Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

PAGS NU MILITAN SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1936 TROTSKY ON THE STALIN INTERVIEW French Gov Unemployed to Unite in Jails Zeller, Washington on April Youth Leader seade on tegemist on. New Support As in (Ceatinued from Page 1)
In order to utilize the imperialist antagonisms between France weakening the positions of imperialism and in strengthening the posi and Germany there was not and is not the slightest need for idealiztions of the proletariat and of the colonial peoples in the entire ing the bourgeois ally or the particular combination of imperialists world. An unfavorable relation of forces may compel, in the inter that temporarily screens itself by the sign of the League of Nations. Continued from Pape 1) unity of their interests with the ests of saving the main base of the revolution, the surrender of many The crime does not lie in this or another practical deal concluded Deal helped to drive home the les working class as a whole. Perbapo sons. inches of soil to the enemy, as was the case in the epoch of BrestRoosevelt pretty pre elec the most distinctive contribution of with imperialists but in the fact that both the Soviet government and Litovsk, and partly also in the case of the Chinese Eastern railway. the Comintern are dishonestly embellishing their episodic allies and (Continued from Pupo 1) tlon promises to the Forgotten the National Unemployed League, In one place, on the rue Asseline, Men raised in the unemployed new along with its insistence from the And, on the contrary, a more favorable relation of forces places on their League; are duping the workers with slogans of disarmament where a group of the Action Franhopes and new Illusions. But three beginning on the methods of millthe workers state the duty to come to the assistance of the revolu and collective security. and thereby are transformed in action into caise bad assembled to celebrate years of Roosevelt have taught the tant mass action, was its initiation tionary movement in other countries, not only morally but also, if the political agency of imperialists in relation to the working masses. the attack on Blum, the workers unemployed what to expect from of direct cooperation between emneed be, with the assistance of armed force: wars of emancipation The program of the Bolshevik party drafted by Lenin in 1919 duced an unexpected note into the of the hourgeolate. The unemployed strikes, mobilized spontaneously and into the promises of the representatives ployed and unemployed workers, in boycotta, demonstrations are an integral part of revolutions of emancipation.
replied to all these questions with remarkable clarity and simplicity festivities. Immediately the Stalin have been learning who are their and mana plcket lines.
Thus, the experience with Mongolia shatters to pieces the But who thinks about this document in the Kremlin? Today, Stalin ists of this section, the 14th Arcon friends and who are their enemies, And the unemployed have learned ideology of conservative pacifism which bases itself upon historical and Co, find embarrassing even the eclectic program of the Comincissement, issued a disclaimer for that their friends are their class also that their movement cannot frontiers, as though they were the Ten Commandments. The fron tern compiled by Bukharin in 1928. For this reason we think it any responsibility of this action allies, and their enemies the class be effective when used as political while at the same time denouncing enemy.
kites for political parties or fac tiers of the are only the temporary front line trenches of useful to quote from the program of the Bolshevik party on the the Bolshevik Leniniats to thr po Tacties for the Jobless tions, whether of the bourgeolste the class struggle. They lack even a national justification. The question of the League of Nations and the friends of peace. Here lice.
The unemployed have been learn or the working class. They have Ukranian people to take only one of many examples is cut in two is what it states: Rats on Bolsheviks ing the lesson of the inseparable had their taste of organizations by the state boundary. Should favorable conditions arrive, the Red The contents of this stool pigeon built to get votes for ward heelers The growing pressure on the part of the proletariat and esArmy would be duty bound to come to the aid of Western Ukraine or to send delegates to fake Conwhich is under the heel of the Polish executioners. It is not difficult pecially the victories gained by the latter in various countries tend peared in Revolution, February 28, gresses; and they have found that to increase the resistance of the exploiters and engender on their part were as follows: neither serves their interests.
to imagine the gigantic impulse that would be given to the revoluthe creation of new forms of the international unification of the The Communist unit of the tionary movement in Poland and in the whole of Europe by the for Newsmen In Washington in the unity Convention, the unemployed, represent14th Arrondissement warns the unification of a workers and peasants Ukraine. All state frontiers capitalists (League of Nations, etc. which, while organizing on a workers against Impulsive actions ed not by highly paid officials and are only fetters upon the productive forces. The task of the proleworld scale the systematic exploitation of all the peoples on earth, bureaucrats, but by those who have very often incite by Irrespo (Continued from 1)
tariat is not to preserve the status quo, e. to perpetuate the frontiers, aim their immediate efforts toward the direct suppression of the revolutionary movements of the proletariat in all countries.
