AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 13 IWHOLE NO. 65 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1936 PRICE CEND Trotsky on War on Jobless to Unite in Nationwide The Stalin Borded let in Army at Great Washington Interview Nippon Gov e Driving Congress Meeting on April 10 French Gov Mass Reply Militants Sweep Jails Zeller, to New Gov Socialist Primaries Youth Leader WPA Slash employed.
In Mongolia IN STALIN interview with Roy Howard, the most important three day pitched battle bething from a practical standpoint is the warning that the military tween Mongolian and Manchukuo intervention of the is inevitable in the event of an attack Japanese forces in the Lake Bor by Japan on the Mongolian People Republic. Is this warning corregion on the outer Mongolian borrect in the main? In our opinion, yes. It is correct not only because der brought the ever latent Sovietin question here is the defense of a weak state against a predatory to the surface this week.
Japanese tension boiling once more imperialist beast for if this alone were the guiding consideration, Despatches from Ulan Bator, the the would be constantly at war with all the imperialist Mongol capital. to Moscow, de countries of the world. The Soviet Union is too weak for such a scribed a battle in which tanks, task, and in this weakness, we might immediately add, lies the only runs were brought into play. Sev.
planes, armored cars and machine Full details of the results of the New York primaries are not yet justification for the pacifism of its Government.
eral hundred men were engaged on known to us as we go to press. But the contest which has aroused But the question of Mongolia is a question of the most immedi both sides in the fight, which ended Zeller is 2nd Arrested the greatest interest in labor ranks the dispute between the candi Fighting Policy Is Prime ate strategical position of Japan in the war against the US.
with the expulsion of the invading As Capitalists Prepare Manchukuo Japanese troope.
Task of Jobless In this domain the limits of retreat must be resolutely fixed.
dates of the Old Guard and those of the Left wing Militantes at Moscow reports following the battle For War mady obviously decided in what amounts to sweeping victory Gathering few years ago the Soviet Union surrendered to Japan the stated that additional Japanese rethroughout the state for the latter group. It elected the overwhelming Chinese Eastern railway, a position also of extreme strategic imporinforcements were being rushed to Next week the unemployed move foretaste of how democratic majority of its candidates, not only in New York City but also up tance. At the time this action was acclaimed by the Communist Inthe battle area.
France will be in a war with Fas ment in this country comes of age.
state As has become customary during cist Germany is to be had in the After hard years of preliminary ternational as a voluntary expression of pacifism. As a matter of this lengthening and sharpening arrest of the editor of Revolution The Fletory of the Left wing cannot but meet with gratification struggle, a great goal, held in mind fact, it was an act compulsion due to weakness. The Comintern series of border clashes, Japanese (Fred Zeller. who according to on the part of every progressive worker who has followed the intensely by far sighted leaders from the beimportant Internal struggle in the Socialist party.
ginning is to be realized.
had ruined the Chinese revolution of 1925 1927 by its policy of the sources have given directly op: press reports has been indicted for In a The Old Guard had at its disposal, in the present contest, not only mighty Convention, to be held in Washington, April 10, every surrendering an extremely important strategical line, the Soviet charging Mongol invasions of Man German soldiers on the Rhine tud chukuo territory.
a crew of experienced old line politicians, but the support of the thereby inciting to disobedience powerful institutions of the conservatives. In addition, its slato was Government thereby facilitated for Japan her seizures in Northern major unemployed organization in and anarchy.
the country will be united in the China and her present assaults against Mongolia. It should now be Japan Provokes Incidents In fact the Japanese Manchukuo With war hovering closer than vigorously advocated by the only daily Socialist paper in the East, Workers Alliance of America clear even to the blind that abstract pacifism was not involved in the forces have provoked these border ever, the French bourgeoisle made the reactionary Jewish Dally Forward, with a large circulation, as From more than half the states surrender of the railway (if that were really the case, it would have skirmishes by claiming for them the utmost use of Hitler occupa well as by the English language organ of the conservatives, the of the Union, hard fighting dele been merely an act of stupidity and betrayal. an unfavorable selves territory which has always tion of the Rhineland to blur class New Leader.
gates of the National Unemployed Leagues, the present Workers Alrelation of forces: the Chinese revolution had been annihilated, while been recognized as being well with lines at home, to squelch all disFor a press, the Mifants had only their weekly Socialist Call Hance, the Unemployment Councils, the Red Army and the Red Fleet were not ready for the struggle. ing into what they claim is their under the chimera of national unl In addition, the Left wing had far inferior finaneial resources. AL the American Workers Union, the Now, the situation has so obviously improved, in a military sense, own territory, the invaders natural ty against the foreign aggressor this was, however, offset by the enthusiastie support given the Mill Minnesota Workers Alliance, and that the Soviet Government considers it possible to resort to a cately meet with the Mongol guards who Sarraut, the Radical. at the heln tants by the rank and file of the Party and the Young People Social other independent organizations, gorical veto on the question of Mongolia. We can only welcome the have in almost every case forced of the government has been able to Ist League, who made up for the handieaps by their loyal activity.
