. Since the war the cost your Hoover share the work compromising itself in the eyes of sence of this warning.
steadily into the interior and score of living has increased over nity program.
its imperialist masters are once again prostituting the cadres and leadership that obtained the The experience of the past de numerous victories, they have not percent and the end of the process Bearing in mind that the aver There can be little doubt that in Second International in Cunrist Russia.
velopment, the declared in a met the Ethiopians in any decisive is not yet in sight.
are weekly pay envelope of an in the coming critical years in the Far aperialist bouwceolsle guarantees The confusion and weakness in resolution on August 1927, engagements nor have they pene shows plainly that the botirtrated beyond the dangerous moun. ceived from an Italian comrade at the prevailing prices for the looks moment of explosion, sections of the king class will dociely march to the the rank of the working his geoisie is not capable of solving tain passes into the heart of the throws a glaring light upon the essities of life. Since this data was Chinese bourgeoisie will zigzag slaughter.
organ like the Nitsi Nitsi to scott the problems of national emancipa country. With the rainy season conditions of the workers. We collected, prices have gone up by right and left in efforts to retrieve at the successes of the radical or tion from the joke of imperialism close at hand, the campaign inust quote in part: about 25 percent without any raise some of the ground lost to imperial. THE HITCH IN ORGANIC ganizations and to insist that these. that it is not capable of con come to a halt. At least another in answer to your request for in wages. ism. We must prepare for those UNITY IN FRANCE successes are to be accounted for ducting a consistent fight against rear will be necessary before the information about the present situ Bread (i pound). 06. turns by preserving the complete The subtle change in the policy not by the radicalization of the foreign imperialism and is becoming Fascists can claim Ethiopia as ation in Italy, and especially life Macaroni (1 pound). 09. Programmatic and organizational of the French noted above is voters but by the right ward trend more and more inclined. to their own.
among the industrial workers, Meat (1 pound)
47. independence of the Chinese work the biggest obstacle to the fusion of the working class organizations, compromise which leaves the dom The situation at Home send you the following from my Butter (1 pound). 51. ing class. For this the party of the of the and that has de particularly the Sakai Taisuto.
ination of imperialism almost com 10. Chinese workers has to be built and veloped since the time the Stalin own observations in Naples, an Vegetables (1 pound)
The appraisal of the Nitsi Nitsi Meanwhile life does not stand industrial center and the scene of Eggs (1 dozen)
pletely undisturbed.
96. the banner of the Chinese workers iets launched thelr campaign for is correct in respect to the rightBut this did not mean that the ternational arena. Far from ame still either at home or in the in the embarkations for Ethiopia Milk (1 quart). 12. raised over its own redoubts. We organie unity.
ward trend of the existing organi bloe of four classes was anything liorating the conditions of the wages and living conditions. First. few figures concerning Coffee (i pound)
9, 80. must stand against inperialism and Blun, Faure and Co. have sutzations. The rightward trend of but perfectly correct or the Commasies, the war has aggravated you know, As Sugar (1 pound). 24. against the Kuomintang betrayers tered a reaction against the Stal. the leadership at the time the massintern leadership anything but in their sufferings.
average wage of Oil (1 quart). 56. and against those who would lead inist ballyhoo for national unity es are moving to the leit has been peceable. Nor was it anything else is a poor substitute for bread and has been among the lowest in all Salamt (1 pound)
Patriotle fervor the Italian worker under Fascism Cheese (1 pound). 62. us once more into the mouse of a in action against Germany. They observed time and again in the. 72. bloe of classes.
are now for negotiating with Hit last two decades. In Japan this turned on the morrow of defeat to grow more acute with every pass obtained by membership in the Fas Rent (1 month rooms With the worker card Light and Gas (1 month)
Skirmishes on the Manchukuoler. The extent of this reaction has resulted in a crisis in the Mongolian border in the last ten is perhaps best Illustrated by the ranks of the reformist Sakal Talspeasant soviets in the deep hining day Storm Clouds of dissatis cist syndicate (and without such a and kitchenette. 16. 00. days have assumed the proportions tact that the Revolutionary Left uto. The Tokyo paper Asahi prefaction with the apparently hope card a worker is virtually black The daily requirements of a lof virtual battles. The morrow of (Pivert and Co. have gone on aicts that the groups to the left sle ruled ruthlessly with its twin leatheringes of them areamong the listed and finds it almost impossible family of five for decent living war is not far distant. In China, as record (of course, with very rewoo the reformists will succeed in weapons, terror and capitulation to workers in the cities and country to secure a Job. workers are paid without amusements or clothing elsewhere, we can guarantee a firmlutionary phrases) in favor of the splitting of sections of the le tmer, the staliniste greet the belle population, extending even into the reckoning the line at cents. Ar 15. 36 a week. With the average viet Union only by waging common is that the lettcorer serves the reformists, other bravdar and the Yet today, without gasp or stam. but among other classes of the minimum of skilled worker may earn as much income of the wage earner at 40 battle against the enemies of the social patriots to dupe the workers vestia (February 24) imply that that a considerable section of the directing circles.
as 22 cents an hour. However, for a forty hour week this family Soviet Union and the enemies of the The policy of Flandin Eden has such a split is already in the offnational bourgeoisie is ever In order to carry on the war, modern industry does not require has to do without meat, butter, working class. China national come into a slight contradiction Ing, with the Kato Kandziu as the more energetically trying to find a Mussolini is being compelled to many skilled workers, and only Es, wine, coffee. sugar. cheese, emancipation has become histor with the policy of Stalin Litvinov. crystallizing center. The Stalinway to resist Japanese imperialism tighten the straitjacket Piscism about ten percent can be placed in salami, or oil. This will give you ically identified with the emancipa As a result, the pleasant dreams of lsts in Moscow foresee shortly a. and, moreover, are turning clamps upon the national economy. this latter category. The average an idea of the deprivations endured tion of the oppressed toilers. Along a single party have been some good sized Stalinist party to exefor a way out to the tolling masses. First the big banks were put un wage from the statistics was by the workers and their families. this front and along no other lies what rudely disturbed. Some time cute its People Front maneuvers (Wan Min. der rigld governmental controllable to gather on the spot (official (Continued on Page 4) victory.
Tago the French sent a com in Japan.
It is cheaper in sac a month.
giving 80.