ble, people or provocateurs suc financial support. Gunnar Nickol taken the lead in their own direct but on the contrary to work for their revolutionary elimination with cessively expelled from the Com son, Milwaukee vice president was of a number of the chief lessons.
the aim of creating the Socialist United States of Europe and of the All this inevitably leads to the correlation of the civil war munist and from the Socialist elected permanent chairman of the party, who are trying to canal district guild, and Al Haut of the is that the next big step for the conclusion they have reached entire world. But to make such an international policy possible, if within the individual states with the revolutionary wars both of the ime in a false way the justified Chicago Guild was made secretary unemployed requires as a pre connot at present then in the future, it is imperative for the Soviet proletarian countries defending themselves as well as of the oppressed anger of the working class.
Union to free itself from the rule of the conservative bureaucracy peoples struggling against the yoke of the imperialist powers. Republican defense of liber ganizing new guild units in the dis a single national organization with its religion of socialism in one country. Under these conditions the slogans of pacifism, of international ties and the defense of workers trict, which now includes Milwaucannot and must not consist in kee, Chicago, Rockford, Des Moines, Johnson Treachery disarmament under capitalism, of arbitration courts, and so on are WHEREIN LIES THE CAUSE OF WAR?
actions or expeditions which usu Madison and Indianapolis.
Unity 18 without question a great not only a reactionary Utopia but also a downright swindle of the ally play the game of the fascist Teachers Association Sympathetic step forward, perhaps the greatest In reply to Howard question as to what causes underlie the toilers aimed to disarm the proletariat and to distract the workers bands.
an antidote to an attack on which the unemployed movement threat of war, Stalin said in accordance with tradition. It lies in away from the task of disarming the exploiters.
The police were not slow in tak the gold by the Citizens Law and has yet taken. It would, however, capitalism. As proof he cited the last war which arose from the Order League, stood the resolution be romantic and dangerous to ima desire to divide the world. But remarkably enough, no sooner does It is precisely this criminal work that both Stalin and the Com rested an individual named Jonut supporting collective bargaining of sine that unity will solve all prob intern are fulfilling: they are sowing reactionary Utopias, swindling a member of the who the Milwaukee branch of the Associ lems. Serious difficulties remain, Stalin pass from the past to the present, from dim theoretical recolthe toilers, disarming the proletariat.
lections to real politics, than capitalism immediately disappears, and THE COMIC MISUNDERSTANDING WITH REGARD TO Squealed out only on Levaeque but Colleges, a voluntary association ination of unity. It is a disruptive in its place are to be found individual evil minded cliques that are THE WORLD REVOLUTION.
on some ten members of his parts. which for 20 years has been recog blow at the entire unemployed convert incapable of grasping the benefits of peace. To the question of whether war is inevitable, Stalin replies, In my opinion the positions Nobody compelled Stalin to satisfy Howard thirst for knowl tie that Populaire which alled its regents as the bargaining agent for to social patriotism, of the friends of peace are being strengthened. The friends of peace edge on the question of the world revolution. If Stalin gave the columns with vile tirades against class room teachers and librarians son, working under cover during recan work openly. they base themselves upon the force of public interview as the unofficial head of the Government and this is inthe Revolutionary Socialist of the nine teachers colleges in the cent months in the National UnemYouth) for their revolutionary pol. state ployed League, has attempted to opinion, and they have at their disposal such instruments as, for dicated by his statement with regard to Mongolia. then he could ley on war, breathed not a word Unmoved by the Law and Order split the NUL by calling a rump example. the League of Nations. This is an asset for the have simply referred his interlocutor to Dimitroff on the questions about the overament agent Jonot. cague espousal of the Hearst convention behind the backs of the friends of peace. as for the enemies of peace, they are compelled of the world revolution. But no, Stalin went into explanations. At Indeed, why should it. when Jonot cause, the guild will serve notice National Executive Committee. His to work secretly. This is a liability for the enemies of peace. Inci first sight it appears entirely incomprehensible why he should have is an agent for dentally, it is not excluded that precisely because of this. they thereby compromised himself so cruelly by his cynical and, sad to ment they support in parliament that its strike lines are unbroken by all the active and functioning may decide upon a military adventure as an act of despair.
say, not at all clever disquisitions about the world revolution. But betraying. The same holas for the huge demonstration Saturday noon get together in Washington next he is driven onto the slippery road by an insurmountable need: he National Committee Thus, we find that humanity is divided not into classes, nor into the at the News plant. Then, Saturday week a medley of stooge delegates.