will gather to forge in common a strengthening of the position of the in the Far East, as well the invaders to retire.
play this game successfully only The results of the primary elections furnish ample evidence of powerful instrument with which to enforce and advance the demands as the more critical attitude on the part of the Soviet Government knowledge of the activities of the of the Front Populaire. Like overAgain, as usual, Tokyo disclaims cause of the willing cooperation the healthiness of the break between the Militants and the discredited of the unemployed. Through the toward the ability of Japan, torn by contradictions, to wage a major, Imperia) Kwantung Army (Japan primed actors, the leaders of Old Guard. It is now quite clear that the Socialist workers, including new united organization the unemwhile it is very bold toward its own toilers, easily falls into a panic proceed with carefully planned pro any nolse that sounds like the richte protracted war. It should be pointed out that the Soviet bureaucracy mainland force. convenient tor: Socialist and communist parties the enrolled voters, are ready to support a Left wing movement, ployed of the United States will particularly when the prominent and respectable fossils of conenough to be heard in the remotest when faced with imperialist opponents: the petty bourgeois is un vocative attacks at the border de and declaim their soclal patriotle servatism have broken from the party.
Committee rooms of Congress and ceremonious when dealing with the proletarian, but stands ever in signed to test the Soviet defenses.
The Old Guard built its whole campaign around a Red scare the darkest corners of Wall Street, awe of the big bourgeois.
Last winter the Kwantung Army Union of the French Nation rainst the Left wing. The letter was labelled communist, Trot Plight of Unemployed The official formula of the foreign policy of the widely wanted to know whether the Soviet So shameless have the Stalinists skyist and insurrectionist. But the barrage of the Right wing was No time could be more fitting Inion would assume responsibility become that they vie with the re.
of no avail. In point of fact, its campaign was actually a boomerang advertised by the Comintern, reads as follows: We do not seek an for the defense of Outer Mongolia. actionaries and the Fascists in ap than the present in which to accomplish the unification of the uninch of foreign soil, neither will we surrender an inch of our own. It staged a whole series of attacks plause for the fingo speeches of against it.
The vote showed that the radical and Socialist workers want a During the past two Yet, in the question of Mongolia, the defense of our own soil is in the Lake Bor area to find out. Sarrant in the Chamber of Depu: months the demagogic Roosevelt In vigorous militant, revolutionary party, and have only contempt for Administration has launched a new not involved at all: Mongolia is an independent state. The defense The result was a flat declaration ties on the Rhineland crisis.
of the revolution, as this small example shows, is not reducible to the sidered the defense of Outer Mongo. Union of the French nation for Red scares. They are relieved at the sight of the decrepit Old and vicious attack. The orders of warning from Moscow that it con Humanite they echo his cry: have gone out to reduce the WPA defense of the frontiers.
The true method of defense consists in a indispensable to its conver detense, peace. This, of course. is not the Guard separating from the party and thus taking a millstone of its rolls by 700, 000 by July. The Continued on Page 2)
Diplomatic negotiations then enpeace of the victorious socialist neck.
is to be cut by 200, 000. The State sued and the border provocations proletariat. It is the robber peace Finally, the primary elections reveal once more the truth of the and City governments administering abruptly ceased.
of Versailles which they declare good old principle: the way to meet the onslaughts of conservatives direct rellet are attempting relentIn the interval occurred the approvingls, was safeguarded when and reactionaries is not to be apologetie in defense of one militant less and systematic reductions.
bloody Tokyo events of Feb. 96. the. French government strengor revolutionary position, not to be on the defensive, not to try to cover Roosevelt, desperately anxious to Through what appeared to be a re thened its line of fortifications in get a good mark from the bankers, treat of the military elements, the the East.
it up with respectable phrases but rather to put it forth more has reduced the proposed budget Class War Prisoner No. 57606 army in fact emerged from the con. Though a furious debate rages boldly, more clearly and consistently.
appropriations for unemployment used days of the attempted coup in the press between the right and The extent of the victory of the Left wing in these primaries may relief to a pitifully inadequate fi etat with its hand enormously the left as to who serves best be accounted for, basically, by the extent to which it maintained such ure. During the past year, in the Our standing here is no accident. Our conviction is the result of strengthened, its financial and po the cause of national unity, they a course. Its continued advance in a progressive direction depends face of upsurging profits, the total the Inner logie of the elass struggle. But the same class struggle by the new premier, Koki Hirota.