must break with the past.
which acted with undignified haste night there will be a torch light His split maneuvering must be eximperalist states warring with each other, but into friends and expelling Bolshevik Leninist parade on the South Side of Milosed and counteracted, in order to enemies of peace, e. into saints and sinners. The cause for war What about the plans and intentions relating to the revolution and took its time in taking action waukee, followed by a mass meet wipe out sore spot of the new (at any rate, for future if not past wars) is not capitalism that asks the visitor.
against Jonot. It might be ring indoors. Guildsmen will make organization at the beginning.
breeds irreconcilable contradictions but the ill will of the enemies We never. had such plans and intentions.
marked that the People Front of the necessary contacts with labor Likewise must the Convention be of peace who work secretly, while the French, British, Belgium But, what about.
the district followed sult in de granizations and other soupe dur on guard against attempts of the and other slave owners do their work in broad daylight. But pre This is all the result of a misunderstanding.
ploring the incidents at the rue ing the week to insure success of Stalinists to stuff the new National Asseline!
the denonstration, Committee with members from fake cisely because the enemies of peace, like all evil spirits, work secretly, Hourd: tragic misunderstanding?
they may, in a fit of despair, plunge into an adventure. Who needs Stalin. No, a comic, or, perhaps, a tragi comical one.
Questioned upon his arrest, Lev. demonstmtion of the anger of the independent organizations creacque dened his participation in workers on our organization and ated overnight for bargaining pur.
this philosophic mush? At best it can be of service only to some It is embarrassing even to read and transcribe these lines, they the events in question but stated to endeavor to direct the investiga oses. And even more must the old ladies pacifist society.
are so inappropriate and indecent. For whom is this. wisdom without hesitation that he approved tions of the police to the Trotsky Convention reject Stalinist efforts the action of the workers and had ists. noticeable at every recent ConAs we have had the occasion to state before, the agreement beintended? Even the pacifist ladies will reject it.
he been present he would have en vention Conference attended by With the aid of a confession Stalinists to transform the new tween the Soviets and France gives infinitely more guarantees to Asks Stalin: What danger can the neighboring states see in couraged them and acted by their our comrade Levacque, member of Workers Alliance from the united, France than to the Soviets. In the negotiations with Paris, Moscow the ideas of the Soviet people, if these states are really firmly placed side. The stalinists immediately the Bolshevik Leninist group and fighting class organization of the evinced a lack of firmness, or, to put it more bluntly, Laval fooled in the saddle? Very well, permit us to ask, what about those who Stalin. The events in connection with the Rhineland are an indísare not placed firmly in the saddle? Yet, that is how matters stand Levaeque but to give information Revolutionary Socialist Youth was the collaborationist People Front to the government to insure a sev arrested.
putable confirmation that, with a more realistic appraisal of the in reality. Precisely because its position is precarious, the bourere sentence. The SAY and Stalinist social patriotism. This geoisie fears Soviet ideas, not Stalin ideas but those ideas that led these rats in Humanite, is under We protest against this arbitra must be no Convention of situation, Moscow could have wrung from France much more serious guarantees, in so far as pacts in general can be considered as to the creation of the Soviet state. To soothe the bourgeoisie, Stalin the leadership of Trotskyist ele y arrest by the Sarraut Delbos American Lengue against War and guarantees in the present epoch of sharp turns in the situation, of adduces a supplementary argument: The export of revolution is ments whose provocative methods government dictated purely by class Fascism, or National Negro Conwe have vigorously fought. Lev. interests and political motives, and gress.
continuous crises, break ups and regroupments. But as we have nonsense. Every country, should it so desire, will itself achieve its acque is a member of the Central even justified by an iota o The Convention must look for.
already said, the Soviet bureaucracy shows much greater firmness own revolution, and if it does not desire it, there will be no revolu Committee of the Juridical proof.
ward to three great immediate tion. Now, for example, our country desired to make a revolution At the same time we declare our tasks, and most prepare the organIn Company With Royalists in the struggle against the advanced workers than in negotiations with bourgeois diplomats.
and made it. And more of the same, in the self same, smug, The baiting of revolutionists, solidarity with our comrade le ization for facing them: An aggresedifying tone. From the theory of socialism in one country Stalin however, is not the private pre vaque who courageously declared sive organizational campaign, carserve of the Stalinists, which, once that he fully approved the action rying the Workers Alliance into But, no matter how he might evaluate the Franco Soviet pact, has completely and decisively passed over to the theory of revolubegun, must le done in company of the workers at the rue Asseline every state of the Union, and streng not a single scrious minded proletarian revolutionist ever denied or tion in one country. If a country so desires it will make it should with those who devote their main regretting only not having partici thening the locals particularly in denies the right of the Soviet state to seek for an auxiliary support for its inviolability through a temporary agreement with the French it not desire it it won make it. Now. we, for example, desired energies to it the Fascists. This pated in them.
the industrial centers; a rapid of it. But before desiring it, we imported the ideas of Marxism Action Francaise, organ of the roy. Our two organizations, the Js. fensive ngninst the Roosevelt relief or some other imperialism. For this purpose. however, there is not alist group, takes up the cry of and LG, who no longer be program, to forestall the cutting from other countries and made use of foreign revolutionary experi Humanite: long to the and who, be down of work relief. increase the the slightest need to call black white and to rebaptize bloody brigands ence. In the course of decades, we had our emigre organization The or workers mili sides, were expelled from it for public works program, and raise dias friends of peace. As an example to be emulated one might in other countries which directed the revolutionary struggle in tia whose header is Marceau Pi. having practiced, as against the rect relief by appropriations from take, let us say, the new ally, the French bourgeoisie: in concluding Russia. In order to give a methodic and an active character to the vert (an error in fact Ed. and timidity of the Socialist leaders, an the Federal government; and all the agreement with the Soviets the French bourgeoisie presents this whose organ is the paper Revo intransigeant class policy, loudly along the line more direct cooperaexchange of experience between countries and their mutual revoluaction very soberly without becoming lyrical, without lavishing any tionary support, we organized the Communist national in the lution, are the strong arm men of declare that they approve the action with the trade unton move the The ad. tion of the workers of the rue As ment in all fields, especially with compliments and even maintaining a constant undertone of warning year 1919. We more than once proclaimed as the duty of the mits its participation in the inci seline.
the progressive industrial union against the Soviet Government. However bitter it may be, it is necproletariat of a victorious country to come to the assistance of the dents of the rue Asseline. We are the initiators of the sto forces in the American Federation essary to speak the truth. Laval, Sarraut and their associates have rising peoples with advice, material means, and, if possible, with The guilty are therefore known. can of workers militias.
of Labor. Unity gives a basis for shown a great deal more firmness and dignity in defending the interThey admit, they proelam not armed force. All these ideas incidentally, they bear the names of only their participation in the Our motto of action against the putting such a policy into effect on ests of the bourgeois state than did Stalin and Litvinov in the service a scale never before possible in the Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxembourg, Liebknecht) are written down in wild dogs of Fascism is: For one unemployed movement. By carry crime but their deliberate intenof the workers state.
eye, both eyes, for one tooth, the ing it out, the unemployed will play the most important programmatic documents of the Bolshevik party tion to repeat it and they call their part in notable advance for for direct action. Has direct acAssuredly, it is difficult to conceive a more vicious stupidity than and of the Comintern. Stalin has proclaimed that all this is a misunderstanding! tragic one? No, a comic one. Not for nothing tlon become legal under the Sarthat which divides the world brigands into friends and enemies of We remain true to the teachings the working class.
raut government? When will the of Marx, Lenin Trotsky.
peace! One could still speak, in a certain sense, about the friends has Stalin recently announced that it has become merry to live in groups signing this press release We have nothing in common PAUL LUTTINGER, and enemies of status quo: but these are two entirely different things. the Soviet Union: now even the Communist International has be. quoted below Ed) and poster with those who betray the workers Status quo is not the organization of peace, but the organization come transformed from a serious personage into a comedian. And be dissolved DANIEL LUTTINGER, by deceiving them with national of the infamous oppression exercised by a minority over the over how could it be otherwise, if the international character of the revoWhat a revealing picture! The reconciliation and dragging them Webington Square North lution is mere and sheer nonsense. thug Maurras, who slugged Blum in the tow of Sarraut, the man whelming majority of mankind. Status quo is being maintained by 2 and 8 Except Sundays over the head with a cane, remains who declared. Communism, that is and Holidays means of constant warfare within the sacred boundaries and beyond Stalin would have made a much more convincing impression at liberty. Levacqne, the revolu the enemy.
their precincts (England in India and Egypt; France in Syria; upon his interlocutor, if instead of impotently calumniating the past tionist. who supported the workers Long live the JS. and the in their spontaneous action which De La Rocque. in France. The difference between the two camps. sve never had such plans and intentions. he had on the contrary would make the Fascists wary of Long live the Fourth Interna WORKERS which are, besides, very unstable, consists in the fact that some of openly counterposed his own policy to the antiquated plans and any similar action in the future, is tional.