litical demands entirely accepted are all united on one thing: the essentially upon grasping this lesson and carrying it uncompromisingly figure of unemployment has redanger of having revolutionists at into action, mained practically stationary, and that results in our conviction will some day generate an irresistible Hirota Policies liberty, free to point out the real wave that will sweep away forever what this court and state repreis estimated by the American Federation of Labor at a minimum of sents. With this knowledge we can face our sentences confidently; the new effort to arrive at some The policies announced by Hirotn. cause and nature of capitalist wars, to expose the predatory designs of 12, 500, 000.
we know that the future belongs to us.
kind of understanding with Great the capitalist class and to arouse The unemployed have learned Britain and the United States with the working class against it as the from their own harsh experience that their answer to the united at and uttered these bold and memorable words to the judge who was the Far East (there were reports revolutionary strede tack of reaction of the industrialabout to sentence him on the charge of eriminal syndicalism. He that actual negotiations to this end ists, bankers, the police and courte and his fellow prisoners were, in reality, being punished for their have already been initiated) repred by the votes or at the worst united front Defense Commit NEW YORK, Apr. It was and the government, must be itself activities in the strikes of the California agricultural workers of sent another step on the stendy the abstentions of the Stalinists path Japan is treading toward and Socialists in parliament, tee has been formed to under 1933 1934. All eight were given indeterminate sentences of from one learned here today that a change united answer. They have learned to fourteen years.
inevitable drive against the Sovie cracked down upon Revolution, or the defense of members of the of venue had been granted the that division in thelr own ranks, nion.
can of the Fourth Internationalist Southern Tenant Farmers Union tried iu Tampt for the murder of selver, only weaken their own post: three decendants who are being squabbles and fighting among them The Sacramento defendants have been behind the bars now for a The advent of Hirota meant because it broke the common front who have been jailed for offenses Joxth Shoemaker and the kidnaption, lay the open to new inroads full year. Mini has borne the ordeal of imprisonment, of deadening strengthening and extension of or treachery in their appeal to the routine, and of baek breaking toil in the jute mill with the same resoJapan military forces and an effort workers, peasants and soldiers rouging from obstrueting the side ping of Sum Rogers and Eugel the enemy, and squander their energies uselessly.
luteness and cheerfulness that has animated all his actions in the class matie Isolation to bring an end to Japan diplo France. Printed in the last issue walk to assault with intent to Poulinet.
Rich Years of Struggle of the NEW MILITANT. Trial has been postponed to Apir killl as a result of their effort to The arrest and indictment of Zel. hold meetings or for merely being Bartow, a town near Tampa.
13. when it will be resumed at Into the new organization will struggle Hitler march into the Rhine ler presnges the fury of the repres present at such meetings.
40 the rich fund of experiences This week the victims of the Sacramento conspiracy are to come and the complete success of his There have been at least twelve solued by the employed since the before the State Parole Board for a definite determination of their maneuver showed Japanese imperi slon once war actually begins and Jim Ball, negro leader of the St. kidnappings of labor men in Tampa crisis o 1920. There were many alism that it need not sincken its indicates that its most vehement sentences. The fate hangs in the balance of California class justice. pace but hasten it Britain stipy Tonsors will be found in Stalinist Peters local of the union, has been and its a single conviction, first the most elementary lesson of The National Sacramento Appeal Committee, which has worked Port of Hitter and the cousequent circles. But to the Bulshevik len. convicted of the charge of assault soara siellonit within the last six tussons to be learned. There was tirelessly on Mini case since it was organized on the initiative of the Cisruption of France care. ully nienists and the revolutionary Social with attempt to kill and sentenced without even arousing a mild ripple all the need for of the chain of nlliances, in which the 1st Youth It will come neither as a which is the Arkansas equivalent or to maintain law and order. There a state would grant to the unemto seven years on a prison farm of interest among the forces sworn realition that the and Non Partisan Labor Defense last August, has been conducting a national campaign to enlist labor and liberal support behind its efforts created a situation bite turope ex hey have felt the heavy band van Georgin chain sans He was prest is a local ordinance against shark played masses cast off from the inent at a meeting which raided fishing to exert pressure upon the Board to set the sentences at the mini tremely dangerous, even critical, for the enpitalist terror in their by depnty Sheriffs who shot two ont of the sea with undigested plecesganized efforts of the unemployed mum. It has succeeded in mobilizing broad sections of organized the Soviet Union. Japanese imperi gle against Fascism.
labor behind the case perhaps the most powerful and representative provocations on the eas rele Committee of the JS. has workers in the back as they were of clothing in their bellies which themselves forced. There were then The Case of Levacque alism proceeds on that basis to new Levacqne, a member of the Cen going away from the meeting, were identified as belonging to la. the long lessons in the methods of support in any labor defense ease of recent years.