the brigands think it more advisable already today to maintain the intentions which have been relegated to the museum. Stalin might cast into prison. Fascists. and Intense Campaign Protect Yourselves Against the existing boundaries of oppression and enslavement with arms in have read Howarıl the very same quotation from the program which Stalinists demand the overnment It goes without saying that nei Hazards of Life. Join the hand, whereas others would prefer to blow up these boundaries action against Levacque organizather Humanite nor Populaire WORKMEN SICK DEATH we gave above, and then made approximately the following brief tion!
printed this release nor did the sooner. This correlation of appetites and plans is itself continually speech, In the eyes of Lenin the League of Nations was an organBENEFIT FUND OF THE While the Stalinists disavowed. or respond to the call for changing. Italy favors a status quo in Europe but not in Africa; ization for the bloody suppression of the toilers. But we see in it, disassociated. and disgraced a conference for the defense of le1884 1935 yet every assault upon the boundaries in Africa is immediately re an instrument of peace. Lenin spoke of the inevitability of revolu themselves by making common vacqne. But this conspiracy of Organized, managed by and for flected in Europe. Hitler decided to send troops into the Rhineland tionary wars. But we consider the export of revolution nonsense.
cause with the Royalists, the Bold silence did not prevent the workworkers with only one purpose: only because Mussolini had succeeded in slaughtering several thou Lenin branded the alliance between the proletariat and the national shevik Leninists and Revolutionary ers of Paris or of France from hear to render protection to members sand Abyssinians. Where should we enroll Italy: among the friends Socialist Youth sprang to the de ing about levacque and joining in bourgeoisie as a betrayal. But we are doing all in our power to drive fense of Levacque issuing the fol the protest. More than 20 organ and their familles, and to sup or the enemies of peace? And yet, France cherishes the friendship the French proletariat onto this road. Lenin lashed the slogan of lowing statement to the press: port all endeavors and struggles izations have agreed to participate for the improvement of tollers.
with Italy infinitely more than the friendship with the Soviet Union. disarmament under capitalism as an infamous swindle of the toilers. Solidarity with Levacque in the defense work, among them Meanwhile, England is courting the friendship of Germany. But we build our entire policy upon this slogan. Your comical mis The royalist assault upon Leon sections of the Internation. About 50, 000 members organized in 350 branches. Reserves Blum gave rise to a spontaneous al Red Aid, same as LD. hereThe friends of peace work in the open (who would have that is how Stalin could have concluded consists reaction in many working class understandin El. 10, 000 circulars were distrib 3, 400, 000 thought it. and have at their disposal such instruments as, for in the fact that you take us for the continuators of Bolshevism, tricts. In the 14th particularly, uted and Paris was placarded with Death benefit graded accordexample, the League of Nations. What other instruments have whereas we are its gravediggers.
workers of all tendencies and all posters. Throughout Paris and Ing to age at entry. Sick benent the friends of peace, outside the League of Nations? Obviously, Such an explanation would have dispelled the last shreds of organizations, swelling anger France, even as far as Geneva, payments from 225 to 900 to they have the Comintern and the Amsterdam Pleyel Committee. suspicion of the world bourgeoisie and would have definitely estab puntshing Roralist assassins in the tested the arrest of Levacque and demonstrated their intention of workers organizations have promen and women, eccording to Stalin failed to mention these auxiliary instruments partly because lished Stalin reputation as a statesman. Unfortunately, he does not scuffle that ensued on the rue As condemned the treacherous action he himself does not attach any great importance to them, and partly Monthly Assessments from 48c dare as yet to resort to such frank language. The past binds him, seline.
of the Stalinist and Socialist buto 10.
because he did not want to frighten his interlocutor unnecessarily. the traditions hamper him, the phantom of the Opposition frightens But the Communist party be reaucrats.
This agitation, although we have But Stalin does transform completely the League of Nations, whose lieved it its duty, too late, to disFor further information apply him. We come to the assistance of Stalin. In accordance with our associate itself from this action and no direct information as yet, we are to Kain Once: nose has caved in, in the full view of all mankind, into a bulwark rule, in the given case, too, we openly say what is. in a leaflet to openly attempt to certain will be increased a hundred 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, of peace, the prop and hope of nations.
March 18. 1936. place the responsibility for the fold in the defense of Zeller.
the entire jaw dan