Three others were arrested for bor men who had been listed off struggle, the experiences which tern borders, growling louder and Over a dozen international unions of the of among them more boldly the threat of war.
been belind prison bars for mor: rioting Their erime consisted cially as missing. Many of the taught that no polite committees, than two months, without Indict in going to Memphis to report the crimes committed in the course of 10 social service technique, no the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the the Mine, ment and deuled release on Dail, oregoing event at Union headqnar Tampa reign of terror will never elaborate petitions would bring refor his courageous activity against ters, Willie Hurst, chief defense be known sults for the unemployed. These, dred Central Labor Councils throughout the country, numerous local the Fascist and royalist bands. His witness, was murdered by a band of The Ku Klux Klan has just end the unemployed discovered, received ed unions and worker organizations, and a host of prominent abor, intellectual, and liberal leaders have signed resolutions endorsing the resistance of the workers to Fascism an affidavit for the sheriff exoner business district of the town under the unemployed must make their work of the Committee and petitions calling for a reversal of the by signing reconciliation pacts with ating the real malefactors. cover of night. Several hundred own the direct and militant methverdicts and a setting of the minimum sentence for the defendants. MILWAUKEE, Wis. Mar. 31. the Croix de Feu on the one hand The planters have announced participated in full regalia with a ods of the class struggle hunger The voice of organized labor and of liberal sentiment has spoken Heartened by fresh evidence of and persecuting revolutionists who their determination to smash the fiery cross at the head of the pa marches, mass demonstrations, solout in behalf of the Sacramento prisoners. Their demands have been widespread support, the Milwaukee Buttle against it, on the other. union at all costs. Three union lead rade.
id picket lines.
Newspaper Guild Tuesday pressed Tevacque arrest grew out ofers, McKinney, Sweeden and Mos. Already two men have died under Then the unemployed began to brought to the attention of the Parole Board. It remains to be seen forward with increased determina incidents surrounding the assault kap, are in town now in order to mysterious circumstances after har understand more clearly that their whether it will heed these demands when it meets this week end. tion in its strike gainst the of the royalist, Maurras, of the Ac rally support for the union in its ing been questioned by the prose unemployment was no temporary Whatever the decision, on this first anniversary of their prison owned Wisconsin News for recog. tion Francaise, on Leon Blum, lead fight to free the men under charges cuting attorney. They were called plague, but a permanent and Insu.
This attack and to help lay the basis for a suicides by the police.
perable condition of a rotting social terms, the Worker Party sends fraternal greetings to the Sacra Bargaining agent for the underpaid aroused great indignation among broad defense movement to assist the spotlight must be kept on order no longer able to handle the mento defendants and renews its pledge of solidarity with comrade News strikers. The strike is now in the Parisian workers and on the the union in its forthcoming strug the case in order to prevent a reproductive system which it had Norman Mini. It calls upon all its members to continue their sup Its seventh week.
same night in many parts of thgles. Among the organizations jur currence of terror. Constant pres brought into being. From this unport of the National Speramento Appeal Committee, which will not The Midwest District Guild, city they proceeded to punish the ticipating in the defense are the sure must be exerted on Gov. Sholtz derstanding crew the realization cease until Mini is released from San Quentin, eleared of the criminal raeeting over the week end at Chi ascists and royalists without wait League for Industrial Democracy, to bring the Tampa murderers to that a longer term view was needed, syndicalist charge, and allowed to rejoin the ranks of the revolution endorsing the strike and promising voked orders of the People Front Dor Defense and the Committee for pa Defense Committee, 112 EL 19th ing forms of organtzation. The New cago. adopted a resolution heartilying for the inevitable don be pro Socialist Party, Non Partisan La justice. Send contributions to Tam together with firmer and more lastaries for whom his herole conduet has been so inspiring an example. Continued on Page Continued from Page 2) the Defense of Political Prisoners, Street, New York City. Continued on Page 2)
NORMAN MINI In the Sacramento courtroom a year ago Norman Mini stood erect reference to spheres of intinence real enemy which must be defeated Croppers Aid Move Trial Stage der Group Forms From Tampa satul, and Smelter Workers, the United Textile Workers: halles boni New Support For Newsmen.